an kee
* *
College All-Star Squad Set
For Big Test Against Rams
DELAFIELD, Wis. - (M) - The If Dodd crosses up the experts
College Eli-Stars, less than a week and concentrates on a running
away from the annual game in game, you can look for Ed Mod-
Chicago with the Professional zelewski, the "Mighty Mo" of
Foobal Chmpins bost sqad Maryland, to be doing most of
Football Champions, boast a squad the heavy work at fullback. Bill
that has no apparent weaknesses. Reichardt of Iowa and Ollie
Twe weeks of virtual day-long Matson of San Francisco, a re-
practice sessions for the Aug. 15 cent addition from the Olympic
Soldier Field encounter with the squad, are sure to help out.
Los Angeles Rams have left the
~coaching staff optimistic. Vic Janowicz of Ohio State and
Hank Lauricella of Tennessee have
proved they can run with anybody
THERE HAS been only one ser- at left half. Janowicz probably will
bous injury and, despite a great handle the punting and other toe
amount of secrecy surrounding work.
practices, insiders report the squad
has caught on rapidly to Bobby
Dodd's T-offensive and tricky de- -old
fense. ao a u
The charity is the 19th in an tiiotI
unbroken series going back to 'a
1934. Of 18 games played, the
All-Star Collegians have won SEATTLE-(P)-A lone boat on
six, lost ten and tied two. a barren course, Seattle's Sbo-Mo-
Dodd,- the Georgia Tech mentor Shun IV, won the Gold Cup yes-
who was chosen head coach of the terday after five other speed boats
, All-Stars for this year's game, has conked out. One exploded and in-
the usual quota of All Americas of .
every hue, description and posi-
tion on his squad of 54. The victor failed to finish the
first heat when she lost a propeller
on the fifth lap. Her sister ship
DODD AND HIS assistants are and defending champion, the Slo-
openly enthusiastic about the ef- Mo-Shun V, also of Seattle, blew
1 ficiency and depth displayed so a cylinder on the sixth lap and
far in every position-offensively had to quit the race.
and defensively.
Just about every 1951 college MECHANICS quickly switched
senior that shone on the grid- props from the V to the IV and
} iron is available to them. Still, handsome Stanley Dollar piloted
that's been the case in all of the 1950 champion back into the
the games and the All-Stars throne room of speed boat racing.
have lost more than they've won.
Her triumph came after Chuck
The problem is not-and never Thompson had driven the gigan-
has been-manpower. It's mainly tic Miss Pepsi to a new 30 mile
a question of taking a half hun- speed record of 101.024 miles an
dred odd football stars, some of hour in the opening heat.
them already legendary campus
heroes, and fashioning from this But Miss Pepsi dropped out of
conglomeration a workable foot- the running in the first lap of the
ball machine. And there isn't much second heat, a minute after the
time. Such Crust blew up. Of the other
* * * two boats which started, Miss
WHETHER the obvious man-for Great Lakes II split a gear box the
rian brilliance of this 1952 assem- second time around the course, and
blage, welded somehow into a Hurricane IV was stopped by en-
team, will be up to the crushing gine trouble in the fourth lap of
precision of the Los Angeles pow- the third and final heat.
erhouse can't possibly be known * * *
until next Friday night. CANTRELL had placed third
Meanwhile, Dodd has just behind Pepsi and Hurricane in the
about decided on the makeup of first heat and hit the starting line
his first-line squad. Only a few well up with the leaders at the be-
men will share both offensive ginning of the second 30-mile tour.
and defensive assignments. As the Crust entered the first turn
she exploded, throwing Cantrell
With passing expected to be the overboard and hurling debris high
main offensive weapon, Dodd has in the air.
three T-formation experts on call,
Babe Parilli of Kentucky, Darrell The driver was picked up from
Crawford of Georgia Tech and Bill the water in the matter of sec-
Wade of Vanderbilt. He has shown onds by a Coast Guard patrol
no preference so far and it looks boat and rushed to the hospital.
like all three will see plenty of ac- It was reported at the hospital
tion. that Cantrell had third degree
* * * burns on the nose and second
DOING MOST of the receiving degree burns on body and arms.
at end, it is believed, will be Bill His condition was reported sat-
1 McColl of Stanford, Darrell Brew- isfactory.
ster of Purdue, Bill Howton of With only one boat left in run-
Rice and Bob Carey of Michigan ning condition, today's second run-
State. ning of the Seafair Trophy Race
over this same Lake Washington
DID YOU KNOW: that Michi- course was called off. Rules for
gan coaches Bennie Oosterbaan the Seafair demand an entry of at
(football), Ray Fisher (baseball), least four boats of the unlimited
Matt Mann (swimming) and Cliff class.
