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August 04, 1953 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1953-08-04

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Third Class
MUCH CRITICISM has emerged this sum-
mer of Miss Snead-
Teacher of fictious history and propa-
ganda . .
Teacher by rote . .
Teacher not out of interest or sincerity or
concern for those who shall be taught . . .
Teacher marking time till a suitable gen-
tleman proposes or . . .
Teacher, because she is incapable of a
better paying job .. .
Once having recognized that Miss Snead
exists, labelled her and taken note of the
blight she is upon the teaching profession,
it seems time to call attention to the school
system that allows Miss Snead to parasi-
tically feed upon the minds of youth and/or
demands she do so and the nation that al-
lows such school systems to operate and/or
demands they be so.
The "and/or" qualification represents
an unsolved "chicken and the egg" ques-
tion. Does the American public school
system make Miss Sneads or simply toler-
ate them for lack of better material? Does
the United States insist upon such school
systems or simply ignore their failings?
The teacher is no less a third class citi-
zen today than he was in pioneer days. The
19th century emphasis on readin', ritin' and
'rithmatic has only lately been lessened by
attention to shop and trade skills.
Yet the public schools have done little
for the exceptional student. For the less
academic minded we have supplied mech-
anical instruction and commercial courses.
But "the above-average student learns
despite the teacher" is an oft-quoted, fear-
fully apt phrase.
AS MERE custodians our teachers are per-
haps, not underpaid.
As teachers, if they dare to be teachers,
if we allow them to be teachers, they are
distressingly underpaid.
We spend billions for destruction. We
spend billions too, to aid disaster victims,
to feed the starving, to rehabilitate the
broken. Government funds to aid education
are bacteria in a drop in the bucket of U.S
No parent would hesitate a moment to
call a doctor in to set Johnny's broken
leg. Of what use is Johnny's healthy body,
If his mind is undeveloped.
No parent would trust his child's bodily
health to an incompetent, inadequately
trained layman. It certainly seems a para-
dox then that the same parent so willingly
trusts his child's intellect to that third
class citizen, the underpaid teacher.
If one day, Americans wake from their
lethargy and demand teachers be 'first class
citizens, as highly trained as doctors or
dentists, with the same type of internship,
then we shall have to pay them accordingly.
* * *
ONE RATHER wealthy St. Louis commun-
ity underwent such an awakening. Dis-
satisfied with the calibre of public school
instruction, they called in a group of ex-
perts and asked, "what shall we do?"
"Treat your teachers as you would doc-
tors and lawyers and pay them accordingly"
their experts told them.
The St. Louis community set up a $10,-
000 a year salary schedule and the result
was a staff consisting entirely of teach-
ers with doctorate degrees.
There is a teacher shortage throughout
the nation. When our elementary schools
open next fall there will be 70,000 teachers
too few.
School teaching has fallen far behind the
other professions in prestige, according to
a Life Magazine editorial. "Teacher colleges
concentrated on methodology and neglected
subject matter; too much "how" and not
enough "what."
A breakdown made last winter of the Se-
lective Service College Qualification Test
results showed students of education pulled

in the lowest scores of all.
Life cites a campaign, spearheaded by
Harvard, aimed toward overhauling our
public school training.
p* - *
THE EMPHASIS is on subject matter,
more than on methodology: after four
years of general study, in the liberal arts
or the sciences, selected holders of B.A. de-
grees are given a higher degree in teaching
after a fifth year of study, part of which
included a practical internship in the pub-
lic schools. In the East 29 colleges have
joined Harvard in this undertaking, Life re-
Unfortunately, the University does not
seem to have taken the same attitude to-
ward the teaching problem. Instead of
raising standards they have lowered them.
Recently they lowered the average for
admission to the education school from
2.5 to 2.25.
There has been talk locally of even more
emphasis on methodology rather than sub-
ject matter, discussion of a degree which
would allow a teacher to teach any subject
regardless of her major field.
To anyone dedicated to the cause of im-
proving education, such steps can offer only
one consolation. Things might eventually
become so bad, that only forward steps could
follow. Such medicine would be pretty dif-
ficult to swallow and no one with an ounce
of backbone will swallow it without a pretty
big struggle.
Those who have remained apathetic or
«.L.. ~~~u - ..«. :i...«...A F... 41n1i m t

