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July 04, 1953 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1953-07-04

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The Kaiser Motors A ffair

ONLY 13 MILES away from Ann Arbor,
in tiny Willow Run Village, with its
rows of trailer houses, and a federal hous-
ing project set up for bomber plant em-
ployes during the War, the 5,600 inhabi-
tants are faced with a multitude of prob-
lems, getting more complicated every day.
Most serious is, of course, the mass un-
employment caused by the Air Force con-
tract cancellations. At the present time some
8,000 automotive and aircraft workers are
unemployed, while 4,000 by fortune of sen-
iority rights, are still keeping the assembly
line in action. The future is indefinite;
some plant officials have been encouraging
the men to "sit tight" and wait to be called
back to work possibly in the next ten days.
Others, with their families, are packing up
belongings and returning to the south from
whence they came during the War. Some,
who are experienced in a specific field have
already been absorbed into industry else-
where in the state.
To add to the labor problem which may
have even more serious economic consequen-
ces if not solved in the very near future, the
jobless Villagers have a possible rent in-
crease to add to their worries. According to
housing officials in Chicago, federal housing
units in midwestern states may face a 10%
wage increase, and the Norwayne unit at
Willow Run Village would then be included.
Fortunately, the rent hike has been post-
poned until Nov. 1, it was announced yes-
According to Air Force officials, the con-
tracts were cancelled because of the high
cost of plane production at the Kaiser plant
compared with production of the same plane
by Fairchild. But there are several ex-
planations given by Henry J. Kaiser, plant
officials and union members from the Kai-
ser plant for the high KM production costs.

are paid for doing nothing. They are re-
ceiving wages and not adding to the pro-
ductive capacity of the plant. The result
is an added cost to the finished product
from Kaiser Motors Coporation without
added production results.
Another reason given by the Air Force
unofficially as to the why of contract can-
cellations was reported Thursday; as a
lagging labor force,' disinterested unions,
etc. at the Kaiser plant. An interview of
plant employes does indicate that some dis.
crimination against experienced workers in
favor of seniority rights has occurred, but
most workers believe that the union Local
142 is working in the best interest of labor-
ers, does give them bargaining strength and
necessary representation to industry. Ex-
cept for a small group of higher-ups in the
Local, who because they are paid by the
National CIO, do not always consider the
best interests of the local men, Willow Run
people have remarked that Air Force allu-
sions to the 'lagging labor force' are exag-
gerations. However, the do-nothing super-
visor-situation does merit closer examina-
tion by unions and plant officials.
As a result of the series of problems
that have exploded in the faces of 12,000
Kaiser Motors Corporation employes, their
representatives and plant officials in the
past two weeks, one wonders why the
problem arose, why the sudden tragedy in
our midst. Perhaps high production costs
is a reason, but the possibility that the
Air Force is making charges against la-
bor to avoid investigation of its motives
should not be discarded.
A feeling that Henry Kaiser is at all times
working in a democratic way for his thous-
ands of employes can be found elsewhere.
Dark glances toward the big business ele-
ments ruling Eisenhower's cabinet are a
result of the feeling by many of our Wil-
low Village neighbors that Charles E. Wil-
son and his cabinet colleagues are battling
for more control for their respective indus-
trial interests, and in the jealous scurry,
labor and democratically operating manu-
facturers are victims of a serious labor-
management-economic. problem.
Next week's meeting between labor re-
presentatives, Kaiser plant officials and Air
Force officials may prove to be crucial not
only for the laborers involved, but for all of
Washtenaw and Wayne counties' economic
--Pat Roelofs

