See Page. 2
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Latest Deadline in the State
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French Raid
Key Supply
Relay Base
ParatrooPers Hit
Red Stronghold
LANG SON, Indochina-(/P)-Five
thousand French Union parachute
troops yesterday captured and
wrecked Lang Son, the key relay
point for Red China's supplies to
the Vietminh, in the most daring
4 raid of the seven-year-old Indo-
chinese War.
The red-bereted raiders, drop-
ped in full daylight from transport
planes provided by the United
States, swiftly routed scattered de-
tachments of the Communist-led.
garrison at the ancient fortress
city only ten miles from China's
4- * * *
THEN THEY speedily took up
the job of destroying military bar-
racks, supply depots and bridges
that had been battered by French
bombers and fighters for three
weeks. They blew up huge stores
of supplies and ammunition.
' Bridges over the Ky Cua River
linking Lang Son with China
were dynamited and B26 bomb-
ers ripped fresh gaps in the
highways over which the French
say the Vietminh has been get-
ting more than 3,000 tons of
war equipment a month.
The parachutists are not here
to stay. Lang Son, 85 miles north-
east of their headquarters city of
Hanoi, is too deep in enemy terri-
tory. It is 30 miles across the
jungles from French lines. Gen.
Rene Cogny, land commander in
the north, said the men were be-
ingwithdrawn since they had ac-
complished their mission.
THIS DISPATCH did not say
whether the raiders would head
out by air or by land. A French
officer in Caigon expressed belief
they would withdraw through the
jungles. He forecast they would
have to do some hard fighting.
The raid underscores the aim of
Gen. -Pierre Navarre, the new
French commander in chief, to
try to end the war within the
next 18 months.
Vermont Man
Faces Ouster
BURLINGTON, Vt.- () -For
ignoring an ultimatum to answer
.aSenate investigating committee,
Prof. Alex P. Novikoff of the Uni-
versity of Vermont was suspended
from his position on the faculty.
The university trustees gave the
40-year-old professor of biochem-
istry until midnight Thursday to
t consent to tell the Jenner internal
security subcommittee his activi-
ties prior to 1948 when hescame to
the university.
Failure to comply, the trustees
said in their June 20 announce-
ment, would automatically sus-
pend Prof. Novikoff.
Since the issue of the ultimatum,
Prof. Novikoff has remained silent.
Although he testified before the
Jenner committee last April that
he had not been a Communist
since 1948, he refused to answer
committee questions about his
activities prior to that year.
Lecture To Be
on Ads as Art
An old-hand in the field of ad-
vertising, Gerald Carson will dis-
cuss "Advertising as a Popular
Art" at 4:15 p.m. Monday :n Aud-
itorium A, Angell Hall.
Sixth' in the current public lec-
ture series on "Popular Arts in
America," the talk will tie in close-
ly with the "Popular Visual Arts"
exhibit now on display in the Mu-
seum of Art in Alumni Memorial
* * *
A VETERAN of 27 years' exper-
ience in the advertising field, Car-
son is retired vice-president and
director of a New York advertising
Since his retirement in 1951,
Carson has devoted much of his
time o writing on economic and
social history. His "Country Store,"
Cutting a Rug
-Daily-Chuck Ritz
LEAGUE DANCE-A couple takes a few turns to the music of Al
Townsend and his orchestra at the weekly dances held at 9 p.m.
every Saturday in the League Ballroom.
National Roundup
By The Associated Press
WILLIAMS AIR FORNE BASE, Ariz. - Two B50 bombers, one
flying blind, smashed together at 27,000 feet over the central Arizona
desert yesterday.
Eight airmen lost their lives as, one of the big planes plunged to
earth and burned-
Four crew members parachuted to safety.
The second bomber, its tail damaged, returned to Davis-Monthan
Air Force Base, Tucson, Ariz., the home station of both planes.
* * *
MT. CLEMENS, Mich. - Nine
new F-86D jet planes, of the
type that set the new world
speed record of 715 miles an
hour, arrived at Selfridge Field
Air Base yesterday.
The jet fighters are newest
addition to the air armada for
the defense of Detroit.
* * *
o * *
ury yesterday added nearly six
billion dollars to the national
debt, bringing it to a peacetime
record high of $272,361,259,-
That is about $1,700 for every
man, woman and child in the
* * *
Soviets Send
Tanks Back
To E. Berlin
BERLIN - () - The Russians
sent 30 tanks back to East Berlin
yesterday to choke off a new wave
of anti-Communist strikes before
they erupt into another revolt like
that of June 17.
