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August 09, 1951 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1951-08-09

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A Black Year in Sports

TrHE YEAR 1951 will go down in history
of sports as a black and bitter year.
The reasons are obvious. The big basket.
ball scandal, which has spread among more
and more colleges as the days go by, coup-
led with the West Point cribbing affair have
dealt a death blow to amateurism, which
was already on a pair of wavering legs.
There were those who believed in the
honesty and integrity of collegiate athle-
ties, even though stories of proselyting
and payment to players have always been
But the twin tornadoes of materialistic
gain and mass infringement upon honor
must of necessity end the myth of amateur-
Iam among the college athletic teams of
this country.
The most recent incident, in which some
90 Cadets at the Military Academy were ex-
pelled for cheating on examinations, is un-
usual only in its scope. Included in the 90
is a large number of football players from
Red Blaik's always-powerful eleven.
*a * *
FOOTB ALL PLAYERS are sometimes de-
tected cheating on exams and dealt with
individually at various colleges. But to have
almost an entire team disciplined in this
way helps to illustrate the true nature of
college athletics.
The crux of the matter is the value sys-
tem by which college athletes have come to
Associated Press News Analyst
THERE SEEMS to be an increasing num-
ber of spots in New York and Wash-
ington where you can get odds that Gen.
Eisenhower is a willing if passive candidate
for the Republican Presidential nomination
next year.
President Truman has made it plain that
Eisenhower is under no obligation not to
run. Some competent observers think that
Sen. Taft's concentration and belief in the
strength of the Middle West has left the
way clear in the East for Eisenhower's po-
pularity and the Dewey-supported Eisen-
hower campaign there.
Some of.these observers also think that
M Eisenhower is finally deterred by his
European job and his disinclination for
political conflict, Governor Dewey will be
prepared to offer as an Eastern substitute.
Ever since Dewey set off on his Far East-
ern vacation the cynical have been grin-
ningly asking where Taft will go on his
"get even" trip.
The evidence is that Taft was pretty well
satisfied. with the Vandenberg-for-foreign-
affairs and Taft-for-domestic setup which
obtained for a time. But whether Taft
would passively permit anyone else to step
into even a part of the late Sen. Vanden-
berg's shoes is another question. You may
as well assume that he won't.
PRESIDENT TRUMAN'S public equanam-
ity about the Eisenhower subject, his
very willingness to discuss it, has created a
great deal of speculation. Some even theor-
ize: that the President, a strong believer in
the practicalities of Party organization,
might prefer to meet a knight on a white
horse rather than a natural candidate of
the Republican state and city machines.
These are the ones who assume that Tru-
man will be the Democratic nominee. The
ideas that Eisenhower might be the Demo-
cratic choice in event of Truman's abdica-
tion, or that some sort of coalition ticket
might be arranged in the face of all the
traditional arragements for selection of a
President of the United States, are now be.,
Ing bypassed.
Nearly all I have talked to agree on one
thing. If Eisenhower is a candidate, any-
one else is going to be on ticklish grounds.

The old argument about the "military
mind," and American fear of it in govern-
ment, will be there, with disagreement over
whether the "military mind" cliche truly
applies to Eisenhower.
Within the Republican Party, of course,
is the politicians' fear of a non-organization
man. Party career men fear any irregularity
which might develop in appointments and
lack of attention to a party organization
which has been subjected to a gradual mal-
nutrition for. nearly 20 years. That's practi-
cal politics, and a fear which nobody ex-
presses in connection with Taft.
ERE IS ALSO the objection, and the
most public one, that Eisenhower is not
skilled in political management, despite his
recognized organizational ability, that hig
great successes were in a time of emergency
when he had the backing of some of the
world's most knowledgeable men.
They will say that Eisenhower would bs
no less confused than anyone else on such
a matter as economic controls, and that his1
experience cannot be a substitute for prac-
tical knowledge of political and economic
These arguments against Eisenhower
can be presented in dignified and measur-
ed terms. It would be up to Eisenhower
to discount their validity.
Taft is capable of conducting a "stop Eis-
enhower" campaign on this dignified plane.

