Aid Bill
Washington Merry-Go-Round
"No Use Taking Any Chances These Pa
WASHINGTON - None of the interested
parties seem to be very happy over the
present secret hearings on the Foreign Aid
Senators of differing allegiance, both po-
litical and ideological, are squabbling over
who is getting the best news breaks, organ-
izations interested in the program, but to-
tally uninterested in partisan politics, fear
that the public will not understand the bill
unless it gets the fullest possible publicity.
The few relatively impartial observers
contend that the public ought to hear all
the evidence, except that which should
be deleted for security reasons, on any
project which will mean so great a sacri-
fice for the taxpayer.
When the Democratic leadership-and it
is not an Administration leadership, but far
Inore representative of the conservative
coalition which is. running the Congress-
approved closed hearings, the idea was to
save time. Chairman Connally of the Sen-
ate Foreign Relations Committee was one
who argued that closed hearings offered the
best chance to prune the list of witnesses to
those really informed about the situation.
The leadership, whose senior members es-
pecially have been flagging this unusually
hot summer, accepted the argument. Sen.
George of Georgia, a Democratic member
of Foreign Relations, and Chairman of Fi-
nance, which has a tax bill to bring out,
warned that he intended to return home
on Oct. 1, what'ere betide. The fact is that
he went home immediately afterward in an
effort to recover from a nagging virus infec-
tion which has been giving him a daily
above-normal temperature.
gINCE then Senators certain to take dif-
ferent sides in floor debate have been
arguing over various publicity leaks and
channels. Sen. Brewster, (R., Me.), said
that to release Administration witnesses'
prepared statements without the Senators'
questioning loaded the news columns for
Mr. Truman. Democrats retort that they
only wish they could develop the salient
points through public interrogation of wit-
Sen. McMahon, D., Conn.), has argued in
favor of the MacArthur hearing method of
releasing a daily transcript which had been
censored for security. This is expensive,
and a little bit clumsy; it is possible some
form of it may prove the eventual solution.
Bipartisan backers of Foreign Aid are
hoping that President Truman will not
make an issue of his proposal to give the
State Department the controlling voice in
the operations of the program. They fear
that the President will be inclined to do
so as another gesture of defiance toward
the critics of Secretary of State Acheson.
There is no dbubt that some backers of
the move for an independent agency have
little else in mind than further chastisement
of Mr. Acheson, but others don't, and they
can point to the successful operation of the
Marshall Plan under the independent Eco-
nomic Cooperation Administration as a pre-
cedent. ECA's success, of course, was due,
in large part, to the superior talents of Paul
G. Hoffman, whose successor, William C.
Foster, for reasons not clear, obviously is in
disfavor witr Sen. Connally.
It appears certain that unless some fast
and sincere efforts are made to put first
things first, and get the best bill possible,
no time will be saved after all, and a hot
floor fight rendered inevitable.
PRIORITY for air power in the national
defense could easily become an issue in
the 1952 Presidential election, influential
Senators believe. Various angles account
for this opinion.
1. "Supremacy in. the air" is a slogan
with popular appeal.
2. A persuasive case can be made for it
to which Senators sincerely devoted to mak-
ing America strong already subscribe. It
also tends to obviate unpopular measures
ike the draft.
3. Present and former isolationists with
a vested interest in their old failures to help
prepare America can beat the drums for
the new technique of victory through air
power as a cover-up for their past votes
against Army and Navy projects. Odious
comparisons can still be made, but much
less forcefully.
4. From the standpoint of partisan poli-
tics-and partisan politics will attach to
every major issue from now until November,
1952-it gives Republicans a security hook
on which to hang their hats.
The former artillery captain who is
now Commander-in-Chief and probable
Democratic candidate f o r President,
Harry Truman, is committed to the so-
called balanced defense, a more or less
equal division of funds between the serv-
ices. Mr. Truman's favorite military man
is another Army officer, Gen. Marshall,
Secretary of Defense, who is unlikely to
pet the Air Force.
The President is already reported to have
admonished the Joint Chiefs of Staff that
they must keep the argument over Air Force
vequests for a major expansion "in the fam-
ily." This is a good trick if they can do it.
But the argument is already busting out
al lover.
