FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1953
Daily Managing Editor
HE OUTSPOKEN voice of the Harvard
Crimson has been stilled. The summer
school administration has stripped the sum-
mer edition of its right to editorialize.
Whatever reasons the higher ups have
given, their action remains a downright in-
vasion of the Crimson's cherished freedom
of the press.
The Crimson has long been a stalwart
among independent college newspapers.
Just before the prohibition was issued,
they were preparing to chastise the Har-
vard Corporation for firing an anatomy
professor for refusing to testify before a
congressional committee. In their last
issue they blasted the Eisenhower Admin-
istration for "apathy" in dealing with the
Iron Curtain riots.
The authorities may maintain that these
editorials had nothing to do with the sus-
pension, but they will have considerable dif-
ficulty in convincing anyone of this.
The reason given for the prohibition is
that since the Summer Crimson is partially
subsidized by the University it should not,
publish any political opinions because the
summer school itself has no opinions.
Upon closer examination this appears
to be nothing but a fiction. The summer
Crimson is a newspaper, whether the Uni-
versity, the students themselves, or some
wealthy benefactor supports it. As a news-
paper the staff or at least individual staff
members are entitled to express views.
The University is giving them aid because
as a newspaper, the Crimson also reports
news of the campus. This it does well.
But no one considers the paper an organ
of the University.
Our news source at Cambridge believes
that the order is a clear case of adm'inistra-
tion higherups not liking the particular
views of the paper and using their briefly
assumed power to silence the deviationists.
There appears to be little other logical ex-
planation, especially in view of the fact
that the paper has for years editorialized
during the summers without interference.
When the fall term begins and the regu-
lar editors return, the Crimson will resume
its autonomy. Once again its editorial page
will resume action. It might do wise to re-
frain from passing such key control in the
future to. the summer school. Indeed, with-
out the right to speak out, the newspaper
becomes little more than an official bulletin.
All of the student enthusiasm is nipped in
the bud. If Crimson editors face publication
another summer with its most important
function inoperative, it would do better to
close up shop until fall.
Meanwhile, Harvard University, long con-
sidered a leader among liberal, independent,
institutions, is giving itself a black eye by
putting itself along side so many other
schools that were too small to either accept
criticism or tolerate some unconventional
thinking among their students.
HE CHIEF foundation of all states, new
as well as old or composite, are good
laws and good arms, and as there cannot
be good laws where the state is not well
armed, it follows that where they are well
armed they have good laws.
Musical Current
A HISTORICALLY significant event in art
is pretty easy to see when viewed from
the safe distance of a few hundred years.
But when the time element is diminished,
and perspective is clouded by our subject-
ive involvement in the heavy stream of cur-
rent happenings, significance is most diffi-
cult to point out, and any statements con-
cerning it are usually controversial.
Today in music a significant event is tak-
ing place. It is safe to say this, since history
has shown a pattern, which when put into
perspective, seems inevitable. But of course,
as in all artistically significant events,
whether it be Stravinsky's Rite of Spring or
Giotto's Frescoes in the Arena Chapel, to
those of us living when it is happening, it
is unexpected.
To understand what this event is, it is
best to show how it was arrived at. This
can be done by a brief, cursory glimpse at
music since Wagner and Brahms.
At the end of the nineteenth century two
general currents, contradictory in nature,
were evolving as guideposts for creation in
music. Both currents had manifestos.
The first of these currents was headed by
Arnold Schoenberg. His views were sum-
marized in his book, "Style and Idea." The
musical word pertinent here is chromati-
cism, as Schoenberg was the chief propo-
nent and philosopher of twelve-tone music
or "atonality."
Chromaticism is a word which has to be
understood by the ear before the mind, but
it involves all the twelve notes of the scale
rather than the eight diatonic ones, and is
opposed to a system of scales where cer-
tain notes are foreign.
The chief proponent of chromaticism
before Schoenberg was Wagner, who to
the twelve-tone composer was the main
influence. The Prelude to Tristran and
Isolde can be understood by the twelve-
tone analysis Schoenberg advocated.
Igor Stravinsky in his book "Poetics of
Music" presented what can be caled the
manifesto of the second current, which has
been dubbed by critics "Neoclassicism"
While Schoenberg represented a continu-
ation of Wagner, and Romanticism, Stra-
vinsky represented a reaction against this.
