- - - - - 1__I __ _I
SUNDAY _...AUGUST., ..... .. 1951 vv
_. _
Washington Merry-Go-Round
The Week's News
WASHINGTON - The current evidence
which strongly suggests that bitter con-
flict between Stalin's Russia and Mao Tse-
tung's China may be brewing below the
surface has already been described in this
space. What lends added weight to this
evidence is the fact that the roots of con-
flict stretch back deep and long into the
No sensible estimate of the present re-
lationship between Mao Tse-tung's regime
and the Kremlin is possible without an
understanding of this past. For it is not
generally understood that Mao is the only
national Communist leader-except Tito-
who has deviated seriously from the Krem-
lin line and lived to tell the tale. The whole
story is complicated. But thanks in part to
a well documented forthcoming book, "Chi-
nese Communism and the Rise of Mao," by
Benjamin Schwartd of the Russian Research
Center, the essential facts can be briefly
and simply told.
As long ago as 1927, Mao Tse-tung (who
is, in his own fashion, certainly an au-
thentic genius) was already becoming
convinced that successful revolution in
China could only be based squarely on
the Chinese peasantry. The urban work-
ers, relatively few in non-industrial China,
could be too easily suppressed. But the
peasants, organized in fighting groups in
the countryside, where the writ of the
central government did not run, could
slowly erode and destroy the government.
This, it must be understood, was rank
heresy. In all the Communist holy books,
it is written that Communist revolution can
only be based on the "urban proletariat";
otherwise, communism is a "head without a
body." Nevertheless in 1927, Mao organized
the "autumn harvest uprisings" among the
peasants. In so doing, as Mao himself
blandly remarks in his autobiography, he
was "opposed by the Comintern."
For this sin against Moscow's holy doc-
trine, Mao was repudiated by the Central
Committee of the party, dismissed from the
hinese Politburo, and even, apparently,
placed on probation as a rank-and-file party
member. Soon thereafter, the Kremlin dis-
patched Li Li-san, a Chinese Communist
who unlike Mao had received the regulation
Moscow schooling, to head the Chinese Com-
FRESH FROM MOSCOW, Li Li-san tried
to promote revolution among the city
workers, in accordance with the orthodox
Moscow doctrine. His efforts met with dis-
aster. Meanwhile, Mao stubbornly contin-
ued to organize the rural peasantry into a
"Red Army," and in 1930, he began to have
his first successes against Chiang Kae-shek.
In 1931, Li Li-san was dismissed, and Mao
Tse-tung became "Chairman of the Chinese
Soviet Republic." According to the avail-
able evidence, this was not because Moscow
so ordered matters, but simply because by
this time Mao controlled the real sources of
power in the Chinese party.
This history of an old, doctrinal battle
may seem beside the point to the Western
mind. But it must be remembered that a
good Stalinist is fanatically doctrinaire, and
that more heads have rolled for deviation
from the strict body of Stalinist doctrine
than ever rolled during the Inquisition.
This ancient history takes on very real and
present meaning, moreover, in view of what
has happened since.
Stalin himself is known to have ex-
pressed the view more than once during
the war that the Chinese Communists
were not "real" Communists. Throughout
the war, moreover, Stalin never lifted a.
finger to help Mao Tse-tung-the only
recipient of Soviet aid was none other
than Chiang Kae-shek. And, as recently
reported in this space, the Yugoslav lead-
ers are firmly convinced that Stalin actu-
ally meant to abandon the Chines eCom-
munists after the war. Stalin only changed
his mind when this country demobilized,
and adopted the policy of having no policy
at all in China.
This pretty clearly suggests that Stalin
has long harbored doubts about the trust-
worthiness of the Chinese Communists. And
now, as if to confirm these doubts, Mao Tse-
tung has announced his "Theory of the
Chinese Revolution," which he implies is a
greater contribution to Marxism-Leninism
than Stalin ever made. Mao's "theory" is
to guide communism throughout Asio. And
most significant of all, this theory is square-
ly based on the same deviation for which
Mao was disciplined more than twenty years
ago. It calls for "armed struggle in the
countryside"--which means peasant revolt.
