N.A i i H V . L .N i/ 1J.JAT J
WASHINGTON-One way to understand
why most political observers are be-
coming increasingly convinced that Harry
S. Truman will be a candidate to succeed
himself is to try to answer a simple ques-
tion. This is: "Who else is there?" It is a
remarkably difficult question to answer.
A good many Democrats have toyed with
the idea of nominating Dwight D. Eisen-
hower, but the toying has become more and
more dispirited as time goes on. One pur-
pose of Assistant Secretary of Defense Anna
Rosenberg's trip to Paris, according to re-
liable report, is to try to feel out the political
intentions of her old friend Eisenhower. But
the plain fact is that if Eisenhower has any
intentions whatsoever of accepting the Dem-
ocratic nomination, some very shrewd politi-
cal operators, including men like Gov.
Thomas E. Dewey and Sen. James Duff,
have been suffering from remarkable delu-
Eisenhower has made no final commit-
ments to anyone. But it goes without say-
ing that Eisenhower has discussed poli-
tics with visitors-he could not, under the
circumstances, have avoided doing so.
These conversations have pointed to the
following conclusions: first, that Eisen-
hower is willing to take the Republican
nomination if offered; second, that he
realizes that he must take a stand on basic
Issues well before the Republican conven-
tion; and third, that his stand on domestic
issues is firmly Republican.
Eisenhower's own public and private
statements before he went to Europe con-
firm the latter point. The faint hope of the
dwindling band of Eisenhower Democrats is
that Eisenhower will take the Democratic
Fiscal Worries
Associated Press News Analyst
TL--United States defense program is
moving toward the one hundred billion
dollar mark.
The enormity of the demand on the coun-
try's economy is causing Washington policy
makers to take some long looks into the fu-
It figures up this way:
The House has approved 56 billions for
the Defense Department. Approximately
half of this will go into production of war
materiel and thus can be considered from
ene standpoint as a contribution to the
economy, but as an unhealthy one from
the standpoint of inflation and expendi-
ture of resources for non-consumption
purposes. The rest of this fund will go
Into pay and maintenance of personnel. ,
The 56 billion is not expected to be
"enough, and Congress has been told that
more will be asked later. And it is in ad-
dition to more than five billions for mili-
tary basis and installations.
These funds are being added to others
authorized last year but not yet spent.
One estimate of these is $37,000,000,000.
The $8,000,000,000 which the Government
proposes to spend on military and economic
aid for Allies abroad is entire separate. And
there are numerous other costs connected
with the conduct of the cold war. No end
is in sight, and what is being built will have
to be maintained.
This leads the planners to wonder what
happens. When the nation has attained
the "position of strength" which is now its
goal in world affairs. How can it be used,
short of war?
nomination if Sen. Robert A. Taft is nom-
inated by the Republicans, and Truman
then bows out. But if the above conclusions
are correct-and those who should know are
very categorical on all three points-the
nomination of Eisenhower on the Demo-
cratic ticket looks like a pipe dream. This
is barring a war situation, in which case,
of course, all political bets are off.
THE regular Democrats' first choice after
Truman, according to a poll of the Demo-
cratic National Committee, is Sen. Paul A.
Douglas. But what is not generally realized
(although it is very well realized by Douglas
himself) is the fact that Douglas has three
strikes against him.
Strike one, of course, is the fact that
Truman intensely dislikes him, and would
certainly move heaven and earth to prevent
his nomination. Strike two is the fact that
Douglas suffers from the drastic dis-
advantage of having written prolifically on
political and economic subjects. Certain past
writings could-and most certainly would-
be quoted out of context to "prove" that
Douglas is a roaring radical, a Socialist and
probably a Communist at heart. Strike three
is that Douglas himself has told all and
sundry that he is not qualified by tempera-
ment for the Presidency, and that he ap-
parently quite sincerely believes this. On
balance, Douglas' nomination seems an ex-
tremely remote possibility.
There is the usual collection of very
dark horses, of course. There are such able
Senators as William Fulbright and Estes
Kefauver. But both are also heartily dis-
liked by Truman; both are from border
states, endangering the negro vote; and
neither has real national stature yet.
There is Illinois Gov. Adlai Stevenson, but
he is far from popular among the regu-
lars. There is Justice William Douglas,
here of the New Dealers, but probably the
longest shot of all, since the New Dealers
no longer dominate the party.