The musical word here is tonality. Here
again is a word needing the ear for explana-
tion. But in the main, tonality at the be-
ginning of this century meant a return to a
solid superstructure for music, a superstruc-
ture provided for by different key levels in
relation to one another.
Stravinsky and such composers as
Hindemith, Bartok, and Milhaud, looked
back to Mozart, Bach, and earlier renais-
sance composers for inspiration. Schoen-
berg, and his followers, Berg and Webern,
denied there was any value in looking
back, and adamantly insisted on constant-
ly looking forward with only occasional
glimpses at previous composers for indi-
cations of future progress.
Schoenberg didn't care one bit about what
key a work was to be in, and his music was
supposed to be keyless. Stravinsky thought
key level, or tonality, to be the most im-
portant part of music, and any belief other-
wise tended to destroy music, as he thought
Wagner had done.
The result in both cases was extreme
viewpoints. Schoenberg thought the old con-
cepts useless for present day needs. Stra-
vinsky felt that chromaticism tended to be
unworkable if not used very sparingly.
Today composers are writing music ad-
hering to all the strict twelve-tone rules set
down by Schoenberg, and at the same time
their music is tonal. Schoenberg was wrong.
Music has to have key, tonality; the ear de-
mands it as a guide. It is the basic formal
architecture for music.
Stravinsky, as a writer, was mistaken
in believing that Wagner's excursions in-
to chromaticism could not be co-ordinated
with tonality's auditory architecture.
Today, Roger Sessions, Luigi Dallipicolla,
Frank Martin, Aaron Copland, to name a
few, are writing music which is tonal, and
yet, if not strictly adhering to the twelve-
tone row, at least greatly influenced by it.
The Quintet with Piano by Ross Lee Finney,
which was premiered here last Tuesday by
the Stanley Quartet and Marian Owen, is
also twelve-tone and tonal.
That this musical problem is no mere
fad is testified by the fact that it has been
a problem preoccupying composers for cen-
turies now. Attempts were being made to
combine chromaticism and tonality by Ge-
sualdo, Bach, and other composers who lived
long before Wagner.
But today's solution is the most complete
yet. As stylistic evolution, it has opened
a large untapped vista for which the com-
poser can cast his musical thought. This of
course does not mean that old compositional
procedures are outworn, for composers will
write in whatever style suits them. But the
musical scene has been vastly broadened by
the resolution of these two conflicting cur-
-Donald Harris
"Sorry, TOmr - IHmncymoon, You Know"
r~ _
, 7T7
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceeding publication (be-
fore It a.m. on Saturday).
FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1953
VOL. LXIII, No. 24-S
August Teacher's Certificate Candi-
dates: The Teacher's Oath will be ad-
ministered to all August candidates for
the teacher's certificate on Thursday
and Friday, July 23 and 24, in Room
1437 U. E. -S. This is a requirement for.
the teacher's certificate.
Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office is
open daily from 10 am. until 8 p.m.
Tickets are available for the remain-
ing Department of Speech productions
in the summer series: The Country
Girl and Pygmalion $1.20 - 90c - 60c;
The Tales of Hoffman, produced with
the School of Music, $1.50 - $1.20- 90c.
Pi Lambda Theta initiation will be
held Monday, July 27, at 8:00 p.m., in
the West Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building.
The student sponsored social events
listed below are approved for the com-
ing weekend. Social chairmen are re-
quested to file requests for approval for
social activities in the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs not later than 12 o'clock
noon on the Monday prior to the event.
FRIDAY, July 24
Graduate Student Council
Greene House
Intercooperative Council
International Students Assoc.
Michigan Christian Fellowship
August Graduates in Engineering:
A representative of Babcock & Wilcox
Company, Barberton, Ohio, Division,
will interview August Mechanical, In-
dustrial, Electrical, Civil Engineering
graduates and others available for em-
ployment, Wednesday, July 29, in Room
226 West Engineering Building. Please
sign the interview schedule posted on
the bulletin board at 225 West Engi-
neering Building.
Requests have been received from
Rhinelander, Wisconsin, for teachers of
junior and senior high school girls
physical education; 7th grade mathe-
matics OR 7th grade history, English,
and science; 1st grade; and a vocal
music director in the grades, junior and
senior high school. Interested candi-
dates should contact the Bureau of
Appointments, 31511 ext. 489.
