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August 10, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-08-10

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It A


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Latest Deadline in the State

VOL. LXI, No. 32-S



Lists Jessup
Among Reds
Charges Arouse
Storm in Senate
WASHINGTON - (M) - Sena-
tor McCarthy (R-Wis.) aroused ak
furious storm in the Senate yes-
terday by naming Ambassador-at-
Large Philip Jessup and 25 others
as persons whose loyalty has been
McCarthy said all those under
investigation are on the State De-
partment's payroll, but that Jess-
up "is the prize of them all."
HE CHARGED the Ambassador
was ''affiliated with not one, not
two, not three, not four, but nve
groups" which he characterized as
Communist fronts.
In addition to Jessup, McCar-
thy named John Carter Vincent,
former United States minister to
Switzerland, who is now consul at
Tangiers. Vincent has been a
target for McCarthy before.
Others on the list included in-
formation specialists, consultants
on foreign affairs, economic ad-
visors and clerk-typists.
When McCarthy took his seat,
Majority leader McFarland of
Arizona, his face flushed, arose
'r to say "It does not behoove the
dignity of this Senate to smear
any individual." Without nam-
' jng McCarthy, he said attacks
upon individuals, without full
evidence and proper hearings,
"tear down the dignity of the
Senator Lehman (D-N.Y.) pro-
tested that the Senate had been
forced to listen to "irresponsible
charges" that some employes "are
disloyal or traitors to their Gov-
ernment.' This was a "form of
character assassination we should
all abhor," Lehman said.
He declared Jessup is "a great
American who has served and is
serving (his country) with un-
surpassed devotion." McCarthy,
he charged, had subjected the
Ambassador to "shabby and das-
tardly treatment."
v THIS BROUGHT 'a roaring pro-
test from Republican floor leader
Wherry of Nebraska that Lehman
had violated the Senate rule
against implying improper mo-
tives or making improper re-
marks about a fellow Senator.
Lehman was ordered to take his
seat, but before doing so he
shouted: "I move to amend my
remarks by striking out dastardly
and substituting cowardly."
The State Department moved
into the controversy with a state-
ment accusing the Wisconsin Sen-
ator of deliberately violating "the
fundamental tenet of freedom
from intimidation." The state-
ment was drawn up by Carlisle
H. Humelsine, deputy undersec-
retary of state.
It said that two persons in a
list of 29 McCarthy submitted
to the State Department July
23 are not employed there, while
14 others have been cleared by
the Department's loyalty se-
curity board.
Thirteen persons on the list are
still being investigated.
The statement did not mention
Jessup, whom President Truman
appointed early in 1949 as spe-
cial American Ambassador for
United Nations negotiations.
McCarthy weathered the storm
Jessup, he charged, had "nego-

tiated with the Russians much as
Hiss negotiated with them at
McCarthy, noting that Senator
Benton (D-Conn.) has started a
move to expel him from the Sen-
ate, remarked:
"I think there will be a number
of removals from the Senate be-
fore they remove the Senator
from Wisconsin."
Truman Calls
Taft Candidate
Truman yesterday "nominated"
Senator Robert A. Taft for Presi-
dent on the Republican ticket, and
said he didn't think General
Dwight D. Eisenhower is a can-
didate for the Democratic nomin-

"That Odor Around Here Isn't
Coming From West Point"
U. s. S~tATEQ
,tP'1 t y - 5







1 I


e ( fr. f~~r4 ~~

* * * *

An Editorial

. 0 0

Senator McCarthy's latest vicious sally into the fields
of character assassination where he has already worn such a
black path, should resolve any questions members of the
Senate may have entertained on the action they should take

1 or

z the Benton resolution.
The Benton resolution asking for an investigation
of McCarthy aimed at expelling the Wisconsin Senator
from the Senate wds offered by Senator William Benton
(D-Conn.) after a Senate subcommittee report termed

