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June 28, 1952 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1952-06-28

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I _____________________________________________________________________________ I

Latt rnore
O WEN LATTIMORE, professor of Politi-
cal Science at Johns Hopkins Univer-
sity has been made to pay an extremely high
price for holding unpopular opinions. A
few years ago he was charged by Senator
McCarthy with being the top Soviet agent
in the United States. The fact that this
fantastic charge could not be proved did not
prevent a general battering of Lattimore's
reputation. His maltreatment at the hands
of congressional committees placed a tre-
mendous physical and economic burden on
the man. No one inside Congress, the State
Department or elsewhere has yet proved
that Lattimore ever deliberately committed
any act or wrote anything with the intent
of jeopardizing the well-being of the United
Now another absurd insult has been
hurled at Owen Lattimore. This time it
was by the Passport Division of the State
Department. The Passport Divisiop has
long been held in high contempt by Wash-
ington liberals. Senator Morse recently
said it was often guilty of 'tyrannical and
arbitrary decisions' reflecting the preju-
dices of its director, Mrs. Ruth Shipley
The Passport Division issued an order to
customs officials to prevent Lattimore from
leaving the country. The edict was purpose-
less. Lattimore hadn't applied for a pass-
port. What happened was that a Justice
Department source, acting on a false tip,
reported that Lattimore contemplated pay-
ing a visit to Moscow. This report was de-
nied by responsible officials and its origina-
tor now faces possible prosecution for fraud.
That Lattimore might often have been
wrong in his interpretation of the Chinese
situation is undeniable. But many other
loyal Americans held similar views. That
at times he might have been quite naive
in relation to Communist motives is also
possible. But it has not yet been made a
crime to be mistaken.
It is high time for Congress, the State
Department and the newspapers to stop
placing vicious labels on all those whose
political or intellectual approach is different
from their's. Such frequent expressions of
intolerance and fear endanger American
principles at, home and American prestige
-Dave Kornbluh


WASHINGTON-As the Republican Con-
vention comes closer and closer, one
point becomes clearer and clearer. Sheer fear
of Gen, Dwight D. Eisenhower drove Sen.
Robert A. Taft's strategists to choose the
least favorable battlefield for their finish
fight at Chicago.
Everyone is still counting noses for
the first ballot, the second ballot, and so
on. kut in fact the real Taft-Eisenhower
test will come before either candidate is
even placed in nomination, when the Re-
publican Convention passes on the ques-
tion of the stolen Southern delegates. If
the Taft forces can seat their delegates
from Texas and Louisiana, three quarters
of the bandwagon hoppers will hop to
Taft. And if the Taft steamroller breaks
down on this crucial question, everyone
will know the steamroller is only a one-
hoss shay after all.
The question of the Southern delegates is
thus the battlefield chosen by Sen. Taft's
own managers. By now, moreover, ample
evidence has accumulated to prove that the
Taft people do not think very well of their
own choice.
** *
ITEM: The Taft leader in important Dallas
county, Joe C. Thompson, jr., (a "real
Republican" who registered to vote in the
1950 Texas Democratic Primary) made a
bold try for a deal on a local basis. He of-
fered the Texan Eisenhower leader, Jack
Porter, nineteen of the thirty-eight Texas
delegates, with the priviso that Taft's hench-
man, Henry Zweifel, must not be unseated
as national committeeman.
Item: On at least two occasions, simi-
lar approaches were made to Herbert
Brownell, who handles the national dele-
gate count for the Eisenhower camp. The
second time around, a representative of
Sen. Taft offered to sweeten the deal for
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.
This must be noted in all reprints,

