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July 21, 1953 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State




VOL. LXIII, No. 21-S





Beating the Heat

Silent Front
Awaits Final
Negotiators Meet
For Last Details
By The Associated Press
Two groups of Allied and Com-
munist staff officers met again
yesterday amid, the hustle and
bustle of preparing this dusty
Western Korean village for sign-
ing an armistice in the three-
year war.
One group of officers apparent-
ly was working on final military
details of a truce such as a line
of demarcation. The other group
seemed concerned with adminis-
trative details.
FOR THE second day, final ar-
rangements for the historic sign-
ing went on within sound of Com-
munist hammers and saws rush-
ing to complete a huge, 10,000,
square-foot Korean style hall for
the ceremony.







Germany in

The Reds also had swarms
workers building a side road
the neutral zone.


KEEPING COOL-Ann Arborites, accustomed to taking the weather's whims in their stride will
play host to thundershowers late today if the weatherman's predictions materialize.

Leaders Ask
For Speedup
In Congress
Speaker Martin (R-Mass.) yester-
day called for "more action and
lpss talk" in Congress to clear the
decks for the lawmakers to ad-
journ by Aug. 1.
And Sen. Knowland (R-Calif.)
acting -Senate majority leader,
threatened to hold the Senate in
continuous session from 9 or 10
o'clock in the iorning until mid-
night every night if necessary to
wind up the current session 12
days hence.
s s f
WHILE THE nation's capital
sweltered in muggy, 90-plus heat,
Martin and Knowland disclosed
speed-up plans to newsmen after
conferring with President Eisen-
hower at the White House.
The two GOP leaders said
they told the President they are
still aiming at adjournment by
Aug. 1 but will hold Congress
overtime if necessary to dispose
of this "must" legislation.
With the "getaway" day just
two weeks off, the Senate still has
to act on the defense and Mutual
Security appropriation bills, on the
refugee measure and on perhaps
half a dozen others on which there
are commitments, either to the
White House or to influential
members of Congress itself.
* * *
DEBATE ON THE defense ap-
propriation bill, also highly con-
troversial because of the Admin-
istration's five billion cut in air
force funds, is expected to begin
Sen. Pat McCarran (D-Nev.)
has indicated that he will fight
the refugee bill providing for
admission of 220,000 immigrants
beyond present quotas even at
the cost of delaying adjourn-
MARTIN AND Knowland, also
gave these bills top priority rat-
1-Extension of the reciprocal
trade agreements act.
2-An increase in first-class and
other postal rates.
3-Extension of farm credit pro-
4-The continental shelf bill,
establishing Federal domain over
submerged lands beyond the his-
toric boundaries of the states.
5-A military public works bill.
6-Authority for President Eis-
enhower to send surplus foods to
foreign countries in an emergency.
k-7-A series of ,commerce and
navigation agreements with for-
eign countries.
Knowland said a number of
other measures, such as the Ha-
waiian statehood bill and a meas-
ure providing for the sale of Gov-
ernment owned synthetic rubber
' plants to private interests, will
be taken up if there is time
'Country Girl'
S. 'Y' L "61 c./ Tl s'fn

Stason Plan Combines
Law Practice, Theory
To combine law theory with practice, a year intern period for
budding lawyers was suggested by Dean E. Blythe Stason in a recent
issue of the American Bar Association Journal.
The basic idea of this plan was approved by Prof. John Reed, city
attorney Lehman, and law student Mike Amer, although all differed
with Stason on various phases of the new plan.
STASON SAID that because "It is impossible to teach everything
in three years" the intern period would make the law grad familiar