Finally, there is Chief Justice Fred Vinson,
universally put forward as Truman's own
choice to succeed himself, if Truman does
not run. It is possible to imagine a situation
in which Truman would bow out at the last
moment, name Vinson as his candidate in
a speech to the convention, and secure
Vinson's nomination by switching to him all
the Truman-committed delegates. Yet this
is not very easy to imagine.
It is true that the Chief Justice has kept
his hand in, and is personally popular with
the organization men. But' Vinson has no
real national following, and the Supreme
Court is anything but a good jumping-off
place for the White House. It is possible
that, given the nomination of Eisenhower on
the Republican ticket, the Democrats might
more or less throw in the sponge, nominating
Vinson as a gesture to hold the party together
in a time of inevitable defeat. But, as 1948
demonstrated, good politicians never accept
defeat as inevitable.
Moreover, although Truman can certainly
have the nomination for himself if he wants
it, he does not now appear popular or power.
ful enough in his party to dictate the nom-
ination of a hand-picked successor. Even
Franklin D. Roosevelt would have found this
far from easy, and Truman is no Roosevelt.
For all these reasons, the question "Who
else is there?" seems at the moment to sug-
gest no really pratcical answer. And for
these same reasons, the pressure on Truman
to run again is likely to mount. Add the fact
that the available evidence clearly suggests
that this is Truman's intention anyway, and
the nomination of Harry S. Truman on the
Democratic ticket next year begins to seem
a pretty tempting bet.
(Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
IBowles Move
WASHINGTON-Chester Bowles, former
Governor of Connecticut and a war-
time price controller, has accepted President
Truman's offer of a crucial dipimatic post,
Ambassador to India.
The appointment represents one of the
President's rather rare gestures of friend-
ship for a liberal personality as distinct
from liberal policy. Cynics note it as further
evidence that he intends to run again.
Bowles is wealthy, a favorite of labor and
influential in the independent circles that
Mr. Truman alternately attracts by his for-
eign policy and repels by his tolerance of
the antics of his personal circle. It was not
necessary, however, to get him out of the
way as a possible rival; his defeat for re-
election as Governor of Connecticut last
fall took care of that. He can still be useful
to Mr. Truman in a campaign.
Bowles' new eminence is a far cry from
the days when Mr. Truman first moved
into the White House with the present
Secretary of the Treasury, John Snyder,
at his elbow to help him run the country.
A great many of the New Dealers irri-
tated the new President but Bowles could
fairly claim that none excelled him at
that pastime.
As governor, however, he managed to
find a common meeting ground with Mr.
Truman. He also presented him with a much-
needed and faithful Democratic vote in the
Senate by arranging to make a Connecticut
Republican, Ray Baldwin, a state judge and
replacing him with the present Senator,
William Benton.
IT is not yet clear whether Bowles' ap-
pointment will be delayed by the struggle
between India and Pakistan over Kashmir.
This is the crisis which former Sen. Frank
Graham is trying to mediate for the United
Some quarters report that only Dr.
Graham's presence has averted the out-
break of open warfare; all dispatches stress
that the situation is extremely serious. The
U. N. Security Council resolution under
which he is acting envisaged arbitration but
India, while treating him with great court-
esy, has rejected the principle of arbitration
as contrary to the interests of the Kashmiri
and a violation of her sovereign rights in
that area.
Meanwhile, the armies of both Asian na-
tions are being deployed on a wide front and
the public clamor grows.
Normally, Bowles' background of eco-
nomic liberalism and devotion to social.
reform would equip him ideally for an.
Asian post; in fact, it was what led to the
original suggestion that he take the Indian
appointment. In a war situation these
problems are submerged, of course.
Nehru has threatened that if war comes
between India and Pakistan, it will not be
confined but will be fought on all possible
fronts. The blow to the West, which has
depended upon India especially as an anti.
communist bulwark, will be cruel. The State
Department will not even discuss what might
then happen with respect to America's
planning in that area.
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
"Let Me Know If It Raises Its Head Anywhere"
wA # M
OUR is
t f
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
Union Food
To the Editor:
WITH SUMMER school drawing
to a close, it seems to me that
it should have become apparent
to the management of the Michi-
gan Union Cafeteria that there
are a great number of people (as
witness their conspicuous absence
during the dinner hours) who
prefer to have their main repast in
the evening consist of something
besides ill-prepared, unappetizing
and second-hand left-overs.
