See Page 2
Latest Deadline in the State
D3a iI4
VO. L XIII. No. 14-5
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* *
Sec. Talbott
Sticks to KF
Families Ignored
Says Union Head
Air Force Secretary Harold E.
Talbott upheld his decision to can-
cel aircraft production contracts
with Kaiser Motors Corp. at a
meeting with Kaiser union and
management officials and State
congressmen in Washington yes-
Talbott went on to say that
there is little hope that the con-
tracts will be reinstated and that
he does not know if the Air Force
will go ahead with plans to build
the C-123 assault transport for
which Kaiser had contracted.
* * *
EXPLAINING that the cancel-
lation of contracts was the result
of "careful and thorough studies"
f of plant operations, Talbott forced
United Auto Workers officials to
admit that C-119 planes,could be
manufactured cheaper elsewhere.
Talbott pointed out that Fair-
child has built its C-119 cargo
plane at a unit cost of $260,000. He
said the original unit- cost in 1950,
under Kaiser-Fraser production of
the C-119 was to have been $839,-
955, but that Kaiser's C-119's now
cost the Air Force $1,248,586 each.
IN A PREPARED statement at
the Pentagon meeting, Talbott
said that:
1) Kaiser Motors was a year
behind schedule on C-123 pro-
2) The Air Force has not
reached a final decision on the
manufacture of the C-123.
3)If the C-123 is built, "it will
not be manufactured at the
Willow Run plant."
Emil Mazey, acting head of the
UAW (CIO), presented the pleas
of Willow Run workers who have
been unemployed since the an-
nouncement was made two weeks
ago that contracts were being can-
celled because of high production
costs .and general plant ineffi-
Mazey accused Talbott of ex-
hibiting disregard for the men and
women of 18,000 families involved
in the Kaiser cancellation.
ense Cut
Hits Detroit
War Industry
The Detroit Ordinance Tank
' Automotive Center, the chief ve-
hicle purchasing agent for the
Army, yesterday announced a half
billion dollar cutback in its 1954
defense contract spending for
trucks and tanks.
According to the Associated
Press, the cutbacks are scheduled
to take effect next January on
contracts for production of 2%
ton and five ton trucks, and in
March on medium tanks, the M47
and M48, now produced by the
Chrysler Corp., and the Ford Motor
BRIG. GEN. Carroll H. Diet-
rick, commanding officer of the
center, said the drastic cutbacks
were ordered by the Defense De-
partment in Washington. He said
a reduction in the Defense De-
partment budget and the desire
to place all contracts for the pro-
duction of a vehicle type with one
manufacturer were responsible for
the cutbacks.
Deitrick said the cutbacks
would reduce the center's de-
fense spending for 22 and five
ton trucks by 50 per cent.
Detroit labor and industrial ex-
perts predict that the defense cut
will not result in serious unemploy-
ment in this area, however.
Analysts are confident that
many workers employed in t
* * * A
McCarthy Aide Resigns
A fter Ike's Censure
WASHINGTON-(W)-J. B. Matthews, Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy's
newly chosen right-hand man, resigned yesterday shortly after Presi-
dent Eisenhower accused Matthews of violating "principles of freedom
and decency" in attacking Protestant clergymen.
The President joined a prominent group of churchmen in de-
ploring Matthews' statemens that .thousands of Protestant ministers
are Reds, fellow travellers or dupes of thae Communists.
* * * * ,
McCARTHY THEN announced that he had "reluctantly" accepted
Matthews' resignation from his $11,600 a year job as staff director
of the Senate investigations sub-
'U' Anti-Trust
Expert Named
To U.S. Group
As a step to possible revision of
existing federal -anti-trust legis-
lation, it was announced yester-
day that Prof. S. Chesterfield Op-
penheim of the law school had
been appointed co-chairman of a
special committee to study the
Dean E: Blythe Stason of the
law school termed the appoint-
ment by U. S. Attorney-General
Herbert Brownell, "recognition of
the importance Prof. Oppenheim
has gained through teaching and
writings in the field of anti-trust
regulation over the past 20 years."
Working on the committee as
co-chairman with Prof. Oppen-
heim will be Judge Stanley N.
