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August 07, 1952 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1952-08-07

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1952 Issues

"Welcome Home"

w I

YESTERDAY'S political panel discussion
at Rackham Lecture Hall was an inter-
esting prelude to the fall campaign. The
issues emphasized-corruption, government
waste, foreign policy, the drift toward "so-
cialism" and current economic conditions-
seem likely to be the chief questions which
candidates will stress.
Republicans will view the growth of gov-
ernment power with alarm, while Demo-,
crats cry "you've never had it so good."
Probably the Democratic argument is the
more telling one, despite growing gov-
ernment centralization. By the oldest of
political axioms, the party in power is
granted the edge if times are good. There-
fore, the GOP will try to divert the peo-
ple's attention from prosperity to Korean
and corruption.
While the issues, mentioned by the four
debaters were significant, the questions
which they ignored in the opening remarks
were of greater import., Four years ago
President Truman used the civil rights issue
as a campaign cornerstone. Yesterday nei-
ther Neil Staebler nor John Dawson dis-
cussed the party program on civil liberties
until questioned from the audience. Then
Staebler tried to explain that John Spark-
man, who would not back up the President
on his civil rights program, was a liberal
of the new Southern type. Staebler public-
ly professes that Sparkman does not repre-
sent a negation of the ultra-liberal Truman
doctrine, but from all reports Michigan
Democrats are seriously worried about los-
ing -the powerful Negro vote in Detroit be-
cause of him.
The Taft-Hartley Law received light
treatment from the Democrats - Staebler
echoed the party platform by commenting
that Democrats would start all over again
in their labor law revisions. There was no
mention of Truman's failure to use the
powers granted to him under the act to de-
lay the costly steel strike. This will be one
issue that Democrats will want to forget.
On the other hand, Republicans will not
havetoo much to offer in the way of for-
eign policy change, and efforts to develop
a separate policy would be futile. Though
some revisions may be in order for our
Asia policy, the European situation is not
likely to be changed drastically. Efforts
will be made to cut down waste and dup-
lication in the armed services if either
Stevenhon or Eisenhower is elected.
All in all, it was good to see opposing
party leaders debating the issues of the day
with some sincerity and knowledge. More
panels of this type would be desirable before
the fall campaign, and it would be extreme-
ly encouraging if candidates representing
major and minor parties alike could have
the opportunity of speaking here. To facili-
tate appearances of various public figures,
consideration might well be given to re-
vision of Lecture Committee policy which
has in the past hindered "the great debate"
through its red tape and bannings.
-Harry Lunn
At The State.. .
IVORY HUNTER with Anthony Steel,
Dinah Sheridan.
THIS UNPRETENTIOUS little film fol-
lows close behind last year's King Solo-
mon's Mines and, in its quiet way, succeeds
where the former fails. Put together by
various hands under the aegis of Ealing
Studios, the picture says what it has to say
smoothly and succinctly. The plot is con-
cerned with the attempt to establish the
game sanctuary in Kenya against preda-
,tory hunters and ivory poachers. The actors
are little known but competent.
Filmed almost entirely in the bush and
veldt country, the photography has an au-
thentic sheen without being startlingly so.

This is in no way pure spectacle. The story
and the action are nicely integrated, trying
to form a satisfying ecological whole. The
elephant wallow and the water hole cede
place to the dry plain of the gazelle and
giraffe as a dominant theme. Over all are the
ubiquitous vultures wheeling raucously
against a background of Tanganyika's snow-
capped Kilimanjaro. The incidental se-
quences (a racing mamba, a rhinoceros
charge, a five-minute old giraffe nuzzling
the game warden's forelock) contribute ad-
mirably adjuncts to the zoological pattern.
The superb cutting reflects the sensitive
appreciation of a naturalist.
We feel obliged to mention the appalling
nature of the cartoons presented in recent
weeks at this theater. The exhibitors are
attempting to fob off crudities of antique
vintage of the unsuspecting audience. If
nothing else is available except these mon-
strosities they should be jettisoned alto-
-D. R. Crippen
-Curt R. Schneider
The Founding Fathers
Had the founding fathers foreseen this
year's campaign they would have shaken
in their boots. They feared that factions
would divide the Union; they would be see-
ing the country divided into two major fac-
tions called parties, and each of these di-
vided in turn into factions formed around


