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August 12, 1951 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1951-08-12

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IT IS traditional for the managing editor
of The Daily to write a swan song of
some sort in his final issue which praises
the staff and lets the readers know what a
tough time everyone concerned has had in
putting out the paper.
Those who have never experienced the
sensation of seeing a newspaper come off
the press which they have labored over with
hope and determination in the process of
editing or writing find it hard to understand
the maudlin emotions with which newspaper
people often view the profession of journa-
lism as a whole and more particularly the
newspaper for which they labor.
Nevertheless, the emotion is genuine
and can be a very fine thing. I wish to
thank John, Sid, Barnes, Eva, Harriet,
Gayle, Alice, Hadley, Jay, Marge, Marilyn,
Ron, Larry, Mike, Bob, Dan, Sandy, Shu,
and George and Jo particularly. On the
business side-Milt, Eva, Harvey and Al
were wonderful also.
Ken Chatters and Leola, Arch, Lauren,
Les, Doc, Harry and Dan were remarkably
forbearing and fine in the shop.
Thanks also to Mrs. Smith and Herb be-
hind the desk.
Deep-felt gratitude is also due to two
faculty men whose belief in freedom of ex-
pression even for students, and the willing-
ness to tolerate the occasional excesses of
those stqdents should always be an example
to their colleagues. These men are Prof.
Paul G. Kauper, lately resigned as chairman
of the Board in Control of Student Publica-
tions, and Prof. William J. Schlatter, secre-
tary of the Board.
ON the news side, the editor has not yet
been accused of hereditary descent from
a three-headed monster as he predicted at
the beginning of the semester, but he wishes
to take this opportunity to ask partial for-
giveness for not making The Daily as good
a paper as it can and should be.
He wishes also to report that he has bene-
fited immensely from the summer and has
found just about everyone with whom he
4ealt to be of human stature.
There were, of course, some exceptions.
Dr. Edwin C. Ganzhorn, county coroner,
misled the press concerning the Soule case
when time was at a premium. County
Prosecutor Douglas K. Reading, another
elected official gives the impression o
considering himself as too exalted in
station to bother with legitimate ques-
tions of public interest.
Father Frank J. McPhillips, local priest,
who instead of protesting to the editor about
an editorial, wrote to the secretary of the
Board in Control of Student Publications
and sent copies to the University president,
the Regents and a prominent Catholic alum-
nus, will not be remembered with favor.
'These will fade away, however, and the
main theme of the summer, which was in
a major key, will remain.
Editorials Published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Washington Merry-Go-Round

The Week's News

WASHINGTON -- One of the strangest
political alignments of modern history
is that which the Taft forces believe they
have just about completed-between sen.
Robert A. Taft and Gen. Douglas MacArthur.
Ever since Sen. Taft called on Gen. Mac-
Arthur at the Waldorf shortly after his
return to the United States, Taft forces
have been working on a plan whereby Mac-
Arthur would throw his weight behind Taft
for the Presidency. This alliance is now
reported all but signed, sealed and delivered.
What most people don't know, and ap-
parently what Sen. Taft doesn't remember,
was the bitter feud between his father
and MacArthur's father on exactly the
same showdown that Truman had with
Doug-civilian authority over the military.
The feud was so bitter than when Lt.
Douglas MacArthur received his diploma
from West Point, he refused to shake hands
with William Howard Taft, then Secretary
of War. Taft had come to West Point to
hand out the diplomas. Young MacArthur,
now so friendly with Taft's son, accepted
the diploma, but spurned the congratulatory
handshake of the Secretary of War, turned
on his heel and strode' over to stand beside
his father.
* * *
MRS. TAFT, mother of the Senator, tells
most of the story in her book, "Recol-
lections of Full Years." The elder Taft was
appointed by President McKinley on a com-
mission to establish civilian government in
the Philippines.
"Gen. MacArthur," Mrs. Taft wrote, re-
ferring to the father of Douglas (he was
then commander in the Philippines), "seem-
ed to resent the advent of the commission
and to be determined to "place himself in
opposition to every step which was taken by
them or contemplated ...their reception
was so cool that Mr. Taft said he almost
stopped perspiring. There were few Filipinos
to be seen, and as Gen. MacArthur's recep-
tion to the commission was anything but
cordial or enthusiastid they began to feel a
discomforting sense of being decidedly not
"If they had any doubts of this point
Gen. MacArthur soon cleared them up. He
frankly assured them that he regarded
nothing that had ever happened In his
whole career as casting so much reflection
on his position and his ability as their
appointment under the direction of the
President. They suggested that he could
still rejoice in considerable honour and
prestige as a man at the head of a division
of more troops than any general had com-
manded since the Civil War and that he
was, moreover, still enjoying the great
power of chief executive of the islands.
0 'Yes,' said he, 'that would be all right If
I hadn't been exercising so much more
power than that before you came.
"Whereupon Mr. Taft gently reminded
him that he had been exercising that power
for about three weeks only and said he
hoped he had not become, in that time, so
habituated to the situation as to prevent his
appreciating the rather exalted position in
which he would still be left. They afterward
exchanged some corresepondence as to what
powers each did have, but they seemed to
have disagreed from the first."
* *
DESCRIBING Aguinaldo's rebellion, Mrs.
Taft continued:
"These conditions led the commission to
think the time had come to organize a
native constabulary, under American offi-
cers, with which thoroughly to police the
islands. But Gen. MacArthur did not agree
with them; thought it would be folly to
trust any Filipino with arm sand cited in-
stances of where those who had been armed
as scouts had proved entirely untrustworthy.
"The commission proposed to establish
municipal governments wherever conditions
made it possible and among the first things
they undertook was the framing of a munici-

