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August 09, 1951 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State


On Provost
Denied Here
Neihuss Called
Possible Choice
"It's news to me," Marvin L
Niehuss, vice-president of ti
University, said yesterday to ru
mors that he will shortly be a:
pointed provost.
A University spokesman ad.
mitted that Niehuss was bein
considered for the number tw
executive post at the .University
but said that any such discussio
was still in the "unofficial" stag
A Detroit newspaper report tha
the appointment would c o m
within a week was categoricall
denied by University officials.
THE OFFICE of provost, vacat
ed by James P. Adams shortly be
fore President-elect Harlan H
Hatcher was appointed last spring
is normally filled by the Regent
on recommendation of the Presi
University officials claim tha
President-elect Hatcher did nc
submit a recommendation to th
Regents before leaving for Cali
However, it is expected that
a new provost will be provided
soon after his return at the
end of this month.
President-elect Hatcher's terr
begins officially September 1, an'
it may be that a provost will no
be named until after that date,
University spokesmen report.
* * *
IN ANY CASE no appointmen
at the University, even of depart-
ment secretaries, is official unti
approved by the Regents.
The next Regents' meeting is
scheduled for some time in early
The post of provost was create
in 1945 when the growth of th
University necessitated a division
of top administrative duties.
Vice-President Niehuss, w h o
was also mentioned as a possible
successor to President Ruthven
has held his present post sinc
1944. He graduated from thi
University in 1925 and received
his Bachelor of Laws degree here
in 1930. He has served on the
University staff for all but ty
years since 1927.
Among those supposedly being
considered for Vice-President Nie-
buss' position, if he gets the pro-
vost appointment, is Lee M
Thurston, '18, State superinten.
dent of public instruction.
Job Training
For Teachers
Set for Fall
Professional education of indus-
trial teachers and coordinators
will be combined with practica
on-the-job work in a new voca-
tional-industrial curriculum an-
nounced by the School of Educa-
" The program, which will begiin
this fall, is one of the first to rec-
ognize the appropriateness of the
part-classroom, part-factory type
of training in the preparation of
teachers, according to Prof. Ralph
Wenrich, chairman of the voca-
tional education department, whc
wil be in charge.
Plans are being worked out with
the cooperation of management at

three large automotive corpora-
Students will be able to receive
up to 25 hours credit, or one-fifth
of the total credit required for a
degree, through work experience
on a job.
The time spent at work in fac-
tories will vary according to the
student's previous experience.
"In many cases it may be pos-
sible to place a student on a job
in his own community where he
can gain the required experience,"
Prof. Wenrich said.
The new curriculum is designed
to prepare students for one or
more of the following types of
work: teachers of the practical or
shop skills of a particular trade;
tcachers of information related to
trades or occupations; and coor-
dinators of secondary school co-
operative education programs.

Controversy Hits
'U'nGrid Hopefu I
Daily Managing Editor
A prized University freshman football prospect who was described
as "one of the most widely sought-after athletes of recent years"
found himself in the center of the widening West Point football
controversy today.
Duncan MacDonald, former star quarterback of Flint Northern
High School who is scheduled to enter the University as a freshman
this fall jumped into the nation's headlines yesterday after being
quoted in a copyrighted Chicago Tribune article which said that
West Point officials had employed high-pressure methods to lure

X * *

Thim into the Academy.

