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July 26, 1952 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1952-07-26

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SATURDAY, JULy 26, 1952



or President

Trouble in Iran

Two Views of the Democrats

THE NOMINATION of Adlai Stevenson on
the Democratic ticket has insured the
nation of an excellent selection of candi-
dates and a campaign which will be un-
usual in its intelligent and constructive ap-
proach. Each party has placed its best
candidate on the ticket and with this out-
standing selection the voter will be able to
decide his course,-on the basis of issues, not
It is fortunate that in this crucial elec-
tion year when so many significant issues
must be decided, we have an opportunity
to choose between these men. The elec-
tion will not be a pushover for either can-
didate. Although Eisenhower probably has
greater popularity at the moment than
Stevenson, the Illinois governor will have
little trouble in establishing a loyal fol-
lowing of hi's own.
Significantly, neither candidate is strong-
ly attached to the unfortunate aspects of
recent party action, while both favor the
basic theory underlying our present foreign
policy-a policy in which most of the coun-
try is in accord.
Stevenson's nomination represented a de-
feat of the extreme leftist element of his
party as Eisenhower's victory was a reversal
of rightist GOP leadership. Thus each man
veers toward the middle of the road and is
dedicated more to a course of intelligent
stability than radical reforms in either dir-
Their policies en civil rights are substan-
tially the same, although Stevenson would
resort to Federal action before -Eisenhower
would. The party platforms, which are in
some respects direct opposites, will be un-
doubtedly modified by the ensuing cam-
paign, but there will be a difference in such
issues as labor and government activities.
The danger to both candidates is that
their supporters may run the campaigns
in such a manner that they will disinte-
grate into mere mud-slinging. However,
both men seem to have firm control over
their organizations and this is not likely
to happen. A campaign divorced of dema-
gogery would be a welcome relief from the
stuffiness of the conventions.
'The public is growing tired'of the same
old Democratic charges of "bread lines,"
"men, selling apples in the street," "Wall
Street interests" and other labels which are
calculated to promote class struggle rather
than unity. They are also fed up with GOP
charges that Democrats deliberately started
the last three wars and are plotting to turn
the country over to Stalin. A more rational
approach to politics is clearly indicated.
A new era may open in American politics
if this promise of a clean electoral fight
comes true. With the, eagle eye of television
'following every candidate's move, this may
well be the result.
-Harry Lunn
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.
This must be noted in all reprints.

Associated Press News Analyst
ANTI-AMERICAN demonstrations reveal
clearly the Communist influence on the
Mossadegh movement in Iran.
In another quarter of the Moslem world,
Egypt, more governmental instability
seems at first glance to have produced a
slightly favorable swing toward the West.
But the whole area is flying danger sig-
nals. Flaming nationalism is a true enough
part of the story, but not the whole of it.
The Communist hand which began to play
its part from Syrian and Lebanon bases dur-
ing the war will be revealed more and more
in the same role which it has played in In-
dochina and Malaya. First it supports na-
tionalist movements, then controls them,
and then there is war.
First signs of trouble have arisen in nor-
mally friendly Saudi Arabia, which has en-
joyed the most favorable oil contracts with
Western interests. Now King Ibn Saud is
demanding more.
British relations with Iraq remain tech-

nically fair, but are always on a danger-
ous teeter-totter.
Syria, Jordan and Israel could fly off the
handle at any moment.,Resumed warfare in
that quarter is never more than one inci-
dent away.
The Iranian Shah has made his play, as
predicted in this column a month ago, and
lost. He was j1.
Western interests for settlement of the An-
glo-Iranian dispute. Western diplomats will
have to start thinking now about whether
they are prepared to use force to prevent
Iran from falling into the Communist
The one great thing Egypt needs. is the
governmental cleanup promised by her
new military ruler, who has shoved aside
the flaccid King Farouk. But if General
Naguib succeeds it will be something uni-
que for Egypt..
The real play for the Western powers in
Iran and the Arab world would seem to be
support and guidance for the nationalist
movements after the fashion, but without
the imperialist intent, of the Russians. And
that may be no longer possible.


