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August 12, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-08-12

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i ,

See Editor's Note, Page 2

Latest Deadline in the State


METAMORPHOSIS-Paul Meagher, '43, (left) and W. J. Hampton, Grad., study frames of the
forthcoming independent film production, "Metamorphosis." Hampton is director of the undertak-
ing while Meagher is operating cameraman. Adapted from Franz Kafka's short novel, the movie will
have its world premiere early next fall.
o* * * * * *, *al*
Gregor Will Arrive Next Fall

re Gregor is a five-foot insect.
He is the hero of a famous short
novel by Franz Kafka called "Me-
tamorphosis." He is a man who
changed into a bug.
An enterprising group of peo-
ple on campus wants Michigan to
meet. him.
FOR THIS purpose, an astro-
nomical amount of manhours,
$5,000, hundreds of cups of coffee
and scores of sleepless nights have
been thrown into the first fea-
ture-length sound film produced
at an American college.
In the center of the busy volun-
Military Aid
Can't Be Cut
WASHINGTON-(P) - Senator
Taft (R-Ohio) said yester ay he
doesn't believe military aid to
Western Europe can be cut any
sizable amount by Congres; under
present world conditions.
However, the chairman of the
Senate Republican Policy Com-
mittee called for a reduction of
about one half in the proposed
$2,200,000,000 foreign economic
* * *
TAFT TOLD a reporter he
thinks it will be necesary to au-
thorize most of the $,300,000,000
in foreign military assistance
asked by the Administration in a
pending $8,500,000,000 bill.
"It may be chea'er for us to
spend our money in providing
arms for Westerr Europe than
to spend it in our own defenses,"
he said.
Taft, a poter'Zial candidate for
the 1952 Reablican presidential
nomination, said he doesn't want
to be party to any action which
would make it more difficult for
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower to
make a success of his efforts to
bring North Atlantic Pact defenses
into being.
* * *
ing Gen. Omar N. Bradley, chair-
man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
? have testified any cut in the funds
requested will be directly reflect-
ed in the number of European di-
visions which can be brought into
Taft's support for the foreign
military request represents some-
thing of a change in viewpoint.
He opposed the Atlantic Pact in
the beginning and questioned the
sending of American troops to
Europe. He finally agreed to the
assignment of six divisions there,
as approved by te Senate.
Moody on Trip
To Yugxoslavia
ROME - ()- U.S. Sen. Blair

teers is director W. J. Hampton,
Grad. who hopes, the enthusiasm
and hard work behind the inde-
pendent production and its suc-
cess will demonstrate to the Uni-
versity that making movie equip-
ment available and offering cours-
es in cinematography would be a
popular move.
Hampton, who has had his
finger in cinematic pies on
campus for years, was head man
in the gigantic filming opera-
tion which took place last se-
mester in an obscure house on
Huron St. Teamed with Paul
Meagher, '43, he has spent his
summer nights editing the mo-
Adapted for the screen by Dick
Kraus, Grad., former Daily Sports
Editor, and Bill. Wiegand, Daily
movie critic and five-time Hop-
wood W/inner, "Metamorphosis"
will feature some of Ann Arbor's
most celebrated performers.
. * *f
FROM THE Arts Theatre Club,
veteran actors Dana Elcar, Pat
Newhall, Bette Ellis and Joyce Ed-
Senator Urges
Truman Move
on Oatis- Case
WASHINGTON - (A) - Senator
Cain (R-Wash.) yesterday urged
President Truman to make "an
outspoken demand" to the Czech
Ambassador for the release of As-
sociated Press Correspondent Wil-
liam Oatis.
The Ambassador, Vladimir Pro-
chazka, arrived in this country
Friday and will present his cre-
dentials at the White House soon.
CAIN WROTE Mr. Truman that
this arrival offers "a dramatic op-
portunity" for the President "to
confront the Czech regime with
an outspoken demand for the im-
mediate release from a Red pris-
on of Oatis."
Another Senator, O'Conor (D-
Md.), proposed a six-step program
to try to win quick freedom for the
37-year-old foreign correspondent.
O'Conor said he thought the
United States should try to strike
a bargain because it probably was
the only way to win Oatis' release.'