Blaik Claims
WEST POINT, N. Y. - (P) -.
Army football coach Earl Blaik
conceded yesterday that West
Point recruited five to 11 high
school football players a year and
defended the practice as "per-
fectly proper"
He defined the recruiting as
inviting the athletes to the Aca-
demy for a "cram course" to help
them pass entrance examinations
-with their expenses during the
course paid by "interested civilian
"If we did not do that, we would
be unable to have any athletes in
West Point able to play a normal
schedule," Blaik said.
i 4 * A*
FIFTEEN OF the 45 players on
last year's football squad entered
the Academy with this help, he
Blaik issued his statement in
the midst of a nation-widecon-
troversy over. the threatened dis-
missal of 90 cadets, including a
number of football stars, for
cheating in classroom examina-
The coach said 24 athletic
prospects invited to the Aca-
demy this year studied for sev-
eral weeks from 8 a.m. to 10
p.m. But only seven succeeded
in passing the stiff exams and
only five finally entered the
"The whole procedure was per-
fectly proper and correct and not
contrary to the rules of the as-
sociations to which we belong,"
Blaik said.
* * *
HE GAVE his statement after
the Chicago Tribune quoted Dun-
can MacDonald, a Flint, Mich.,'
high school football star, as say-
ing he and other potential Army
players had a six-week expense-
paid vacation at the Academy this
MacDonald later said the
story was a "misrepresentation
of facts."
Blaik said no high school play-
ers were "high-pressured" to en-
ter the Academy and declared
some were invited to the cram
course after asking for theop-
"Some months ago," said Blaik,
"I received a letter from Duncan'
stating his interest in entering'
West Point. Upon investigation I
found that he was a very high
type of boy who was outstanding.
as an athlete and a leader in his
school ...
"In order for high school
boys such as Duncan to have a
fair chance of passing the Aca-
demy's stiff entrance examina-
tion .. . it is necessary for them
to take at least a short cram1
course prior to the date of ex-'
"For that purpose I invited3
Duncan and some other boys inl
a similar situation to come to
West Point in May-the entrance
exams are held here about the
middle of June-and do some ex-
tensive studying.l
"No guarantee was or could be1
given that they would be able to
pass the exams."
THE TRAINING was given, he
said, by civilian instructors whoi
were not members of the West
Point faculty.t

MAC DONALD, six-foot one-
inch, 180 pounder who was a
unanimous all-State selection last
fall, was quoted by the Tribune as
saying he and 22 other outstand-
ing high school prospects spent a
six-week, expense-paid vacation
at the U. S. Military Academy this
summer. The newspaper said
MacDonald told of being given
promises of "easy appointment"
to the Academy, tutorial help in
passing entrance examinations
and assurances of "draft free
status while playing football at
West Point."
Army football coach Earl
Blaik, currently in the midst of
a nation-wide controversy over
the threaten dismissal for
cheating of 90 cadets, including'
most of the members of his
football team, promptly denied
the Tribune allegations.
MacDonald himself at brief
press conference in Flint yester-
day afternoon declared that the
Tribune story was "a distortion
of facts and truth."
Accompanied by Bruce Greg-
ory, former University football
lineman of the twenties and now
a prominent Flint businessman,
the strapping athlete refused fur-
ther comment on the situation.
Gregory whisked MacDonald out
of the press conference in a mat-
ter of minutes and prevented re-
porters and photographers from
taking pictures of him or contac;-
ing him after the conference.
,f, s
IN ANN ARBOR the admissions
office disclosed that MacDonald
had been pre-enrolled in the Uni-
versity since July 9 as a pre-
business administration student in
the College of Literature, Science
and the Arts. Dean of Students
Erich A. Walter also said that
MacDonald had applied for an
Elmer Gedeon Memorial Scholar-
ship but that his application
would not be acted on . by the
Committee on University Scholar-
ships until later in the month.
Officials said that the Flint
schoolboy had satisfied the ac-
ademic requirement by ranking
in the upper quarter of his high
school class.
Gedeon scholarships 'which are
being awarded this year for the
first time, are financed by a year-
ly $15000 grant from the Board
in Control of Intercollegiate Ath-
letics, and are open to students
who exhibit "moral character,
good citizenship, scholastic abil-
ity and physical ability and capa-
city." The cash awards are based
upon need and run up to a maxi-
mum of $1,000 per year, officials
University Athletic Director
Herbert O. (Fritz) Crisler agreed
with MacDonald and Blaik that
the football player was misquoted.
"The implication, of course, is
that West Point offered him a
terrific deal to play football there'
and Michigan gave him an even
bigger deal. That is not true at
all," Crisler said.
"He had been considering Mich-
igan before, tried a bit of West
Point and didn't like it . . .
"We're not bidding for anyone."
Crisler added.
In the Tribune story, MacDon-
ald was quoted as saying that he
had passed the entrance exam af-
ter being coached by special tu-
tors but had decided not to at-
tend the Academy after all.
Flint school officials admitted
that MacDonald had been allowed
to finish his last six weeks of high'
school work at West Point under
the special course offered by the
Academy this spring.