Just possibly, the Kremlin may accept the
equal partnership which Mao offers. Or the
Kremlin may capture the Chinese Commu-
nist apparatus. Or Mao himself, tubercular,
and old by Chinese standards, may die, to be
replaced by a more submissive man-per..
haps his old rival, Li Li-san. But surely it
is reasonable to suppose that Maoism, which
threatens not only the Kremlin's control of
Asiatic communism, but also the whole
WASHINGTON-The question of reduced
postal rates for magazines and news-
papers, which the post office claims is a
several million dollar subsidy to Life, Time,
and the Saturday Evening Post, etc., caused
a rumpus inside the House Rules Committee
Two of the "fightenist" members of Con-
gress, Tom Murray, Tennessee Democrat,
and Clarence Brown, Ohio Republican, stag-
ed the row over the bill to revise second-
class postal rates upward 60 per cent in the
next three years. This increase, the post
office claims, would help to get it out of
the red.
However, Congressman Brown, himself
a publisher, disagreed. He contended it
would work a hardship on smaller maga-
zines and newspapers which circulate
chiefly through the mails, thereby creat-
ing a "monopoly" for big weeklies which
truck their editions to newsstands.
"This bill would act as a subsidy for the
wrong people," he argued.
"You've got nothing to complain about,''
countered Murray. "As a newspaper pub-
lisher in Ohio you've been getting a nice
subsidy from the government in second-class
mailing privileges."
Murray produced some statistics on the
operating costs of the "Western Star" of
Lebanon, Ohio, one of five weeklies pub-
lished by Brown.
"It looks like you've been doing all
right under the second-class subsidy,"
snapped the Tennesseean.
"Where did you get those figures?" thun-
dered Brown. "I guess they were supplied
you by the Post Office Department in an
attempt to smear and intimidate me. I
wonder if the department also told you
about the number of papers I have had to
deliver by paid messenger because of the
inefficiency of the mails under this admin-
"The figures are typical of weekly news-
papers," replied Murray.
"Well ,it seems mighty strange that you
single mine out of all the weeklies in the
United States," blazed Brown. "Besides,
this bill doesn't seriously affect weekly
newspapers, which would still get free
second-class mail privileges that would be
A passing remark by Rep. Gene Cox of
Georgia that the committee was making too
much fuss over "gimlet" newspapers only
added to the hostilities. Weekly publisher
Brown took this as a personal affront.
Glaring at Cox, he remarked acidly:
"Maybe the publishers in your district
will be happy to know what you think of
Chairman Adolph Sabath of Illinois final-
ly got all the gladiators quieted down, but
Murray lost out in his effort to get a "closed"
rule for debate on the floor. This means
that a Senate amendment providing for a 30
per cent increase in second-class rates in-
stead of 60, over a three-year period, will
probably be substituted and approved.
Note-Congressman Brown's newspapers
are: the Western Star of Lebanon, Ohio;
the Star Republican, Blanchester, O.; the
Miamisburg News, Miamisburg, O.; the
Lynchburg News, Lynchburg, O. He is also
a stockholder in another weekly, the
Franklin Chronicle, Franklin, Ohio
JOSEPH B. KEENAN, the Japanese war
crimes prosecutor, once prosecuted Sen.
Bill Langer of North Dakota, when Keenan
was chief of the Justice Department crim-
inal division. Now, as attorney for the man
he once prosecuted, Keenan collected $25,000
in a libel case from Bill Cunningham, Bos-
ton Columnist,
Sen. John Sparkman bumped into Time
Magazine correspondent Frank McNaughton
as he left to take over a 900-acre cattle
farm. "I'll bet," quipped the Senator from
Alabama, "that I'll soon be getting a tele-
gram from you denouncing beef price roll-
A flow of income tax cases are coming in
the wake of the Kefauver Crime Committee.
Quiet GOP Sen. Williams of Deleware is
doing quite a bit to stir them up.
The Justice Department can't make up
its mind whether to try Dennis Delaney, the
ousted Massachusetts tax collector, in Bos-
ton or New York. He'll be charged with
accepting bribes to fix cases not only in
Massachusetts but for a New York insurance
firm-hence the indecision.
