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July 28, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-07-28

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a 0

Latest Deadline in the State


jDraft Callup Cut
Expected Shortly
Hannah Says Monthly Quota Will
Probably Double by Next Summer
By The Associated Press
The end of fighting in Korea may permit monthly draft call
to be cut by 4,000 men in about three months but the callup is ex
pected to climb to 40,000 in mid-1954.
That's double the present draft of 23,000.
This outlook for draft-age youths is outlined in the most recen
statements by Defense Department and Selective Service officials an
the terms of the truce agreement signed Sunday.
WHETHER ANY CUT in the draft can be made-and when-
depends on just how stable the armistice is in Korea, said John A
Hannah, assistant secretary of defense for manpower.
If conditions permit, he said, the callup will drop from 23,000

to 19,000 in 90 days.
Hannah said he thought it

Senators Say
Fire Teachers
S Who Refuse'
WASHINGTON-The Senate in
ternal security subcommitte rec
ommended yesterday that teacher
who refuse to tell whether they ar
Communists be fired, according tc
United Press reports.
In its second report on subver
sive infiltration in education, tht
subcommittee suggested educa
tional authoritieshdevise a way t
oust teachers whose connectiox
with Communism is "not easily le-
gally provable."
The report said schools shoul
consider pooling security informa-
tion with state legislative com-
mittees as in California. It als
suggested a system whereby col-
leges could share the facilities and
powers of state agencies.
"Since the great majority of
present day secret Communists
can, only with great difficulty, be
identified by evidence sufficient tc
justify legal action, it falls upon
the educators themselves to devise
criteria and methods to deal. with
teachers whose adherence to the
Conmmunist conspiracy ... makes
them morally unfit to teach as
well as a threat to national se-
curity," the subcommittee said.
Strikes Idle
Atomic Plant
OAK RIDGE, Tenn.- (A' - A
strike of 3,500 AFL production
workers at two atomic energy
plants yesterday set off a chain
reaction idling 6,000 more work-
ers building another half-billion
dollar plant.
The production workers struck
for higher wages. The construc-
tion workmen refused to cross'
their picket lines and shut down
work on the new project.
Some 3,500 CIO men at a
third atomic plant-the uranium
separation center-ignored the
pickets and reported for work.
This is the only plant here pro-
ducing fissionable uranium-235
for atomic weapons.
* The union sought a 101-cent
hourly wage increase while the
cdmpany offered 5 cents. The pres-
ent scale is about $2 hourly.

will be necessary to raise the draft
- to 40,000 a month in July 1954, be
cause callups were heavy in th
first 18 months of the Korean War
and men completing their service
will have to be replaced to keep
the armed services up to strength
* * *
Lewis B. Hershey, national direc-
tor of Selective Service, said yes-
- terday it will be most unfortunate
- if the young men of the United
s States believe their plans, with
e respect to the draft, are going to
o be changed as a result of the Ko-
rean truce.
Any youth facing his two years
e of military service "should not
get excited" about escaping such
o service because of the truce,
n Hershey told a news conference.
He advised the young people to
go ahead with their plans to get
d an education before being called
into the armed forces.
He predicted that in 1955-54 "we
oare going to run out of meii---we
are going to have to take fathers,
4Fs and dependents or increase the
length of time we're going to take
fa man for service."
s* *
MILITARY manpower totals 3% M
million but is being trimmed some
under the administration's econo-
my drive.
The Army, the only service de-
pendent on the draft, must
maintain 20 divisions plus sup-
porting units.
With a lowering draft call, Se-
lective Service officials expect they
will not have to dip quite as deep-
ly into the 19-year-old pool of
youths. But when the eiallup in-
creases in mid-1954, more of the
younger men will get "greetings."
* * 0
said the armistice would have no
great bearing on the 19-year-old
calup because inrmost states the
older men who are qualified have
been drafted and men under 20
must be used.
Unlike the end of fighting in
World War II-when there was
a surrender instead of an ar-
mistice-the Korean truce will
not mean a mass return of troops
Secretary of Defense Wilson says
"it will be a long time before we
can with safety, withdraw our
troops from Korea." Exactly °how
long that time will be depends on
when officials consider peace is
sufficiently secure.
As for rotation in Korea, the
truce agreement limits the number
of men who may be replaced there
each month at 35,000 men.

