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August 10, 1952 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1952-08-10

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______________________________ U _________________________________________________________________________ U U

IF NEWSPAPERS had more newsprint
their first concern would be to present
more international news. That is the unani-
mous verdict given by a panel of five editors
--Australian, British, Chilean, Dutch and
Finnish-in the latest bulletin of the re-
cently founded International Press Institute.
Other editors would confirm that there is no
'lack of material on foreign affairs; it floods
in, in the form of dispatches from corres-
pondents and agencies, and of syndicated
background articles, only to be mercilessly
cut and often finally pushed out by home
Editors are therefore discouraged from
sending special correspondents to report
on developments of great significance-
for example, the rapid postwar evolution
of ttopical Africa-which cannot be pre-
sented in snippets. It means that foreign
news is often printed in such condensed
form as to be utterly incomprehensible ex-
cept to a few initiates; and that whole
regions-Latin America for one-are vir-
tually ignored by the press in other coun-
tries- because their affairs are less urgent
than those of, say, Germany or the Far
It is doubtful whether unlimited news-
print would produce a foreign editor's
utopia. Fuller foreign reporting would make
many newspapers too heavy for the average
reader unless balanced by more pure enter-
tainment. The correspondent in Lagos, Lima
or Labrador might see his dispatches at last
used in full, but only a minority of devoted
readers would get past the distractions of
the feature pages, gossip columns and strip
cartoons to read them. Experience in North
America, which is not short of newsprint,
tends to confirm this fear.
To take in the foreign news content of
a United States daily paper at breakfast
or in the crowded bus is a feat of agility,
concentration and aversion from fleshly
delights. In that country of massive dailies
people turn increasingly to weekly news
magazines to keep themselves abreast of
It has to be accepted that the most widely
read newspapers owe their success to their
deliberately popular style; give them extra
newsprint and the extra pages would prob-
ably yield to fashion notes, sensational reve-
lations and humorous columnists-not to
analyses of Jugoslavia's economic problems
or of the strategic significance of Nepal.
-The London Economist
Wes t Germany
LAST WEEK the President, in a small
room in a Kansas City hotel, signed the
agreements calling for the emergence of
West Germany among the family of na-
tions. He made no more fuss over signing
the. historic documents than had the Senate
in approving them after a purely pro forma
debate a month ago. But events continue to
indicate that our own official unanimity on
German policy is not shared by our Western
allies, who live some 3,000 miles closer to the
initial battleground of the next war, if and
when it comes.
Just before Truman uncapped his pen
in Kansas City, the British Parliament
approved the same agreements, but only
after prolonged debate and the break-up
of a bi-partisanship in foreign policy
which had lasted twelve years. The Labor
Party, which had held a caucus on the
subject on July 16, voted almost solidly in
opposition. The caucus almost cost Clem-
ent Attlee his party leadership; a Bevan
motion calling for four-power talks and
German elections before German rearma-
ment was lost by only six votes. Even so,
as a result of the caucus, the Laborites are
today on record as demanding that Ger-
man elections and rearmament of other

Western powers should be given priority
over German remilitarization.
Two more parliaments must yet sign the
agreements to bring them into effect: the
French and West German. In both coun-
tries the demand for an immediate four-
power conference is even stronger than it
is in Britain. And over and above the ques-
tion of ratification is the practical question
of implementation, involving a whole com-
plex of political and military issues. Britain,
for financial reasons, has for the second time
slowed down its own rearmament plan;
France is insisting that we pick up a bigger
share of the check for its contribution to
the West's defense. When the showdown
comes, how far will either country permit
"'est Germany to outstrip it in rearmament?
-The Nation
Red Propaganda
N KEEPING with their practice in all in-
ternational organizations, including the
United Nations, the Soviets and their satel-
lites have done their best to convert the
Toronto conference of the Red Cross into a
political arena for their propaganda war-
fare. Despite international agreements to
which they have subscribed, recognizing the
Red Cross and its all-Swiss International
Committee as an impartial humanitarian
agency entrusted with certain functions and
perogatives, they vilify that agency as an
"imperialist tool." And though they continue
to send delegations to its conferences to take

Stevenson Picks His Men

44We ve Got Our Own High Hurdle Events"

