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July 07, 1951 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1951-07-07

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Korean Cease-Fire

ALL peace-loving people of the world are
looking forward anxiously to the cease-
fire talks which the United Nations and the
Chinese and North Korean Communists
agreed to hold at Kaesong near the 38th
parallel next week. Such anxiety signifies
the fervent desire for peace.
The greatest concern at the moment is
what truce terms the Reds will bring up at
the parley. In clarifying Soviet Delegate
Jacob Malik's broadcast speech on June 23
Soviet Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei
Gromyko made it known that the parley
"would be limited to strictly military ques-
tions without involving any political or ter-
ritorial matters."
But it is possible that the Chinese and
Forth Korean Communist truce representa-
tives will seek an assurance of the discus-
sion of the political and territorial questions
'that should follow the armistice talks. Since
Communists have been known as tough ne-
gotiators, it should cause no surprise if the
Chinese and North Korean should bring up
some thorny questions even of a strictly
military nature.
Success of the talks hinges upon sin-
cerity on both sides. The United States
Government has fully demonstrated its
sincere desire for peace by taking the
painful step of dismissing the United Na-
tions Supreme Commander General Doug-
las MacArthur who advocated more posi-
tive measures to prosecute the war.
The immediacy with which it seized the
hint of a desire to halt the Korean war in
Malik's broadcast speech to probe the pos-
sibility of peace and General Ridgway's
broadcast of an invitation to the Communist
field commanders for cease-fire talks have
further demonstrated U. S. sincerity. It
remains for the Communists to show to the
world that they are really for peace as they
have so often professed.
* * *
THE Korean war, started by the aggression
of the North Korean Communists and
perpetuated by the participation of the
Chinese Communists, has during the past
year wrought death, misery and devastation.
For the United States it has caused a strain
upon her manpower and resources which

she sorely needs for defence in other parts
of the world, particularly Europe.
Such attrition is advantageous to Soviet
Russia who is the West's real potential en-
emy. As General Omar N. Bradley, Chair-
man of the U. S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, per-
tinently pointed out on May 16 when he
testified before the Senate Armed Services
and Foreign Relations Committees:
"Red China is not the powerful nation
seeking to dominate the world. Frankly,
in the opinion of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
this (MacArthur) strategy would involve
us in the wrong war, at the wrong place,
at the wrong time, and with the wrong
It seems that once the Chinese and North
Korean Communists are back in their ori-
ginal positions and have signed a truce, the
objective of the United Nations' interven-
tion in Korea will have been achieved.
On the part of the Chinese Communists
they risk more in a continuing war than
they can expect to gain from it. After the
occupation of the Chinese mainland they
should have bent their efforts toward na-
tional reconstruction. China had been
devastated during more than eight years of
war of resistance against Japan. Economic-
ally she could not stand another war, even
one on a minor scale as in Korea.
It may be recalled that after the Revo-
lution, Soviet Russia devoted her full en-
ergy to internal reconstruction by initiating
one five-year economic plan after another.
Without building up her strength in thosa
years she would not have been able to resist
Hitler's invasion in the Second World War.
Logically the Chinese Communists for their
own, selfish good should do the same in the
present period.
The greatest sufferers in the Korean war
are, of course, the Korean people. The see-
saw operations during the past year have
devastated their land, destroyed their homes
and reduced them to utter destitution.
For their sake as well as for world peace
let there be a halt of the Korean war with-
out delay! Let the forthcoming cease-fire
talks lead to real peace.
.. --Henry Shute






f" .