Aid Wanted
For Chinese
By Truman
Asks Investment
In Chiang Army
Truman wants to invest $307,-
000,000 in Chiang Kai-Shek and
his Nationalist Chinese on' For-
mosa, it was learned from Senate
sources yesterday.
The Senate's Foreign Relations
and Armed Services Committees
have been asked to approve $217,-
000,000 in military aid for the
Nationalists and $90,000,000 in eco-
nomic assistance during fiscal 1952,
which started July 1.
included the amounts in its $8,-
500,000,000 military and economic
aid program now being considered
by the committees.
Senator H. Alexander Smith
(R-N.J.), {who favors the idea,
said the money would be used
to strengthen strategic Formo-
sa's defenses rather than to pre-
pare the Nationalists for an ag-
gressive war against the Com-
munists who have taken over
China proper.
Smith said Mr. Truman's de-
cision to help the Nationalists rep-
resents "quite a. change in the
Adid Cut Slated
House Foreign Affairs Commit-
tee has decided tentatively to
place the entire foreign aid pro-
gram under a new high-level
official, members said last night.
They added the committee
also has agreed tentatively to
cut one billion dollars from the
$8,500,000,000 foreign aid pro-
gram urged for next year by
President Truman.
Administration's thinking from the
time, 18 months ago, when the
President announced there would
be no more military aid for Chiang
Kai-Shek's forces."
* * *
A STAFF REPORT to th6 Sen-
ate's Special Subcommittee on
Foreign Economic Cooperation
cautioned yesterday that if any
further aid is given to Chiang
Kai-Shek there should be "ag-
gressive United States administra-
tion of the aid to insure that the
U.S. taxpayer gets what he is
paying for."
The report was released by Sen-
ator McCarran (D-Nev.), subcom-
mittee chairman. It was prepared
by a staff member of the group
after a six-week tour of the Far





* * * *

We Pass?
A novel manner of announc-
ing the cancellation of a sched-
uled exam was innovated yes-
terday by Prof. Douglas Mor-
gen, visiting philosophy'lectur-
er from Northwestern Univer-
Prof. Morgen greeted his
class with a wide smile and this
note on the blackboard in place.
of the usual test question:
"How do you interpret this
sentence? There will be no
quiz today."
Youths Bear
Torches for
Red Festival
i 1
BERLIN--(v)-East Berlin trot-
ted out that old favorite of Nazi
and Communist times, the torch-
light parade, to pep up the "World
Youth 'Festival" last night.
With high Communists looking
on, a column of blue-shirted east
German youth carried "peace
torches" through the streets to
whip up interest in a cultural
** *
FOR MANY of the half million
boys and girls who have attended
the first four days, this night
wound up their share in the
Kremlin-sponsored festival, due
to run two weeks.
Trains and buses carried most
of themsback to their homes over-
night, while others are being
brought into Berlin as replace-
In this manner, the Commun-
ists plan to achieve their goal
of 2,000,000 participants with-
out trying the impossible-get-
ting that many crammed into
East Berlin at one time.
Thousands of the Blue Shirts
will go back to the Russian zone
with a new idea of the West.
Between 60,000 and 70,000 came
into West Berlin this week to see
its sights for themselves, cadged
ice cream, cake or anything they
could get to eat and willingly
talked politics to whoever would
They carried big appetites.Indi-
cating the food they were getting
in the Soviet sector left something
to be desired.
West Berliners continued to
hold out the hand of generosity
to the Communist youth who
came over, but were getting a lit-
tle tired of it. Most of the wan-
derers were interested first in
something to eat and second in
somethingto read.
House Hears
War Probable
House heard members assert yes-
terday that there is "only a mini-
mum hope" of averting world war
and that the threat is so close
that American military supply
bases in Europe are being pulled
back from natural Russian inva-
sion routes.
Rep. Mahon (D-Tex.), chair-
man of the appropriations sub-
committee which has charge of
military budgets, sounded the
"minimum hope" warning at the
opening of debate on a $56,062,800
Armed Services supply bill.
There was no indication, how-
ever, that their words had created
any major sensation among law-
makers accustomed to grave warn-
ings when military money bills are