Milki Ordinance
'}Fiht Rages
In cityCouncil
Verbal clashes between city
council members, the mayor, and
representatives of Washtenaw
country and out-of-town dairies
over a proposed city milk ordi-
nance ended in a two week post-
ponement of vote on the ordinance
last night.
At the council meeting, spokes-
men for Washtenaw county dairies
opposed a proposed milk ordinance
which would allow dairy operators
from surrounding counties to sell
milk in this area.
Basis for the argument was
that the city of Ann Arbor would,
under the new plan, have to
support a milk inspection of-
ficer for the entire area from
which milk would then be
brought into the city, and the
present high standard of milk in
Ann Arbor would be lowered.
Council president George Sal-
lade took the stand defending the
ordinance, on the grounds that
"we can't wall in Ann Arbor as if
it's an economic unity in itself,"
Also settled at last nights meet-
ing was the disposal of Ann Ar-i
bor garbage. The Council passed
a motion to accept a contract with'
a Webster township citizen to dis-
posed of the garbage in, a sanitaryf
land fill following city operatedi
pick-up and transportation of theX

with the practical skills such as
court practices, setting up estates,
and the special problems that the
clients might present.
All law graduates would be
required to pass two bar exam-
inations, the first after gradua.
tion which would be equivalent
to the present bar exam. How-
eber, after the internship the
future lawyer would have to pass
a test concerning local law and
the practical skills.
For those law graduates that
would not serve their apprentice-
ship in a law firm or on the law
staff of a company, Stason propos-
ed a unique institute for post-
graduate professional education,
Professor John Reed of the
Law School said that this plan
represents a "middle road" but
pointed out that the cost for
such a program, $250,000 for a
state of 6,000,000 would be dif-
ficult to raise.
Stason suggested that the cost
be divided between the state and
the Bar Association and Reed
pointed this up as the main prob-
Arthur Lehman, an- Ann Arbor
lawyer said, "There is merit in the
idea of giving a man a probation-
ary period, but the matter of fi-
nancs is a different thing."
The state footing the cost of
this internship would be."state
law" which would be just as bad
as "state medicine," he said.
"To the law student such an
internship period sounds like a
good idea," stated Mike Amer,
'54L. "However many law school
graduates still don't know what
field of law they wish to specialize
in or what state they'd like to
practice in." Such a program
might tie a student down, he said.

Under floodlights, 200 Red la-
borers hammered and sawed
through Sunday night to read
the historic hall by Thursday.
No date forba signing has been
set. Some observers said there
could be a signing within a week,
followed 12 hours later by a cease-
OCCUPYING a back seat, Sduth
Korea officially took a dim view
of these preparations. A high offi-
cial who asked that his name not
be used called the current moves
an "unconditional surrender by
the Allies."
Maj. Gen. Choi Duk Shin,
South Korea's truce delegate,
said he wotild continue the boy-
cott he has observed since May
25 and Foreign Minister Pyun
Yung Tai said no South Korean
representative would attend the
The staff officer sessions in Pan-
munjom were aimed at pulling to-
gether loose ends and paving the
way for the full truce teams to fix
the date and time for signing.
MEANWHILE, a brooding si-
lence settled over the Korean
front last night with Chinese
Communists in undisputed pos-
session of two small but strategic
Allied hill posts near Panmunjom
where all but 14 U. S. Marine
died or were captured in a sudden,
over-whelming Red attack.
On the new Kumsong front
in Central Korea, South Korean
troops probed forward on a
broad sector but made no new
advances of any significance
abreast the Kumsong River line.
Air Force fighter-bombers were
thick over the lost Marine out-
posts of Berlin and Little Berlin,
and the Kumsong battle areas,
dropping a total of 250 tons of
bombs on the objectives.
Carson Says
Ads Express
Public's Taste
"Advertising is the phenome-
non of a time in which each in-
dividual has an opinion," accord-
ing to Gerald Carson, former vice-
president and director of a large
New York adverstising firm.
Carson, whose book, "Country
Store" about the country mer-
chant as he flourished from 1790 to
1920 is due for publication next
spring, explained that advertising
is the expression of the mass
"TO SAY ONE likes or dislikes
advertsing is like saying one ap-
proves or disapproves of electrici-
ty," he declared.
The advertising veteran of 27
years in the business noted that
the medium is not a thing in it-
self but that its worth is shown
only through its results.
Remarking that mass advertis-
ing's public is the same public that;
"reads murder thrillers," Carson
said an advertisingspread offers
a dream world to the reader.
Citing the recent use of sci-