Red Shakeup
Sweeps Top
E. Germans
Mobs Defy Reds
To Get West Food
BERLIN - (A) - The Commu-
s nist scythe that mowed down Lav-
- rent Beria in Moscow swept
through the top ranks of East
Germany's red regime last night.
t The Socialist Unity Communist
d Central committee announcel a
widespread shakeup below the big
three-Prime Minister Otto Grot-
ewohl, President Wilhelm Pieck
and General Secretary Watler Ul-
DROPPED from the all-powerful
t Wilhelm Zaisser, 60-year-old
veteran of Red intrigue and for-
Smerhead of the fearsome "se-
curity police" - the German
counterpart of Beria's MVD.
. (East German sources previously
commented that Zaisser had "good
. chances" of bouncing back into
-power as new interior minister,J
- replacing Willi Stoph.)
Rudolf Herrenstadt editor of the
i party organ Neues Deutschland.
Anton Ackermann, acting for-
eign minister.
Elli Schmidt, head of the wom-
an's League and former wife of
Hans Jendretzky, top union
leader of East Berlin and also
chairman of the Soviet sector
party echelon.
Zaisser, Herrenstadt, Achermann
and Frau Schmidt lived in Mos-
cow under Beria's patronage dur-
ing the Hitler era.
* * *
MEANWHILE, a hungry horde
of more than 120,000 East Ger-
mans defied Communist threats
and occasional police interference
to get food relief packages from
the West.1
Red police, trying 9n some in-
stances to discourage the em-
barrassing proof of poverty in
the Soviet zone, stopped a few
people who returned from W1,est1
Berlin and seized their Western
gift parcels of food.
But most of the East Germans
who thronged to West Berlin reliefr
stations to get the groceries theye
cannot buy in the state-operated
stores of their own zone were not
bothered by the police.s
ALTHOUGH Communist propa-
gandists raged in fury, most police
simply turned their backs in help-
less resignation.
It was the most convincing
demonstration yet that hunger
stalks the riot-torn Soviet zone
of Germany. It made public liars
ourt of Communist leaders who
claim Moscow can feed its own
without Western charity.
It also showed that the East n
Germans who fought tanks withd
bare firsts in the June 17 revolt
are far from cowed by Communista
Packed densely in long lines be-
fore 35 relief centers, those who
came waited patiently for hours
for their turn. Each received fat,
flour, dried vegetablesand canned
milk. Yesterday was only the be-
ginning. For two weeks the gigan-
tic relief operation is scheduled
to continue.









* *

Un if icati on
Opinions Differ
On Korea Confab
Opinions were varied yesterday
on the possibility of inifying Ko-
rea in the, 90 days allotted.
Views expressed by local political
experts on the two-day old cessa-
tion of hostilities, although gener-
ally in agreement on such topics
as U.S. recognition of Communist
China and the war in Indo-China,
were markedly different on this
one point.
IN THE OPINION of Prof. Pres-
ton W. Slosson of the history de-
partment, "it would not be im-
possible to unite Korea unless the
Reds want to make it so." He said
that the best way to accomplish
such a unity would be by the es-
tablishment of plebiscite.
"If this could not be done
through the UN," he pointed out,
"it might be done by an inter-
national commission similar to
that set up to settle the prison-
er repartiation question."
Prof. Slosson felt the problem
here would be "a little like thel
greater problem of the unification
of Germany," and maintained the
only thing standing in the way of
such an accomplishment would be!
the "determination of the Reds."
HE POINTED out there was
great possibility the Chinese Com-
munists would try to make Unit-
ed States recognition of them "a
necessary condition for peace,"
and said they might use this as a
sort of a "bribe."
Citing as one of the more
ticklish prospects of such a de-
mand for recognition, and its
subsequent wrangling, the prob-
lem of what to do with Formosa
Prof. Slosson came out firmly4
in opposition to any such rec-3
ognition unless the Chinese were1
to agree to certain terms.
These terms he said should1
nclude "letting Americans - stu-
ents, writers, journalists and tour-t
sts - visit China and travelt
hroughout the nation as freelye
s in any other country."
Commenting on the possible
reasons why the Communists
suddenly agreed to truce terms,t
Prof. Slosson felt that the heavy
losses incurred by China as
compared to the relatively lightt
ones sustained by Russia mightc
have had some bearing on the
sub ject.
He cited as another possibility x
hat "war might now flare up in n
ndo-China," making this the new >
ront. He concluded that there was t
ttle possibility that the United o
tates would send any troops in to a
ight in the event of such a war.
* * *
PROF. ROBERT E. Ward of the
olitical science department call-
d "the possibility of unification
ost improbable." He felt that al-
hough Korea might conceivably
e unified in the allotted 90 days,
he actual possibility of such an
ecomplishment was very slight.
Calling the problem of Unit-
ed States recognition of Com-
munist China a "bargaining

point for the Chinese if nothing
else" he too pointed to Formost I
as a bone of oentention, t
"It is one of the things they will o
iobably try to have put on the s
genda for discussion, and one s
hat we will try to keep off." o
Referring to the reports of a
inor purge of pro-Moscow Com-