""despicable" the campaign waged by McCarthy and
others in Maryland against former Senator Millard E.
McCarthy's recent cowardly and libelous attack on State
Department officials under the cloak of Congressional im-
munity jeopardizes not only the good name of the Senate but
our national security as well.
It is time that Senators themselves took action to clean
the air in their own chambers.
-The Editors

World News Roundup


Official Says
Reds Knew
Of JapPlans
Tells Committee
Of Russian Spies
WASHINGTON-(P) - Japan's
"FBI" chief told a Congressional
committee yesterday that Russia
knew about Japanese plans to at-
tack the United States and Gre~at
Britain two months before Pearl
He also testified that Commun-
ist agents in Tokyo were agitating
constantly at that time to get
Japan to strike southward in the
Pacific instead of waging war on
Soviet Siberia.
THE WITNESS was Mitsusada
Yoshikawa, chief of the special
investigating bureau of the Jap-
anese Attorney General's office,
who is in this country to study
legislative procedure. He was
called before the House tUn-
American Activities Committee.
Yoshikawa said the Soviet
government got its information
from a fabulous spy ring head-
ed by Dr. Richard Sorge, a Ger-
man Communist who worked as
press attache in the German
Embassy in Tokyo. Sorge was
caught by the Japanese in 1944
and hanged. Yoshikawa assist-
ed in the prosecution.
Early in October, 1941, he tes-
tified, Sorge's ring sent Moscow a
secret message that Japan was do-
ing her best to arrive at a set-
tlement with the United States
in talks at Washington. He said
the message also contained this
illuminating paragraph:
"If America refuses to compro-
mise by the middle of October,
Japan will attack America, the
Malay countries, Singapore and
Sumatra. She will not attack
Borneo because it is within reach
of Singapore and Manilla."
The Japanese struck at Pearl
Harbor Dec. 7, 1941, and proceed-
ed to overrun Southern Asia and
the Philippines.
The Congressional investigation
of Pearl Harbor, made immedi-
ately after the war, never develop-
ed any indication that the Rus-
sians gave any warning to the
United States, although at the
time Russia was receiving Ameri-
can lend-lease supplies to help
her resist the Nazis.
Resume Trip
The good raft "Lethargia," test-
ing-quarters of an experiment in
cramped living, has resumed its
sociological cruise to New Orleans
with a new eight-foot square can-
vas cabin and a new canine mas-
The 12 by 20 foot craft spilled
its four occupants into the Ohio
River 15 days ago in the first lap
of a proposed 2,000 mile voyage
from New Kensington, Pa. to New
After a thorough overhauling
and the adoption of a new mascot
to take the place of the pet who
drowned in the mishap, the crew,
with guitar safely recovered, began
their journey anew.
Skipper Mary Ellin McGrady,
Grad., promises to continue to
keep detailed notes on what hap-
pens to mind and manners when
two bachelors and two young
women live cooped up together on

a tiny raft for several weeks.
The two men, Don Brown, '51,
and Milton E. Borcton, Grad., and
artist Geraldine Garcia of Boston
entered into this venture as
strangers, ready to make adjust-
ments to their close confinment.
"Silly," Miss McGrady termed

HUGO PROMOTED-Hugo Martinson, '65?, newest addition to The Daily reportorial staff is
shown interviewing "sidewalk engineers" whom he encountered on a tour of the campus in search
of a scoop yesterday afternoon. The four are stationed in front of the construction work in progress
behind Angell Hall where they paused in their occupation to answer the queries of our roving
Foreign Aid Hugo Interviews Student
Bill Aproved 'Se lkEn ineers
B pp d SidewalkEg es

By The Associated Press
partment announced yesterday
Communist Poland has forced a
shutdown of all American cultural
activities in that country and the
United States has ordered the
Polish Propaganda Office at New
York closed in 24 hours.
* * *
OTTAWA - Princess Elizabeth
and the Duke of Edinburgh don't
want a lot of formalities in their
coming coast-to-coast tour, the
Canadian government reminded
local authorities yesterday.
The 35-day tour will take them
from the Atlantic to the Pacific
reaches of Canada, with a brief