Barnes, the present head of the
Anti-Trust Division of the Jus-
tice Department. The rest of the
committee will consist of lead-
ing authorities in the fields of
law; economics, government and
A special staff from Washington
will be attached to Prof. Oppen-
heim here at the law school from
where they will conduct their in-
Before coming here to teach in
the fall of 1952 Prof. Oppenheim
served on the faculty of George
Washington University Law School
where he worked with the Federal
Trade Commission. He currently
teaches courses in unfair trade
practices and trade regulation.
Recently he was chairman of an
Institute on Federal Anti-trust
Laws held at the University in
McCarthy's action canze as a
surprise, since his subcommittee
was to meet this morning to
thrash out the Matthews case.
Eisenhower said Matthews' at-
tack on the ministers, published
in the July issue of American Mer-
cury magazine, dealt "damage to
our nation."
The President spoke out warm-
ly and at some length in replying
to a telegram from the three na-
tional co-chairmen of the Com-
mission on Religious Organiza-
tions of the National Conference
of Christians and Jews.
"THE SWEEPING attack on the
loyalty of Protestant clergymen
and the charge that they are the
largest single group supporting
the Communist apparaus is un-
justifiable and deplorable," relig-
ious leaders said.
Eisenhower opened his reply
with this statement:
"I want you to know at once
that I fully share the convictions
you state."
The exchange of telegrams was
made public by the White House.
IN HIS magazine article, Mat-
thews stated that while the vast
majority of Protestant clergymen
were perfectly loyal, 7,000 Protest-
ant ministers have been enlisted
by the Communist party in the
last 17 years as members, fellow
travelers or dupes.
.Late Scores
Cleveland 9, St. Louis 1
Philadelphia 6, Brooklyn 5
- Mt. Spurr, an active volcano
78 miles west of Anchorage, was
erupting violently yesterday
hurling solid particles large
enough to damage aircraft to
an altitude of 20,000 feet, the
Air Force reported.
The Air Force notified com-
mercial airlines of the eruption.
Mt. Spurr, which lies direct-
ly west of Anchorage across
Cook Inlet, is 11,050 feet high.
Reds, Allies
Meet Today
over Truce
By The Associated Press
Allied and Communist truce
delegates are meeting in Panmun-
jom today to work out final agree-
ment on an armistice in the three-
year Korean War despite South
Korea's opposition.
Convening after a 20-day break,
the negotiators are expected to
start ironing out details for super-
vision of a truce, and possibly soon
choose a date for signing cere-
PRESIDENT Syngman Rhee, re-
ported to have been handed a se-
cret letter by Gen. Mark Clark, ap-.
parently continued holding his line
against United Nations ceasefire
The Republic of Korea
president says a truce without
Korea's unification would mean
death to South Korea, unless the
United States provides certain
A highly-placed ROK source
told newsmen that talks between
Rhee and America's special envoy
Walter S. Robertson "remain
stalemated." Rhee and Robertson
have been secretly conferring 15
"President Rhee still is insisting
that South Korea must have con-
crete assurances from America
that Korea will be unified, peace-
fully or otherwise," the ROK
source reported.
* * *
HE SAID Rhee was holding out
against an armistice despite Amer-
ican offers of a military security
pact, "substantial" economic aid
and four more ROK divisions to
supplement the present army of
16 divisions.
In the meantime, blazing artil-
lery duels carried into the fourth
day the battles for two Allied-held
bills in Western Korea 40 to 45
miles north of Seoul.
Ike Appoints
'U' Alumnus
Prof. John A. Perkins, formerly
assistant provost at the University
and current president of the Uni-
versity of Delaware has been nom-
inated by President Eisenhower to
be the United States representa-
tive at the General Conference of
the United Nations Education,
Scientific and Cultural Organiza-
Formerly a professor in the Uni-
versity political science depart-
ment, Prof. Perkins received his
doctorate here in 1941.
He was made budget director for
the State of Michigan in 1946 and
in 1948 was appointed controller
in the Michigan Department of
'U' Experts
Call Purge
Present in Party
The purge of Beria is primarily
a. "power struggle" that has erupt-
ed sooner than expected, accord-
ing to local political experts.
Pointing out that the removal
by the Soviet of the head of the
Russian secret police has followed
a traditional path, "denunciation
followed by a trial for something
done against the authorities,"Prof.
Fred W. Neal of the political sci-
ence department said that this
new move illustrates several sig-
nificant factors.