live. The object of the game of football, or
basketball, or hockey or whatever it may be
is to win, and at all costs.
This philosophy can be distorted. The will
to win and to achieve glory and publicity
may become the will to achieve success in
a material way-to get the very most out
of one's individual ability.
From being a smart player to becoming
a smart businessman is a fairly easy step
if the discipline of honesty is not stritcly
imposed by the group and by coaches.
Moral values seem no longer to matter to
the college athlete-at least where tempta-
tion has presented itself. Bradley College,
for instance, withdrew from the National
Invitational basketball tournament after the
New York bribery scandal was uncovered.
But the Bradley players turned out to be as
weak in the face of temptation as those of
City College and LIU and so on ad infinitum.
THE BRIBERY which has shown itself to
be present in basketball is not limited
to that sport. A thorough investigation of
college football could reveal more of the
same kind of well-executed game-throwing
which marked the cage scandals.
The possible revelations might strike near-
er home than the fans of this area could
believe possible-for the extent of the moral
disintegration in college athletics is aston-
The answer to the problem is not a
simple one. Before a return to sportsman-
ship could be achieved, a return of moral
values throughout the American scene
would be necessary. But some headway
could be made by doing what some have
demanded these many years.
It is not easy to de-emphasize college
athletics after such a vast network of stadia,
radio and television commitments, and
plump athletic scholarships has been built
up. Nevertheless, a slowdown is mandatory
or college sports will descend into a morass
of sub-rosa deals and counter-deals.
It is to be hoped that the ruling fathers
of the NCAA and the various conferences
will take cognizance of what is a very seri-
ous situation. Further scandal might mean a
death-blow for all college sports.
-George Flint
WASHINGTON--Momentarily Chairman
Vinson of the House Armed Services
Committee will reveal what he is prepared
to buy out of the immense defense showcase
with which the Joint Chiefs of Staff have
been wrestling.
A recent sudden outbreak of demands in
Congress and elsewhere for 150 air groups
had tipped off the old hands around here
that another bitter battle over apportion-
ment of the defense dollar was raging along
the Potomac. In 1948 the Army sided with
the Air Force against the Navy; this year
Army and Navy have been ganging up on
what they virtuously contend is Air Force
A good guess is that Mr. Vinson hopes
by a few well-chosen ultimata now to
stave off some such public airing of ser-
vice differences as he was compelled to
conduct in 1948.
In any case, he will soon reveal his sup-
port for 138 combat air groups. This is a
substantial increase over the 95 now author-
ized, and not too much below Air Force
demands. They would constitute the bulk of
163 air wings to include all types of aircraft.
The Navy sweetener for this large dose
will be two big new aircraft carriers, one to
be built at Bremerton, another at New York.
Construction is already going forward on
* * *

THE NAVY may not be so happy to learn
that Uncle Carl's heart still belongs to
the Marines. It does appear that he is com-
promising somewhat with the counterattack
on his cherished plan to make the Marine
Corps an "always ready" force of 400,000
fighting men. The Marines now number
about 200,000. Mr. Vinson is toying with a
figure of 300,000, plus air wings for four
Incidentally the Marines' own Air Force is
one of the most skilled, most effective, and
best-equipped combat groups in the defense
establishment. The public generally thinks
of Marines on the beachhead; it is not so
well aware that they are also powerful me-
dicine in the air. t
The Army has assurances that Mr. Vin-
son will support its further expansion to
any reasonable number of "high-type of-
ficers and fighting men." He frankly
thinks they ought to expand about 300,-
000 more right now.
Mr. Vinson is not the last word in what
the Defense Department will get, of course,
but he is pretty close to it. He denies that
Admirals run his errands and Generals emp-
ty his wastebaskets but it is a fact that,
when he has a cold, the brass sneezes.
This being the case, it is also of interest
that Vinson firmly supports Army Secre-
tary Paces' decision to dismiss 90 West
Point cadets for violating the honor sys-
tem of the Academy. His committee. he

