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August 10, 1951 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1951-08-10

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"But We Can Make A Lot Of Noise So Much Cheaper" I INTERPRETING THE NEWS:

T Econtinuing controversy over the dis-
missal and subsequent suicide of Mal-
colm H. Soule, former heod of the Medical
School's bacteriology department, is unfor-
tunate for all concerned.
Charges and countercharges, none of them
based upon adequate information, which
have been filling the editorial and letters
columns of some newspapers are not only
damaging to the good name of the Univer-
sity but are undoubtedly extremely painful
to members of the Soule family.
A certain amount of emotional sympa-
thy and ill-considered protests on the part
of the general public under such condi-
tions is understandable, but to find one of
the State's largest newspapers attacking
the Regents' dismissal as "ruthless" and
as being motivated by a desire for "sadis-
tic satisfaction" is rather discouraging.
The Detroit Free Press crys out daily
against what it terms the increasing decay
of morality in government. Apparently in
the Soule case, this paper is willing to over-
look teachnicalities like forgery in their
eagerness to put th eblast on the Board of
Now in some respects in which the entire
business was handled does not reflect any
particular credit on either the administra-
tion or the Board of Regents, but as far as
the Regent's general course of action is con-
cerned, it is hard to see how they could have
done otherwise.
CONSIDER the Regents' position:
They are a board of elected officials
who are responsible for the honest admin-
istration of public funds. They are pre-
sented with a case in which a faculty mem-
ber who has already been under suspicion
a number of times for mishandling Uni-
versity property and funds, cleanly admits
that he has embezzeled public funds by
They are informed that several newspa-
pers have already gotten wind of the rea-
son for Soule's resignation and that there
is a good deal of talk among the faculty
of the case. They know that the press will
most certainly demand a full accounting
of the case and if they try to allow Soule
to quietly resign, they will be attacked for
condoning the theft of public funds and
giving special treatment to a person who
has committed a criminal offense because
of his position.
As public officials could they, in such
a situation, give the sort of benefit of
elergy consideration to Soule which the
public and some of the press now accord
him merely because he was a scientist
with a substantial record of achievement?
They, of course, could not have forseen
that Soule would take his own life because
of his dismissal and as for the question of
granting Soule a hearing before they acted,
Soule knew that he would have been grant-
ed a hearing by both the Regents and the
faculty Senate had he requested it.
Soule deliberately violated a position of
public trust and regardless of his scientific
reputation, it is difficult to see that the Re-
gents had any alternative but to dismiss

Fl + .4

WASHINGTON-That shiny new Cadillac
presented by the Elks Club of Houston
to Gen. MacArthur when he visited Texas
still isn't paid for. The car cost $5,700 and
the Elks, in their enthusiasm, figured the
money would be easy to raise. So they pre-
sented the car to MacArthur and figured on
paying for it later.
When the last appeal for funds was issued,
however, MacArthur's popularity seemed to
be on the wane and only $1,286 of the
$5,700 was in the Elk's kitty. Here is the
letter sent out by Phil Hamburger, chair-
man of the MacArthur gift fund, Houston
Lodge No. 151, BOP Elks:
"You doubtless are familiar with the
fact that during Gen. MacArthur's visit
to Houston he received as a gift from the
Elks and friends a black 7-passenger
Cadillac sedan.. ..
"The purchase of this car at a cost of
$5,700.00 was undertaken by members of
the Elks and friends, and at the present
time we have only raised $1,286.00, and
since we are in need of more funds the pur-
pose of this letter is to afford you an op-
portunity todbe listed as a contributor to
the gift fund.
"The ownership certificate to the car will
be forwarded to Gen. MacArthur along with
an appropriate scroll bearing the names of
all contributors, and the list of names is
being closed out when the amount of $5,-
700.00 is received."
* * *
A LITTLE MORE information has leaked
out regarding the huge speculation in
rye, and the sudden reversal of the Agri-
culture Department's ban on Canadian, rye.
An offer of a million dollars was dangled
before Ralph Trigg, formerly in charge of
all rye purchases, if he would buy Canadian
rye. Trigg said no.
However, last spring, after Trigg got out,
his policy was reversed and the U.S. Govern-
ment bought up a large quantity of Cana-
dian rye mixed with U.S. rye.
It is now learned that two Senators
pressured the Agriculture Department to
bring about this change-Young of North
Dakota and McCarthy of Wisconsin, both
Republicans. Minnesota's two senators-
Humphrey, Democrat, and Thye, Republi-
can-sat in on one meeting regarding
rye. However, they attended at the urging
of McCarthy and did nothing more than
put in an appearance.
Sen. Young, who comes from a big rye-
producing state, wanted to ban rye imports
from Canada altogether. Since Canadian
rye was already mixed with American rye in
Donors Needed
WASHINGTON - Where are the blood
Korea is about to take rank as one of
America's costliest wars in terms of casual-
ties relative to the forces engaged in the
fighting. Yet the American people have so
far shrugged off all appeals for blood to
replace what their fighting men have so
freely spilled for them.
Korean requirements have swallowed up
the World War II stockpile. For current
needs and to replenish it, 200,000 pints of
blood are needed monthly. What has been
coming in is a trickle-35,000 pints a month.