WASHINGTON-Those officials who are
responsible for the security of the Uni-
ted States are now beginning to act a little
like a herd of antelopes, who have scented a
sudden whiff of danger. The scene has ap-
peared on many motion picture screens--a
buck throws up his head and sniffs the
wind; others follow his example; there is a
nervous, shifting movement in the herd; a
pawing of the ground, and quick, short
runs. The total impression is less of fear
than of a sudden, wary anxiety.
In short, there has been a change of
mood, a sharp reduction in the optimism
which prevailed until very recently about
the chances of peace in Korea. There was
a somewhat similar change of mood early
in May, when this reporter first noted "a
sort of smell in the air in official Wash-
ington," which indicated that the fighting
in Korea might "come to an end in the
near future."
Then the question suddenly began to be
asked, "Is it peace?" Now, the question is
being asked, "Is it a trap?"
As before, the reasons for the change in
mood cannot be explained on a strictly lo-
gical basis. Obviously, the great movement
of men and supplies to the Communist front,
and the build-up of a Russian-equipped,
Manchuria-based Chinese air force of more
than a thousand planes, leave no room for
complacency about Communist intentions
in Korea. But there is also another, hither-
to unreported development which worries
some officials even more.
** *
THIS IS THE reorganization, in Manchur-
ia, of the North Korean army. The "de-
struction" of the North Korean army after
the Inchon landings was widely advertised.
But an army is not like a candle which can
be blown out with a puff. What actually
happened, after Inchon, was that the North
Korean army was thoroughly disorganized.
But an army which has been disorganized
can be reorganized. This is precisely what
has happened since the Chinese Commun-
ists entered the war, according to wholly re-
liable reports.
When the Chinese came in, the bulk of
the North Korean army was withdrawn
across the Yalu, which contributed to the
impression that it no longer existed. It
has now been re-built and re-equipped
from the ground up, and it is considered
a better fighting force than the original.
Korean Communist army which drove al-
most to Pusan.
What is the meaning of all this-the mas-
sive reinforcement of the Chinese lines, the
build-up of air strength in Manchuria, the
recreation of a powerful North Korean ar-

my? There are, of course, certain obvious
One is that the Communist negotiators at
Kaesong will make the familiar impossible
political demands. When these are rejected,
another great offensive will be launched,
with the object of throwing the United Na-
tions forces into the sea. Another possibility
is that the truce conditions will be accepted,
and that once the United Nations forces are
withdrawn, the tragic game will start again,
with a great attack south against the Re-
public of Korea by the North Korean army.
These are some of the reasons why the
question-"Is it a trap?"-is now being so
insistently asked. Yet neither of these traps
are very clever traps. If another offensive is
indeed planned, the cease-fire offer was a
senseless prelude to it. Such an offensive
would knock the world Communist propa-
ganda drive into a cocked hat. What is more,
it would ensure heavy air attacks against
Manchuria, almost certainly against China
proper, and quite possibly against Soviet
* . * *
AS FOR THE second possible trap, another
North Korean offensive would be under-
taken in the face of a much strengthened
South Korean army, and American forces in
Japan infinitely more battle-worthy than
last June. Therefore, it would have far less
chance of success than the first attack-
and it would very probably be the signal for
a third world war.
Thus, although it is no wonder that
they are sniffing the air nervously, the
shrewdest officials still incline to believe
on balance that the Communists do ac-
tually want an end to the fighting in Ko-
rea. In Korea, they believe, the Kremlin
and its allies are obeying the old rule laid
down by Lenin: "At times we . . . have to
go in zig-zags, sometimes retracting our
steps, sometimes giving up the course once
selected, and trying various others."
But if the course in Korea is indeed "giv-
en up," what are the "various other" cours-
es which the Kremlin will now select? In
view of the reports from Belgrade which re-
cently appeared in this space, it is at least
interesting that a number of refugees from
the eastern European satellites have des-
cribed plans for a forthcoming attack on
Yugoslavia. Even the precise date is given-
August 2.
These reports are rated "unreliable." So, it
may be mentioned in passing, were reports
received from refugees last spring, that
North Korea would attack on June 25. Cer-
tainly no new course, after a failure in Ko-
rea, is likely to seem more logical to the
Kremlin than an attack on Yugoslavia. One
thing, at any rate, is certain. If the fighting
in Korea does end, the Kremlin will "try
various other sources," somewhere, and soon.