pal code upon which to base such govern-
"They sent this to Gen. MacArthur for his
comments, but his comments consisted of a
rather pointed intimation that military rule
was still in force and that he thought they
but that they might go on and amuse them-
were several years ahead of possibilities,
selves since their municipal code would not
Hot-Rod Passes
PART OF THE GLAMOUR of this staid
old institution will depart soon, as the
campus prince pockets his Master's Degree
in Industrial Management and fades off to
the East.
Leaving behind a trail of broken hearts,
broken traffic ordnances and a few-months-
old Cadillac convertible, Prince Mahmoud
Pahlavi, brother of the Shah of Iran, will
roll up his royal belongings in a Persian
rug and head for Iran.

deter him in any action he found it neces-
sary to take at any point where it was in
operation .. .
"Gen. MacArthur continued to resent
the coming of the commission and to con-
sider himself personally humiliated by
their being appointed to divide his power.
He was still in command of about seventy
thousand men and had the general execu-
tive control of a large civil force, but this,
apparently, was not enough.
"The tone he adopted in his correspon-
dence with the commission kept them in a
constant state of controlled anger," Mrs.
Taft wrote.
"The General objected to almost every
suggestion put forward by them and did not
hesitate to tell them in plain words that he
did not welcome advice from them concern-
ing military or any other matters. It was
really a very difficult situation.
"The commission thought Gen. Mac-
Arthur took an entirely erroneous view of
the attitude of the Philippine people in
general, and that in everything he did he
moved with an exasperating slowness.
They wanted a large native constabulary
which they knew could be successfully
organised and relied upon to render great
assistance in the pacification of the is-
lands. He did not agree with them and
held the matter up for many months.
"He was not in sympathy with any move
they made, and his greatset cross was that
he had no power to veto their legislation.
He saw military dangers in all manner of
things without being able to state just what
they were, and he was always calling for
more troops, while the commission was en-
tertaining hopes that it would not be a
great length of time before a large part of
the troops already there could be recalled.
I find my husband writing at this time:
"'General MacArthur, knowing that we
differ from him as to the conditions of
things in the islands, makes it a point to
send me an account of each disaster as if
it vindicated his view. This is not the
spirit of a man who is likely to succeed in
giving energy to a campaign which will
bring about successful results.' .+-.
"We were sorry to note that the election
of Mr. McKinley and the consequent estab-
lishment of the American status in the
Philippines did not change the military at-
titude toward the manner of solving the
governmental problems. The commission
was definitely pledged to the rapid adjust-
ment of affairs on a civil and generally
representative basis, but the military author-
ities still maintained that military rule
would continue to be a necessity for an
indefinite period."
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
THERE is nothing as useless to a news-
paperman as an "off-the-record" inside
lowdown on what is going on in the world.
Yet professors and public officials alike
continually discuss information of import-
ance to the public, then insist that the reve-
lations be considered "off-the-record" or re-
fuse to have their names connected with the
quote, thus depriving the reporter of an
authoritative source to whom he may attri-
bute the information.
What may have been valuable, perhaps
worldshaking information from a well-
known authority, on international rela-
tions becomes almost valueless when at-
tributed only to the reporter. The pub-
lic'sareaction,'naturally enough, is: "So
What? Who's he?"
Yet this is a mild manner of inhibition
compared to the "off-the-record" stipula-
tion. When a reporter is told something is
"off-the-record" it means he is bound by
confidence from hinting in his newspaper
in any way, shape or form, anything per-
taining to the profundities revealed to him

