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July 18, 1953 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1953-07-18

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McCarthy Totally Defeated
By White House over Bundy

WASHINGTON-Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy
has just suffered his first total, un-
mitigated, unqualified defeat by the White
House. The Administration strategists are
still seeking to preserve the meaningless
facade of Republican unity. They have al-
lowed McCarthy to conceal his defeat be-.
hind a typical smoke screen of misleading
statements. But the background story proves
that the junior Senator from Wisconsin
went down for the count of ten, all the same.
The occasion of this remarkable event
was the case of William P. Bundy, an offi-
cial of the Central Intelligence Agency. In
brief, President Eisenhower flatly refused to
permit McCarthy to subpoena Bundy. The
Republican members of McCarthy's com-
mittee, persuaded by Vice-President Richard
Nixon, also refused to support their chair-,
man.^And so McCarthy was routed on all
fronts, and forced to surrender.
Against the background of past Admin-
istration appeasement of McCarthy, this
event is so politically meaningful that the
whole story deserves to be told, even at
the risk of some repetition of what has
already been printed in this space.
In brief, McCarthy announced last Thurs-
day that he would subpoena Bundy to
answer grave charges before his committee.
These crimes for which Bundy was to ans-
wer were two in number. First, Bundy had
married one. of the most beautiful women
in Washington, who happens to be Dean
G. Acheson's daughter. Second, Bundy still
believes in the old-fashioned American tra-
dition of fair trials for the worst wrong-
doers, and had therefore contributed a sum
of money' to the defense fund of Alger Hiss.
* * * *
MC CARTHY'S speech to the Senate' was
interesting in itself. It was a farrago
of inaccuracies, such as a confusion between
William P. Bundy and his author brother,
McGeorge Bundy. It included several out-
right lies about an imaginary letter or state-
ment by Bundy explaining his contribution
to the Hiss defense fund. And it contained
fairly strong internal evidence of the elab-
orate espionage system-the large private
Gestapo-that McCarthy now has within
the government.
Long before making this speech, Mc-
Carthy had been clearly warned that
President Eisenhower would not stand for
any tampering with the CIAO-the intelli-
gence agency on which this country's se-
curity so heavily depends. On the same
Thursday when McCarthy spoke to the
Senate, the National Security Council vot-
ed to forbid Bundy to respond to McCar-
thy's subpoena, if one should be delivered.
McCarthy was informed of this vote the
same afternoon by Vice-President Richard
Nixon, who had joined in the NSC deci-
Here the matter stood over the weekend.
McCarthy continued to swear, in public and
in private, that he would subpoena 'Bundy.
White House sentiment was absolutely firm
for a policy of "no surrender." A public

falling out between McCarthy and the White
House appeared to impend. On Monday
evening, the problem was discussed at a
strategy dinner reportedly attended by Vice-
President Nixon, the chairman of the Re-
publican National Committee, Leonard Hall,
and Attorney General Herbert Brownell.
The decision seems to have been to do
the job the quiet way if possible. This turned
out to be possible because, in the interval,
Vice-President Nixon had persuaded Sens.
Charles Potter of Michigan, and Everett
Dirksen of Illinois to support the President.
THE DEMOCRATIC members of the Mc-
Carthy investigating committee resigned
last week, as a sequel of the slandei of the
Protestant clergy by McCarthy's pet inves-
tigator, J. B. Matthews. Thus Potter and
Dirksen represented half the remaining
committee membership. Even McCarthy's
customary ally, Sen. Carl Mundt of North
Dakota, was teetering on the fence. Mc-
Carthy was a minority of one.
The committee met Tuesday morning,
with McCarthy still demanding Bundy's
head on a platter. Dirksen was absent, but
the Vice-President had Dirksen's proxy,
for use if necessary. In these circum-
stances, McCarthy had to cave in com-
pletely, after considerable bluster. ,When
he agreed to abandon his plan to sub-
poena Bundy, the Administration strate-
gists amiably allowed him a little phony
The Director of CIA, Allan Dulles, was
called before the McCarthy committee, It
was subsequently announced that the CIA
would "cooperate" with McCarthy in such
ways as were permitted by its intelligence
function. McCarthy indicated that Dulles
had just been taught a good, sharp lesson;
but the man who got the lesson was Mc-
Carthy himself. The "cooperation" he en-
visioned is for the CIA to give McCarthy
the sort of data any Senator can have for
the asking. The White House has not re-
treated an inch.
Such is the story of an incident that may
well be remembered as the turning of the
tide. It has many suggestive features, such
as the admirable role played by the Vice-
President, and McCarthy's obvious eager-
ness to flout President Eisenhower. But the
main thing is that the White House has at
last found courage to meet a McCarthy
challenge, head on. There are many reasons
to think that this will be the usual policy,
from here on out.
(Copyright, 1953, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

