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July 07, 1951 - Image 1

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See Page 2

Latest Deadline in the State FAIR AND WARM

VOL. LXI, No. 8-S




U.S. ToEnd Red
Tariff Privileges
Congress To Ban Fur Importations
To U.S. from Soviet Union, China
WASHINGTON-W)-The United States has served notice on
Russia and four satellites it is canceling all American tariff concessions
on goods they ship to the United States.
This action, announced yesterday, was dictated by Congress, along
with another move the State Department plans to take shortly, ban-
ning the importation of most furs from Russia and Communist China.
WHAT EFFECT the removal of tariff concessions will have could
not be determined yesterday, partly because of the length and variety
of the list of goods involved. Department officials generally were

skeptical that there would be
great change.
It was taken for granted t
since the Russians have a gove
ment trade monopoly they
continue shipments, even at hi
er costs, if they decide they w
the dollars the goods would br
Moreover, despite the withdr
al of concessions, thehactual t
treatment of some goods will
main the same. The reason
The concessions grew out
the Reciprocal Trade Law, un
which the duties on many co
modities have been drastica
reduced below the levels of t
Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act
But some goods, manganese
example, were free of duty in 1
and are free now. Hence Ru
can ship manganese on the s
terms as formerly, if she so
SHE ONCE exported large qu
titles of this strategic materia
the United States but has ship
none since last December.
In another action disclosed
terday b ythe State Departm
the United States sent two m
notes demanding that Russia s
stalling on its overdue $11,0
000,000 lend-lease account and
turn immediately 672 U. S. n
vessels loaned to the Soviets
World War II.
Congress voted for the w
drawal of trade benefits and
ban on furs by means of ame
ments written into the legisla
extending the reciprocal trade p
Besides Russia, Communist
tions hit by the higher tariff r:
are Poland, Hungary, Bulga
and Romania. Czechoslovakia
be affected later, once the S
Department decides on the ne
sary legal steps.
Judge Orders
-Field to Jail
For Contempi
NEW YORK-(P)-Grm-fa
and flushed, millionaire Frede
Vanderbilt Field was jailed
contempt yesterday, but orde
released on bond a short time
However, the order for his
lease came too late for the pos
of bond yesterday, and meant
had to spend at least one nigh
FIELD CHOSE imprisonm
rather than expose the people
put up $80,000 bail for four r
away Communist leaders.
A Federal Judge ordered him
jail for 90 days, or until he cle
himself of contempt by reveal
the long-secret backers of the g
mine of Communist bail money
The immediate jailing of t
46-year-old "angel" of left-wi
causes prevented him from a
tending an appeal later in t
day before Appeals Judge Tho
as W. Swain in New Have
After a two hour closed hear
the Government announced t
Judge Swan ordered Field freed
$10,000 bail pending a formal
peal of the contempt sentence.
asThe $10,000 bond was descri
as temporary and may be chan
after further consideration of
Oldest Alumni
Of U' Passes
Funeral services were I-
rrhir avf A , -. - T

