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July 28, 1953 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1953-07-28

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TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1953

__________________________________________ N

The War in Retrospect

THE SIGNING of an armistice agreement
in Korea after more than three years
of bloody fighting in which close to three
million lives were lost by both sides, calls
for an attempt at evaluation.
When President Harry S. Truman took
the step of sending U. S. troops to the aid
of a country which was within a day or two
of falling prey to its Communist neighbor,
he boldly reversed the traditional American
policy of waiting until aggression hit home
before, taking action. He assertively rein-
forced a policy of internationalism which has
as a basic tenet that trouble anywhere is
the concern of people everywhere.
As a necessary adjunct to this action
and the principle behind it, United Nations
support was obtained so that the battle
took on a new and more historically sig-
nificant meaning. It was the first time
an international body has ever'undertaken
to forcibly combat aggression. The United
Nation's action has saved that organiza-
tion from deteriorating into one of merely
social service. It has revivified that body
and given affirmitive expression to the op-
timistic principles of its charter. And the
United States can well be proud that it
took the leadership in helping the UN
realize its goal.
Aside from the drawn out, see-saw nature
of the war, there are several aspects to it
which are more than noteworthy.
It was remarkable that both the Truman
and Eisenhower administrations were able
to steer the middle road between those who
would withdraw completely and those who
would extend the war. The temptation to
swerve from the principles of a limited war
must have been tremendous, what with the
great cost in lives and material, the equivi-
cation of some and outright opposition of
others at home and in the UN and the heart-
D R}
RICHARD III, presented by the the
Stratford Shakespearean Festival in
Stratford, Ontario
CANADA'S STRATFORD is located about
two hundred. miles east of Ann Arbor.
The surface appearance of the community
is that of 'an ordinary Canadian industrial
town of around twenty thousand popula-
tion. The main street, currently canopied
with red, white, and blue pennants, is wide
enough to avoid much traffic congestion in
spite of the fact that the angle-parking at
the curb cuts off some of the room. Commer-
cial frontage is old, the vogue for "modern"
stares having so far missed the small Ca-
nadian cities.
It is here on the periphery of this busy
somnolence, under the big top, where the
"Stratford Foundation" with the help of
-director Tyrone Gutnrie, designer Tanya
Moisiewitsch, Actors Alec Guinness, Irene
Worth, and a company of experienced sup-
porting performers is presenting, through
August 15, two brilliant and dynamic pro-
ductions: "All's Well that Ends Well" and
"Richard III." Very likely, it is the theatri-
cal event of the summer on this continent.
In spite of what is done in future years
at Stratford, this first festival will not be
soon forgotten.
Of course, there was no reason for sur-
prise at the skill with which "All's Well" and
"Richard" have been performed. Alec Guin-
ness's talent "and versatility is recognized
everywhere; Irene Worth has played here
and in Britain with great success, director
Tyrone Guthrie's experience administering
the Old Vic made him eminently qualified
for the undertaking at Stratford; and Tanya
Moisiewitsch, his designer, has had as many
as five productions running in London simul-
The way these talents have been blended,
however, is remarkable, and in places, al-
most magical. A flawless timing and rhythm
have gone into the two productions. The

decor is brilliant, and so flexible has the stag-
ing been accomplished that the theater craft
alone achieved a kind of choreographic
Of greatest value, the producers were
blessed with what must be the Platonic ideal
of an auditorium for the shows. It is a ter-
raced, semi-circular arena, seating about
1400, with the platform stage at its hub. The
actors, surrounded on three sides by the
audience, are deployed during the perform-
ances not only on platform level, but also
on dozens of steps which descend to the floor
of the arena and on staircases which ascend
to a balcany overlooking the center of the
stage. The set therefore, completely sym-
metrical, functioned for both plays.
Place was designated, in the Elizabethan
manner, strictly by the dialogue of the char-
acters and the style of the costuming, all of
which was brilliantly colorful, yet perfectly
blended, even in the mass displays of pag-
eant and ceremony that filled both plays.
Musical effects, including bell and cannon,
were introduced to complete the full sensory
impact of the productions.
As for the more fundamental and tra-
ditional powers of the plays, I think there
can be no general charge that the pro-
ducers sacrificed the subtler qualities of
the verse and meaning through excessive
pomp and circumstance. The diction and
understanding of the actors never faltered.