Keen (wrestling) have each serv- * * *
ed at this institution for over BY WINNING two heats, the
twenty years? Slo-Mo IV earned 800 points to
Lefty Spahn Hurls Braves
To Second Win Over Giants
American Olympic Athletes
Take British Track Honors
.0. . two goose eggs
1 .Boat Classic
'o-Mo-Shun IV
win the race. Miss Pepsi, consoled
by the record she set, took second,
with the 400 points earned in the
first heat. Hurricane NV was third
with 300 and Such Crust fourth
with 225.
The Great Lakes and Slo-Mo-
Shun V failed to complete a heat
and earned no points.
Bonus points available for the
fastest heat and fastest race av-
erage were not wrded since no
boat finished all three heats
NEW YORK -(P)-The Boston
Red Sox enhanced their position
in the American League pennant
race yesterday while the Boston
Braves, going nowhere in the Na-
tional, jolted the New York Giants'
Brilliant relief pitching by 42-
year-old Al Benton, along with
home runs by Faye Throneberry,
Dick Gernert and Dom DiMaggio,
gave the Red Sox a 3-1, ten-inn-
ing victory over the league-lead-
ing New York Yankees.
* * *
THE TRIUMPH cut the Yanks'
lead over the second place Cleve-
land Indians to two games and
reduced the Bombers' margin
over the third-place Red Sox to
four games. Cleveland engaged the
Browns in St. Louis in one of the
circuit's two night games. In the
other, Philadelphia and the Sen-
ators clashed in Washington.
Lefty Warren Spahn turned
back the Giants, 2-0, on three
singles. The loss, New York's
second straight shutout, dump-
ed the Giants seven games be-
hind the front-running Brook-
lyn Dodgers, who clashed with
the Phils in a twi-night double-
header in Philadelphia. The de-
feat also cut the Giants' edge
over the third place St. Louis
Cardinals to 21/z games. The
Cards met the Reds in a night
game at Cincinnati.
Benton took over in the ninth
from Mel Parnell with two on and
none out. After Gil McDougald
bunted the runners up abase, Ben-
ton intentionally walked Billy
Martin to fill the bases.
* * *.
THE FORMER Detroit right-
hander then induced pinch-hitter
Jim Brideweser to force a runner
at the plate and got Phil Rizzuto
on a fly to short left to end the
Gernert opened the Red Sox
tenth with a homer off relief
pitcher Johnny Sain. Two outs
later DiMaggio sealed the Yanks'
doom with another seat smasher
off Sain. The victory was the
Red Sox's seventh in 11 games
over the Yanks.
In the only other American Lea-
gue day game. Hal Newhouser
pitched the Detroit Tigers to a 6-1,
five-hit victory over the Chicago
White Sox. The triumph was New-
houser's fifth of theeseason and
the 196th of his career.
THE TIGERS wrapped it up
with five runs in the seventh inn-
ing. Fred Hatfield drove home the
first two runs with a bases-loaded
single. Walt Dropo's long fly ad-
mitted the third run and pinch-
hitters Steve Souchock and Don
Kolloway singled home the final
two. Mary Grissom, a former Ti-
ger, was the loser.
Spahn turned in one of his
finest performances of the sea-
son in shackling Jim Hearn and
the Giants. The veteran star
fanned ten to raise his season's
output to 132 and his lifetime
figure to 949. Successive singles
by Sid Gordon, George Crowe
and Sibby Sisti gave the Braves
a run in the second.
They scored their other run in
the sixth on a double by Johnny
Logan and single by Bob Thorpe.
LONDON-(/P)-America's Olym-
pic athletes, led by Charley Moore
and a speed-burning mile relay
team, whirled through a slashing
rain yesterday to better two world
records and capture 15 of 19 events
in the British Track and Field
Games in White City Stadium.
Moore, 23-year-old former Cor-
nell University star, won the 440-
yard hurdles in the sparkling time
of 51.6 seconds. This topped the
listed world mark of 51.9 seconds,
set by Italy's Armando Filiput in
Milan on Oct. 8, 1950.