Concert Shell
IT SEEMS strange that a University com-
munity such as ours lacks what is probably
the most useful summer facility for musical
and large dramatic productions.
We have a huge concert hall, numerous
smaller ones, even one ludicrously decorat-
ed with artificial starlight, excellent places
for showing movies and adequate theatres
for plays. But we have no shell or amphi-
theatre of any type.
For a town that is rated a cultural haven
ranking with the nation's best, Ann Arbor
plays second fiddle to New York with Lewis-
sohn Stadium, Chicago with Grant Park,
Detroit with the Fairgrounds, and many
other cities.
On a hot summer night we are forced
to forsake the out-of-doors if we wish
to attend a concert. Our lovely scenery,
which cries out to play host to artistic pre-
sentations, is relegated to a few quick
glimpses by the eye upon entering or
exciting the conicert hall.
The architect, Frank Lloyd Wright has
maintained that architecture should blend
in with natural surroundings, with the land-
scape. This idea is readily applicable to the
concert hall or the theatre.
In the winter conditions force us inside,
but when the snow has gone, a concert laid
against the backdrop of natural scenery
is a thousand times more enjoyable, more
pleasant, than any stuffy hall, by necessity
cramped with tightly packed seats.
A shell properly located in Ann Arbor
would provide the perfect vehicle for band
concerts, orchestral concerts, operas, musi-
cal comedies, even chamber music and
some plays where a very intimate atmos-
phere is not required.'
There are many such locations that exist,
two of which being the Arboretum, or the
proposed new campus. The Huron river
would be excellent. If this were the loca-
tion, the audience would be able to attend
a concert resting leisurely in a canoe.
Plans have already been drawn up to in-
clude a shell as part of the new North
Canpus. But it is common knowledge that
a University plan is always subject to the
legislature'swhim, and can easily pass out,
of the picture.
It is up to those who really desire a shell
to actively campaign. The more vociferous-
ly the demands are made, the quicker they
will be considered. When the consideration
has matured into action, our summer art-
istic efforts will be much more rewarding
and comfortable.
-Donald Harris

"Sorry, Folks, But I Can Make Better Time This Way"

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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters w Web are signed by the writer
and in good taste Ietters exceeding 300 words in length. defamatoiy or
Lbhrons letters. and left s which for any re -m -re not in ged taste will
II' condensed. edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the



I Crown Condemned . .

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To the Editor:
THE DEFENDER of the Crown
in your last week's issue has
in effect given his reasons for
British Colonialism in Kenya, and
confirmed the present brutality of
the British under the guise of
fighting the Mau Mau. According
to him the Kenya Colony was set-
tled because there was spare land
for such a settlement. One wonders
why the British failed to settle in
the Sahara Desert. In his opin-
ion the British are the "savior", of
the disease-stricken Africans. This
is Napoleonic type of thinking.
Napoleon wished to be regarded
as a "merciful Emperor" for spar-
ing the lives of his vassals, even

ing to the self-centered imperial-
ists intoxicated with the desire to
usurp other people's wealth.
-F. Chigbu-Ememe
* * *.
Academic F reedom . .
To The Editor:
Harland Britz is an encour-
aging sign that students and fac-
ulty members are aware of the
threat to academic freedom im-
plicit in the coming visit of the
House Un - American Activities
The purpose of this Committee,
as verified by its record, is not
to investigate but to intimidate:
to intimidate not so much hon-
est-to-God Communists, who don't

though he was the originator of seem to scare easily, but those
their sorrows. Imperialists must intellectuals, liberals, free-think-
always find excuse for their ex- ing radicals, who step over the
ploitation of the weak. Who 'in- line running diagonally between
vited the British to come to the the State Department and West-


