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August 01, 1953 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1953-08-01

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. . .

Taft's Death
WHEN THE 63-year-old Senator from
Ohio died peacefully in his sleep yes-
terday, he left a political vacuum which may
not be so peacefully filled. Robert A. Taft
was the great compromiser between the Re-
publican party right wing isolationists and
the GOP internationalists represented by
his might-be successor, Sen. William Know-
land from California.
Mr. Republican, when he assumed the
majority leadership of the Senate in the
first Republican Administration in 20 years,
took over the responsibility of handling a
party not used to the business of holding the
upper hand in the lawmaking body. Per-
viously, Republicans had played the game of
the opposition. In 1952, they returned to
Congress as a team playing in their own
well-filled ball park and under a competent
Counting on Taft to keep the delicate
balance between extremists in the Party,
Eisenhower who has had trouble With his
Congress in the last six months, now faces
the dilemma of no real middle-of-the-
road leadership among his legislators.
The GOP Senator's long-standing integ-
rity, more than' his 15 year Senate senior-
ity, undoubtably was one of the primary
reasons for the respect given to his legisla-
tive judgment and skill. Many times his was
the leading voice in either dropping com-
pletely or revising Administration proposals.
He was not afraid to initiate legislation on
the touchy labor issue in the controversial
and often lambasted Taft-Hartley law and
took a firm stand against the Truman plan
to draft into uniform striking railroad work-
With the death of Taft, Republican rep-
resentation in the Senate stands in jeop-
ardy even though independent Senator
Wayne Morse of Oregon has declared he
feels "an ethical obligation to vote with
the Republicans on Senate organizational
And so that brings us to the problem of a
majority leader who can whip a Party with a
less than bare majority into following Ad-
ministration policy. The European-minded
Eisenhower Administration would run up
against a blank wall with Asia-firster Know-
land in the Senate driver's seat. And then
there always remains the open antagonism
of Joe McCarthy, who was slapped down in
the recent CIA controversy, and who doesn't
like to be crossed up; witness his bitter de-
nounciation of editor Wechsler.
Without some unifying or at least calm-
ing influence in Congress, Eisenhower is
apt to run into quite a little trouble. And
as yet, no such influence has appeared.
-Becky Conrad
11 I a,


"That's Funny - My Ticket Is For The Same Seat"

American Policy in Europe
Based on 'Articles of Faith'

'Mr. Republican' Left Vivid
Mark on U.S. Political Scene

BONN-The grand objectives of American
policy in Europe look more and more like
so much pie in the sky. If you are to believe
that these aims are actually to be achieved,
you must perform a whole series of acts of
You must believe, for example, that West
German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer is vir-
tually indestructible. Adenauer's coalition,
to be sure, is expected by American officials
here to retain a thin majority after the
September elections. No doubt they are right
although it is not reassuring to recall that
American officials also thought that Italian
Premier Alcide de Gasperi would retain his
majority. But everyone agrees that if ever
the wise and powerful Adenauer is removed
from the scene, his coalition will come apart
at the seams.
The American policy of German inte-
gration into Western Europe would come
apart at the same time. Thus American
policy in Europe depends squarely on the
longevity and continued active leadership
of a man who is nearly eighty years old.
This total dependence on one old man is
only a symptom of the general flimsiness.
of American policy in Europe.
American policy in Europe also depends
squarely on the passage of EDC, the plan
for a European army, by the European par-
liaments. Orders from Washington to Bonn
are not to discuss or even think about the
awful possibility that EDC might not be
ratified. All American officials here, from
High Commissioner James B. Conant on
down, are manfully performing this com-
pulsory act of faith.
* * * *
AS A RESULT the American officials are
behaving like the three monkeys who see
no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. There
is plenty of evil to be seen and heard and
spoken, since independent observers in Eur-
ope are almost unanimously convinced that
EDC is moribund at the least, and quite
probably dead. But American officials keep
repeating "EDC will pass," like some medie-
val incantation.
Again, they may be right. But this re-
porter was in this city two years ago, and
the official line then was that EDC would
be passed shortly, and that the first Ger-
man divisions would be formed "within
twelve months." Since the official line is
precisely the same today, two years later,
one may be pardoned for a certain skep-
A third article of faith which must be ac-
cepted is that, if EDC is passed, this paper
treaty will be transformed into a real de-
fense of Western Europe, capable of holding
the Red army on the ground. This despite
the fact that military budgets are being
sliced right and left, and the further fact