Washington Merry-Go-Round

Doris Fleeson . . .
CHICAGO-President Truman has decided to let nature take its
course at the Democratic convention.
He has told National Chairman McKinney and Interior Sec-
retary Chapman, perhaps others, that he will keep hands off the
balloting for president and vice president.
The President said he would campaign for the ticket.
This is an implicit promise to support anyone named. It does
not therefore rule out Senator Kefauver.
Since the trend plainly is toward Governor Stevenson he may
assume that he has boarded a bandwagon.
The President originally had hoped to dominate the conven-
tion, platform and rules. He had proposed that the party and
nominees run on his record with him leading the battle in a
whistle-stop campaign.
This is not going to happen, whether the Stevenson trend prevails
or Kefauver smashes through with a-surprise capture of the uncom-
mitted delegates.
What is happening here shows that the people or at least the
Democrats want a change but not too much change. They are
clinging to the basic framework of the New Deal but rejecting those
who have been running it lately.
The proof lies all about.
It lies in the rejection of Vice President Barkley, a symbol of
the past, beloved though he is, and the utter failure of Averell
Harriman, who campaigned as a complete Fair Dealer, to gain an
inch here. A stop-Stevenson coalition of Kefauver and Harriman
has failed because Harriman proved to have nothing to contribute.
to it.
It lies in the manner in which Gov. Jimmie Byrnes of South
Carolina and Sen. Harry Byrd of Virginia, voices of an even more
distant past, have been neatly fenced off. The convention seems not
to care what they do or how they do it.
Washington is going to get a new look.
Whatever happens from here on in, new names and new faces
will dominate the Democratic party. This will be true not only in
the White House and in the Congress but in the whole party organi-
zation-national, state and local.
The new look will apply equally to the men who stand in
the semi-darkness of the wings, including personal friends and
advisers of the incumbent president, heavy campaign contribu-
tors of the past and legal talent.
For example, Washington is certain .to see a whole new crop of
lawyers practicing on the Burning Tree golf course.
How well this fact is realized can be seen on the wry faces of
current officeholders. It is evident in the almost panicky insistence
of these gentlemen, and assorted court jesters and hangers-on, that
Mr. Truman can and must -be drafted. Actually, the President has
told his real spokesmen here that under no circumstances will he
run again.
Actually this group is without hope. If Governor Stevenson has
made any one thing plain it is that he has no intention of being
saddled with the liabilities of the past. Senator Kefauver's difficulties
first arose from his attacks on such elements and his insistence that
the party needs rejuvenation.
The best suites of the Chicago hotels are filled with these
gentlemen. There has, however, been a noticeable lack of the
bounce that usually characterizes Democratic conventions. This
is because the numerous parties are taking on the aspect of wakes.
The prevailing climate in the hotel lobbies is one of nervousness
and uncertainty. Nobody can tell who is going to be important to-
(Copyright, 1952, by The Bell Syndicate)


CHICAGO-There were some tense mo-
ments during the Democrats' battles
over the loyalty oath and the seating of
the Southern delegates.
Bitterest of all was South, Carolina's
Governor Jimmie Byrnes who at times
trembled with rage. More moderate lead-
ers among the Southern delegates ma-
neuvered to keep him off the rostrum.
Almost equally bitter was Sen. Harry Byrd
of Virginia.
Instead, the more moderate Southern
leaders were carefully picked as spokesmen
Senators John Stennis of Mississippi, Spes-
sard Holland of Florida and Olin Johnston
of South Carolina. They knew that if the
South really did bolt the convention, South-
ern senators would lose their prize positions
as chairmen of the key committees of Con-
gress--places which have given the South
tremendous power in writing legislation, and
blocking it. Almost every key committee in
both houses of congress today is headed by
a Southern Democrat.
Most paradoxical development of the en-
tire loyalty-oath fight was the fact that
Sen. Walter George of Georgia turned out
to be the author of one part of the oath to
which the South objected.
George said he would have no objection
to some such phraseology as "every Amer-
ican wants to subscribe to the principle of
majority rule," and, second, that "every
delegate subscribing to this pledge agrees
to vote for the nominee of this conven-