The Daily Official Bulletin Is as
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceeding publication (be-
fore 11 a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. LXIII, No. 101
Tickets are available at the Lydia
Mendelssohn box office for the remain-
ing plays in the Department of Speech
summer series: The Country Girl and
Pygmalion, $1.20 - 90c - 60c; The Tales
of Hoffmann, produced with the School
of Music, $1.50 - $1.20 - 90c. Box office
open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
English Department Graduate Pre-
liminary Examinations. The examina-
tions will be given this summer in the
following order: The Begnnings to1
1550, July 18; 1550-1750, July 22; 1750-
1950, July 25; American Literature,
July 29. All persons planning to take
any of the examinations should notify
the Secretary of the Graduate Commit-
tee, R. C. Boys, 2622 Haven Hail, as
soon as possible.
Speech Conference. Rackham Amphi-
theater. Morning: "The Current Status
of Educational Television," Waiter B.
Emery, Legal and Educational Consult-
ant, Joint Committee on Educational
Television, 9:00 a.m.; "Theater in an
Age of Science," Barnard Hewitt, Pro-
fessor of Speech and Associate Director,
Illini Theater Guild, University of Illi-
nois, 10:00 a.m.; "The Unique Prob-
lems and Challenges of Public School
Speech Correction," Margaret Hall Pow-
ers, Director, Division of Speech Cor-
rection, Chicago Public Schools, 11:00

ical Bldg., at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, D. J.
Organ Recital: Robert Noehen, Uni-
versity Organist, will present an organ
recital at 4:15 p.m. Sunday, July :9
in Hill Auditorium. His program will
include the works of Perotin Le
Grand's Trio, Organum Triplex (On a
Gregorian Alleluia), Jan Pieterszon
Sweelinck's Fantasia (in echo style),
Samuel Scheidt's Psalmus, Dietrich's
Buxtehude's Chaconne in E minor,
Paul Hindemith's Sonata I and Hein-
rich Kaninski's Roccata on "Wie schon
leuchtet der Morganstern." The general
public will be admitted without charge.
Faculty Concert: The University
Woodwind Quintet, Nelson Hauenstein,
flute; Lare Wardrop, oboe; Lewis Coop-
er, bassoon, Albert Luconi, clarinet, Ted
Evans, French Horn, with Wilbur Per-
ry, pianist, will be heard 8:30 p.m.
Monday Evening, July 20, 1953 in Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. Their prograin will
include Bartos' LeBourgeois gentil-
homme, Persichetti's Pastoral, Op. 21,
Weis' Serenade, Mortensen's Quintet-
ette, "Hartley's Divertissement and
Thuilie's Sextett, Op. 6. It will be open
to the general public without charge.
Stanley Quartet, Gilbert Ross and
Emil Raab, violinists, Robert Courte,
violist, and Oliver Edel, cellist, will
appear in the second program 6f the
current summer series at 8:30 Tuesday
evening, July 21, in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall. The program will include
Beethoven's Quartet in C minor, Op.
18, No.h4, Finney's Quintet (1953) in
which the Quartet will be assisted by
Marian Owen, pianist, and Mozart's
Quartet in D major. It will be open to
the general public without charge.
Museum of Art, Alumni lMemorial
Hall. Popular Art in America (June 30
-August 7); California Water Color So-
ciety (July 1-August 1). 9 a.m. to 5

aid of the disease-stricken Afri-
cans? If their occupation of Ken-
ya is so unprofitable to them, and
so advantageous to the Kenya peo-
ple, why do they resist the bid to
leave the country? The majority
of Kenya people do not under-
stand the wicked intention of the
British to reduce the Africans to
serfs. The few who do, are doing
all -ih their power to expel the
British, lest it is too late. At least
with their own blood they have
focused world attention to the
evils of British imperialism. The
Kenya trouble is a danger signal
to the "Darwinian" British Im-
perialists to cease "man's inhu-
manity to man."
It is evident that Nigeria and
the Gold Coast are progressing,
although at a snail-speed, be-
cause the British never settled
in these areas. How many Col-
lege graduates are there in Ken-
ya since '70 years'of British tute-
lage? Only 6, in a population of
over 5 million. In Nigeria, about
3,000 out, of 30 million. Judge
for yourself. U.S. would not have
been so developed if your "fa-
thers" didn't fight for your in-
dependence. Remember that no-
thing the British did in Africa
that was not primarily designed
for the exclusive interest of the
Call it what you may, the Afri-
cans want self-determination;
they want the super-generous
guests (British) to go home. We
can afford to live and enjoy our
God-given Africa without their
predatory scientific gift. It. is a
shame that history has no mean-

brook Pegler.

