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Latest Deadline in the State
British Send Ship
To Persian Gulf
Iranian Spokesman Protests Action;
Claims Threat to Iran from West
TEHRAN, Iran-(P)-Britain headed at least one more frigate
toward the Persian Gulf yesterday and sent a tank landing ship to
x Join the cruiser Mauritius off the refinery port of Abadan.
An Iranian spokesman prqtested bitterly that Britain is building
up her land and air power as well in bases threatening Iran from
the west.
* * * *,
THIS WAS DENIED at the Defense Ministry in London. A
British spokesman said "there have been no recent movements."
The Iranian spokesman, Hussein Maki, told newsmen at
Abadan that if the British try to take possession of a single inch
of Iranian territory in the quar-
rel over Iran's oil nationaliza-
tion law, "the first shot fired
will signal the start of World
War III. Maki is secretary-
general of Premier Mohammed
Mossadegh's Popular Front gov-
He declared two British war-
ships have appeared at the mouth
of the Shatt-El-Arab, a frontier
river between Iran and Iraq, to
back up the 8,000-ton Mauritius,
which has Abadan under its guns.
"A BRITISH troop carrier has
entered the Shatt-El-Arab and
gone up the river past Abadan,"
Maki said. "It is loaded with
British troops and carried tanks.
We also have learned the British
h now have 150 planes in the area of
Basra, Habbaniya, Shuabi, and
He announced the Iranian
government "has protested firm-
ly to Iraq against its territory
being used as a base for a
threat against Iran." Abadan,
site of the Anglo-Iranian Oil
Company's huge refinery, is
only a few miles from the Iraq
"If they are trying to create a
third World War, I will tell you
flatly that Britain would be de-
stroyed in such a war long before
persia. If they are just trying to
threaten us, Iran is not frightened
by bluffs."
s *
Fifty Killed
In Western
Plane Crash
United Air Lines Mainliner smash-
ed into Crystal Mountain early
yesterday, killing all 50 aboard,
including seven children.
The State Patrol reported a
search party reached the scene
just before dark tonight and said
there "is no sign of life."
Dean Conger, Denver Post pho-
tographer who flew over the still
smouldering wreckage, said the
debris looked "like somebody toss-
ed a bag of peanuts over the
hillside." He said there were no
signs of life.
* * *
GUIDED BY State Patrol Chief
Gilbert R. Carrel in a radio-equip-
ped plane, search parties converg-
ed on the area, 18 miles west of
Fort Collins and 12 miles north
of Estes Park at the gateway to
Rocky Mountain National Park.
The plane, flight 610 out of
San Francisco, was hunted nearly
11 hours before it was spotted.
The plane .was one of the
first to take to the air after
the United Pilots' strike ended
Friday. It was en route from
San Francisco to Chicago by
way of Salt Lake City and Den.
The plane debris was scattered
over 150 yards at an altitude of
around 8,600 feet.
Six aboard the liner were offi-
cials of the Rural Electrification
Administration, including George
W. Haggard of Washington, D.C.,
REA deputy administrator.
The men had been attending a
staff conference in Salt Lake City
and were en route to Denver for
another meeting.
Daily Tryouts
Tryouts for The Daily will
meet at 4 p.m. Tuesday in the
Student Publications Building
for a lecture on night desk pro-
They are asked to bring
their style books.
Factory List
Prices Fixed
By OPS Act
Move Follows
New Curb Law
WASHINGTON-()-Balked by
Congress from rolling back prices
during July, the Office of Price
Stabilization tonight froze manu-
facturers prices of a wide range of
goods at today's figures.
It acted a few hours after Presi-
dent Truman had signed into law
a stopgap bill extending for 31
days-but curbing-his power to
control prices, wages, rents and
was affixed just eight hours be-
fore his control powers were due
to expire altogether, at midnight.
Truman issued no statement
yesterday, but he plainly didn't
like the bill-because, among
other things, it bans any price
rollbacks or new price ceilings
during July, and his administra-
tion had planned to order price
cuts running far in excess of
The goods on which manufac-
turers prices were frozen tonight
included cotton textiles, shoes, ap-
parel. Many household appliances
and machinery.