VOU HEAR so much about inefficiency in
government these days that the public
forgets about the long roll call of patriotic
public rervants who are doing a good job for
their country. Here are some of them:
tion Administrator-learned the hard way
through the war production board of World
War II, picks good men, believes in letting
the public know what's happening in his
far-flung and highly important defense
EDWARD BARRETT, Assistant Secretary
of State in charge of propaganda and Voice
of America-gave up a top salary as editor
of Newsweek Magazine to take lowly govern-
ment pay and more headaches than any
other job in Washington; has put new ideas,
newenergy into American propaganda
CHARLES E. WILSON, Defense Mobilizer
-works long hours and takes all sorts of
criticism for the country which gave him a
great opportunity as head of General Elec-
tric. Isn't good at human relations, but
knows how to correlate industry.
HOLMES BALDRIDGE, Assistant Attor-
ney General-has one of the most thankless
jobs in Washington, handling claims against
the Government and by the Government.
Thousands of legal cases swamp him every
year, including the new price violations
under OPS. Congress votes no additional
money to handle these, but Baldridge is get-
ting action just the same.
SEN. JOE O'MAHONEY, the hard fighting
Wyoming trust buster, is pressing the
justice department for an anti-trust in-
vestigation of the newsprint monopoly.
"If newsprint prices keep soaring," O'Ma-
honey warned, "it won't be long before the
small newspapers will have to suspend pub-
The Senator also told the Justice Depart..
ment that:
1. Six or seven newsprint producers ac-
count for four-fifths of all newsprint con-
sumed in the United States, and are either
Canadian companies or Canadian subsidiar-
ies of American firms. In Ontario Province,
a law was passed to keep U.S. courts from
examining the records of even Canadian
subsidiaries of the American companies.
2. No newsprint mills have been opened
in Canada since World War II, although de-
mands have jumped.
3. The Newsprint cartel has created a
uniform price system for the United States.
(A few days ago, the Crown Zellerbach Corp.
upped the price of newsprint $10 a ton to a
new high of $116 a ton without consulting
the Office of Price Stabilization).
Note-O'Mahoney also recommends that
American publishers get together and pro-
mote newsprint production within the
United States.
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
-Daily-Bill Hampton
SOME 90 West Point cadets, many of them members of a powerhouse
football team that only an oft-beaten Navy seemed to be able to
handle, were ousted from the Academy this week for cheating on
exams. Morally stunned Congressmen jumped at the chance to regis-
ter their indignation publicly and promised a new batch of hearings.
While this will not speed the much-neglected business of Congress-
legislating-it may lead to a healthy de-emphasis of big time col-
lege sports.
* * * *
Local .. .
SOULE-Prof. Malcolm H. Soule, 54, chairman of the bacteriology
department of the Medical School and a member of the faculty for
19 years killed himself with a dose of snake venom Friday night after
he received news that he had been dismissed from the University by
the Regents. Prof. Soule, a world famous scientist, had admitted
mishandling University funds in three instances. The Regents had
accepted restitution of $487.05 for the three proven forgeries, but re-
fused to accept Prof. Soule's resignation, informing him that he
would be fired and prosecuted for the offenses.
DRAFT EXAM-Reports that one-third of the nation's draft eli-
gible students flunked the first Selective Service Aptitude Test didn't
seem to bother campus males who took the test as much as news that
many local draft boards were shipping off college men with little
regard to whether or not they had passed the test. Local conditions
varied, but Brig. Gen. Renfrow, acting director of Selective Service,
reminded students that test results and grades were only guides and
that the draft board's first obligation was to the armed services.
CHINESE STUDENTS-Chinese Communist efforts to cash in
on skills acquired in the U.S. by young Chinese were being felt on the
Campus this week as a trickle of June graduates from the Far East
headed for their homes behind the bamboo curtain. Red blackmailing,
fears for their families and limited job opportunities in this coun-
try were listed as reasons for the scattered and sorry exodus.
National .. .
TRUMAN TALK-Detroit celebrated its 250th birthday this week,
but the future got the nod over the past. Climax of the week-long
festivities was a speech by President Truman, who kept the Motor
City's eyes on Soviet threats to international security.
Surrounded by one of the heaviest security guards ever given ant
American chief executive, Mr. Truman warned that whatever hap-
pens in Korea, Americans must not jump to the conclusion that theI
Soviet rulers have given up their ideas of world conquest.