that EDC will be passed-if at all-only
over the bitter opposition of huge segments
of popular opinion in all the participating
Nothing is more easy, in short, than to
show how rickety and unreal the whole
structure of American policy in Europe has
become. It is admittedly a good deal more
difficult to say what can be done about it.
But this must seems to be true. American
policy in Europe is squarely based on the
assumption that the division of Europe into
two parts, with the Red army in the heart
of Europe, is a permanent condition of life.
This is a dreadful prospect for all Europeans
-and they simply will not accept this pros-
pect, unless they are convinced that there
is really no alternative.
THE GROUND has moved, moreover, since
the autumn of 1950, when Dean Acheson,
of all people, initiated the policy which the
new Administration is pursuing with a sin-
gleminded rigidity. In Western Europe, the
growing resistance to EDC is an outgrowth
of two developments. One is a perhaps ra-
tional suspicion that a real defense of West-
ern Europe is not feasible, as long as the
Red army is on the Elbe. The other is a
doubtless irrational upsurge of wishful
thinking about Soviet intentions.
At the same time, there has been the
recent dramatic evidence in Eastern Eur-
ope, demonstrating that the Soviet satel-
lite empire is utterly artificial, held to-
gether only by the naked force of the Red
army. In these circumstances, Germans
dream of the unification of Germany, and
all Europeans dream of the withdrawal of
the Red army from the center of Europe.
The United States has succeeded in cast-
ing itself in the role of thrower of cold water
on these dreams. Washington's obvious re-
luctance to talk seriously about German
unity, and obvious horror at Churchill's May
11th speech, has convinced many Europeans
that the United States is simply not interest-
ed in a German settlement on any terms.
It may look like a futile gesture in Wash-
ington. But here in Europe it seems clear
that the United States must soon undertake
a great effort, involving genuine risks, in an
attempt to secure German unification and
the withdrawal of the Red army from the
center of Europe. In the most unlikely event
that such an effort succeeds, the cold war
will be half won. If it fails, the West will at
least know where it stands. This does not
mean that EDC should be abandoned-on
the contrary, EDC is the West's most use-
ful bargaining instrument. And EDC, Ger-
man integration, and all the other objectives
of American policy now seem very likely to
remain pie in the sky, until the doubtless
irrational dreams of the Europeans are rea-
lized-or shattered, once and for all.
(Copyright, 1953, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)



The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceeding publication (be-
fore 11 a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. LXII, No. 27-S
Tickets to the Masters Breakfast will
be available throughout Saturday to
candidates who failed to get their tick-
ets on time. They may be secured Sat-
urday from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon at 3510
Administration Building and in the
afternoon at the Michigan Union desk.
School of Business Administration.
Students from other Schools and Col-
leges intending to apply for admis-
sion for the fall semester should secure
application forms in Room 150, School
of Business Administration Building
as soon as possible. Students in the
prebusiness program in the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts should
secure the forms from a prebusiness
adviser and return the completed forms
to him.
The student sponsored social events1
listed below are approved for the com-
ing weekend. Social chairmen are re-
quested to file requests for approval
with the Office of Student Affairs not
later than 12 o'clock noon on Monday
prior to the event.C
Chinese Student Club
International Students Assoc.
Veterans eligible for education and
training alowance under Public Law
550 (Korea G.I. Bill), whether they have
received Certificate for Education and
Training, (VA Form 7-1993) or not must
sign Monthly Certification of Train-
ing, VA Form 7-1996a, in the Office of
Veterans' Affairs, 555 Administration
Building, between July 31 and August
6. For the convenience of those veter-
ans whose Summer Session classes end
August 1, 1953 the Office of Veterans'
Affairs will be open the morning of
Saturday, August 1 from 8 a.m. to 12
non. Lectures
Lecture. Monday, August 3. Institute,
for Mathematics Teachers: "The Role
of Mathematical Models in an Empiri-
cal Science," Clyde H. Coombs, Uni-
versity of Michigan, 11:00 a.m., Room
130 Business Administration Bldg.
Commentary on Stanley Quartet Re-
cital. Louise E. Cuyler, Associate Profes-
sor of Musicology. 4:15 p.m., Auditorium
D, Angell Hall.