The Daily welcomes communica-
tions from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all
#letters which are signed by the wri-
ter and in good taste. Letters ex-
ceeding 300 words in length, defama-
tory or libelous letters, and letters
which for any reason are not in good
taste will be condensed, edited or
withheld from publication at the
discretion of the editors.
Band Conductors Workshop, vanden-
berg Room, Michigan League, unless
otherwise designated. Morning. "The
Bassoon Student," Hugh Cooper, bas-
soonist, Detroit Symphony. 9:00 a.m.,
"Mass vs. Specialized Music Educa-
tion," Clarence Hendrickson, Super-
visor of Music, Gary, Indiana, Public
Schools, 10:15 a.m.
Afternoon. Summer Session Band,
1:00 p.m. Hill Auditorium; "The Lis-
tening Ear," Dr. Earle L. Kent, Director
of Research, C. G. Conn, Ltd., 2:15
p.m.; Summer Session Band, 4:15 p.m.,
Hill Auditorium.
Symposium on Astrophysics. "Gal-
axies: Their Composition .and Struc-
ture," Walter Baade, Mt. Wilson and
Palomar observatories. 2:00 p.m., 1400
Chemistry Building.
Lane Hall Lunch Discussion: Rev. J.
Fraser McLuskey of the British Coun-
cil of Churches will discuss "Wartime
Experience in France with the Under-
ground Movement." 12:15 non Call
reservations to 3-1511, extension 2851.
Rev. J. Fraser McLuskey, of the Brit-
ish Council of Churches will lecture
on "The State of Religion in Britain."
4:15 p.m. in Lane Hall Library. A recep-
tion honoring Rev. McLuskey will fol-
The lectures by Dr. George K. Batche-
lor on "Mechanics of Turbulence" will
be held at 3:30 p.m. in Room 243 West
Engineering Building, starting with the
lecture scheduled for today.
A cademic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Loraine Vis-
ta Shepard, Education; thesis: "A Test
of Attitudes toward Social Interming-
ling of Negro and white Boys in the
Upper Elementary Grades," today, 4023
University High School, at 2:00 p.m.
Chairman, W. C. Trow.
Doctoral Examination for Martha
Sturm White, Social Psychology; thesis:
"Attitude Change as Related to Per-
ceived Group Consensus," today, 5631
Haven Hall, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman,
T. M. Newcomb.
Doctoral Examination for Willard
Mather Bateson, Education; thesis:
"The Determination of Standards for
Industrial-arts Laboratories," today,
4014 University High School, at 4:00
p.m. Chairman, F. D. Curtis.
Or Recital Series: Mr. Robert El-
lis, Guest organist, and former student
of the School of Music, will present
an organ recital Sunday afternoon,
July 26, at 4:15 in Hill Auditorium. It
will include Johannes Brahm's, Pre-
lude and Fugue in G minor, Thomas
Arne's, Flute Solo, Wolfgang Amadeus
Mozart's, Fantasie in F minor, K. 608,
Johann Bach's, Chorale Prelude, "Dear-
est Jesus, We are Here," Arnold Schoen-
berg's, Variations on a Recitative, Op.
40, Darius Milhaud's, Prelude VII, Neuf
Preludes, and Max Reger's, Fantasia on
the Chorale, "A Mighty Fortress Is Our
God," Op. 27. This concert will be open
to the general public without charge.
student Recital: Nancy Belle Philbin,
Pianist, will present a recital In par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Music at 8:30
Monday evening, July 27 in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall. It will include the
works of Scarlatt, Schubert, Bartok
and Chopin. Miss Philbin is a student
of Mr. Brinkman and her recital is
WASHINGTON-GOP leaders don't like to admit it, but they are
sadly convinced that the ailing Mr. Republican, Sen. Robert A.
Taft, will be forced to retire within six months.
This has touched off a backstage battle over control of the
Senate, which the Republicans now run by a slim majority of one.
Taft's successor would be appointed by a Democrat, Ohio's Gov. Frank
Lausche. However, Democratic leaders have already consulted
Lausche privately, and urged him to appoint a Republican. They ex-
plained that the Democrats don't want responsibility for the legisla-
tive logjam that is building up in the Senate. In the end, they figure
they will- gain more votes by leaving the senate in GOP hands.