will h
ant Urges GOP
r Renovation
JACKSON - (A) - U.S. Senator
of Everett M. Dirksen (R-Ill.) last
der night called upon the Republican
M Party, celebrating its 97th birth-
Mly day here, to revive the fight for
the individual freedom which led to
of he
Dirksen, in an address prepared
for for delivery at a Founder's Day
930 rally, said the Republican Party
ssia was founded to defeat an Admin-
ame istration which had failed to pro-
de- tect human liberty.
de-* * *
THE NEW Republican Party, he
an- said, "had but one thing in com-
a to mon-a hatred for the institution
ped which destroyed liberty, a right-
eous zeal for their cause, a fidelity
yes- to America and a vision of Ameri-
ent, can destiny. Theirs was a moral
iore cause.
top "Today," Dirksen said, "we wit-
00,- ness the same kind of compromise
re- with moral issues, the same en-
aval croachments of Federal power and
in the same menace to freedom of
another front. This time it is
ith- the gradual transfer of the power
the to make economic decisions, from
nd- a free market of America into
tion the hands of a government bu-
ro- reacracy.
"When that is done, and that
na- power is frozen into our economic
ates system, the political freedom
ria, which remains will be but a hol-
will low shell, even as it is in Britain
tate where Socialism holds forth."
ces- The central committee appoint-
ed six members to a master coor-
dinating program committee which
will include legislators and elected
State officials. The central com-
mittee members: Owen J. Cleary
of Ypsilanti, State Chairman;
Robert 'C. Heaney of Grand Rap-
t ids; Mrs. Mary Streit of Detroit;
Berry N. Beaman, of Parma; Noble
D. Travis of Detroit; and Walter
ced Steele of Muskegon.
,red Moody Backs
la-Price Controls
he ISHPEMING, Mich.-()-Sen-
t in ator Blair Moody (D-Mich.) said
yesterday that despite any peace
in Korea it might be necessary to
ient continue "certain indirect con-
who trols" for two years or more.
un- The controls, which he did not
specify, would be needed to keep
a to the United States strong so the
ears Soviet could not undermine us
ln internally, he said.

Seek Price
Republicans Hit
WASHINGTON-(M ) - Worried
Democratic leaders sent out an
S.O.S. for "grass roots" support
yesterday in an attempt to turn
the tide in the Congressional bat-
tle over controls.
Rep. Arends of Illinois, acting
Republican leader in the House,
promptly cried "politics" and said
his Party would accept the chal-
* * *
the House floor to denounce the
Administration for waiting so long
to invoke the controls authorized
by Congress last year.
Rep. Buff ett (R-Neb.) at-
tacked price controls as an "eco-
nomic narcotic" that merely
deadens and postpones the evil
effects of inflation,
Chairman William M. Boyle of
the Democratic National Commit-
tee sent out a barrage of telegrams
calling for rank-and-file Party aid
in the legislative struggle.
Boyle urged all members of the
National Committee and State
Party chiefs to stir up a wave of
sentiment supporting "strong price
control legislation without exemp-
tions or weakening amenlments."
* * .
cratic Party is pledged through its
platform to take "effective action
to keep our economy stable and
prevent disastrous price rises,"
Boyle said in his telegrams:
"President Truman and the
Democratic Congressional lead-
ership are entitled to full sup-
port in this fight. Your views
and those of other community
leaders will have great weight
with your congressional delega-
"Action is needed now as voting
starts Monday."
ON THE HOUSE floor, where
the debate went into its second
day, there appeared to be no clear
Split on party lines over the issue
of extending federal controls -
either in stronger form as request-
ed by Truman or amended to make
them milder.
Senators Differ
On MacArthur
Kerr (D-Okla.) and Wherry (R-
Neb.) debated about the campaign
issues of 1952 yesterday and agreed
that the ouster of Gen. Douglas
MacArthur would be one of them.
They spoke at a meeting of the
women's international press club
in a program which was televised.
"The ouster of Gen. MacArthur
will be an issue in 1952 because
the Republican leadership made it
one-which they will regret," Kerr
said. "In order to preserve its
peace and security policy, the Ad-
ministration was compelled to re-
lease Gen. Douglas MacArthur
with regret."
Wherry, in a warm defense of
MacArthur's policies, contended
that when the Korean peace talks
open "we do not enter the talks
as a victorious nation. We haven't
driven the Red aggressor out or
forced a united and independent