WASHINGTON - Last week Gov. Adlai
Stevenson was clearing with Democratic
circles here the name of his personal friend,
Stephen Mitchell of Chicago, a lawyer and
a Catholic, as chairman of the Democratic
National Committee.
Governor Stevenson first mentioned
Mitchell to friends immediately following
the convention as the type of man he
would like to see in the chairmanship. He
said then that he realized Mitchell was
not well known in the party and would
have to work hard and fast to do the job
of organization that must be done.
The present Chairman, Frank McKinney,
was scheduled to visit Springfield this week
end. McKinney was understood to be will-
ing, even eager, to remain. It was argued
in his behalf at the White House and else-
where that he would be more efficient than
a newcomer since he has had six months to
learn the ropes.
Governor Stevenson, however, proposed to
put his own brand on the coming campaign
and so far as possible put in every headline
job a Stevenson, rather than a Truman, ap-
pointee. One of the tasks of the National
Chairman of a party is to produce publicity,
favorable if possible, of course.
With the Governor hastening to tie up
all his loose ends before coming to lunch at
the White House next week, it was only
common sense. Everything he does after
that for a while will be considered as the
fruit of presidential counsel. This was the
hour to change the national committee
Visitors to Springfield suggest that organ-
ization is one of the prime needs of the Ste-
venson campaign. The nominee has literally
started from scratch and is buried at pres-
ent under an avalanche of mail and callers.

Meanwhile the great rank and file of the
party within the states awaits his pleasure.
Although they have been in power so long
and in some respects have a well-defined
chain of command, the Democrats are suf-
fering from what Mr. Truman once defined
in a memorable phrase-which got him into
trouble on the Hill-as the ills of seniority
and senility.
With their Southern fences in good re-
pair, Democrats have been turning to a
quiet check of their problems in the pivotal
states. They are finding what the confused
first ballots at Chicago so clearly indicated
--that the old organization is wearing out in
a lot of places.
In such states the big cities have regular-
ly turned out vital Democratic majorities.
With equal regularity the big-city bosses
claimed the credit and cashed the political
dividends. These days, however, Washington
would be hard put to it to find a boss of the
old legend capable of delivering a state or
even a nice solid chunk of votes.
Ed Flynn of the Bronx was too ill to at-
tend the convention. Frank Hague is in-
voluntarily retired. Jacob M. Arvey looks
good in Chicago only because he had the
creative imagination in 1948 to pick Adlai
Stevenson to run for governor and Paul
Douglas for senator, but he is, as the con-
vention proved, only the tail of the kite.
W. Stuart Symington has just made the
President's alma mater, the Pendergast
machine, look silly in the U.S. Senate pri-
mary in Missouri.
Governor Stevenson's chairman will have
a tremendous job to do. The nominee also
has, under present circumstances, a stag-
gering task of self-salesmanship ahead of
(Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate)



Middle East Mix-Up

Associated Press News Analyst
THE UNITED STATES idea of a Middle
East command has run on the rocks of
Arab opposition, the Arab states have or-
ganized a group of their own and the Al-
lies are conside'ring another.
It may not be one of the world's most
pressing situations, but it is one of the
One reason the Arabs would have nothing
to do with the original Allied plan is the po-
sition of Israel. They atrribute the loss of
Palestine to behind-the-scenes politics in
the United States-a hypothesis more or less
borne out by the diary of James Forrestal
and fear any strengthening of Israel mili-
tarily. On the reverse of the coin, the UiS.
fears to arm the Arabs lest they attack Is-
That is going to be the greatest block
which the New Egyptian Government and
the New Arab Collective Security group will
have to face in their appeal the U.S. for

As for Anglo-American plans, they have
dropped back to organization of what will
be little more than a planninggroup of non-
Middle Eastern powers, a group which would
include only Turkey among the Middle East-
ern states. The other participants would be
France, the U.S., Britain, Australia, South
Africa and New Zealand, all vitally inter-
ested in maintenance of the Suez Canal.
The "home product" collective security
pact has now been ratified by Iraq,
Egypt, Syria and Jordan, putting it into
effect, with Saudi Arabia, Lebanon and
Yemen still to ratify.
It began when Egypt refused the Allied
Middle East Command idea and demanded,
instead, that the British get out of the Suez
defense bases.
And always there is the specter, as plans
for Middle East defense flounder amid the
distrust between Arab, Jew and Anglo-Saxon,
of Iran as a base for a communist thrust at
Suez, by-passing Turkey, the only real power
in the whole area.