FANTASY has taken over the local theater
scene with "The Madwoman of Chaillot"
at Lydia Mendelssohn and now John Van
Druten's "Bell, Book and Candle" being
produced by the area's new acting troupe,
the Saline Mill Theater.
The Saline group, judging from its
schedule, is not theater in either an ex-
perimental or in a vital sense. Rather it
is summer stock theater aimed solely at
entertainment. Besides the present pro-
duction, they have booked Shaw's "Arms
and the Man," Patrick Hamilton's "Angel
Street," and Wilde's "The Importance of
Being Earnest."
Bell, Book and Candle is a good start,
but it could be a much better one wih some
added emphasis on the comic element of
the play. The actors are dealing with a not
too well written vehicle, the plot being over-
ly dependent on the magical powers of the
witches and the war locks (male version of
a witch) to increase the complications and
effect the entrances. The main asset of the
play is the juxtaposition of rationality with
superstition and magic-the question of
how much of the human action depends on
coincidence and love, how much on potents
and spells. The over-seriousness of the
main witch and the main warlock tend to
detract from this juxtaposition, to insist too
much that there is "Witchcraft Among Us,"
(i.e. New York City) and to remove the air
of incredulity essential to so much of the
The actors were for the most part
quite up to the play with Gene and Flor-
ence Rupert and Ed Bordo turning in
the best performances. One of the worst
possible cases of opening night jitters,
however, tended to detract from what
should be a consistently steady produc-
tion from this point on.
Physically, the Saline Mill Theater has
an excellent plant. Situated in what must
be the fanciest ex-soy bean mill in the
country, they are employing the popular
and effective theater-in-the-round. The
theater is located on Route 112 in Saline,
only eight miles from Ann Arbor. The cur-
rent production will last through July 19th.
-Leonard Greenbaum

"What Time Does It Begin?"

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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceeding publication (be-
fore 11 a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. LXIII, No. 9s


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1) According to Henry,
pays higher wages than
plant pays its laborers.

J. Kaiser, KM
the Fairchild

2) According to Willow Run plant em-
ployes, equipment and parts shipped from
Fairchild to the Kaiser plant for plane
production are dented, scratched and
many of them virtually unusable, and
new parts must then be ordered and im-
ported from Fairchild at Kaiser's expense.
3) According to employes, men are paid
to supervise plant operations, but there
are more supervisors than needed, and
these men are not kept busy; rather, they

The High School-College Gap

(First in a series)
AMERICA'S EDUCATION system is uni-
que. Charles Judd and John Dale Rus-
sel have pointed out that our kindergarten
was first developed in Germany, the ele-
mentary school followed a Prussian model,
the high school is an American product, the
college originated in England and the grad-
uate school was imported from Germany.
Any system built from such a varied base
is bound to suffer from deficiencies, result-
ing from non-coordination of the various
parts. Such a defect, I feel, is especially
noticeable in the last two years of High
School and the first two years of college.
A second increasingly noticeable' failing
of the American educational system is the
lack of sufficient flexibility to accommo-
At the Michigan.. .
Williams, Jack Carson, and Fernando
ESTHER WILLIAMS, starring in "Dan-
gerous When Wet," swims gayly through
'the time proven but somewhat watery plot
of boy meets girl, boy falls in love with girl,
and finally, with a few songs, laughs, and
minor crises, boy marries girl.
Esther, an Arkansas farm girl who is, of
course, an excellent swimmer, is recruited
by sales promoter, Jack Carson, to swim the
English Channel to provide publicity for a
healthgiving lightning elixir. Carson's en-
tertaining but stumbling efforts to win Es-
ther's love are no match for the musically
inclined South American parisienne, Fer-
nando Lamas.
Though somewhat distracted by her mil-
lionaire lover, Esther eventually wins the
race across the channel. The happy ending
results, of course, in the inevitable marriage
of Esther and Fernando.
Adding unexpected imaginative fantasy to
this virtually formula Hollywood musical,
Esther swims in a dreamworld under water
ballet with an animated cat, a mouse, four
sea horses, and a blue octopus.
If you're still not enchanted, relax in the
air-conditioned theater and enjoy the tech-
nicolor and Esther Williams' bathing suits.
If you would rather watch Miss Williams
swim in the English channel, than go swim-
ming yourself in one of Michigain's less dis-
tinctive, but nevertheless adequate lakes,
spend your money and see another one of