This particular prong of Me-
Carthyism can be blunted and
turned away if we in the aca-
demic community "stick togeth-
er," as Mr. Britz says-in con-
crete terms, if we subordinate
our differences of opinion or
this or that to the general pur-
pose of defending the right of
the professor to teach, and the
student to study, without a.
know - nothing Congressman
peering over his shoulder for
evidence of heresy.
The militant statement of Al-
bert Einstein sums up my feelings
on the matter :
"Every intellectual who'is call-
ed before one of the committees
ought to refuse to testify, i.e., he
must be prepared for jail anl eco-
nomic ruin, in short, for the sac-
rifice of his personal welfare in
the interest of the cultural welfare
of his country.
"The refusal to testify must
be based on the assertion that
it is shameful for a blameless
citizen to submit to such inqui-
sition and that this kind of in-
quisition violates the spirit of
the Constitution.
"If enough people are ready to
take this grave step they will be
successful. If not, then the in-
tellectuals of this country de-
serve nothing better than the
slavery which is intended for
In this advice to a New York
school teacher Einstein set a
spark that will ultimately pro-
vide Velde with a warm recep-
tion in Detroit, I'm sure.
-David R. Luce
T HAS become an established
principle that men and wom-
en, public servants or writers or
teachers or just next-door neigh-



= Al


Washington Merry-io-Roud


- -




Architecture Auditorium
CINEMA GUILD presents tonight an old
favorite with Ann Arboreals.
Unlike the cluttered scenario of Arsenic
and Old Lace, Lavender Hill Mob offers the
"exquisite face" of Alec Guinness in its wit-
ty reactions to a series of extraordinary sit-
uations. Guinness devotees will find this
time around a shade beneath the calibre
of The Man in the White Suit, but that is
a very slight. qualification.
The action, which increases in pace .as
the minutes pass by, revolves around a
fastidious and highly principled bullion
inspector who flips his lid after twenty
years of golden opportunities. With the
aid of an artist friend (Stanley Holloway)
and two professionals, he executes a
scheme to smuggle the stuff out of the
Of course, the grent enterprise goes awry
and an international chase-involving an
hilarious auto flight and a slapstick version
nose-dives to a clever though somewhat
of the traditional Eiffel Tower descent-
predictable fade-out.
As usual, it's Guinness all the way with
his special charm and gentle kidding of his
role. If you like him, this is a must. If you
don't, drop over to the NPI.
--Barnes Connable
Books at the Library
Call, Tomme Clark-The Mexican' Ven-
ture. New York, Oxford University Press,
Davis, H. L.-Team Bells Woke Me. New
York, William Morrow, 1953.
Halper, Albert-The Golden Watch. New
York, Henry Holt, 1953.
Hill, Ralph N.-A Chronicle of Steam-
boating. New York, Rinehart, 1953.

WASHINGTON -- GOP Senator Homer
Ferguson of Michigan, who faces a tough
re-election fight next year, is so jittery over
Harry Truman's talk with Gen. Hoyt Van-
denberg urging him to run for the Senate
in Michigan, that he summoned Gen. Nate
Twining, Vandenberg's successor as Air
Force Chief of Staff, up to Capitol Hill to a
secret luncheon. He then proceeded to pres-
sure him to discredit Gen. Vandenberg's
testimony regarding the air force budget.
Ferguson wanted Twining to testify that
Vandenberg had exaggerated budget Air
Force needs and had been insubordinate
to his superior, Secretary of Defense Charles
E. Wilson.
Twining refused. Whereupon Senator
Ferguson called a Senate hearing which in
effect put Twining on the spot. He had to
testify. Subordinates at the Pentagon ad-
vised Twining that the wisest course was
for him to get along with the Senate and
disavow Gen. Vandenberg.
In the end, however, Twining took a -
middle course, told Senators that, while the
Air Force needed the money, it could prob-
ably get along on Secretary Wilson's pro-
posed budget.
Secretary of State Dulles just can't seem
to get away from saying the wrong thing
at the wrong time.
The other day Robert D. Stuart, head of
the Quarker Oats Company, was being
sworn in as Ambassador to Canada. The
ceremony took place in Dulles' office with
newsmen and photographers present, in-
cluding, of course, the newsmen whose re-
ports reach various foreign countries.
"Mr. Ambassador," said Dulles, making a
brief speech to Stuart, "it seems to me that
I have participated in quite a few ceremonies
for new ambassadors lately. And it gives
me great pleasure to swear in a man who is
going to a decent country."
Congress has discovered a new way to
make sure its constituents are kept happy.
A bill recently passed by the Senate, but
still in committee in the House, would make
it a law that a fish fancier know from
whence his trout cometh.
All trout imported into the United States,
under this bill must be conspicuously labeled
as to the country of origin. Furthermore, all
restaurants miist carry the country of ori-