so "intimately."
The reporter is prohibited from revealing
the information even when he obtains it
from another source. This off-the-record
label is one of the brightest inventions of
modern politics.
WELL aware of this elementary rule is one
of Washtenaw county's perpetual de-
fenders of justice. His "off-the-record"
revelations of what ought to be on-the-
record are a useless waste of time to the re-
porter and a theft from the public.
Public officials are elected to act in the
interest of the public. Their action should
be open to the knowledge of the public. It
is only through the newspaper that the peo-
ple can get this knowledge. The press is the
public's agent-and in this sense the press
is the public.,,
Defending his reluctance to speak, this
Ann Arbor official cites his resentment of
an inference in a Daily editorial of sev-
eral years back that "questioned his in-

-Daily-Bill Hampton
"I think we might have a spot for you, Professor Schultz. What
kind of references have you from your former employer?"
Loc * *
Local.. .
PLANS between the city and the University for a force to protect
and police parking lots neared completion this week. Apparently,
the University, which plans to drop 97 faculty members and cut library
hours in the fall to save money, is going to foot the salary bill for this
deputized group in order to make sure 'U' officials will have a place
to park their cars.
MAC DONALD-Duncan MacDonald, one of the hottest football
prospects since Glenn Davis, increased Red Blaik's embarrassment
considerably this week by announcing he was coming to the University
in the fall and relating the "persuasive" devices used by West Point
recruiters to get him to play for Army.
M ,* *
SOULE-Disclosures this week indicated the late Malcolm Soule,
former head of the Medical School's bacteriology department, had
believed his resignation had been accepted. Soule, who committed
suicide after learning of his dismissal by the Regents for fund mis-
handling, received a letter from Vice-President Wilbur J. Pierpont
previously which the scientist interpreted to preface a quiet leave-
* * *
HUGO-Hugo Martinson, '65(?), turned in a first-class interview
on his first Daily assignment. The big by-line has convinced the little
Latvian that be can hold his own in the Brobdignagian newsworld. He
plans to hang around.
* '* * *
ROYAL ORDEAL-Prince Mahmoud Pahlavi, Grad., who created
a slight international tension with various driving escapades, went
scot free this week. Prosecuting Attorney Douglas K. Reading, who
moved for dismissal of the case, said the decision was "in the best
interest of the public," Reading said the Iranian dispute makes it im-
possible to separate the Shah's brother from his own government.
McCARTHYISM-The distinguished senator from Wisconsin was
back on the job this week. This time, he had 29 on his list. All of
them, past or present State Department employes, had questionable
loyalty, the great man said.
McCarthy said he would reveal the names on the Senate floor
if the wire services promised to carry them. The Associated Press
firmly replied that it makes no prior commitments as to what will be
the news the next day. When the big day came, it turned out to be
old stuff. In line with past actions, McCarthy cut the number of
names down slightly, included Philip Jessup and aroused a storm on
Capitol Hill.
Meanwhile, a Senate committee was named to pass on a move to
oust Joe McCarthy.
, *
KOREA-The Reds gave in. Matt Ridgway and the Pentagon
weren't taking any guff. Early this week, they broke off the Korean
armistice talks until the Communists cleared heavily-armed troops
out of the truce town of Kaesong and promised never to let them enter
again. The enemy said everything was just a trivial accident but
they started negotiations again-only to continue the deadlock over
the location of a buffer zone.
*' *, * *
PEACE FEELERS-Russia was at it again. After suggesting the
opening of peace talks in Korea, 'she was now ready to throw some
more cards on the table. USSR President Shvernik proposed a five-
power pact "for the strengthening of peace" to include the United
States, Russia, Britain, France and China-Red. The State Depart-
ment was in no mood for the latest overture. It was rejected as a
"propaganda trap." -Barnes Connable and John Briley