date the wide differences of ability, interest
and maturity that prevail among students
of the same age. This, too, is easily seen in
the 11th to 14th grades. The Jacksonian
ideal of education has been extended so far
as to obliterate the Jeffersonian concept of
the -right of every able student to the best
education from which he is capable of
It is unfortunate that a student marches
lockstep through high school with little
attention paid to any of his special tal-
ents. And when he reaches college, he
finds that he spends much of his first
two years repeating what he has already
learned in High School. This is especially
true in the sciences where the student in
college takes the same science he had tak-
en in High School. And yet the Fund for
the Advancement of Education reports
that in such classes, the grades of the
"repeaters" are not significantly higher
than students that had not taken the
course in High School!
What can be done about such problems?
Can such waste be avoided? Could a stu-
dent's education be accelerated? Why must
the under-prepared student use valuable
time in college remedying deficiencies in
high school preparation, while the overpre-
pared students wastes college time duplicat-
ing educational experiences he has already
had? Is there a "right age" for entering
ThegFund for the Advancement of Edu-
cation, a part of the Ford Folndation, of-
fers three approaches to a solution of the
above questions.
"First, we need to view the educational
process as a whole and to clarify and arrive
at broader agreement on the functions of
each of its institutional parts so they are
clearly and logically related. Second, we
need to re-examine critically the existing
curricular and other arrangements and
wherever necessary alter them to insure a
more effective articulation between succes-
sive educational stages. Finally, we need
'to find economical and effective ways to
incorporate greater flexibility in our edu-
cational system to accommodate the widely
differing needs and capabilities of indivi-
dual students and to promote rather than
discourage their interest in learning."
This committee is now attacking the
problem along four main lines.
1. Three preparatory schools, Andover, Ex-
eter and Lawrenceville and three univer-
sities, Harvard, Princeton and Yale are
inquiring into a study of the programs of
these three prep schools and the various
colleges of the three universities trying to
compare the teaching of various fields in
all schoolsand also tracing the educational
paths of the graduates of these prep

WASHINGTON-A fortnight before the
announcement of Stalin's illness a cur-
ious announcement appeared in "Pravda."
A certain Maj. Gen. Kosynkin was stated to
have met with "an untimely death." Kosyn-
kin had never been heard of before, but his
death notice revealed that he had held a key
post-Commander of the Kremlin guard.
From these .facts, a deduction was drawn,
which is now accepted as logical by a very
large number-perhaps a majority-of the
ablest students of the Soviet enigma. If this
deduction is correct, Kosynkin died in the
performance of his highest duty, to protect
the person of Stalin.
Lavrenti Beria, Chief of the Secret Po-
lice, and those who were allied with him,
both had the means and was thought to
have the motives to arrange such an epi-
sode. Then, within a few days after,the
death of Stalin, the old man's chosen heir,
Premier Georgi Malenkov, began to lose
Starting with the exposure of the doctors'
plot, projects sponsored by Malenkov and
personalities close to him were dramatically
attacked or actually liquidated. The reor-
ganization of the Communist Party Secre-
tariat, the purges in the governments of
Georgia, the Ukraine and Latvia, and cer-
tain shifts in the official party line, were
all obvious blows to Malenkov's position.
Malenkov's name all but vanished from
the Soviet press, Malenkov's power seemed
to decline, the policies and supporters of
Lavrenti Beria appeared to carry all before
At this juncture, what pass for the so-
cial columns of the Moscow press supplied
a sharp corrective. An announcement ap-
peared that the whole leadership of the
Soviet state had honored last Saturday
evening's performance of the opera, "De-
kembristy," at the Bolshoi Theater. Malen-
kov's name headed the list, but the name
of Beria alone was not included. And this
absence of Beria from the theater party
on Saturday has now started speculation
on a new line, that Beria is in trouble
rather than Malenkov.
This feverish summary is by no means in-
tended to reflect upon those who seek to un-
riddle the Soviet enigma. On the contrary,
it is altogether probable that Stalin was
murdered. It is quite certain that the other
Soviet leaders have been hard at work cut-
ting Malenkov down to size. And it is even
possible that the non-appearance of Beria
at the Saturday opera has a significance not
visible on the surface.
What this summary is intended to indi-
ce. is the extreme fluidity and dohtful-