PO W Exchanges
-By The Associated Press
The Korean Armistice Commission met for the first time yester-
day on its tough job of policing the truce which last night brought
a strange, uneasy quiet to this "Land of the Morning Calm"' after
more than three years of war.
The commission, made up of five Allied and five Communist sen-
<_..ior officers, convened promptly at 8 p.m. yesterday.
* * * *
NO AGENDA was announced, but one of the first orders of busi-
ness presumably will be the exchange of war prisoners-particularly
those wounded or who became sick since the Allies and Communists
traded ailing POWs last April.
In Seoul, President Syngman Rhee told his South Korean
countrymen he had been assured the Allies "are determined to
fight with us jointly in complete-unity of purpose" if the post-
armistice political conference with the Reds breaks down.
"President Eisenhower has expressed his firm belief that the issue
of unification of Korea will be solved during the three-month political
conference," Rhee added in a message. "From our point of view this
is hardly likely to happen, but we wish to have confidence in Presi-
dent Eisenhower's words
The 78-year-old Korean leader, who stoutly opposed any truce
leaving his war-shattered nation divided, said the United States had
given the republic "a full guarantee" of protection against aggression.
THE ARMISTICE became effective at 8 a.m. yesterday. More than
1,700,000 soldiers in the opposing armies relaxed along the 150-mile
battlefront after the last rumbling blasts of massed artillery.
Some front-line units shot up flares. On the Western Front,
U.S. Marines poked their heads over ridgelines and watched the
-'PChinese move into the open to remove dead comrades.
-AP Wire Photo
ers of the armed forces rivet their One officer said the Reds came near enough to "bum a smoke"
etin on the New York Times tower but added, "There was no fraternization."
ping in Korea.
A COMMUNIST'front-line loudspeaker blatantly bid the Leath-
ernecks to "a party."
Premier Georgi Malenkov of the Soviet Union sent k message
of good wishes to the North Korean government yesterday on the oc-
,t oI Iasio nof the armistice, Moscow radio announced.
He called the armistice a "victory."
Malenkov's message went to Comrade Kim II Sung, chairman
1 D sc1. ssed of the North Korean Council of Ministers."
A third signing of the bulky armistice documents was com
- pleted yesterday at Munsan and in Pyongyang, the Korean Com-
the labor situation, stating munist capital. Gen. Mark W, Clark, United Nations commander,
that the level of employment will flew back to his/Tokyo headquarters after signing copies of the
"notbe affected significantly." agreement which Sunday were sent north and signed by the Red
Harlow W. Curtice, president of high command.
General Motors, remarked, "I be Copies of the document were exchanged earlier yesterday by
liaison officers at Panmunjom.
ieve the prosperity of the coun-
try is not dependent on war or de- THE AGREEMENT provides for the speedy exchange of 36,000.
fense expenditures." prisoners, including 3,313 Americans. A Neutral Nation Supervisory
Long range viewpoint on the Commission will handle those 22,000 additional North Korean and
state of the nation's economy is Chinese prisoners refusing repatriation.
generally concurrent with that of At Koje Island, Allied officers yesterday morning began load-
C. W. LaPierre, vice-president of ing ships with Communist prisoners for transfer to the southeast-
General Electric who said "it will ern Korean-port of Pusan, where they will be put aboard trains
probably be a long time before our for movement to Panmunjom.
country can feel safe enough to The exchange at Panmunjom was expected to begin late this
ease off on our defense buildup. If week.
that time ever comes, we will un- * * * *
doubtedly be able to divert our IN WASHINGTON yesterday President Eisenhower firmly pegged
energies to civilian production." American relief for Korea in fulfillment of the truce terms by South

t f
G" ;



155I1 0

eyes on the moving electric bulle
which tells of the armistice sign
Truce Effeo
U.S. Econol
"The end of the fighting in
Korea is certainly going to result
in a substantial decrease in fed-
eral defense spending, perhaps as
much as $30 billion in the next 18
months," Prof. William Haber of
the economics department said
last night.
Discussing the immediate effect
of the Korean truce on the na-
tion's economy, Prof. Haber point-
ed out that areas producing de-
fense items are likely to find some
contraction in employment while
other areas willnopdoubt increase
their level of employment.
* * *