I believe that an institution the
size and importance of the Union
should be able to offer something
better than hamburger stand
--Charles Moore, Grad.
* * ,
by Alfred Einstein. Translated by David
Ascoli. Oxford University Press, 1951.
ALFrD EINSTEIN, the distinguished mu-
sicologist, writes in his foreword that
"this book is written for readers who know
and love their Schubert and wish to under-
stand him better and to know more about
him." For those who "know and love their
Schubert," Dr. Einstein's book will be of
little help.
In the first place, Dr. Einstein attempts
to disclose Schubert's life in his music. The
resulting "portrait" is little more than a
stylistic commentary of the particular works
from the various periods in Schubert's crea-
tive career. Biographically the book is in-
complete and unsatisfactory. Granted Dr.
Einstein's intentions are not primarily bio-
graphical (as the title indicates), then does
he assist one in the understanding of Schu-
bert's music? I believe not. Not enough to
warrant some three-hundred pages of des-
criptive "cataloging" somewhat in the ro-
mantic style of J. W. N. Sullivan but tem-
pered by Einstein's typically modern pen-
chant for compression.
For example, Schubert's known and
loved song cycle Die Winterreise is dis-
. a e . i .... « .... _ .. __. . _ . .. __
Occasionally, in this year-by-year group-
ing, Dr. Einstein achieves a gestalt which
not only shows the general trends of Schu-
bert's musical thinking but the subtler
biases and preoccupations. For instance, he
shows how the song-setting of Friedrich
Schlegel's "Fulle der Liebe" is "an inter-
pretation or an explanation of the Andante
from the D major 'Gastein' Sonata" written
in the same month; how the Adantino of
the A major piano sonata of 1828 "has a
direct connection with a song---Pilger-
weise';" and how the finale of the same so-
nata is "obviously" related to the song "In
Not that one can always agree with the
author's specific cases; I do not agree that
the last instance is at all "obvious," and I
am surprised that Dr. Einstein has omitted
to mention the very much more obvious
relationship of that finale to the slow
movement of the A minor sonata of 1817.
These insights of Dr. Einstein's-although
far to infrequent-are, however, an asset
both to the musicologist and the lover of
The several "digressions," which include
excursions into Schubert's relations with
publishers, his attitude toward death, etc.,
and the index of works are incidentally
At The State...
AS YOUNG AS YOU FEEL, with a lot
of Monty Woolley, glimpses of Thelma
Ritter and too many others.
HOLLYWOOD managed to throw every-
thing into this one. As if the confusion
of an incredible relationship between count-
less plots is not enough, the California
crowd succeeded in worrying the audience
as to when laughs are in order and when the
film is supposed to be serious. The best
thing to do is smile.
The ridiculous pot pourri is cleaned up
in a stock ending when numerous indi-
viduals from different spheres confront
each other in one room and things settle'
dow nas before.
Monty Woolley, as the proprietor of the
old disguise gag, seems to be laughing at the
script writers throughout; Thelma Ritter,
who might have saved the thing, is thrown
into the background; Constance Bennett,
supported by an occasional and unpredict-
able soft string background, somehow thinks
she's in love with Monty; the necessary love
sequences are provided by David Wayne
and Jean Peters, a charmingly phoney dou-
ble; and cheesecake is effortlessly delivered
by Marilyn Monroe.
As these and various other individuals
run around the screen in some sort of pat-
tern, themes seem to be developing. Digs
are taken at bureaucratic business and
strong pleas are made for American ini-
tiative and something called "dignity."
With a seemingly endless array of short
subjects to boot, the bill is no help to the
mental organization which is supposed to
preface final exams.
-Barnes Connable
Summer Solstice...
To the Editor:
AN UNBIDDEN guest always
takes his chances, but if we
are to smile in senility and sum-
mer sessions, we must win that
gift of laughter ("and the sense
that the world is mad") and regis-
ter a few confusions. Summer is
always a good time for observa-
tions, and mine have been two:
(1) That summer audiences in
Ann Arbor do not applaud at the
closing curtain of summer theater.