northwest grain elevators, however, Young
agreed that the Government should buy
this Canadian rye in order to reduce the
surplus. By getting rid of the surplus and
by banning future rye shipments from Can-
ada, Young hoped to create a better mar-
ket for American rye farmers.
It was McCarthy, however, who con-
stantly telephoned and heckled the Agri-
culture Department to reverse the ban on
buying Canadian rye. He not only called
on Secretary of Agriculture Brannan, but
was continually in the Agriculture De-
partment's hair until it knuckled under
and began buying Canadian rye.
McCarthy's intense interest in Canadian
rye is a puzzle. Furthermore, the million dol-
lars dangled before Ralph Trigg and the
multimillion-dollar corner on the rye mar-
ket, cooked up by the big speculators, also
remains a mystery.
NOTE-McCarthy has not speculated in
the commodity market under his own name
since the 1947 Senate investigation of the
commodity market. Previously McCarthy
had speculated chiefly in butter. After the
1947 investigation, however, McCarthy
struck up an interesting friendship with
Ralph Moore, the speculating partner of
former Sen. Thomas of Oklahoma. It is
significant that Moore has been associated
in the rye market with Dan Rice, one of
the biggest speculators in Canadian rye.
SECRET CABLES from Kaesong indicate
the Communists may be holding the
threat of Russian submarine and air power
over the heads of the American negotiators.
At one point in the cease-fire talks, chief
Communist delegate Nam Il hinted ominous-
ly about "Russian submarine and air po-
This is reaveled in a secret summary of
the August 2 talks, cabled to the Pentagon
by Gen. Ridgway. The summary does not
quote the negotiators directly, but summar-
izes their discussion. Here is a paraphrase,
taken from the secret summary:
Adm. Turner Joy, the chief American dele-
gate, made the point that the United Na-
tions control the sea and air and that this
should be taken into consideration in set-
ting a cease-fire line.
Gen. Nam Il replied with a 10-minute
speech, setting forth his reasons why the
truce line should be at the 38th Parallel.
He argued, in effect: "This is where the
conflict began, and this is where it should
"Would you have, settled for the 38th
Parallel when your armies were attacking
around Pusan? Obviously not," retorted Ad-
miral Joy.
Then Gen. Nam I1 pointed out, in effect:
"You overlook that Russia's submarine and
air potential could be used against you."
However, Admiral Joy took ."this implied
threat in his stride, and shot back: "battle
and intelligence reports indicate that Russia
has not been as helpful as she might be and
that she has not been as free with equip-
ment as you would have liked."
Then, answering a threat with a threat,
Joy warned in effect: "Any intervention of
new forces would spread the war immedi-
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)


