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August 07, 1952 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State


VOL. LXII, No. 202



Politicians Discuss
am ai nIssues
Meader, Cleary, Dawson, Staebler
Reveal Party Stands for Election
Four top state politicians exchanged verbal blows yesterday in a
panel discussion which revealed the issues that each- party regards
as significant in fighting the fall election battle.
From corruption to foreign policy, the debators outlined the
chief issues and then answered numerous questions from the audience.
* * * *
REP. GEORGE MEADER of the local congressional district and
GOP state chairman and national committeeman Owen J. Cleary
presented the Republican side of the argument.
University law professor John Dawson, who will face Meader
in the fall race, and Democratic state chairman Neil Staebler rep-
resented the opposition.

Taking Stock

Prof. James K. Pollock, chair-
man of the political science de-
partment moderated the panel
which was part of the summer
series "Modern Views of Man and
REP. MEADER led off the dis-
cussion by citing five issues which
he felt were of great importance:
1. Corruption - Emphasizing
that the exposures which have
come out recently were due to
congressional investigation rath-
er than executive house-clean-
ing, he pointed out that some
investigations had actually been
impeded by the executive branch.
2. Administration attitude to-
ward a free economy - Meader
charged that Democrats have
tended toward a "planned, direct-
ed state" with the net effect of
greater interference into citizens'
economic affairs than Republi-
cans would want.
3. Foreign policy-"The ques-
tion here is to hew out a pror
gram which is dynamic and af-
firmative rather than static,"
Meader said. "We should ex-
pouse the free economy and seek
to promote it throughout the
:world," he feels.
4. Waste and extravagence-"A
great deal of our $80 billion bud-
get is unnecessary waste," the
GOP Congressman remarked. Isis
w, solution would be expansion of
the investigating powers of Con-
gress into executive expenditures.
5. Stronger Congress-The GOP
has usually stood for Congression-
al rule in policy making matters.
and Meader echoed this sentiment
in calling for a return of the pol-
icy making function to Congress
"as provided for in the Constitu-
tion, but lost in the last 20 years."
* * *
ANSWERING Meader, Prof.
Dawson cited the Democratic rec-
ord on corruption investigation,
maintaining that most of the
wrong-doing had been discovered
-by Democrats.
Discussing the GOP charge of
"socialism" in the Administra-
tion, he reviewed the history of
New Deal legislation. He cited
legislation in the fields of social
security, securities and exchange
regulation, labor benefits and
government subsidies.
Prof. Dawson commented that
most of these proposals had been
originally opposed by the GOP,
and said that no Republican "ser-
iously proposes to change a single
Citing the record of greater
prosperity and broader distribu-
tion of income than when the Re-
* * *

Sabre Jets
Destroy Six
Red Planes
SEOUL, Korea - (A') - Deadly
U. S. Sabre jets tangled with a sky
full of Communist Migs yesterday
and shot down six in the third
straight day of torrid combat, the
Fifth Air Force said.
Three other Red. planes were
hit, bringing the three-day toll to
11 destroyed and 13 damaged.
American losses, if any,darean-
nounced weekly.
AIR FORCE officers said there
was no immediate evidence that
the Migs were swarming in great-
er numbers because of the Allied
announcement that military tar-
gets in 78 North Korean cities
would be bombed.
Yesterday's seven air battles
were fought over Mig alley, deep
in Northwest Korea. Tuesday
the Red planes ventured almost
to the 38th parallel deeper south
than ever before.
One of the war's most bizarre
incidents highlighted the aerial
Capt. William J. Ryan, Kees-
ville, N. Y., ducked his F-86 jet
out of the way of an attacking
Mig. The confused Mig pilot kept
right on firing. His cannon shells
ripped into another Mig that Ryan
had been attacking, blowing it up.
The day's ground fighting was
centered in the East Central sec-
tor. Chinese Communist infantry-
men finally seized and held an
allied advance position after more
than 13 hours-of fighting.
They took the position-on high
ground west of the Pukhan river-
late Tuesday night. U. N. troops
recaptured it yesterday morning