up for action.

TOKYO MEETING-Vice Adm. C. Turner Joy, (center), senior
UN negotiator at the Kaesong truce talks, is greeted by Col. L.
G. Clarke on Joy's arrival at Tokyo for a conference with Gen.
Matthew B. Ridgway, supreme commander. Joy and Maj. Gen.
L. C. Craigie, aonther negotiator (right) arrived after Gen.
Ridgway broke off negotiations Saturday because of the presence
of armed Chinese troops within Kaesong, site of the talks.
Senate Committee Gets
Job To Oust McC(arthy
WASHINGTON -(") - The Senate committee which denounced
some of the tactics of the 1950 Maryland Senatorial contest as "des-
picable" was assigned yesterday to pass on a move to oust Joseph R.
McCarthy (R-Wis.) from the Senate for his part in the campaign.
It got the job shortly after Senator Wherry (Neb.), the Senate
Republican leader, had charged-and the Democratic National Com-
mittee had denied-that the move against McCarthy was an attempt
by the Democratic organization to take the heat off its own chair-
man, William M. Boyle, Jr.
Tuesday an Expenditures Investigating Subcommittee had agreed
to look into charges that Boyle attempted to influence Government
loans or conracts. Boyle has de- * * *
";n,4 +Inn n 1100+in-n 9i ' 4-47' l t "





Accuse U.S.
of Stalling
Label Pretext'
As Insufficient
TOKYO-(P)-The Communist
top command played a waiting
game on the interrupted Korean
cease-fire talks yesterday while ac-
cusing the United Nations of
"stalling" tactics.
There still was no official re-
3ponse to Gen. Matthew B. Ridg-
way's Tuesday night demand for
new Red assurances that the neu-
trality of Kaesong would be scrup-
ulously observed.
COMMUNIST propaganda or-
gans, particularly the Peiping and
Pyongyang radios, harped on the
Allied supreme commander's "un-
reasonable" attitude. They said
Ridgway was making a "mountain
out of a molehill" over the ap-
aearance qf combat-armed Red
troops at Kaesong six days ago.
It was the Red attempt to
minimize the importance of the
neutrality violation that led
Ridgway to reject an official
Communist explanation of the
incident last Monday.
The last nine sessions of the
suspended talks had been dead-
locked over a basic issue-where
to draw a line for a buffer zone
between opposing Red and UN
THEhALLIES sought a line
along the present fighting front
while the Reds insisted it be
drawn along the 38th parallel.
Neither side appeared willing to
compromise on the point, when
140 Red troops suddenly appeared
within 100 yards of the truce
meeting last Saturday. The Allied
negotiators then were withdrawn.
However, Ridgway sent four
cease-fire delegates back to
Korea yesterday after secret
conferences in Tokyo. They
were to resume the talks on one
condition. That was "complete
compliance" by the Commun-
ists "with your guarantee of
neutralization of the Kaesong
Allied air activity was main-
taining a hot and heavy pace over
Korea. A communique yesterday
announced almost 700 sorties were
flown up to midnight Tuesday.
Ground fighting was confined
to patrol activity.
In Washington the Defense De.
partment announced that U.S.
battle casualties in Korea reached
80,430, an increase of 351 since
last week. The figures included 21
dead, 13 missing and 317 wound-
ed-the smallest rise since the
first casualty summary was issued
one year ago.
Soviet Papers
Blast U.S. Call
Of Friendship
MOSCW-(AP)-Izvestia led off
the Soviet press yesterday in tell-
ing the Russian people not to be
deceived by the friendship mess-
ages of the United States Congress
and President Truman.
It seemed clear that the Soviet
government has made its pro-
posed five-power peace pact the
cornerstone for bettering relations