Reds Strive To Save Face
On Buffer Zone Squabble
Associated Press News Analyst
THE PROSPECT that the latest halt in Korean truce negotiations
will be followed by another step toward agreement seems to be
at least fair. But the most delicate item on the agenda will still re-
The first real step toward a cease fire came with Communist
agreement to leave the matter of foreign troop withdrawal for later
conferences at governmental levels rather than to try to settle it as
a part of the military agreements.
During the neutral zone violation squabble, which seemed
Thursday to be working itself out through an exchange of un-
pleasantries, the Peiping radio has been talking about the de-
marcation line.
The broadcasts are subject to the interpretation-although it
must be to a considerable extent speculative-that the Communists
will not insist on an allied withdrawal from important terrain, in
some places considerably north of the 38th Parallel, merely for the
purpose of restoring the pre-1950 political situation down to the last
* * * *
HE COMMUNISTS seem to be trying to leave the impression
throughout the Orient that the Allies are actually demanding an
advance beyond present lines. Then, if an agreement is reached as of
the present lines, the Communists will be in the position of having
resisted Allied demands which actually were never made.
The fact that the shooting will end with the Allies still in
possession of some ground formerly administered by the North
Korean puppet government will then be minimized.
If this is a correct estimate of the Peiping tactic, the Allies will
still have the ground, the heights from which to repel any possible
future aggression, and the Communists will have been able to con.
ceal from the home folks at least a part of the weakness of their





bargaining position.
But even if this comes about,
will have to be ironed out.

a fundamental clash of practices

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Bldg. at 3 p.m. on the
day preceding publication.
VOL. LXI, No. 32-S
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching departments wish
to recommend tentative August grad-
uates from the College gofsLitera-
ture, Science, and tle Arts, and the
School of Education for departmental
honors should recommend such stu-
dents in a letter to be sent to the Reg-
istrar's Office, Room 1513 Administra-
tion Building before August 23.
Attention August Graduates: College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts,
School of Education, School of Music,
School of Public Health:
Students are advised not to request
grades of I or X in August. When such
grades are absolutely imperative, the
work must be made up in time to al-
low your instructor to report the make-
up grade not later than 11 a.m., Aug-
ust 23. Grades received after that time
may defer the student's graduation un-
til a later date.
To all students having Library books:
1. Students having in their posses-
sion books borrowed from the General
Library or its branches are notified
that such books are due Monday, Aug-
uist 13.
2. Students having special need for
certain books between August 13 and
August 17 may retain such books for
that period by renewing them at the
Charging Desk.
3. The names of all students who
have not cleared their records at the
Library by Friday, August 17 will be
sent to the Cashier's Office and their
credits and grades will be withheld
until such time as said records are
cleared in compliance with the regu-
lations of the Regents.
Personnel Interviews:
Friday, August 10-
Lehigh Portland Cement Company,
Cleveland, Ohio, will be interviewing
men interested in sales or sales ad-
ministration. Literary College & Bus-
iness Administration students, as well
as technical men are eligible. Their
training program will begin approxi-
mately September 1 and will continue
for 6 to 8 months in Allentown, Penn-
sylvania, then candidate will be placed
in either sales or sales administration
in one of their district offices.
Tuesday, August 14-
International Business Machines Cor-
poration will be interviewing Electrical
and Mechanical Engineers all levels for
Research and Production. These posi-
tions will be in Endicott, New York.
Please call at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Building
for appointments.
Personnel Requests:
General Foods Corporation, Kanka-
kee, Illinois, is in need of a Project
Engineer. An Industrial or Mechanical
Engineer will* qualify. For further in-
formation contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration Build-
The Fresh Air Camp Clinic will be
Friday night, Aug. 10, 8:00 at the camp
on Patterson Lake. Dr. Rabinovitch,
Asst. Prof. of Psychiatry; in Charge of