The General Library will be open
daily from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays
through Fridays, except during the per-
iod from August 27th through Septem-
ber 3rd, when the Library Building will
be completely closed for repairs.
The Divisional Libraries will be closed
from August 18 through September 15.
with the exception of Engineering, East
Engineering, Natural Science and Phy-
sics, which will be open on shortened
schedules. Information as to hours
will be posted on the library doors or
may be obtained by calling University
Extension 653. Requests for material
from the closed libraries wlil be taken
care of at theCirculation Des in the
General Library.
Bureau of Appointments
YWCA needs teen-age program di-
rectors in a number of cities. These po-
sitions are for September. For further
information please contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Administration
Student Loans for Men: Students
unable to pay in full loans due on or
before August 17 should see Miss Mc-
Kenzie, 1020 Administration Building,
on Monday. Application for new loans
may not be made between August 14
and September 24.
Student Loans: Under the following
regulation of the Loan Committee,
loans for tuition will not be available
for the fail semester: No student may
borrow from the University lon funds
unless he is registered in the Univer-
sity at the time the loan is requested
and has completed at least one semes-
ter of work at the University.
Bureau of Appointments - General &
Teaching Divisions-
All students who are registered with
the Bureau and who have accepted
positions are requested to give this in-
formation to the Bureau (also any stu-
dents who have obtained positions
through interviews at the Bureau are
requested to do the same).
All registrants whosare stil available
are requested to advise, the Bureau
where they will be after Summer
School, whether in Ann Arbor or else-
Personnel Requests:
The City of Pontiac is in need of
Civil Engineers for field and office
A city in northern Michigan (popu-
lation 15,000) is in need of a city man-
ager and a city engineer.
American Broach & Machine Com-
pany, Ann Arbor, Is in need of Electri-
cal Engineers for work on machines in
shop having to do with wiring, hy-
draulic valves and switches, wiring and
some plant engineering.
The United States Civil Service Com-
mission announces examinatidns for
Underwriting Aide (grade GS-4), Con-
struction Aide (grade GS-5), Appraiser
Trainee (grade GS-5), and Mortgage
Credit Aide (grade GS-5). These posi-
tions are for thte Federal Housing Ad-
ministration in Detroit.
For further information please con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments 3528
Administration Building.
Personnel Requests:
The Analysis Division of the Bureau
of Old Age and Survivors Insurance,
Social Security Administration, is es-
tablishing four Social Insurance Re-
search Analyst positions, at grade GS-12,
with a starting salary of $6400 per
annum. All positions are located in the
Executive Office of the Bureau in Balti-
more, Maryland. Requirements are Ph
plus one year experience or various
combinations of education and exper-
The weste n Condensing Company,
Appleton, Wisconsin, is in need of a
Bacteridtogist or Biochemist with a
PhD. degree preferred. Applicant would
supervise laboratory stages of fermenta-
tion using specially selected whey as a
fermentation media. ThiZ company
manufactures farm feeds and farm
feed supplements as well as human
consumption items from raw whey.
They have 33 plants throughout the
United States and Canada, with head-
quarters in San Francisco.
The Mathieson Chemical Corporation,
Niagara Falls, is looking for Chemists
and Chemical Engineers for Engineering
Research, Chemical Research, 'ro-
chemical Research, Application Re-
search, Product Development, Market
Research, and Technical Service.
The Cleveland Graphite Bronze Com-
pany, is looking for Mechanical, Chem-
ical, and Metallurgical Engineers.
For further information concerning
the above notices please contact the
Bureau of Appointments 3528 Adminis-
tration Building.
Academic Notices
The results of the M. A. language ex-
amination in history are now posted
in the History Office, 217 South Quad.
Professor F. Tricomi of the University
of Turin, Italy, a member of the Bate-
man Project at California Institute of