with the United States, and that
American rejection of the pro-
posal is going to be interpreted
here as- rejection of real friend-
ship for the Soviet Union.
All Moscow papers gave a big
play to the exchange of messages
between the American President
and Soviet President Nikolai
Shvernik, and the U. S. Congress'
resolution declaring Americans

World News'
By The Associated Press
TEHRAN, Iran - The British
and Iranians apparently found
some common ground last night
for a solution of the five-months
old oil crisis.
Negotiating teams from the two
nations held their second meeting
since the arrival of British Lord
Privy Seal Richard Stokes and re-
ported they had made "some
WASHINGTON -- Secretary
of State Acheson said yesterday
he is sure Russia will wage a .
propaganda campaign during
the next four weeks to disrupt
the Japanese peace conference
at San Francisco.
WASHINGTON - An attempt
to attach the controversial St.
Lawrence seaway proposal to the
$8,500,000,000 Foreign Aid Bill
failed late yesterday in the House
Foreign Affairs Committee.
ROSCOMMON, Mich. -Michi-
gan's "Little Hoover" Committee
yesterday urged that the powers
of the State Civil Service Com-
mission be trimmed.

niec the accusation.
THE SENATE Rules Committee
by a vote of 9 to 3 yesterday ap-
proved, for transmission to the
Senate itself, a report from a Pri-
vileges and Elections Subcommit-
tee which said a "despicable, 'back
street' type of campaign" was put
on for Republican John Marshall
Butler in Maryland.
The report noted that Mc-
Carthy was active in Butler's
behalf in the campaign which
cost the veteran Democrat Mil-
lard Tydings his Senate seat.
At the same time the Full Pri-
vileges and Elections Committee,
headed by Senator Hayden (D-
Ariz.), turned over to the sub-
committee the resolution by Sena-
tor Benton (D-Conn.) calling for
expulsion of McCarthy.
The full committee approved
the subcommittee report and also
endorsed its vote to refer the
document to the Justice Depart-
* * *
BENTON IS pressing for quick
public hearings but Senator Gil-
lette (D-Iowa), chairman of the
subcommittee, told repprters it
will be "considerable time" before
his group can do anything about
Two Republicans on the rules
committee-Senators Hendrickson
(N.J.) and Iargaret Chase Smith
(Me.)-voted with the Democratis
to pass the Maryland election re-
port along to the Senate.

McCarthy Will
Name Alleged
WASHINGTON --(P)- Senator
McCarthy (R-Wis.) said yesterday
he intends to give the Senate the
names of 29 past or present em-
ployes of the State Department
whose loyalty has been questioned.
He told a news conference he
will disclose the names in a speech
on the Senate floor today.
"SOME VERY HIGH officials"
are on the list, McCarthy said. He
reported most of the employes are
under investigation on charges
ranging from association with
Communists to Communist affilia-
The Wisconsin Republican said
he thinks all employes whose loy-
alty is in doubt should be sus-
pended, on the reasoning that "if
an employe is charged with em-
bezzling from a bank, you don't
let him still have access to the
When he suggested suspen-
sions to Secretary of State
Acheson and sought assurances
that suspected employes were
not being allowed to see secret
papers, McCarthy said, he got
a letter "saying in effect, 'go to
At the time, the department
accused McCarthy of "a political
stratagem." It said some of the
persons involved were not in the
department, while others had been


Confusion of Stacy Case May Resolve Itself



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