* * *
these articles under a new type of
control which, in most cases
would have become effective to-
morrow. Their ceiling prices would
have been based on pre-Korean
levels, plus certain cost increases
since that time.
This OPS, said, would have
forced some reductions in prices,
although in other cases it would
have permitted increases.
Since rollbacks are banned, OPS
said it had decided on "an indefin-
ite freeze" at June 30 levels of
goods which would have been af-
fected by what is technically
known as the "general manufac-
turers order" and companion reg-
Michael V. DiSalle, OPS Ad-
ministrator, issued a statement
expressing hope Congress would
let these regulations go into effect
Feudin', Fussin
Laid to Crowds
WASHINGTON-(P)-No wonder
there's so much feudin' and fussin'
in your nation's capital.
The place is overcrowded. Burst-
ing at the seams, in fact. People
get in each other's way, step on
each other's toes.
The Census Bureau came up
with the telltale figures, showing
Washington is far and away more
congested than any of the 48
Thailand Premier
Returns to Power
By The Associated Press
Premier Pisulsonggram of Thailand has been released by the
rebels of his country and is back in charge of the government, the
United States State Department was advised last night.
The Department said it had been advised by the United States
Embassy at Bangkok that the Premier was released unconditionally.
FIGHTING which broke out after the Premier had been seized
was reported dying down and was expected to end soon, the Depart-
ment was advised.
There were no additional details in the brief message from
the Embassy.
Earlier yesterday, rebel sailors and marines fought a
bloody and apparently losing battle with artillery and machine-
guns in Bangkok's streets against soldiers, police and airmen
COURTROOM SCENE-Archbishop Joszef Groesz (left), head
of the Roman Catholic Church in Hungary, and Ferenc Vecer, a
Paulican monk, are shown standing at a microphone in a Buda-
pest courtroom during their trial on charges of plotting to over-
throw Hungary's Communist government.
Provost Adams Bids 'U'
Farewell after Six Years
Provost James P. Adams took
final leave of the University yes-
terday to embark on an extended
Announcing that he had no
plans for the future beyond the
vacation, Dr. Adams prepared to
leave in the new automobile pre-
sented to him by a group of facul-
ty frinds and associates.
x a:,
BEFORE coming to the Univer-
sity in 1945, Dr. Adams served on
the faculty of H Brown University
as an instructor, and then succes-
sively as professor, dean and vice-
president over a 24 year period.
NATIONALIST extremists have
threatened in the past that any
British use of force would lead to
intervention by Soviet Russia, un-
der a 1921 treaty between Moscow
and Tehran.
Britain, however, contends
that her military moves are
solely to protect British techni-
clans working in Iran for the
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company and
British property rights.
Britain opened her case for an
injunction before the World
Court at the Hague yesterday and
declared in a note to Tehran the
crisis arises solely from the Iran-
ian government's attitude on the
4 j seizure of AIOC installations.
Attorney General Sir Frank
Soskice urged the international
court of justice at The Hague to
order temporary enjoining meas-
ures against Iran. Four chairs set
aside for representatives of Prem-
ier Mohammed Mossadegh's Na-
tionalist Iranian government
remained empty. Iran holds the
dispute is not within the court's
(A dispatch from Basra said it
is believed the British military
command has about 300 fighters
and bombers, 2,000 parachute
troops and 4,000 other soldiers at
nearby bases which could be
brought into action in a matter
of minutes.)
Two Iranian frigates are stand-
ing watch, one near the Mauritius
at Abadan and the other down the
A YR's National
Confab Ends
BOSTON - (P) - The biennial
Convention of the Young Repub-
licans National Federation wound
up last night with a final round
of speech-making and election of
officers for the coming two years.
Herbert Warburton, 35-year-old
lawyer from Wilmington, Del., won
election as national chairman for
the next two years succeeding
John Tope, of Detroit.