Milhaud's Quintet No. 1
w ith Piano

(Associate Professor of Viola and Chamber Music
and Violist of the Stanley Quartet)
DURING THE YEARS of their individual
careers members of the Stanley Quartet
have quite often met people who were apolo-
getic about not being able to appreciate a
contemporary chamber work. This cate-
gory of concert-goers whose musical back-
ground is probably limited to the period of
impressionism wants some explanation of
how to listen to modern music and also to
know the reason for its existence. Since a
vast subject of this kind would take con-
siderable time to explore, our very first
approach is generally to relate the evolution
of architecture, painting, and literature, to
music. This elementary and summarized
article is to explain why our contemporary
composers do not write music sounding like
works written a century ago.
Those listeners should know, first of all,
that the greatness of a composer resides in
his continuous creation; that he might be in-
fluenced by some strong musical personality
and become what we could call his disciple,
but his music should be personal. To men-
tion only a few names: Stravinsky, Bartok,
Hindemith, Honegger, and Milhaud, write
in a personal manner. They have a style of
their own and although they belong to the
same era it would be difficult to detect any
similarity common to them all.
Darius Milhaud is considered amongst
the most prominent musicians of our day.
The Aix-en-Provence-born composer spent
the early years of his life in the midst of a
splendid tradition, a descendant of an old
family.established in one of France's most
beautiful surroundings since before the
Christian era.
During his youth this avant-garde com-
poser had to suffer the hearing of what we
still consider great works, sometimes fight-
ing against his violent reaction while listen-
ing, for example, to Wagner. At sixteen, af-
ter attending a performance of Parsifal, he
said, "Je me suis ennuy6 a mourir." If he
has to be judged now upon his feeling about
that work, we ought to be indulgent when
considering the duration of that extremely
long opera (six hours including supper!!).
Milhaud does not think Wagner the great
genius a fair majority of composers think
he is. This majority does not include Verdi,
as we know, but it is doubtful that without
the advent of Wagner, Othello and Falstaff
would have emanated from his pen. Com-

petition proved helpful in this case. Obvi-
ously Milhaud was not to become one of
Wagner's followers. His style, briefly men-
tioned, is a combination of simple diatonic
melodies with polytonal counterpoint which
can produce a highly dissonant effect upon
untrained ears.
THE PICTURESQUE Provence seems al-
ways to guide his charming and distin-
guished melodic line. Although the master
has been ill all his life, his music is never
morbid, but, on the contrary, always alert,
vivacious, and good-humored. A performer
who, in my opinion, is a creator, will be-
come Milhaud's good friend if he does not
take his tempi too slowly. A slightly -faster
pulsation than indicated is always very
While composing he occasionally uses
the keyboard but only for purposes of final
checking. Stravinsky states that compos-
ers should always be in contact with "la
matiere sonore." Milhaud does not think
so nor does Hindemith who completed the
finale of his 2nd string trio enroute from
Germany to Italy. So both methods are, I
assume, matters of personal conception.
The quintet with piano to be performed
tonight by the Stanley Quartet and Ben-
ning Dexter, is not in reality his first work
written for this combination of instruments
since excerpts of the ballet "La creation du
monde" have been arranged for the same
instrumentation by the composer some
twenty years ago. The quintet was written
for the centennial of Mills College, Califor-
nia where Milhaud teaches composition. This
is another work which gives the performer
opportunity to trust not only his knowledge
but also his musical instinct. To a person
who was asking how we successfully put to-
gether works of that caliber, I gave the
usual explanation of how we carefully study
the score, how we "dissect" the work, and
finally reach an agreement on its interpre-
And yet, regardless of the thoroughness
of preparation, it is impossible to analyze ev-
ery detail since certain phases of perform-
ance must be left to the inspiration of the
moment. A meticulous analysis of these de-
tails would preclude the spontaneity of the
presentation. It would be, I am afraid, like
the millipede who once tried to determine
the order in which his legs moved when
walking and consequently found himself
suddenly paralyzed.

"Better Take This One Tn For Questioning"
BttL SKt -
~ .*
" 'I 1 11 L://N / '.