gar were enlisted for te picture.
Ted Heusel of the speech depart-
ment and Nancy McGee of the
Ann Arbor Civic Theatre also vol-
unteered their services.
The film, which required the
use of three rented cameras, is
performed through Gregor's eyes.
A dolly was constructed to en-
able the camera to take the star-
ring role.
The technical problem of
first-person filming was minor
compared to some of the other
difficulties eventually overcome
by the artistic crusaders. For
example, many of the sound
sequences had to be filmed at
night because of the noise from
trucks climbing up Huron in
second gear during the day.
In addition to the nocturnal ne-
cessity, the crew was obliged to
place layers of gauze on the ceil-
ing of the room and blanket the
walls to insure studio-quality
Light failures were responsible
for many retakes in preparing the
psychological drama. Often Daily
cartoonist Hampton's discrimin-
ating eye would require up to five
takes, with the first one proving
to be the best.
* * *
PROPS FOR the pioneer pro-
duction were under the firm hand
of Daily Managing Editor Chuck
Elliott, '52, now bicycling through
Europe. All the properties were
donated by local stores and indi-
Footage shot originally mea-
sured three and a half hours
projection time, which called
for a careful and time-consum-
ing cutting job this summer for
director Hampton and camera-
man Meagher. And owing to
Meagher's dental practice, more
nightime work was on the
Now cut down to an hour and
twenty minutes, "Metamorphosis"
awaits narration by Jerry Leo-
pard, synchronization by Paul
Lohmann and "deliberately dis-
chordant" music, being composed
by Ed Chudacoff, Grad., and to
be performed by a seven-piece or-
chestra under violinist Ed Trou-
The bold, new undertaking,
"Metamorphosis," will hold its
world premiere on campus, in late

Take Cabinet
Pleven Named
New Premier
PARIS - (P) - A new French
Government, one of the most con-
servative since the war, won what
amounted to a vote of confidence
yesterday and buckled down to
the immediate task of putting
France in the forefront of West-
ern Defense.
Rene Pleven, tall, soft-spoken
businessman, is the new premier.
It was Pleven who, when premier
last winter, flew to Washington
to see President Truman and as-
sure him of France's determina-
tion to do her part in the Atlantic
thing new in his cabinet-two
vice-premiers who might be called
Atlantic Pact ministers.
One of these is former Foreign
Minister Georges Bidault, who was
made Vice-Premier and Minister
of Defense. He will have under
him an Assistant Minister of De-
fense and secretaries for Army,
Navy and Air Force. He will re-
present France in Atlantic Pact
defense conferences.
The other is Rene Mayer, for-
mer finance and justice minis-
ter, who was named Vice-Pre-
mier and Minister of Finance
and Economics. Mayer's main
job will be to prevent the re-
armament burden from causing
any economic upheavals.
For the first time in a long time,
there are no Socialists in the new
cabinet. They decided not to be
'represented. Neither are there any
Communists or De Gaullists.
The new cabinet actually is a
minority government. The men in
it are from parties which control
only 275 of the Assembly's 614
seats. But the Socialists have pro-
mised Pleven'the support that will
assure him a majority.
Senator SaysI
led Consuls
Service Spies
WASHINGTON - (>)- Senator
McCarran (D-Nev.) said yesterday
that Communist embassies in
Washington "have become a huge
funnel channeling spies and sabo-
teurs into this country."
McCarran made the charge in a
statement accompanying a report
from a unit of the Senate's
Internal Security Subcommittee
which he heads.
*. * *
ThIS UNIT was composed of
Senators O'Conor (D-Md.) as
chairman, Jenner (R-Ind.) and
McCarran. Its formal report said
the Truman administration has
failed to make full use of its pow-
ers to rid the nation of subversive
McCarran commented:
"Apparently the state and
justice departments are too tim-
id to use the power of the Inter-
nal Security Act to drive dan-
gerous elements from this coun-
The three Senators' report was
based on closed-door testimony
taken here and in New York City
in recent monhts.
The subcommittee's report call-
ed on the state and justice depart-

ments to launch a vigorous pro-
gram for the enforcement of these
provisions "forthwith."
1. That the State Department
promptly negotiate an agreement
with the United Nations defining
areas in which foreigners accred-
ited to the UN may travel in this
2. That President Truman have
regulations issued, as provided in
the Security Act, for the exclu-
sion of ambassadors, ministers and
consular officers whose admission
to this country would endanger
the public safety.
Falls Shooter
T OTryA yin,


SEAGOING FILLING STATION-Oiler U.S.S. Manatee (center) does a big filling station business
in Korean waters as she pumps fuel oil into storage bunkers of aircraft carrier U.S.S. Bon Homme
Richard and a UN destroyer. These ships, and others of the U.S. 7th fleet are supplied with fuel,
food and ammunition, while at sea.