Truman opponents, not all of whom are
Republicans, expect him to maintain his
WASHINGTON-One of the most inter-
esting aspects of Congress is to see
what inspires a speech or who influences a
vote. Most of the time the public has no
idea what backstage factors are responsible.
Frequently not even other members of Con-
gress know.
For instance, a rash of speeches broke
out in the House of Representatives the
other day attacking the Voice of America
and State Department propaganda. In fact,
seventeen speeches were made, one after
another, bitterly critical of the Voice of Am-
The public, of course, had no idea that
these speeches were all mimeographed on
the same mimeograph machine or large-
ly written by one man and his staff.
Congressmen are supposed to represent
the people of the United States and make
duly considered speeches which represent
their own conviction - not rattle off the
canned opinions of a ghost writer as if they
were phonograph records.
However, copies of the canned mimeo-
graph speeches were sent up to the press
gallery, sometimes even before the Congress-
man began to make the speech on the
House floor below.
It was like automobiles coming off an
assembly line-17 speeches all attacking
the Voice of America or Acheson, all de-
livered by Republicans, and all done on
the same mimeograph machine.
The ghost writer who dished out this flow
of words obviously was unfamiliar with the
poll-parrots who were to mouth them, for
he didn't even know how to spell their
names. GOP Congressman William Ayres
of Ohio he misspelled "Ayers," and GOP
Congressman Karl Stefan of Nebraska he
misspelled "Steffan."
* * *
THIS BACKSTAGE business, of course,
was known to the Congressmen, though
not to the public. But what not even the
Congressmen knew was that the man behind
all these canned speeches probably would
not have had them written had he not been
eased out of his job by the man who now
heads up the Voice of America.
Assistant Secretary of State Ed Barrett,
now in charge of State Department pro-
paganda, was formerly editor of Newsweek
magazine, and as such had serious differ-
ences with a member of his staff, Robert
So much National Association of Man-
ufacturers propoganda began creeping
into Newsweek columns through Hum-
phries that Barrett was about to ease him
out, when Humphries beat him to it and
Humphries then took a $25,000 job as
chief ghost writer and researcher for the
Republican Congressional Committee. As
such he has a ritzy suite in the George
Washington Inn just across from the Capi-
tol where a group of writers grind out th
speeches for Congressmen who are elected
to think for themselves instead of parroting
the views of a spitemonger with an axe to
grind against his former boss.
Those are some of the backstage factors
the public doesn't always know about when
it reads weighty speeches delivered on the
floor of Congress or learns of a campaign
being waged against the Voice of America.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
I, I
S OME PEOPLE talk about communism,
others do something about communism.
In the long run, the doers are a lot more im-
portant in preventing communism than the
talkers. Here are some people who have gone
out and done things rather than just make
General Federation of Women's Clubs
Senate speeches:
Mrs. Hiram Cole Houghton, livewire prei-
dent, and her colleagues have sent radio sets
to Iran to help get the Voice of America
heard; have organized five and a whalf mil-
lion members in foreign countries, thus ce-
menting closer understanding with the
U.S.A.; and are inspiring several thousand
friendship letters to women abroad.
Inter-American Congress of Free Trade
Unions-This is a group of North American
and Latin American unions which are fight-
ing against Communism in Latin America.
Francisco Aguirre of Cuba, George Meany
of the AFL and Jake Potofsky of the CIO
Amalgamated Clothing Workers are among
its leaders. Most people don't realize it, but
communism has begun to creep in our own
front Latin American door, and these labor
men are doing a skillful organization job
to check it.
ECA's Pen Pals--A lot of individual Am-
ericans wonder what they can do about
communism abroad. Here's one small step.
The individual touch sometimes counts
more than government contacts, and the
ECA in Washington has arranged for letters
from individual Americans to be sent to in-
dividual Europeans, especially from work-
ingmen to workingmen. It's among the la-
bor classes that communism has made
greatest inroads, and letters similar to the
"democracy letters to Italy" during the Ita-
lian elections, help a great deal. A letter
sent to "Pen Pals, Washington, D.S.," will
be translated and sent to any country you
designate, or you can leave the designation
up to ECA.
GRUFF OLD Sen. Tom Conally, the color-
ful Texan, is not one to conceal his im-
patience over long-winded orators.