Children's Service, Neuropsychiatric In-N
stitute, will be the speaker.
Art Print Loan Collection: All printst
must be returned August 13-15 to Roomr
555 Administration Building. Hours,
8-12. A fine of five cents, per day willt
be charged for prints returned after1
August 15.
Exhibit of student watercolors done
under the supervision of Professor
Carlos Lopez. It will be in the ex-1
hibition corridor of the Architecture
Building from August 9 to September
Academic Notices;
Doctoral Examination for Thelma1
Clark Gould, Pharmacology; thesis:£
"Studies on the In Vivo and In Vitro1
Metabolism of 5-Ethyl-5 (1-Methyl
Butyl) - 2-Thiobarbituric Acid (Thio-
pental)," Friday, August 10, Library,
Pharmacology Bldg., at 1:30 p.m. Chair-
man, F. E. Shideman.
"Law School Admission Test: Candi-
dates taking the Law School Admission
Test, August 11, are requested to re-F
port to 140 Business Administration at
8:45 a.m. Saturday for the morning
session. The afternoon session will be-j
gin at 1:45 p.m. Candidates are re-F
quired to be present at both sessions."
Doctoral Examination for George
Castor Wallick, Physics; thesis: "A
Study of Grain Size Effects in the
Luminescence of Zinc Sulphide Phos-
phors," Friday, August 10, 2038 Randall
Lab., at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, Ernst1
Doctoral Examination for Kenneth
Millar, Englsh; thesis: "The inward
Eye: A Revaluation of Coleridge's Psy-
chological Criticism,' Friday, August 10,
3223 Angell Hall, at 3:00 p.m. Chair-
man, C. D. Thorpe.
The results of the M. A. language ex-
amination in history are now posted
in the History Office, 217 South Quad.
Seminar in Inorganic Chemistry. Dr.
Simao Mathias, Professor of Physical
Chemistry, University of Sao Paulo, Sao
Paulo, Brazil, will speak on "Structural
Annalogies between an Electron Pair
and an Oxide Ion," at 4:10 p.m., Fri-
day, August 10th, in Room 3003, Chem-
istry Building.
Bureau of Appointments - General &
Teaching Divisions-,
All students who are registered with
the. Bureau and who have accepted
Sositions are requested to give this in-
ormation to the Bureau (also any stu-
dents who have obtained positions
through interviews at the Bureau are
requested to do the same).
All registrants who are still available
are requested to advise the Bureau
where they will be after Summer
School, whether in Ann. Arbor or else-
Personnel Requests:
The City of Pontiac is in need of
Civil Engineers for field and office
A city in northern Michigan (popu-
lation 15,000) is in need of a city man-
ager and a city engineer.
American Brdach & Machine Com-
pany, Ann Arbor, is in need of Electri-
cal Engineers for work on machines in
shop having to do with wiring, hy-
draulic valves and switches, wiring and
some plant engineering.
The United States Civil Service Com-
mission announces examinations for
Underwriting Aide (grade GS-4), Con-
struction Aide (grade GS-5), Appraiser
Trainee (grade GS-5), and Mortgage
Credit Aide (grade GS-5). These posi-