It was just one month ago that
two million rioting workers shook
the Red empire with their mass
uprising throughout East Ger-
ALARMED BY a creeping pa-
ralysis of strikes the Russians
moved quickly and menacingly.
Columns of tanks began -rumbling
into East Berlin soon after mid-
night Thursday.
They clanked along Stalin
Allee-where the June 17 re-
volt bega--in a display of force
obviously intended to frighten
still rebellious East Berliners into
It was assumed here that simi-
liar tank operations were develop-
ing on other Soviet Zone cities
where the strikers are most active.
** *
TWO BIG strike centers were
the Soviet-owned Buna synthetic
rubber plant at Merseburg and
the Zeiss optical works at Jena.
The Buna plant has been par-
alyzed since Wednesday by a
sitdown strike of 14,000 workers.
Zeiss employes struck last Sat-
The strikers demand release of
their comrades arrested in the
June riots, firing of their Commu-
nist bosses-and more food.
FOOD BECAME perhaps the
sorest point after Moscow rejected
an offer of the United States to
deliver 15 million dollars worth
of supplies to East Germany.
Thousands of East Berliners
have stormed a West Berlin relief
market in the last few days to get
the bare-shelved Communist stores
supplies they could not obtain
in the bare-shelved Communist
Music Confab
More than 300 visiting musi-
cians will be ift Ann Arbor this
week to attend the fifth annual
National Band Conductors Con-
ference Workshop.
The five day workshop opening
Monday will be devoted to lectures,
concerts, demonstrations and pan-
el discussions of various band in-
struments and problems of March-
ing bands.
A concert by the Cass Techni-
cal High School band and one by
the University Summer Session
Band will highlight the confer-
Scheduled for performance by
the University band is W. C. Han-
dy who is speaking as part of the
Popular Arts Symposium will be
on hand for the performance.
Highlighting the first session of
the conference will be a lecture at
10 a.m. Monday in the Vandenberg
Room of the League by Leonard B.
Smith of Detroit. Mr. Smith's top-
ic is the "Cornetist Speaks."
State Defense
Calls for Jets
Ferguson (R-Mich) said today the
Air Force program calls ultimately
for equipping the Michigan Air
National Guard with modern jet
Dulles Asks
Korea Peac
of State Dulles said last ni
that "we are ready for honora
peace" in Korea "but if the Co
munists want war, we must
ready for that, too."
Dulles said, "The United I
tions with forces in Korea are
suppliants" in their truce ne
tiations with the Communists.
branded as "absurd" a Comm
ist demand that the UN Co
mand guarantee the future c
duct of the Republic of Korea.
* x * *
"I WISH that someone wo
guarantee the future good cond
of the Communist regime
China," Dulles said, "but Pre
dent Rhee has given explicit a
surance that he will not obstr
in any manner the implementat
of the proposed armistice."
With Asst. Secretary Walt
S. Robertson, Dulles gave;
radio-TV report to the Nati(
on the recent Big Three foreigi
ministers' meeting here ar
Robertson's negotiations in K
rea to remove President Rhee
opposition to the armistice term
Dulles termed the situation
Germany explosive and said t
the Austrians have reached'
stage of exasperation."
* * *
IN THE satellite states, Dul
said, "the mounting resentment
the oppressed peoples is a dan
to Russia and a danger to peac
Noting that Russia was or
of the principal victims of t
world wars which began in Wes
ern Europe, Dulles declared
is really amazing that the S(
viet rulers are trying so ha
"to prevent unification of Eui
ope, as sought by the west
"If the Soviet rulers really w
the peace about which they t
so much, they will stop the f
natical and senseless Commun
opposition to European unity a
instead, endorse it," the secret
IN QUESTION-and-answer e:
change with Dulles, Roberts
said he felt confident of the si
cerity of South Korean Preside
Rhee "and of his intentions
carry out in good faith his a
surances too."
Robertson said his agreeme
with Rhee was such that t
UN Command felt it couldh
good faith proceed with an a
mistice and that Rhee would o
fer no obstruction to' carry
it out.
The basis of Rhee's objection
the armistice terms was a d(
fear it was a Communist trick
win by negotiation what the R
fail to achieve on the battlefie
he explained.
Robertson said he and R
agreed that if the political cc
ference, to be held 90 days af
the truce, should turn out to b
device to perpetuate uncertain
that if it were obvious that t
Reds were no negotiating in gc
faith "we would try to end I
conference as a sham and a hi
tile trick."
Retake Lost Areas
# # * *
WEARY WARRIOR-Forced to retreat 'with ROK troops on the
east central front in Korea when the Chinese Communists hit
in force earlier this week, this tired American soldier finds a
few moments to rest. Lying on the ground in front of him are his
helmet and rifle.