WASHINGTON-"No man could be nom-
inated," wise old Sen. Arthur Vanden-
berg used to say, when he himself was be-
ing promoted for the Republican nomina-
tion in 1948, "without conniving." He meant,
of course, that no man can get his party nod
without some sort of prior commitment to
his party's key chieftain. The Vandenberg.
rule held true in his own case, as it almost
always had before.
Did Gov. Adlai Stevenson of Illinois
nive" in order to get the Democratic nom-
This seems a good time to ask this ques-
tion. A good many people are saying that
Stevenson won the nomination in a particu-
larly wily maneuver, and a good many more
people are likely to say so before the Presi-
dential campaign ends..Sen. Paul Douglas,
for example, has pictured the Stevenson
draft as an exercise in "planned spontane-
ity," and Republican national committee
chairman Arthur Summerfield charges that
Stevenson is the "hand-picked" candidate of
President Truman. In short, the Stevenson
draft was supposedly put over, with Steven-
son's knowledge, consent and secret coop-
eration, by Truman and a handful of pow-
erful professionals.
In fact, this is so far from the truth that
both Truman and the professionals, like
Col. Jacob Arvey of Illinois, actually gave
up on Stevenson before the convention was
called to order. Tremendous pressure was
brought to bear on Stevenson by these
men, not to become an active candidate,
but simply to pass the word that he would
run if nominated.
Almost tearfully, Arvey pleaded with
Stevenson to allow him to pass this word.
When Arvey's efforts were unavailing, Tru-
man dispatched Democratic chairman Frank
McKinney to Illinois to try again. Various
other leaders, like Gov. Paul Dever of Mas-
sachusetts and Mayor David Lawrence of
Pittsburgh, also tried to get Stevenson to
make this simple commitment. And finally,
shortly before the convention, Samuel Car-
dinal Stritch of Chicago, saw Stevenson in
order to assure him that his divorce was no
bar to his candidacy.
** * *
ALL THIS EFFORT was absolutely un-
availing. As a result, Truman and the
key leaders like Arvey reasoned-with plenty
of historical precedence-that no convention
was goin gto nominate a man who might
turn the nomination down. Truman there-
fore let it be known that Vice-President Al-
ben Barkley was "acceptable" to him. Ar-
vey, Lawrence, and the other leaders also
turned to Barkley. Arvey even telephoned
Barkley in Kentucky a few days before the
convention, to promise the Vice-President
his support.

