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July 01, 1951 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1951-07-01

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SUNDAY, JULY 1, 1951


. .
The radio highlights for the
NBC week beginning today will
start off with the fourth of the
Summer Concert Series of the
NBC Symphony Orchestra at 8:30
p.m. today.
The program will feature Percy
Faith, as conductor; Soprano solo-
ist Mimi Benzell; and baritone
John Baker. Faith will conduct
the orchestra in music of Richard
Rogers and Victor Herbert, while
arias from Goundod's "Romeo and

Maine YR's

Call Morse
'52 Candidate
SALEM, Ore.-(P)-Sen. Wayne
Morse (R-Ore.) will be a candidate
for the Republican nomination
for President, Steve Anderson,
vice chairman of the National
Federation of Young Republican

. with Marilyn Floridis
Juliet" and Verdi's "The Masked
Ball" will be sung by the soloists.
* * *
Rae will be heard again at 8 p.m.
tomorrow in "The Railroad Hour."
MacRae will have as his guest
soloist Dorothy Warenskjold, so-
prano, and his program will be
based on the life and music of
Stephen Foster.
Immediately following "The
Railroad Hour" will be "The
Voice of Firestone" program at
8:30 p.m. Directed by Howard
Barlow, the show will feature
tenor James Melton, soloist. The
program will have a patriotic
Next on the musical highlights
for tomorrow will be "The Tele-
phone Hour," with Donald Voor-
hees and the Bell Symphony Or-
chestra at 9 p.m. The show will
include American cowboy songs.
Under the direction of Paul
Lavalle, the "Cities Service Band
of America" will feature tunes
by George M. Cohan on their
program at 9:30 tomorrow.
Rounding out tomorrow's sched-
ule will be the "Boston Pops Or-
chestra," conducted by Arthur
Fiedler at 10 p.m. Included in the
program will be a medley of songs
from "Brigadoon."
** *
THIS WEEK'S TV program
highlights for NBC will begin with
"Leave It to the Girls" at 7 p.m.
today, a panel featuring one lonely
man versus three women panelists.
"The Bert Parks Show" will be
heard on Mondays, Wednesdays,
and Fridays at 3:30 p.m., EDT.
Also featured tomorrow in tele-
vision shows will be "Who Said
That?", a panel at 10:30 p.m.
Sports columnist Red Smith of the
New York Tribune, author Ilka
Chase and newscasters Quincey
Howe and John Cameron Swayze
will participate in the Information
Please-type panel.
* * *

C iu msai nere yestrdy
Anderson, a Salem attorney,
said Morse would have a full slate
of convention delegates on the
Oregon primary ballot next spring.
One thousand signatures are ne-
cessary to put his name on the
* * *
"SEN. MORSE has informed us
that if the liberal Republicans in
Oregon want to get behind him
for the presidency, it is all right
with him, even though he said he
. might not have time to give us
much assistance," Anderson said.
"There is a strong and growing
group interested in his candidacy,"
he added.
However, Morse said in Wash-
ington that he is not a candidate
for the presidency, and that he is
"not a party personally" to any
move to make him a candidate.
"Although I appreciate the hon-
or and the support, my choice for
epublican candidate is General
Dwight Eisenhower or Paul Hoff-
man (the former administrator of
the Marshall Aid Plan.)"
Honors Won
By 'U' Public
T h e University Information
Services won two first place
awards and one honorable men-
tion at the American College Pub-
lic Relations Association annual
conference at Miami Beacl.
The University took firsts in
general public relations for a pro-
ject on the University Marching
Band and in special research pro-
ects for a booklet on the En-
gineering Research Institute.
Honorable mention was given
for a freshman booklet called,
Your Freshman Year at Michi-
Arthur L. Brandon, University
relations counselor, and Alice Bee-
man, editor of special publications,
attended the conference, which
ended yesterday.
Joint Judiciary
Will Continue
The Joint Judiciary Council,
newly formed last May, will con-
tinue to operate this summer.
The Council is made up of
members of the Men's and Wo-
men's Judiciary Councils. It
handles all case of student con-
duct except driving regulations.
Cases are referred to the Coun-
cil by the deans, the Men's or
Women's Judiciary. The Coun-
cil's findings serve as recommen-
dations to the University Sub-
Committee on Discipline.
Daily Classifieds
Get Quick Results