Editor Apologizes to Readers
In Rhubarb Over McGowan
. . . bright victory
EAST ST. LOUIS, Ill.-(M)-Tom
Duffy, Managing Editor of The
East St. Louis Journal, has print-
ed a public apology for what he
terms a "Threat to penalize our
readers" growing out of a rhu-
barb between sportswriters and
American League Umpire Bill Mc-
Duffy threatened that his news-
paper would not publish reports
of American League games unless
McGowan apologized for his ac-
tions in Wednesday night's game
between the St. Louis Browns and
the Detroit Tigers. Will Harridge,
League President, suspended Mc-
Gowan indefinitely Thursday and
issued a personal apology to the
IN A PAGE ONE, open letter to
readers yesterday, Duffy said:
"I had no right to make that
threat on behalf of the Journal,
"No man has that right indi-
vidually, whether that man is
publisher, general manager, ed-
itor-in-chief, managing editor
or cub reporter.
"I do not apologize for the deci-
sion to protest the unbecoming
conduct of that umpire.
"I do apologize for making the
threat to penalize our readers for
something with which they had no
The conflict developed when
McGowan ejected Detroit pitcher
Billy Hoeft from the dugout.
Sportswriters, who inquired about
who was tossed out, said McGow-
an answered, "I'll write you a let-
ter." Journal Sports Editor Ellis
Veech said McGowan later made
obscene gestures toward the press
DESPITE the abominable weath-
er conditions, the mile relay rec-
ord also fell - a victim of the
churning feet of Gene Cole, J. W.
Mashburn, Reggie Pearman and
Mal Whitfield.
The American quartet sped
the distance in 3 minutes 8.8
seconds. The University of Cal-
fornia holds the listed record of
3 minutes 9.4 seconds, set June
27, 1951, at Los Angeles.
The Americans were pressed all
the way by Jamaica, which also
topped California's mark, by turn-
ing in a 3:09.2 clocking. This was
the same Jamaican team which
startled the track world by win-
ning the 1,600-meter relay (a few
feet less than a mile) in the Olym-
pic Games in the almost unbeliev-
able time of 3:03.9.
YESTERDAY the result was re-
versed. Whitfield, 800-meter Olym-
pic champion, fought off Herb Mc-
Kenley's last leg threat and fin-
ished a yard in front. The other
Jamaicans on the team were Art
Wint, Leslie Laing and George
Individual legs for the Ameri-
cans were announced as 47.1 for
Cole, 48.1 for Mashburn, 46.3 for
Pearman and 47.3 for Whitfield:
The Jamaica split times were
not announced.
Moore ,Olympic 400-meter hur-
dles champion, ran all by himself
and on a track made sodden by
incessant rains. His performance
is subject to ratification by the
International Amateur Athletic
Golfing Greats Battle for Top
Prize Money at Tam Tourney
CHICAGO - ( ) - A battle to
dusk was waged for the 54-hole
leadership of the pressure-packed,
$90,000 "World" Golf meet yes-
Cary Middlecoff, the golfing
dentist from Memphis, and Ed
Furgol, the crook-armed star from
Clayton, Mo., bounced into the
early third-round lead with 212,
four under par. But the 36-hole
leader, Jim Ferrier of San Fran-
cisco, last off in the 79-player
field, was roaring 12 under par
through 42 holes.
* . *
LEW WORSHAM, two strokes
behind Ferrier at 36 holes, and
Argentine Roberto De Vicenzo
were nine under par for 42 holes.
Pete Cooper, White Plains,
N. Y., also was likely to sweep
In well ahead of Middlecoff and
Furgol with a seven-under read-
ing through 42 holes.
Middlecoff reeled off a five-un-'
der-par 67 for his best effort, fol-
lowing rounds of 72-73. Furgol
came in with 69, matching his first
round effort. His second round was
a jolting 74.
* * *
A BRISK WIND and fairways
made heavy by an overnight down-
pour stiffened the par 36-36-72
Tam O'Shanter course consider-
ably for the third lap of the chase
after a record $25,000 first prize.
Another South American,
Mario Gonzales of Rio De Jan-
eiro, Brazil, landed at 214 with
a 71. Joe Kirkwood, Grossinger,
N. Y., Jerry Barber, Pasadena,
Calif., and Chandler Harper,
Portsmouth, Va., moved into the
215 bracket.