Architecture A uditorium
ARIZONA, with Jean Arthur and William
THE ONLY thing epic about "Arizona" is
its epic waste of talent, namely Jean Ar-
thur. This film seems to hit just about the
low point in Cinema Guild presentations. Let
us hope it is not a trend.
,The plot, or what passes for a plot, con-
cerns the struggles of a lone American girl
in Tucson during the period around the
Civil Wai. Through the shrewd management
of A pie stand she manages to finance a
freighting business. From there is it just a
step to becoming the greatest rancher in
the Arizona Territory.
Mixed in with all this free enterprise is
the girl's romance with a drifting cow poke.
Of course, the smooth flow of events is in-
terrupted now and then by the "bad men"
or an Indian raid. But in true Horatio Al-
ger tradition poor boy (girl) makes good
against all odds, and they live happily ever
Jean Arthur, cast as Miss Phoebe, is prac-
tically unrecognizable as the quick shooting,
tough talking frontierswoman. For anyone
who has seen Miss Arthur in some of her
other roles such as Peter Pan or A Foreign
Affair will recognize this as the nadir of her
career. The whole blame is not hers, how-
ever. The script would have been the Water-
loo of almost any performer.
Bill Holden is also handicapped by the
inadequacy of the script, but he at least
looks the part of a roving cowboy.
The entire film suffers from a severe at-
tack of discontinuity. Whole scenes just
seem to have been stuck in at random with-
out any reference to the logic of the situa-
Perhaps the kindest thing one can say is
that this is just another western.
-Dick Wolf
Books at the Library
Cheever, John-THE ENORMOUS RA-
DIO. New. York, Funk & Wagnalls, 1953,
Deutscher, Isaac - RUSSIA: WHAT
NEXT? New York, Oxford University
Press, 1953.
Morris, J. Malcolm-THE WISE BAM-
BOO. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1953.

Washington Merry-Go-Round I

with Milhaud's Quintet No. 1 (with
piano) following. The Beethoven
Quartet in C-sharp minor, Op. 131 will
be heard during the second half of
the concert.
Student Recital. Verena Stelps, Pi-
anist, will present a recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Music at 8:30,
wednesday evening, August 5 in the
Rackham Assembly Hall. It will in-
clude the works of Bach, Beethoven,
Ravel and Brahms. The recital will be
open to the general public without
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall. Popular Art in America (June 30
-August 7); California Water Color So-
ciety (July 1-August 1). 9 a.m. to 5
p.m. on weekdays; 2 to 5 p.m. on Sun-
days. The public is invited.
General Library. First Floor Corridor..
Incunabula: Books Printed in the Fif-
teenth Century.
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Gill-
man Collection of Antiques of Palestine.
Museums Building, rotunda exhibit.
Steps in theapreparation of ethnolo-
gical dioramas.
Michigan Historical Collections. Mi-
chigan, year-round vacation land.
Clements Library. The good, the bad,
the popular.
Law Library. Elizabeth II and her em-
Architecture Building. Michigan Chil-
dren's Art Exhibition,
Events Today
LydiaMendelssohn Box Office will be
open from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. today.
Tickets for this week's play, Pygmal-
ion by George Bernard Shaw, are avail-
able at 60c - 90c and $1.20. All Depart-
ment of Speech plays begin promptly
at 8:00 p.m.
Tonight, promptly at 8:00 p.m. the De-
partment of Speech will present George
Bernard Shaw's hilarious laugh riot,
Pygmalion, in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. The production is under the
direction of William P. Halstead with
scenery by Jack E. Bender and costumes
by Phyllis Pletcher, all of the Depart-
ment of Speech.
SL Cinema Guild Summer Program.
Jean Arthur, William Holden, Glenn
Ford in "Arizona." Cartoon: "Hurdy
Gurdy Hare." Showing 7 and 9 p.m.,
Auditorium of the Architecture Build-
Michigan Christian Fellowship Pic-
nic this afternoon at the island, Meet
at Lane Hall at 4:30.
International Students' Association:
The Association is holding its Sum-
mer Picnic this afternoon, at Kensing-
ton Metropolitan Park on U.S. 16. Mem-
bers attending are urged to meet at the
International Center, 603 E. Madison, at
12 o'clock noon. Food and transportation
tickets will be on sale at that time for
one dollar.
In view of the shortage of means of
transportation those members who
have cars at their disposition are irivit-
ed to bring them at the International
Center at noon Saturday. In apprecia-
tion for this service these members will
receive free food and transportation
Coming Events
Masters' Breakfast, honoring candi-
dates for the master's degree. 9:00 a.m.
Sunday, Michigan Union Ballroom.
(Continued on Page 4)

