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July 10, 1953 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1953-07-10

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FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1953



C~to6 b 7kte

THE UNIONS are getting abuse from all
sides. The newspapers are filled with ac-
counts of union abuses and violence.
Wednesday two union organizers were
convicted in Miami of attempted murder.
They made the attempt because their victim
"knew too much about terrorist methods
used in the organizing drive."
Congressional hearings in Kansas City and
Detroit turned up reports that "millions of
tax dollars appropriated for the defense ef-
fort are being paid out to persons who do
no work." The same report spoke of collec-
tion of monies through threats and extor-
A Senate committee in New Orleans re-
ported large financial discrepancies on
the books of the union and indicated that
both the testimony and the tax returns of
a high unioi leader might be phony.
Meanwhile, as the reports come through
on the situation atWillow Run, we have no
alternative but to believe that selfish union
management at the huge aircraft plant is
causing considerable waste to taxpayers and
to the defense effort.
Put together with the long standing re-
ports of the crummy situation on the' New
York piers, reports of union abuses have giv-
en a large. segment of the American public
an apprehensive view towards the labor
union movement.
The unions, conscious of the bad pub-
licity, are trying to correct the impres-
sion. But instead of actually looking into
the situation, higher ups immediately de-

nounce reports of abuses as trumped up
and phony. Thp president of the CIO
Newspaper Guild recently said the nation
was "divided by the maneuvers of a cal-
lous core of name calling nitwits who
would rather smear labor and liberals at
home than to smash communism and
fascism abroad."
Vote conscious senators from industrial
areas likewise issue generalized and often
non-specific defenses of their workers.
Alert Americans, conscious both of labor
faults and virtues, cannot help but feel sor-
ry for the worker who is so often lambasted
because of hissconnection with the unions.
Few among us begrudge the workers their
right to collective bargaining. The trade
union movement is an established part of
the American system. Idiias done immeas-
urable good for the working classes.
But too often the very same workers
who should be beneflitting from the unions
are victimized by high handed methods
that smack of gangsterism. The poor dock
workers and the unfortunate victim in
Miami are examples of people who have put
their trust in a great movement which has
developed abuses which work against the
workers instead of for them.
Labor has a long and distinguished record
on the American scene. But its reputation
is in danger of becoming extremely poor, so
long as the focus of labor leaders remains
on themselves instead of the workers. Goon
squads, strong arm tactics, and corrupt ad-
ministration are jeopardizing the true cause
of unionism which is to raise the workers
standards through mass representation.

U. S. Big Stick in Iran

H AVING reached an impasse with one aged
fanatic Korea's Syngman Rhee, President
Eisenhower has turned his attention to an-
other-the venerable strongman of Iran--
Premier Mohammed Mossadegh. No large
scale economic aid to Iran will be forthcom-
ing until there is a settlement of the oil
dispute with Britain, Eisenhower has in-
formed the Premier.
In his first' communication with Iran
since he took over the Presidency, Eisen-
hower expressed the United States' displeas-
ure over the freedom allowed Communist
activity in Iran.
His ultimatum-settlement or no money--
is liable to set off an unfortunate chain of
reactions, as other U.S. ultimatums have.
Foreign resentment of U.S. interference
in foreign affairs based on the assertion
that Congress is the paymaster of Western
Europe, was recently pointed up when the
House Foreign Affairs Committee made
half of the foreign aid program for West-
ern Europe conditional upon the creation
of the European Defense Community-an
action which seems to have embarrassed
even the State Department.
Although the foreign aid bill lost its ob-
jectionable provision during its sojourn in

the Senate, Mr. Eisenhower has picked up
the Big Stick and is waving it over the Mid-
dle East.
Resentment in Iran of U.S. interference
could send Mossadegh to the other side of
his renowned invalid's bed to shed his oil
rich tears on Russia's shoulder.
There is only a small chance however,
that this may be just the push to goad
the Premier to positive favorable action.
At one time, the Truman administration
had an opportunity to indirectly influence
power distribution in Iran. When the Shah
toured the country a few years ago and
broached the subject of a $100,000 loan, he
was refused. Iranian experts have expressed
belief that if the Shah had come home with
that loan in his pocket, Mossadegh might
never have risen to such power as he now
enjoys, power which could allow him to initi-
ate a policy of simpering coyness with the
Communists in an attempt to fortify his own
position. ,
Whether Ike's Big Stick has effect or not
does not justify tl}e fact that his ultimatum
added new dimension to the unflattering
picture of United States interference held by
the entire world.
-Gayle Greene