Ike's Strategy
WASHINGTON-General Eisenhower per-
sonally invited the Senate Foreign Re-
lations Committee to make their own in-
spection of what the North Atlantic Treaty
countries are doing for the security of Wes-
tern Europe.
The General took House Foreign Affairs
Committeemen over the same ground last
month. He found them interested and co-
operative; hence the repeat invitation to
the Senators.
About eight of them will take off Sun-
day via military air transport for Paris,
Munich, Rome, Ankara, Madrid and Lon-
don-cities important militarily and as
centers of Marshall Plan activity.
Nobody doubts that when the tourists re-
turn after two weeks they will be plunged
into a gory struggle over the proposed $8,-
600,000,000 Foreign-Aid Bill, particularly its
economic aspects. More and more, Senators
Taft and Wherry, the actual and titular Re-
publican leaders, have snubbed Foreign Re-
lations recommendations and pushed their
own ideas of what Congress ought to do in
these matters. More and more, too, they
seem able to count on the extreme right of
the Southerners.
In inviting both Representatives and
Senators to visit his establishment, Gen-
eral Eisenhower has acted not only to
help the Foreign-Aid Bill but to protect
himself from being summoned home to
The victor of Europe is fully aware of the
seething political situation at home and his
own central position in it. He figures he i
much safer sticking to his job and can do
it much better the way he has planned it.
The friends in his confidence frankly do
not expect to see him, short of an impera-
tive Presidential or Congressional summons,
until after Congress has adjourned.
General Eisenhower has a discreet and
tactically correct answer for any invitation
from Congress short of a command. He
would say that the appearance of the NATO
commander as a witness before the Ameri-
can Congress would set a precedent which
might persuade other NATO parliaments to
suggest his appearance before them. It is a
pattern he has no wish to initiate for many
reasons, including the amount of his time
that it would consume.
Eisenhower probably does not need to
worry about Washington. The aspiring po-
liticians at both ends of Pennsylvania Ave-
nue will not be zealous to put into the public
eye more often than necessary the hero who
leads the public-opinion polls in Presiden-
tial popularity with both parties.
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
* * *
WASHINGTON-Close friends who have
talked with General Eisenhower on a
strictly personal and confidential basis re-
port the following developments in Ike's po-
litical thinking:
1. The General has now conceded that he
must run on one party, not on both. This is
a change. Some months ago Ike nursed the
hope he could carry both conventions.
2. He would prefer to run as a Republican,
because he does not want to be saddled with
Democratic holdovers, previous errors and
Democratic policies. However, he will not
make any decision on which party until he
knows: (A) the degree of opposition to him
in the GOP; and (B) the receptiveness of
the Democrats. He would like to hold off
this decision as long as possible.
3. Ike has no political organization, and
no one is authorized to say he is Eisenhow-
er's political agent.
4. As of today, Ike has enough GOP dele-

gate votes to make an impressive response
on the first roll call-upwards of 150 votes.
As is well known, the President and Eisen-
hower are warm friends, and Truman feels
grateful to Ike for many reasons. Mutual
friends who have talked to Truman, there-
fore, believe he has made no decision about
running. He has told close friends he will
do whatever he thinks will contribute most
to world peace. Personally the President
does not want to run, and Mrs. Truman is
adamantly opposed. If the GOP would no-
minate Taft and write an isolationist plat-
form, Truman might well nominate Eisen-
The President would definitely oppose
Sen. Paul Douglas of Illinois, who for some
strange quirk, he does not like: If neither he
nor Ike are the Democratic candidates, then
the President would probably try to draft
Chief Justice Vinson.
* * *
IN THE MIDDLE of last week's hectic bat-
tle over price controls, President Truman
called Leo De Orsay, attorney for radio star
Arthur Godfrey, and begged him to beg
Godfrey to go on the radio and arouse the
public for price controls.
This personal appeal by a pathetic Presi-
dent, battling almost alone, illustrates the
greatest loss Truman has suffered-the in-
ability to mobilize public opinion. And re-
alizing this loss, he appealed to a radio per-
sonality to mobilize opinion for him.
It also illustrates the greatest asset
Franklin Roosevelt had-the ability to
appeal over the heads ofCongressmen to
the public. Congress never liked Frank-

About McCarthy.,,,
Letters to The Editor:
FIRST OF ALL, I want to thank
Len Wilcox for his letter to
The Daily attempting to explain
Sen. McCarthy's appearance be-
fore the national Y.R. Convention
and also to say that I am ashamed
for the people that, over protest,
invited him. He is no credit to
his party, or to the Senate either
for that matter, and I would like
to add that I sincerely hope that
he is defeated for re-election in
Wisconsin next year.
I think that it is fair to say
that he was purposely invited for
three reasons (1) To drive critical
liberals like myself, Belin, Len
Wilcox, and others like us out of
the party. (2) To show that the
Young Republicans approve of his
tactics, methods, and purposes; (3)
To help the Reece-Mundt-Taft-
McCarthy wing of the party mold
(and I mean mold, believe me) a
hard core of reactionary Republi-
cans to the race-baiting Dixiecrats
in a sort of Knownothing coalition
to be called the American Party.
In conclusion, I personally think
that they failed on all three scores.
By way of a plug, I might say
that the Republican Party will
have to provide a feasible alterna-
tive to the present administration
and also show at least a sort of
constructive conservatism that the