WASHINGTON-Whether or not there is
to be a third World War in the near
future is very likely to depend on whether
or not a cease-fire is negotiated in Korea,
And it is interesting that no less a man than
Russia's Yacov Malik has been asked wheth-
er there will be a cease-fire, and has ans-
wered the question with an apparent show
of conviction.
The place was United Nations headquar-
ters in New York, and the questioner was
Israeli Ambassador Abba Eban. Malik snap-
ped out his answer all in one breath:
"'Of course there will be a cease-fire.
What effect do you think this will have
on American rearmament?"
It is unwise, no doubt, to take any remark
by a Soviet diplomat at face value. Yet it
is at least true that Malik's answer pre-
cisely fits the majority expert view of So-
viet motives and intentions. This view is
that the Soviets do in fact want a cease-
fire badly, because a cease-fire is the es-
sential prelude to the adoption of new So-
viet tactics.
No one doubts that the immediate aim
of Soviet policy, as Malik's remark sug-
gests, is drastically to slow down Ameri-
can rearmament, concurrently breaking
up the NATO alliance, or reducing it to
a shadow without substance.
This has, of course, been the Soviet aim
for a long time. But the Kremlin has tried
to accomplish this aim by threats and shows
of force, which have had precisely the op-
posite effect from that intended. Now there
is considerable evidence that the Kremlin
intends, for a change, to test the effects on
the West of carefully administered doses of
It is considered particularly significant,
for example, that an entirely new Soviet line
towards Western industrialists seems to be
forming. Recently both the French and
Italian equivalents of the National Associa-
tion of Manufacturers have been quietly ap-
proached by Communist intermediaries. The
great opportunities of profit in peaceful
trade with the Soviets, and the firm credit
standing of the Soviet Union, have been em-
THERE HAVE been suggestions that dele-
gations of French and Italian capital-
ists would be welcomed to the Soviet Union
to see for themselves how profitable trade
with the Soviet bloc could be. And there
have been hints that the Federation of Bri-
tish Industries and the N.A.M. itself are also
soon to be approached.
This is significant if only because it is,
of course, article number one of Soviet doc-
trine that all power in the West is in the
hands of the capitalists. The place to start
a really serious effort to lull the West to
sleep is therefore with the capitalists. But
the essential prelude to any such attempt is,
obviously, an end to the war in Korea,
which first awakened the West from its
If this analysis is correct, a Korean
cease-fire is on balance distinctly prob-
able. It is the Kremlin which holds the
whip hand, despite the signs of Chinese
independence in other matters which
were recently reported in this space, for
the Chinese cannot fight on without Rus-
sian supplies. And the concessions already
made support the view that the Kremlin
wants a cease-fire, and will pay a price
to get it. Yet it must be said that there
is a minority among the best informed
officials which holds another, far more
ominous view.
In this view, the Malik proposal was es-

sentially a means of buying useful time. If
the West would accept the sort of armistice
which would make possible a bloodless Com-
munist conquest of Korea, all well and good.
If not, then the time of negotiation could
be used to prepare for a final, overwhelming
Chinese Communist offensive.
Chinese Gen. Peng Teh-huai's threat to
use heavy reinforcements of planes and
artillery-which could only come from
Russia-to "crush the aggressive imperial-
ists," supports this ominous view. So does
the great prominence given to this threat
in the Soviet press. So does the hitherto
unreported organization of strong Chinese
paratroop forces in Manchuria. Paratroops
are not, after all, organized for defensive
purposes; they are best used for the sud-
den, surprise blow.
Secretary of Defense George Marshall--
no doubt remembering Pearl Harbor - is
known to be especially fearful of such a
surprise blow, in Korea or elsewhere, while
the truce talks are in progress. Marshalt
takes particularly seriously the loud warn-
ings that the Soviets and Chinese Commun-
ists "will not tolerate" the signing of the
Japanese peace treaty.
But the disquiet of Marshall and others
who share his fears is apparently based es-
sentially on instinct, rather than any spe-
cial, secret information. And those who
have most often been right in the past are
still convinced that the odds are about
three-to-two in favor of a cease-fire, simply
because the Kremlin, for the.reason implied
by Yacov Malik, really wants one. Mean-