P HILADELPHIA-The mayor of Philadelphia has invited me to
broadcast from the east room of Independence Hall tomorrow,;
from the table at which was signed the Declaration of Independence.
For 177 years free men throughout the world have been marchingf
into battle to champion the ideas scratched on a piece of parchmentE
in that room, and some people today are asking whether we haveF
lived up to them or retrograded.E
When Thomas Jefferson rented a room in the home of a Germanc
bricklayer just across the street from Independence Hall and for 18i
days wOrked on drafting the Declaration, democracy was considereda
as deplorable as slavery and a lot more dangerous. Men at that time
were by no means equal, and the right to vote was held only by the
roperty-owning few.
The signers of the Declaration therefore were considered ra-
dicals and sometimes received angry glances as they walked ther
streets of Philadelphia. Furthermore there was no rejoicing whene
the Declaration was signed. No mob stormed the doors of Inde-
pendence Hall clamoring for a decision. The Liberty Bell did not
ring out until July 8-four days later-all because this great
Declaration was an awesome, difficult step totake and every man
as he stood up to sign, knew that he. would be hanged by his neck
until dead if the British ever caught him.
Yet, despite uncertainty and opposition and the fact that ther
equality of men was then unheard of, the 56 founding fathers did signt
that great human document, the most far-reaching since the dayst
of Christ,
*# * * *1
NOW LET US SEE how we have lived up to it. Would we sign it
again if the occasion arose today?
Two years ago the Madison Capital Times of Wisconsin and the
New Orleans Item circulated petitions among 4th of July crowds ask-
ing people to sign the same resolutions contained in the Declaration
of Independence and the Bill of Rights. Out of 112 people approached
in Wisconsin, 111 refused to sign, refused to reaffirm their faith in
the same principles contained in the two great documents that gave
Americans their freedom.
In New Orleans, 26 out of 34 refused to sign. Those who refused1
called the documents Communistic, or said the "FBI ought to checkl
up on this sort of thing," or that "my family's with the government
and it might get them into trouble."
One man read Jefferson's stirring words, "Whenever any form of
government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the
people to alter or abolish it," and remarked: "that sounds Russian to
Their refusal to sign was due first to ignorance, second to
fear. Many of them had never taken the trouble to read the great
words which founded our republic.
Ignorance, since that time, has been partially remedied by a
printer in Richmond, Va., Mr. August Dietz, who has printed several
million copies of the Declaration of Independence and has distributed
them at less than it costs him to print them, a nickel each, through
the schools of the nation. The Sertoma Clubs and other service groups
have done a great job of helping him and this might be a good time
to prepare for a new drive to make this great document familiar to
BUT THE OTHER REASON for modern-day reluctance to sign the
Declaration of Independence, fear, has probably increased.
There was a time, before the signing of the Declaration, when our
early ancestors burned witches and Quakers in New England, not. for
what they did, but for what they thought. There was also a time
when they stoned Catholics in the streets of Philadelphia, not for
what they did, but for what they thought.
But the 56 men who had the courage to sign the parchment
setting a pattern for our nation ---
abhorred these things, tried to set
standards that would preventf
And they would be shocked to4
learn that a Senate committee, J " 1C. 'tfl t 11
with as drastic subpoena power
over modern-day Americans as
the British had over colonial SixtyThird Year
settlers, is now demanding to Edited and managed by students of
know what books are on State the University of Michigan under the
Department shelves by such au- authority of the Board in Control of
Depatmet shlve by uchau-Student Publications.
thors as radio commentators StudentPublications.
Elmer Davis and Raymond Editorial Staff
Gram Swing, such a great jur- Harland Britz.........Managing Editor
ist as Judge Learned Hand, and Dick Lewis ..............Sports Editor
such a devoted pastor as Dr. A. Becky Conrad...........Night Editor
Powell Davies. Gayle Greene.............Night Editor
They would be grieved to learn FPat Roelofsn............Night Editor
that a congressional committee
had reached into the churches to Business Staff
plague and probe such devoted Bob Miller. .........Business Manager
churchmen as Bishop Browley Ox- Dick Astrom..... Circulation Manager
nam. Dick Nyberg...... ..Finance Manager
And they would doubtless won- Jessica Tanner. Advertising Associate
rip, whether a Rnntnr rm.+h, Bob Kovacs.......Advertising Associate

