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June 30, 1951 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1951-06-30

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I __________________________________________________ I

Washington Merry-Go-Round


WASHINGTON-Senators are finding it
novel and refreshing to have a news-
paperman as a colleague. However, the
new Senator, Blair Moody of Michigan
doesn't always follow the "club" rules, and
some Senators don't like it.
For instance, it's against the unwritten
Senate code for one Senator to expose
another in a bald-faced lie. Yet that's what
happened when Senator Homer Capehart,
Indiana Republican, tried to vote with the
meatpackers in secret, and pretend he was
on the side of the housewives in public.
Under the "club rules," Capehart's col-
leagues would have excused this decep-
tion as politics and let him get away with
itsHowever Michigan's Moody was still
too much of a newspaperman.
What happened is that Capehart voted
behind closed doors to kill all price controls.
Yet posing as the housewives' friend, he de-
livered a political speech on the Senate
floor blaming President Truman for not
freezing prices sooner.
"A situation has developed through an al-
most unpardonable sin on the part of the
Administration, because the Administration
did not freeze prices. as of September 8 last
year," proclaimed the Hoosier Senator.
However, Moody had sat in the Banking
and Currency Committee when Capehart
battled secretly against price controls. So
he stood up and challenged :
"I should like to ask the Senator from -
Indiana whether he feels now that it is
advisable or feasible to remove all price
and wage controls."
"I have never advocated it," blurted
"Then why did the Senator from Indiana
vote to do so in committee a few days ago?"
Moody shot back.
"That is not correct," Capehart denied
"The Senator from Illinois, Mr. Dirksen,
made the motion to strike title IV (price
and wage controls) from the bill. The record
shows that four votes were cast in favor of
the motion. The Senator from Indiana and
three other Senators voted in favor of the
motion," reported the ex-newsman.
"Let us say for the sake of the argument
that I did vote as the Senator says," sput-
tered Capehart.
"Let us say the Senator did, period," snap-
ped Moody.
Then, in keeping with his newspaper
training to double-check the facts, the
Michigan Senator phoned the Committee
clerk, and a minute later reported back to.
the Senate: "I have just consulted the
clerk, and he says the vote was 8 to 4, and
I remember very clearly that the Senator
from Indiana did vote for that motion
. . . the Senator from Indiana held up
his hand, and I think that was an indi.
cation of a vote."
"The Senator from Michigan says that I
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

held up my hand. I do not know why the
Senator brings up that matter on the floor,
and whether it is necessary to have persons
snooping to see whether a Senator holds up
his hand," fumed Capehart. "I wish to say
that I do not like such tactics, and I do not
think the Senator should make such state-
ments. I think it is out of order for him to
do so."
"I do not believe it is out of order," re-
torted Moody. "Why should a Senator's po-
sition .on a matter of this importance be
Jacob Malik was so "sick" after his
truce proposal that he could not see UN dip-
lomats was because he hadn't received in-
structions from Moscow on what to do next.
Moscow had okayed his peace feeler but
hadn't told him what the next move should
be. So Malik was "very sick." (He would
have been sicker if he'd made the wrong
Reason for President Truman's coolness
toward the Malik proposal was a secret re-
port he'd received that Communist China is
training 1,000,000 for a new Korean drive.
The report told of conferences between Mao
Tse-Tung and the Russians at Mukden at
which Mao argued that his troops were too
lightly equipped, demanded heavy equip-
ment, more planes and better training. As
a result it was agreed to send 2,000 Rus-
sian planes to China.. . . The leak to Mali;
of the UN truce talks has now been traced
to the Egyptian foreign office in Cairo. This
was how Malik was able to scoop the U.S.A.
and the UN with his truce proposal. U.S.
diplomats had been talking with UN diplo-
mats for ten days about a truce plea to be
made June 25, and word of the talks leaked
to the Russians through Cairo.
* * *
QTORY BEHIND the Republican drive to
0 recommit--or pigeonhole-the tax bill
in the House last week is that GOP leaders
were all set to propose a national sales tax
if they were successful in recommitting the
This would mean saddling a large part of
the tax burden on lower-bracket taxpayers
-for the benefit of those best able to pay,
including big corporations now bulging
with an estimated $48,000,000,000 of excess
profits from defense contracts.
One reason the Republican strategy
failed, and the motion to recommit the
tax bill was defeated by a narrow margin,
was because 15 GOP congressmen refused
to go along with their party leaders. Here
are the names of the 15 courageous "Re-
publicans who voted against recommitting
the tax bill:
Claude Bakewell of Missouri, John Byrnes
of Wisconsin, Clifford Case of New Jersey,
Glenn Davis of Wisconsin, Hal Holmes of
Washington, Clifford Hope of Kansas, Jacob
Ja'vits of New York, Leroy Johnson of Cali-
fornia, Thruston Morton of Kentucky, Wal-
ter Norblad of Oregon, Winston Prouty of
Vermont, John Saylor of Pennsylvania,
Hugh Scott of Pennsylvania, Lowell Stock-
man of Oregon and Thor Tollefson of Wash-
(Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc$)