MARGARET VISITS POPE-Dressed in black, Margaret Truman passes a file of Swiss Guards in
the Vatican on her way to an audience with Pope Pius XII. She is escorted by the rector of the
North American College in Rome and the Papal Knight of the Cape and Sword.
Walter Reuther Proposes Mass Production
Of Machine-Tools To Eliminate Bottlenecks

Oats Trial
Set To Start
FRANKFURT, Germany-(/P)-
Czechoslovakia plans to open the
trial of Associated Press corres-
pondent William N. Oatis at the
State Court in Prague's Pankrac
Prison tomorrow, the United
States was notified today.
The United States High Com-
mission in Germany made the an-
his arrest April 23, Oatis is accus-
ed of activities hostile to the Com-
munist state, gathering and dis-
seminating information consider-
ed secret by Czechoslovakia and
"spreading malicious information
regarding Czech state through il-
legal news organs, for which pur-
pose he misused Czech citizens."
'Frank J. Starzel, General
Manager of the Associated
Press, said at the time Oatis'
arrest was announced that Oat-
is had reported only legitimate
news. The AP "has full confi-
dnce in his integrity as a news-
man and knows of no basis for
the action against him," Star-
zel said.
The United States High Com-
mission said a United States Vice-
Consul and probably another
members of the embassy staff will
attend the trial.
Oatis was arrested by Czech se-
cret police about 10 months after
he became Chief of the AP's Pra-
gue Bureau. Czechoslovakia had
previously ousted two AP corres-
pondents, Richard Kasischke and
Nathan Polowetzky, on undocu-
mented charges that their report-
ing was not objective. Various oth-
er Western newsmen were simi-
larly accused.
Four Czech employees of the AP
Bureau disappeared one by one in
the weeks preceding Oatis' arrest.
It is assumed they will appear at
the trial as defendants or wit-
Oatis, 37, is a native of Marion,
Peace Scare
CHICAGO -(WP)- The sudden
prospect of peace breaking out in
Korea threw shudders through the
grain price structure this week.
The structure tottered to new
lows for the year.

Tights Taboo for Female
Job Hunters, Says Official


Slacks, shorts and tights are ta-
boo for women making job appli-
cations, T. Luther Purdom, direct-
or of the Bureau of Appointments
warned yesterday as the opening
of registration with the Bureau
was announced.
"Despite the common sense ex-
pressed in this warning, many wo-
men ignore the importance of a
well-groomed appearance," Pur-
dom explained.
* * *
"ONE SHORT, rather wide
young lady came in for a job
wearing shorts. It's not the shorts
we find so objectionable. We try
to be liberal minded, but there
are some women who just can't
wear shorts," Purdom said.
Another case where choice of
clothes was the deciding factor
in the failure of a woman to re-
ceive a job was that of a tall,
Bureau Opens
Summer registration for stu-
dents, staff and faculty members
interested in obtaining employ-
ment through the Bureau of Ap-
pointments will open with a ipeet-
ing to be held at 3 p.m. Thursday
in Rm. 4051 Administration Bldg.
Instructions for registering will
be given and registration material
will be distributed.
The Bureau places all appli-
cants in one of two divisions, ac-
cording to Mildred D. Webber, as-
sistant to the director. "There is
the teaching division for those in-
terested in any of the educational
fields and the general division for
all others," she explained.
"Alumni, too, are eligible to take
advantage of our offices," Miss
Webber added.
"Once a student has registered
he can at any time in the future
refer prospective employers to our
offices for records and letters of
reference which we keep on file,"
she said. "That way he can avoid
the bother of repeatedly request-
ing letters from his references
each time he applies for a new
position. We keep an accumula-
tive permanent record of each
person who registers with us.
Although most of the individual
schools have their own placement
office their services are generally
reserved f o r new graduates,
whereas the Bureau offers a life-
time service.