CONTROLS BILL-The watered-down controls legislation wasr
not all that the Administration had hoped for. But a reluctant HarryI
Truman put his signature to the bill this week, although he said cer-t
tain provisions would "damage" Americans and force prices to
"heights which we cannot yet foresee."
The new law permits some price rollbacks and increases, eases
consumer credit curbs and continues basic economic controls throughI
next June 30. Passage of the bill came after a chaotic night sessiont
which featured a 30 second time limit on debate. The press gallery
was wondering if the Congressmen really knew what they were voting
'52 ELECTION-The presidential campaign for next year's elec-
tion slowly started chugging along as President Truman, Sen. Paul
Douglas and Gen. Eisenhower hit the speculative headlines.
Douglas was deep in a feud with the President over the old politi-
cal football of senatorial courtesy. Ike was busy in Europe with hisI
usual "no comment" for the dopesters. Truman said he thought the
General's present duties wouldn't interfere with entering the cam-
paign if he so desired.
* * * *
International ...
COLD WAR-"August may be the month," some radio commenta-
tors were saying this week. Shockingly enough, they were referringl
to the outbreak of World War III.I
Although the incidents might be isolated, the pessimistic expertsl
seemed to think events added up.s
Behind the Iron Curtain, a purge of suspected Titoists was re-I
ported as Far Eastern geopoliticians blew the dust off their Balkanl
maps. In Iran, a newspaper announced that a small Soviet vessel hadI
sailed into the Caspian Sea and was fired upon by Iranian machine
On the Korean front, UN and Red delegates were deadlocked over
where a buffer zone should be established after a cease-fire agreement.C
The imprisonment of AP correspondent William Oatis, a runawayc
Polish ship and the killing of tariff concessions to Red countriesr
bolstered the premonitions.
"Berlin held us up for Korea. Perhaps Korea is holding us up for
Yugoslavia or Iran.",
Rumors and facts intermingled in a dangerous confusion. But
the nation retained its hope-that the Russians weren't ready toc
fight, and if they were, they couldn't beat the West.
-John Briley and Barnes Connablei
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Bldg. at 3 p.m. on the
day preceding publication.
VOL. LXI, No. 29-S
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching departments wish-
ish to recommend tentative August
graduates from the College of Ltera-
ture, Science, and the Arts, and the
School of Education for departmental
honors should recommend such stu-
dentst n a letter to be sent to the Reg-
istrar's Office. Room 1513 Administra-
tion Building before August 23.
Attention August Graduates: College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts,
School of Education, School of Music,
School of Public Health:
Students are advised not to request
grades of I or X in August. when such
grades are absolutely imperative, the
work must be made up in time to al-
low your instructor to report the make-
up grade not later than 11 a.m., Aug-
ust 23. Grades received after that time
may defer the student's graduation un-
til a later date.
Personnel Requests:
The Ford Motor Company is immedi-
ately in need of Engineers of all kinds
and Accountants. Application blanks
which must be submitted are available
at the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Administration Building.
Personnel Interviews:
Wednesday, August 8-
Granite City Steel Company, Granite
City, Illinois, will be interviewing Civil
and Architectural Engineers for posi-
tions as structural engineer, assistant
project engineer, and assistant architec-
tural engineer. The assistant architec-
tural engineer should have an interest
in advertising; as his work will be con-
cerned with standards and publica-
Thursday, August 9
Maryland Casualty Insurance Com-
pany, Detroit office, will be interviewing
men interested in their training pro-
gram. This is not a sales program, but
the men will receive training in all of
the departments. These positions will
be in Detroit, primarily.
For appointments for interviews please
call at the Bureau of Appointments 3528
Administration Building.
Personnel Interviews:
Wednesday, August 8-
Kaiser-Frazer Corporation will be in-
terviewing Mechanical, Industrial,
Chemical, Aeronautical, Civil, Electri-
cal, and Architectural Engineers.
Thursday, August 9-
Dow-Corning, Midland, Michigan,
will be interviewing men with a Bus-
iness Administration background who
have had courses in Business Law or
Law School students who have a
business background. Te position
will be in the Purchasing Department
and will entail writing cont cts and
expediting materials.
For appointments for interviews
please call at the Bureau or Appoint-
ments 3528 Administration Building.