Notched at even par 216 among
the early finishers were Iverson
Martin, Maplewood, N. J., and
Chuck Klein, San Antonio, Tex.
* * *
IN THE concurrent Men's Am-
ateur, Bill Campbell of Hunting-
ton, W. Va., former state legislator,
slackened to a 73, but maintained
a two-stroke lead with a 54-hole
total of 209, seven under par. De-
fending champion Frank Strana-
han of Toledo, Ohio, also posted
75 for 211. Campbell had fired a
pair of 68's on his first two rounds.
The $12,000 "World" Women's
Pro Meet reached the three-
quarter mark with Betty Jame-
son of San Antonio, Tex., still
front with 224. Miss Jameson,
with rounds of 72-73-79, kept
three strokes ahead of Patty
Berg, whose 78 gave her 227. De-
fending champion Babe Zahar-
ias took an 80 for 232, two
strokes behind thirdspot Louise
Suggs, whose 77 was the day's
best feminine round.
In still another sideshow, Joyce
Ziske, 18-year-old Milwaukee high
school graduate and Wisconsin
State Champion, maintained the
lead in the Women's Amateur.
Detroit Lions Hold Full Scale
Drille Before Crowd of_2,000
YPSILANTI-(P)-Coach Buddy
Parker, his bronze face circled by
a smile, watched his Detroit Lions
whip through a 95-minute full-
scale scrimmage yesterday with
approximately 2,000 p e r s o n s
"Better than I expected," grin-
ned the coach of the National
Football L e a g u e contenders.
"Pretty good for the first scrim-
* * *
sive teams scored three touch-
downs against the red-shirted de-
fensive units.
Quarterback Bobby Layne
passed 22 yards to end Jim Dor-
an for the first score. Right
Halfback Ollie Cline, on a re-
verse, scooted 25 yards for
And Ray Dillon, rookie fullback
from Little Prairie View College of
Texas, ran 38 yards for a touch-
down after taking a screen pass
from Quarterback Tom Dublinski.
THIS WAS the only full-scale
scrimmage Parker planned before
the squad opens its six-game ex-
hibition schedule in nine days
against the Chicago Cardinals.
First string Halfback Doak
Walker didn't take part in the
workout. Walker is regaining
full strength in his right arm,
seriously cut in an accident two
months ago.
Parker used three offensive
backfields: No. 1-QB Layne, LHB
Lindell Pearson, RHB Bob Hoern-
schemeyer, and FB Pat Harder.
No. 2-QB Jim Hardy, LHB Jug
Girard, RHB rookie Byron Bailey,
FB Pete D'Alaonzo. No. 3-QB Du-
blinski, LHB Jack Christiansen,
RHB Cline and FB Dillon.
The offense functioned smooth-
est with Dublinski at quarterback.
But Hardy threw the longest pass,
45 yards to End Bill Swiacki.
League Standings
WV L Pct. GB
Save Time and FLY'
12 Nickels Arcade
Phone 2-3155
/ Phone 23.24-1
HOURS: 1 to 5 P.M.
2 .60 1.34 1.96
3 .70 1.78 2.84
4 .90 2.24 3.92
Figure 5 average words to o line.
Classified deadline daily except
Saturday Is 3 P.M., Saturdays,
11:30 A.M., for Sunday issue.
AVAILABLE - A new 3-room de-
luxe apartment which accommodates
four. Completely furnished, electric
stove and refrigerator. Private en-
trance. $95 per month. Will rent for
summer. Need a car. Call 2-9020.
NEAR CAMPUS - Unfurnished 4 room
ap't-tile bath, no heat nor utilities.
Has stove and refrigerator. No pets.
School-age child preferred. $95. Ph.
MALE STUDENT to share basement
ap't; good location. Private room. $30
per mo. Ph. 5830.
ATTRACTIVE APT. near Campus to
sublet July 15 to Sept. 15. Real bar-
gain for right tenant. 3-1479 evenings.
4 STUDENTS-large, spacious 2 bedroom
furnished ap't., twin, beds, (practice
room available for music students.)
$125 a month. Also single room. 320 8.
Washington after 4 P.M.
tions at The Campus Tourist Homes
now. 518 E. William. Phone 3-8454.
CAMBRIDGE 1430-1 double, 1 single
for men.