breakingly selfish action of a dictatorial
marionette such as Syngman Rhee.
The United State's feat in this struggle
has tested not the strength, but the patience
of this nation. And this country has given an
account of itself in the international sphere
which will go down in history as the monu-
ment which marks its coming of age in
world leadership.
Of course, as commentators have point-
ed out, the signing of a truce does not
mean peace. There are long months of
bitter debate ahead. But still some solu-
tion of the problem is in sight. Although
Russia has suffered a defeat only in pres-
tige, she has been stalemated. It can val-
idly be surmised that the truce is partially
a result of the internal conflict within
the Soviet Union and, more important, the
unwillingness of the Chinese People's Re-
public to sustain the heavy losses which
might threaten its domestic stability.
The policy to be followed in the future
is certainly clear. We must be ready to par-
take in any plan which will help further
international peace, even if this means the
recognition of Communist China. We must
constantly be prepared to defend any peo-
ple against aggression anywhere in the
world.. This country has done a remarkable
thing in the Korean war, and it must stick
to the principles which led to the deed. This
means consistant support of active coopera-
tion and leadership in the United Nations.
That organization must not be discarded as
the vehicle of our broader policies, as some
advocate. It means the same kind of pa-
tience that was shown in the past three
years. And it means that we must adhere
to the most important corollary of inter-
national cooperation: that the rights of other
nations. are to be considered equal to our
-Jerry Helman
faint hearts among the producers in their
initial foray.
Still, there did seem to be greater atten-
tion to line and character in the modern
dress in "All's Well" than there was in "Rich-
ard." This so-called "problem" comedy, in-
deed, turns out to be a surprisingly affect-
ing play in which, contrary to consensus
opinion, the people involved seem to be ex-
tremely forthright and appealing individ-
uals, unsentimental yet humanly motivated
As produced at Stratford, in two acts, the
play is a beautiful unit, each action com-
pletely meaningful and delightfully accom-
plished. Irene Worth was an inspired Hele-
na. She clearly established the character's
grand passion in the opening scenes, then
went on to develop her as a complete woman
rather than a mere scheming and lovesick
girl. Alec Guinness underplayed as the
French king, perfectly complementing He-
lena's youth and passion. Donald Harron
was a graceful Bertram, too unsophisticated
to win any active animosity from the audi-
ence, which was quite proper for his con-
vincing repentance at the end. Douglas
Campbell was a treble Parolles, providing
much more than comic relief in a role well
integrated into the plot.
Certainly this play does not deserve its
relative obscurity. With a production as flaw-
less as this, it could even be granted that
the courtier Lafeu is not just an old fool
when he remarks in the final scene: "Me-
thinks ny eyes smell onions."
"Richard III," on the other hand, or-
dinarily, and with good reason, regarded
as one man's play. Without the wise disci-
plining of the role of the protagonist, the
drama falls into a series of meloramatic
episodes which are exciting, but not par-
ticularly coherent. In spite of this, Guin-
ness apparently makes his decision not to
take the play very seriously right from
the moment he steps forward onto the
balcony, tossing off "Now is the winter of

our discontent" and throwing one leg over
the balustrade somewhat in the manner of
a court jester.
From this point, he is "The Promoter"
most of the way, achieving moments of de-
lightful satire, but never caring to plumb
the depths of the character's malevolence.
The weakness of this interpretation is ap-
parent in the last act when Richard is
called upon for violent demonstrations of
guilt feeling, most of which seem surprising
in this rather apathetic, undistinguished
villain. Even the physical deformity of the
king is minized, leaving Richard a kind of
blunt thorn in the blight of the Rose War.
The roles of the other assorted politicians,
soldiers, and wailing women are well han-
dled, Irene Worth's brief bit as Margaret,
last of the Lancasters, is effective as you
might expect. The actors, including Guin-
ness, have, however, surrendered the stage
to the glories of pageant: the procession of
cowled figures bearing huge crosses in Rich-
ard's coronation, the progress of courtiers
saluting the return of the ill-fated boy prince
Edward V, the full-scale warfare of Bosworth
Field as realistic a pitched battle as may
have been produced on a stage.
All of it, frankly melodramatic, dis-
connectedly violent, is as colorful a canvas
of fifteenth-century court intrigue.as any
medium, including the movies, could con-
vey. In spite of the fact that the play
can be no tragedy under any interpreta-