By The Associated Press
Politics was in the blood of Rob-
ert Alphonso Taft. His father, Wil-
liam Howard Taft, was Governor-
General of the Philippines, Sec-
retary of War, President, and later
Chief Justice of the United States.
His paternal grandfather, Alphon-
so Taft, served as Secretary of
War, Attorney General and Min-
ister to Austria and to Russia.
The Tafts in the United States
are all descended from Robert
Taft, who came to Massachusetts
from England or Scotland about
1680 and settled just north of the
Rhode Island border. Alphonso
was born and brought up in Ver-
mont and moved to Cincinnati in
"Bob" Taft started his political
career at the bottom of the lad-
der as a precinct committeeman
in Cincinnati. Then he advanced
to the Ohio legislature and to the
U. S. Senate, where he became a
power. Three times he came with-
in striking distance of the Presi-
Along the way he established
such a reputation as an exponent
of undiluted party policy that he
was known as "Mr. Republican."
Headed Policy Committee
When his party was in control
of Congress in 1947-48, Taft had a
dominant role as chairman of the
Senate Policy Committee. As such
he was the chief backstage plan-
ner of Republican moves on do-
mestic issues in the upper branch.
His election to a third Senate
term in 1950 was by the greatest
plurality-431,000-ever achieved
by any candidate for that office
in Ohio.
He won despite a hard fight
against him by the Harry S. Tru-
man administration and by off.i-
cials of organized labor who were
his unrelenting foes because of
his sponsoring of the Taft-Hartley
Labor-Management Law.
But the office he wanted most
of all, the Presidency, eluded him.
The White House had been home
to him while his father was Presi-
dent. He was a student at Yale at
that time.
It was at the White House that
he met his future wife, Martha
Wheaton Bowers, daughter of his
father's Solicitor General. She de-
veloped into an able politician in
her own right.
Tried Hard for Presidency
In 1936 Taft was Ohio's "fa-
vorite son" candidate for the Re-
publican nomination for Prei-
dent. Then in 1940 he was one of
the three leading contenders. But
Wendell L. Willkie, a dark horse,
skyrocketed to unprecedented pop-
ularity that year and captured the
bid on the sixth ballot.
Four years later Taft stepped
aside, for his friend, John W.
Bricker, who was a candidate.
The Presidential nomination went
to Gov. Thomas E. Dewey of New
York, with Bricker as his running
Taft came back as a strong con-
tender in 1948, but Dewey forces
were in control of the convention
and the call went to the New
Then in 1952 Taft set out in
earnest with a vigorous campaign
for delegates long before the con-
vention at Chicago. Just before
the balloting he claimed that the
nomination was as good as his.
But Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower,
with the substantial help of Gov-
ernor Dewey, edged him out with
a sudden burst of strength.
End of His Hopes
While Eisenhower won on the
first ballot, it was a close race.
The voting see-sawed on the roll-
call of states and at the end of the
call the General lacked nine votes
of the 604 needed for the nomi-
nation. He had 595 and Taft500.
Minnesota then changed its vote to
put Eisenhower in.

Taft, in the blasted ruins of his
hopes, vowed that "this is the last
time I'll ever run for President."
"I'll be too old," he added. He
was then 62.
Immediately after the nomina-
tion was given to Eisenhower, he
and Taft met to exchange mutual
professions of esteem and respect.
It was an obvious effort to allay
factional bitterness within the
G.O.P. ranks that had arisen dur-
ing the heated fight for the nomi-
Taft threw his support to his
successful rival and made a 22-
state tour for him in the election
campaign. At its conclusion, he
said: "I think we've brought home
the bacon."
The election bore out that state-
ment. Eisenhower was elected by
a 6,616,000 plurality, carrying 39
states and winning an electoral
vote of 442 to 89 for his Demo-
cratic opponent, Adlai E. Steven-
Taft Senate Floor Leader
When the 83rd Congress conven-
ed at the beginning of 1953, Re-
publican Senators chose Taft as
their floor leader. That put the
man who was President aEisen-