ROOMS FOR FALL - 906 Greenwood
apartment, double & singles. Refrig-
ar -i - .- - -ina ns si,_.--- n- ,- 71n
TYPING -Reasonable rates. Accurate,
Efficient. Phone 7590, 830 S. Main.
Auto -- Home - Portable
Phono & T.v.
Fast & Reasonable Service
"Student Service"
1215 So. Univ., Ph. 7942
11 blocks east of East Engin.
ALTERATIONS on ladies garments re-
serve for future use. A. Graves.
Phone 2-2678.
INTERVIEWERS for part time opinion
surveys. College background preferred,
not essential. Experience not neces-
sary. Answer fully. Box 18.
wanted for Fall semester. Phone 6007.
RIDERS WANTED to Kallispell, Mont.
Leave about Aug. 11. Phone 7138.
2 or 3 RIDERS WANTED-Driving to
Kansas City, Missouri. August 1 or 2.
References: exchange phone 2-3006 be-
tween 6 and 7 p.m.
(Continued from Page 2)
Carillon by Nees, and close with three
popular tunes, I Dream of Jeannib, My
Wild Irish Rose, and All Through the
Student Recital Cancelled: The organ
recital by Elizabeth Thomas, previous-
ly announced for Thursday evening,
August 14, in Hill Auditorium, has been
Museum of Art, Selections from the
Permanent Collection.
General Library. Dictionaries.
Museum of Archaeology. Ancient
Egypt and Rome of the Empire.
Museums Building. Rotanda exhibit.
Some museum techniques.
Michigan Historical Collections, 160
Rackham Building. The Changing Cam-
Clements Library. American books
which have influenced the modern mind
(through September 1).
Architecture Building. Student work.
Events Today
Services in Ann Arbor Churches.
Congregational-Disciples Guild. We
will have our fellowship supper at 6:00
p.m. at the Congregational Church. It
will be followed by a discussion centered
around Overstreet's Mature Mind. Fel-
lowship hour at the Guild House fol-
Lutheran Student Association Meet-
ing 5:30 p.m. at the Student Center, cor-
ner of Hill and Forest Ave. Program at
7:00 p.m.
Coming Events
Opera. The Merry Wives of Windsor.
August. 11.
Christian Science Organization. Tes-
timonial meeting. Tuesday evenings,
at 7:30 p.m., in the Upper Room of Lane
Hall. All are welcome.
Examination Schedule
In Eight-Week Courses
Time of Class
Meeting Time of Examination
8:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m., Thursday, Aug. 14
9:00 a.m. 8:00 a.m., Friday, Aug. 15
10:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m., Thursday, Aug. 14
11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m., Friday, Aug. 14
1:00 p.m. 4:00 n.m., Thursday, Aug. 14
2:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m., Thursday, Aug. 14
3:00 p.m. 10:00 a.m., Friday, Aug. 15
Other hours 4:00 p.m., Friday, Aug. 15
Brooklyn ..........68 32 .680
New York ..........62 40 .608
St. Louis ..........62 45 .579
Philadelphia ........56 48 .538
Chicago...........52 53 .495
Boston............44 60 .423
Cincinnati .........44 63 .411
Pittsburgh .........32 79 .288}
* *
W L Pct.
New York ..........64 46 .582
Cleveland ..........64 47 .565
Boston..............57 47 .548
Washington ........56 50 .528
Philadelphia ........52 49 .515
Chicago ............56 54 .509
St. Louis..........56 64 .418
Detroit .............37 72 .340
From 1 P.M.
ANTIQUE CHAIRS - 1 Hitchcock, 1
Duncan Fyfe, 1 arm Windsor, 1 comb
back Windsor. I tilt top table. Mis-
cellaneous objects: candle sticks,
lamps, dishes, fiatures. 1918 Day Ph.
ART SALE private collection, oils, water
colors, portfalios, books. 1918 Day,
Phone 2-1710.
HOUSE TRAILER-1 wall with built in
book case. 30 ft. "cozy-coach", has
natural wood finish throughout, elec-
tric refrigerator, electric hot water
heater. Very liberal terms. Can be
seen at 410 E. Jeff.
Yes, it pays to
train for an
You will get a good starting.
salary. You will be in line for
advancement. Your experience
will make you more and more
valuable Rusine is a canreer
o s rop
in his joke
A Twinkle WI R G SR
i-n his ee
inwww inv~vninw
* , gs4~