heavy girl who came to the Bu-
reau to be interviewed for the
position of an art teacher.
She came into the office wear-
,ing slacks which were so form.
fitting that they looked like tights.
Her prospective employer took one
look at her and asked, "Is this
art?" He then refused to even in.
terview her.
A THIRD GIRL nad been in-
terviewed 13 times without success
when she finally asked Purdom
for advice several weeks ago.
"I advised her to go home
and change her clothes," Pur-
dom said. "All her skirts were at
least five inches above the knee.
It was one of the hottest days
of the month, but she came
back an hour later wearing a
heavy suit and long, white
It isn't only the women who are
guilty of neglecting their appear-
ance; men are just as bad, Pur-
dom commented. Even during the
winter months, many malesap
pear for an interview with n0.,
coats or ties and their shirts open
at the neck, or looking as if they
hadn't shaved in days, he said.
"We do our best to find posi-
tions for all.who come to the of-
fice, Purdom concluded, "but I
doubt if even Lana Turner could
get away with the weird outfits
some of our applicants wear."
Furniture Stolen
From Newberry
Household furnishings valued at
more than $300 were reported
stolen from Helen Newberry Hall,
police said yesterday.
Loss of the articles, which In-
cluded two chairs, a coffee table
and drapes, was reported Friday
by Leonard Schaadt, University
residence halls manager.
Schaadt told officers that the
theft, which apparently dccurred
about a week ago, was discovered
only recently. The dormitory,
which was locked at the time,
showed no evidence of burglary,
detectives said.
Try Folletts First



DETROIT - (R) - Walter Reu-
ther, who has come up with num-
erous plans in the past 12 years
for bolstering America's produc-
tion for peace or war, has un-
veiled another one.
The CIO United Auto Workers
President proposed mass produc-
tion of tool-machines on an as-
sembly line basis. He said it would
eliminate "the most critical bot-
tleneck in our defense production
* 4' *
THE PROPOSAL was another
in a series dating back to 1940,
when the "Reuther Plan" for pro-
ducing 500 airplanes a day by
utilizing unused capacity in the
auto industry was given wide pub-
licity. During World War II, Reu-
ther devised a plan for standard-
izing tank parts. After the war,
he proposed using idle aircraft
plants to produce prefabricated
homes and railroad cars.
Reuther said the length of
layoffs in the auto industry and
others "depends almost entire-
ly on the length of time it takes
to get tool-machines (the ma-
chines t h a t operate drills,

presses, cutters and other
tools)." His plan, he said, would
cut the two or three-year back-
log of tool-machine orders "by
at least 54 to 75 per cent."
The labor leader made these
specific proposals in submitting'
his plan to President Truman and
Defense Mobilizer Charles E. Wil-
1.) Force an all-out utilization
of the present tool-machine and
tool and die industries. He said
these industries have not stepped
up production recently as they
did immediately after Pearl Har-
2.) The Government should
contract for the establishment
of central tool-machine assem-
bly plants-perhaps in factor-
ies not being used now-for as-
sembling the complex machines.
3.) Contract with tool and die
shops, forge plants and even the
mass production industries such
as the auto and agricultural im-

tion of tool-machines by a rigid
priority plan to make certain that
defense producers needing them
most get them.
* *$ *
"A TOOL-MACHINE is like a
B-36 only less so," Reuther said.
He pointed out that most plants
Hould be incapable of turning out
a complete plane or tank the
same as they could not make a
complete tool-machine. But he
said thousands of plants now
waiting for tool-machines could
make parts which could be as-
sembled on a production line ba-
"If we continue the way we're
going now, we will have serious
unemployment for a long time,"
Reuther said.
In a letter to President Truman
accompanying his proposal, Reu-
ther repeated his demands for an
expansion of steel capacity, for
tighter inventory controls on cri-
tical materials and for federal

TUESDAY'S TV schedule will
include Eric Johnston, Economic
Stabilization Administrator, as
guest on "Meet the Press" at 8-
8,:30 p.m.
The CBS radio schedule for
this week will begin with the
"Mario Lanza Show"from 8-8:30
p.m. today.
At 8:30 p.m. the popular "Hor-
ace Heidt Show" will be heard,
featuring Bud Messensie--four-
time winner on the amateur talent
"Curt Massey Time" will open
its 109th week of CBS entertain-
ment at 5:45-6:00 p.m., EDT, and
6:30-6:45 p.m. tomorrow on WCBS.
The show stars singers Curt Mas-
sey and Martha ,Tilton and is a
Monday through Friday presenta-
Student Recitals
To Be Presented
The following School of Music
students will present recitals in
the Rackham Assembly Hall this
week in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Master of Music:
Sieglinde Sauskojus, pianist, at
8:30 p.m. tomorrow; Wendell Nel-
son, pianist, at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday;
Don Thomas Franch, pianist, at
4:00 p.m. Thursday; James Mor-
ton, clarinetist, at 8:30 p.m.
Thursday; and Warren Simpkins,
tenor, at 8:30 p.m. Monday, July
Utility Conference
The School of Business Admin-
istration will conduct a special
executive development program
for executives of public utility
companies July 9 to August 4.
The fifty-seven men who will
participate represent privately
owned utility companies from
coast to coast.

plement industries to produce the j o b 1 e s s benefits to guarantee
component parts for the tool- workers 40 hours pay a week when
machines. they are laid off because of the
4.) Tighten up on the alloca- defense mobilization program.