World News
By The Associated Pres
NAPLES, Italy - Land, sea and
air forces of the new Southern
Europe Allied Command will Mstage
their first full scale point battle
exercises starting Monday.
* .i *
BAD ISCHL, Austria-Ameri-
can youths delighted thousands
of spectators at the world Boy
Scout Jamboree yesterday with
a Scout-O-Rama.
* * *.
WASHINGTON-Price Enforce-
ment Director Edward P. Morgan
said yesterday he is investigating
50 major cases of alleged price
ceiling violations that could result
in the return of $10,000,000 to the
Government and consumers.
LANSING-The body of eight-
year-old Douglas Davis was tak-
en late yesterday from the gra-
vel pit that caved in and snoth-
ered him.
SIMMESPORT, La.-The death
toll of the head-on collision of a
Marine troop train and a passen-
ger streamliner rose to 11 known
dead yesterday.
KARACHI, Pakistan-Paul G.
Hoffman, president of the Ford
Foundation, was welcomed to
Pakistan yesterday at a recep-
tion in his honor.
Early, who served as press secre-
tary to Franklin D. Roosevelt all
the 12 years of the New Deal, died
yesterday of a heart attack at
the age of 61.
Death came to Mr. Roosevelt's
good friend and close advisor at
George Washington University
Hospital. It was announced, fit-
tingly, through the White House
where he had served until he left
a few months after Mr. Roosevelt's
death in 1945.
Propose Joint
Operation of
Iran oil Fields
TEHRAN, Iran - (P) - British-
Iranian oil talks neared the cru-
cial stage last night with the an-
nouncement by British negotiator
Richard Stokes that he would pre-
sent a definite proposal today for
joint operation of the oil fields.
Earlier a hitch was indicated in
the week long negotiations. A sub-
committee of negotiators, schedul-
ed to discuss a temporary arrange-
ment to get oil shipments resumed,
postponed its meeting.
Hussein Makki, firebrand Na-
tionalist, has declared that agree-1

Communist Threat in East
Examined by Interpreters

(Editor's note: The author of the
following checkup on Chinese Guer-
illa effectiveness has been AP Chief
of Bureau for China since the close
of World War II. In a conplex
sphere laden with propaganda, exag-
geration and rumor, he has long spe-
cialized in sifting out the facts),
HONG KONG-(1)-Every day
reports come out of Red China
that guerrillas are punching the
Communists groggy, especially in
the South.
In the past 60 days enough con-
firmation has come through to es-
tablish the truth of man raids.
Even the Reds are beginning to
admit some of them.
Are the guerrillas really get-
ting strong?
Twenty stories about 20 guerril-
la raids can create the impression
of a vast anti-Red movement.
When you add them up, how-
ever, they may come to an aver-
age of 100 men each.
* * *
make much of the rash of out-
breaks, but dispassionate evalua-
tion shows the guerrillas, at pres-
ent, are no more than an annoy-
ance to the Reds.
They may become more than
that, depending on several factors,
including the Korean war, but it
is a mistake now to view them
as a serious threat to the Com-
munists, even to the Red provin-
cial regimes.
I have talked to a number of
persons from Red China, and
not one takes the guerilla
movement seriously as yet..
The buildup of a resistance area
by old nationalist regular troops
under Gen. Li Mi in the south-
western province of Yunnan is
the only really sizable operation
that is positively known to exist.
Even this may be more in the
wilds of North Burma than on
Chinese soil.
Generalissimo C h i a n g Kai-
shek's Nationalists on Formosa
put out hopeful reports about es-
tablishment of guerilla, control
As time passes and fact is win-
nowed from fiction, it becomes
apparent that these so - called
guerilla strongholds either never
existed or were speedily wiped out
by the Reds.