Technology, will speak on "A New En-
tire Function Related to a Well-known
Noncontinuable Power Series" on Tues-
day, August 14, at 4 p.m., in Room 3017
Angeli Hall. The entire function arises
in' the study of the statistical distribu-
tion of certain bacteria mutations,
Doctoral Examination for Haskell
Robert Coplin, Psychology; thesis:
"Measure of Orientations Toward a
Sentence Completion Test and Their
Personality Correlates,' Monday, Aug-
ust 13, 1027 East Huron St., at 1:00 p.m.
Chairman, E. L. Kelly.
Doctoral Examination for Jules Sid
Needle, Electrical Engineering; thesis:
"The Insertion Magnetron: A New Ex-
ternal-Cavity Magnetron for Low-Pow-
er Electronically-Tunable Operation in
the 10 to 20-CM wavelength Range,"
Monday, August 13, 3517 East Engineer-
ing Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, W.
C. Dow.
Doctoral Examination for Leon Ber-
nard Cohen, Psychology; thesis: "The
Influence of Two Attitudinal Variables
on Group Rorschach Test Performance,"
Tuesday, August 14, 1027 East Huron
St., at 3:30 p.m. Chairman, D. R. Mill-
Doctoral Examination for August
Rueben Hanson, Aeronautical Engineer-
ing; thesis: "The Effect of Relative
Velocity on the Evaporation of a Liquid
Fuel Spray," Wednesday, August 15,
East Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at
2:00 p.m. Chairman, A. M. Kuethe.
Doctoral Examination for John Ar-
thur King, Zoology; thesis: "Social Be-
havior, Social Organization, and Popu-
lation Dynamics in a Black-Tailed
Prairiedog Town in the Black Hills of
South Dakota," wednesday, August 15,
2089 Nan.ral Scence Blda.. at 9:00 a.m.

Applezweig, Psychology; thesis: "An
Investigation of InterrelationshIps of
Several Measures of Rigidity Under
Varying Conditions of Security," Fri-
day, August 17, 1027 East Huron Street,
at 4:00 p.m. Chairman, E. L. Kelhy.
Zoology Seminar: On Monday, Aug-
ust 13, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 2116 Nat-
ural Science, John D. Goodman will
speak on "Taxonomic Studies on the
Family Ochetosomatidae Leao, 1944, and
the Life History of Stomatrema guber-
leti Byrd, 1937," and John Steger Hunt
will speak on "The Life History of
Gorgodera vivata, New Species (Trema-
toda: Gorgoderidael) ,"


University Summer Session Choir,
Philip Duey, Conductor, assisted by a
Brass Ensembleconducted by James
Neilson, will present its annual con-
cert at 4:15 Sunday afternoon, August
12, in Hill Auditorium. The choir will
sing works by Bach, Eric Thiman, Ran-
dall Thompson, and Brahms, including
the latter's Liebeslieder. Op. 52. Mr.
Neilson will conduct the Brass Ensem-
ble in compositions by Coles, Ball, and
Scotney. The general public is invited.
Student Recital: George Gruenberg,
student of piano with Joseph Brink-
man, will play a recital in partial ful-
filiment of the requirements for the
Bachelor of Music degree, at 8:30 Sun-
day evening, August 12, in the Archi-
tecture Auditorium. It will include
works by Mozart, Schumann, Bach,
Rachmaninoff, Prokofieff, and Chopin,
and will be open to the public.}
Student Recital: Robert Pearson,
tenor, will be heard at 4:15 Monday
afternoon, August 13, in the Rackham
Assembly Hall, presenting a program
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the Master of Music degree.
It will include works by Purcell, Han-
del, Mozart, Weber, Brahms, and
Vaughan-Williams, and will be open to
the public.
Student Recital: Elaine Brovan Rice,
pianist, will present a program at 4:15
Tuesday afternoon, August 14, in the
Rackham Assembly Hall, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
Master of Music degree. A pupil of
Marian Owen, Mrs. Rice will play works
by Bach, Beethoven, Medtner, and Cho-
pin. The general public is invited.
Student Recital: Ruth Lebendiger,
pianist, will be heard at 8:30 Tuesday
evening, August 14, in the Architecture
Auditorium, in a recital played in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements for
the Bachelor of Music degree. She is
a pupil of John Kollen, and her pro-
gram. including works by Haydn, Scar-
latti, Beethoven, Samuel Barber and
Chopin, will be open to the public.
Student Recital: Robert Dumm,
anist, will play his program ait 4:15
Thursday afternoon, August 16, in the
Rackham Assembly, in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the Mas-
ter of Music degree. Previously an-
nounced for August 6, the recital will
be open to the public. Mr. Drumm is
a pupil of John Kollen.
Oratorio Class, under the direction of
Harold Haugh, will sing The Passion of
Our Lord According to Saint Matthew,
by J. S. Bach, at 7:30 Wednesday eve-
ning, August 15, in the Presbyterian
Church. The program will be open to
the general public.
Events Today
Lutheran Student Association Meet-
ing-5:30 p.m. at the Student Center,
1304 Hill Street.