Georgi Malenkov
Victorious Over
Lavrenti Beria
AP Foreign News Analyst
SPARKS from the restless Soviet satellite
nations apparently have touched off the
Kremlin's powderkeg in an explosion that
could rock the Communist world to its
The showdown for power seems to have
burst prematurely-before the contestants
were fully ready for it. At the moment, Pre-
mier Georgi Malenkov appears to have won
and vice premier Laventri Beria to have
Beria, long czar of the vast network of
secret police and the most dreaded man in
the Communist empire, seems on his way
to becoming the chief scapegoat of all the
ills, economic and political, afflicting the
USSR itself and the captive nations in its
Beria, for all his power in the secret
police, wasboxed in by the subtle organi-
zation of the Soviet Communist party
which grips every phase of Soviet activi-
ty. The strength of the party at the pres-
ent moment has outmatched that of the
police network. But the battle may be far
from ended..
Stalin drew his personal strength from the
party, but he ruled the party for many years
with an iron fist. Malenkov is not the man
Stalin was, and may have a tough war on
his hands to keep the power. Not only will
he face the anger of the defeated faction of
the party and danger from the ranks of the
police, but he may yet have to deal with
the Soviet Army's officer cadres who make
up the unknown quantity in this historic
struggle to decide upon the ruler of a third
of the earth's surface.
Once again Soviet Communist history re-
peats itself. The purger is to be purged. Beria
held the reins of the secret police for a long
time-ever since 1939, but it has always been
the most uncomfortable pinnacle of power
in the USSR. He himself directed the purge
of his predecessor who in turn had sent the
previous police chief tothe firing squad in
Stalin's blood purge of the 1930s.
Moscow's communique indicated that
Beria himself would go on trial as a crimi-
nal who directed anti-state activities in
the interests of the United States.
Nothing, of course, can be more fantastic,
but, as a recent arrival from Moscow has
commented, nothing is too fantastic for the
Soviet Union today.
The battle for power in the Kremlin might
have smouldered for some time to come, ex-
cept for the events in Middle Europe. They
appear to have hastened the showdown. It
became clear recently when diplomats were
called home to Moscow from key posts
abroad, along with the military and civilian
authorities from Germany, that something
important was bubbling in the Kremlin pot
and that it might boil over at any moment.
The Communist party, fearful that its
power was on the wane throughout Europe
and even, indeed, in the USSR itself, had
to strike swiftly..
Somebody had to be blamed for the ills
which were forcing the party into a world
retreat. Perhaps Beria and his allies eyed
Malenkov for the honor but Malenkov once
again proved to be the wiliest and quickest
in a showdown. From now on, unless a force
stronger than Malenkov emerges in the con-
fusion, it will go hard with old-line Stalin-
ists, such as Beria, whose loyalty to the So-
viet dictator has never been questioned.
Unquestionably, this is only the first act
of the new Soviet drama. There will be more
shocks and surprises as the story unfolds.
Toward German Unity

finger on the essential point in the
German problem in his message to Chan-
cellor Adenauer. As the President said, "The
safety and future of the people of Eastern
Germany can only be assured when that
region is unified with Western Germany on
the basis of free elections."
This has long been and is still today the
goal of the United States Government'
whose concern for a free and independent
united Germany is at the opposite pole from
Moscow's plans for a slave Soviet Germany.
The demonstrations in East Germany have
been the German people's answer to the
Soviet plans and to the Soviet oppression.
No Soviet concession will meet the griev-
ances of East Germany until Moscow aban-
dons its old opposition and permits achieve-
ment of the objective which President Eisen-
hower has once more pledged this country
to support.
-The New York Times
rooks at
The Librarv.
Bissell, Richard - 7'Y%2 Cents. Boston, Lit- +
tle, Brown & Company, 1953,
Blake, W. T. - The Pampas and the An-
des. London, Cassell & Company, 1953.
Hancock, Ralph - Douglas Fairbanks.
New York, Henry Holt, 1953
Idell, Albert - The Corner Store. New
York, Doubleday, 1953.4
Moraes, Frank-Report of Mao's China.
'A nr Vn.I ~ n01 I nrO

___ - --- -


" -And That's The U. S. Senate, Over There"