he felt might tend to involve
America in it.
He voted against Selective Ser-
vicevin 1940, Lend-Lease, the deal
making 50 destroyers available to
Britain and repeal of the Neutral-
ity Act.
He also criticized the sending
of American troops to Iceland.
He contended Iceland was part of
the European war zone, and de-
"When the American people
have decided to go to war, I will
support that war a vigorously as
the President himself, but I deny
his right to involve us in war or
to send American troops into the
war zones of Europe."
In each of those instances, Taft
was on the losing side.
Long Feud with Truman
Taft's opposition to the Demo-
cratic program continued through
the Truman administration. His
feud with Truman came to white
heat in 1946 when Truman de-
nounced by name in a veto mes-
sage a Taft amendment to a price
control act. It went on all the
rest of the time Truman was in
the White House.
During the Democratic regime
the Ohioan was referred to by op-
ponents as an isolationist, but he
called such a designation a smear
and said it was applied to hush
criticism of administration deci-
His definition of what a foreign
policy should be was this:
"The principal purpose of the
foreign policy of the United States
is to maintain the liberty of our
"It's purpose is not to reform
the entire world or spread sweet-
ness and light and economic pros-
perity to people who have lived
and worked out their own salva-
tion for centuries according to the
best of their abilities."
Taft went on to say that the
United States did have "an inter-
est in the economic welfare of
other nations and in the military
strength of other nations, but only
to the extent to which our assist-
ance may reduce the probability of
an attack on the freedom of our
Explained "No" Votes
He voted for ratification of the
United Nations Charter, but on
Dec. 4, 1945, was one of seven Sen-
ators who voted against legisla-
tion implementing United States
participation in the United Na-
tions. He contended that this law
delegated to the President all pow-
er to commit the United States to
war without consultation with
He also opposed the Bretton
Woods international fiscal legis-
lation. Discussing the lending pro-
gram which included this legisla-
tion, Taft predicted that "any such
program of foreign lending is go-
ing to wreck the country."
In 1949 Taft voted against the
Atlantic Pact by which 12 nations,
including the United States, pledg-
ed to give mutual aid against.ag-
gression. The pact was for a period
of 20 years and pledged the sign-
ers to give aid against any nation
which attacked any member of the
Explaining his opposition to the
treaty, he said: "The pact is es-
sentially aggressive, not defen-
sive. If Russia sees herself ringed
by so-called defensive armies
from Norway to Turkey, she may
decide this arming will lead to an
attack on Russia. It is an old-
fashioned military alliance."
Challenged Truman Moves
He called the Korean war "a
Truman war," but gave his sup-
port of United States' interven-
tion once it took place. However,
he held that the President had no
power to intervene with Ameri-
can troops.
The Ohio Senator opposed the

sending of troops in excess of six
divisions to Europe during the
"great debate" in 1951 on that
subject. He sharply challenged the
President's claimed authority to
send troops there without first
asking Congress.
Taft as Author
Taft compared the Truman ad-
ministration with a man who can
feel and see "but has no brain in
his head to put together the vari-
ous sensations and develop a con-
sistent course of action."
He wrote a book entitled "A
Foreign Policy for Americans." In
it he accused Truman of putting
"all kinds of political and policy
considerations" ahead of his in-
terest in liberty and peace.
His views brought sharp criti-
cism from Senator Brien McMa-
hon (D-Conn.), an administration
In a statement analyzing the
Taft book, McMahon said the
Ohioan's "basic difficulty is that
hc is still an isolationist," and
"He fails utterly to relate the
peace and liberty of our own peo-
ple to the peace and liberty of




WASHINGTON-Most important develop-
ments at the Quantico meeting of the
top brass was an order by President Eisen-
hower that his military commanders must
settle their differences inside the Pentagon
and send him only unanimous recommenda-
If minority views are forwarded to him
at the White House, Ike bluntly announced
he will pay no attention to them. In other
words, he expects the new Joint Chiefs of
Staff to present a united front.
In the past, the Navy frequently dif-
fered from the Air Force and Army re-
garding Korean war strategy. But from
now on no dissenting opinions will be
At the Quantico meeting, the fiery, red-
haired chairman-designate, Adm. Arthur
Radford, served notice that he considered
last year's election a mandate to the new
Joint Chiefs to revamp their past policies.
Radford didn't elaborate on what changes
he expected to make, though he went on
to stress the importance of the far east. He
has long wanted the United States to inter-
vene in China, rescue Chiang Kai-Shek, put
him back in power on the Chinese mainland.
The outgoing Joint Chiefs opposed this as
likely to embroil us in war,
A "top secret" sign was posted outside the
conference door as the President met with
his military leaders at the Quantico Marine
Base. However, this column can give a
thumbnail account of what happened-ex-
cept for matters involving military security,
which are omitted.
The President rambled along pleasantly to
the top brass about team play and harmony,
about how pleased he was to meet with his
former comrades-in-arms. Then he told a
joke about a duck hunter who was so "roar-
ing drunk" that his companions left hime
behind in the rear blind while they went
ahead to man the forward blinds.
Finally, one lone duck flapped by, Ike