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (11 a.m.
on Saturday).
Regents' Meeting: Friday, September
26. Communications for consideration
at this meeting must be in the Presi-
dent's hands not later than Septem-
ber 18.
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching departments wishing
to recommend tentative August gradu-
ates from the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, and the School
of Education for departmental honors
should recommend such students in a
letter to he sent to the Registrar's Of-
fice, Room 1513 Administration Building
before August 2.
Edward G. Groesbeck
Assistant Registrar
Attention August Graduates: College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts,
School of Education, School of Music,
School of Public Health:
Students are advised not to request
grades of I or X in August. When such
grades are absolutely imperative,the
work must be made up in time to allow
your instructor to report the make-up
grade not later than 11 a.m., August
21. Grades received after that time may
defer the student's graduation until a
later date.
Edward G. Groesbeck
Assistant Registrar
All Applicants for the Doctorate who
are planning to take the August pre-
liminary examinations in education, to
be held from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 N, Au-
gust 18, 19, and 20, 1952, will please no-
tify the chairman of the committee on
graduate studies in education, room
4019 University High School, immedi-
Harlan C. Koch, Chairman
Committee on Graduate
Studies, School of Education
School of Business Administration.
Faculty meeting, Monday, August 11.
3:00 p.m. Room 268.
Personnel Requests
The Young Women's Christian Asso-
ciation, Battle Creek, Michigan, is in
need of people who are interested in
Young Adult Activities. Would like to
have applications from any young wom-
en who are interested in work of this
type in Battle Creek.
The Lumbermen's Mutual Casualty
Company, Chicago, Illinois, is interest-
in hearing from August graduates who
would like working in underwriting,
accounting, statistics, claims and sales.
Application blanks are available at the
Bureau of Appointments.
The City of Kalamazoo, Michigan,
has an opening in the City-County
health Department for a college grad-
uate with a major in one of the biolog-
ical sciences or in chemistry to work
as a Sanitarian.
The Ford Motor Company, Dearborn,
Michigan, has an opening for a Trans-
lator or Technical Analyst with back-
ground in Mechanical and Electrical
Engineering for Literature Searching,
Abstracting, and Translating, partic-
ularly German with a knowledge of
French desirable,
TheYankton College, Yankton, South
Dakota, is looking for a public relations
man who can also coach debate.
The Young Women's Christian Asso-
ciation, Tacoma, Washington, has three
openings available September for young
women who are qualified to do Healtn
Education and Recreation work, direct
Group work with Teen-Age and Young
Adults, and assist the program director
for work with Teen-Agers and Young
The A & P Tea Company, Central
Western Division, Detroit, Michigan is
in need of a food chemist at its Terre
Haute, Indiana Quaker Maid labora-
The Hinchman Company, Detroit,
Michigan, has a vacancy for a young
lady in its organization. Want a col-
lege graduate who is skilled in typing
and shorthand, and citizenship is re-
The Meyercord Company, Chicago,
Illinois, is looking for a young man to
learn the entire business. They want
only recent graduates to apply, but
state that the job has great possibili-
ties and prefer someone who is serious
about working up in the business.
The Standard Oil Company, Chicago,
Illinois, has an opening in the Market
Section of the company. The position
is that of Junior Market Analyst and