Taft and Eisenhower





At the State....
LILI, with Leslie Caron and Mel Ferrer.
F YOU ARE going to accept this film at
all, it must be a fairy tale in which
the evil spell that has been cast over the
enchanted frog-prince is broken at last by
a Cinderella princess who loves-him because
she has learned how to penetrate to his
beautiful soul.
Since the film for the most part demon-
strates its right to be approached on such
a level, it is good summer.fare. In Techni-
color, it has some nice sets and above-
average performances. Careful not to be
a fantasy on the explicit level (tidily seg-
menting off its choreographic "dream" se-
quences), it remains pleasantly sentimen-
tal and light-headed, and certainly not to
be taken for real.
The plot involves a French orphan girl
of sixteen, played by Leslie Caron, who wan-
ders into a carnival (a milieu common to at
least three pictures seen here in the last
month.) This carnival features among oth-
ers a prestidigitator "extrordinaire," played
by Jean Pierre Aumont, and a puppeteer,
played by Mel Ferrer. The magician has all
the obvious charms and pays the girl the ob-
vious attentions. The puppet master on the
other hand is cussed mean, except when he
is manipulating his several dolls. It is

through the dolls, of course, that the puppe-
teer-frogprince eventually makes his true
feelings known to the girl.
Before this, however, the troubled or-
phan becomes involved in the puppet world,
her childlike "innocence" making her a pe-
culiarly engaging Fran to the puppet man's
Kukla and Ollie. Nobody needs to be told
that two entrepreneurs from the Follies
Paris will be set on their heels by this per-
formance, and rush to sign the pair. The
plot resolves as the girl dances her way
through the curtain of illusion to discover
the very human lover behind.
In many ways, the puppets are the stars
of the film. Cleverly characterized, they
make for fine Technicolor close-ups and
provide what are easily the best scenes of
the picture. Direction and choreography
are both by Charles Walters, who seemed
to have a good overall sense of film rhy-
thm, but was somewhat too cautious in de-
lineating the dream from the reality.
Consequently, the two dance sequences
that depicted "illusion" tended to be gar-
ish and explicit, overcompensating for
"real" events which had drifted into a dull
sameness. The choreography, however,
may be commended for its brave attempt
to advance the plot integrally.
As a whole, the picture has unity, some
good color, and much lyric charm.
-Bill Wiegand

The Daily Official Bulletin is a
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceedingupublication (be-
fore 11 a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. BXIII, No. 28-S
School of Business Administration.
Students from other Schools and Col-
leges intending to apply for admis-
sion for the fall semester should secure
application forms in Room 150. School
of Business Administration Building
as soon as possible. Students in the
prebusiness program in the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts should
secure the forms from a prebusiness
adviser and return the completed forms
to him.
Veterans eligible for education and
training allowance under Public Law
550 (Korea G.I. Bill), whether they have
received Certificate for Education and
Training, (VA Form 7-1993) or not must
sign Monthly Certification of Train-
ing, VA Form 7-1996a, in the Office of
Veterans' Affairs, 555 Administration
Building, between July 31 and August
6. For the convenience of those veter-
ans whose Summer Session classes end
August 1, 1953 the Office of Veterans'
Affairs will be open the morning of
Saturday, August 1 from 8 a.m. to 12
Lecture, auspices of the Department
of Civil Engineering. "Current Progress
in Steel Construction." T. R. Higgins,
Director of Engineering for the Amer-
ican Institute of Steel Construction.
4:00 p.m., Room 311, West Engineering
Linguistic Forum. "Society and Lin-
guistic Change." Alf Sommerfelt, Pro-
fessor of Linguistics, University of Os-
1. 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater.
Lecture, Institute for Mathematics
Teachers, "Mathematics in Agriculture,"
by D. M. Kinch of Michigan State Col-
lege. 11:00 a.m., Room 130, Business Ad-
ministration Building.
Lecture, Institute for Mathematics
Teachers, "The Role of Mathematical
Models in an Empirical Science (Con-
tinued)," Clyde H. Coombs, Assoc. Prof.
of Psychology, University of Michigan,
7:30 p.m., East Conference Room, Rack-
ham Building.
Sociedad Hispanica-Dr. Jose Vilar-
Bonet, Professor of Medicine, University
of Barcelona, Spain, will give a talk in
Spanish on the subject, "Aspectos cul-
turales de la region catalana," Wednes-
day. August 4, at 8 p.m., East Confer-
ence Room, Rackham Bldg. Open to the
Special Psychology Colloquium: Prof.
Gustav Bergmann, Visiting Professor
in Philosophy, from the State Univer-
sity of Iowa, will speak on "The Logic
of Psychology." Wednesday, August 5,
4:00 p.m., Angell Hall, Auditorium D.
Amiya Chakravarty on The Art and
Action of Gandhi: a critical view of
Gandhi and the role of India in world
politics. Visiting professor of English
and author of The Indian Testimony,
Mr. Chakravarty will speak from his in-
timate knowledge of both Gandhi and
India. He will concentrate on the ends
and means of Gandhi, and on the tech-
nique which has been called Conquest
by Love. Sponsored by SRA and com-
mittee for a Student Fellowship of
Reconciliation. Lane Hall, Thursday,
August 6 at 8:30.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Richard
William Kebler, Physics; thesis: "The
Excitation of Spectra of Highly Ionized
Aluminum Atoms in a Low Pressure
Spark," today, 2038 Randall Laboratory
at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, W. W. McCor-
Doctoril Examination for Paul El-
len, Psychology; thesis: "The Com-
pulsive Nature of Abnormal Fixations,,
today, 7611 Haven Hall, at 2:00 p.m
Chairman, N. R. F. Maier.
Doctoral Examination for Eric Bel
Hoteling, Pharmaceutical Chemistry
thesis: "Polycycic Quaternary Ammon-
ium Salts," Wednesday, August 5, 252
Chemistry Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman
F. F. Blicke.