tions are for thte Federal Housing Ad-
ministration in Detroit.
For further information please con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments 3528
Administration Building.
Lectures Today
Department of Astronomy. Visitors'
Night, 8:30 p.m. Mr. Edwin W. Dennison
will lecture on "Astronomical Distanc-
es." After the lecture in 3017 An-
gell Hall, the Students' Observ-
atory on the fifth floor will be
open for telescopic observation if
the sky is clear, or for inspection of
the telescopes and planetarium, if the
sky is cloudy. Children are welcomed,
but must be accompanied by adults.
This is the last in the summer series
of Visitors' Nights.
Events Today
This week: Thursday through Mon-
day, the Department of Speech in con-
j1unction with the School of Music, pre-
sents Oscar Straus' comic operetta, The
Chocolate Soldier. Thursday and Fri-
day performances are sold, however, a
few tickets are available for Saturday
and Monday, August 11 and 13. All
performances begin at 8 p.m. in the
Lydia MendeIssohn Theatre. Box of-
fice open daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., until
8 p.m. days of performances.
No Coffee Hour at Lane Hall.
Roger williams Guild: 8:30, Final
Party of the Summer. Moonlight
Michigan (Ihrlstian Fellowship Bible
Study, 7:30 p.m., Ephesians, Chapter 6,
Upper Room, Lane Hall,
Coming Lectures
Linguistic Program. Tigner Holmes,
Tuesday, August 14.
Student Recital Cancelled: Janice
Woodhull, soprano, whose recital has
been announced for Friday aft rnoon,
August 10, in the Rackham Pssembly
Hall, has postponed her program. The
new date will be announced later.
Student Recital: Helen Korpela, stu-
dent of piano with Helen Titus, will
play compositions by Bach, Beethoven,
Villa-Lobos, and Chopin, at 8:30 Friday
evening, August 10, in the Architecture
Auditorium, in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the Bachelor of
Music degree. The general public is
University Summer Session Choir,
Philip Duey, Conductor, assisted by a
Brass Ensemble conducted by James
Neilson, will present its annual con-
cert at 4:15 Sunday afternoon, August
12, in Hill Auditorium. The choir will
sing works by Bach, Eric Thiman, Ran-
dall Thompson, and Brahms, including
the latter's Liebeslieder, Op. 52. Mr.
Neilson will conduct the Brass Ensem-
ble in compositions by Coles, Ball, and
Scotney. The general public is invited.
Student Recital: George Gruenberg,
student of piano with Joseph Brink-
man, will play a recital in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
Bachelor of Music degree, at 8:30 Sun-
day evening, August 12, in the Archi-
tecture Auditorium. It will include
works by Mozart, Schumann, Bach,
Rachmaninoff, Prokofieff, and Chopin,
and will be open to the public.
Student Recital: Robert Pearson,

tenor, will be heard at 4:15 Monday
afternoon, August 13, in the Rackham
Assembly Hall, presenting a program
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the Master of Music degree,
It will include works by Purcell, Han-
del, Mozart, Weber, Brahms, and
Vaughan-Williams, and will be open tq
the public.
Student Recital: Elaine Brovan Rice,
pianist, will present a program at 4:15
Tuesday afternoon, August 14, in'.the
Rackham Assembly Hall, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
Master of Music degree. A pupil of
Marian Owen, Mrs. Rice will play works
by Bach, Beethoven, Medtner, and Cho-
pin. The general public is invited.
Student Recital: Ruth Lebendiger,
pianist, will be heard at 8:30 Tuesday
evening, August 14, in the Architecture,
Auditorium, in a recital played in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements for
the Bachelor of Music .degree. She 1@,
a pupil of John Kollen, and her pro-
gram, including works by Haydn, Soar-
latti, Beethoven, Samuel Barber and
Chopin, will be open to the publie.
Student Recital: Robert Dumm, pi-
anist, will play his program at 4:15
Thursday afternoon, August 16, in the
Rackham Assembly, in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the Mas-
ter of Music degree. Previously an-
nounced for August 6, the recital will
be open to the public. Mr. Drumm is
a pupil of John Kollen.










At Hill Auditorium .0.
LIFEBOAT, with Tallulah Bankhead
and John Hodiak.
ASSEMBLING a group of diverse indivi-
duals in a confined and dangerous en-
vironment for an extended period of time
has long been recognized as sure-fire ma-
terial for any writer. When the writer is
John Steinbeck, it would seem doubly likely
that the "esults would be good. Unfortun-
ately, however, for the most part, scenarist
Steinbeck was as uninspired as Director
Hitchcock in this little melodrama about
the late war. Accordingly, the picture fails
to achieve its great potential by a long way.
Fundamentally, Alfred Hitchcock, mas-
ter of the gimmick and the delicious thrill,
is a little out of his element here. Since,
by tie very nature of things, castaways
in a lifeboat have been reduced to a near
animal level, Hitebeock's ingenuity and
self-conscious symbolism are more out of
place here than they have been in a sup-
sicharged high-society atmosphere.
Consequently, even the grimmer aspects
of the situation are minimized and somehow
made incredible lby the master's touch.
Steinbeck too makes the same sloppy mis-
takes that he made in "Wayward Bus"
where the mere creation of a similar situa-
tion seemedj to have exhausted him before
he had half developed its implications.
The best things in the picture evolve
around Walter Slezak's performance as
the Nazi sub captain who joins the motley
group in the boat. The gradual submis-
sion of the others to his indomitable will
is somehow suggestive of the psychologi-
cal phenomenon of Munich. Their later
rebellion against their oppressor is one of