speech Sounds." Eli Fisher Jorgensen,
Professor of Linguistics, University of
Copenhagen, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Am-
Wednesday, August 13
Linguistic Forum. "Structural Law or
Accidental Gaps in Phonemic Distribu-
tion: Closed circuit broadcasts of origi-
nal student scripts. 3:00 p.m., 231- An-
gell Hall.
Modern Views of Man and Society.
"Modern Viewvs of Man and Society-A
Summary." Maurice Mandelbaum, Pro-
fessor of Philosophy, Dartmouth Col-
lege. 8:00 p.m., William L. Clements Li-
Thursday, August 14
Modern Views of Man and Society.
"The Lively Arts and The Great Audi-
ence," Gilbert Seldes, critic of radio,
television, and the theater. 4:15 p.m.,
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Academic Notices
The Inter-University Seminar on So-
cial Integration will hold a round table
discussion regarding its activities in
the East Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building on Tuesday the 12th of
August, at 8:00 p.m. Graduate students
in Sociology and staff members of the
Sociology Department are invited to at-
Doctoral Examination for Orville
Gayle Manion, Speech; thesis: "An Ap-
plication of Readability Formulas to
Oral Communication," Monday, Aug-
ust 11, 3211 Angell Hall, at 2:15 p.m.
Chairman, N. E. Miller.
Doctoral Examination for Seymour
Ginsburg, Mathematics; thesis: "Order
Types and similarity Transformations,"
Tuesday, August 12, East Council Room,
Rackham Bldg., at 1:30 p.m. Chairman,
B. Dushnik.
Doctoral Examination for Robert Mur-
ray Suggitt, Chemistry; thesis: "Heat
of Wetting of Copper, Graphite, and
Silica Gel" Tuesday, August 12, 1565
Chemistry Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman,
F. E. Bartell.
Doctoral Examination for George Felt
Osmun, Classical Studies: Greek an
Latin; thesis: "Dialogue Technique in
Menander," Wednesday, August 13, 2020
Angell Hall, at 10:00 a.m., Chairman,
W. E. Blake.
Doctoral Examination for Robert May-
er Kloepper, Physics; thesis: "Angular
and Direction -Polarization Correlation
for Successive Gamma-Gamma and
Beta-Gamma Transitions," Wednesday,
August 13, 2038 Randall Lab., at 2:00
p.m. Chairman, M. L. Wiedenbeck.
Doctoral Examination for Harold Orel,
English; thesis: "The Russian Novel
in Victorian England: 1831-1917," Wed-
nesday, August 13, East Council Room,
Rackham Building, at 2:00 p.m. Chair-
man, K. Litzenberg.
Student Recital: Grace Miller, pianist,
will be heard at 8:30 Monday evening,
August 11, in the Rackham Assembly
Hall, presenting a program in lieu of
a thesis for the degree of Master of Mu-
sic in Music Education. It will include
works by Bach, Beethoven, Brahms,
Chanler, and Bartok, and will be open
to the public. Mrs. Miller is studying
with Benning Dexter.
Student Recital: David Helm, student
of piano with HeleneTitus, will pre-
sent a program in lieu of a thesis in
partial fulfillment of the Master of
Music degree requirements at 4:15 Tues-
day afternoon, August 12, in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall. It will include
compositions by Haydn, Beethoven, Hin-
demith and Chopin. The public is in-