Edits from England

Commanders without
THE YALU bombing controversy will have
done some good if it sets people think-
ing about the principles on which defense
partnerships are to be conducted in condi-
tions of unofficial war. Because these groups
are large-14 nations strong in Nato and
17 strong in Korea-governments have to
delegate some authority, and it rightly falls
on the most powerful.
So long as things go well, no one wor-
ries much about the loss of a certain
amount of national control over strategy,
foreign policy and resources. As soon as
they go badly, everyone worries furiously
and tries to regain control by more liaison,
consultation, channels and cables. The
military commander feels the lead still
tighter on the collar and the basic diffi-
culty of giving him political direction at
his own desk is ignored.
It is difficult not to susvect that serious
thought on this matter is avoided in White-
hall all because it is always hoped there
that Anglo-American consultation will again
take the form it had under President Roose-
velt and Mr. Churchill. But there are at
least five governments in Nato-and the
Germans will soon make a sixth-which will
refuse to recognise the divine right of Wash-
ington and London to direct the political
and military strategy of free Europe.
The question, as the French say, imposes
itself: how is political authority to be dele-
gated and exercised in a powerful military
A hypothetical example makes the dif-
ficulty clear. Suppose that American
troops in Germany are attacked by a
posse of Communist SS from Eastern Ger-
many. What discretion has the local com-
mander? Does he take orders from the
officer commanding American troops in
Germany, or from the Commander-in-
Chief of Allied Land Forces-General Juin
-or from General Ridgway? Or does the
_ _- ..L _ _ _ _ L _

Lumping the Dean
T HE DEAN of Canterbury is riot a notice-
ably modest man and his arrogant self-
righteousness-is not likely to be lessened by
the advertisemeit Parliament gave him on
Tuesday. The Commons dealt with him by
question, the Lords by formal debate. All
but an insignificant fraction of his country-
men are angered by the Dean and he is held
in wide contempt.
Yet, as the Prime Minister argued and as
the Archbishop of Canterbury agreed, it
would be wrong to persecute him. We have
seen what the effect of the persecution of
opinion has been in all the States under
Communist rule; we have watched with
growing alarm the spread of the same spirit
in the United States and other couptries.
There is no essential difference between
Stalin and Senator McCarthy in their
destructive effect on the democratic way
of life.
And with these examples before us we
need to walk extremely warily. As Mr.
Churchill said, "Free speech carries with it
the evils of all the foolish, unpleasant, ven-
omous things that are said, but on the whole
we would rather lump them than do away
with it."
Churchmen are naturally angry that the
Dean exploits his ecclesiastical position.
Wherever he goes he sports a large silver
cross and his gaiters. The simple who do not
understand the peculiar organization of the
Anglican Church naturally take him as its
representative and not as a'mere turbulent
priest. As the Archbishop said sadly, there
are people in Eastern Europe who, hearing
the word Canterbury, roll Archbishop and
Dean into one.
That, however, cannot be helped. The
Dean has parson's freehold and can be
turned out only by altering the law. And
to alter the law would mean something
like a revolution in the relations between
Church and State. This is not the time
for that.
Nor Py any reasonable construction of the
law can the Dean be got at through the
courts. He may come near to hlasnhemv in