Mrs. Carol Arth of hRedlands,
4 Calif., was easily elected national
co-chairman because of the Fed-
Arrest of Shah's Brother
Strikes Familiar Chord
Willow Rental
Office Starts
Eviction Move
"Most people in the area just
can't believe that the demolition
of Willow Village will take place,
but the truth of the matter is that
on Monday the Village rental of-
fice will stop filling vacancies des-
pite an active waiting list of 300
families," Marvin Tableman, pres-
ident of the Willow RunResident
Council said yesterday.
Commenting on the eviction or-
der that calls for demolition of the
largest temporary housing project
built in the last war, Tableman
pointed out that the initial steps
in vacating the 3,000 unit project
must begin by law today.
By July 1, next year, all 12,000
residents must be out of the proj-
"WITH THE AREA already
overcrowded and ne w defense
plants building, it just seems in-
credible that what is happening
can happen," Tableman stated.
Tableman is leading a group
of Willow Village residents in an
effort to have the project ruled
exempt from the National Hous-
ing Act of 1950 which calls for
its destruction one year from
One clause of the law calls for
the exemption of projects that
make up more than 30 per cent of
the population of the municipality
of which they are a part.
Willow Village is not in any
"municipality," but covers a 16
mile area that lies in two town-
ships in eastern Washtenaw Coun-
ty. The combined populations of
the townships is less than half of
the Village's 12,500.
Walter L. Frankhouser, general
housing manager of the Village,
has asked for "clarification" of the
order from Washington in an ef-
fort to see if Willow Village could
somehow be included in the "mu-
nicipality" exemption.
- * * *
+n an 4-.. mA .,imf by 1 n. nrflno .
His responsibilities here were
concerned primarily with super-
vising the academic faculty and
with handling budget matters.
During his administration en-
rollment rose from approximately
9,000 students to the post-war
peak of almost 22,000.
As an economist by academic
specialty, Dr. Adams served as an
arbiter of numerous labor-man-
agement disputes.
CONSIDERED as a possible
successor to President Ruthven,
Dr. Adams removed himself from
candidacy by submitting his resig-
nation to the Board of Regents in
Announcement of the resigna-
tion was not .made public until
April of this year, and the Regents
finally accepted- it on June 15.
Hailing from Carson City, Mich.,
Dr. Adams is 56 years old.
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Attorney Gen-
eral McGrath' asked Congress yes-
terday to strengthen the law re-
quiring union officials to take a
non-Communist oath in order to
get recognition by the National
Labor Relations Board.
*a * *
Armed Services Committee yester-
day authorized the Army to start
work on $714,381,000 worth of mi-
litary construction in the United
States after trimming $275,309,000
off the program.
HONOLULU - Adm. Forrest
P. Sherman said yesterday that
regardless of whether it's peace
or war in Korea, the United
States must continue to build up
its military might.
WASHINGTON-Congress pass-
ed and sent to President Truman
last night an emergency money
bill permitting the Federal Gov-
ernment to go on operating in
loyal to their kidnaped Premier.C
The battle apparently was part
of an old army-navy feud and had
nothing to do with East-West ten-
sion over Communism.
IT STARTED Friday with the
fantastic daylight capture of the
anti-Communist Premier by a
raiding party of sailors who car-
ried him off from the United
States dredger Manhattan just
after it had been presented to the
Government and annointed by
Buddhist priests. The kidnaping
was accomplished before dazed
diplomats, army officers and po-
lice could lift a finger.
In the ensuing battle four
shells ripped through the Unit-
ed States embassy, which was
in a no man's land. A bullet
lodged in the wall just over the
head of United States Charge
D'Affaires William T. Turner,
as he telephoned the Associated
Press correspondent here.
(Turner reported to the State
Department at Washington late
Friday that navy officers tried to
negotiate a cease-fire, but marines
refused to obey cease-fire orders.
Ship Strike
Delays Arrival
Of Students.
Many foreign students have not
yet registered for the Summer Ses-
sion because they have been de-
layed in arriving, presumably due
to the recent shipping strike,
Robert Klinger, assistant counselor
to foreign students disclosed last
night at the International Cen-
ter's reception at the Rackham
"Additional students are still
trickling in at the rate of four or
five a day," he explained.