At the Ypsi-Ann.
ley Booth and Burt Lancaster.
U NDOUBTEDLY this is the finest film
presentation of the season. Certainly it
is one of the very few adult films recently
attempted by Hollywood. Its financial and
aesthetic success should awaken movieland
to the future possibilities of the film as an
art medium.
The plot is a psychologically complex one,
yet it is told with simplicity and taste. It con-
cerns attempts of a frustrated, middle-aged
couple to rise above the indiscretions and
mistakes of the past. The wife lives in an il-
lusory world of escape, clinging to every
scrap of affection as a reaction to her sud-
den rejection from a very sheltered home
life. The husband is a reformed alcoholic
whose life is a living frustration, stemming
from his "forced" marriage, and his con-
sequential inability to continue his medical
Skillfully interwoven with this main plot
is the romance of a young college girl who
is their roomer. Her life mirrors the older
couple's youth at the same time providing
a contrast for their present situation. This
is a writing technique that eliminates
the cumbersome and obvious flashback.
The success of this film is a tribute to
the -acting ability of Shirley Booth, who
brings to life the character of Lola, the
wife. With every tacial expression, move of
her body, and intonation she subtly weaves
a picture of a woman in escape from reality.
Perhaps the most poigant of these scenes
comes as Lola speaks on the phone to her
mother, the symbol of unrequited love.
This forms a background for Lola's tran-
sition back to the present. She forgets about
her lost dog Sheba, one of her escape mech-
anisms, and faces the real problem of creat-
ing a home for her husband. The ease and
grace of this transition is remarkable. It
characterizes Miss Booth's performance as
outstanding and certainly worthy of the
Academy Award which it won.
Burt Lancaster, as Doc Delaney, Lola's
husband, gives a restrained portrayal of
a man fighting to overcome his past mis-
takes while at the same time he is daily
confronted by the source of his frustra-
tion. The repressed nature of Lancaster's
performance gives the climax an emo-
tional significance usually missing from
such high tension films. His acting is of
the same high quality as Miss Booth's.
Technically the film is excellent, though a
bit stagey. The camera utilizes Miss Booth's
expressions effectively. Direction and pacing
are excellent.
-Dick Wolf
* * * *
At the State ., ,
Danny Kaye, Jeanmaire and the songs
of Frank Loesser.
HIGHLIGIZTED by a few good Frank
Loesser tunes and a relatively sedate
Danny Kaye, this much touted musical pro-
vides some relief from the humidity and
papers which seem to be due about this time
of the year.
Followers of Kaye will be considerably dis-
appointed that the Walter Mitty humor, or
anything approaching it, is reined in
throughout this sentimental film. But he
does an honest and, depending on your mood,
sometimes moving job.
Jeanmaire, France's answer to Moira
Shearer, turns out to be neither as beau-
tiful nor as talented as Miss Shearer, but
holds her own in both departments. De-
spite a classic bit of pirouetting with Ro-
land Petit, who choreographed the dances,
she relies a good deal on sex-which in
her case is quite understandable.
Fortunately, the Moss Hart screenplay
functions only to weave together a large
number of songs and a few ballets and does
not often get in the way. There is some

question as to whether this tale of un-
requited love is the best core for a host of
happy melodies, but I suppose it was in-
Nevertheless, it is quite clear that Goldwyn
has hit the box office jackpot once again.
There is enough shallow emotional impact
and catchy scoring to justify the financial
results. If you accept the fact that nothing
particularly profound is intended, you will
find this a delightful film.
-Barnes Connable