I' I,


At The Michigan,...
Powell, Danielle Darrieux, Wendell Corey
and Vic Damone.
THERE ARE a lot of excuses for -this kind
of picture. In the first place summer is
traditionally a time of suspended critical
judgement. Then there's the fact that this
is supposed to be a musical, and Hollywood
expects us to tolerate almost anything in a
musical. Add to these a lush job of techni-
color, and you have a convincing triumvir-
ate of cinematic apologetics.
It just about works out that way, too.
There is a story of course, but despite the
fact that it's handled with the dexterity of
a left-handed chimpanzee playing golf with
right-handed clubs, it doesn't obtrude un-
The biggest handicap to enjoying the
picture is the first you have to hurdle: its
title. Once you've swallowed your pride
enough to pay to see something with a
moniker like RICH, YOUNG AND PRET-
TY, the rest is habit.
The plot has something to do with a vet-
eran of the first World War who married a
singer he met in Paris. When he got the
demimondaine back to Texas he discovered
that her cafe background didn't exactly
suit her for the wide open spaces. After
the demoiselle had produced a daughter
for the Lone Star State, she, too, decided
that champagne was a little more to her
taste than cactus juice.
This left the cowboy with an offspring
and a distaste for France. Some twenty
years later, however, he had made a for-
tune on cattle and was working for the
United Nations. An assignment in Paris
brings the daughter and a young French-
man together in a mituatinn that Ho1v-

Graduate Outing Club. Meet at 2:00
Sunday, behind Rackham Building to
go to Crooked Lake, Waterloo Ar
Hiking, swimming, volleyball. Tran-
portation and picnic supper provided.
Roger Williams Guild: Sun., 6:00 sup-
per. Discussion: Ellen Maxwell, "Instead
of Destruction." (Continuation of t1ie
review of Charles Wells, "The Great
Alternative.") 7:00.
Michigan Christian Fellowship-Meet-
ing 4:30 Lane Hall Basement. "Growth
in the Christian Life" presented by Jack
Congregational-Disciples Guild: Meet
at 5:00 at the Guild House for an out-
door meeting to include sports, a picnic
supper, and a short worship service.
Coming Events
The Department of Speech in con-
junction with the School of Music, pre-
sents Oscar Straus' comic operetta The
Chocolate Soldier Monday evening, Aug-
ust 13. Performance begins at 8 p.m.
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater.
Sponsoring tour to Ford Motor Com-
pany on Friday, August 17, at 1:30 p.m.
Foreign students and American friends
are invited to participate. Please get
your ticket at the International Center
before Wednesday, August 15.
Linguistic Program. Tigner Holmes,
Tuesday, August 14.
Congregational-Disciples Guild: Tea
on the Terrace, Tuesday from 4:30 too
8:00 p.m. at the Guild House, 438 May-







The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Bldg. at 3 p.m. on the
day preceding publication.
VOL LXI, No. 34-S
"i d -

work must be made up in time to al-
low your instructor to report the make-
up grade not later than 11 a.m., Aug-
ust 23. Grades received after that time
may defer the student's graduation un-
til a later date.
To all students having Library books:
1. Students having in their posses-
sion books borrowed from the General
Libraryorits branches are notified
that such books are due Monday, Aug-
ust 13.
2. Students having special need for
certain books between August 13 and
August 17 may retain such books for
that period by renewing them at the
Charging Desk.
3. The names of all students who
have not cleared their records at the
Library by Friday, August 17 will be
sent to the Cashier's Office and their
credits and grades will be withheld
until such time as said records are
cleared in complianceswith the regu-
lations of the Regents.

Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students Cf
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications
Editorial Staff
Dave Thomas .........Managing Editor
George Flint .......Sports Editor
Jo Ketelhut.........Women's Editor
Business Staff
Milt Goetz ,..........Business Manager
Eva Stern .......Advertising Manager



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