(Editor's Note-Easing of censorship
permits AP Correspondent Forrest Ed-
wards to tell more fully the story of
last week's pulverizing Chinese Red
offensive, the flight of some south
Korean divisions and their comeback.
And he tells why the Red drive missed
the bus. Edwards has covered the
fighting closely since his arrival last
-(OP)-The Chinese Communists
last week lost their greatest op-
portunity in more than two yearsl
to drive deep into Allied territory
and cripple the South Korean Ar-
my's entire 2nd Corps.
For 36 hours Republic of Korea
soldiers, tanks, guns and jeeps
Trade Grows
LONDON - (R) - The Board of
Trade released figures yesterday
showing Britain's business in non-
strategic goods with Red China in
climbing-despite American con-
gressional complaints.
At the same time, the Foreign
Office reafirmed it is Britain's pol-
icy to continue and develop such
non-strategic trade with the Peip-
ing government and any other
Communist nations.
Meanwhile, a spokesman for
a private British group which
negotiated in Peiping with Com-
munist authorities said in Lon-
don that a team of British
businessmen will come out of
Peiping in a few days with
contracts worth $33,600,000.
The Board of Trade disclosed
Britain and Red China did $15,-
680,000 worth of business with
each other in the first five months
of this year. British exports to
China,sa spokesmanstressed, were
entirely non-strategic. He listed
the main items involved as woolen
goods, chemicals and fertilizers,
machinery mainly for textiles and
semi-finished iron, steel and non-
ferrous goods.

streamed south in retreat over
roads churned into muddy goo by
two days of pelting rains.
* * *
their move then, the Communists
might have been able to reach the
Rwachon Reservoir, the hydro-
electric prize miles to the South.
If they had aerial observation and
an armada of fighter-bombers,
they could have turned miles of
road into rivers of blood.
But the Reds were without air
support. Instead of pursuing .
their advantage, the Chinese
main force stopped north of the
Kumsong River on this ROK 2nd
Corps front;
The South Koreans rallied, re-
grouped, reinforced and began go-
ing north again, pushing ahead of
them Chinese who had crossed the
* * *
NOW THAT the ROK 2nd Corps
front has stabilized, last week's
story can be told in further de-
Four to six Red divisions
struck the three-division ROK
2nd Corps area front Monday
night. The ROKS suffered tre-
mendous losses, but the Reds
were hit even harder.
More Chinese poured into the
battle from one and possibly two
Chinese armies corps stacked up
north of the assaulting divisions.
The ROKs broke on both the east
and west flanks. The center divi-
sion was left in an untenable po-
sition with both its flanks exposed.
It, too, began to fall back.
* *.*
BUT, INSTEAD of blowing their
bridges and stopping just south
of the Kumsong, the ROKs left
many bridges standing and kept
heading south.
Some units went as far as
6.2 miles south of the Kumsong
before they halted, despite the
fact that the Chinese applied no
real pressure south of the river.
As the ROKs evacuated the area

BATTLE RESIDUE--A litter of empty shell casings testify to the activity of these 105mm artillery
pieces set up to stop the drive of advancing Red forces on the East Central front in Korea.
Chinese Lose Chance to Cripple ROKs

south of the Kumsong, Chinese in-
filtrators and small units occupied
it without opposition with small
. * * *
AS THE tide turned and the
Reds felt the ROK pressure, they
fought harder. ROKs and Reds
kicked one another off one key bill
seven times. At last reports the
ROKs held it.
Meanwhile, aerial observers
reported thousands of Red
troops, guns, tanks, and vehicles
massing north of the Kumsong.
But the Reds were not making
any immediate move to cross
the Kumsong in numbers, indi-
cating they were establishing a
defensive line there.
As the situation stands now, the
Chinese have wiped out that bulge.
that once stuck into their terri-
ory. The battlelinfe extends across
the base of what was the bulge.
The ROKs have regained the ter-
ritory south of the Kumsong which
they temporarily gave to the Reds
by default. The Chinese apparent-
ly are stopped at the Kumsong.
P'robe To Hit
Clardy (R-Mich.) said yesterday
his House Un-American Activities
Subcommittee would go to Lan-
sing and Flint as part of the
Michigan phase of Communist in-
vestigations in October.
Clardy, who will head the sub-
committee, said that he will go to
Lansing after the Detroit hear-
ings, scheduled for the week of
Oct. 26. He said that the Lansing
hearings would be "part of a gen-
eral investigation into the whole
field of communism."
Clardy said that a field man is
already in Michigan, preparing
for the meetings which will last
at least a week in Detroit with the
others to follow immediately.