As a result, Lausche is considering Bob Taft's younger brother,
Charlie, for the expected vacancy.
Senator McCarthy is trying to cover up his association with Ralph
Moore, a shady commodity speculator, who was kicked off the com-
modity exchange. Inside fact, however, is that Moore has been acting
as a front for McCarthy on the commodity market. When the Sena-
tor collected $10,000 to fight Communists and diverted it instead to
buying soybeans in his brother's name, the applications were made
out in Moore's handwriting , . . McCarthy has hinted darkly that
Father Leon Sullivan. a Catholic missionary, received an overdose of
Communist propaganda while he languished in a Chinese prison cell.
What upset the Senator was Father Sullivan's comment that he
would rather return to his Red prison than see "McCarthyism" rise
in America. The courageous Catholic declared: "My missionary
career in China ended in a Communist court in which accusations
were taken as facts, charges as proofs, and in which the police
announced that 'defense is not necessary; we never make a mistake;
when we arrest you, you're guilty.' As a result of that experience, I
cling desperately to a principle that is one of the foundation stones
of our democratic way of life, the principle that a man is innocent
until proved guilty . . . If you must betray Democracy in order to
save it. why bother?"
CAu ik ESN 7 mOv IE s
At the Michigan...
THE JUGGLER, with Kirk Douglas
THIS IS THE best new picture to be shown
in Ann Arbor this summer. It is not a..
great film, but it tells a straightforward story
in an unpretentious and appealing way. Its
Israel location shots are used to advantage
as background and not, as travelogue. Most
of all, it is blessed with a surprisingly strong
performance by Kirk Douglas, as Wonder-
ful Hans, the refugee juggler, who believes
that "a home is what you lose."
The story in many ways was a danger-
ous one, vulnerable to easy sentimentality. -
But Director Edward Dmytryk, working
again after his political layoff, skillfully
skirts the pitfalls. In rehabilitating his
paranoiac hero, he manages to incorporate
Arms and the Man, with the Saline
Mill Theater Company.
out to strip society of its superficialities.
In conducting his campaign of attrition, he
reduces such items as the "higher love" to
the plane of ridiculousness, while war is
revealed as the sport of nations. This is a
comedy but a wry one whose basic reality
is all too close.
The story centers around the love affair
of two Bulgarian "aristocrats" whose mu-
tuality of interest thrives only in the aura
of 19th century romanticism. Underneath
this facade of the "higher love" there lurks
oler interests-for our heroine, for an in-
tensely practical Swiss soldier whom she
has saved from tjhe vagaries of war; and for
the hero, his fiance's servant-girl.
Mixed in with this complex love plot'
there is much talk from the family about
tradition and the delights of war. After
a series of discussions, however, each of
the lovers finds their true mate, but
Shaw leaves us with disturbing questions
about the problems he raises.
Despite the wordiness of this play and
some rather obscure innuendos in the Sha-
vian manner, the production is well paced
and thoughtfully directed.
Bette Ellis as Raina Petkoff manages to
achieve the rather childish sophistication
required of her part. It might have been
clone with a gentler touch, but Miss Ellis
makes it clear that Raina is in love
As Raina's formal lover, Earl Matthews
tends to overplay the "playboy" soldier.
This exhuberance, however, wears off as
the play progresses and Matthews finally
manages to convey his impressions with a
little more tact.
Perhaps the best played role was that
of Captain Bluntschli as done by Ed Bordo.
As the practical suitor of Raina, he mouths
some of Shaw's most telling blows against
the folly of war and the sophistry of ro-
Major Petkoff, the father of Raina, is
played by Warren Pickett, who does a ma-
ture, confident job, but tends at times to
become Col. Blimp rather than Major Pet-
The rest of the cast is adequate. But
the most disappointing feature of the
whole production was the acting of Con-
nie Parker. In a role that required com-
posure, sureness, and a supercilious. air
without frills Miss Parker was completely
ill at ease. Some of her, shortcomings
might be ameliorated if she would learn
her lines.
The costuming appeared authentic, but
Captain Bluntschli could hardly have ap-
peared straight from battle in a freshly
starched shirt. Lighting was good, but light-
ing cues were missed several times during
the first act.