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Bldg. at 3 p.m. on the
day preceding publication.
SUNDAY, JULY 1, 1951
VOL. LXI, No. 5-S
Judiciary Council announces the fol-
lowing closing hours for undergraduate
women in the Summer Session:
Sunday through Thursday, 11 p.m.
Friday and Saturday, 12:30 a.m.
Calling hours for men start at 1 p.m.
Monday through Friday.
These hours are decided by the in-
dividual house on Saturday and Sun-
Placement Registration: The Bureau
of Appointments will hold its summer
placement registration on Thursday,
July 5 at 3 p.m. in room 4051 (audi-
torium) of the Administration Building.
Seniors, graduate students, and staff
members are eligible to register. Also
students who are attending the Univer-
sity for the first time this summer are
eligible. There is no charge for registra-
tion at this time.
The Teaching Division enrolls people
who are interested in the educational
field on all levels-teaching, administra-
tion, and special phases of education.
The General Division enrolls those who
are interested in positions in all other
fields than education.
Persons seeking a position after sum-
mer school should register at this time.
February graduates are also invited to
register now so that their records may
be complete when employers begin com-
ing in the fall.

Personnel Requests:
Corning Glass Works, Albion, Mich.,
is looking for Chemical Engineers (Glass
Technology) with a BS degree, also Me-
chanical or Industrial Engineers and a
few Electrical Engineers, June or Au-
gust Graduates.
Standard Oil Company of New Jersey
have openings in Venezuela and Aruba,
Netherlands West Indies, primarily for
Electrical Engineers, but there are also
a few openings for Chemical, Petroleum,
Mechanical and Architectural Engineers.
Unmarried August graduates are eli-
gible. Please contact the Bureau of
Appointments immediately if you are
interested because company representa-
tives will come for interviews if enough
men are interested.
The Wayne County Civil Service Com-
mission announces openings for Child
Care Attendant I, men only. Pay range
is $3,936 to $4,248. These positions are for
a cottage unit at the Wayne County
Training School near Northville, Michi-
gan. The positions may be of interest
to undergraduate and graduate students
in Psychology, Sociology, and Education.
Working hours would be in the after-
noon or evening.
For further information about the
above announcements please call at the
Bureau of Appointments 3528 Adminis-
tration Building.
Single tickets for all Department of
Speech summer theatre productions will
go on sale tomorrow morning at 10
a.m. at the Mendelssohn Theatre box
office. The summer schedule will open
Wed., July 4 with "Green Grow the
Lilacs" a comic folk-play with music
from which the musical "Oklahoma"
was taken. Other productions as sched-
uled are "An Enemy of the People,"
July 11-14; a group of modern Irish
plays staged by The Young Ireland
Theatre Company, July 18-21; "The En-
chanted," July 25-28; "The Streets of
New York," Aug. 1-4 and an operetta
"The Chocolate Soldier," Aug. 9-13. Sea-
son tickets will be on sale for one more
week. Mendelssohn box office is open
daily from 10 a.m. through 5 p.m.
July Exhibitions at the Museum of
Art, Alumni Memorial Hall. Painters of
the Northwest and Water Colors by Mo-
holy-Nagy through July 22. Master
Prints from the Rosenwald Collection
through July 15. Weekdays, 9-5; Sundays
2-5. The public is cordially invited.
Academic Notices
Graduate students expecting to re-
ceive the Master's Degree in August,
summer 1951, must file a diploma appli-
cation with the Recorder of the Grad-
uate School by Friday, July 6. A student
will not be recommended for asdegree
unless he has filed formal application
in the Office of the Graduate School...