Doctors Discuss Stoddard's Ouster

University doctors commented
yesterday on the resignation of
University of Illinois President
George D. Stoddard and its rela-
tion to a feud between Stoddard
and Dr. A. C. Ivy, vice-president
in charge of Chicago Professional
Stoddard submitted his resigna-
tion to the Illinois board of trus-
tees following a vote of six to
three on a lack of confidence,
blaming dispute over research on
the cancer drug krebiozen, as rea-
son for his ouster.
* * *
DR. IVY, on leave of absence

from his post, was an advocate of
full research with krebiozen. Stod-
dard ordered the university to drop
research on the controversial drug
last November after the American
Medical Association said the drug
had no proven value in the treat-
ment of cancer.
Dr. Fred J. Hodges of the Uni-
versity medical school who was
a member of an independent
committee which also investigat-
ed the drug, said he couldn't
understand how the trustees"
would fail to support Stoddard
on the krebiozen issue."

Dr. Ivy has a long and glitter-
ing record as a physiologist, he
noted. "At the same time, he is an
idealist and as individualist and
not even his best friends can un-
derstand his refusal to drop the
research," he added.
DR. ALBERT C. Furstenberg,
dean of the medical school under-
lined the dependability of AMA in-
vestigations. "They are very thor-
ough and careful and usually
right," he said..
According to International
News Service reports, Illinois
Governor Stratton personally
directed the campaign to oust
Stoddard. An administrative aide
admitted putting the finishing
touches on a continuing cam-
paign to compel the educator to
resign is nn+t

the overall effect of the silencing
of guns in Korea will increase the
volume of unemployment in the
United States," perhaps from the I odsv o d
rsetlevels of one and a half WrdNi
million, representing about three
percent of the nation's labor force,
to as much as five to six percent By The Asse
of the total labor force or two and HANOI, Indochina-French U:
a half to three million. terday against the threat of increas,
rebels in Indochina now the fightir
Prof. Haber continued his ob- Thsvtlgewyoalsuh
servations on the effect of the oneThis vital gateway to all south
Korean peace by stating that a orrdh
decrease in federal defense world.
spending should eventually bring W*O*p
with it a substantial decline in WASHINGTON-House Speak
taxes, particularly on consumers. day he doubted that Congress woi
"If we can cut taxes $25 billion million dollar increase in postal rat
by the end of 1954," he said, * *
"consumers spending would in- DETROIT-The Washington
crease, and the slack in hard Philip Weiss to the labor relations
good production will be taken mission was announced here yeste:
up." 0 *
Somewhat more optimistic in yesterday passed a bill provid-
us viewpoint of the effect of the ing for 100 million dollars worth
truce signing on the national bus-info10mlindlarwrt
ness world,. Prof. Philip Wernette of surplus food to help feed the
f the . business administration hungry of other lands.
school, feels that "the decrease in The measure was requested by
pending will be negligible because President Eisenhower, who would
f the truce " be in charge of making the
gifts. It now goes to the House
* * where the Agriculture Commit-
vnrx~mrr_ A - +v..+tee a~nroveda similar hill vs


"Korea's President Syngman Rhee.
In a special message to Con-
gress, Eisenhower formally re-
s Roundup quested 200 million dollar as a
first installment to help rehabili-
tate the war-ravaged Republic of
:iated Press But the President made it clear
lion forces braced themselves yes- that in providing dollar aid to re-
d Red Chinese aid to the Vietminh build Korea's shatttred economy
g has stopped in Korea. this country expects the SouthKo-
east Asia has become the number- reans to live up to the newly sign-
Communist and non-Communist ed truce provisions.
* * *
* * EISENHOWER said that imple,
r Martin (R-Mass.) said yester- nentation of the program will de-
ld agree at this session to a 240 pend "on the continued co-opera-
*s. tion of the government of the Re-
* *public of Korea with the United
appointment of Detroit Attorney States and the United Nations
panel of the Atomic Energy Com- Command."
day. Eisenhower indicated plainly
* * s that his request for 200 million
dollars will probably be followed.
NEW YORK-Sen. Robert A. later by requests for additional
Taft's return to Washington set funds to carry out a long-range
for tomorrow, has been post- program of rehabilitation.
poned indefinitely. He said the program must ex-
A bulletin from New York Hos- tend over several years, and ad-
Aibllein fer New Yor Hos-vised the lawmakers that he will
"further treatment was war- make further recommendations
ranted," following an explora- ** *
tory operation of Taft's abdom- TOKYO; G en ark W.

City Bargain Days,
Ann Arbor will be as crowded as it is on a football weekend,
when it celebrates Bargain Days tomorrow and Thursday.

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