The plain fact is that Truman and the
"bosses" who are supposed to have ma-
neuvered the Stevenson draft were them-
selves caught flat-footed when it became
clear that the convention wanted Steven-
son and nobody else. In effect, the profes-
sionals simply rushed to the head of the
Stevenson parade which was already form-
ing, and began frantically waving their
The only shadow of substance in the
charge that Stevenson "connived" lies in
the fact that he could have taken himself
straight out, and that he never did so. In
fact, he came very near to doing so on at
least three occasions. The first time was
just after President Truman's withdrawal,
when Stevenson wrote out in longhand his
own version of Gen. Sherman's famous
statement. He was only barely prevailed upon
to keep it locked in his desk.
The second time was shortly before the
Republican convention, when W. Averell
Harriman's manager, Franklin D. Roose-
velt jr., almost persuaded Stevenson to issue
the withdrawal statement, and throw his
whole weight behind his old friend Harri-
man. And the third time was on the second
day of the convention, after the Illinois dele-
gation had infuriated hi mby defying his
express wish not to support his nomination.
Stevenson telephoned Roosevelt ad serius-
ly discussed taking himself out even then.
* * * * '
THE FIRST two times, Stevenson's friends
dissuaded him on the grounds that his
withdrawal would strengthen Robert A. Taft.
The third time, Stevenson was persuaded
that his withdrawal would help, not Harri-
man, but Estes Kefauver, whom Stevenson
did not want to see nominated. Yet these
were really only surface reasons for Steven-
son's failure to take himself right out.
Stevenson is, after all, a politician, and
although he did not want the nomination
this year, he is by no means unambitious
politician. He knew that a politician signs
his own death warrant when he flatly re-
fuses to accept his party's nomination, and
Stevenson has no political death wish. This
is the real reason, one strongly suspects,
why he never made puble his hand-written
Sherman statement.
In short, Stevenson did not want to be
drafted, and he did everything possible, short
of committing political suicide, to prevent a
draft. But he was shrewd enough to know
that he might be drafted anyway, and in
this case he wanted to be nominated on his
own teriks-an "honest draft," with no
strings tied. Stevenson got the nomination
he did not want on precisely the terms he
did want-no mean achievement. But cer-
tainly the answer to the question "did he
connive?" is an emphatic "no."
(Copyright, 1952, New York Herald Tribune Inc.)

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The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which fot any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Student Trial .. -
To the Editor:
didates," (August 3) Mr. Wie-
gand has displayed an overenthu-
siasm, in an attempt to defame
some of the city officials and a
candidate, which has resulted in
at least two misrepresentations of
the facts. He commentshbriefly
that the conviction in the case
of Felix Mielczynski was obtained
at the expense of a deal made with
another offender, who turned
state's evidence. This other offend-
er, Wiegand claims, was the ring-
I was present at the pre-trial
discussion between the prosecutor
and the "other offender" and can
state with certainty that no deals
were contrived. I also was a witness
of the burglary and testified that
Mielczynski was one of the men
who attempted the robbery. This,
again, was no "deal," but a mere
statement of what I saw.
In the case of the second un-
truth, Mr. Wiegand should recall,
lif he was present at the trial, that
the evidence showed completely
and convincingly that the "other
offender" was not the ringleader.
Because my knowledge is lack-
ing in the other cases mentioned,
I cannot comment on their veri-
ty, but, if I were a consciencious
voter, reading the column for a
true picture of present affairs, the
two absurd statements would cast
a shadow of doubt over the entire
editorial.Editorials should be of
a constructive nature devoid of
falsehoods resulting from exces-
sive zeal.
-Thomas H. Roderick '52
Editor's Note: In the Mieczknski
case, the fact remains that "the
other offender," although guiltyof
the identical crime, received pro-.
bation after he testified against
Mielzynski, while the latter went to
prison. Opinions apparently con-
flict as to who was the ringleader

there is, however, no conflict in the
law, which provides that a plea of
guilty never serves to mitigate the
severity of the offense committed.
* * *
Sidney Hook... .
To the Editor:
SIDNEY HOOK'S lecture last
Wednesday got somewhat but-
chered in the process of being re-
ported in The Daily.
First, he was quoted to the ef-
fect that Bolshevism constitutes a
greater threat to peace than any
"imminent developments of west-
ern economies." The implication
made is that Hook was anticipat-
ing some later-i.e. not-so-immi-
nent-developments in the West
which indeed come to constitute
the chief threats to peace. But this
isn't what Hook said; the word he
used was "immanent-i.e. inherent
-a reference to Marx's concept of
the "inherent contradictions" of
Second, a more glaring error
than this failure of hearing was
contained in the story's last para-
graph which began: "Prof. Hook
had no use for the Marxist social
philosophy." Now this is a mani-
fest absurdity. What Hook was at-
tacking was not Marxism, but dog-
matic Marxism; this is made clear
several times. Long a scholar of
Marx, Prof. Hook is obviously
aware of Marx's great contribu-
tions to social science; indeed he
indicated in his lecture that to
explain great chunks of the his-
tory of many eras, the economic
interpretation turns out to be the
most adequate.
As a monistic and then neces-
sarily mystical philosophy of his-
tory, Marxism is as invalid as any
other monism. However, in the
form of an empirical hypothesis,
subject to revision, as one among
several such complimentary the-
ories, Prof. Hook maintained, the
Marxist theory is a fruitful one.
-Arty Goldberger