BELGRADE-There used to be a children's
game akin to twenty questions, in which
"it," the possessor of the secret, employed
the omnious formula, "Heavy, heavy, what
hangs over?" Guessing the Kremlin's future
purposes is a bit like playing this game. But
it is at least possible to discern the heavy
and increasing threat that hangs over
Europe as a whole and this country in par-
The rearmament of the Soviet Union's
Eastern European satellites is what has con-
vinced the Yugoslav leaders that war within
twelve months is at best decidedly possible,
if not downright probable or unavoidable.
As stated in a previous report in this
space, the chief men here believe that the
Master of the Kremlin, instead of plan-
ning any immediate attack, are now seek-
ing to open the way for easy conquests by
splitting the Western alliance.
This is of course the explanation of the
strange Parisian comedy concerning the pro-
posed Big Four Foreign Ministers meeting.
The facts about satellite rearmament are
enough to show why the Yugoslav leaders
are also convinced that a period of the most
acute danger will begin before another twelve
months have passed, even if the Western
alliance remains firm and united in the
In brief, the serious build-up of satellite
strength was significantly started shortly
after the American response to the chal-
lenge in Korea. At the same time, the Sov-
iets also launched their program to put
their own armies in Eastern Germany, Po-
land and the Carpatho-Ukraine on a footing
of immediate offensive readiness. Of these
two efforts, the satellite build-up, at first
too inconspicuous to cause alarm, has now
emerged as the more important.
* * *
What has happened already, is the
transformation of ill-armed, ill-led and ill-
trained satellite armies, which formerly
served essentially as local police, into com-
bat-ready forces. What is still going on, is
the strengthening of these satellites armies
both by provision of great quantities of ad-
ditional heavy equipment, and by increasing
the number of divisions available.
THIS whole vast process, which is going
forward all over Eastern Europe, is uni-
formly directed by high Russian officers
assisted by Russian training missions. To
provide this direction was the primary pur-
pose of the dispatch to Poland of that' great
"Polish patriot," Field Marshal Rokossovsky.
In the other satellites, the Soviet command-
ers are more carefully disguised as military
But the true function of these "attaches"
is revealed by their rank-Col. Gen. Gusev
is in command in Czechoslovakia, Lt. Gen,
Boiko in Hungary and Lt. Gen. Kalagnov
in Romania. And the true purview of
their work is shown by the mere size of
their staffs-in Czechoslovakia alone, Col.
Gen. Gusev has over 2,000 Russian officers
and NCOs serving under him.
Bulgaria, relatively the most fully pre-
pared of all the satellites, is now credited
with ten divisions, including at least two
armored, and there is evidence that two
more Bulgarian divisions are being added.
Romania is given fourteen divisions, prob-
ably including three armored.
Hungary and Czechoslovakia, where the
training program is most retarded, are be-
lieved to have today five and eleven divisions
respectively, but Hungary is creating five
more divisions, while Czechoslovakia is pre-
paring at least two additional. Finally, Po-
land is credited with a minimum of sixteen
divisions, of which two are armored already
and two more are being converted.
This, gives forty-six existing satellite
divisions, including a substantial number

of armored divisions, without counting
either the Bereitschaf ten in East Germany
or any forces in Albania.
The expansion of satellite armies already
detected will provide a total of fifty-five di-
visions by next spring, and no one will be
surprised if sixty divisions actually appear
in the field. Of these armies, thirty-six di-
visions in Hungary, Romania and Bulgaria
will stand upon Yugoslavia's borders. And
these are cautious Western estimates. The
Yugoslavs think their neighbors alone al-
ready have more than 800,000 men under
Intensive training programs, with heavy
emphasis on the replacement of older and
less reliable officers and NCOs with Russian-
schooled Communist activists, are being car-
ried on in all the satellites. Among Yugo-
slavia's neighbors, air force candidates are
also being sent back to Russia for jet pilot
training and border fortifications and air-
field nets are being constructed.
Other striking signs are the reported
program to expel the gigantic total
of 250,000 "non-military" citizens from
Budapest, and the building of a great
highway for military transport from the
forbidden Black sea ports of Burgas and
Varna across Bulgaria to the Yugoslavj
All this activity further appears to be
keyed to a time schedule calling for the
satellite armies to be fully organized and
trained, with all their heavy and other equip-
ment and reserves in hand and their sup-
nortin- fmaiitie ,emnlti, hu Anril nrav