Defense Budget Issue
Reaches Senate Floor
WASHINGTON-(P)-President Eisenhower's reduced defense
budget, including the controversial five billion dollar cut in new funds
for the Air Force, reached the Senate floor yesterday.
The Senate Appropriations Committee approved a bill carrying
$34,511,302,000 in new money, or some 77 millions more than re-
cently approved by the House.
* 4 4 *
TWO ATTEMPTS to restore small parts of the more than five
billion dollars cut from Air Force funds by Secretary 'of Defense
Wilson and the President were-
defeated by a 2-1 margin.
Instead the Senate' committee Postal Raise
restored only part of the funds x s
that had been cut below the Eis- C
enhower budget by the House. See 3 e ved
Sen. Ferguson (R-Mich.), man-
ager of the bill carrying funds for . WASHINGTON - (W) - Con-
WASHINGTON - Sen. Lehman (D-NY) said yesterday he does
not know whether a Republican decision to delay the St. Lawrence
Seaway bill means the administration has "cooled off" on the measure.
* * *
* « a
Communists fail to agree to the Bohlen, ambassador to Moscow,
unification of Korea within 180 has completed his consultation
days after a cease fire, the Re-
public of Korea will open fire with Secretary of State Dulles
-again, the ROK ambassador to on the Beria purge and will be
the United States declared yest- back at his post in about Ili
erday. days.
Dr. Yang said, "If, at the end
of these 180 days, the Commun- The State Department an-
ists have not agreed to the re- nounced yesterday that Bohlen
unification and if they haven't plans to leave New York Mon-
agreed to remove the Chinese day for Europe.
Communists-we'll attack."
* * * * * *
WASHINGTON - Plans are being made to hall a meeting of the
Democratic National Committee in September in Chicago, Sam Bright-
man of the national committee's publicity staff disclosed yesterday.
He said it is also being proposed that the Democratic National
Advisory Council, composed of more than 300 Democratic leaders,
convene then too. Exact date and other arrangements probably will
be determined next week.
Video Potential Not
Utiie -Ditrich
"We don't really know what television can do but we're going
to do our best to find out in a hurry," Prof. John E. Dietrich of the
University of Wisconsin said yesterday in the fourth lecture of the
summer speech, conference.
Prof. Dietrich told his audience that much talk about television
is excited talk and that the attitudes of this talk are narrow.
* * * *
"THE CHALLENGE to us is to find out what the medium can do
and whatrit cannot do," he said. "Television can do something for
all of us, 'and we can do some-*
thing for it." STUDY GROUP I
Compared with the press,
Prof. Dietrich claimed that tele-
vision has the advantages of M dc o l
immeiacy andeintiacy In ad- Med Schoohs
dition, the press has the prob-
lem of distribution, and it deals
in abstract symbols. By CAL SAMRA
Special to The Daily
For these reasons, the educator ALBANY, N.Y.-The smoulder-
said television can do its most ef- ing question of alleged racial and
fective work with the lesser edu- religious discrimination in New
cated people. , York medical schools comes up
"TELEVISION doesn't leave the as regularly as the sun in this
room for imagination that radio capital district.
dooes. It has been derived from Reminiscent of a similar squab-
des a been ti rom ble at the University of Michigan
adisacompleength rad" three years ago, the New York
Discussing the strength and controversy is characterized by a
weaknesses of television he remarkable number of sharp ac-
pointed out that everything in cusations and denials-many of
television is within an arbitrary whics emn temincpable of
Session Set
For Today
Troops Advance
By The Associated Press
The Reds asked for and got a
one-day extension until today for
the truce talk recess called Thurs-
day after the Allies had made
clear their position that it was
time for an armistice.
The Communist request was
made at a morning meeting of
liaison officers which lasted only
one minute. The additional delay
could mean that the Reds had
not formulated their reply to the
firm Allied demand that it was
time to get down to business.
for midnight today.
A Peiping radio broadcast in-
sisted yesterday that "the Amer-
icans are responsible for hold-
ing up the talks." It asked rhet-
orically whether "the American
side is prepared to break off the
Meanwhile, South Korean in-
fantry'advanced cautiously in the
battle-devastated Kumsong Riv-
er Valley yesterday, recovering
some of the 60-square-mile area
lost to Chinese Reds in the first
open warfare in Korea in almost
two years.
THE FOOT sloggers of the Re-
public of Korea 2nd Corps, led
by a few tanks, ran into small
pockets of resistance left over from
the big 10-division Red push Mon-
day and Tuesday, when the Com-
munists at high cost straightened
out the Allied Kumsong bulge in
East-Central Korea.