people can depend upon and trust
. We need a change of admin-
istrations badly but we also need
someone that can fill in the
As to setting up a two party
system in the South, the only
sensible thing for the Republicans
to do is to form a real second
party by organizing the Negroes,
poor farmers, and Union members
into a liberal Republican Party
of the people in the South. All
of these groups are voting in in-
creasing numbers in the South
and we should provide them with
an alternative to the Dixiecrats
who have controlled the South
and the Democratic Party, con-
gressionally, since the Civil War.
--David F. Cargo
President of the University of
Michigan Young Republicans
The very cheapness of litera-
ture is making even wise people
forget that if a book is worth read-
ing, it is worth buying.
No book is worth anything
which is not worth much; nor is
it serviceable until it has been'
read and re-read, and loved and
loved again; and marked so that
you can refer to the passages you
want in it.
-.John Ruskin


r s
4A 4
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
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be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Nehru's Neutralism Defined
As an Infant Isolationism
Associated Press News Analyst
THE Western world is angling for reluctant India's partnership in
the front against imperialist Communism.
The United States is reported considering the replacement of Loy
Henderson, veteran career diplomat, as Ambassador to New Delhi in
the hope of getting someone in closer to Prime Minister Nehru.
Britain, of course, has the additional motive of insuring against
any Indian tendency to pull out of the Commonwealth of Nations, a
tendency which might be promoted by Neutralism.
All members of the anti-Communist coalition want India's
cooperation for what it means in the prospective strength of a
rapidly developing numerous people, for leadership in the rest of
Asia, and for vital strategic purposes in case of war.
They are all being held at arm's length by Nehru, who has been
wooed from right and left as the key figure of Asia.
Nehru all along has taken a position of neutrality. And he seems
to represent, in this respect, the great mass of Indian opinion.
Nehru however, has left the impression in the West that India
would be in the right place in case of outright Russian aggression,
* * * *
A RECENT statement which seems to expand Nehru's neutralism
came during recorded conversations with Norman Cousins, editor
of the Saturday Review of Literature, who has just published the
transcriptions in a little book, "Talks with Nehru."
Expounding on the costs of any prospective war, Nehru said:
"No one knows what the final result will be, not in the terms
of victory or peace but rather in what state the world will be after-
ward. It is the most dangerous thing from that point of view to
look forward to. Now India will try to do her best to keep that
war from spreading, just as she has tried to the extent of her
capacity to limit the Korean war. If a large area of the world
can keep out of the war it may be able to help in bringing about
peace a little sooner than otherwise."
Now, that is by no means a vicious statement, although it goes
against Western experience, and what the West believes is vital to
avoid war now or win later. It is very close to the attitude adopted
by the United States during the first term of Woodrow Wilson, before
Germany unleashed her submarine warfare in World War I. It In-
volves a lesson which it seems each nation must learn for itself as it is
drawn from isolation into the current of world affairs.



Structures-Free Surface Energy Chang-
es which Occur During Adsorption by
Porous Adsorbents," Tuesday, July 10,
1565 Chemistry Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chair-
man, F. E. Bartell.
Events Today
"Green Grow The Lilacs," a comic,
folk-play with music by Lynn Riggs to-
night at the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
tre at 8 p.m. This popular play formed
the basis of the Rodgers and Hammer-
stein hit musical "OKLAHOMA!" Tick-
ets may be purchased at the Mendels-
sohn box office from 10 a.m. til 8 p.m.
United States in the world Crisis lec-
ture. "The North Atlantic Treaty Or-
ganization.", vice - Admiral Jerauld
Wright, July' 9.
Monday, July 9-
Lecture. "The Old versus the New in
Education." James B. Edmonson, Dean
of the School of Education. 4:00 p.m.,
Schorling Auditorium, University High
Tuesday, July 10-
Lecture. "Group Dynamics and Edu-
cational Administration." James E.
Lewis, Superintendent of Schools, Dear-
born. 4:00 p.m., Schorling Auditorium,
University High School.
Linguistic Program. Lecture, "Ger-
man Sentence Types." William G.
Moulton, Professor of Linguistics, Cor-
nell University. 7:30 p.m., Rackham
Wednesday, July 11--
Lecture. "Resource Materials for Cur-
riculum Improvement." Robert S. Fox,
Assistant Professor of Education and
Principal of the University Elementary
School. 4:00 p.m., Schorling Auditor-
ium. University High School.
Linguistic Program. Lecture, "Afghan
Description of Afghan (Pashto) Gram-
mar." Herbert Penzi, Associate Prof s-
sor of German, 1:00 p.m., 25 Angell Hall.
Coming Events
Growth and Differentiation, a sym-
posium, July 9-20.
Rehabilitation of the Handicapped
Worker Over Forty, a conference. July
Faculty Recitals, auspices of the
School of Music. Stanley Quartet, July
10; Heinz Arnold, July 11.
Student Recital, auspices of the
School of Music. Warren Simpkins,
July 9.
Play, auspices of the Department of
Speech. An Enemy of the People. July
Conference of English Teachers, "The
Longer Classic: Fiction." Robert Gran-
yille, Ann Arbor High School; Mrs. Ruth
Barns, Cooley High School, Detroit; Wil-
liam R. Steinhoff, University of Michi-
gan Monday, July 9, 4:00 p.m. Rackham
Tuesday, July 10-
Faculty Recital,-auspices of the School
of Music. Stanley Quartet: Gilbert
Ross, violin, Emil Raab, violin, Robert
Courte, viola, Oliver Edel, cello, with