WASHINGTON-It has now been four months since Charles E.
Wilson, former head of General Electric, resigned from his job
as Defense Mobilizer, yet President Truman has done nothing about
replacing him.
Meanwhile, the Defense Mobilization administration has been
limping along with no active head. John Steelman, White House
assistant tries to handle the job with his left hand, but Steel-
man, with many other duties, obviously cannot spend much time
at the back-breaking job of Defense Mobilizer.
Truman's failure to appoint a top executive for this vital agency
has done two things:
1)'It has made the mobilization picture far less important in the
eyes of Congress and the public; 2) the delay has made it more dif-
ficult for Truman to get a good man for the job.
In other words, the job has been down-graded and top-calabre
men are not going to take over at a time when the Truman ad-
ministration is on the way out. Even though Truman is exiting,
however, the next six months are crucial when it comes to produc-
tion. The steel strike has made the production picture even worse,
and it wasn't good before.
NOTE-When Wilson first resigned, the President could have
picked any one of several good men as his successor-Eric Johnston,
former president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce; Ex-Gov. Ellis
Arnall, the price administrator; or Manly Fleischmann, ex-head of
the National Production Authority. At this late date, however, none
would take the job.
THERE'S MORE TO WRITING the Washington Merry-Go-Round
than just digging up the news. Sometimes you have to -dig up the
news-then bury it.
Last week this column was probing reports that a 3,00-ton
shipment of scrap iron was en route to Canada for illegal trans-
shipment to Europe.
The U.S. needs all the scrap iron it can get, and this reported
illegal deal seemed worth some reportorial investigation. After finish-
ing this investigation and unearthing the facts, a routine phone call
was made to the Commerce Department. Twenty minutes later, 9,
frantic phone call came back.
"We hate to ask you," said the worried commerce official, "but
will you please kill that story? We want to set a trap and catch these
What happened was that Secretary of Commerce Sawyer also'
had been working on the case.
So, at 11 a.m. one day last week, Commerce Department
agents swooped down on the suspected companies-Schiavone-
Bonomo Corp. of Jersey City and the Gallie Corp. of New York.
Simultaneously, Canadian agents called on the International
Iron and Metal Co. of Hamilton, Ont. Documents relating to the
big scrap-iron shipment were seized and the scrap is being held
at the Canadian port of Sorel-under government guard.
If the documents reveal evidence of conspiracy to evade the ex-
port laws, there will be criminal prosecution.
So the story buried last week can now be unburied.
* * * *
CREDIT THE AKRON, OHIO Bar Association with distributing 45,-
000 copies of the Declaration of Independence in order to offset
ignorance of the Declaration. Allen T. Simmons of WADC sparked
the campaign. . . . Also credit the Madison County Abstract and
Title Company with circulating 18,000 copies in Madison, Ind... .
Likewise the Bank of America on the West Coast circulated several
thousand copies; while the Sertoma Clubs cooperating with Gus
Dietz, the patriotic Richmond, Va., printer, has helped to put out
almost a million copies. .. . If the New Orleans Item and the Madison
Wis., Capital Times today asked people to sign a petition embodying
the essential wording of the Declaration of Independence and the Bill
of Rights, undoubtedly many more would be familiar with these
great cornerstones of our liberties. One year ago, most of those asked
to sign, refused.
* * * *
JAKE ARVEY, the Chicago political boss who led the draft-Stevenson
drive,'has gone to Hollywood, allegedly for a rest. However,'his old
partner, Paul Ziffron, simultaneously staged a drive against Kefauver
control of the Democratic organziation in California. He failed. .. .
Hollywood is putting up some big money for Eisenhower this time.
Joe Schenck, movie mogul who went to jail for income-tax evasion.
is one of the Ike contributors. . . . Apologies to Senator Capehart of
Indiana for listing him as flying to Europe on an Air Force plane.
The Air Force officially listed Capehart as taking a plane, but the
Senator changed his mind, went by boat. . .. There may be two Kefauv-
ers in the next Congress. Charles C. Kefauver, cousin of the Senator,
is running as a Republican for the House of Representatives for the
seat of GOP Massachusetts Congressman Chris Herter. . . . Tennessee
cousin Estes has wished his cousin well, even though the latter is a
Republican.. . . There is a lot of anti-McKinney sentiment inside the
Democratic National Committee staff-particularly from the vice-
chairman, Mrs. India Edwards.
* 4. * *
"FLYING SAUCERS" letters pouring in on the Civil Aeronautics Ad-
ministration and other agencies indicate that the American peo-
ple have matured considerably since Orson Wells almost panicked the
nation with his "Men from Mars" scarecast some years ago.
This may be due to the many









WASHINGTON-The way both major par-
ties are sniffing nervously at the civil
rights issue provides the least edifying spec-
tacle of this campaign. The candidates have
got to decide soon just how badly they need
the Negro vote, and just how far they will
go to get it.
President Truman himself has often
said privately that the Negroes gave him
the margin of victory in 1948, by voting
for him in sufficient numbers to provide
his slim majorities in Illinois, Ohio and
California. According to the Negro lead-
ers, Negroes feel even more deeply about
the civil rights issue this year than in 1948,
and more of them will go to the polls than
ever before. There are more than 3,000,-
000 in the key Northern states which
could go either way, including more than
half a million in New York, more than a
third of a million in Illinois and Pennsyl-
vania, and well over 200,000 each in Ohio,
Michigan, California and Maryland.
The way Dwight D. Eisenhower and Adlai
E. Stevenson deal with the civil right issue
could obviously determine the outcome of a
close election. Eisenhower's pre-convention
campaign manager, Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge,
and his allies are trying to persuade Eisen-
hower to reverse himself on the issue. Al-
though Eisenhower has flatly said that he
opposes compulsory Federal fair employ-
ment legislation, the Lodge group is will-
ing to risk a public flipflop by their candi-
date, because they think it will pay off in
LODGE AND HIS ALLIES are clearly much
more worried than they were in the pre-
convention period, when there was talk of
an Eisenhower sweep which would carry
Southern Democratic states like Texas. An
Eisenhower switch on civil rights would
knock out his chances of winning Southern
electoral votes. But Lodge now considers it