Personnel Requests:
We have had a call from a company
in the Ann Arbor area for a draftsman
to work full time this summer and part
time during the school year.
Timken Detroit Axle Companyis look-
ing for Mechanical Engineers for their
Supervisory Training Progran If
enough menB areinterested, they will
come to the Bureau for interviews. For
further information please contact the
Bureau of Appointments 3528 Adminis-
tration Building.
Veterans' Requisitions Friday, AugustI
10, 1951, has been established as the
final date for the procurement of books,
supplies and equipment using veteran
requisitions. No requisitions will ben
honored by the vendors subsequent to
this date.
Events Today
Graduate Outing Club: There will
be a picnic at a private lake. Meet at
the Outing Club room at the rear of
Rackhan at 2 p.m., leave promptly at
2:15. All Grads welcome.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Coragreene
Johnstone, English; thesis: The Liter-
ary Views of Oliver Goldsmith," Mon-
day, August 6, 65 Bus. Adm., at 2:00
p.m. Chairman, L. I. Bredvold.
Doctoral Examination for Earl Joseph
Janda, Psychology; thesis: "On the
Relationship Between Anxiety a n d
Night Vision," Monday, August 6, 3121
Natural Science Bldg., at 2:30 p.m.'
Chairman, E. L. Kelly.
Mathematics Colloquium
Tuesday, August 7, at 4:10 p.m., in
Room 3011 Angell Hall. Professor
Emil Artin will speak at the Mathema-
tics Colloquium on the subject: "Ring
Extensions and Hilbert's Nullstellen-
Wednesday, August 8, at 4 p.m., in
Room 3017 Angell Hall. Professor T.
Nakayama, visiting Professor at the
University of Illinois, will speak on the
subject, "On Idele-class FactorSets
and 3-cocycles in Class Field Theory."
Doctoral Examination for Newton Edd
Miller, Jr., Speech; thesis: "The Effect
of Group Size on Decision-Making Dis-
cussions," Tuesday, August 7, 3213 An-
gell Hall, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, W.E
M. Sattler.
Doctoral Examination for Paul Ken-2
neth Cousino, Education; theisis: "So-
cial Attitudes Toward Certain Curri-
cular Issues in Public Secondary Edu-
cation in Warren Township," Wednes-
day, August 8, 4023 University HighL
School, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, H. Y.
Mclusky. y
Comma Eve its
Classical Coffee Hour, Tuesday, Aug-
ust 7, at 4 p.m. in the East Conference
Room of the Rackham Building. Stu-
dents of the department and their
friends are invited. By request, there
will be a discussion of teaching meth-
ods and materials and club activities
for secondary schools.
La p'tite causette meets Monday from
3:30 to 5:00 p.m., in the South Room
of the Michigan Union Cafeteria.
Congregational - Disciples Guild:
Tuesday, 4:30 to 6:00. Tea on the Ter-
race at the Guild House, 438 Maynard.
Congregational - Disciples Guild:
Meet at 5:00 at the Guild House, 438
Maynard, for an outdoor program-
softball, a picnic supper, and a short
worship service.
St. Andrews Church:
8:00 a.m., Holy Communion, break-
fast immediately following.
11:00 Morning Prayer.
3:30 Canterbury Club Picnic: Held
at Saline Valley Farms: Discussion of
Rev. Bruce Cook on "The Racial Na-
ture of the Christian Faith."
Michigan Christian Fellowship meet-
ing, 4:30, Fireside Room, Lane Hall.
Speaker, Mr. Donald Waite. Topic, The
Reality of the Holy Spirit. Refresh-
ments following.
Lutheran Student Association - Meet
at the Student Center, corner of Hill
and Forest, at 4:30 p.m. Leave from
there for outdoor meeting at the home
of Ivan Hagen on Traver Road.
Roger Williams Guild: Sun., 6:00,
supper at the Guild House.,Discussion
by Rev. Loucks.
Student Recital: Viven Milan, mez-
zo-soprano, will be heard at 4:15 Sun-
day afternoon, August 5, in the Archi-
tecture Auditorium, in a program sung
in partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the Bachelor of Music de-
gree. It will include compositions by
Stevens, Storace, Respighi, Massenet,
Poulenc, Ravel, and Maher, and will
be open to the public. Miss Milan is
a pupil of Harold Haugh.