Party Platforms

WASHINGTON-The party-platform bat-
tles are on in earnest, with General Ei-
senhower and President Truman seizing the
In both parties compromise with honor
will be difficult and the impending con-
vention strife may well affect both the
choice of nominees and the election re-
General Eisenhower has struck hard and
swiftly at the burgeoning notion that his
foreign policy views could be reconciled with
Senator Taft's through some alchemy of
lawyer's language. The General is not con-
tentious by nature. His firmness with re-
spect to an acceptable foreign-policy plank
is the more significant.
President Truman is outflanking the
Democratic compromisers on civil rights
with almost monotonous regularity. That
these include his National Chairman, Frank
McKinney; the convention keynoter, Gover-
nor Dever, and the platform chairman,
House majority leader McCormack bothers
him not a bit.
Repeatedly in public statements he
stamps his own uncompromising stand on
the party. For the first time he delivered
the "'commencement address at Howard
University here, using the occasion to
commit the party again and to wreck a
little mayhem on Senator Kefauver, a
civil rights middle-roader, in the District
primary a few days later.
Just in case the right people didn't hear
him the first time, he has put members of
his staff to work on a platform draft. He
has gone over it at least once and remodeled
it; by the time the gavel falls at Chicago it
will be ready according to his specifications.
Rep. McCormack has said that he hopes
for a brief platform. He is also credited with
having persuaded Governor Dever to look
kindly upon a civil-rights compromise.

If this is true, it no doubt deflects both
the congressman's present position as
leader of the House democrats and his
aspirations to win the speaker's high place
at their hands at some future date. The
House southern bloc of 100-plus is a po-
tent force.
Senators Hill and Sparkman of Alabama
are also pleading the compromise cause.
Their services to the administration on all
issues but states' rights ones get them a
hearing denied to most southerners. Senator
Sparkman puts a special fervor into this
cause; he aspires to the vice presidency and
hopes to win friends and influence delegates
by his services to party harmony.
A rough check of the platform-drafting
committee indicates that the Truman civil
rights forces are outnumbered. In the full
National Committee, which must approve
the draft, they claim a majority. The Na-
tional Committee, it is argued, will not want
a 1948-style floor fight they know they must
lose in the end.
Then, too, there is the threat of the Presi-
dent's intervention. Sometimes the threat
of that intervention becomes so tangible it
induces Democrats to think they may find
themselves working for his re-election.
Senator Taft's immediate attack upon
General Eisenhower's foreign policy speech
leaves little doubt that he has heard all
about the Eisenhower view of Taft as an
isolationist, even though the, General
mentioned no names. Typically the Sena-
for is picking up his musket, identifying
the targets and blazing away.
It could not have been a very happy 24
hours for John Foster Dulles, who must
draft the G.O.P. plank. It still could be that
the American people would like to see a
real fight for principle no matter who loses.
(Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate)

Brownell, by seating the pro-Eisenhower
delegates from Georgia as well as giving
half of Texas to Eisenhower.
Item: The supposedly impartial National
Republican Chairman, Guy Gabrielson, was
also sent to feel out Sen. Harry Cabot
Lodge on Sen. Taft's behalf. This scene must
have been rather comic, since Gabrielson ap-
proached the problem circuitously, and end-
ed by urging some kind of arrangement, be-
cause we don't want to wash our dirty linen
in public.
"Whose dirty linen?" Sen. Lodge is re-
ported to have inquired crisply. "We
haven't got any dirty linen, and if the
Taft people want their dirty linen washed
in public, why that's their choice."
After these various feelers had been re-
jected, Sen. Taft said angrily, "Lodge would
rather have the issue than the delegates,"
which in a sense is perfectly true.
THE REASON for this can be seen on the
face of the figures. If the main test is
coming on the Southern delegations, con-
tested Southern delegates have got to par-
ticipate in this main test in order to be of
any use to Sen. Taft.
One cannot calculate today just how
many of the contested Southern delegates
will participate in the main test vote.
There is the question of Georgia, for ex-
ample, where national committeeman
Harry Sommers has a promise from Taft's
Southern pro-consul, Brasila Carroll
Reece, that the pro-Eisenhower delegation
will be recognized. There is also the ques-
tion of just what the test vote will be--
whether on a rule, or on a specific dele-
gation, in which cases the delegates from
this one state may be ruled off the floor.
At a guess, however Sen. Taft's net gain
from using his steamroller to seat his
minority Southern delegations should not
pass forty to forty-five votes on the test
roll call.
But against this gain of forty to forty-
five votes in the big test, the Taft people
now have to offset certain intangible but
vitally important losses. In New York and
Maryland, for one thing, Governors Thomas
E. Dewey and Theodore R. McKeldin can
tell their people, "Go for Taft if you must
when the nominations are made, but stay
with us on this Texas-Louisiana steal." Such
an appeal will be very hard for even ar-
dent Taft enthusiasts to resist.
By the same token, Gov. Earl Warren
of California should find it far easier to
vote his big delegation solidly against Taft
on the Texas-Louisiana issue, than to
carry the whole delegation into the Eisen-
hower camp. And in the Taft states, the
rather numerous pro-Taft delegates who
have been impressed and attracted by
Gen. Eisenhower will find it easy to say,
"I'm still for the Senator for the nomi-
nation, but I just can't help feeling his
people have sold him a sour apple on this
Texas thing."
For these reasons, the Eisenhower people
think they will gain many more votes than
they will lose, by having the main test on
the Southern delegates. And of course, if the
nomination none the less goes to Sen. Taft
by straight steamroller-power, its value will
be greatly impaired.
(Copyright, 1952, New York Herald Tribune Inc.)
Architecture A uditorium
THE MIKADO by Gilbert and Sullivan:
the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company.
TPHIS PICTURE is an attempt to transpose
in toto, overture and all, an excellent
stage production of one of the most famous
G & S operas to film. The only faults which
the film itself has can be traced to this
initial purpose: to move the whole works
from a stage to the screen with as little re-
vision as possible of theatric technique. On
the positive side, therefore, it is perhaps
more appropriate to discuss it as a stage

