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July 26, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-07-26

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VOL. LXII, No. .194




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** * "

Regents Approve
10 Appointments
Board Also Grants Four Leaves
Of Absence to Faculty Members
Ten faculty appointments and four leaves of absence were ap-
proved by the Board of Regents yesterday at their July meeting.
New faculty members are:
ALBERT L. STURM as visiting professor of political science and
research associate in the Institute of Public Administration for the
academic year of 1952-53. He is on the faculty at West Virginia
Frederick Wyatt as associate professor of psychology and
chief of psychological clinic, Bureau of Psychological Services,
for the academic year of 1952-53. Since 1948, he has been chief
clinical psychologist at Cushing Veterans Administration Hospital
and. clinical associate at Boston University.
Robert B. Sweet as associate professor of anesthesiology and
chairman of the Department of Anesthesiology in the Medical School,

* * *
Aceept New
University president Harlan
Hatcher announced yesterday thai
gifts and grants amounting tc
$157,731.54 were accepted by the
Board of Regents at yesterday's
Largest amount to be acceptec
was a grant of $25,000 from L. J
Montgomejy of Battle Creek for
the Lawrence J. Montgomery Re-
search Fund. The fund is used te
support and encourage research in
the field of surgery under the di-
rection of Dr. Frederick A. Coller,
chairman of the Department of
Surgery in the Medical School, and
Dr. Russell L. Mustard of Battle


effective Nov. 1, 1952. Since July
of 1951, he has been'assistant pro-
fessor at Strong Memorial Hos-
pital in Rochester, N.Y.
* ~* *
GEORGE G. LATIES as assist-
ant professor of botany for the
1952-53 year, and research botan-
ist for Phoenix Project No. 32, ef-
fective September 1, 1952.
Joseph J. Firebaugh as visit-
ing assistant professor of Eng-
lish for 1952-53 to replace Mor-
ris Greenhut, assistant profes-
sor, who is on leave of absence.
Firebaugh is on the faculty of
the University of Washington.
Robert O. Blood as assistant
professor of sociology for the aca-
demic year of 1952-53. He has
been a member of the Family Life
Department and Marriage Coun-
seling Service of the Merrill-Pal-
mer School in Detroit during the
past year. He is being added to
the faculty because of increased
demands for the University's new
program in marriage and family
im. * * S
GEORGE HERMAN as assistant'
professor of speech for the aca-
demic year of 1952-53.
Myron Tribus as visiting as-
sistant professor of chemical
engineering in the College of
Engineering for the academic
year of 1952-53.
Dr. Philipp Gerhardt as assist-
ant professor of bacteriology in
the Medical School. Since Dr.
Gerhardt is now working on a
project for the Army Chemical
Corps, it isruncertain as to wheth-
er he will join the faculty this fall
or at the start of the Spring Se-
mester. He has been on leave since
June of 1951 from Oregon State
See BOARD, Page 4

AMSTERDAM, The Nether-
lands - ( P) - Complaints over
bread in violet and other flow-
cry flavors caused a flour mill
in Leyden to close last Saturday
and throw 120 millers out of
Their noses pointed to the
source: a nearby cosmetics fac-
tory whose wafting fumes set-
tled in the Lour.
Yesterday, pending court ac-
tion to decide between bread
and beautifying, Dutch Agri-
culture Minister S. L. Mansholt
ordered the cosmetics people to
close down because bread gets
first priority.
Allies Quit
Truce Talks
For Week
By The Associated Press
MUNSAN, Korea, Saturday, July
26-The Allied armistice team
walked out of the Panmunjom con-
ference tent early .today and said
they would be back in a week.
Maj. Gen. William K. Harrison
made his declaration of a recess
after the first open meeting of the
truce teams which followed a long
series of closed sessions.
THE SECRET sessions failed to
produce any results Clark said,
because the Communists "refused
to recognize the inescapable fact
that a large percentage of Chinese
prisoners refused flatly to go back
to their former masters."
In Tokyo, Gen. Mark Clark re-
vealed full details of secret
truce talks with the Reds for 21
He said in a resume the talks
did not lead to an armistice be-
cause the Communists "refused to
recognize the inescapable fact that
a large percentage of Chinese pris-
oners refused flatly to go back to
their former masters."
* * *
MEANWHILE big Allied guns
hurled a heavy artillery -and mor-
tar barrage at Red positions on
the Korean western front to keep
the Chinese "buttoned up."
U. S. second infantry division
headquarters said the Communist
return fire was very lights4
There was no report of ground
fighting around the twin peaks of
"Old Baldy" and "T-Bone Hill."