"This Would Be A Perfect Time For You Guys To
Shut Up"
N .

Iran Mistaken in Counting on
U.S. Men to Replace British
Associated Press News Analyst
IF PREMIER MOSSADEGH thinks he can drive the British out of
Iran and man her oil wells with technicians from the United States
or anywhere else, he has another think coming.
Mossadegh's letter to President Truman, expressing hope for Am-
erican support in Iran's nationalization aspirations, carried a hint
that he might have this in mind.
Gustav Egloff, Director of Research for the Universal Oil
Products Company, a non-profit organization under the American
Chemical Society which carries on all sorts of joint enterprises
for the entire oil industry, tells me there is such a shortage of
trained men throughout the world that none could be persuaded
to enter the disturbed Iranian situation.
Apparently, if the 3,000 Britishers in Iran leave, they will be
quickly absorbed in the industry elsewhere, and Iran would have no
chance of swapping them for nationals or other countries in suffi-
cient numbers.
EGLOFF DOUBTS THAT THE Russian sphere is in any better
shape than the rest of the world in this respect. Oil production
in the Russian satellites has dropped since the war, while Russia's
own yield is only slightly larger, as compared with tremendous pro-
duction increases in the rest of the world.
This suggests that the Russian sphere is not only short of
technicians, but also that those who are available are so badly
needed in Russia that she may have stripped the satellites. The
entire Russian sphere is producing 900,000 barrels of o# a day,
Egloff says. The Middle East alone produces more than twice as
So the Iranians may be facing the prospect of going out of busi-
ness, of economic and social unrest, while directly under the shadow
of a country which is always prepared to exploit such situations to
the limit for its own benefit.
The world, on the other hand-and in this Egloff confirms state-
ments made throughout the oil industry generally-is in a position to
replace the 700,000 barrels daily which Iran produces, and go on
about its business.


The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or


libelous letters, and letters which fora
be condensed, edited or withheld from
Foreign Reaction . . .
To the Editor:
AS ONE who has just returned to
this country after spending
nearly two years abroad (England,
France, The Netherlands, Ger-
many, and Italy) as a civilian and
as a student, let me state some of
my impressions.
First of all I was astounded by
the rapid (and seemingly un-
checked) rise and spread of the
Communistic philosophy in each
and every one of the above coun-
tries. Especially was this true of
the young people. In one class
which I attended (in France) at
least three quarters of the students
seemed openly sympathetic to
Communism, if not downright
members of the Communist party.
Nor could one honestly say this
class was not representative of
French students. Indeed every-
where one;went one could always
note howoverwhelmingly popular
Communist periodicals and litera-
ture seemed to be with them."
Next I was worried by the utter
cynicism-the utter lack of re-
spect for the United States. Al-
most every official pronouncement
of our nation with respect to some
international question was vulgarly
derided in the cinema houses and
superiorly scoffed at by students in
their "bull-sessions". Especially
was the latter true, when it was
learned that I, an American, was
in their presence.
The most embarrassing thing
that occurred to me took place just
prior to my taking leave of France
for my return to this country. I
was heatedly engaged in an argu-
ment defending the democratic
character of America, when I was
asked what part of the states I
came from. I said Michigan. I
was then immediately confronted
with a newspaper (French) quot-
ing our President as condoning
discrimination in fraternities be-
cause of the inherent rights of
property. When I became flus-
tered and tried to tell them this
was not true, I was hastily re-
assured-told not to take it per-
sonally-for Michigan students,
the newspaper went on to say were
overwhelming opposed to Presi-
dent Ruthven on this matter. In
fact, I gained some sort of be-
lated respect-Michigan students,
are for some reason-regarded as
being more democratic than most
other American students.
Before leaving, I faithfully pro-
mised that I would send copies of
the Michigan Daily abroad, so that