Reds Honor
Neutrality M
Truce Zone
Troop Presence
Called Accidental
TOKYO - (P) -- The Korean
cease-fire talks were on again yes-
terday after a five-day halt during
which the Allies demanded and
got Red assurances that the truce
Zone's neutrality will be respected.
The United Nations delegation
took off by helicopter for Kae-
song, site of the momentous con-
ferences, after these rapid devel-
Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway, Su-
2reme Allied Commander, gave
the go-ahead signal after study-
ing until the early hours the
grudging language of a Commun-
ist reply givingdthe firm guaran-
ees he demanded.
Vice Adm. C. Turner Joy, Chief
of the UN delegation, then sent
message to Lt. Gen. Nam Il, Chief
Communist negotiator, suggesting
the meetings be resumed at 1:30
p.m. (10:30 p.m. Thursday Ann
Arbor time).
THE COMMUNIST delegation
shortly thereafter telephoned UN
advance headquarters agreeing to
the time and promising jeep trans-
portation from the Kaesong air-
field to the meeting site.
Ridgway broke off the talks Sun-
day when his delegation reported
a company of armed Ciese
Communist soldiers had been ob-
served near the meeting site on
The Communists later sent a
reply saying the presence of the
troops was an "accident" and
the whole incident was trivial.
Ridgway disagreed and Tuesday
sharply demanded fresh assur-
ances. Meanwhile he kept his
negotiators at home.
Wednesday night the Commun-
ists gave the renewed assurances
but at the same time suggested
that the Allies might "deliberately
fabricate incidents" to end the
stalled negotiations.
This was coupled with a separ-
ate charge that Allied troops only
Tuesday had violated the zone's
neutrality by firing on a village
inside the five-mile non-combat
zone around Kaesong.
* * *
JOY'S MESSAGE to General
Nam said:
"I have been instructed by Com-
mander in Chief, United Nations
Command, to resume conference
on the basis that it is inconceiv-
able that there will be any further
failure on your part to comply
with the agreement regarding
neutralization of Kaesong area as
stated in message of 9 August to
General Ridgway from General
Kim Il Sung and Peng Teh-Huai.
Accordingly I suggest we resume
the conference at 1:30 p.m. 10
August, Seoul time if weather
permits travel by helicopter."
The Reds declared their new
neutrality pledge would not be
broken unless the Allies "deliber-
ately fabricate incidents" to wreck
the conference.
The talks which opened July
10 had been suspended since Aug.
4 as a result of Gen. Ridgway's
demand that the Reds give satis-

factory guarantees they would
never again put armed troops into
the Kaesong area as they admit-
tedly did last Saturday.

trip to Washington to visit Presi-
dent and Mrs. Truman Oct. 24-26.
* . a
WASHINGTON -- President
Truman said yesterday he is
having an inquiry made into the
situation at West Point.
By implication, there was a
suggestion it might deal with
the whole question of present-
day emphasis on football as an
intercollegiate sport.
* * a
WEST POINT, N. Y. - Gen.
Dwight D. Eisensower's son, John,
said yesterday he thought it would
be a mistake to change West
Point's teaching methods because
of the cheating scandal involving
90 cadets.

In Committee
WASHINGTON - (o) - T h e
House Foreign Affairs Committee
last night approved a $7,848,750,-
000 foreign aid program, $651,250,-
000 less than President Truman
The bulk, of the reduction was
in military and economic assist-
ance for Europe.
The Committee also directed
that a separate administration to
be known as the Mutual Security
Administration be set up to take
over operation of all foreign aid
programs except those involving
procurement and distribution of
military equipment, which would
be handled by the Defense De-
In voting final approval of an
omnibus aid bill scheduled for
House action next week, the Com-
mittee stipulated that nothing
contained in it "shall be con-
strued to infringe upon the pow-
ers or functions of the Secretary
of State."
Chairman Richards (D-S.C.)
said the effect of this is to make
it certain that the jurisdiction of
the State Department, acting for
the President, in the field of over-
all foreign policy shall not be
"Except in the field of overall
policy," Richards told newsmen,
"the Administrator will be the
boss of these programs."
The Committee voted to end the
Economic Cooperation Adminis-
tration as such next June 30,