production rather than as a film.
If there can be such a thing as a de-
finite version of The Mikado, it might be
expected to come from the D'Oyly Carte
Company, which has been presenting Gil-
bert and Sullivan operas somewhat longer
than anybody else. The present production
is done up very lavishly, with gorgeous
costumes and sets, full choruses and or-
chestra, and a general air of Technicolored
sufficiency. Each of the leads (most of
whom must remain unknown to me be-
cause of the brevity of the credits) was
excellent in his stylized way. Some of the
dialogue, of course, just isn't funny, and
the same could be said for the behavior
of most of the comics at one time or
another, but it is all genuine Gilbert and
Operatic films generally have trouble with
sound, but I found this to be quite well
handled here. Nearly all the words could be
distinguished iw'the patter songs, something
which I hardly expected, and the orchestral
accompaniment is full, clear and well-bal-
anced. Few complaints, in short, can be
found with the production, up to the point
of its being placed on celluloid.
But precious little ingenuity is employed
in filming. Occasionally, I got the impres-
&frY T r urf t rh i * *,,_ H+ nfl +I:anIcinn --

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication init is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
AdministrationNBuilding before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (11 a.m.
on Saturday).
The Walder Corporation (Industrial
Engineers), Detroit, Michigan would
like to talk to some students who are
now working on, or have, obtained
Master's Degrees in either Electrical or
Mechanical Engineering, who might be
interested, and available, to spend some
of their extra hours in library research
work for their concern.
The San Diego City Schools, San Di-
ego, California, is receiving applications
for the opening in its system for a
civil orarchitectural engineer. Appli-
cation blanks are available at the Bu-
reau of Appointments.
Personnel Requests
Station W-A-N-D, Canton, Ohio,
would be interested in receiving appli-
cations from single men students for
radio announcer and news reporter po-
sitions now open. Prefer men frm area
of Canton and Massillon, Ohio.
A medical research laboratory In Ann
Arbor is currently looking for a bio-
chemist for its laboratory (man or wo-
The S. H. Leggitt Company, Marshall,
Michigan, wants to hear from men in-
terested in a sales career. Firm does a
large volume of business with Plumbing
and Hardware, Public Utilities, B. P.
Gas, Trailer and the Soft Water In-
dustries, with a Branch Office in San
Marcos, Texas.
TheW estinghouse Electric Corporation,
Cleveland, Ohio, is requesting applica-
tions from interested Electrical Engi-
neers. Prefer men under 30 years of
age, with definite interest in sales for
a career in creative Sales Engineering in
the Lighting Equipment field.
La Sociedad Hispanica will inau-
gurate its summer session series of in-
formal lectures Tuesday, July 1, in the
East Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building.
These talks will be given every Tues-
day evening at 8 p.m. and will afford
the students an opportunity to converse
in Spanish on a topic of Hispanic life
of general interest.
All students of Spanish and their
friends are cordially invited.
Cercle Francais: The Cercle Francais
of the Summer Session meets every'
Wednesday evening at 8:00 o'clock in
the Henderson Room of the Michigan
League. The meetings offer a varied
program of songs, games, and short
talks in French on topics of general In-
terest, as well as the opportunity for
informal conversation and recreation.
All students, faculty members, and
summer residents who are interested in
France and things French are cordi-
ally invited to participate Inany or all
of the activities of the Cerce.
Atomic Energy: Industrial and Legal
Problems. 100 Hutchins Hall. Morning
cession: "Effects of Radiation," John C.