The situation is so serious that a spe-
cial drive, soon to be kicked off by Secre-
tary Marshall and Gen. Bradley, has been
ordered by Deputy Secretary Lovett. Not
daring to take chances with more of the
present frightening apathy, however, an
armed forces blood program will be in-
cluded. Service personnel will be virtually
dragooned on all military bases within
the continental United States; civilian
employees will be invited to participate.
The American Red Cross will as usual act
as the collecting station.
It hardly seems necessary to describe at
this point the miracles of lifesaving and
surgery, on and off the battlefield, that are
made possible by plentiful supplies of dried
human-blood plasma. World War II ex-
perience made it appear that the public
understood this thoroughly.
To the military, blood-plasma supplies
are so important a war weapon, they will
not, even in the present emergency, reveal
many figures about the existing situation
but still stamp them top secret.
They profess to be puzzled at the Penta-
gon about why such a bad job is being done
with respect to so vital a matter. It appears
at first glance to be another case where
there is blame enough for all.
* * *
CONGRESS, which talks a big defense
program all the time, was recently in-
vited to shed its blood peaceably and com-
fortably in the most accessible possible place
-the Capitol. From the Senate, Robert
Kerr of Oklahoma and Lyndon Johnson of
Texas showed up, period. As Sen. Johnson

ed by the Department of Speech and the
School of Music at Lydia Mendelssohn
CAST in the tradition of the Southern
European operettas, "The Chocolate
Soldier" has arrived on the boards at Lydia
Mendelssohn as the farewell production of
the summer season. It is a loud and color-
ful show, well performed, musically appeal-
ing, and comic in a broad Old World way
that is particularly refreshing.
Although composer Oscar Straus has not
filled its two bulging acts with exactly mem-
orable music, the songs are clever in the
satiric bein of the libretto, and extremely
well delivered.
The book itself is a rather prolonged
joke at the expense of the military, the
"chocolate soldier" himself being a member
of the Swiss Guard who has somehow
blundered into the enemy camp and seeks
protection from three obliging women who
are members o fthe Bulgarian general's
family. The Swiss's good-humored cow-
ardice contrasts with the "heroic" pom-
posity of the general and his major.
Three fine female voices carry the first
act which is laid in the bedroom of the
general's daughter. Carol Neilson Wilder,
who plays the daughter, shows herself the
perfectly assured veteran of the genre
with her expert performance. Vivien Mi-
lan, as cousin Mascha, sings with warmth
and brightness. Both her stage technique
and her voice seem always to be improving.
Marilyn Krimm, as Aurelia, is equally good
in a part that might have been improved
by making it more distinctive.
In the title role, John Wiles acts with
hi~o-h roodtlhumond i~ a voice that is large.

Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications
Editorial Staff
Dave Thomas .........Managing Editor
George Flint .............Sports Editor
Jo Ketelhut..........Women's Editor
Business Staff
Milt Goetz ...........Business Manager
Eva Stern .........Advertising Manager
Harvey Gordon ....;..Finance Manager
Allan Weinstein ...Circulation Manager
Telephone 2 3-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all othes
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.




Sarnaby, tell your Fairy
Godfather that Clarissa
forgot to mention it, but
she's scared of Ghosts-
Cushlamochree r
(Rwwi~.d4by f. T yM mt, t,.8-4"51

EEEK!. . Oh! It's only you, O'Malleyl
But that child! That terrifying voicel
Hello, Gus- What
goes on


o f'k.I



Mr. 'Malley said he'd get you

Dear me, lye f .goffen my manners. This is
f ! #%tAII. - r1 F ..L.z... L. rnnt.i.'..

IDon't mind the Pocahontas gef-up.


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