__ ______

. I'z

WASHINGTON - Inside the White House - The Cabinet is splitE
over giving encouragement to restless satellites behind the Iron;
Curtain. John Foster Dulles, who campaigned last fall on the idea of
encouraging revolt behind the Iron Curtain, wants to do something. Ike
hemself is on the cautious side. . . . Best man to replace Voice of
America chief Bob Johnson is C. D. Jackson, ex-publisher of Fortune,
now in the White House as psychological warfare adviser. Jackson
knows his propaganda onions, is a human dynamo. . . . The White
House may have stubbed its toe on another appointment-that of
Leonard Walsh to be Chief Judge of the D.C. Municipal Court. Some-
body forgot that Walsh got involved in a hit-and-run accident case inI
which a jury not only fined him $10,000, but the U.S. Court of Ap-'
peals handed down a decision seriously impugning his credibility.
Chief Judge D. Lawrence Groner wrote that "He (Walsh) falsely
charged the act to another." This, added the Judge, "was sufficient
to justify.the jury in rejecting the whole of his evidence." . . . Des-
pite this false testimony, Walsh has now been nominated as Chieft
Judge for the District of Columbia. . . . Ike is bringing more militaryf
men into the White House. The latest, Colonel Paul Carroll, assistant
to Governor Adams, is efficient, civilan-minded and should be an
asset. . . . The White House got a phone call from the first wife of
General MacArthur the other day, gracious Mrs. Louise Heiberg, sug-
gesting that the best way to calm down old Syngman Rhee was to'
send her brother, Jimmie Cromwell, over to Korea. Jimmie, who
stood by Rhee during his years in exile. probably knows him better
than anyone else in the U.S. and would be persuasive. Once married;
to Doris Duke, Cromwell served under F.D.R. as minister to Canada.
Inside the State Department-Exit of Bob Johnson as State De-;
partment propaganda chief was a serious loss for the Ike administra-
tion. He had just learned the ropes, was doing a good job. . . . Real
reason he went back to Philadelphia's Temple University was dis-
gust with his boss John Foster Dulles re book-burning; also health.1
Johnson was on a rice diet for high blood pressure, had orders to'
take an hour's rest after lunch, another after dinner. Instead he,
worked from 7 a.m. to midnight. . . . But what made it impossible
for him to stay was friction with Dulles. . . . Inside fact is that
Dulles himself wrote most of the first two book-burning directives,
Johnson got the blame. But Dulles with the help of Assistant Sec-
retary Carl McCardle, wrote the first panic-stricken directive, then.

f f
I E~ Mr(NG

a -

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building;before 3 p.m.
the day preceeding publication (be-
fore 11 a.m. on Saturday).
FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1953
VOL. LXIII, No. 98
"Earning Opportunities for Mature
Workers," the University of Micnigan
SixthAnnual Conference on Aging, will
be held July 8-10, Rackham Building.
Students and faculty may register for
the conference without fee.
Late permission for women students
wbo attended the Faculty Concert on
Tuesday, July 7, will be no later than
11:10 p.m.
Late permiassion for women students
who attended "Knickerbocker Holiday"
on Wednesday, July 8, will be no lat-
er than 11:20 p.m.
Judiciary Cuncil
Spmposium on X-Ray Diffraction. 9:00
a.m., "Fourier Transformation and X-
Ray Diffraction by Crystals," P. P.
Ewald, Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute;
10:00 a.m., "Experimental Studies of
Crystal Structures: Fourier Develop-
ment of the Electron Density and Its
Application," William N. Lipscomb,
University of Minnesota. 1400 Chemis-
try Building.j
Conference on Aging. Rackham Lec-
ture Hall, New Designs for Continued
Earning. 9:00 a.m., "Our Challenge-
Creating New Opportunities," James
C. Worthy, Assistant Secretary, Unit-
ed States Department of Commerce,
9:30 a.m., "What New Ideas: What More
Can Be Done"-a panel,
Conference luncheon, 12:15 p.m.,
Michigan Union. "The Mature Workers
Evaluate the Conference"-a panel.
Symposium on Astrophysics. 2:00 p.m.
"Variable Stars in Population II and
the Zero Point of the Period Lumi-
nosity Relation of Cepheids," Walter
Baade, Mt. Wilson and Palomar ob-
servatories; 3:30 p.m., "The Origin of
the Solar System." Gerard P. Kuiper,
University of Chicago. 1400 Chemistry
Radiation Biology Symposium. "Haz-
ar to the Fetus and Protection Against
Ionizing Radiations," Roberts Rugh,
Columbia University. 4:15 p.m., 1300
Chemistry Building.
Dr. Martin Gumpert, Editor of "Life-
time Living," will lecture on "Making
a Life and Making a Living" at 8:00
p.m. in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
The public is invited.
AcademicIN otices
iM.A. Language Examination-today
4-5 p.m., 3615 Haven Hall. Sign list in
History Office. Can bring a dictionary.
Doctoral Examination for Walter Rich-
ard Tulecke, Botany; thesis: "Studies
in vitro on the Pollen of Ginkgo.biloba,"
today, 1139 Natural Science Bldg., at
9:00 a.m. Chairman, C. D. LaRue.
Doctoral Examination for Louis Poin-
dexter Brown, Education; thesis: "The
Status of Guidance Services in Twenty-
two Accredited Secondary Schools for
Negroes in Virginia," today, 4019 Uni-
versity High School, at 2:00 p.m.
Chairman, H. C. Koch.
Dctoral Examination for Thomas Ed-
win Talpey, Electrical Engineering;
thesis: "A Study of Induced Grid Noise,"
Saturday, July 11, 2518 East Engineer-
ing Bldg., at 8:30 a.m. Chairman, S.
S. Attwood.