CIO Ends
Steel Strike
Holds Off 'Back
To Work' Order
WASHINGTON-(P)--The long-
est steel strike in the nation's his-
tory was officially ended last
night by the striking CIO Steel-
workers' Policy Committee, but the
union held off official notifica-
tion sending 600,000 strikers back
to work.
The Policy Committee ratified
an agreement reached at the
White House Thursday afternoon.
That agreement stated that "upon
ratification of this memorandum
by the union's international wage-
policy committee, the strike will
* * *
ray, Benjamin Fairless, chairman
of U.S. Steel and top executives of
five other major producers signed
the agreement.
Sources close to the situation
told a reporter Murray was hold-
ing off his back-to-work orders
until all details could be worked
out involving a companion strike
of 23,000 ore workers, also mem-
bers of the CIO union.
The White House agreement ap-
plied to the'ore workers as well as
the basic steel workers but only
one ore concern, and that one
wholly owned.by U.S. Steel, signed
* * *0
OTHER ORE companies which
have not been in on the long, ted-
ious negotiations the past six
months, were said to be in dis-
agreement with the union over in-
terpretation of the memorandum
of agreement.
The White House agreement an-
ticipated partial abolition of exist-
ing differentials between the ore
workers' pay and the higher pay
of steel workers. Industry sources
said that despite Murray's signa-
ture on the White House agree-
ment Murray would delay his
back-to-work order until he has
ironed out all disagreements with
the ore companies.
The union was silent on wheth-
er the back-to-work order would
also go to steel workers of smaller
plants not a direct party to the
White House agreement. But in-
dustry sources believed these would
return to work almost at the same
time the big six opened their

Dems Pick Adlai
On Third Ballot
Kefauver Swings Tennessee Votes;
Russell Pledges Support to Party
By The Associated Press
CONVENTION HALL, Chicago-Adlai E. Stevenson,
the man who protested he didn't want it, rocketed this morn-
ing to the Democratic presidential nomination.
On its. third ballot, the Party's 31st convention thrust
its banner to the 52-year-old Governor of Illinois in the
climax to a rowdy, warring week of its factions.
It was done in dramatic fashion and with wild efcitement.
At the end of the regular roll call of the states, Stevenson
had 613 votes with 615!/2 needed to nominate.


World News Roundup



FIVE GRANTS from the Mich-
igan Heart Association amounting
to $16,000 were accepted as fol-
lows: $7,000 for the association's
pediatrics fund under the direc-
tion of Dr. James L. Wilson; $4,000
for its pharmacology fund direct-
ed by Dr. F. E. Shideman; $3,000
for the association's thoracic sur-
gery fund which is in charge of
Dr. Cameron Haight $1,500 for a
fellowship fund under the direc-
tion of Dr. Franklin D. Johnston
and $500 for a motion picture fund
directed by Dr. J. Marion Bryant.
From the Life Insurance Medical
Research Fund of New York, the
Regents accepted two grants
amounting to $10,650. One of
$5,400 Was for research under the
Y direction of Dr. D. F. Bohr while
$5,250 was for research by Dr. F. E.
Another large grant, one of $10,-
000 from an anonymous donor, was
accepted for the W. J. Research
Fund in Obstetrics and Gyneco-
logy to be under the. 'direction of
Dr. Norman F. Miller.
A grant of a similar size was ac-
cepted from the Dow Chemical
Company for pharmacology re-
There were two grants, each of
$5,000, among those accepted by
the Regents. The William T. Mor-
ris Foundation, Inc., New York,
has given a sum of that size for
the Edgar A. Kahn Neurosurgery
Fund. A similar amount was ac-
cepted from the National Sanita-
tion Foundation, Ann Arbor, for
studies in sanitary practices.
Among the numerous other
grants was a donation from the
Michigan Union of $300 for the
Willow Village Veterans' Morale

WASHINGTON-France has appealed urgently to the United
States for a nadditional $439 million dollars to enable French fac-
tories to step up essential arms production, informed diplomats re-
ported yesterday.
The United States has reportedly promised $186 million for this
purpose during this fiscal year. But the French insist a total of $625
million must be pledged immediately to help the French government
to meet military goals under the North Atlantic Pact master defense
Secretary of State Acheson, Defense Secretary Lovett and Mutual
Security Director Averell Harriman are studying the French appeal.
* * * * ~
TEHACHAPI, Calif. - The strongest aftershocks following
Monday's major earthquake jarred Southern California yesterday,
causing slides and forcing the closing of a big cement plant
near here.
Two severe jolts struck shortly after midday, loosening bricks
in damaged buildings here and at Arvin.
There were no reports of casualties, although Sycamore Can-
yon and Kern River Canyon roads were reported buried under
large slides.
FRANKFURT, Germany - A U.S. Army spokesman last night
denied a Russian charge that Sdviet military missioners in West
Germany are shadowed by German police.
The Soviet charge was broadcast Thursday by the official East
German news agency ADN. The broadcast said the Russians were
going to keep a check on the U.S. military mission at Potsdam, in
the East Zone.