Korea . ,.t
WASHINGTON - (P) -- Diplo-
matic authorities said yesterday
that the United States, its Allies
and the U.N. command in Korea
are firmly agreed:
1. To stand fast on rejectiont
of the Communist demand for af
truce zone along the 38th Parallel.
2. To continue the negotiations1
at Kaesong just as long as the
Reds will go to the conference
military trickery which could up-
set the whole situation, one high-
ly placed informant said today
that despite the increasing ten-
sions in the Kaesong sessions:
"We will not break off."
He added that "o feourse we,
don't know what the other side
may do."
Actually thre is not much ex-
pectation here that the Reds
will destroy the negotiations,
though they might break them
off temporarily.
Some American officials think
that the Red leaders may seek to
set a price of their own connec-
tion with hte Japanese Peace
conference at San Francisco be-
ginning Sept. 4. There is a feel-
ing that the Kremlin would like
to wreck that conference and may
try to use the Korean situation to
that end.
One speculation is that they
might arrange for the Korean ne-
gotiations to bring a successful
armistice agreement just before
the conference opens, meanwhile
sending a delegation to San Fran-
cisco to try to block the signing
of the treaty from the inside.
Alternatively, there is a some-
what more ominous possibility in
the opinion of officials here. The
Russians may try to deliver an
ultimatum-there will be no peace
in the Far East if the United
States and nations allied with it
go through with the Japanese
With this issue the Daily sus-
pends publication for the sum-
mer. Subscribers are asked to
refrain from calling the Daily
about non-delivery as the staff
is now engaged in its annual
audit. The Daily will resume
publication on September 25.

More Talks
Set; .Allies
Fight in Air
Red Radio Says
5 Jets Downed
By The Associated Press
Allied and Communist truce
teams argued on the stormy issue
of a Korean buffer zone for an
hour and forty minutes yesterday
-a day that saw heavy Red at-
tacks hurled back all along the
east-central front in sharply in-
creased fighting activity.
The cease-fire delegates ad-
journed at 12:40 p.m. (10:10 p.m.,
Saturday, Ann Arbor time). Re-
sults of the meeting were not dis-
closed. Another conference was
set for 11 a.m.
planes were making repeated
strikes behind the lines, determin-
ed to halt a Red buildup while '
truce talks progress
Heavy rains and mud mired the
armies in the field except for the
flurry on the east-central front.-
There, northwest of Yanggu, Red
troops made four probing attacks
early in the morning and followed
it with a heavier attack.
The largest Comnnmist force.
about 400' men, was thrown
back after a fight which lasted
about three hours.
The radio at the North Korean
capital of Pyongyang asserted an-
tiaircraft gunners shot down five
U.S. jet planes yesterday over
Korea. It also said a A.S patrol
boat was sunk off the west coast.
Far East Air Forces said one jet
plane was shot down. There was
no confirmation of the patrol boat
DESPITE the bad weather, the
Far East Air Forces reported they
put 510 individual flights into the
air against Red targets.
Hungnam, on the east coast,
was hit hardest.
Supply dumps at Jungnam
were bombed by 15 Okinawa-
based B-2 super-forts.
The truce teams met not only in
an atmosphere made tense by the
increased fighting, but under the
strain of the harsh words traded
Il accused the United Nations
team of "deliberately covering up
the absurdity and wildness of its
proposal." Peiping radio quoted
Nam as saying the UN team was
demanding a buffer line "deep in
our territory"
U.S. Vice Adm. C Turner Joy
accused the Reds of playing poli-
tics in refusing to discuss any
other line than Parallel 38.
The meeting yesterday was the
22nd since talks opened July 1. It
was the 12th given over to the
problem of drawing a demilitariz-
ed zone acrossKorea.
Korea told the Reds they had
"slammed the door on every at-
tempt to make progress."
SCadet Cheek

To Be Made
By Senators
tors said yesterday that they ex-
pect a quiet check to be made into
the situation at West Point after
the present furore about moves to
oust 90 cadets for cribbing has
died down.
Senator Ellender (D-La.) told a
newsman the checkup can be
made by the official "board of
visitors" to the West Point and

S hisser, Wilt Awarded
Prizes in Art Exhibit

Prof. Jean Paul Slusser, and
Richard H. Wilt of the architec-
ture college were among those to
receive cash awards in the "Old
Northwest Territory Art Exhibit,"
held in Springfield, Ill.
The exhibit, which is open to

his water color "Trees and
Houses," a composition in black,
tan, red and green.
Prof. Slusser, winner of numer-
ous awards in other exhibits, is
the director of the University Mu-
seum of Art.

New Inter lochen Lodge
ry? y)1 C 7

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