* *' *
IT HAS PROVEN 1) that "Stal-
in dictartorship was not as in-
stitutionalized as has been com-
monly assumed, 2) that there did
exist, and perhaps still exists,
within the Politbureau some kind
of group that is not in accord with
Stalin's policies, and 3) that there
has been a very definite struggle
for personal power."
Prof. Neal emphasized this
struggle and pointed out that
"Beria had been Stalin's man
from the beginning, claiming
that he had been hand picked
after the purge of 1938 to head
the NKVD."
For this reason, he felt it quite
likely Beria had conceived of him-
self as a "mentor of the word,"
and that the word was quite close-
ly tied to some of Stalin's adminis-
trative policies.
Prof. Neal warned, however, that
to consider the entire area of dis-
agreement, one of ideology would
be dangerous, agreeing that if this
were so, the whole move would be
away from Stalin and his con-
cepts of international Communism.
He said that it would be more
accurate to call the event "a
power struggle with ideological
According to Prof. Neal, the
viewpoint that the struggle is
"tactical with theoretical justifi-
cation used only where convenient
might prove more accurate."
He said that Malenkov, "who
has succeeded to the titles of Stal-
in, also wants his prestige." He
See SOVIET, Page 4
NY To Join
Power Project
er Commission has unanimously
approved New York's application
to join with Canada in construc-
tion of the St. Lawrence river
power project, it was learned last
The power project in the Inter-
national Rapids section of the
river is held to be a necessary pre-
liminary to the proposed St. Law-
rence seaway.
A wholly reliable source told
a reporter that the commission
acted yesterday on the applica-
tion which has been before the
FPC since 1948. Official an-
nouncement of the action is ex-
pected possibly by today.
Under the proposal, New York's
power authority would join with
the Ontario hydroelectric com-
mission in constructing the esti-
mated 600 million dollar project.
Completion of the power pro-
ject would give Canada an op-
portunity to build the long-pro-
posed St. Lawrence Seaway by
itself on its own side of the river
if this country persists in re-
fusal to participate in the 27-
foot-deep waterway.
The Public Power and Water
Corp. of Trenton, N. J., antici-
pating a commission award of the
license to New York state, has
petitioned the U. S. Circuit Court
of Appeals for an order preventing
the commission from granting the
. . . still rules
E. Germany
Ho Rise
BERLIN - P) -- East Berlin's
sullen workers continued their
loafers' strike yesterday as West
Berlin Mayor Ernst Reuter de-
clared the grassroots rebellion
eventually would liberate all East
Germany from the Reds.
The sit-down and slow-down
tactics by thousands of workers
Wednesday forced the Russians to
lift their armed barricades along
the city's East-West border and
Western newsmen got their first
peek into the Eastern sector since
Russian tanks broke the June 17
reo. . 4 *
THE LIFTING of the restric-
tions on intersector travel at mid-
night permitted train, subway and
automobile traffic to return to
At the Stalin Allee housing
project, where the uprising
started, as many workers were
loafing as were hammering and
NEW YORK-Sen. Taft (R-Ol
isfactorily yesterday at the hospit
formed to check on his hip ailmer
floor yesterday that the hush-hush
blocking him from an investigation
tributed $400 to the Alger Hiss defe
McCarthy named Allen Dulles,
tary of State John Foster Dulles,
an inquiry by his Senate investigat
.1* *
Alvin C. Graves, director of
scientific tests for the Atomic
Energy Commission, last night
estimated the number of atomic
bombs held by Russia at 200 to
* *
MIDLAN-The Dow Chemical
of America local 12075 bargaining
. . . darkness at noon
* * *
Molotov Remains
n PowerFight
Secret Police Leader Replaced
By Virtually Unknown S. N. Kruglov
LONDON - () - Lavrenti P. Beria, head of the Soviet blood
purge police under Stalin, has been fired as deputy premier in Moscow,
booted out of the Communist party, and branded a traitor to the So-
viet Union.
That left Premier Georgi M. Malenkov and Foreign Minister V.
M. Molotov in the grim struggle yesterday for power over the Soviet
Union, its satellites and its captive countries.
* * *
THE THREE were a post-Stalin triumvirate until now, although
Beria had been reported heading for a purge himself.
Malenkov in person formally laid the treason chargesagainst
Berta before the Soviets.
Beria's downfall may have been quickened by the failure-of
his' security forces to avert uprisings in East Germany, the satellites,
and the Soviet Union itself.