Faculty Concert: Ava Comin Case
and Mary Fishburne, members of the
School Of Music faculty, will -be heard
in a program of contemporary music
for two pianos at 8:30 Sunday evening,
August 5, in Hill Auditorium. The pro-
grain will open with Hindemith's Sona-
ta for Two Pianos (1942), followed by
Moy Mell by Arnold Bax, and Quasi unar
Siciliana (1937) and Veloce (1936) by
Victor Babin; the second half of the
program will feature Bela Bartok's
Sonata for Two Pianos and Percus-
Stanley Quartet: The final conce
In the summer series by the Stanley
Quartet will be heard at 8:30 Tuesday
evening, August 7, in the Rackham
Lecture Hall. The program will in-
clude Haydn's Quartet in G minor, Op.
74, No. 3, followed the first perform-
ance of by Quartet in E, No. 6, by Ross
Lee Finney. During the second half of
the program the Quartet will play
Schubert's Quintet in C major, Op.
163, for two violins, viola, and two
cellos, in which the group will be
joined bye Jerome Jelinek, School of
Music senior majoring in cello.
The general public is invited.
Student Recital Cancelled: The pi-
ano recital by Robert Dumm, previous-
ly announced for August 6, in the
Rackham Assembly Hall, has been post-
poned until Thursday, August 16, 4:15.
Organ Recital by Robert Noehren,
University Organist, 4:15 Wednesday
afternoon, August 8, in Hill Auditor-
ium. The program will include Choral-
Vorspiele, from Op. 122 by Brams, and
La Nativite du Seigneur by Olivier
Messiaen, and will be open to the gen-
eral public.
(Continued on Page 4)
.4 1
B~aruch Mis quoted
On Eisenhower
NEW YORK - Bernard M. Baruch em-
a 'phatically did not say on his return from
Europe that Gen. Eisenhower should not be
drafted for the Presidency.
He didn't say it and he didn't intimate it.
What he did say was that the General's
friends and admirers should not throw him
into the political cockpit now, or in any
fashion impair his ability to do the job so
important to the peace of the world.
Mr. Baruch was shocked, as so many
visitors to his headquarters have been, by
the unconscionable demands upon the
General's time and strength. He was ap-
pealing for an end to this drain upon a
man who is a mere mortal, but, at the
same time, so important to the future of
the free world.
When he calls upon his fellow-Americans
to exercise restraint and give Gen. Eisen-
hower a chance to do his job, he does not
intend to say that the General shouldn't or
can't be President. His knowledge of the
ways of the world, including politics, goes
much deeper than that.
It is clear to him, as to many others, that
if General Eisenhower does his present as-
signment well, he will be an obvious candi-
in the war college. Ike masterminded the
impressive ceremonies, and paid an emo-
tional tribute to the elder statesman, who,
in his own words, has "made the round trip
to two wars."
Washington is a place where results only
are applauded, and where the contributors
to successful results can count themselves
lucky if a few informed people mention that
they made a contribution. It was distinctly
unusual for a public hero to pause and pay
tribute to the help he had had along the
Mr. Baruch speaks frankly of the
dedicated zeal with which Gen. Eisenhow-
er has embarked upon his new crusade in
Europe. He likens the Allied commander
to Peter the Hermit. Some who have lis-
tened to Ike's story, including Sen. Brew-
ster of Maine, a Taft lieutenant, imply
that Ike's is a neurotic zeal which practi-
cal men must take with a grain of salt.
To Mr. Baruch, Gen. Eisenhower is plug-
ging for the only practical method of saving
Western Civilization. Appearing at a Lon-
don dinner with Winston Churchill, Mr.
Baruch warned the English to get behind
Ike. The American people would not toler-
ate any other course, he insisted. He de-
Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications
Editorial Staff
Dave Thomas ........Managing Editor
George Flint .....,.....Sports Editor
Jo Ketelhut..........Women's Editor
Business Staff
Milt Goetz ....... ...Business Manager
Eva Stern........Advertising Manager
Harvey Gordon ...... Finance Manager
Allan Weinstein .. Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member o t The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor. Michigan. as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.
And then the squirrel said to the grasshopper-
A Ghost? Now, children, we can't believe
KAnd thAe irasshonner hoopeand-.~