WASHINGTON-Word has been passed inside the Chelf Committee
that the investigation of the Justice Department is to be quietly
tapered off. Chief reason: pressure from certain big distillers who
have contributed to both parties in the past.
Already three committee investigators have been given notice
and orders are out to start writing the final report. Republican
members are expected to object, but some of them may not be
too vigorous, because the liquor companies have also been gener-
ous to the GOP.
The Chelf Committee was set u as a subcommittee of the House
Judiciary Committee for the special purpose of probing the Justice
Department. Congressman Frank Chelf, its chairman, appeared anx-
ious to do a good job. However, Chelf, who comes from Kentucky
where bourbon is sometimes said to be king, has not called his com-
mittee together since Seagrams admitted paying $30,000 in cash to
ex-attorney general Howard McGrath on behalf of the Democrats,
and $20,000 to Harold Talbot on behalf of the Republicans.
Various heavy contributions were admitted by other liquor
companies, together with the claim that an antitrust suit against
them was dropped,
NOTE-The Chelf Committee will meet in August to probe the
law firm of Peyton Ford and Herbert Bergson, two former Justice De-
partment officials, and then plans quietly to fold its tent. Actually
the operations of the Ford-Bergson firm are not important compared
to some of the other things left untouched.
DURING THE WAR, Nelson Rockefeller, who did such a good job
improving our good-neighbor relations with Latin America, once
remarked to me:
"When I first came to Washington I had the idea that I
could bring in private business executives and reform the govern-
ment overnight. However, I've been here about a year, and the
longer I'm here, the more respect I have for the average gov-
ernment servant.
"Running the government," Rockefeller added, "is a lot harder
than operating private business. You can't fire a congressman who
cuts your appropriations. And you have to do business with Senators
whether you like them or not.
"In addition, I have found that the average government servant
is very conscientious-some of them remarkably efficient."
That statement, coming from the son of one of the biggest
businessmen in the nation, may cause surprise. However, Nelson's
brother, John D. Rockefeller 3rd, has followed it up this week with
hard cash..
He has put up a quarter of a million dollars through Princeton
University to give an award each year to the 10 or so most deserving
"bureaucrats." As a reward for their service to the government, they
are to be given free educational travel or study for about six months.
DICTATOR PERON'S plan to have his wife embalmed to lie in state
permanently is a shrewd move to continue the hold he had,
through his wife, on Argentine organized labor and the unorganized
Argentine poor.
Keeping their support, yet at the same time winning back
Peron's greatest original source of strength, the military, is his
real problem.
Peron came in power through the Army. But when his wife tok
over the Labor ministry and as her unique power over the under-
privileged increased, the military became restless and rebellious.
It was because of Evita's "undue prominence" that military dis-
affection reached a climax last summer and some ariy units revolted.
While the attempt failed, distrust remained, and it took the secret
police at least five months to catch even the secondary figures in the
revolution. The No. 1 revolutionary still remains unknown to Peron.
Now that he is alone, Peron has been making overtures to
the army. He wants to win back his old military friends. But the
problem is to do this without alienating labor.
That is why Peron sent to Hamburg, Germany, to obtain the
best embalming experts of Europe to preserve the remains of the ex-
cabaret entertainer as a permanent shrine like that of Lenin in
JUAN TRIPPE, head of Pan American Airways, slipped into England
last week for secret negotiations to buy British commercial jet
planes. However, the British have so many advance orders that Pan
American won't be able to buy any for some time . . . . The Com-
munist Party is so regarded by the strong hand of the major political
parties against Communism that orders have gone out to all party
members to affiliate with right-wing political groups, trade unions,
and civic clubs, in order to bore from within. Party members were
also instructed to place more people inside the Republican party. .
The American military mission in Iran has cabled the Pentagon that
it does not expect to get kicked out of the country. The American
mission is on good terms with the powerful Iranian army . . . . The
government will soon remove all price controls from shoes-including
baby shoes and work shoes which