-Daily-Jack Bergstrom
SL BOOK EXCHANGE-SL member Phil Berry, Grad., checks
several of the 1400 used books which have been collected for sale
this fall. The exchange, located in Rm. 18 Angell Hall, will open
Sept. 1'7.
Fall Enrollment To Dip
Slightly from Last Year
University enrollment for the coming fall term will take a slight
drop from last fall's figures to 16,695, according to officials' estimates.
The September 1951 tabulations listed 17,226 students enrolled
for resident credit. But University officials noted that the expected
enrollment figures were still tentative and that generally, the student
population in the fall would be almost the same as last year.
* * * *
ACCORDING TO Director of Admissions Clyde Vroman, the esti-
mated freshmen enrollment is similar to last year's count. Vroman
saw the possibility of a slight in-

CAIRO, Egypt - (P) - Hun-
dreds of Egyptian fathersiare
beseiging municipal officials
throughout the country, news-
papers said yesterday.
They want to change the
names of their sons from Far-
ouk to something else. King
Farouk was deposed and exiled
last week.
Dems Back
in Carolina
By The Associated Press
Calls for a southern revolt in
the bitter political struggle over
civil rights lost steam yesterday
as the South Carolina Democratic
convention backed the national
Democratic ticket of Gov. Adlai
Stevenson and Senator John
Sparkman by a big majority.
South Carolina's action gave a
boost to Stevenson's candidacy and
went a long way toward plugging
a potential breach in the tradi-
tionally Democratic solid south.
THAT PLUS was tightened in
Springfield, Ill., where Stevenson
met with Sen. Richard B. Russell
of Georgia, the Dixie choice for
the nomination, and Russell pre-
dicted a Stevenson victory "by one
of the' largest majorities any man
ever had."
Meantime a development in
Washington caught the attention
of politcial analysists. President
Truman invited Stevensonto at-
tend a cabinet meeting at the
White House next Tuesday and
Stevenson accepted.
Veteran students of the Wash-
ington political scene could not
recall a similar case of the Presi-
dent asking a nominee to sit down
with the cabinet.
eph Short told newsmen the invi-
tation was apparently extended
to give Stevenson "'an opportunity
to talk to members of the cabinet
and meet those he has not yet
It could also serve to focus the
national spotlight anew on Stev-
enson, who was not too widely
known only a few short months
But the day's big political news
was the decision of South Caro-
lina Democratic leaders to make
the national party ticket of Stev-
enton and Sparkman the state
party ticket despite the smoulder-
ing resentment over the civil rights
S * *
in state convention with the door
left ajar for a possible bolt, swung
into line after Gov. James F.
Byrnes advised them against put-
ting the Eisenhower-Nixon Re-
publican ticket on the state bal-
lot under the Democratic label.
A heated floor fight erupted
as speaker after speaker urged
that Eisenhower be named as
the state party's nominee. Sen-
atorsBurnett R. Maybank and
Olin D. Johnston were booed
when they spoke in support of
Elsewhere on the political front,
President Truman's choice for the
Democratic senatorial nomination
in his home state of Missouri took
a shellacking at the hands of
Stuart Symington, a former Tru-
man trouble-shooter and one-time
Washington "glamor boy."

Prepare for November


-Daly-Matty Kessler
MARIE TOLSTOY-A point is clarified during the question
period which followed Marie Tolstoy's lecture on "Tolstoy, the
Man, and His Family." The lecture was presented under the aus-
pices of the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures.
,. * *. *
Marie Tolstoy Traces
Grandfather's Beliefs
Marie Tolstoy, visiting lecturer in Russian, last week cited Count
Leo Tolstoy's philosophy of peverty and humbleness, coupled with
"non-resistance to evil by force" as the main factor in creating the
conflict between the writer and his family.
Speaking to an appreciative, standing-room-only audience on
"Tolstoy, the Man, and His Family" in the Rackham Amphitheatre,
bhe granddaughter of the famed Russian writer traced the develop-
ment of his beliefs, pointing out the effects it had on relations with
"his wife and children.