"All Right, Comrade Wise-Guy, Let's Go"


Washington Merry-Go-Round
WASHINGTON-Much of the waste of Chinese Nationalist war sup-
plies could be avoided if the millions of dollars worth of muni-
tions we have sent to Formosa were handed direct by the U. S. Gov-
ernment and supervised by us.
Instead, a peculiar system of middlemen is used, thereby permit-
ting graft, rake-offs and comshaw to creep in. It's suspected that
part of this is to help finance the China Lobby which at times has had
powerful influence in the U. S. Senate. Just who is getting the rake-
offs remains a mystery.
Here is one illustration of how 2,956,170 gallons of aviation
gasoline was ordered for the Chinese Air Force on Formosa, a
purchase costing a cool million dollars.
This order was placed on Jan. 1, 1950-not during the hectic war
days when the State Department white paper tells of widespread graft
in the Chinese Army.
But though conditions were relatively peaceful in January, 1950,
and the Korean war had not started, this huge quantity of gasoline
was handled by the Chung Foo Company, a broker in Formosa. The
Chinese Air Force procurement office in Washington was merely in-
formed by cable that the 2,956,170-gallon order had been placed with
this broker.
This was peculiar on the face of it, because the Chinese Air
Force had its own office in Washington for the specific purpose of
buying these supplies. Another peculiar aspect was that the price
was fixed as of September 1949-or 33.82 cents a gallon. This ac-
tually was a higher price than the Chinese needed to pay, for, by
January 1950, the price had dropped.
REGARDLESS of this, however, the Formosan government signed a
finalcontract with the Chung Foo Company on Feb. 9, 1950, and
the next day the Chinese Air Force in Washington Was ordered by
cable to make a million dollars available at the Wells Fargo Bank in
San Francisco to South China Enterprise, Inc.
In other words the Chinese Air Force in Washington, having had
nothing to do with the purchase of the gasoline, was instructed merely
to pay for it.
South China Enterprise Inc., was described as the American
agent for the Chung Foo Company in Formosa. However, investiga-
tion proved it was nothing more than a hole-in-the-wall grocery store
in San Francisco's Chinatown.
Patriotic Chinese, who did not want to see their country
gypped, investigated further and found that the total assets of
the grocery store were only a few hundred dollars. Yet it was
supposed to handle a deal involving one million.
Furthermore, the grocery-store proprietor, knowing nothing about
gasoline, turned the deal over to another middleman named Alexander
Lindenbaum, who then contracted to buy the gas from Cities Service.
In other words, the Chinese Government could have bought
the gas direct from Cities Service in the first place, instead of
which it went through three middlemen-the broker in Formosa,
the grocery store in San Francisco's Chinatown, and Alexander
The man who placed the gasoline order was Gen. C. J. Chou,
Chiang Kai-Shek's Chief of Staff, whose rank corresponds to that of
General Bradley in the United States.
In the end, the deal was stopped when it reached the ears of con-
scientious Sen. William Knowland of California.
THERE is one interesting sidelight about the plan to make Russian
diplomats in Washington take the same stiff auto-driven test that
our diplomats are given in Moscow. American diplomats are almost
forced to qualify as mechanics before getting a driver's license-
which, of course, is for the purpose of making them use Russian
chauffeurs in Moscow.
What the American public doesn't know, however, is that
Soviet diplomats figured two months ago that we might make
them take the same kind of stiff test. So, two months ago, the
Russian embassy hired several "learn-to-drive" experts to teach
its staff all the technical details of auto repair.
For weeks since then, the "learn-to-drive" cars arrived in front
of the Soviet Embassy, picked up a Red diplomat and went careening
down 16th street in another minor skirmish in the global cold war.
THE experience of two newspapers in widely separated parts of the
country-New Orleans and Madison, Wis.-In having people re-
fuse to sign the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights,
has started a campaign for a rededication of the Declaration.