* a *
Russell Vie
For VP Job
Special To The Daily
CHICAGO -With dramatic
speeches of support for < Adlai
Stevenson, the other two top Dem-
ocratic aspirants placed them-
selves in the favored position for
the vice-presidential nomination.
Both Sen. Estes Kefauver . Qf
Tennessee and Sen. Richard Rus-
sell of Georgia won giant ovations
as they mounted the platform to
turn their delegates over to the
Illinois governor just after he had
nearly slid over the top at the end
of the regular roll on the third
EITHER MAN was regarded as
a likely candidate for the veep's
job. As Southerners they could be
expected to unify the Party, and
Russell is especially acceptable to
the South.
Kefauver led on the first two
ballots, but failed to gain ap-
preciably as the third started.
Just before the nominating bal-
lot begiftn his chances had been
ruined when New York and Mas-
sachusetts turned a large part of
their delegations to Stevenson.
Others mentioned were Sen.
John Sparkman of Alabama and
Sen. William Fulbright of Arkan-
Stevenson, now leader of the
Democratic Party is expected to be
the man who ultimately decides
who his running-mate will be. As
the convention prepared to ad-
journ early this morning after
hearing Stevenson's acceptance
speech and President Truman's
message it was not known who his
choice would be for the second
* * *
NUMEROUS rumors floated
around Convention Hall, but sea-
soned observers were betting on
either Kefauver or Russell. There
was some speculation over Rus-
sell's availability.

" Tennessee got recognition from
Chairman Sam Rayburn and Sen.
Estes Kefauver, who had been a
contender himself, came to the
microphones to throw Tennessee's
28 votes to Stevenson and put the
Illinois Governor over.
"We havenominated a very
great man," Kefauver said. "We
will do all we can to elect Steven-
son as President of the United
NEXT, Sen. Richard B. Russell
of Georgia, the third of the top
contenders, stepped up to express
As The Daily went to press
at 2:00 a.m. this morning Pres-
ident Truman was in the mid-
dle of a "Give-'em-Hell" speech
launching the campaign of the
party's brand new standard-
bearer, Governor Stevenson.
President Truman attacied
the GOP, lauded the achieve-
ments of the Democratic Party
at home and abroad and pre-
dicted victory for Stevenson in
the coming campaign.
It is expected that after
Stevenson's acceptance speech
the convention will adjourn un-
til early today when they will
hold the vice-presidential nom-
his congratulations to "the great
American who is the nominee of
this convention."i
And he pron ised: "in the days
in which are ahead I shall fall
into the ranks ... seeking vie-
tory' in November.
Minnesota then moved to make
the nomination unanimous and
the convention roared its ap-



Governor at Convention

'U' Will Make
Study of Polio
I Pittsfield
Plans to conduct a University
study of the Pittsfield Village po-
lio concentration went ahead yes-
terday, as two more polio cases
were reported in the to~wn.
Two children were stricken but
neither has paralysis, it was re-
ported. The new cases bring the
total for Pittsfield Village up to
seven. Five victims reported ear-
lier live on the same street.
THE STUDY of the minor epi-
demic will be conducted by the
epidemiology department of the
University School of Public
Health, in cooperation with the
County Health. Department and
local pediatricians. Its purpose is
to find out something about the
distribution of the polio virus, ac-
cording to Prof. Thomas Francis,
Jr., chairman of the epidemiology
In the course of the study,
which will attempt to cover the
apartments in the village, health
charts will be distributed to resi-

Late Scores
Detroit 2, New York 1
Cleveland 4, Washington 2l
St. Louis 3, Boston 2
Chicago 5-4, Philadelphia 0-5
St. Louis 8, Brooklyn 4
Pittsburgh 3, Boston 2
Chicago 8, Philadelphia 3

Bargain Days Get Little
Response from Merchants

The band struck up: "We're
loyal to you, Illinois."
* * *
KEFAUVER had sought to speak
to the convention during the roll
call, but convention officials told
him it could not be interrupted.
Kefauver had led Stevenson
on two afternoon ballots and
Russell in third place, had
trailed him closely.
But after a dinner recess, the
whole complexion of the situation
changed. The forces back of
Stevenson -- numbering President
Truman among them - had put
in some heavy spade work in the
interval. Their labors quickly
showed the results.
AVERELL Harriman, who had
received 121 second ballot votes,
announced he was withdrawing
and hoped his convention friends
would vote for Stevenson.
Gov. Paul A. Dever, Massa-
chusetts favorite son, also made
a plug from the rostrum micro-
phones for the Illinois Governor.
The convention tapped Steven-
son to lead the Democrats against
GOP nominee Dwight D. Eisen-
hower in the face of his insistence,
almost to the last, that he did
not want the nomination. Stev-
enson had asked the Illinois dele-
gation not to put his name in the
list of candidates.

Local merchantmen displayed a
general lukewarm response to Ann
Arbor's traditional Bargain Days
event this week, despite reports
that the volume of sales exceeded
that of last year.
Out of the nearly twenty lead-
ing merchants of Ann Arbor in-
terviewed yesterday, more than
one-third of them reported no ap-
preciable jump in Bargain Days
sales over last year. The slightly
less than two-thirds who reported
an increase maintained, for the

said that he did not anticipate
a real increase in Bargain Days
sales this year, but "would have
been glad" if they reached last
year's level.
With prices slashed up to 50
per cent value; or more, several of
the merchants indicated that de-
spite a possible general increase
in sales over last year's event,
Bargain Days did not pay off, dol-
s s *

Guild To Present
'Holy Matrimony'
The SL Cinema Guild will pre-


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