U.S. Hears
Oatis' Voice
In SpyTrial
Congress, AP
Denounce Reds
By The Associated Press
The Voice of Associated Press
Correspondent William N. Oatis,
recorded during his trial on es-
pionage charges in Communist
Czechoslovakia, was heard yester-
day by American radio listeners.
NBC recorded parts of the
Prague trial and flew the record-
ing to New York.
OATIS, condemned to 10 years
imprisonment on Wednesday-the
Fourth of July-spoke in a clear,
steady voice.
"It sounded natural, as a mat-
ter of fact, much too natural,"
was the comment of Daniel De
Luce, AP's Frankfurt Bureau
Chief, as reported on the 15-min-
ute program by NBC's Ed Haaker
who had the recordings made.
"It's most unusual for a man to
try to hang himself," De Luce
Oatis' voice emerged amid a me-
lange of Czech spoken by the Com-
munist prosecutor and judge and
woman interpreter.
The 37-year-old newspaperman
was asked whether his behavior
was unusual for westerners in
"No, it wasn't," he answered.
"The fact that I found out that
Imost members of the Western
press and diplomatic colony were
doing espionage, and for that rea-
son it was difficult for me not to
fall into it."
IN WASHINGTON, Oatis' con-
viction drew the wrath of Con-
Rep. Hebert (D-La.), speaking
over the Voice of America Radio,
said, "This latest moral depravity
serves to warn free people again
of the ruthless nature of Com-
Rep. Beamer (R-Ind.) intro-
duced a resolution calling upon
Congress to express "its pro-
found indignation at the farci-
cal arrest and conviction" of
Meanwhile, the Associated Press
Board of Directors, including Ar-
thur Sulzberger of the New York
Times and John S. Knight of the
Chicago Daily News, called upon
all American newspaper to lend
full support in Oatis' behalf.
Red Students
Protest Iran
Oil Decision
TEHRAN, Iran-(A)-A big bi-
cycle brgade of Pro-Communist
students demonstrating against
the International Court of Jus-
tice's decision on Iran's oil na-
tionalization fought with mem-
bers of the Iranian Labor Party in
downtown Teran yesterday, and
about 100 were injured in the
While loudspeakers blared such
slogans as "Death to Anglo-Amer-
ican imperialism" and "Death to
the Hague Court," the cyclists sped
in groups to various sections of
the city, where they clashed with
Labor Party members. The lat-
ter shouted "Death to the Com-
Police wielding clubs, finally re-
stored order.

WHILE THESE bloody clashes
were occurring at the capital,
other Iranians demonstrated with-
out violence against the Interna-
tional Court decision at Abadan,
big oil refinery center. Goose-
stepped government troops staged
a full-dress parade.
Meanwhile Iran went ahead
with n1sae for takinr ah arz eif

Songchon .
NORTH Tongchon
Sibyon :" /- - >
* Yonchon Yangyang*
- m m mu
- -Chun-hon"PARALLEL
Ximpo pga
SOUTH ^^* c qChipyong
Hongsong " % Chonguu SOUTH
o 50 Pusan
PEACE TALK SCENE-Communist China's leaders are presumed
to have started traveling along the route to Kaesong. A pre-
liminary meeting will be held there to make final arrangements
for the peace talks next Tuesday.
House wife Revealed as
FBI eUndercover Agent,

High Living
GOLDEN, Colo.-(A')-Jeffer-
son county commissioners are
wondering if the truth has
come out at last.
They're studying a petition
signed by 13 county road em-
ployes seeking a pay raise due,
not to the high cost of living,
but "to the cost of high living."
Rent Survey
Await Action
Their survey of Ann Arbor hous-
ing conditions ready for the mail
two investigators from Federal
Housing Expeditor Tighe E.
Woods' office packed their bags
and left town this morning to con-
duct another survey elsewhere on
the nation's rising price front.
L. M. Milam, one of the inves-
tigators, said that he expected
that the tabulated results of the
survey showing the percentage of
local rentable vacancies would be
forthcoming from Washington
sometime next week.
* * *
WOODS ORDERED the survey
before deciding on a City Council
request to decontrol local rents
"voluntarily." The Council voted
that if he did not do so, they would
demand that he decontrol under
a "local option" Clause in tie pres-
ent rent control law.
Decontrol of rents under the
mandatory "local option" clause
would allow no re-imposition of
controls. If Woods acted "vol-
untarily" at the Council's re-
quest, however, reimposition
would be possible at a later date.
The Council has withheld fur-
ther action on the question of
rents until July 16 when the re-
sults of the survey and Woods' de-
cision presumably will have been
made public.
The two investigators spent a
full week in Ann Arbor, contacting
large property owners, local real
estate dealers and prospective
rentors whom they selected from
newspaper advertisements.
Milam said that he had received
many phone calls and visits from
distressed rentors who feared that
controls would be lifted.
DPA Outlines
Steel Quotas
fense Production Administration
(DPA) last night announced quo-
tas of steel to military, foreign and
American "essential" users - and
left lean supplies for autos and
other consumer goods.
Defense - supporting industries
were earmarked for 16,100,000 tons
in the July-September quarter, out
of a total estimated national sup-
ply of 20,800,000 tons.
Defense, atomic and export al-
locations absorbel all the rest ex-
cept 1,900,000 tons-less than ten
percent of all steel products.