Now ideally, as an audience with
standards, we'd boo a bad per-
formance and respond enthusias-
tically to a good one. But Ann Ar-
bor audiences have unconditional-
ly surrendered their artistic in-
tegrity long ago; so we might just
as well applaud amateurs who
need it as well as professionals
who don't deserve it either.
Why, I've heard Ann Arbor au-
diences applaud with an amazing
amount of indiscrimination al-
most anything that appeared on
the Lydia Mendelssohn stage, and
a Hill Auditorium appearance un-
der the auspices of the University
Musical Society assured uncalled-
for ecstacy; I've heard Ann Arbor
sight-seers squeal like pigs eating
up many a Speech Department
hogwash. But this summer, the
plays have been considerably bet-
ter and the 'performances marked-
ly improved, and I do think that
some gesture of audience evalua-
tion is in order not only to en-
courage the Speech Department
heads to produce the better plays
but just as importantly, to en-
courage the amateurs participat-
ing in the productions. There's
nothing like that final gesture by
the audience and that low-bow
reckoning by the cast to give a
theater some. sort of finality, a
traditional dignity all its own
that's well worth preserving.
So if it is at all possible, let us
as an audience assert an evalua-
tion of some sort and hope the
Speech Department will make it
possible for us to applaud their
performances unabashedly,
(2) That there has been ex-
cellent music. The Stanley Quar-
tet and their guests as well as the
individual performances spotting
the musical calendar have sup-
plied an enjoyable experience for
concert-goers all summer. The
consistent quality from competent
artists has been refreshingly re-
warding and deserving of much
more appreciation from attenders
than I can but inadequately in-
dicate here. Somehow we thank
Always in hopes and looking
forward to the time when the
University of Michigan is the
greatest in the world if it isn't, I
am, sincerely,.
-Adele Hager
The essence of being human is
that one does not seek perfection,
that one is sometimes willing to
commit sins for the sake of loy-
alty, that one does not push as-
cetism to the point where it makes
friendly intercourse impossible,
and that one is prepared in the
end to be defated and broken up
by life, which is the inevitable
price of fastening one's love upon
other human individuals.
-George Orwell
Moscow's tearful concern for
the world's underprivileged chil-
dren has been told, retold and re-
iterated in nearly all known lang-
uages. Presumably, if words were
rubles there would be caviar on
every Hottentot table. One must
admit that the Kremlin's fraudu-
lent promises are high in propa-
ganda value. Their nutritional
content, unfortunately, is precise-
ly nil.
-The Hottentot Times
Library or its branches are notified
that such books are due Monday, Aug- I
ust 13.
2. Students having special need for
certain books between August 13 and
August 17 may retain such books for
that period by renewing them at the
Charging Desk.
3. The names of all students who
have not cleared theirrecords at the
Library by Friday, August 17 will be
sent to the cashier's Office and their
credits and grades will be withheld
until such time as said records are
cleared in compliance with the regu-
lations of the Regents.
Tuesday, August 14-
International Business Machines Cor-
poration will be interviewing Electrical
and Mechanical Engineers all levels for
Research and Production. These posi-
tions will be in Endicott, New York.
Please call at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Building
for appointments.
Personnel Requests:
General Foods Corporation, Kanka-
kee, Illinois, is in need of a Project
Engineer. An Industrial or Mechanical
Engineer will qualify. For further in-
formation contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration Build-
The Fresh Air Camp Clinic will be
Friday night, Aug. 10, 8:00 at the camp
on Patterson Lake. Dr. Rabinovitch,
Asst. Prof. of Psychiatry; in Charge of
Children's Service, Neuropsychiatric In-
stitute, will be the speaker.
Personnel Requests:
The City of Pontiac is in need of
Civil Engineers for field and office
A city in northern Michigan (popu-
lation 15,000) is in need of a city man-
ager and a city engineer.
American Broach & Machine Com-
pany, Ann Arbor, is in need of Electri-
cal Engineers for work on machines in
shop having to do with wiring, hy-
draulic valves and switches, wiring and
some plant engineering.
The United States Civil Service Com-
mission announces examinations for
Underwriting Aide (grade G-4), Con-
struction Aide (grade GS-5), Appraiser
Trainee (grade GS-5), and Mortgage
Credit Aide (grade 0s-5). These posi-
tions are for thte Federal Housing Ad-
ministration in Detroit.