THE SOVIET government announced on Moscow Radio last
night that his job as home minister-in charge of the Secret Police--
would be taken by the little-known Sergei Nikiforovich Kruglov.
The purge of Berta indicated that Premier George Malenkov
now may be firmly In the saddle and had disposed of his chief
rival for the job.
Beria apparently was made the scapegoat for the waves of re-
bellion which has been sweeping the satellites.
HE ALSO was in charge of Russia's atomic energy program, but
there was no indication whether shortcomings in that department
may have contributed to his downfall.
Moscow dispatches said the news of Beria's dramatic dis-
missal was greeted with wild rejoicing at a Communist party
meeting in the Kremlin's Hall of Columns.
It broke on the world first through broadcasts and later by dis-
patches quoting the Moscow press.
* * * *
THE FORMAL public action in Moscow was taken last night
at a meeting of some 2,W0O Communist dignitaries who denounced
the mild-appearing, bespectacled Beria as an "international imperial
ist agent" and an "enemy of the Communist party and Soviet people."
The Soviet government charged him with trying "to under-
mine the Soviet state in the interest of foreign capital."
The' spectacular finale to the long-rumored showdown between
Beria and Malenkov took the Western world by surprise. No one had
expected it so soon.
The reason for cutting down Beria so quickly apparently is found
in the satellite revolts, for which he probably will be given all the
PRAVDA said his recent activities had led the increasing success
of international imperialist plots against the Soviet Union; it had pre-
viously given these revolts as an example.
Beria's fall was foreshadowed by an editorial in the govern-
ment newspaper Izvestia Monday which declared an unnamed
official was headed for the scrap-heap. Yesterday's news apparent-
ly showed who was meant.
The Communist party voted to expel him at a meeting of the
Central Committee for the same reasons, adding that he had also
tried to place the interests of his ministry above those of the Soviet
government itself.
JUST HOW ALL THIS was done without Secret Police Chief
Beria finding out about it and taking counter-measures was not
For many years Beria has been the most dreaded man in
._ ._T:-.«i***.#r ha ben in
Russia and its satellites. His entire partry c
the Secret Police dating back to early post-revolution days, He
has extended his empire to include bossing the Soviet espionage
network overseas and the control apparatus in the satellites.
The fall of Beria is expected to have elecrtifying consequences
both in Russia and the satellites.
Beria's fall came while top Russiaps officials from riotous East
" Germany were in Moscow to report
and while Russia's top diplomats
from Western capitals also were
d- home in Moscow.
AMONG those present in Mos-
cow is Andrei Y. Vishinsky, now
hio) was reported progressing sat- chief Soviet delegate to the UN,
tal where an operation was per- but who won his fame fas both-
nt. prosecutor and judge, at the famous;
n4. Russian purge trials of the late
ty (R-Wis.) charged on the Senate.1930s.
h Central Intelligence Agency was Whether he will resume that role
of a key CIA official he said con- in the spectacular trial of Beria as
nse fund. an imperialist agent was a subject
CIA chief and a brother of Secre- for speculation in the West yes-
as the prime obstacle holding uptedy
;ions subcommittee. Beria's successor, Kruglov, was
* * . virtually unknown to the West al-
WASHINGTON - The Army though he was in charge of secur-
yesterday issued a draft call for ity at the Potsdam conference in
1945 when Stalin met with Presi-
23,000 men in September. dent Truman and Prime Minister
The quota is the same as the Atlee. In that capacity he was
ones Oreviously announced for awarded the U.S. Legion of Merit
July and August. by U.S. Maj. Gen. Floyd Parks in
, * , one of the last gestures of East-
Co. and the United Mine.-Workers West amity before the cold war
committees will sign a new 33- set in.
Conference Discusses Retirement
Receiving the first social secur-
ity check does not automatically
reduce a man to rocking chair
status, but this assumption is all
too prevelant among his younger
tax paying friends.
This point was stressed over and
over again in yesterday's session
of the Sixth Annual Conference
all day looking at handicraft
exhibitions and displays set up
by government and University
If you want to start a small
farm or operate a local retail or
manufacturing concern, be care-
ful that you are well suited for
the field you have chosen, older
their doctrine of work as an end
in itself.
Dr. Martin Gumpert, editor of
Lifetime Living Magazine told con-
ference-goers provided "mankind
is spared from the humiliation of
self destruction," the aged person
of the future will live in an age
free from want, as a healthy ac-