tet No. 1 (with piano) following. The
Beethoven Quartet in C-sharp minor,
op. 131 will be heard during the second
half of the concert.
Student Recital. Verena Stelps, Pi-
anist, will present a recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Music at 8:30,
Wednesday evening, August 5 in the
Rackham Assembly Hall. It will in-
clude the works of Bach, Beethoven,
Ravel and Brahms. The recital will be
open to the general public without
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall. Popular Art in America (June 30
-August 7).
General Library. First Floor Corridor.
Incunabula: Books Printed in the Fif-
teenth Century.
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Gill-
man Collection of Antiques of Palestine.
Museums Building, rotunda exhibit.
Steps in the preparation of ethnolo-
gical dioramas.
Michigan Historical Collections. Mi-
chigan, year-round vacation land.
Clements Library. The good, the bad,
the popular.
Law Library. Elizabeth II and her em-
Architecture Building. Michigan Chil-
dren's Art Exhibition.
University High School. Childrens'
Books from Fifty Countries.
Events Today
The Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office is
open today from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m
A few tickets are available for the
Monday night, August 10th, perform-
ance of the opera, The Tales of Hoff-
mann, presented by the Department o
Speech and School of Music.
Square and Folk Diincing, Lane Hall,
this evening atF7:30-10:00. Everyone wel-
Coming Events
This week in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre Thursday, Friday and Satur
day, August 6, 7 and 8, the Department
of Speech and the School of Music wil
present Jacques Offenbach's fantastic
opera, The Tales of Hoffman. Music di
rection is by Josef Blatt with the stag
direction by Valentine Windt and the
choreography by Betty Pease. All per
formancesrbegin promptly at 8 p.m
Late comers will not be seated unti
after the prologue.
THE ROMANTIC Hero was n(
longer the knight, the wander
ing poet, the cowpuncher, the avi
ator, nor the brave young distric
attorney, but the great sales man
ager, who had an Analysis o
Merchandizing Problems on hi
glass topped desk, whose title o
nobility was "go-getter."
--Sinclair Lewis