With a few of the rough edges taken off,
this could be a very good production. As it
is Shaw msonsze torarv mont of the nload
not only a fresh redeeming-child and a
very natural redeeming-blonde, but also a
fresh set of plot situations to resolve the
hero's dilemma. Most of them transcend
the simple chase motif. The unifying
theme is the hero's growing capacity for
human involvement. You not only see this
growth occur; you also feel it.
Such grace was not often evident, for in-
stance, in "Man on a Tightrope," another
recent film with a Pagliacci hero. There the
direction and the acting were performed
with talent as great, but the script repeatedly
strayed into too many well-made, palpably
symbolic situations. These "The Juggler"
Douglas's contribution is to convince, al-
most at once, that he really is a profoundly
disturbed veteran of German concentra-
tion camps and not just a stock version
of this role. More, however, he develops in
the character a fine ironic intelligence
that makes his mental redemption more
than a gimmick emotion at the end,
The sophisticated attitude-that Douglas
is an inveterate ham-I do not share. He
has contributed to too many good pictures
("Detective Story," "Champion," "The Big
Sky," "Ace in the Hole," "Letter to Three
Wives") to regard his talent as mere stage
energy. He does particularly well by "The
Juggler," a film that deserved him.
-Bill Wiegand
Summer Session Band and Summer Ses-
sion Chorus
LAST NIGHT'S program included varied
works for chorus, band, and the two
combined. The Band, under William D. Re-
velli, played with a great deal of precision
and spirit in works ranging from a Mozart
overture (in a surprisingly successful ttans-
cription) to W. C. Handy's St. Louis Blues
March with the composer, a truly great man,
present in the audience.
The most interesting of the band selections
was Gustave Holst's Second Suite. It is based
on English folk tunes, which are surely the
loveliest in the world, and the composer's
presentation of them is most effective.
Byron Autrey, cornet, and Al Townsend,
trombone, played very well in solo numbers.
The Chorus was under the direction of
Alex Zimmerman, visiting fireman for the
summer. The rhythmic precision and clar-
ity of diction of the Chorus were impres-
sive, but the group needs some more work
Jewish leaders were outraged over McCarthy's charge that British in open to the general public without
Senator Mike Monroney, Oklahoma Democrat, is anti-Semitic. Tenyhe Echarge
They not only regard Monroney as a fair-minded American, but To the Editor.
they point out that all the professional Jew haters-from Gerald IT SEEMS to be the custom in Exhibitions
L. K. Smith on down-are backing McCarthy . . . Senators report Nigeria (at least amongst her Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
that most of their pro-McCarthy mail consists of unsigned, crack- history only as it will benefit the Hall. Popular Art in America (June 30
pot letters, railing against Communists and Jews . . McCarthy's 3,000 college graduates) to use -August 7); California Water Color So-
nationalist movement. The Bri- ciety (July 1-August 1). 9 a.m. to 8
strategy backfired when he threatened to sue the Americans for tish, however, are quite willing to .m. on weekdays: 2 to 5 p.m. on Sun-
Democratic Action and Beacon Press for distributing copies of the tihhoeraeqtewlngo days. The public Is invited.
Senratreportonhifances. IlBexpecteessrdsthebutogideehd admit their somewhat embarras- General Library. Best sellers of the
Senate report on his finances. He expected them to hide behind sing errors, and it seems too kind twentieth century.
congressional immnity, since the report is an official senate to consider them alone. Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Gill-
document. Instead, th ey offered to waive all immunity and in- man Collection of Antiques of Palestine.
vid hmto sued. en If the gentleman from western Museums Building, rotunda eghibit.
vited him to sue ,. .Africa will check the record, he steps in the preparation of ethnolo-
McCarthy's crocodile tears over the three Democrats who walked will find that the British Govern- gical dioramas.
out on his committee don't impress fellow Senators. They remember ment in Kenya was once highly Michigan Historical Collections. Mi-
how he walked out on the Malmedy investigation, when information respected by the native popula- chigan s year-round vacation land.
Clements Library. The good, the bad,
turned up that McCarthy's defense of the Nazi war criminals was tion. "Serekali" meant all that was the popular.
inspired by German Communists who hoped to undermine U.S. pres- good in health, learning, and life Law Library. Elizabeth II and her em-
tige in Germany, As late as March 20, McCarthy sided with GOP itself. Without doubt, the British, pire.