any reason are not in good taste will
apublication at the discretion of the
they would continue to have a fa-
vorable and realistic impression of
Michigan student life, and in this
way spread a little of the truth
about our beloved Country.
-Doug Oldershaw
* * *
Car Subscription.
To the Editor:
IT has come to. my attention, not
by way of a subscription, that
two distinguished administrative
officers of the University have
been honored by the gift to each
one of a Master Automobile. Rec-
ognizing that the real businessof
the University is teaching, in-
structing the young idea how to
shoot, or to bear shoots, it would
seem to be eminently fitting if as
a beginning, one automobile, may-
hap a more modest one, a Mistress
or a Junior type, could be allocated
to some worthy professor whose
life has been spent directly in
teaching, the real work of the Uni-
Such an individual comes to my
mind. The man selected should be
typical of the "run of the mine"
professors, married, retired, hav-
ing children (preferably a half-
dozen) and grandchildren (ap-
proximately 11 would do). The
children should all hold degrees
from the University.
The man whom I have in mind
fulfills all these requirements.
Florida residence is for him es-
sential, on account of occlusions
and age. The 1947 Dodge which
the professor acquired for cash,
in April, 1947, has covered 75,000
miles. The professor really need-
ed a new car a year ago but one
of the above obligatory progeny,
a son, needed a car. He got it,
not the said professor.
Subscription lists are open at
The Daily. A prominent ex-ad-
ministrative officer in New Mexico,
in the presence of a waitress, said
to the aforesaid professor, "Put
me down for 50," but didn't add
the necessary word.
Marked copies of The Daily will
be sent to the administrative offi-
cers of leading Michigan automo-
bile manufacturers and, it is
hoped, one of them will come
through with a reduction that will
assist the subscription list.
Let it be further stated that for
47 years, this professor has fur-
nished almost yearly refined
amusement for the Ann Arbor
campus, often at the expense of
the administrative officers and
never at the expense of his col-
-Louis Karpin'ski


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Bldg. at 3 p.m. on the
day preceding publication.,
VOL. LXI, No. 4-S
Judiciary Council announces the fol-
lowing closing hours for undergraduate
women in the Summer Session:
Sunday through Thursday, 11 p.m.
Friday and Saturday, 12:30 a.m.
Calling hours for men start at 1 p.m.
Monday throughFriday.
These hours are decided by the in-
dividual house on Saturday and Sun-
French Club
La T"tite Causette, a group of students
interested in speaking French infor-
mially, will meet regularly through the
summer session on Mondays and Wed-
nesdays in the cafeteria of the Michi-
gan Union (South Room) from 3:30
p.m. to 5:00 p.m. All French-speaking
students are invited to attend. Enroll-
ment in French courses is not required.
Carillon Recitals
Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays,
12:00 noon, informal recitals, Professor
Percival Price, University Carilloneur.
Christian Science Organization testi-
monial meeting, every Tuesday eve-
ning 7:30, Upper Room, Lane Hall.
Events Today
Intercultural Outing: Sat., June 30,
Silver Lake. Leave Lane Hall, 10:00
a.m., return, 6:00 p.m. Cost $1.50. Mdake
reservations at Lane Hall by Friday
Reception for newly arrived foreign
students, auspices of the International
Center. 8:00 p.m., Rackham Assembly
Coming Events
Hostel Club
Sunday canoeing, July 1. Meet at
League at 8:00 a.m. with food for cook-
out. Call Mary Rowley by Friday, tele-
phone 3-8687. New members welcome.
Tues., July 3-
"English Surnames." Ralph L. Ward,I
Associate Professor of Classics, Yale
University. 7:30 Rackham Amphitrea-
Thurs., July 5-
"P h o netics and Pronunciation
Tests." Robert Lado, Assistant Direc-
tor, English Language Institute, Uni-
versity of Michigan, 7:30 p.m., Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
United States in world Crisis lecture.