"Nobody Here But Just Us Economizers"
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WASHINGTON-About 10,000,000 more people will be included under
Social Securiay by a special message which President Eisenhower
will send to Congress early this week.
It is aimed to carry out presidential pledges made during the
election campaign and will place under Social Security a large list of
people hitherto not enjoying old-age or unemployment benefits. They
will include:
Ministers of the gospel and lay church workers; state and local.
government employees; self-employed, such as doctors and lawyers;
medical internes; civil employees of the Coast Guard, and American
citizens employed on foreign-flag vessels such as those of Panama and
Liberia, provided the vessels are owned by Americans.
President Eisenhower will send only a brief message to Con-
gress, in which he will re-emphasize his belief in the basic prin-
ciples of the Social-Security program but will say that it must
be strengthened.
Originally he had asked Congressman Dan Reed of New York,
chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, to introduce the new
Social Securiay bill. But Reed was so burned up over his reversal
of the continuation of the excess-profits tax that he refused. Eisen-
hower then turned to one of the Republicans of the Ways and Means
Committee, Robert Kean of New Jersey, who has consistently sup-
ported him on tax measures.
Eisenhower's message will sidestep any increase in the limit of
$75 a month which oldsters are permitted to earn without losing their
old-age benefits. There has been a lot of pressure on the White House
to increase the $75 limit to $100 a month. The President, however, has
told congressional advisers that he felt a request for an increase of
this limit would create too much opposition on Capitol Hill. However,
he indicated he would ask to boost the $75-a-month ceiling at the
next session.
The new Social-Security proposals will also help those drawing
Social-Security benefits, by permitting anyone to drop the three worst
years in computing his monthly wages.
Without any fanfare, Robert R. Young, lone wolf of the railroad
industry, has bought up 25 per cent of the New York Central Railroad
and can now almost completely control that organization.
Officially the Interstate Commerce Commission has ruled that
Young cannot control the New York Central. But now that Young's
Chesapeake & Ohio and his Allegheny Corporation have quietly ac-
quired one-quarter of New York Central stock, the ICC will face a
tough decision.
If he is able to combine the New York Central with the Chesa-
peake & Ohio, Young will have the largest railroad network in the
United States.
Most tragic part about the southwest drought is that the dam-
age will be even greater next year unless some sort of a cover crop
is grown before the windy season starts in March. Without such a
crop, so much of the land will be blown away as to be virtually un-
Department of Agriculture experts who have been making an
intensive survey of the Southwest, have come back with two facts: one
they can surmount; one they cannot explain.
The unexplainable fact is that droughts seem to occur in
cycles of about every nine years. They even seem to occur in the
odd-numbered decades. Thus terrific droughts came in the 193w's,
followed by above normal rains in the 1940's, and now another
drought in the 1950's.
The other fact is that man-made efforts to combat the dust
bowl are successful. And if the lessons learned in the 1930's had not
been ignored in the area southwest of the old dust bowl, there would
be no trouble in Texas and New Mexico today. In fact, the area hard-
est hit by the 1930 drought, parts of Oklahoma and western Kansas,
having learned its lesson, is relatively better off. It was in the 1930's
that dust from Kansas and Oklahoma settled as far east as Boston
and New York.

VIENNA-In a human and poli-
tical sense, the Kremlin's at-
tempt to impose Soviet-style Com-
munism on Eastern Europe can be
confidently counted among his-
tory's most abysmal failures. This
is the central meaning of the re-
cent remarkable events in Eastern
Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hun-
gary and elsewhere. Yet it is also
true that in an inhuman and tech-
nological sense, the Kremlin's Eur-
opean empire represents an extra-
ordinary achievement.
This seeming paradox is wholly
confirmed by the great mass of
information on the satellites avail-
able in Berlin, in Munich, and here
in Vienna. The experts do not have
to guess what is happening with-
in the Soviet empire. They
know. With thousands of refugees
streaming into West Berlin every
week, they know what is happen-
ing in Communist Germany down,
to the village, and even the street
level. The picture of what is hap-
pening in the more distant satel-
lites is only relatively more opaque.
The picture is everywhere the
same-total political failure and
remarkable industrial achieve-
ment. The failure can be very
simply defined. The Soviet-im-
posed satellite regimes are poli-
tically absolutely artificial. Lack-
ing any mass base of popular
support whatsoever, they are
kept afloat by force on a heav-
ing sea of savage, universal hat-
red. What is particularly signi-
ficant about this phenomenon of
mass hatred, is that it is concen-
trated among those who were
supposed to be the special darl-
ings of the Communist regimes-
the industrial workers.
Take the case of Czechoslovakia.
The Kremlin's plan for its Czech
colony calls for an increase of 175
per cent of Czech heavy industrial,
armaments, and chemical output.
This means in turn a tremendous
increase-in the number of indus-
trial workers-the number of
workers in the famous Skoda arm-
aments plans, for example, has
been quadrupled. Much of what is
produced goes to the Soviet Union
-about 90 per cent of the arma-
ments, for example. At the same
time production of consumer goods
has been sharply reduced of neces-
sity, while the forced collective
farm system plus the drain of farm
workers to the factories has also
heavily reduced the already inade-
quate Czech food supplies.
* * *
HERE CAN be only one result
of this sort of thing. A worker
cannot eat a machine gun, nor
can he live on a drop forge. The
Czech puppet rulers have tried
every conceivable device to meet
the industrialization goals, includ-
ing the assignment to forced labor
of more than 300,000 "kulaks,
bourgeois, and unreliables." Yet
under this system there is simply
no way to avoid a steady fearful
decline in the real standard of liv-
ing of the workers.
The recent currency "reform"