lems for Mamie's husband's budget and
for his policy of unfettered business. For
the Pure Food and Drug people, who will
have to enforce the act, make this country
last year. Yet to make sure that none of the
525,000 restaurants of the nation misrep-
resented their trout on their menus will cost
half a million dollars.
This money has not been included in.
Ike's already overtaxed budget. Even so,
trout farmers claim that, unlike Romeo's
rose, a trout by any other name would not
taste as sweet.
NOTE-About two million pounds of trout
are imported annually. Importers of 700,000,-
000 pounds of other kinds of fish, Canadian
mackerel, Portuguese sardines, and Nor-
wegian herring, are wondering whether their
fish will soon have to be stamped too.
It has gone unnoticed, but the natural gas
lobby is pushing legislation through Con-
gress that will virtually wipe out the fed-
eral government's authority to regulate
natural gas rates. This will boost the house-
wives' cooking and heating bill by billions.
What, is even more shocking, however, is
that the Federal Power Commission is ac-
tually helping to put itself out of business.
Under new Republican management, the
commission has notified Congress that it
approves "in theory" the legislation that
would strip its authority over natural gas
Specifically, the new legislation would
abolish the commission's authority to regu-
late the wholesale price of natural gas
sold by pipeline companies at state bor-
ders. This goes much further than the
Kerr bill, which would have deprived the
commission of its authority over natural
gas prices at the wellhead. The Kerr bill
was vetoed by President Truman, despite
his friendship for Senator Kerr of Okla-
homa, its author, and many Republicans,
coming from gas-consuming states in the
north, voted to uphold his veto.
However, the natural gas lobby has now
got three old friends to carry the bail in
Congress-Representatives Cal Hinshaw of
California, John Beamer of Indiana, both
Republicans, and Oren Harris of Arkansas,
a Democrat. They have introduced three
identical bills, which would practically put
the housewives at the mercy of the gas