Special Choral Demonstrations (Sec-
ond Series) by Marlowe Smith, East-
man School of Music, and Director of
Hig School Choirs, Rochester Public
Schools, Friday, July 10, 10:00 .m., and
3:00 p.m., and Saturday, July 11, 10:00
a in, Auditorium A, Angell Hail. Tch-
nics of Choir Directors; Reaching h'or-
al Literature. Individual conferences
with Mr. Smith may be arranged by
signing for appointments. A listing of
available hours will be posted on the
door of Room 708 Burton Tower, where
appointments will be held.
Student Recital. Alfred Boyington,
violinist, will present a recital in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Music at 4:15
Monday afternoon, July 13, in the
Rackham Assembly Hall. It will in-
clude works by Handel, Copland and
Brahms, and will be open to the pub-
lic. Mr. Boyington is a pupil of Gilbert
Faculty Concert. Lydia Courte, pian-
ist and Robert Courte, Violist of the
School of Music Faculty will be eard
at 8:30 p.m., Monday evening, July 13,
1953 at Rackham Lecture Hall. Their
program will include Martin Marais'
Four old French dances, Haydn's Di-
vertimento in D major, George Wilson's
Sonata, Homer Keller's Sonata and Mo-
zart's Divertimento in C major. It will
be open to the public without charge.
Faculty Concert. John Kollen, pian-
ist, wll1 appear in the third faculty con-
cert Wt 8:30 Tuesday evening, July 14,
in the Rackham Lecture Hall. His pro-
gram will include Mozart's Sonata in C
major, K. 330, Brahms' Sonata in F mi-
nor. Op. 5, and Beethoven's Sonata in
E- flat major. Op. 31, No, 3. The gen-
eral public will be admitted without
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall. Popular Art in America (June 30
-August 7): California Water Color So-
ciety (July 1-August 1). 9 a.m. to 5
p.m. on weekdays; 2 to 5 p.m. on Sun-
days. The public is invited.
General Library. Best sellers of the
twentieth century.
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Gill-
man Collection of Antiques of Palestine.
Museums Building, rotunda exhibit.
Steps in the preparation of ethnolo-
gical dioramas.
Michigan Historical Collections. Mi-
chigan, year-round vacation land.
Clements Library. The good, the bad,
the popular.-
Law Library. Elizabeth II and her em-
Architecture Building. Michigan Chil-
dren's Art Exhibition.
Events Today
Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office is open
from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. today. Tickets
for individual performances of the De-
partment of Speech summer play se-
ries are available: Knickerbocker Hol-
day and The Tales of Hoffman, $1.50-
$1.20-90c; The Country Girl and Pyg-
malion, $1.20-90c-60c.
Knickerbocker Holiday, the hilarious
musical comedy by Maxwell Anderson
and Kurt Weill, plays tonight in the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre at 8 p.m.
Choreography is created by M.s Es-
ther Scholz of the Detroit public schools
and guest instructor in the Women's
Physical Education Department. Or-
chestra and chorus 'are under the di-
rection of Paul Miller, Grad., Music.
The entire production is under the di-
rection of Professor. William P. Hal-
stead of the Department of Speech.
Department of Astronomy. Visitors
Night, 8:30 p.m. Dr. Hazel M. Losh will
speak on "The Milky Way." After the
illustrated lecture in 2003 Angell Hall,
the Students' Observatory on the fifth
floor will be open for telescopic obser-
vation of Saturn and a double star, if
the sky is clear, or for inspection of the
telescopes and planetarium, if the sky
is cloudy. Children are welcomed, but
must be accompanied by adults.
Hillel Foundation this evening. Serv-
ices at 7:45 p.m. Saturday Morning
Services at 9 a.m. Everyone welcome.
Lane Hall Punch Hour, 4:45 to 6:00
p.m. Everyone welcome. Lane Hall Tour.
A small group will visit the Art In-
stitute, Detroit Museum, and other-
places of interested in Detroit Satur-
day. Call extension 2851 for details and
The ythird Fresh Air Camp Clinic will
be held today. Dr. Ralph Rabinovitch
will be the psychiatrist. Students with
a professional interest are welcome to
attend. - Main Lodge, University of
Michigan Fresh Air Camp, Patterson
Lake, Eight o'clock.
The graduate women at Alice Lloyd
Hall invite graduate men students to