Harold H. Fisher, Chairman, The HoOV-
er Institute and Library, July 5.
Student Recital: Warren Simpkins,
tenor, will be heard in recital at 8:30
Monday evening, July 9, in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall. The program will
be sung in lieu of a thesis for the re-
quirements for the Master of Music
degree, and will be open.to the pub-
lie. Mr. Simpkins studies voice with
Harold Haugh.
Student Recital, auspices of the
School of Music. Sieglinde Sauskojus,
pianist. 8:30 p.m., Rackham Assembly
Hall. Mon., July 2.
Student Recital, auspices of the
School of Music. Wendell Nelson, pi-
anist. 8:30 p.m., Rackham Assembly
Hall. Tues., July 3.
Topology Seminar: Tuesday, July 3,
at 3 o'clock in Room 3011 Angell Hall.
Dr. S. T. Hu will continue speaking on
"CohomologyTheoryin Topological



Controls or Catastrophe

WITH THE Defense Production Act sche-
duled to expire on June 30, Congress
has bickered and stalled to the very dead-
line. Members who profess the greatest hor-
or at the war casualties and the most in-
tense enmity toward communism are fla-
grantly maneuvering for partisan advan-
tage in their struggle to avoid a clear-cut
grant of power to the Administration.
The same members who last summer in-
sisted on giving the President authority to
impose direct wage-price controls when Mr.
Truman said it was unnecessary are now
hesitating about his request for greater au-
thority in the future. The anti-labor bloc,
which used a national emergency last year
to try to hamstring unions, is now seeking
some way to undermine the progress toward
workable wage stabilization achieved by
means of Presidential directives.
The Ford Motor Company's interven-
tion in the fight over renewed controls,
though not completely objective or dis-
interested, was a welcome relief from the
efforts of the otherwise almost solid spe-
cial-interests' lobby in favor of business
as usual.
The Ford Company came out flatly for
continued wage and price controls, contin-
ued allocation of scare materials, and bal-
anced credit controls. The automobile in-
dustry feels injured by present cutbacks of
materials for motor cars and the impact of
credit controls on its dealers, but Ford un-
derstands that we can ruin ourselves by un-
checked economic inflation almost as easily
as by losing a war, hot or cold.
Few other business spokesmen have had a
kind word for the stringent controls the
times demand. The National Association of
Manufacturers' lobbyists have sent one set
of witnesses to protest against direct wage-

President was able to develop a feasible
program by ignoring one section of the
law, in which Congress unwisely undertook
to write policy, and proceeding under an-
other section, using the constitutional pow-
ers of the Executive. Now the anti-union
bloc is protesting that Mr. Truman's pro-
gram is illegal if not unconstitutional.
The chairman of a House labor subcom-
mittee considering the Defense Production
Act, Wingate Lucas of Texas, worked hand
in glove with conservative Republicans
three years ago to scuttle the wage-hour
law while maintaining that he was liberal-
izing it. Only the public members of the
Wage Stabilization Board are available to
try to explain the facts about wage con-
trols to a Congress fundamentally hostile.
A few truisms should be recognized by
the business-as-usual boys. If people don't
have enough money to buy meat, the
livestock lobby will not benefit by forcing
Michael DiSalle to cancel roll-back orders.
If soaring living costs force marginal
families over the financial brink, agita-
tion for higher wages and salaries will be
intensified. If Congress thought last year
that wage-price controls were desirable,
it can have no excuse for pretending that
such controls will not be needed in the
Shortages of civilian goods will become
much more stringent in 1952 and 1953,
and a rounded program of direct and in-
direct controls will be even more essential
than now. The longer Congress .delays in
writing a new Defense Production Act,
strengthened in the general public interest,
the more dangerously will our economy be
thrown out of balance. And the people
know it. They cannot be fooled this year-
... -.-ee . .«. - .& - 1-U.1. -4-. .. 4 .- 4

Sixty-First Year
Edited -and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications
Editorial Staff
Dave Thomas.......Managing Editor
George Flint ......Sports Editor
Jo Ketelhut...........Women's Editor
Business Staff
Milt Goetz ....... ...Business Manager
Eva Stern........Advertising Manager
Harvey Gordon .......Finance Manager
Allan Weinstein ...Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Pross
The Associated Press isrexclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail,
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mal, 57.00




Barnaby's Fairy Godfather won't be a
problem to us, Mrs. Baxter. A nature
study canp isn't conductive to fantasy.
Fine... i
b 8 1.

Good-kye' Good-bye.Are'we AlS
Barnoby, leavng?
Usually kids forget their
imaginary playmates the
minute they leave home-'

Before ! forget; Mrs. Tyler, stop by
at the haunted house where Gus
the Ghost lives. Mr. O'Malley, my
Fairy Godfather, is going with use
moo Nuh?
1C t
*4 #LUW"Wft% 100
R ! f e mm rjrreial I


Here's the haunted house, Mrs. Tyler,
Don't forget to stop for Mr. O'Mallev, my ,

Ye.There Th re.!%^

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