Events Today
Hostel Club
Sunday canoeing, July 1. Meet at
League at 8:00 a.m. with food for cook-
out. Call Mary Rowley by Friday, tele-
phone 3-8687. New members welcome.
Michigan Christian Fellowship: 4:30
p.m., Lane Hall (Fireside Room). Topic
"Who Is A Christian?" Speaker: The
Rev. Harold J. DeVries.
The . Congregational-Disciples .Guild
will meet at 6:00 at the Memorial Chris-
tion Church, Hill and Tappan. Follow-
ing supper, William J. Schiatter of the
School of Business Administration will
talk on "Christian Occupations." A
short worship service'will close the pro-
gram at 8:00.
Lutheran Student Association: Sup-
per meeting in Zion Lutheran Parish
Hall, 309 E. Washington Street, at 5:30
p.m. Program at 7:00: Dr. Frank Huntley
of the English Department will speak
on "The Situation in the Orient."
Sunday, July 1: 6:00 Supper. 7:00 Rev.
Joseph Smith, of Christian Memorial
Church, will speak on "Do. Christianity
and Americanism Conflict?"
Coming Events
Mon., July 2-
Student Recital, auspices of the
School of Music. Sieglinde Sauskojus,
pianist. 8:30 p.m., Rackham Assembly
Lecture. "Improving the High-School
Curriculum." Stanley E. Dimond, Pro-
fessor of Education. 4:00 p.m., Schorling
Auditorium, University High School.
Conference of English Teachers.
"Teaching the Short Story." Albertine
Loomis. Highland Park Junior College.
Ray W. MacLoughlin, Trenton High
School, and Arno L. Bader. 4:00 p.m.,
Rackham Assembly Hall.

Tues., July 3--
"English Surnames." Ralph L. Ward.
Associate Professor of Classics, Yale
University. 7:30 Rackham Amphithea-
Topology Seminar: Tuesday, July 3,
at 3 o'clock in Room 3011 Angell Hall.
Dr. S. T. Hu will continue speaking on
"Cohomology Theory in Topological
Lecture. "Some Current Trends in Oc-
cupational Education." William B. Haw-
ley, State Director of Vocational Educa-
tion and Assistant State Superintendent
of Public Instruction. 4:00 p.m., Schor-
ling Auditorium, University High School.
Student Recital, auspices of the
School of Music. Wendell Nelson, pi-
anist. 8:30 p.m., Rackham Assembly
Thurs., July 5-
"P h o n e t i c s and Pronunciation
Tests." Robert Lado, Assistant Direc-
tor, English Language Institute, Uni-
versity of Michigan, 7:30 p.m., Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
United States in World Crisis lecture.
Harold H. Fisher, Chairman, The Hoov-
er Institute and Library, July 5.
Student Recital: James Morton, clari-
netist, assisted by Bethyne Bischoff, pi-
anist, and Jerome Jelinek, cellist, will
present a program at 8:30 Thursday eve-
ning, July 5, in the Rackham Assembly
Hall. It will include works by Vivaldi,
Brahms, and Montbrun, and will be
open to the public. Mr. Morton is a
pupil of Albert Luconi.
La Sociedad Hispanica and the De-
partment of Romance Languages will
hold a welcome reception for all sum-
mer students of Spanish and Spanish-
speaking natives on July 5 at 8 p.m. in
the East Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building. Refreshments.

Wh en Annq Out..
to Enjoy
playing your requests
on the Organ
Il,..at ".". .
3715 Jackson Road



[LLOc +i0gn

Playing Through
Special Summer Policy
44c until 6:30 P.M.
Monday Through Friday




TODAY at 12 Noon and 3 P.M.
,i . FROM 1 P.M.

EVE NT ! .,

Phone 23-24-1
HOURS: 1to 5 P.M.
2 .54 1.21 1.76
3 .63 1.60 2.65
4 .81 2.02 3.53
Figure 5 average words to a line.
Classified deadline daily except
Saturday is 3 P.M. Saturdays,






APARTMENT-Complete kitchen, utili-
ties provided. Men preferred, near
campus. Call between 5-7 p.m., 6336.
906 Greenwood. )37F
Large studio type room. Two closets.
Two beds. Community kitchen. Be-
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CAMPUS Tourist Home. Rooms by Day
or Week. Bath, Shower, Televisinn.

Short block from Law Quad, corner
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WANTED - Information regarding the
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Michigan Daily )57P



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The Year's Sensationa!



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