John Kirkpatrick, guest pianist. 8:30
p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall.
Wednesday, July 11-
Rehabilitation of thle Handicapped
Worker, a conference. "Rehabilitation:
Nature and Magnitude of the Problem."
Howard A. Rusk, Chairman, Department
of Rehabilitation and Physical Medi-
cine, New York University. 9:30 a.m.,
Rackham Lecture Hall.
"Medical Aspects of Rehabilitation,"
a panel discussion. 1:30 p.m., Rackham
Lecture Hall.
"An Analysis of Geriatric Rehabilita-
tion." Lionel Cosin, Clinical Director,
Cowley Road Hospital, Oxford, England.
8:00 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall.
Faculty Recital, auspices of the School
of Music. Heinz Arnold, guest organ-
ist. 4:15 p.m., Hill Auditorium.
Growth and Differentiation. "The Ef-
fects of Environment on Growth of
Plants." F. W. Went, Professor of
Plant Physiology and Director, Earhart
Plant Laboratory. California Institute
of Technology.8:00 p.m., Auditorium,
School of Public Health.
Play, presented by the Department of
Speech. An Enemy of the People, by
Henrik Ibsen, adapted by Arthur Miller,
8:00 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.


I .


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Bldg. at 3 p.m. on the
day preceding publication.
VOL. LXI, No. 8-S
Veterans enrolled under the G. I. Bill
who, at the end of the summer session,
expect to
1. Receive a degree
2. Transfer to another training insti-
3. Change their course of study
must apply for a Supplemental Certifi-
cate of Eligibility before the end of
their enrollment this summer. Applica-
tion must be made at the veterans Ser-
vice Bureau, Room 555, in the basement
of the Administration Building.
Graduate Student Council Meetingf
Monday, July 9, 7:30 p.m. West Lecture
Room, Rackham. Will all members please
attend whether notified by mail or not.

Mail is being held at the Information
Desk, second floor lobby, of the Admin-
istration Building, for Geraldine Ripley
and H. L. Fry.
There will be a Student Legislature
meeting Monday, July 9th, at 7:30 at the
Student Legislature Building, 122 S.
Forest. Discussion meeting; Topic: The
growth of Student Government. Visi-
tors welcome.
Congregational-Disciples Guild: Fire-
side with Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Reynolds,
who have returned recently from
China-7:30-9:00 at the Guild House,
438 Maynard Street.
Roger Williams Guild outing, Sunday,
July 8, 3 p.m., Swimming. Discussion:
"A Protestant awakening or a Catholic
Sociedad Hispanica: meeting, Tues-
day,. July 10, 8 p.m., East Conference
Room, Rackham Building. Mr. Richard
Defendini will speak on "La semana
santa en Sevilla."
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for John Edwin
Bower, Chemistry; thesis: "Adsorption
of Vapors by Silica Gels of Different

Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
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Harvey Gordon .......Finance Manager
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann
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Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.



Barnaby, your Foity Godfather
has no intention of joining the
faculty of this nature school.
After all, I've been snubbed by
Mrs. Tyler, the proprietress-
Bu yucame here-

Gus and I leased an edifice of our
own. By a coincidence, m'boy, it's
but a stone's throw from this camp.
Just over that thicket-


That's Gus
the Ghost
Yelling! " " " Cushlcimochree!
i sr
1lil Crockat Ja;>asaa. Rat 0. 8. Pas. Oii1M


This is as
And this

sure as anything on earth can be.
is why the complacency which

1ir n!L.,.,a...-

A screech owl. But
getting back to the


O'Malley! Something came through
the roof! This cottage isn't safe!U

Repairs are a simple matter on houses of that
construction. I'll plug the hole with a cupcake.






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