Editor's note, After exhausting the
possibilities of the Daily's intercom-
munication phone system, Hugo Mar-
tinson, '65, (?), announced that lie
felt qualified to. turn to news report-
ing. The following is his first at-
tempt as the newest addition to the
Daily reportial staff as dictated by
Hugo himself. The rewrite man
wishes to state that the grammar is




Cinema Guild To End
Season With 'Lifeboat'

I saw two ladies and some men
watching the builders over there
House Passes
WASHINGTON'-()- A $56,-
062,405,890 military appropria-
tions bill-a peacetime record-
passed the House yesterday and
went to the Senate.
Final passage on a 348 to 2 roll
call vote came after the House:
1. Refused to clamp a six-divi-
sion limit on the number of Amer-
ican ground troops that can be
sent to Europe.
2. Votedto cut off retirement
pay of military men who leave the
service this year for reasons other
than age or disability.
THE HOUSE made no changes
in the money recommendations of
its appropriations committee for
the Army, the Navy and the Air
The troops-for-Europe limita-
tion was defeated by a standing
vote of 131 to 84.

outside that big office. Thought
to interview them for big Dailyi
story. So I would ask them howt
they like the new building. So It
Asked first lady what was her
phone number? Then what was
her door number. I found out
that this lady lives two blocks
from my house. She wears aa
dress, some green kind and is
* * *
SHE SAYS she thinks the build-
ing is pretty. "But it sure makes
lot of noise." She's right. It sure
There's also two men. They,
look good too. Both has on shirts.-
Didn't ask the men nothing, only;
the girls. Gee they was pretty.
You know what? I lost a
nickel today.
One of them ladies was laugh-
ing. She says she not think it
scary to work up so high. I think
she would like to work up there
too. She just laugh.
Very nice to work for the city.
I did some building once too. I
builded a Indian trail, and a car
and a train from wood when I was
in Germany.
Those men in front of the build-
ing seemed kind of smart, but gee,
those ladies was pretty.
Guess I go borrow a nickel for
a coke. I lost a nickel today. This
pencil behind my ear keeps falling
on the floor.
Well I guess that's the end,
cause I got to go to my aunt's
birthday party.

If "Lifeboat" sinks tonight, Tal-
lulah Bankhead won't be the only
Although the Student Legisla-
ture Cinema Guild, sponsor of the
Hitchcock thriller, has had good
returns for the season, the fate
of a unique "insurance fund" hang
on tonight's attendance. The fund
is for the protection of groups
co-sponsoring films with the Guild
next year, according to manager
Dick Kraus, Grad.
THE SL originally voted against
backing summer productions be-
cause of the risk involved, but the
summer legislature ok'd the idea
when it found only two local thea-
tres in operation.

Sponsoring movies here is al-
ways a gamble, according to
Kraus. "The four out of 25 pic-
tures which went in the red last
year were not particularly low-
Kraus said it is impossible to
determine what sells a movie. He
recalled that a western shown last
year attracted only a slim audi-
ence, composed largely of elderly
"ADMITTEDLY, we can't com-
pete with local theatres," Kraus
conceded. "But a lot of people
seem to be willing to sacrifice
plush surroundings and a flawless
soundtrack for superior pictures."
The films are all rented from
reputable dealers, Kraus noted,

Reds Seek Western Appeasement in Yugoslavia

Increasing Soviet pressure on
the Yugoslav border is the prelude
to a Russian demand for annexa-
tion of Yugoslavia, a veteran Yu-

"Russia is making a pretense
of friendship to all nations but
Yugoslavia," Smole said. "After
diverting the West's attention to
a Soviet-created Yugoslav prob-

for the preservation of peace in
Europe," he said.
The reporter lauded United
States' economic and military
aid to Yugoslavia as an indica-

circumventing the deadlocked Se-
curity Council.
"Senator Austin (U. S. UN
delegate) told me the other day
htat his interpretation of pres-

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