A SPECIAL guest at the recep-
tion attended by more than 200
faculty members and students,
many dressed in their native cos-
tumes, was Dean of Women Deb-
orah Bacon who has been actively
working with a group of women
students interested in forming an
international house for women
which would operate on a basis
similar to that of Nelson Inter-
national House for men.
"I doubt the wisdom of starting
such a venture without a reserve
fund of at least 5000 dollars," Dean
Bacon stated. "The women have
no funds at all to back them and
would be forced to go along on a
term-to-term basis, facing possi-
ble failure if any difficulty or spe-
cial expense should arise," she
"I would certainly like to see an
international house for women on
this campus," she added. "It's
hard to say who would derive the
most benefit from such a group-
the foreign students or the Ameri-
cans. What we need is an 'angel'
to back us," Dean Bacon concluded.
Party Hits
.Peron Curbs
On Freedom
dical Party yesterday cha ted
President Juan D. Peron with wip-
ing out freedom of the press and
of speech.
The former majority party said
it would be returned to power "by
popular -will once the country is
set free from the regime of op-
pression and hatred."
THE RADICAL Party was the
largest in Argentine until Peron's
election in 1946. It issued the anti-
Peron manifesto on the 100th An-
niversary of the overthrow of Dic-
tator Juan'Manuel Rosas in 1851.
The statment was the strong-
est blast against the Peron gov-
ernment in many months. Sev-
eral Radical Party leaders have
served Jail sentences for speak-
ing disrespectfully of the Presi-
The Radicals said they are com-
mitted to the reestablishment in
Argentina of "conditions of free-
dom, democracy and decency that
the nation requires."
It said that in its fight to return
to power, it would not accept alli-
ances with other political groups
and would oppose Russian-led
The manifesto charged Peron
with "inciting to hatred and the
extermination of his enemies by
asking his supporters to be ready
with ropes and baling wire to hang
the honest men who do not sub-
Hunt Closes
In on Irwin
dreds of armed men ringed a 25-
square-mile area of farrrs and
woodland last night in a grim
manhunt for Warren Lee Irwin
-wanted for murder, kidnap and
Heavy patrols of State Police
and FBI men guarded all high-
ways and back roads in the rural
area where Irwin was believed
All cars were stopped and
searched at intersections through
the night as the search was inten-
sified. Police checked isolated
farm houses to make sure Irwin
hadn't holed up for a last ditch,
shoot-it-out stand.
The scar-faced, 27-year-old
gunman abandoned Carolyn Bar-
ker, 17-year-old high school girl,
yesterday afternoon and took to
the woods.
Some state troopers said there
was a strong possibility Irwin
could slip through the dragnet
Reports Only
Minor Action
Truce Proposals
Revealed by U.S.
TOKYO - ()- The Reds near
midnight still ignored the United
Nations offer for armistice talks in
the Korean war-an offer extend-
ed more than 35 hours ago.
Broadcasts from Peiping and
Pyongyang, the Chinese and Kor-
ean Communist capitals, carried
only the usual propaganda. The
Pyongyang Radio became inaud-
ible at 5:15 p.m. yesterday.
And, by 8 p.m. yesterday no
reply had been heard from Peip-
GEN. MATTHEW B. Ridgway's
message to the Red Field Com-
mand proposing armistice talks
was being repeated in Korean,
Chinese and other languages. He
invited the Reds to a meeting
aboard the Danish hospital ship
Jutlandia in Wonsan Harbor on
Korea's northeast coast.
The battlefront lull length-
ened. Two Red platoons made
exploratory jabs at Allied lines
on the East-Central front,
northeast of Inje, but withdrew
under brisk small arms fire. A
minor action continued at one
outpost at daybreak yesterday.
To the west of that sector, the
Chinese made light attacks in the
Kumhwa area late Saturday night
and early Sunday. The small-
scale assault interrupted a virtual
unofficial cease-fire.