WASHINGTON -- The curious
story of the relationships be-
tween Robert A. Taft and Dwight
D. Eisenhower tells a lot about
Taft, as well suggesting the kind
of gap that can be produced by
Taft's absence from the Senate.
It must be remembered that
these two, men, who became such
intimate partners, began with the
profoundest suspicions of each
other. For Taft, even before Eisen-
hower made his great decision, the
General was always a potential
rival and, what was worse, a mem-
ber of "George Marshall's group"
in the Army. This was the Sena-
tor's shorthand for the more
world-minded military officers,
whom he frankly intended to re-
place if he got the chance with
"Douglas MacArthur's group."
And for Eisenhower, by the
same token, Taft was always
the symbol of wrong-headedness
about America's world role. The
threat that Taft would receive
the Republican nomination was
the lever, in truth, that forced
Eisenhower into politics.
Despite the good sportsmanship
with which Taft accepted the dis-
appointment of his highest hopes,
the experiences of the campaign
hardly made matters better be-
tween the two men. Appearances
were preserved, but that was all.
The real state, of their relations
was disclosed-indeed was luridly
illuminated-by Taft's bitter at-
tack on Eisenhower's choice of
Martin Durkin as Secretaxy of
* * *
IN SOME SENSE, however, this
was a turning point. The pro-
fessional Republican politicians
hastened to point out to the Presi-
dent-elect that if he did not choose
to work with Sen. Taft, he must
get ready to fight him to the
death. They added that a fight
with Taft would rend the party
asunder and cripple the President
in Congress. Meanwhile, one sus-
pects, Sen. Taft was also impress-
ed by the failure of any of his
usual allies to support his Durkin
At any rate, from this inci-
dent the decision clearly arose,
in the minds of both these men,
that they must work together
somehow. At first it cannot
have been easy. But before long
mutual respect was born and
then a warm liking.
The story has been told before,
of how Taft remarked, almost
with an air of surprise, that he
was finding Eisenhower "a man
of good will." What was more in-
teresting and revealing was the
. rapid change in Eisenhower's as-
sessment of Taft. Previously, Eis-
enhower had only known what
may be called Taft's public face.
f Exposure to Taft's working face

produced an entirely different es-
timate of the man.
This was, indeed, one of the
keys to Sen. Taft's political career.
When on the stump, when involved
in public debate, Taft did not imi-
tate other politicians in speaking
softly and walking carefully. Part-
ly because of his essential honesty,
partly because of his combative-
ness, Taft spoke more strongly,
he expressed his views in a more
extreme manner, he was more
than usually careless of those who
might disagree with him.
HIENCE the people who only saw
Taft's public face were sharp-
ly divided, into those who agreed
with him, who were passionate in
their admiration, and those who
disagreed, who were almost equal-
ly passionate in their distrust.
Taft at work, in contrast, showed
all his deeper qualities of courage
and determination, intelligence,
practicality, unremitting industry.
Close-to, even more than in pub-
lic, the style of Taft the man, the
humor, the absence of the slight-
est trace of stuffed shirt, also
showed very strongly.
These were the qualities that
made Taft a great and deeply
respected legislator-one of the
few members of Congress in our
times, indeed, to make an enor-
mous national place for himself
by the simple performance of
his legislative duties and func-
tions. And Taft's largeness, his
capacity for work, his unvarying
command of facts and situations,
ended by producing an aston-
ishing reversal at the White
Where there had been fear and
suspicion, there was not positive
dependence. From time to time
there might be a rub, to be sure,
as there was over the budget. But
by and large, the President came
to depend upon the Senator in a
way that very few Presidents of
the past have depended upon
members of their party in Con-
gress. It was curious to observe
the almost lost feeling that was
manifested at the White House,
. hen Sen. Taft's illness forced
him to abandon the Senate lead-
ership, and he was no longer there
to rely on.
In these last weeks the Presi-
dent has begun to take upon him-
self the normal Presidential duties
of party leadership, which. he had
previously omitted. Like a ship
captain deprived of a pilot, Eisen-
hower has perforce begun to do
his own navigating. The result,
it must be added, has been ex-
tremely impressive. Yet that does
not alter the fact that the Senate
without'Taft is a much smaller
place, while the White House with-
out Taft has been a much less
happy and self-confident place.
(Copyright, 1953, N.Y. Her. Trib., Inc.