Aggressive State GOP,


but the' Reds fought their
back a few hours later.
Ikse To Keep



Scientist Gets
scientist experimenting with a
glass jar has succeeded in produc-
ing fiery objects that look Just
like some of those seen shooting
through the night skies in recent
A spokesman for the Army En-
gineers said Wednesday these find-
ings of physicist Noel Scott are
being made public because they
explain at least some of the many
"flying saucer" reports the Air
Force has been investigating late-
By introducing molecules of
ioized air into the partial vac-
uum of his bell jar, Scott reported,
he has created the organe-red
balls, discs, mushrooms and "ice
cream cones" familiar to hund-
reds of excited sky-watchers.

crease in freshman students, which
would probably put the final fig-
ures up over the 2,000 mark.
Korean veterans, eligible for
University education under the
new billion dollar GI Bill passed
last month, are beginning to
enroll, but in very small num-
bers, Vroman indicated.
In general, colleges are holding
thteir own as far as enrollment is
concerned, Vroman said.
Such factors as family pressure
and the socially recognized im-
portance of a college education
work to pull students into college,
while armed services and the ad-
vantages of industry work' the
other way to decrease enrollment,
he explained.
University Controller Gilbert L.
Lee said that the University was
budgeted for 16,000 students, the
same as in the fall of 1951. Facul-
ty membership is not expected to
vary much from last year's total.

Nine Hungary
Athletes Flee
To Legations
STOCKHOLM, Sweden - (R) -
Nine Hungarian Olympic athletes
have refused to return to their
Communist-ruled homeland and
have taken refuge in Western le-
gations at Helsinki, Finland, the
Stockholm newspaper Dagens Ny-
heter reported last night.
It said the nine dropped out of
sight one by one over last week-
end in a smartly executedrman-
euver designed to avoid drawing
attention to their flight.
Their disappearance was discov-
ered Tuesday when Hungary's
team leader tried to get his squad
together for a post-Olympic tour
of Finland, the paper said.
Fearing more desertions, the re-
port from Helsinki said, the Com-
munist coaches called off the tour
and chartered two airplanes which
flew the rest of Hungary's crack
Olympic squad back behind the
Iron Curtain yesterday.

In Suspense
DENVER-01)-Gen. Dwight D.
Eisenhower said yesterday he is
going to keep the Democratic op-
position guessing for about a
month regarding his campaign
itinerary plans.
The Republican presidential
nominee told newsmen: "There is
no use giving the opposition a
chance to surround you with coun-
ty fairs and other rallies. After
all, during the war I never told
the enemy a month in advance
where I was going to attack."
* * ,"

* * * .
SHE DESCRIBED his philoso-
phy as consisting of two parts.
First was the concept of "non-re-
sistance to evil by force": that one
should combat evil only by not
participating in it, rather than ac-
tively fighting it. The other part
concerned the idea that no man
has the right to be rich or to use
the labors of other men for his
own benefit.
This belief, which dominated
the latter part of his life, was
the cause of the conflict and un-
happiness he experienced with
his family, Miss Tolstoy said. In
accordance with his self-devel-
oped religion, he wanted to live
a simple peasant's life with no
luxury, while his wife, on the
other hand, desired material
benefits for their children= and
was reluctant to give them up..
The development of his own reli-
gion and philosophy also had a
great deal to do with the famed
Russian's writings, the lecturer
pointed out. In his later years,
when his belief was fully develop-
ed he devoted himself exclusively
to moral and religious works, con-
sidering all else useless.
.* * *
HE ONCE demanded, speaking
of his work "Anna Kareninna"
how "I could have ever written
anything so stupid and worthless?"
The celebrated author also felt the
same way about one of his greatest
books "War and Peace," though to
a lesser extent, Miss Tolstoy re-
She observed that, aside from
"War and Peace"-"nothing like
it has ever happened before and
never will happen again"=to
her, his masterpiece is "Family
Habits" a work which most crit-
ics rate as minor. '
"It shows so. much of his
warmth and kindness and ideals
in life that it is perfect,' 'she said.
She also mentioned his book
"Three Deaths."
* * *
DURING THE question period
after the informal talk, Misz Tol-
stoy described the Communize; at-
titude toward her grandfather as
"off and on the same thing. They
are trying to prove that if Tolstoy
were alive he would be with-them."
"I am sure he would never be,"