But after what he has already said on the
subject, it will not be easy for Eisenhower
to reverse himself.
Eisenhower's running mate, Sen. Richard
Nixon, moreover, has repeatedly voted with
the Southerners on civil rights issues. He
has opposed cloture, and on the Senate's la-
bor sub-committee which was considering
the Humphrey-Ives fair employment bill,
Nixon joined Sen. Lister Hill of Alabama in,
opposing the bill. Thus, the Republican Vice-
Presidential candidate would have to do a
public flipflop too.
The curious fact is that Stevenson's prob-
lem is easier than Eisenhower's, despite the
presence of Sparkman on the ticket. For the
time being, Stevenson has played down the
civil rights issue. Meanwhile, many Southern
leaders, like Sen. Richard Russell of Georgia,
Sen. A. Willis Robertson of Virginia, Gov.
Hugh L. White of Mississippi, and the last
into the fold, Gov. James F. Byrnes of South
Carolina, are declaring for Stevenson. Ste-
venson electors will appear on the ballots in
these and other Southern states.
* * *
WITH THE SOUTH thus tidied up, Ste-
venson will then be in a position to make
a speech firmly favoring Federal civil rights
legislation, and interpreting the Democratic
civil rights plank as stronger than the 1948
plank. This is the strategy which some of
those close to him are urging Stevenson td
adopt. It would have been easier for Ste-
venson to do so effectively, if the "liberals"
at the Chicago convention had not gone a
trifle mad. They made a funny issue of the
seating of the Virginia and Louisiana dele-
gations, talked about Stevenson as a "North-
ern Dixiecrat," and pictured Sparkman as
a sort of Simon Legree.
Since it is no secret that Stevenson en-
couraged the nomination of Sparkman
whom he admires for his generally liberal
record, this public spasm of the liberals in
Chicago certainly complicates his problem.

Student Recital: James Vandersall,
violinist, will present a program in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements
for the Master of Music degree, at 8:30
Tuesday evening, August 12, in the
Rackham Assembly Hall. He will play
ompositions by Tartini, Sibelips and
Saint-Saens. Mr. 'Vandersall studies
with Gilbert Ross.
Student Recital: Roland Samber, pi-
anist, will be heard at 4:15 Wednesday
afternoon, August 13, in the Rackham
Assembly Hall, playing a program in
partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the Master of Music degree. It will
include works by Bach, Beethoven, Cho-
pin, Granados, Ravel, and Copland, and
will be open to the public. Mr. Samber
is a pupil of Benning Dexter.
Student Recital: Carol Tannenbaum,
pianist, will be heard at 8:30 Wednesday

less-provocative radio and tele-
vision programs, as well as pub-
lished articles on "Outer Space,"
plus intelligent news reporting,
which has handled the flying-
saucer stories with objective
candor. Most editors long ago
have scrapped the idea that the
public is too dumb to be given
all the facts.
At any rate, the CAA has re-
ceived no panic letters. Most of
the mail is either scientific or re-
ligious. A Kilgore, Tex., man wrote
that the phenomena are due to
our splitting of the atom. "The
atomic charges are now coming
back together again (in the form
of flying saucers) ," he concluded.
An Oklahoma City man com-
pared the strange sky lights to
"ignis fatuus" (foolish fire) caused
by gas explosions over marshes,I
while a skeptical lady from Van'
Wert, Ohio, is convinced that what
a lot of people mistake for flying
saucers are airplane beacons.
A Morgantown, W. Va., wom-
an is certain, however, that the
lights are a spiritual portent of
the "coming of Chirst." She
wrote the CAA: "The mystery
can be cleared up by turning to
St. Luke. chanter 21. verse 11,

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Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Leonard Greenbaum Managing Editor
Ivan Kaye and Bob Margolin
"-- wmen'sEditor
Nan Reganall........... Women's Editor
Joyce Fickies. .............Night Editor
Harry Lunn ............Night Editor
Marge Shepherd...........NightEditor
Virginia Voss. . ....,....Night Editor
Mike Wolff .............Night Editor
Tom Treeger..........Business Manager
0. A. Mitts........ .Advertising Manager
Jim Miller.. , ....... Finance Manager


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