in Czechosolvakia, which bore
down most heavily on the pet-
ted Stahkanovite workers nd
the sleek party functionaries,
was not simply an act of wan-
ton economic cruelty. Unless the
industrialization goals were, un-
thinkably, to be abandoned, this
economic whip had to be used
on the backs of the workers.
It is no accident that the worst
riots and uprisings have been stag-
ed by the supposedly phlegmatic
Czechs and the orderly Germans
("if a German wants to blow up a
railroad station," Lenin is sup-
posed to have remarked contemp-
tuously, "he first buys a ticket").
Czechoslovakia and Germany are
the two satellites where industrial-
ization was already most advanced,
and where the industrial workers
had the most vivid standard of
comparison between past and pres-
ent. Yet everywhere in the satel-
lites, the workers are hagridden by
THE PEASANTS, of course, share
this hatred. There were gen-
uine pitchfork rebellions in Ger-
many in June, and in Hungary
the peasants almost succeeded in
breaking up the collective system.
The workers resistance especially,
moreover, has had a curious Marx-
ist-revolutionary flavor, with the
puppet regimes cast in the role of
the evil "capitalist exploiters."
This must surely have frightened
the men in the Kremlin, for in
their eyes, after all, the workers
an peasants are the makers of
revolution. What must have
frightened the men in the Krem-
lin at least as much, is the un-
reliability of their hard-built local
instruments of control. This was
clearly demonstrated when Soviet
troops and tanks had to be used
to suppress the German workers'
revolts. There are variations, of
course, but the experts believe that
the "people's armies" and "peo-
ple's police" in other satellites also
cannot be trusted by their Soviet
masters to shoot down their own
The Soviet policy of forced in-
dustrialization, in short, has fos-
tered a ferocious hatred for the
puppet regimes. This hatred is
concentrated among the exploit-
ed workers, but it is so general
that even the direct beneficiar-
ies of the Communist regimes
can no longer be trusted. It is
not wishful thinking to recog-
nize the existence of this mass
hatred, or to argue that is con-
stitutes a profound weakness in
the Soviet power system.
Yet it is wishful thinking to
suppose that the Soviet system is
about to disintegrate, to the ac-
companiment of shouts of encour-
agement from Washington's psy-
chological warriors. For reasons
which will be examined in a fur-
ther report, it is also wishful think-
ing to overlook the fact that the
Soviet policy of forced industriali-
zation of the satellites has mark-
edly increased the Soviet war po-
(Copyright, 1953, N.Y. Her. Trib., Inc.)



The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in itris construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceeding publication (be-
fore 11 a.m. on saturday).
TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1953
VOL. LXIII, No. 25-S
Veterans eligible for education and
training allowance under Public Law
550 (Korea G. I. Bill), whether they
have received Certificate for Education
and Training, VA Form 7-1993, or not,
must pick up DEAN'S MONTHLY CER-
TIFICATION in appropriate school of-
fice, get instructors' signatures for
June and July and return that cer-
tification to the Dean's office on or be-
fore August 3. VA Form 7-1996a, MONTH-
must be filled in and signed in the
Office of Veterans' Affairs. 565 Admin-
istration Building, between July 31 and
August 6.
August Graduates in Engineering:
A representative of Babcock & Wilcox
Company, Barberton, Ohio, Division,
will interview August Mechanical, In-
dustrial, Electrical, Civil Engineering
graduates and others available for em-
ployment, Wednesday, July 29, in Room
226 West Engineering Building. Please
sign the interview schedule posted on
the bulletin board at 225 West Engi-
neering Building.