I '

The Driver in the Front Seat

WASHINGTON-Gov. Adlai Stevenson's
Springfield plan for winning the presi-
dency is beginning to take shape. It is de-
signed to make the candidate better known
and to stamp the Stevenson brand firmly
upon the Democratic party.
The first step has already been taken in
the decision to establish campaign head-
quarters in the Illinois capital with Wil-
son Wyatt, a close personal friend, in
charge. This eliminates at one stroke the
Washington dateline, the Washington
old-school-tie atmosphere, and the hover-
ing presence of the White House.
Under consideration are plans to trans-
form August into a continuous visitors' day.
A large number of Democrats are among
the larger number of Americans who have
heard that the candidate is an admirable
fellow but don't know him very well, if at
all. Certainly their leaders and other Demo-
cratic candidates can count on invitations
to drop by. With Springfield so centrally
located and handy to Chicago, the accept-
ances should be numerous.
Reinforced by a better acquaintance with
to the hustings after Labor Day for an in-
the party. stalwarts, the nominee will take
.revolt in Spain
THE ONLY UNEXPECTED featuretin the
Spanish situation-and outside Spain it
has caused an immense amount of misun-
derstanding-is that among the parties on
the Government side the Communists stood
not upon the extreme Left, but upon the
extreme Right. In reality this should cause
,no surprise, because the tactics of the Com-
munist Party elsewhere, especially in France,
have made it clear that Official Commu-
nism must be regarded, at any rate for the
time being, as ananti-revolutionary force.
The whole of Comintern policy is now sub-
ordinated excusably, considering the world
situation) to the defense of U.S.S.R., which
depends upon a system of military alliances.
In particular, the U.S.S.R. is in alliance
with France, a capitalist-imperialist coun-
try. The alliance is of little use to Russia

tensive campaign. This year the itinerary
will include the South, especially Texas with
its 23 electoral votes.
Governor Stevenson can afford to take
time for handshaking since he does not
need to bone up on the issues. Democrats
are confident he can hold his own with
General Eisenhower on foreign policy and
leave the General at the post on domestic
questions. They have worried because so
little time remains to make him better
A new chairman of the National Commit-
tee is in the cards, again a Catholic with ex-
perience in dealing with the big-city ma-,
chines, labor, independents and minority
groups. He will have a large task of fund-
raising and organization to do. The astute
old bosses are fading from the scene; in
some big states, as California, the party is
badly disorganized.
The West, therefore, is a problem. Prob-
ably Governor Stevenson will turn to Sec-
retary of the Interior Oscar Chapman, as
President Truman did for help there.
In New York, Averell Harriman is coun-
ted upon to infuse fresh hope and vigor
into a once-invincible alliance of the big
city with the smaller cities of the largest
state in the union.
Harriman, who surprised everyone by the
force he put into his campaign for the
presidential nomination, is keeping the or-
ganization he knit together for that pur-
pose. Many Democrats hope this means he
will run for the Senate against the incum-
bent, Irving M. Ives, a Progressive' Eisen-
hower backer.
They want Harriman for many reasons.
His campaign gave him useful advertising;
it also dramatized his advocacy of minority
rights. With an Alabaman, Sen. John J.
Sparkman, on the ticket to lure the South,
New York Democrats have been glum about
their prospect for holding the Negro vote.
By demanding an end to segregation in the
District of Columbia during the D.C. pri-
mary,, which he won handily, Harriman
became something of a hero to that race.
Admittedly, the question of how Gover-