WASHINGTON - W) - Secret
testimony disclosed yesterday that
a pretty, fast-talking Virginia
housewife served for nearly seven
years as an FBI undercover agent
in the Communist Party in Wash-
Shetis Mrs. Mary Stalcup Mark-
ward, 29 years old, a former Wash-
ington beauty shop worker, now
a housewife at Chesterbrook, Va.
PART OF HER story was re-
vealed in hitherto secret records
of the House Un-American Activi-
ties Committee, as unfolded in
closed-door testimony on June 11.
"It was tough," she said in an
interview with the Evening Star
yesterday. "You have no life of
your own. Doing what I did means
giving up everything except that.
It was a 24-hour-a-day job, seven
days a week."
At the FBI's behest, Mrs.
Markward said, she joined the
Communist Party in 1943 and
reported regularly to the FBI
until the end of 1949.
Mrs. Markward is scheduled to
testify in open hearings next Wed-
nesday after the House committee
resumes its investigation into
Communist infiltration of the de-
fense industry.
* * *
HIGHLIGHTS in her June 11
testimony include these assertions:
1. At least two Communist un-
derground groups, composed of
federal employes, were operating



in the nation's capital while she
was in the party.
2. A secret Communist cell,
known as "W-37," was set up in
the Washington Navy Yard, but
was dissolved about 1945.
3. Altogether, there were about
18 Red cells or "clubs" in Wash-
4. Communist Party member-
ship in Washington usually num-
bered about 230 as "a conservative

Convoy Hits
For Kaesong
Allied Pilots Kept
TOKYO-()-Red negotiators
were presumed to be moving south
yesterday from Pyongyang in a
10-vehicle convoy, bound for a
meeting tomorrow at Kaesong
with Allied representatives to dis
cuss preliminaries for a Korean
cease-fire conference.
Several hours after they were
scheduled to depart from the
North Korean capital, there was
no word whether they actually
had left.
* * *
ALLIED aircraft are not likely
to pick up movement of the Com-
munist convoy. An American Air
Force officer said:
"We are staying so far away
from that road with our planes
that I doubt that we'll get any
word on the movement of the
convoy. We are even keeping
spotter planes out of that terri-
ed themselves sufficient time for
almost snail's pace progress down
the bomb-pitted Pyongyang-Seoul
highway used by North Koreans
in invading South Korea at the
outset of the 54-weeks-old war.
They were to meet at Kaesong,
three miles south of Parallel 38,
with three Allied Colonels for
preliminary cease-fire talks.
North Koreans captured Kae-
song, ancient former capital, at
the outset of the invasion June
25, 1950.
* * *
SEVEN DAYS of radio exchang-
es ended yesterday afternoon with
agreement opening the way for a
possible stop to the fighting. Sun-
day's negotiators will try to ar-
range for higher level talks at
Kaesong a few days hence.
By their own terms, the Com-
munists were to start at 2 p.1
(EST) Friday on a trip of more
than 100 miles in five jeeps and
trucks from the North Korean
capital of Pyongyang.
. As of 1 p.m. yesterday Allied
pilots were under orders to keep
away from the Kaesong high-
Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway, Su-
preme Allied Commander, also
specified that a five-mile radius
around Kaesong be observed as a
neutral zone by his ground and
air forces.
The much shorter, swifter jour-
ney by the Allied negotiators will
begin today from Seoul, 35 miles
southeast of Kaesong. If the
weather is favorable, the delega-
tion will go by helicopter-in spite
of mild Red objections. If not, it
will go by jeep.
* * *
Ridgway to assure safe conduct,
did so but strongly urged using
jeeps "to cut down the possibility
of misunderstanding."
United Nations patrols did not
rest while the cease-fire talks took
shape. An unopposed Allied ar-
mored unit stabbed 12 miles north-
east from Chorwon and entered
Another tank-infantry team,
leading toward Pyonggang from
Kumhwa, southeastern anchor of
the triangle, was turned back at
the Hantan river by artillery, mor-
tar and rifle fire.