an open house at the Hall this eve-
ning from 8 to 12 o'clock p.m. There
will be dancing, games, and refresh-
SL Cinema Guild Summer Program.
Jeanne Craine - Linda Darnell - Kirk
Douglas-Paul Douglas in "A Letter to
(Continued on page 4)
SixtyThird Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harland Britz.......Managing Editor
Dick Lewis. ..........,Sports Editor
Becky Conrad.............Night Editor
Gayle Greene...,.... NigtEdio


ru ; REiNT M oVIE

Architecture Auditorium
da Darnell, Ann Southern, Paul Doug-
las, Kirk Douglas
A letter to Three Wives is a comic attempt
to make an intriguing guessing game about
someone running off with someone else's
husband. The female smeone is never
known, but she acts as a catalytic agent be-
hind the scenes to provoke some fun and
some moral reforming. The wives, it seems,
have not been good enough to their hus-
The film is full of heartstirring speeches,
and people finding their way out of spots.
The acting is fairly good, especially on the
parts of Paul Douglas, who represents a
maligned magnate, and Thelma Ritter, as
Sadie the independent maid. The visual
pleasures of the film are, I think, enough to
compensate for the poor soundtrack. The
costumes and settings besides being very
good, are also significant in the sense that
the characters are depicted as transcending
their costumes and settings. If the film is
weak, it is mainly in its not going far enough,
or not concentrating enough on one point,
or not being consistently and thoroughly
The three Vales of which it is made
are long enough to evoke many moral re-
flections, and to provide fairly effective
satire against soap-opera, against adver-
tising, and what it does to people, against
the loss of fidelity to the ideal in marriage.
Marriage gets tangled, it is asserted, when
the monetary values become predominant,
and when people prefer the "illusory per-
fect" to the rough and square contentment
with what they have. The plot involves
all the characters and couples being
brought together, desipte their incompati-
bilities, in an affirmation of what is "com-
monly human." The different classes min-
gle, all are held up for their weaknesses
and pretenses, as well as their strengths;
all are somehow justified.

At the Michigan ...
NEVER LET ME GO with Gene Tierney,
Clark Gable
IN A FEEBLE attempt to display anti-
Soviet propaganda, Hollywood has turned
put an adventure film with too little adven-
ture and too much talk.
The plot centers around the adventures
of a chesty American newspaperman in
Moscow who marries a Russian ballerina
and then finds that he is unable to take her
with him when he leaves Russia as a persona
non grata. In a wild scheme to rescue his
wife by sailboat, the correspondent manages
to sm'uggle his wife out and reach the in-
evitable happy ending.
As the rough, tough foreign correspond-
ent, Clark Gable manages to display his
aging muscles frequently enough to prove
that he is the old Gable. However, there
are tremendous inconsistencies in the dia-
logue that he is forced to voice. In one
scene he is grinding out such well-worn
cliches as "let's go sweetheart," or "baby,
its me." In the next he is haranguing the
Russian secret police on their philosophi-
cal shortcomings. Outside of these red
herrings, Gable manages to give a credit-
able performance.
Gefie Tierney as the Russian wife is ade-
quate, but impeded a bit by a psuedo-Rus-
sian accent that makes one wonder at times
if she 'sn't mouthing a little gravel.
In several scenes, notably a fine balletj
sequence and a dramatic automobile chase,
Hollywood demonstrates the technical ex-
cellance for which it is well known. The
camera is well employed through a balance
of good angle shots, storm scenes, and ro-
mantic closeups.
On the whole, the picture suffers from
the lack of a coherent plot and natural
dialogue, thus letting an otherwise good
adventure film deteriorate into a mere
vehicle for anti-Russian propaganda and
the display of Gable's physique.