The General Library and all the Di-
visional Libraries will be closed, Satur-
day, July 4, a University holiday.
Lydia Mendelssohn Box Off ice is
open from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. today.
Season tickets for the Department of
Speech summer play series are still
available at $6.00-$4.75-$3.25. Tickets
for the individual plays are also on
sale now at $1.20-90c-60c for the plays
and $1.50-$1.20-90c for the musical
comedy and opera. The Department of
Speech summer play series includes
The Madwoman of Chaillot, Knicer-
bocker Holiday, The Country Girl, Pyg-
malion and The Tales of Hoffman.
Next week, July 8, 9, 10 and 11, the
Department of Speech will present Max-
well Anderson and Kurt Weill's delight-
fully satirical musical comedy, Knick-
erbocker Holiday. This popular musical
uses New Amsterdam in 1647 as the
setting for making fun of present day
political activities. "September Song" is
one of the popular tunes from Knick-
erbocker Holiday. Miss Esther Schloz, of
the Detroit Public Schools and guest
instructor in the Women's Physical
Education Department, is creating and
directing the choreography. Paul Milier,
Grad. Music, is conducting the orches-
tra and chorus. The entire production
is under the direction of William P.
Halstead of the Department of Speech.
All performances are in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre at 8:00 p.m.
Veterans eligible for education bene-
fits under Public Law 550 (Korea G.I.
Bill) must report to Office of Veterans'
Affairs, Room 555, Administration
Building before 5 p.m. July 6 if they
have not already done so. Failure to
check through that office may result
in receipt of no, or only partial allow-
ance for the Summer Session.
The student sponsored social events
listed below are approved for the com-
ing weekend. Social chairmen are re-
quested to file requests for approval for
social activities in the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs not later than 12 o'clock
noon on the Monday prior to the
Lect ures
On the symposium on X-Ray Dif-
fraction, Monday, July 6 at 9 am.,
Professor P. P. Ewald of the Brooklyn
Polytechnic Institute, will speak on
"Fourier Transformation and X-Ray
Diffraction by Crystals." At 10 a.m.,
Professor William N. Lipscomb of the
University of Minnesota will speak on
"Experimental Studies of Crystal Struc-
ture: Examination of Diffraction Pho-
tographs and a Discussion of Their
The News
Associated Press News Analyst
PRESIDENT Eisenhower's policy
of persuasion rather than pres-
sure in dealing with Congress be-
gan to show signs of paying some
profit this week, but there was
certainly no indication that this
Congress would ever become a
presidential rubber stamp.
The President himself was very
moderate in his assessment of
progress made, confining himself
to a remark that the Republican
party is gradually showing its
ability to assume responsibility
and carry it out.

Physocal Basis.' The lectures will be
in 1400 Chemistry Building.
For the Speech and the Preacher Con-
ference Monday, July 6 there will be
a: introduction to the Conference at
10:00 o'clock in the morning in the+
Rackham Amphitheater, at 10:30 there
will be the speech sessions. At 1:30 in
the afternoon there will be a panel
discussion on "Current Practices in Re-
ligious Broadcasting" in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. At 2:45 and 4:15 p.m.
there will be group instruction.
The lecture topics for the Symposium
on Astrophysics will be Galaxies: Their
Composition and Structure," by Dr.
Walter Baade, of Mount Wilson and
Palomar Observatories, at 2:00 o'clock,
and "The Origin of Chemical Elements"
by Dr. George Gamow. Professor of
Physics, George Washington University.
at 3:30 p.m. The lectures will be in 1400
Chemistry Building.
For the Conference of English Teach-
ers on Monday, July 6, Professor Joseph
C. Blumenthal of the MacKenzie High
School of Detroit, and Miss Anna Yam-
brick, of Flint Northern High School,
will use as their topic "Common Sense
Approaches to Grammar and Usage"
at 4:00 p.m., Auditorium C, Angell Hall.
For the College Professors' Workshop,
Monday, July 6, from 2-4 p.m. Professor
Tremaine McDowell, Chairman of the
Program in American Studies at the
University of Minnesota, will discuss
"New Developments in the Humanities."
Professor Louise E. Cuyler, Associate
Professor of Musicology, will give a com-
mentary on the Stanley Quartet Pro-
gram, at 4:15 p.r., Monday, July 6, in
Auditorium D of Angell Hall.
For the Radiation Biology Symposium
Dr. G. W. Beadle, Chairman, Division of
Biology, CaliforniaInstitute of Tech-
nology, will speak on "EffecH of Radi-
ation on Mechanisms of Heredity,"
Monday evening, July 6 at 8:00 o'clock
in Room 1300 Chemistry Building.
Alan W. Gowans, visiting Assistant'
Professor in Fine Arts, from Rutgers
University, will lecture on "America's
New Folk Art" at 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday,
July 7, in Auditorium D, Angell Hall.
The talk will be illustrated, and is to
be a commentary on the summer ex-
hibition, "Popular Visual Arts" now
being shown at the Museum.
On Tuesday, July 7, at 2 p.m. in
Room 141 Business Administration,
Professor Trmaine McDowell will speak
on "New Developments in Teaching the
A cademic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Elizabeth
Virginia Davidian, Education; thesis:
"~The Comparability of the Ratings. of
Teacher Graduates at a Selected Teach-
ers' College by Training Supervisors and
School Employers," Monday, July 6,
East Council Room, Rackham Build-
ing, at 2 p.m. Chairman, H. C. Koch,
Make-Up Examinations in History--
Saturday, July 11, 9-12 a.m., 2407 Mason
Hall. See your instructor for permis-
sion and then sign list in History Office.
M.A. Language Egamination-Friday,
July 10, 4-5 p.m., 3615 Haven Hall. Sign
list in History Office. Can bring a dic-
Graduate Symposium Radio; Monday,
July 6, 4 p.m. in the West Conference
Room of the Rackham Building. Dr.
Edgar E. Willis will be the speaker.