Bucher, Deputy Director, Division of
Biology and Medicine, Atomic Energy
Commission. "Compensation for Injury
to Life or Property," Orris S. Hiestand,
Jr., Assistant Counsel at Oak Ridge,
Atomic Energy Commission. 9:30 p.m.
Luncheon: "The University of Michigan
Phoenix Program," Ralph A. Sawyer,
Dean Horace H. Rackham School of
Graduate Studies, and Director, Michi-
gan Memorial-Phoenix Project. "The
Joint Committee-Something New in
Government," Henry M. Jackson, Unit-
ed States Representative from the State
of Washington, 12:30 p.m., Michigan
Union. Afternoon session: Panel.
"Round-up of Problems and Solutions."
Recital Postponed: The organ recial
by Elizabeth Thomas,previously an-
nounced for Sunday afternoon, June
29, in Hill Auditorium, has been post-
poned. The new date will be announced
Student Recital: Robert Thompson,
pianist, will be heard at 8:30 Monday
evening, June 30, in the Architecture
Auditorium, playing a program of works
by Bach, Beethoven, Brahms and Pro-
kofieff, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Bachelor of Mu-
sic degree. Mr. Thompson is a pupil of
Helen Titus, and his program will be
open to the public.

cl Room, Rackham Building, at 2:00
p.m. Chairman, Ronald Freedman.
Museum of Art. Sixth annual exhibi-
tion, Michigan Water Color Society.
General Library, main lobby cases.
Books which have influenced the mod-
ern world.
Museum of Archaeology. Ancient
Egypt and Rome of the Empire.
Museums Building. Rotunda exhibit.
Some fungi of Michigan (through June
Michigan Historical Collections, 160
Rackham Building, The changing Cam
Clements Library. American books
which have influenced the modern
mind (through September 1).
Law Library. Atomic energy (through
July 5).
Architecture Building. Student work
(June 11-July 7).
Events Today
Intercultural Outing, leaves Lane
Hall Saturday, 10:00 a.m. Picnic, swim-
ming, softball, informal discussion at
Silver Lake, Return Saturday, 8:00 p.m.
Motion Picture, auspices of Student
Legislature Cinema Guild, "The Mik-
ado," by Gilbert and Sullivan, 7:15 p.m.
and 9:30 p.m., Architecture Auditorium.
Reception for Foreign Students, aus-
pices of the International Center. 8:00
p.m. Rackham Assembly Hall,
Coming Events
Kaffeestunde, All students of Ger-
man and others interested in spoken
German are invited to attend an in-
formal group which will meet in the
Michigan Union Tap Room Mondays
and Wednesdays from 4:00 to 5:00. A
member of the department will be pres-
ent to assist, but no formal programs
are planned.
Education Lecture. Lee R. Dice, July 1
Faculty Concert. Emil Raab and Ben-
ning Dexter, July 1.
Modern Views of Man and Society
lecture. Nicholas Nyaradi, July 2.
Play,presented by the Department of
Speech. Twelfth Night, July 2-5.
Holiday. Independence Day, July 4.
Tuesday, July 1. Square Dancing,
Square and Folk Dance Instruction, no
admission fee, Lane Hall, 7:15-10:00
To the Editor
Phoenix Problem ***
To the Editor:
HERE IS a problem for the vis-
iting lawyers.
Supposehour PhoenixhProject,
studying the power of the atom,
makes one harmful discovery. If
we do not promptly release it to
the defense forces of the nation,
we are disloyal and not worthy of
the name American. If we publish
one harmful discovery made by
the expenditure of Phoenix funds,
then the University of Michigan
stands accused of having raised
five and a half millions of dollars
under false pretences.
Can they solve it? Probably yes.
Will they?
-Norman Anning
To be a student at a university
means to have lived in a small but
very democratic community. This
is the very best school for the free
development of all a person is
worth, in mind and character, un-
der constant comparison of his
qualities with those of all the
other students,
Well-trained, and imbued with
this practical experience of de-
mocracy, the alumni thus enter
society. It is up to them to spread
the vitality of this experience
wherever they go.