to be unanimous decisions, approved by the
chairman," he declared. "If a minority opin-
ion is sent up to me, I will treat it as if it
hadn't been sent."
When Admiral Radford's turn at the ros-
trum came, he hinted of changes to come
in military planning.
"The civilian leaders have changed. Now
we also must change," he warned. "The
election was a mandate for us to make
some changes."
Radford stressed the importance of For-
mosa as a bulwark against Communism,
urged a strong policy in the far east. This
led some of the military leaders to conclude
that the first "change" would be more mili-
tary aid for Chiang Kai-Shek.
Any minority views against moves in
China, they feared, would be suppressed
by President Eisenhower's order.
Note-Theme of the Quantico conference
was "team play," though some admirals and
generals complained that they were treated
like high school kids on a picnic. At a bar-
becue, for instance, they were given huge
aprons with "the defense team" spelled out
in big letters across the top and "varsity"
written across the middle. Secretary of De-
fense Wilson and his civilian assistants also
chipped in $100 each for prizes for the brass
hats who caught the biggest fish, played the
best golf game and otherwise excelled in
sporting events. To Wilson's chagrin, most
of the winners were the generals who have
been bucking Wilson on budget cuts-the
Air Force.
The backstage battle over postage stamps
almost caused a divorce in the Eisenhower
entourage. Bitterness reached a peak be-
tween Ike's close friends, Postmaster Gen-
eral Summerfield and Senator Carlson of
Kansas, chairman of the Senate Post Office
Carlson has been so opposed to Summer-
field's proposed boost to four cents per ounce


Student Recital, auspices of
School of Music. Paul J. Kirk,
French horn. 4:15 p.m., Rackham
sembly Hall.


Popular Arts Films. A Short History
of Animation: Selected Cartoons. 7:30
p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Richard
William Kebler, Physics; thesis: "The
Excitation of Spectra of Highly Ionied
Aluminum Atoms in a Low Pressure
Spark," Tuesday, August 4, 2038 Ran-
dall Laboratory, at 2:00 p.m. Chair-
man, W. W. McCormick.
Doctoral Examination for Paul El-
len, Psychology; thesis: "The Com-
pulsive Nature of Abnormal Fixations"
Tuesday, August 4, 7611 Haven Hall, at
2:00 p.m. Chairman, N. R. F. Maier.

Organ Recital: Robert Noehren, Uni- I)
versity Organist, will present an organ Sixty-Third Year
recital at 4:15 Sunday afternoon, Aug- Edited and managed by students of
ust 2, in Hill Auditorium. His program the University of Michigan under the
will include the works of Johann Sebas- teUiest fMcia ne h
tian Bach's Fantasia and Fugue in G authority of the Board in Control of
minor, Johannes Brahms Chorale Pre- Student Publications.
ludes and Max Reger's Variations and4
Fugue on an Original Theme, Op. 73 Editorial Staff
The general public will be admitted ....MnggEt
without charge. HarlandBitz. .. .......Managig Eior
wihotchrg.Dick Lewis..........Sports Editor
Becky Conrad............Night Editor
Student Recital: Paul J. Kirk, Jr.,, Gayle Greene...,,........Night Editor
French Horn, with Ernestine Carr Kirk, PtReos........NgtEio
Accompanist, will present a recital in Fran Sheldon............Night Editor
partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Master of Music at
4:15, Monday afternoon, August 3, in Btsiness Staff
the Rackham Assembly Hall. It will in- Bob Miller ............ Business Manager
clude the works of Gliere, Dt la Presle, Dick Alstrom......Circulation Manager
Barraine, Bernstein, Desportes, Dela- Dick Nyber.........Finance Manager
marte, Mozart and Beethoven. His re- Jessca Tanner...Acivyptjiip Associate


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