Young Franklin Roosevelt, when he read
the latter pledge to vote for the nominee of
the convention remarked: "I don't think we
can tell every delegate who they should vote
However, this part of the oath, having
been proposed by a distinguished leader of
the South, was left in.
When Gov. Allan Shivers of Texas saw
it, however, he objected:
"I can take the oath," he said, "if you
omit this section"-referring to the second
part of Senator George's proposal.
Its omission was immediately agreed to.
During the private discussions over
seating of the Southern delegates, Sen.
Earle Clements was the roughest of all
Southerners. Sore over Vice President
Barkley's retirement from the race, he
used caustic, bitter language toward young
Roosevelt and others.
"At least my family for generations has
voted the Democratic ticket," he said, re-
ferring to Elliott Roosevelt's deviation to
the GOP.
Other committee members recalled that
no one in years had done so much for the
party as the man who happened to be El-
liott's father.
HOW MUCH MONEY was put up for the
expenses of delegates or buying dele-
gates seldom leaks out during a national
convention. At this convention there prob-
ably was relatively little, due in part to an
advance expose of Sen. Robert S. Kerr's
mysterious emissary from Kansas, State
Senator Bob George. He was the man who
turned up in California and bought $1,600
worth of free railroad tickets to Chicago,
which he tried to hand out to the California
delegation, all of them pledged to Kefauver.
Only two California delegates accepted his
free travel.
George's hand also was apparent in
Idaho, where Mrs. Lavera Swope, one of
that state's delegates, received $500 by
mail. However, when Ira Masters, also of
Idaho, got wind of it, he protested to
State Senator George, who in turn sent
a telegram to Mrs. Swope, with a copy to
Masters. Apparently, George misunder-
stood Masters' motive because the tele-
gram read: "regarding that $500 give
$250 to Masters."
Later, when Senator Kerr met with the
Idaho delegation he apologized for the inci-
State Senator George's heart is in the
right place, he said, but he shouldn't have
done it.
Reports of Kerr's money being used to
pay expenses of delegates was on the
minds of various delegate.s For instance,
H. S. Dole, a delegate from Kansas, who
wanted to vote for Kerr, announced in a
caucus that he was not going to do so.
"I want people to know that I paid my
own way to Chicago," pole explained.
* * *
Deals, and' sometimes double-deals were
being made and unmade during the hectic
closing days of the convention. At one time
Governor Stevenson's backers had offered
the vice presidency to four different people,
even though their man allegedly was not
a candidate.
1. Gov. Mennen Williams of Michigan
and Sen. Hubert Humphrey of Minnesota
were asked to line up Kefauver to run as
VP on the Stevenson ticket;
2. Sen. John Sparkman of Alabama was
sounded out on becoming VP for Stevenson;
3. Jonathan Daniels of North Carolina
was discreetly approached as VP;
4. Yet word from Stevenson was that he
personally preferred Sen. Bill Fulbright of
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The Alsop Brothers ...
CHICAGO-As these words are written, the ritual clamor of the
nominating speeches fills the Convention Hall. Perhaps this is a
good time, before the final outcome, to note an extremely significant
fact. The Democrats think they will win this election.
In a queer way, the Democratic atmosphere this time is rem-
iniscent of the Republican atmosphere in 1948. There is the
same assurance, the same bland disregard of the common mis-
chance and misfortunes of politics. There is also the same ten-
dency, one must add, to under-rate the opposition.
In 1948, the Republicans thought any Chinaman could lick
Truman, and the great argument was about which Chinaman would
receive the assignment. In the same fashion among the Democrats
here in Chicago in 1952, only a very few wise and seasoned operators
seem to be able to bear in mind the great popular strength and
potent personality of Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower.
The rest of these Democrats remember only that they over-
estimated the General's campaigning magic in the days before
Abilene. They now appear to count on him to spend the entire
election eampaign with his foot In his mouth, talking, so to
speak, through his toes. In the humble opinion of these reporters,
this is a mood and these are expectations dangerous to any party.
None the less, the Democratic confidence of victory has greatly
helped so far. It is the real explanation of the rather successful
compromise of the civil rights issue which has been arranged here.
It was something of a triumph for the Democrats to bring everyone
but the Virginians, Louisianans and South Carolinians into the same
BEFORE THE CONVEN.TION opened, there was far more bitterness
and far more belligerency, both in North and South, than there
was four years ago. The Northern civil rights advocates were all but
ready to expel the South from the party, because of the record of the
Southerners in the conservative coalition in Congress. By the same
token, the Southerners, filled with hatred of President Truman, were
all but prepared to take a walk.
When they all got together here, however, they found that
they were bound together by unexpectedly strong ties of common
interest. If they had thought the election was going to go against
them both sides would have kept at each others' throats. The
temptation to indulge their real feelings would have been too
strong. Instead, with all the fruits of victory piled up, as It were
upon the table in the Platform Committeeroom, both sides re-
strained their emotions lest the hoped-for feast be snatched away
from them.
The true atmosphere was typified by an incident early in the
haggling, when Gov. Allan Shivers of Texas leaned across the table
to Sen. Herbert Lehman of New York, and said, "You fellows have
got to help us." To this Lehman replied, "Well, you fellows have got
to help us too." This spirit, plus the intervention of President Tru-
man to prevent an open break over the loyalty rule, produced the
eventual rather peaceful result.
The true last-ditchers-Gov. James F. Byrnes of South Caro-
lina, Sen. Harry Byrd of Virginia and the more fiery spirits of
Americans for Democratic Action-were abandoned by their re-
spective armies. W. Averell Harriman, whose candidacy stood to
gain greatly by a no-holds-barred civil rights fight, thought first
of his party and of his candidacy second. And all but the South-
ern extremists were able to reach a workable accommodation of
The prospect of relative Democratic unity unquestionably im-
proves the Democratic chance of victory. To this, any honest observer
who has attended both the great conventions must add one further
point. Although the Democratic party has grown pretty old and
pretty raddled in 20 years of office, it has still managed to look more
vigorous, at least on the surface, than the Republican party.
* * * *
CERTAINLY THIS IS mainly because the old guardsmei controlled
the Republican arrangements. Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy was the
most important political newcomer the old guard summoned to the
Republican podium. With almost no exceptions, the old guard ora-
tors struck only three notes-nostalgia for the past, hatred of the
present, and uneasy fear of the future. And the Republican rank
and file, although they nominated Gen. Eisenhower, seemed to think
that the embittered oratory they were hearing was just the stuff to
feed the troops.
The Democrats do' not suffer from any of the Republican
neuroses, deep as their sectional division undoubtedly is. These
people here are an extraordinary mixture and cross-section. But
almost all of them appear to enjoy and approve the official
Democratic boasting and optimism, which are as fake in their
way as the venomous Republican partisanship and pessimism.
Almost all of these Democrats, moreover, will fight hard and
hopefully to elect their candidate.
Altogether, with Gen. Eisenhower both leading and symbolizing
a revivified and reformed Republican party, and with the Democrats
in this vigorous and -combative mood, the election ahead should be
one of the most stirring this country has seen.
(Copyright, 1952, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)