The Sertoma Club (Service to Mankind) of Richmond, Va., has
contributed $500 to pay for copies of the Declaration of Independence
to be hung in school rooms. Other Virginians, the state which gave
the author of the Declaration to the nation, are promoting ways and
means of rededicating the Declaration, among them August Dietz of
the Dietz Press, who has undertaken to print copies of the Declara-
tion at cost, suitable for framing.
And in New York, Spyros Skouras, head of 20th Century-Fox,
has undertaken to highlight the ideals and message of the Declaration
of Independence by newsreel.
(Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Bldg. at 3 p.m. on the
day preceding publication.
VOL. LXI, No. 31-S
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching departments wish
to recommend tentative August grad-
uates from the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts, and the
School of Education for departmental
honors should recommend such stu-
dents in a letter to be sent to the Reg-
istrar's Office, Room 1513 Administra-
tion Building before August 23.
Attention August Graduates: College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts,
School of Education, School of Music,
School of Public Health:
Students are advised not to request
grades of I or X in August. When such
grades are absolutely imperative, the
work must be made up in time to al-
low your instructor to report the make-
up grade not later than i a.m., Aug-
ust 23. Grades received after that time
may defer the student's graduation un-
til a later date.
To all students having Library books:
1. Students having in their posses-
sion books borrowed from the General
Library or its branches are notified
that such books are due Monday, Aug-
ust 13.
2. Students having special need for
certain books between August 13 and
August 17 may retain such books for
that period by renewing them at the
Charging Desk.
3. The names of all students who
have not cleared their records at the
Library by Friday, August 17 will be
sent to the Cashier's Office and their
credits and grades will be withheld
until such time as said records are
cleared in compliance with the regu-
lations of the Regents.
Personnel Interviews:
Friday, August 10-
Lehigh Portland Cement Company,
Cleveland, Ohio, will be interviewing
men interested in sales or sales ,ad-
ministration. Literary College & Bus-
iness Administration students, as well
as technical men are eligible. Their
training program will begin approxi-
mately September 1 and will continue
for 6 to 8 months in Allentown, Penn-
sylvania, then candidate will be placed
in either sales or sales administration
in one of their district offices.
Tuesday, August 14- s
International Business Machines Cor-
poration will be interviewing Electrical
and Mechanical Engineers all levels for
Research and Production. These posi-
tions will be in Endicott, New York.
Please call at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Building
for appointments.
Personnel Requests:
General Foods Corporation, Kanka-
kee, Illinois, is in need of a Project
Engineer. An Industrial or Mechanical
Engineer will qualify. For further in-
formation contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration Build-
Art Print Loan Collection: All prints
must be returned August 13-15 to Room
555 Administration Building. Hours,
-12. A fine of five cents per day will
be charged for prints returned after
August 15.
Exhibit of student watercolors done
under the supervision of Professor
Carlos Lopez. It will be in the ex-
hibition corridor of the Architecture
Building from August 9 to September
Academic Notices
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics:
Thursday, August 9, at 4 p.m., in Room
3201 Angel Hall. Speakers will be:
Messrs. P. C. Cox, R. W. Royston, and
G. F. Lunger.
Mathematics: Professor F. I. Maut-
nor of Johns Hopkins University will
give a talk on Induced Representations
and Symmetric Homogeneous Spaces on
Thursday, August 9, at 4:15 p.m. in
Room 3011 Angell Hall.
Doctoral Examination for Thelma
Clark Gould, Pharmacology; thesis:
"Studies on the In Vivo and In Vitro
Metabolism of 5-Ethyl-5 (1-Methyl
Butyl) - 2-Thiobarbituric Acid (Thio-
pental)," Friday, August 10, Library,
Pharmacology Bldg., at 1:30 p.m. Chair-
man, F. E. Shideman.