"You Want To Ride It Or Have It Stuffed?
c1 r
\ 11

Washington Merry-Go-Round
WASHINGTON-President Truman has been giving a series of high-
ly off-the-record but significant dinner parties for men only.
Some of the top bigwigs of the Democratic party attend, though there
have also been one or two normally considered Republicans.
One recent dinner included Dwight Palmer, head of the Gen-
eral Cable Co. in St. Louis; Roy Fruehauf, manufacturer of Frue-
hauf trailers; Robert Smallwood, head of Lipton's Tea; and
Owen Cheatham of Georgia-Pacific Plywood. FrankMcKinney,
Democratic national chairman, attends all the dinners.
Guests assemble around seven and drink until 7:30 when the
President joins them and is introduced to the Democratic "vestry-
men" by McKinney. At one of the latest dinners they sat down to a
substantial roast beef menu, during which the President, in excel-
lent humor, more than kept up his end of the conversation.
His ideas of the political race were particularly interesting.
Several of the guests told him he ought to run again, that he
was the only Democrat who could win. To this Truman replied
that the Democrats could win no matter whom the Republicans
"I don't want to be another Benjamin Harrison," the President
continued. "You know what happened to him. He was re-elected at
the age of 68 and they carried him out feet first.
"I don't plan to be carried out that way," he continued, ..nd
went on to say that he had ten or fifteen more years of his life to
live and he planned to enjoy them.
Truman also talked about the problems of being President, and
the constant strain under which he has to work.
"Why only the other day we were almost at war," he observed,
by way of proving his point.
At about 9 p.m., shortly after the dinner, a cable was brought in
on a silver tray. Truman read, it and smiled.
"Things look better," he said. "The cable's from Acheson."
"That Communist!" exclaimed a guest, presumably trying to
be facetious. Truman, however, took the wisecrack seriously.
"Yes," he said, "that Communist who's over in Europe right now
persuading the French and Germans to fight the Russians."
INSIDE STORY behind the bombing of the hydoelectric works along
the Yalu is that the British gave permission for the attack
a long time ago-so long ago they had forgotten about it.
Back in September, the British were demanding assurances
that we would not bomb across the Yalu. As part of our agreement
not to bomb Manchurian bases, we drew up a list of targets
that we wanted complete freedom to bomb. All these targets were
in Korea, and definitely on the list were the hydroelectric plants
on the Korean side of the Yalu.
However, this list did not constitute permission for our Far
Eastern commander to go ahead and bomb the plants, as far as
Washington was concerned. It only gave us a free hand to do so,
as far as the British were concerned.
The final decision to bomb was based on a second look at Rus-
sian intentions. These intentions probably should remain secret at
this time.
However, based on this new intelligence evaluationGen.
Mark Clark sent Washington a list of targets that he wanted per-
mission to bomb. This list was submitted about four weeks ago,
and the hydroelectric plants were on the list. At that time the
Joint Chiefs approved of the bombing. Just a few days before
the actual strike, Clark submitted the proposed targets again,
and the Joint Chiefs again gave okay. That was the byplay that
preceded the dramatic mission,
Thus Clark had permission not only from Washington but from
W HITE-MANED PAT McCARRAN, the so-called "Senator from
Spain," who also happens to represent Nevada, shook hands
on a backstage deal to enrich Spain by an extra $25,000,000 the other
day, then after he got what he wanted, he pulled a neat double cross.
The deal was made behind the scenes with Foreign Re-
lations Chairman Tom Connally, Texas Democrat, who was
fighting to save foreign military aid from sweeping cuts. Mc-
Carran agreed to vote against the cuts if Connally would approve
$25,000,000 more aid for Spain.
The Nevadan kept his bargain on the first roll calls. He voted
against a billion-dollar cut, then against a $500,000,000 cut and a
$400,000,000 cut. Finally his Spanish amendment was called up.
"I am offering an amendment which provides that Spain shall
be allocated an additional $25,000,000 of the funds available under
title one," explained McCarran.
Ordinarily, the Senate will approve any amendment that
is acceptable to the committee concerned. So Connally, true to
his bargain, announced: "I will agree to carry the amendment
to conference."
There was no further discussion, and the amendment passed by
a routine voice vote. But with the $25,000,000 for Spain safely passed,