For further information please con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments 3528
Administration Building.
Personnel Requests
Kaiser-Frazer Corporation is in need
of a personnel interviewer, with or
without experience. Candidate should
have educational background In per-
sonnel and business administration.
Contact Bureau of Appointments, Ext.
371 for further information.
Library Hours After Summer Session:
The General Library will be open
daily from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays
through Fridays, except during the per-
iod from August 27th through Septem-
ber 3rd, when the Library Buiding will
be completely closed for repairs.
The Divisional Libraries will be closed
from August 18 through September 15,
with the exception of Engineering, East
Engineering, Natural Science and Phy-
sics, which will be open on shortened
schedules. Information as to hours
will be posted on the library doors or
may be obtained by calling University
Extension 653. Requests for material
'from the closed libraries will be taken
care of at the Circulation Desk in the
General Library.
Bureau of Appointments
YWCA needs teen-age program di-
rectors in a number of cities. These po-
sitions are for September. For further
information please contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Administration
Student Loans for Men: Students
unable to pay in full loans due on or
before August 17 should see Miss Mc-
Kenzie, 1020 Administration Building,
on Monday Application for new loans
may not be made between August 14
and September 24.
Student Loans: Under the following
regulation of the Loan Committee,
loans for tuition will not be available
for the fall semester: No student may
borrow from the University loan funds
unless he is registered in the Univer-
sity at the time the loan is requested
and has completed at least one semes-
ter of work at the University.
Academic Notices
"Law School Admission Test: Candi-
dates taking the Law School Admission
Test, August 11, are requested to re-
port to 140 Business Administration at
8:45 a.m. Saturday for the morning
session. The afternoon session will be-
gin at 1:45 p.m. Candidates are re-
quired to be present at both sessions"
The results of the M. A. language ex-
amination in history are now posted
in the History Office, 217 South Quad.
Professor F. Tricomi of the University
of Turin, Italy, a member of the Bate-
man Project at California Institute of
Technology, will speak on "A New En-
tire Function Related to a Well-known
Noncontinuable Power Series" on Tues-
day, August 14, at 4 p.m., in Room 3017
Angell Hall. The entire function arises
in the study of the statistical distribu-
tion of certain bacteria mutations.
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching departments wishing
to recommend tentative August gradu-
ates from the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, and the School
of Education for departmental honors
should recommend such students in a
letter to be sent to the Registrar's Of-
fice. Room 1513 Administration Build-
ing before August 23.
Attention August Graduates: College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts,
School of Education, School of Music,
School of Public Health:
Students are advised not to request
grades of I or X in August. When such
grades are absolutely imperative, the
work must be made up in time to al-
low your instructor to report the make-'
up grade not later than 11 a.m., August'
23. Grades received after that time
may defer the student's graduation un-
til a later date.
Doctoral Examination for Thelma
Eskin Habgood, Chemistry; thesis:
"Studies on the Degradation of the A
Ring of Equilenin and Related Com-
pounds," Saturday. August 11. 300
Chemistry Bldg.. at 10:00 a.m. Chair-
man, A. S. Dreiding.
Doctoral Examination for Haskel
Robert Coplin, Psychology; thesis:
"Measure of Orientations Toward a
Sentence Completion Test and Their
Personality Correlates,' Monday, Aug-
ust 13, 1027 East Huron St., at 1:00 p.m.
Chairman, E. L. Kelly.
Doctoral Examination for Jules Sid
Needle, Electrical Engineering; thesis:
"TNyInsertion Magnetron: A New Ex-
ternal-Cavity Magnetron for Low-Pow-
er Electronically-Tunable Operation in
the 10 to 20-CM Wavelength Range,*
Monday, August 13 3517 East Engineer-
ing Bldg., at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, W.
C. Dow.
Doctoral Examination for Leon Ber-
nard Cohen, Psychology; thesis: "The
Influence of Two Attitudinal Variable
on Group Rorschach Test Performance,"
Tuesday, August 14, 1027 East Huron
St., at 3:30 p.m. Chairman, D. R. Mill-
Doctoral Examination for August
Rueben Hanson, Aeronautical Engineer-
ing; thesis: "The Effect of Relative
velocity on the Evaporation of a Liquid
Fuel Spray," Wednesday, August 15,
East Council Room, Rackham Bldg, at
2:00 p.m. Chairman, A. M. Kuethe.