The Daily welcomes..communications from its readers on matters .f
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

British in Kenya. .
To the Editor:



MR. BERGE'S letter on "British-
in Kenya" is a complete dis-e
appointment. Before telling yous
what conclusion I have drawnr
about his article let me point outE
some of the salient weaknesses int
his argument. He finds it difficultt
to differentiate the liberal from£
the conservative reactionary im-
perial British. Please note that mil-
lions of the British people are
fighting hard for African self-
determination; note also that it is
the reactionary members of 10
Downing Street that make desper-
ate attempts to enslave Africans.
Mr. Berge pointed out that the
priviledged Africans exploit the
rest; this I confirm with reserva-
tion. It is true all over the world,
some people use their privilege to
prey on others. Do not forget of
course that the British Officers
nourish such exploitation. I pro-
mise you that when the Govern-
ment shall be in our hands we4
shall pay such people in their own
The Kenya natives are still loyall
to the British for two reasons. The
first, ignorance of British objec-
tives; the second, patience while
they await British change of mind.
In a society whose moral values
are high, patience as a virtue is
not misfitting.
If Africans establish "Peoples
Democracy" according to Mr. Ber-
ge, whose fault is it? If the West
provide the "heaven" Africans
seek for, will there be any sense
in looking for it elsewhere? I am
sure democracy and racism are
incompatible. Can you explain why
the British practice both at the
same time? To'think that Africans
who demand independence are
necessarily onmmunist inspired is,

come to Gold Coast for develop-
ment. It is doubtful that you are
willing to accomodate other peo-
ple as they do you. Everywhere the
European goes he wants to own
everything as "private property;"
sooner or later there would be no
more new "private property" on
earth. Then he will be compelled
to shift to another planet. Isn't it
time for the Europeans to change
attitude and learn to live with oth-
er peoples of the world? I believe
it is.
-F. Chigbu-Ememe
* * *
McCarthy . ..
To The Editor:
Democratic Party, because of
the principle of self-justified ex-
pectations, is more responsible for
McCarthyism than is the Senator
himself. Had the situation not
been made worse by the last Ad-
ministration's desire to conceal,
rather than uproot Communism in
Government, by its desire to dis-
credit him rather than refute his
charges, the Senator would never
have emerged from obscurity. Nor
would McCarthyism be the world-
wide myth it is if the Democrats
would try to find, if possible, some
other campaign issue or some con-
vincing explanation for political
defeat. For example, Tydings was
beaten, not by McCarthyism, but
by being identified with an un-
popular state sales tax issue and
by the backfiring of some anti-
Negro campaign propaganda. It
could be, also, that some Republi-
cans are too faint-hearted regard-
ing both McCarthyism and the
far more dangerous McCarranism.
The danger of McCarthyism is
not the danger from an instinctive
headline-hunter with infirm or-
ganizational backing, but the re-



At Hill Auditorium...
Robert Noehren, Organist.
THE PROGRAM which Mr. Noehren play-
ed Sunday afternoon consisted of the
Fantasy and Fugue in G Minor by Bach,
Three Chorale Preludes by Brahms, and
the much-heralded Variations and Fugue on
an Original Theme by Max Reger.
The Bach work is one of that composer's
masterpieces, full of bold, unexpected dis-
sonances and exciting contrapoint. Mr. Noe-
hren conveyed the meaning of the composi-
tion perfectly. The fugue was played with
unusual but very effective dynamics, with
one level of volume used until well into the
work. This seemed to bring into relief the
structural aspects of the fugue better than

music, show this composer in a very dif-
ferent light from that to which we are
accustomed. They are short contrapuntal
fantasies on simple chorale tunes, prob-
ably intended as counterparts to the
Chorale Preludes of Bach. They are very
beautiful pieces, and make one wonder
what sort of music Brahms would have
composed had he lived longer. Mr. Noeh-
ren's performance of the Brahms, too,
was excellent, though I disagreed at times
with the registrations he used.
The composition by Max Reger is a truly
impressive one. Even on first hearing the
logic and mastery of the work were appar-
ent, and repeated listenings would undoubt-
edly be very rewarding. Reger makes use in
this work of a curious sort of chromaticism
which is n+t naricnarly reminiscent of anv

Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harland Britz........ .Managing Editor
Dick Lewis.......,.......Sports Editor
Becky Conrad..............Night Editor
Gayle Greene....,,........Night Editor
Pat Roelofs.............. Night Editor
Fran Sheldon............Night Editor
Business Staff
Bob Miller..,.........Business Manager
Dick Alstrom.... Circulation Manager
Dick Nyberg .......... Finance Manager
Jessica Tanner.... Advertising Associate
Bnh Kovas. . Advertising Associate



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