McCarran reneged on his promise to Chairman Connally. On the
very next vote, he did an about-switch and voted for a $580,000,000
cut in foreign military aid.
Hot under the collar, Connally marched up to him and
whispered loud enough for the gallery to hear: "I thought when
you were bought, you stayed bought."
*, * *



Iranian Stalemate

Associated Press News Analyst
BSERVERS ARE watching closely for
O signs of an early break in the long oil
deadlock between Britain and Iran.
The Iranians didn't put on too good a
show at the recently finished hearings be-
fore the World Court at the Hague. First
they said they would have nothing to do
with the Court. Then they went before it
and argued against its jurisdiction. Then,
on various points of the issue, their argu-
ments seemed to recognize jurisdiction.
But both external and internal pressure
on Iran weighs more heavily in the balance
than anything the Court may say.
Premier Mossadegh, the man who really

necessarily mean a successor more favorable
to Britain.
Many observers have been wondering why
the Shah hasn't intervened before now, al-
though recognizing his difficulties in the
face of the widespread popularity of na-
Russia has pursued, in the main, what
diplomats refer to as a "correct" course
in the Iranian crisis. Her fifth column
has been at work stirring up the Iranian
radicals. But the knowledge that any sort
of intervention in Iran would bring her
face to face with the Western powers in
a very dangerous spot has restrained her
from anything overt.
However, Russia recently sent Iran a veil-
ed threat of intervention by claiming that
Amn __ m o __nnc .,tcs a vinckfnn f n

BRAZIL, long the best friend of
the U.S.A. in Latin America,
appeared to be cooling off not
long ago. But now with the advent
of new Ambassador Walter Mor-
eira-Salles and the visit of Secre-
tary of State Acheson to Rio, the
old bonds are being cemented
Ever since the S p a n i s h
American war, Brazil has always
put her navy and sometimes her
army at the command of the
United States. One of the great
bonds between the two countries
has been the American nation-
al drink-coffee-which comes
largely from Brazil. But Sen-
ator Gillette's crusade against
Brazilian coffee growers, , plus
agitation by the Communist
party in Brazil, tarnished the
lustre of this alliance.
Now, however, alert young Am-
bassador Moreira, as envoy to
Washington, together with the se-
lection of a friendly new Minister
of War, Gen. Ciro do Espirito San-
to Cardoso, is expected to change
the picture.
(Copyright 1952, By The Bell Syndicate)
IT IS NOT ONLY what we have
inh-rfrl rn , ur atpr ta

ul 4P


Sixty-Second "ir
Edited and managed b1 students ot
the University of Michigami under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Leonard Greenbaum...Managing Editor
Ivan Kaye and Bob Margolin
...Co-Sports Editors
Nan Reganali........ Women's Editor
Joyce Fickies..:...........Night Editor
Harry Lunn ...............Night Editor
Marge Shepherd........Night Editor
Virginia Voss............Night Editor,
Mike Wolff.............Night Editor
Tom Treeger.......Business Manager
C. A. Mitts......Advertising Manager
Jim Miller........ .Finance Manager
Jim Tetreault......Circulation Manager




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