Polls Report
Record Vote
In Michigan'
Alger, Williams
Vie for Governor
DETROIT-(A)-Michigan Re-.
publicans and Democrats picked.
themselves teams of aggressive
campaigners to head their state
tickets this fall in a record out-
pouring of votes for party elec-
A late unofficial tabulation last
night of, votes cast in Tuesday's
primary showed a total vote ap-
proaching 1,400,000. The exact to-
tal will not be, known until the
official canvass weeks hence.
Michigan's previous record of 1,
047,000 was shattered by an un.
precedented civil get-out-the-vote
drive in all parts of the state.
of incomplete returns from Tues-
day's primary, had a team com-
posed of Secretary of State Fred
M. Alger, Jr. of Grosse Pointe for
Governor, Congressman Charles
E. Potter of Cheboygan for United
States Senator, and State Senator'
Clarence A. Reid of Detroit for
The Democrats had Gov. G.
Mennen Williams seeking a third
term, U. S. Senator Blair Moody
of Detroit and Washington see-
ing his first elective term, and
former Lt. Gov. John W. Con-
nolly of Detroit seeking a come-
back to the same office.
Each of the six proved himself
in the pre-primary and in the pri-
mary vote itself.
The proof was in the still mount-
ing totals from a day and a night
of weary ballot county, still drag-
ging in big Wayne county.
LATE RETURNS from 4,310 of
Michigan's 4,458 precincts, includ-
ing 1,806 in Wayne county, in the-
race for the Republican nomina-
tion for governor give:
Alger 369,176
Leonard 245,986
Vandenberg 225,600
Returns from 4,280 precincts, in-
cluding 1,806 in Wayne county, in
the race for the Republican nom-
ination for U. S. Senator full term
Keyes 180,848
Martin 213,942
Potter 391,134
Prevost 23,402
Returns from 4,283 precincts,
lncludirigr1,806 in Wayne county,
In the race for the Republican
nomination for Lieutenant gover-
nor give:
Henderson 158,819
Reid 234,832
Welsh 193,276
Young 147,807
* * *
MOODY'S vote passed 348,000
at the three-quarter pole, an 49,-
058 for Louis C. Schwinger of
Despite the early August pri-
mary, the state apparently roll-
ed out a record vote for party
Certainly the records fell in
many areas. Detroit, for instance,
piled up about 535,000 votes, it was
estimated, compared to its pre-
vious peak of 370,000 set in a 1949
Municipal election. Oakland county
set a new record, too, polling 93,-
307 votes, 36 per cent more than
its 1950 total.
. The ballots still were being tab-
ulated in Wayne county when both
teams of candidates came out
Moody paced the field with a

demand that Potter debate for-
eign and domestic policies with
him throughout the campaign on
the radio, television and the old-
fashioned stump.
Potter replied that he was ded-
icated by his huge primary plur-
ality to drive Moody out of the
public. life into which Williams
tossed him so suddenly following
the death of the late U. S. Senator

'Merry Wives' Opera To Open Today
*, ' * * *

... panel participant
publicans were last in office, he
added that this prosperity was
due to the work of thte American
people aided by the government
which has "provided needed sta-
bility" to the economic picture.
FINALLY in a review of bi-
partisan foreign policy, he struck
out at the "fear" that has char-

THE GENERAL was host to
about 20 newsmen at an informal
buffet luncheon and chatted a
bit afterward.
Eisenhower took it compara-
Itively **easy yesterday after a
post-midnight return to his
headquarters here from Los An-
geles, where Tuesday night he
made his first major speech since
winning the GOP nomination.
On Sunday, the general will fly
to Gallup, N. M., to attend an in-
ter-tribal Indian ceremonial. He
will speak briefly there.
MlKinney Will
Be Replaced
WASHINGTON -(/P) -Former

Otto Nicolai's comic-fantasy opera "The Merry Wives of Wind-
sor," based on the Shakespearian play, will be presented tonight
through Monday at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre by the speech de-
partment and the School of Music.
The colorful opera with its highly original songs and choruses
combined with an amusing story was first performed in Berlin and
while it has had comparatively few performances in this country is
one of the most popular operas throughout Europe.
** ,* *
THE OPERA WILL be sung in English, the translation from the
German being done by Josef Blatt, assistant conductor of the Metro-
politan Opera Company who is a guest lecturer in the School of
Music this summer. Blatt also is musical director and conductor for
the performance.
Valentine Windt, of the speech department, is stage director
for the opera; ballet has been created and directed by Esther

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