The News
Associated Press News Analyst

Luncheon. Address, " Speaking of p.m. on weekdays; 2 to 5 p.m. on Sun-
Speech," H. Philip Constanc, Depart- days. The public is invited
ment of Speech, University of Florida. General Library. Best sellers of the
12:15 p.m., Michigan Union Ballroom. twentieth century.
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Gill-
MONDAY, JULY 20 man Collection of Antiques of Palestine.j
Band Conductors Workshop. Vanden- Museums Building, rotunda exhibit.-
berg Room, Michigan League, unless Steps in the preparation of ethnolo-
oiherwise designated. Morning. "Thegildorms
Clarinet and Its Function," William H. Michigan Historical Collections. Mi-
Stubbins, Assistant Professor of Band chigan, year-round vacation land.
Instruments, 9:00 a.m.: "The Cornetist Clements Library. The good, the bad,
Speaks," Leonard B. Smith, cornetist, the popular.
Afternoon. Summer Session Band, 1:00 Law Library. Elizabeth II and her em-f
p.m., Hill Auditorium; "The BeginningArchitecture Building. Michigan Chil-
Oboist," Lare Wardrop, oboist, Detroit ArhtcueBidnMhga h-
Symphony Orchestra, 2:00 p.m.; "Festi- dren's Art Exhibition.
val Organization and Administration,"
James W. Dunlop, conductor, Pennsyl- Events Today
vania State College Band, 3:00 p.m.; T
Summer Session Band, 4:15 p.m., Hill Hillel Foundation. Services at 9:00
Auditorium. a.m. Everyone welcome.
Evening. "Marching Band Movies,"* **
7:30 p.m. SL Cinema Guild Summer Program,
Conference on Speech Communica- Saturday-Sunday, July 18 and 19.
tion in Business and Industry. East Alec Guinness-Stanley Holloway in
Conference Room, Rackham Building. "The Lavender Hill Mob." Cartoon:
Morning. "The Communication Pro- "Dangerous Dan McFoo." Showings
cess: Transmission and Reception of Saturday at 7 and 9 p.m., Sunday at7
Communications," William M. Sattler, 8 p.m. Architecture Auditorium.-
Associate Professor of Speech, 9:15
a.m.: "Personal Characteristics and Presbyterian Summer Student Fel-
Communication," G. E. Densmore, lowship will meet at the Church Sun-
Professor of Speech and Chairman, De- day at 2 p.m., for an outing and pic-
partment of Speech, 10:45 a.m. nic at Silver Lake.
Afternoon. "Understandability and ,
Communications," N. Edd Miller, As- CE
sistant Professor of Speech, 1:30 p.m.; Co i g E e t
"Language and Emotions in Communi-
cation," Associate Professor William M. Next week the Department of Speecit
Sattler, 3:15 p.m. will present Clifford Odets' newBroad-
Symposium on Astrophysics. 1400 way success, The Country Girl, This ex-'
Chemistry Building. "Galaxies: Their citing drama of the back-stage life of
Composition and Structure," Waiter an outstanding actor and his wife
Baade, Mt. Wilson and Palomar ob- will be directed by Monroe Lippman,
servatories, 2:00 p.m.; "The Universal chairman of the Department of Theatre
Properties of the Small-Scale Compo- and Speech at Tulane University and}
nents of Turbulent Motions," G. K. guest director this summer in the Uni-
Batchelor, University of Cambridg?, versity of Michigan Department of
England, 3:30 p.m. Speech. The Country Girl opens
Conference of English Teachers. "Ex- Wednesday night, July 22 at 8:00 p.m. in,
aminations in High-SchoolEnglish: A the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre and
Report and an Appraisal," Paul B. plays through Saturday night, July 25.
Diederich, Director, Educational Test-
ing Service; Clarence Wachner, Direc- Lutheran Student Association (Na-
tor of Language Education, Detroit tional Lutheran Council) Corner of Hill
Public Schools, chairman. 4:00 p.m., & Forest Ave. Sunday-9:30 a.m. Bible
Auditorium C, Angell Hall. Class; 10:30 a.m. Worship Service; 4:00
Popular Arts in America. "Advertis- p ,m. Leave from the Center for picnic
ing as a Popular Art," Gerald Carson, at Hagen Home, Traver Road.
advertising executive and socio-econom-
ic historian. 4:15 p.m., Auditorium A, Hillel Foundation: Open House on;
AngellHall.Sunday, Ju~y 19, at 8:00 p.m. Music,
Angli aldancing, refreslvents. Everyoneu w-
Professor Louise Cuyler of the School come.
of Music faculty will comment on the.
second Stanley Quartet program at 4:15 The Russian Circle will meet Mon-
Monay ftenoo, Jly 0, n Adi-day night, at 8:00, in the Internationalr
torium D of Angell Hall. The actual pro- Center. The program will feature a
gram will be played at 8:30 Tuesday j play by the Malenjkii Boljshoi Teatr
evening in the Rackham Lecture Hall, rm. Ri -ai an nee sn- eina. Rus-

OR SEVERAL years one of the bors, may at any time be called
most frequent questions Al- upon to prove that they are not
lied diplomiats have had to parry traitors to their country. This
has been: "When will the free extraordinary form of national
world really be able to tell the hypochondria must be delectable
Reds where to get off?" to the professional carriers of
No concrete reply has ever been Communist infection.
given. Nobody ever even said of- Anti - Communism - in - One -
ficially that that would be the Country gained control of Repub-
procedure. The one thing the ex- lican factions in the aftermath of
perts were sure about was that the Second World War, just as it



ultimatums only cause trouble
when they are laid down before
you feel pretty sure you can back
them up.
The Big Three, foreign minis-
ters, however, came pretty close
to the point in at least one area
during their meeting in Wash-
ington this week.
They went all the way so far as
Korea was concerned. If a truce
there is violated, the Allies are
prepared to renew the war.
Then the ministers said they
were "of the opinion" that a truce
must not jeopardize the restora-
tion of the safeguarding of peace
in any other part of Asia.
That was direct warning to the
Communists not to start anything
new, and not to intensify situa-
tions which already exist, as in
The point was made against the
background of an agreement for
strengthening the Allied position
in Indochina in a political way in
the hope that a unified effort
would also produce a much more
satisfactory military position.
The French have been afraid
of greater autonomy for the
three Indochinese states lest the
whole war effort be weakened
by their weakness. But the po-
litical situation finally reach-
ed the point where the collapse
of all co-operation seemed so
sure that there was no course
left except to accede to Indo-
chinese demands.
The kingdoms are to be brought
into greater partnership-if they

gained contr l of two European
nations-Italy first and then Ger-
many-in the aftermath of the
First World War. There can be no
doubt by now that in the Repub-
lican demagogy there is the stuff
of which totalitarian .movements
are made.
-The Reporter



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