the second regarding periodicals. These were what caused State De-
partment officials abroad to start dumping books wholesale, even
burning some. . . . Since then a half-dozen directives have been
written by other State Department officials trying to rectify the
original panic. . . . Johnson thought all this made us look ridiculous
abroard.... Reports that Johnson had cuddled up to Senator McCarthy
were exaggerated. They got started because he invited senators to
meet with him on Monday nights, and on one occasion another
Senator invited McCarthy to come along. . . . Cohn and Schine fre-
quently came down to the State Department to get in Johnson's hair,


Make-up Examinations in History -
Saturday, July 11, 9:00;,12:00 a.m., 2407
Mason Hall. See your instructor for
permission and then sign list in His-
tory Office.
r e


but he did no snugglingG. TO THE EDITOR
CLENDENIN RYAN, amateur detective and playboy grandson of
Thomas Fortune Ryan who once owned the streetcar lines of New Foreign Student Deaths
York and Chicago, has been giving gay dinner parties in Washington
and talking about his campaign to become governor of New Jersey. To the Editor:
Among other things he threw an ornate wedding anniversary party RUSI SIGANPORIA - the boy
for TV producer Martha Rountree who has featured him on "Meet the I who was drowned on Sunday,
Press," and even donated a new fence to Martha to keep the hoi pol- June 28, and buried only on Fri-
loi out of her backyard. Ryan talks grandiloquently about using wire- day, July 3 is just one more of the
tappers against his political opponents and once had a bevy of list of foreign students who came
wire-tappers working on Mayor O'Dwyer of New York. to Ann Arbor to keep their- ap-
While nobody in Washington takes Ryan's political ambitions pointment with "Death." In al-
too seriously, it just so happens that he may end up as the next most all these cases-at least in the,
governor of New Jersey-thanks to the wrath of New Jerseyites case of two of my personal friends
over the way gamblers and gangsterism have thrown their weight who died here in accidents-the
around during the GOP Driscoll administration. bodies had to be preserved until
With testimony that the late Willie Moretti had contributed the parents concerned living across
the oceans were informed and they
$118,000 to the Driscoll administration-though Governor Driscoll then gave instructions to the au-
says he knew nothing about it; and with Harold Adonis, the gover- thorities here as to what was to be
nor's assistant, who received part of the money, now hiding out in done with the body-whether to
Holland, a lot of new Jersey voters are anxious to vote anything but be buried, cremated or flown back
Republican next November. to them.
-N.J. RACKETEER BOSS- In the recent case it took five
TLOWEVER, they are not particularly anxious to vote Democratic days to receive the parents' in-
due to the fact that the Democratic nominee, Robert B. Meyner has stuctions. Another case I referred
to above-Eric Castelino, another
the backing of Democratic John V. Kenny, who as Mayor of Jersey Indian boy-it took about the same
City made the notorious deal withe the Republicans by which Gov- Ime .Itit jtoauesoo
ernor Driscoll and the unpopular crowd around him were put in. time. It is not just a question of i
Ipreserving the body until word was I
Behind this neat political deal by which Kenny Democrats received from the parents. There
scratched the backs of Driscoll Republicans was the man who has are other matters like who will pay
pretty much dominated New Jersey politics of late, Abner "Longie" the expenses for funeral or for the
Zwillman, famed racket boss of the rum-running era and the man -body to be flown back, what about
who refused to answer 41 questions asked by the Kefauver crime his bank balance (or his debts!).
committee. his other belongings, etc.? To deal

It was gangster Zwillman, according to testimony before the wPtsuen one.-...er..eaNihtDuit-
ith sch ons-aftr-Editoru
Kefauver committee, who offered $300,000 of campaign funds to ness would not be half as head-' Fran Sheldon............Night Editor
Congressman Elmer Wene, Democratic candidate for governor in ache-some if only the concerned
1949, provided Wene would let Longie pick his Attorney General' authorities had a written s e Busness Staff
refsed Itwasaftr tat, ment from the student and if he BbMle.....Bsns aae
Wene, a south Jersey chiken raiser, refused. It was after that, was a minor, from his parents o i rom .Circulatin Manager
that Zwillman made his deal in Jersey City and Wene was de- guardians as to what is to be done Dick Nyberg.........Finance Manager
feated. with the body in case he is to die Jessica Tanner... Advertising Associate
This spring Wene was up for governor again, but again boss here and also regarding other mat- Bob Kovacs.....Advertising Associate




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