"Law School Admission Test: Candi-
dates taking the Law School Admission
Test, August 11, are requested to re-
port to 140 Business Administration at
8:45 a.m. Saturday for the morning
session. The afternoon session will be-
gin at 1:45 p.m. Candidates are re-
quired to be present at both sessions."
Doctoral Examination for George
Castor wallick, Physics; thesis: "A
Study of Grain Size Effects in the
Luminescence of Zinc Sulphide Phos-
phors," Friday, August 10, 2038 Randall
Lab., at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, Ernst
Doctoral Examination for Kenneth
Millar, English; thesis: "The Inward
Our educational gains in the
last half century have been con-
spicuously identified with mater-
ial progress. For these gains I
have nothing but the highest
praise, but they supply us with
only one part of the equipment we
need today. Education has en-
abled men to do many things. Its
preeminent task today is to en-
able him to take his own measure
-his own moral measure.
-John E. W. Sterling

Eye: A Revaluation of Coleridge's Psy-
chological Criticism,' Friday, August 10,
3223 Angell Hall, at 3:00 p.m. Chair-
man, C. D. Thorpe.
Zoology Seminar: At 4:15 p.m., Room
2116 N.S. Carl W. Hallberg will speak
on "Study of the Migration Routes to
the Kidneys of Mammals followed by
the Giant Kidney worm, Dioctophyma
reuale (Goeze, 172), and the Pathology
of Localization and Migration by the
Parasite." and Abbas T. Naim will
speak on "Life History of' Gigantobil-
harzzia Huronensis (Najim, 1950), a
Dermatitis Producing Bird Blood-fluke
Lectures Today
University Lecture, Department of
Chemistry. Dr. Pd. A. Plattner, of the
Organic - Chemistry Laboratory. Eid-
genossische Technishe Hochschule, Zu-
rich, Switzerland, will lecture on "The
Azulenes," at 4:10 p.m., Thursday,
August 9, In Room 1400. Chemistry
Coming Lectures
Department of Astronomy. Visitors'
Night, Friday, August 10, 8:30 p.m. Mr.
Edwin W. Dennison will lecture on
"Astronomical Distances." After the
lecture in 3017 Angell Hall, the Stu-
dents' Observatory on the fifth floor
will be open for telescopic observation,
if the sky is clear, or for inspection of
the telescopes and planetarium, if the
sky is cloudy. Children are welcomed
but must be accompanied by adults
This is the last in the summer series
of Visitors' Nights.
Student Recital: Paul Pankotan
graduate student in the School of Mu
sic, will present a piano recital in par
tial fulfillment of the requirements fe
the Master of Music degree, at 8:!
Thursday evenng, August 9, in tk
Rackham Lecture Hall. A pupili
Benning Dexter, Mr. Pankotan w.
play compositions by Beethoven, Bar:
tok, Schumann, Poulenc, and Chopin
The general public is invited.
Carillon Recital by Percival Price
University Carillonneur, 7:15 Thursday
evening. August 9. The program wil
include Fantasia by C.P.E. Bach, i
group of ten miscellaneous songs, an
victory Rhapsody A, by Professor Price
Student Recital Cancelled: Jani
Woodhull, soprano, whose recital hr
been announced for Friday afternoo,
August 10, in the Rackham Assemb
Hall, has postponed her program. The
new date will be announced later.
Student Recital: Helep Korpela, stu-
dent of piano with Helen Titus, will
play compositions by Bach, Beethoven
Villa-Lobos, and Chopin, at 8:30 Frda
evening, August 10, in the Architecture
Auditorium, in partial fulfillment o
the requirements for the Bachelor o
Music degree. The general public il
Events Today
The French Club meets for the las
time tonight, at 8:00 p.m. at the Mich.
igan League. There will be a discus
sion on the French universities lea4
by the four professors from Franc
who are attending the English Langu,
age Institute here. There will also bf
old and modern French songs. Every
body is welcome
International Center weekly tea fo
foreign students and their Americal
frie.nds 4:30 to 6:00, International Cen
This Week: Thursday through Mon
day, the Department of Speech In con
junction with the School of Music, pre
sents Oscar Straus' comic operetta, Th
Chocolate Soldier. Thursday ~d Fri
day performances are sold a how
ever, a few tickets are available fo
Saturday and Monday, August 11 at
13. All performances begin at 8 p.m
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Bo
office open daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., un
til 8 p.m. days of performance.



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Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
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