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (11 a.m.
on Saturday).
Concert Tickets: Season tickets for
the Choral Union Series (10 concerts)
and for the Extra Concert Series (5
concerts) are now on sale over-the-
ounterat the offices of the University
Musical Society in Burton Memorial
The following major concerts are an-
nounced for the coming University Year:t
Choral Union Series
Richard Tucker, Tenor..........Oct. 8
Yehudi Menuhin, violinist......Oct. 22
Danish State Symphony Orchestra..
.~Nov. 13
vladimir Horowitz, Pianist . ..Nov. 19
Bidu Sayao, Soprano............Dec. 1
Vienna Boys Choir..............Jan. 16
Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra....
....Feb. 12
Gershwin Concert Orchestra... Mar. 2
Artur Rubinstein, Pianist.....Mar. 12
Boston Symphony Orchestra....May 19
Extra Concert Series
Rise Stevens, Mezzo Soprano.... Oct. 17
Cleveland Orchestra........... Nov. 9
Caudio Arrau, Pianist .....Nov. 25
Heifetz, Violinist................Feb. 17
Boston "Pops" Tour Orchestra..Mar. 23
By purchasing season tickets a con-

La Petite Causette: All students and
summer residents who are interested in
speaking French are invited to join
this very informal group every Tuesday
and Thursday afternoon between 4 and
5 o'clock in the Tap Room of the
Michigan Union. A table will be re-
served and a French-speaking member
of the staff will be present, but there
is no program other than free con-
versation In French.
Attention August Graduates: College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts,
School of Education, School of Music,
School of Public Health:
Students are advised not to request
grades of I or X in August. When such
grades are absolutely imperative, the
work must be made up in time to allow
your instructor to report the make-up
grade not later thai 11 a.m., August
21. Grades received after that time may
defer the student's graduation until a
later date.
Edward G. Groesbeck
Assistant Registrar
All Applicants for the Doctorate who
are planning to take the August pre-
liminary examinations in education, to
be held from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 N, Au-
gust 18, 19, and 20, 1952, will please no-
tify the chairman of the committee on
graduate studies in education, room
4019 University Hhigh school, immedi-
Harlan C. Koch, Chairman
Committee on Graduate
Studies, School of Education
Personnel Requests
The Buffalo Forge Company, Buffalo,
New York, is interested in receiving ap-
plications from recent graduates or Aug-
,,st gradnates i MechanicEngneein

are in short supply and bound to
shoot upward when the ceilings
are removed .... Congratulations
to Great Britain for setting up
new Marshall scholarships enab-
ling 12 American students to study
each year at British Universities.
The program is to say "thank you"
for the Marshall plan aid and is
another step forward to the im-
portant goal of people-to-people
THE ITALIAN Communist news-
paper Unita has distorted
some remarks of mine to make it
appear that the American Ambas-
sador in Rome, Ellsworth Bunker,
was cosying up to the new Fascist
leader, Marshal Graziani, and
cooling off on Premier De Gasperi.
Not only did I not say this, but
nothing could be further from the
truth. De Gasperi rates ace high
with the Ambassador, with the
State Department, and with the
White House. I have known him
personally, and regard him as one
of the most courageous leaders of
Western Europe.
Unfortunately, both the Com-
munists and Fascists to some ex-
tent are playing ball with each
other in Italy, and the lattei, es-


Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed oy students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority o1 the Board in Control of
Student Publications
Leonard Greenbaum Managing Editor
Ivan Kaye and Bob Margolin
.........00-sports Editors
Nan Reganall ...;....... Women's Editor
Joyce Fickies. .............Night Editor
Harry Lunn............. Night Editor
Marge Shepherd ..........Night Editor
virginia Voss ...........Night Editor
Mike Wolff. .........Night Editor
rom rreeger...... Business Manager
C. A Mitts .......Advertising Manager
Jim Miller . Finance Manager


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