The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigai
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication 'in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding pubUcation (11 a.m.
on Saturday).
List of Approved Student-Sponsored
Social Events for the coming Weekend:
July 26, 1952-Phi Delta Phi Record
Party, Phi Alpha Kappa.
July 27, 1952-Alpha Chi Omega open
house, Inter-Cooperative Council.
Closing hours for women students
who attended "Winterset" on Wednes-
day and Thursday, July 23 and 24, will
be no later than 11:00 p.m.
Cercle Francais: The Cercle Francais
of the Summer Session meets every
Wednesday evening at 8:00 in the Hen-
derson Room of the Michigan League.
Ten meeting sff ,. aa.va rneam no

the guests of the University have been
sent to students whose addresses are
available. Students who are complet-
ing work for the Master's degree but
who may not have received an invita-
tion should call at the Summer Ses-
sion office, 3510 Administration Build-
ing, for tickets. A few tickets are
available at $1.25 for friends of the
Saturday, July 26
Conference on Housing the Aging.
Getting Action. 9:00 a.m., Rackham Am-
Conference luncheon and summary
of findings. 12:00 m., Michigan Union.
symposium on Heat Transfer. "As-
pects of Emission of Radiation by High
Temperature Gasses." Martin Sum-
merfield, Princeton University. 10:00
a.m., 311 West Engineering Building.
Sociedad Hispanica. On Tuesday,
July 29, Professor Sanchez y Escribano
will deliver a lecture on "The Region-
al Music of Spain." Place: East Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Building.

Auditorium. The Band's Library, 11:00
a.m.; The Band's Equipment and Uni-
forms, 1:00 p.m.; meeting of the Na-
tional Association of College Wind and
Percussion Instructors, 2:00 p.m., 204
Harris Hall.
University Summer Symphony Or-
chestra, Wayne Dunlap, Conductor, will
be beard in its annual concert at 8:30
Monday evening, July 28, in Hill Audi-
torium, featuring Ava Comin Case and
Mary Fishburne, School of Music fac-
ulty fembers, in Mozart's Concerto No.
10 in E-fiat major for Two Pianos and
Orchestra, K. 365.
The program will open with Handel's
Suite from the "Water Music" and con-
tinue with Mozart's composition men-
tioned above. After intermission, the
orchestra will play Copland's Outdoor
Overture, Honegger's Pastorale D'Ete,
and close with Hary Janos Suite by
The concert will be open to the gen-
eral public without charge.
Faculty Concert. Gilbert Ross, violin-
ist, and Helen Titus, pianist, will be
heard in a program at 8:30 Tuesday,
July 29, in the Rackham Lecture Hall.
It will include Mozart's Sonata in G
major, K. 379, Sonata No. 2, Op. 32,
by Nikolai Lopatnikoff; first perform-
ance of Ross Lee Finney's Sonata
(1951), and Bach's Sonata in G major,
No. 6.
The general public will be admitted
without charge.
n -) 1 0 *.*-

0, 4P


Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications
Leonard Gteenbaurm Managing Editor
Ivan Kaye and Bob Margolin
.....Co-Sports Editors
Nan Reganall ....... .Women's Editor
Joyce Fickies -. ............ .Night Editor
Harry Lunn ..............Night Editor
Marge Shepherd ..........Night Editor
Virginia Voss ..........Night Editor
Mike Wolff...............Night Editor


Tom rreeger, .... Business Manager
O. A. Mitts. ...... Advertising Manager
Jim Miller ...... Finance Manager
Jim Tetreault..... circulation Manager

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