In the first disclosure of how
far the Reds pushed, Gen. Max-
well D. Taylor, U. S. 8th Army
commander, said yesterday that
tLe new Kumsong front now ran
from a point slightly northeast
of Kumhwa due east for 20 miles
to the Pukhan River. This meant
a Red advance of up to seven
Eighth Army restrictions for
military security reasons prevent-
ed exact reporting of the front-
line situation yesterday.
THERtE WERE reports of ROK
2nd-Corps' 3-division advance, but
no details were given.
On the western half of the
Kumsong sector, at the center
of the 155-mile battleline, ar-
tillery carried on most of the
action yesterday.
Officers in the area said they
had spotted what was possibly a
Red division concentrating above
the center of the ROK 2nd Corps'
front. A Communist division nor-
mally is about 8,000 men. The mo-
tive of this division concentration
was not immediately known.'
TAYLOR in announcing that an
estimated 10 Red divisions struck
the Allied line Monday called the
Allied counter-movement the "first
resumption of open warfare in
nearly two years."
It was in the fall of 1951 that
the 8th Army, then commanded
by Gen. Janles A. Van Fleet, push-
ed forward and created the Kum-
song bulge which the Reds erased
this week.
The Air Force put its heaviest
effort yesterday into bombing the
Chinese in their newly won posi-
tions. The fliers dropped more
than 600 tons of bombs in more
than 500 sorties in the Kumsong
area alone.
Diedrich To Speak
At Confab Monday
A report and appraisal of exam-
the Army, Air Force, Navy, Ma-
rines and Defense Department,'
said the total now is "all the Pres-
ident says he needs for the coming
** * *
THE AIR FORCE, he said, "will
get more combat planes under
this budget than under the bud-
get proposed by former President
Ferguson was referring to testi-
mony by Secretary Wilson and
other new defense leaders that un-
spent funds previously voted by
Congress, plus the new appropria-
tion, would provide more money
than could be spent in the cur-
rent fiscal year
gress is likely to adjourn July 31
without acting on the administra-
tion's request for higher postal
rates, Sen. Knowland (R-Calif.)
reported yesterday.
Knowland, acting majority lead-
er in the Senate, also indicated
that a proposal by Sen. Bricker
(R-Ohio) ' for a constitutional
amendment restrictilng the gov-
ernment's treaty-making powers
will not come to a vote this ses-
HE PASSED along this informa-
tion at a news conference held aft-
er a two-hour session of the Sen-
ate's Republican Policy Commit-
Mackinac Memorial Begun
For Beaumont, St. Martin
MACKINAC ISLAND, Mich. - (R) - The Michigan State Med-
ical Society yesterday laid the cornerstone for a $40,000 memorial to
Dr. William Beaumont and his famous patient, Alexis St,. Martin.
Doctors, state officials and vacationists from all parts of Michi-
gan were in the group of 300 attending the ceremonies.
* * * *
THE CORNERSTONE-LAYING marked the 131st anniversary
9of an accidental shooting that led'
Charged with Discriminatory Policies
plicants than Catholic and a lar-
ger proportion of Catholic than
But in the same years, the group
reported, more Jewish applicants
were admitted to medical schools
than either Protestant or Cath-
* * *
THE GROUP also revealed that
it had found no evidence of dis-
crimination as to race or color.
Then it added a statement
which touches upon an aspect
from discriminating against ap-
plicants on grounds of race, creed,
color or national origin.
* * *
THE STUDY group's eight re-
commendations are perhaps more
significant than its rather vague
effort to pinpoint the facts. It
urged that:
1-Each of the state's medi-
cal schools declare its admission
policy under the anti-discrimin-
ation law.
2-Undergraduate colleges
comprised of representatives of
the public, education and civil
rights groups.
6-All undergraduate colleges
consider adopting the plan now
used by a few, of a single com-
posite recommendation from an
authorized faculty committee of
the college to the admissions of-
ficers of the medical school.
7-The Regents, in cooperation
with educational institutions, re-
search agencies and foundations,
initiate basic studies on person-
-] l T ' N II t t -!' , ''1I ' A
to one of the world's great medical
On June 6, 1822, a shotgun
was discharged accidentally in a
small fur trading post here.
The chargestruck St. Martin in
the stomach.
Dr. Beaumont attended the
youth. Hefound he could not close
the wound. Despite the gap in his
stomach, St. Martin lived. The
physician used the open wound
to study the physiology of diges-
His discoveries since have been
confirmed by modern research.
DR. W. S. JONES of Menomi-
nee presided over the ceremonies
and Dr. William Bromme of De-
troit responded on behalf of the
medical society whose members