Hitherto fighting has been the
heaviest in the Kumhwa area on
the central front, some 20 mles
north of Parallel 38.
* * *
BOTH SIDES exchanged mor-
tar and artillery fire, but it was
relatively light. Allied air attacks
continued. One bombing raid was
aimed at Pyongyang's air field.
Allied air patrols spotted an
estimated 1,900 vehicles moving
in various directions behind
Communist lines in North Korea,
More than 900 were moving
south toward the front and
about 400 were moving north, a
pooled field dispatch said.
In the South Korean port of
Pusan, the 8,457-ton Jutlandia
was ready to leave on two-hour
notice for Wonsan, 80 mies north
of the 38th Parallel.
ARMISTICE terms which the
United States, in consultation with
United Nations Allies, would like
to see established in Korea are
understood to have been com-
municated to Gen. Ridgway.
Following substantially the
provisions of an eight point
cease fire plan laid down by a
United Nations committed last
December, the terms are under-
stood to call for creation of a
buffer zone. This would be
roughly along the line of the
present battle positions, in the
general area of the 38th Par-
allel but cutting across rather
than precisely following it.
Beyond this, reliable informants
said the United States would like
to get agreement with the Com-
munists to:
(1) Halt all fighting throughout
the peninsula.
(2) Stop reinforcements on
both sides.
(3) Get access to all Korea
for a commission to prevent
truce violations.
(4) Exchange prisoners of war
(5) Make provision for admin-
istration of the buffer zone.
(2) Provide for the security of
forces and care of refugees as
The terms are still under con-
sultation between the United
States government, which exer-
cises the UN command in Korea
with Gen. Ridgway as its agent,
and the 15 other governments
which also have forces fighting
there. Thus they are regarded by
officials here as tentative propo-
sals subject to revision. Changes
mi-"ht as he desirable, it was
Associated Press Writer
So far, the arrest of Iranian
prince 'Mahmoud Pahlavi on a
traffic violation count; has been
a routine affair. But local offi-
cials are donning kid gloves in
memory of a 16-year-old incident
in Elkton, Md.
For Elkton was the scene of a
similar incident Nov. 27, 1935,
involving the Iranian minister that
erupted into international dis-
harmony and the severing of dip-
lomatic relations between the
United States and Iran.
*a *a *
"I DON'T believe there's any
possibility of such an occurrence
here," said Washtenaw County
Prosecutor Douglas K. Reading.
"However, I recognize the fact
that international aspects have to
be considered."
Reading said he was undecided
about his course of action against
cident that finally involved Mary-
land's Governor Nice and U.S.
Secretary of State Cordell Hull.
around Iranian minister Ghaffar
Khan Djalal, who was arrested
by constable Clayton Ellison and
town officer Jacob Biddle. There
was a scuffle and the minister
was handcuffed.
When the minister's identity was
established, he was released, but
it was too late to avoid difficulty.
Despite Gov. Nice's apology
in answer to an Iranian demand
and the discharge of the two
policemen, the Iranian govern-
ment refused to be mollified.
March 30, 1936, the Iranian
government informed the U.S.
State Department that it was clos-
ing its diplomatic and consular
offices in this country in protest
against the treatment given an
Iranian subject in the American
SWorld War II Ends for 19 Japanese
GUAM-(P)-World War II end-
ed nearly six years late yesterday
for a motley band of 19 Japanese
They meekly surrendered their
rifles on tiny Anatahan Island-
their isolated Western Pacific
home for seven years. Carrying a
pet cat, they clambered aboard a
U. S. Navy tug on the first stage
Japan was licked would they be-
lieve it.
The 19 holdouts were as healthy
as they had been stubborn. They
had lived well on fish, wild pork,
fresh fruit and vegetables on Ana-
tahan, in the Marianas 70 miles
north of Saipan.
They were the last of 21 who
oav. un The first wa sthe wn.-
1944, when his fishing craft, the
Kaiho Maru, was sunk by U. S.
A feud-marred community life
Island rule included
trials. There was one
sentence for murder.
The one woman on Anatahan,I