Lecture, auspices of the Department
of Civil Engineering. "Recent Trendsein
Soil Mechanics," William S. Housel,
Professor of Civil Engineering. 4:00
p.m., 311 West Engineering Building.
Graduate Symposium. Speech Training
for Adults: G. E. Densmore, Chairman
of the Department of Speech. 4:00
p.m., West Conference Room, Rackham
Linguistic Forum. "Language as a part
of Cutlure," Alf Sommerfelt, Professor
of Linguistics, University of Oslo, 7:30
p.m. Rackham Amphitheater.
Lecture. Social Psychological Research
in India, by Dr. H. P. Maiti, Professor,
of the University of Patna. Auditorium
C, Angell Hall, 4.P., July 29.
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics.
will meet at 1:00 o'clock today in Room
3201 Angell Hall. Mr. Timon Walther will


ROBERT ELLIS, Organist, at Hill Audi-
THE AUDIENCE in Hill Auditorium Sun-
day heard a program which included
some very distinguished works but began
and ended with two rather dreary ones:
Brahms' Prelude and Fugue in G minor,
which sounds like a student work and prob-_
ably is, and Reger's fussy and pompous Fan-
tasy on "A Mighty Fortress." Even so excel-
lent an organist as Mr. Ellis-was unable to
do very much with these, but the rest of
the program was most enjoyable.
A chorale prelude and the Prelude and
Fugue in D by Bach and the Fantasie in
F minor by Mozart were superb, and two
short works by Arne and Milhaud were

In those years, politicians used
to criticize the "crackpot ideas" of
Henry Wallace and Rexford Guy
Tugwell. But the fact is that the
soil conservation program which
they hammered home has saved
the old dust bowl area today. It is
now held down by a cover of grass.
But while the farmers of K an-
sas and Oklahoma have learned
their lesson, the farmers of Texas
and New Mexico have not. Encour-
aged by the abundance of rain in
the 1940's, they decided to go in for
by the abundance of rain in the
1940's, they decided to go in for
heavier grazing, plus more cotton
and wheat. As a result, their land
is literally blowing away.
Agricultural experts say that
1934 was the worst drought year
of all. But now it looks as if
1953 would be even drier.

SixtyThird Year
Edited and managed by students 01
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff

Harand Britz.........Managng
Dick Lewis ......,......sports
Becky Conrad............Night
Gayle Greene..............Night
Pat Roelofs.......,...... Night
Fran Sheldon..............Night


Doctoral Examination for William
K. Johnson, Pharmaceutical Chemistry;
thesis: "Analogs of Epinephrine," today
in Room 2525 Chemistry Building at
2:00 p.m. Chairman, F. Fr Blicke.
Orientation Seminar in Matprematics
will meet Wednesday, July 29, ath3
o'clock, Room 3001 Angell Hall. The
program will be a continuation of the
discussion of the Hausdorff Paradox.
Refreshments will be served at 2:45.
Doctoral Examination for ' Jacob
Straus, Botany; thesis: "Studies on
Maize Endosperm - Deprived Ti'ssue
Grown in vitro, Culture Requirements,
Morphology, and Cytology," Wednesday,
July 29, 1139 Natural Science Bldg., at
9 a.m. Chairman, C. D. LaRue.
Doctoral Examination for J. Richard
Weaver, Chemistry; thesis: "The Deter-
mination of Rate Constants for Reduc-
tion Processes at a Streaming Mercury
Electrode," Wednesday, July 29, 3003


Business Staff
Bob Miller. ...,...Business Manager
Dick Astrom......Circulation Manager
Dick Nyberg...........Finance Manager
Jessica Tanner.. Advertising Associate
Bob Kovacs.......Advertising Associate

A representative from the Walled
Lake Public Schools will be in our of-
fice at ten o'clock on Thursday, July
30. He will be interested in teachers
of English, Chemistry, Geometry, Ju-
nior High School Science and Mathe-
matics, and a goodly number of ele-
mentary teachers. Interested candidates
rhm11i ,.,contact+the Bureau f Apit

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