Reds Demand
Pay for Aid'
In Products
Leaders in June
Revolt Sentenced
By The Associated Press
The Soviet Union has agreed to
send more than 57 million dollars
worth of food to help hungry East
Germany, but the East Germans
will have to pay-for the aid with
manufactured goods.
The Communist East German
government announced the extra
Russian shipments early yester-
day. It admitted it had been forced
to call on Moscow for help "several
times" to ease food shortages.
the shipments, to be delivered dur-
ing the rest of 1953, would con-
sist of 27,000 tons of butter, 8,500
tons of fats, 10,000 tons of vege-
table oil, 15,000 tons of seed. oils,
20,000 tons of meat and 1,500 tons
of cheese. The value placed on this
was 231 million rubles (5712 mil-
lion dollars).
The Russian food agreement
was made public just one day
after President Eisenhower re-
newed a 10-day-old offer to
supply 15 million dollars worth
of American food to East Ber-
Much of the food the President
promised already is en route to
West Germany for distribution in
the East if that Communist gov-
ernment agrees.
* * *
MEANWHILE, the Communist
East German Government yester-
day sentenced 16 ringleaders of
the June workers revolt to harsh
prison terms in an attempt to
smash the anti-Communist under-
A life sentence was given Lib-
eral Democratic Party Leader
Lothar Markwirth in Dresden
for leading a raid on secret po-
lice and Communist Party head-
quarters in the Saxony town of
Fifteen others in the mass trial
were lentenced from 18 months to
13 ye rs.
MEANWHILE, *West Berliners
were finding ways and means of
getting food relief to their coun-
trymen behind the Iron Curtain.
Thousands of food packages were
distributed along the border, and
coupons redeemable in grocery
stores were also handed out.
Scarcely 24 hours after Eisen-
hower made his offer, the East
German government and So-
viet Foreign Minister V. M. Mo-
lotov turned it down and de-
nounced it as an empty propa-
ganda gesture.
Their curt rejection made E'ast
Germans boil with anger since it
seemed to prove to them that their
Red bosses would play politics with
* * *
UNREST, which begaan in East
Berlin June 17, continued to swell.
Both the U.S. government and
West Germany made further ef-
forts to feed the satellite citizens.

The East German government
claimed yesterday it sought Sovi-
et special assistance two weeks ago
-before the Eisenhower offer.
The government said the So-
viet regime "after consideration"
consented to add 83,000 tons of
foodstuffs and 7,000 tons of cotton
to the trade agreement between
the two countries.
Bigger Draft Calls
Seen with Truce
LINCOLN, Neb.-OP)-MaJ. Gen.
Lewis B. Hershey said yesterday
larger, not smaller, draft calls are
n,'nhnol Ptla nrnif* flip;a nran n n

I WrldNews Roundup
By The Associated Press
TOKYO-Torrential new rains raised rivers and broke dikes 100
hiles southwest of Tokyo, threatening yesterday to bring on Japan's
third disastrous flood in three weeks.
WASHINGTON-The House yesterday overwhelmingly passed
an administration opposed bill to repeal the 20 per cent federal
tax on motion picture tickets,
WASHINGTON-The House Un-American Activities Committee
agreed yesterday to give J. B. Matthews a chance to defend his
charges that Protestant clergymen comprise "the largest single group
supporting the Communist apparatus" in America,
JERUSALEM--The Soviet Union and Israel announced yes-
terday they will resume diplomatic relations.

Concert To Introduce Finney Work

Star-studded Rackham Lecture
Hall will house music it has never
heard before when the Stanley
Quartet plays the first perform-x
ance of Prof. Ross Lee Finney's
Quintet with Piano (1953), at 8:30
p.m. today.
The Quintet is the latest work
from a composer whose career has
already brought forth six string
quartets, a violin concerto, piano
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