Sen. John Williams of Delaware who quit a Senate Finance Subcom- i not invited, were not resented Architecture Building. Michigan Chil-
mittee in protest over the chairman's dictatorial tactics. Commented ("savioristic"tendencies notwith-doi~.
McCarthy: "I should like to congratulate the Senator from Delaware staithng). Land Offce fles mdl- Today
cate that the vast majority of im- eventsTo a
for taking the action he has taken in removing himself from that migrating Europeans paid the Ki- This evening at 8 p.m. in the Lydia
subcommittee." kuyu liberal prices for the land Mendelssohn Theatre the Department
#YN they "usurped." By contrast, of speech presents Clifford Odets' wide-
AuPY ARGENTINA t records demonstrate that ly acclaimed Broadway success, The
Milton Eisenhower, president of Penn State and Ike's unofficial more cheating was done by na- Country Girl. Tickets are available at
morechetin wasdon byna-the box office from 10 a.m. until 8
ambassador to Latin America, received an auspicious welcome in tives educated (note the term) p.m.
Argentina, where the semi-official newspaper Democracia said there i enough to take advantage of Bri- sL Cinema Guild Summer Program.
would be no trouble between th eU.S.A. and Argentina were it not tish law against the customs and Henry Fonda, Olivia DeHavigand in
for critical North American newspapers. (The AP and UP have both rights of their own people. James Thurber's "The Male Animal."
been kicked out of Argentina.) The -interesting point is that Also technicolor show: "Bugs Bunny
Simultaneously, however, Peron's gestapo has found an efficient loyalty to Britain still prevails (Continued on Page 4)
means of banishing criticism. It has thrown more than 6,000 people amongst the Kenya natives. The
into prison for "broadcasting rumors against the government." Mau Mau have found it neces-
In Peron's more recent speeches he has said he would send sary to massacre some twenty
to jail anyone who makes comments against the government even loyal Kikuyu for every Europe-
though those comments are made among friends or while stand- what a clear-cut mandate for
wha . cl.r-ut anatefo
ing inlie to buy food. Englishmen to "go home." At
As a result, criticism of the government is disappearing from Esen to go hme." At
BunsArs present the Government's best SixtyThird Year
Buenos Aires. Argentine who expressed themselves about the scar- source for Man Mau identities Edited and managed by students of
city of meat or the high price of milk and butter merely go to jail. has been the native, despite the the University of Michigan under the
* * * fact that this revolutionistic authority of the Board in Control of
WASHINGTON WHIRL minority sect meets in secret Student Publications.
HE WHITE HOUSE has received a confidential report that Presi- from its own race. Ah yes, "self-
ident Eisenhower's famous popularity is on the wane. The report determination." One might well Editorial Staff
says that voters who cast their ballots for Ike are no longer boasting postulate suspiciously on the Harland Britz.........Managing Editor
of it , . . The report blamed Ike's declining popullarity largely on type of People's Democracy Dick Lewis ....... Sports Editor
thes socalld slf-dterin- Becky Conrad............ .Night Editor
skidding farm prices and rising interest rates. The President still has ese calledusef-deerin Gayle Greene............Night Editor
strong support for his economy program, the report says, but people ists would introduce following a Pat Roelofsn..............Night Editor
reotwithdrawal of British authority. Fran Sheldon ........,.Night Editor
are afraid he has cut the Air Force too drastically . . . . Idaho Sen. 1 Indeed it is interesting that the
Herman Welker's attack on the Air Force as the "bully boys in blue" Colonial Office should be accused Busmnss Staf
was written at the White House . . . . Golfers across the country are of Napoleanism when the afore- Bob Miller ..... ..BusinessManager
starting to mail their used golf balls to the White House . . . . The mentioned tactics recall regimes Dic Alstrom .. Circulation Manager
volcano that suddenly burst loose in the Aleutians was worse than the of that very nature so clearly. Dick Nyberg........Finance Manager
public has been told. All air lanes were literally blotted out for miles, "Africa for the Africans" had an Jessica Tanner. Advertising Associate
grounding both commercial and Air Force planes in the strategic all-too-familiar counterpart in!_Bobovacs.,_..._AdvrtisigAssciate
v '