Malik Starts
NEW YORK - (A') -- Jacob A.
Malik, who touched off the Korean
truce talks with his June 23 "cease
fire" speech, sailed on the Swedish
liner Gripsholm yesterday for a

Mrs. Markward testified
was "approached" by an
agent in 1943 while she
working as a beauty shop
ploye in Washington.


"I had no idea why he ap-
proached me," she said in the
interview. "I was not connected
with any organization or groups.
I didn't know any of these Com-
mnunist people.
"My only knowledge of why the
FBI came to me was they ap-
proached me as a loyal American."
Even her husband, she said,
had "only a vague idea" what
she was doing until she finally
told him in 1947.
Mrs. Markward said she drop-
ped out of the party in 1949 when
she suffered an attack of multiple
soslerosis and became paralyzed.
But long before she left, Mrs.
Markward said, the Communists
knew that someone was report-
ing on them to the FBI and several
times she was accused.
"I'm a fast talker and I always
got out of it," she said.

World News

By The Associated Press
Matthews, who has served the
Truman Administration as Secre-
tary of the Navy, was confirmed by
the Senate yesterday as United
States Ambassador to Ireland.
* * *
PAPEETE, Tahiti - James
Norman Hall, 64 years old, Am-
erican author who was a famed
teller of tales of the South Seas,
died Thursday of a heart at-
tack at his home here.
States expects to issue invitations
late this month to about 50 na-
tions to attend Japanese peace
treaty signing conferences in San
V t.n,. .%rnnn. Inn an+ A

CENTRALIA, Ont. - F o u r
training planes collided in the
air during a formation flying
practice over nearby Dashwood
today killing a Canadian Air
Force flying instructor.
WASHINGTON - Rep. Bennett
(D-Fla.), a campaigner for better
morals in government, said yes-
terday that persons trying to land
government contracts had offered
him substantial cash to help them
meet "the right people."
MINNEAPOLIS - Picket lines
of striking non - professional
workers cut into supplies of food
and equipment at ten Minnea-
- 1-- i4 I w c- e~n-- 11.

Injured Workers To Concern Group,

Some of the perspiration-soaked
workers had already turned from
their machines and headed for
the lockerroom at the end of the
plant floor.
Then, just as the first members
of the night shift began to file
into the workroom, the declining
whine of slowing machines was
suddenly interrupted by a scream
of pain and the sound of run-
ning feet. Another serious indus-
trial accident had happened, cast-
ing a financial shadow over some
worker's family and depriving so-

handicapped ,workers over 40
years old in conjunction with
the Federal Security Agency,
the State Office of Vocational
Rehabilitation and the State
Medical Society.
Forty years may seem an early
age to fall within the definition
of "old age," University vocation
experts agree, but they maintain
it is at this time, with the average
worker approaching the peak of
his skilled efficiency, that the re-
habilitation process of handicap-
ned workers hecomes most diffi-I

York University College of Medi-
cine and a member of the editor-
ial staff of the New York Times.
He will discuss "Rehabilitation:
Nature and Magnitude of the
Clinical sessions and a night
public meeting on the medical
aspects of rehabilitating the
handicapped worker are slated
for the rest of the Wednesday
Included in Thursday's pro-
gram will be a discussion of the
socio-nvchological and economic





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