Doctoral Examination for John Ar-
thur King, Zoology; thesis: "Social Be-
havior, Social Organization, and Popu-
lation Dynamics in a Black-Tailed
Prairiedog Town in the Black Hills of
South Dakota," Wednesday, August 15,
2089 Natural Science Bldg., at 9:00 am.
Chairman, L, R. Dice.
Doctoral Examination for Raleigh
Morgan, Jr., Linguistics; thesis: "A
Lexical and Semantic Study of Old
French Jogleor and Kindred Terms,"
Thursday, AugustB16, East Council
Room, Rackham Bldg., at 200 pa..
Chairman, E. B. Ham.
Doctoral Examination for Howard Al-
vin Crum, Botany; thesis: "The Appa-
lachian-Ozarkian Element in the Moss
Flora of Mexico with a Check-list o
all Knokn Mexican Mosses," Thursday
August 30, 1139 Natural Science Bldg.,
at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, H. H. Bartlett.
Doctoral Examination for Dee Gordon
Applezweig, Psychology; thesis: "An
Investigation of Interrelationships of
Several Measures of Rigidity Under
Varying Conditions of Security," Fri-
day, August 17, 1027 East Huron Street,
at 4:00 pm, Chairman, E. L. Kelly.
Events Today
This Week: Thursday through Mon.
day, the Department of Speech in con-
junction with the School of Music, pre-
sents Oscar Straus' comic operetta, The
Chocolate Soldier. Thursday and Fri-
day performances are sold, however, a'
few tickets are available for Saturday
and Monday, August 11 and 13. All
performances begin at 8 p.m. in' the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Box of-
fice open daily 10 a.m. to 5 pam., untl
8 p.m. days of performances.
Coming Lectures
Linguistic Program. Tigner Holme,
Tuesday, August 14.
University Summer Session Choir,
Philip Duey, Conductor, assisted by a
Brass Ensemble conducted by James'
Neilson, will present its annual con-
cert at 4:15 Sunday afternoon, August
12, in Hill Auditorium. The choir will
sing works by Bach, Eric Thiman, Ran-
dall Thompson, and Brahms, including
the latter's Liebeslieder, Op. 52. Mr.
Neilson will conduct the Brass Ensem-
ble in compositions by Coles, Ball, ani
Scotney. The general public is invited.
Coming Events
Graduate Outing Club. Meet at 2:00
Sunday, behind Rackham Building t
go to Crooked Lake, Waterloo Area.
Hiking, swimming, volleyball. Trans-
portation and picnic supper provided.
Sponsoring tour to Ford Motor Com-
pany on Friday, August 17, at 1:30 p.m.
Foreign students and American friends
are invited to participate. Please get
your ticket at the International Center
before Wednesday, August 15,
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Bldg. at 3 p.m. on the
day preceding publication.
VOL. LXI, No. 33-5
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching departments wish
to recommend tentative August grad-
uates from the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts, and the
School of Education for departmental;
honors should recommend such stu-
dents in a letter to be sent to the Reg-
istrar's Office, Room 1513 Administra-
tion Building before August 23.
Attention August Graduates: College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts,
School of Education, School of Music,
School of Public Health:
Students are advised not to request
grades of I or X in August. When such
grades are absolutely imperative, the
work must be made up in time to al-
low your instructor to report the make-
up grade not later than 11 a.m., Aug-
ust 23. Grades received after that time
may defer the student's graduation un-
til a later date.
To all students having Library books:
1. Students having in their posses-
sion books borrowed from the General
Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students jo
the University of Michigan under thl
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications
Editorial Staff
Dave Thomas .. Managing Editor
George Flint .,.,..........Sports Editor
Jo Ketelhut..........Women's Editor
Business Staff
Milt Goets..........Business Manager
Eva Stern .........Advertising Manager
Harvey Gordon .......Finance Manager
Allan Weinstein ...Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-3
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication'
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he.arJAMI WTmTTmC CMw r. r a. i+h
bey, we beter get You're right, Barnaby. Will you
bock to the camofire coma nlnng.G u:? And -fl tMa
Say, I know some whoppers! Come
~._ i.. fh-eIAa_,a
!'ll put on a genuine old-time
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