Indeed, a major portion of ad-
ministration effort so far has
been devoted to spadework.
The fight over the excess pro-
fits tax, indeed, was a prelimin-
ary. The extension is designed
merely to keep governmentre-
venue up until an integrated
tax program can be worked out
next year. It provided a point,
too, on which persuasion fail-
ed and party pressure was re-
quired for success. But it did
appear that the administration
had won.
Indeed, the administration had
been decisively beaten at only one
point. That was on a proposed
congressional resolution to dis-
sociate the U.S. from wartime
agreements which had been per-
verted by Soviet Russia for her
own acquisitive purposes. The Re-
publican Congress wanted to turn
it into an arraignment of the two
preceding Democratic administra-
tions, thus damaging its world
propaganda value, and the whole
thing fell through.
Extension of the Reciprocal
Trade Agreements Act was anoth-
er interim measure designed to
carry things along until there
could be a sweeping re-Rssess-
ment of trade policy as a whole,
and on this Congress appeared
willing to give the President time,
Persuasion and faith in the
President's military, knowledge
were prime factors in resolving
the fight over the military bud-
get. Congress got in its licks,
but the administration was de-

Special Choral Demonstrations (First
Series) by Maynard Klein, conductor of
the University of Michigan Choirs, Mon-
day, July 6, 11 a.m., and 3 p.m., and
Tuesday, July 7, 11 am., in Auditorium
A, Angell Hall. Individual conferences
may be arranged with Prof essor Klein
by signing for appointments. A list of
available hours will be posted on the
door of Room 708 Burton Tower, where
conferences will be held. Open to all
A second series of choral demonstra-
tions with Marlowe Smith, Eastman
School of Music, will be held July 10
and 11th.
Student Recital: Richard Harper, Or-
ganist, will present a program in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements for
the 'degree of Master of Music at 8:30
Wednesday evening, July 8, in the Hill
Auditorium. His program will include
works byABuxtehude, Bach, vivaldi,
Langlais, Alain and Durufle and will
be open to the public. Mr. Harper is a
pupil of Robert Noehren.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall. Popular Art in America (June 30
-August 7); California Water Color So-
ciety (July 1-August 1). 9 a.m. to 5
p.m. on weekdays; 2 to 5 p.m. on Sun-
days. The public is invited.
General Library. Best sellers of the
twentieth century.
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Gill-
man Collection of Antiques of Palestine,
Museums Building, rotunda exhibit.
Steps in the preparation of ethnolo-
gical dioramas.
Michigan Historical Collections. Mi-
chigan, year-round vacation land.
Clements Library. The good, the bad,
the popular.
Law Library. Elizabeth II and her em-
Architecture Building. Michigan Chil.
dren's Art Exhibition.
Events Today
*Play, presented by the Department
of Speech. The Madwoman of Chaillot,
by Jean Giraudoux, 8 p.m., Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
Chinese Students Club picnic.
Michigan Christian Fellowship, July
4th, picnic at Silver Lake. Meet at Lane
Hall at 11 a.m. All students invited.




S.R.A. Intercultural Outing. Satur-
day and Sunday, July 4 and 5. Leave
Lane Hall at 2 p.m. for Saline valley
Farms Cooperative. Return Sunday aft-
Sernoon.Call2reservations to Lane Hall,
3-1511 ext. 2851. All students and fa-
culty welcome.



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