The other day, Sen. George Malone of
Nevada, who can turn a simple question in-
to a filibuster, was pestering Connally on
trade agreements.
With a sigh that could be heard all over
the chamber, Connally answered a Malone
question, to which the Nevadan replied eag-
erly: "I am very happy to be informed of
that fact."
"I hope," grumbled the gentleman from
Texas, "the Senator stays happy."
** A
ONE SENATOR, George of Georgia, didn't
show up for a single vote while billions
of dollars were being dished out for post of-
fice, treasury, and agriculture departments.
George had the excuse that he was writing
the nation's tax bill. However, some Sena-
tors also think it's important to gee how the
tax money is being spent . . . . Congressman
Furcolo of Massachusetts, Democrat, is
planning to run against Sen. Cabot Lodge,
Republican. Lodge may even have trouble
inside the Republican Party from Sinclair
Weeks, the National GOP Treasurer, who is
thinking of running, too . . . Senator Lyn-
don Johnson of Texas, who has done such a
valuable job of exposing poor military hous-
ing, will next crack down on rent gouging
around naval and marine bases .. . Price
enforcement chief Ed Morgan has ordered
his price G-men to make a thorough inves-
tigation of the high price of baler twine.
Black marketeers have been selling baler
twine to farmers from trucks at night.
* ** *
THE TAX GRAVY passed out by the Tru-
man Administration for building defense
plants is so juicy that even the anti-Tru-
man Chicago Tribune wants to get in on it.
The Tribune, believe it or not, has applied
to the National Production Authority for
special tax benefits for building a $2,022,-
285.17 enlargement of its composing room,
engraving room, pressroom, and circulation
This seems to be a long way off from
mobilization. Yet a request was made to
amortize this new addition to the Tribune
plant in five years-the same benefit given
to manufacturers of guns, tanks, airplanes,
and war goods.
In a way you can't blame the Chicago
Tribune for trying to horn in on this tax
gravy. So many companies have applied
for it-and got away with it-that it's be-
come one of the biggest giveaways of mob-
However, the Tribune's reasons are in-
teresting. It stated in its official justifica-
tion for the tax gravy that the newspaper
industry has been accorded a special po-
sition relative to other industries since
1789; that newspapers were considered
essential industries in the last two wars;
and that the press is the only daily
medium that can be used to explain and
interpret complicated governmental regu-
Finally, the Tribune justified its proposed
tax benefits by stating that each day it
carries a large number of classified help-
wanted ads, and, by so doing, it is, in effect,
maintaining an active labor market in its
columns, thus helping the defense effort.
-, r
!'? 3
- 4r 'ef I. A 1 /l~r+?e
Tour of U.S. by Russtans
Would Aid World Peace
Associated Press News Analyst
SEN. McMahon of Connecticut has the idea that if you could send
enough Congressmen to Russia and bring the Politburo over here,
you could convince both the Russian government and the Russian
people that America has no warlike or aggressive intentions.
Aside from the fact that the Russian government already knows
it, but withholds the information from the Russian people for its own
purposes, the idea has some intriguing possibilities.
Sen. McMahon, as chairman of the Atomic Energy Committee,
could do quite a job himself of showing Stalin & Co., around. It
should be most salutary to take the visitors to Nevada or to the
Atomic testing grounds and hold nothing back. Show them every-
thing except the formulas.
A quick look at Pittsburgh and Detroit, the bomber factories and
bases out west ,and one of the atom bomb stockpiles might prove
IT might be possible, after his visit had lasted some weeks, to con-
vince Stalin that all the factories in the United States don't pro-
duce automobiles-it just looks that way because the workers fill sur-
rounding parking lots with their personally owned cars.
I'd like to take Joe down South. I'd tell him now in my boyhood
the tenant farmers, who never saw any cash the year around, were
moving to town to work in the textile mills, only to find that the
company store had replaced the landlord as a means of keeping them
broke. And I'd let him see for himself what happened in one gen-
eration-people in good clothes, with their own cars, their own electric
ice-boxes and all sorts of other easy-living gadgets, in their own one-
family homes.
From one standpoint, sending a troup of American Congress-
men to Russia might prove dangerous. It would have to be very
carefully selected.
Just let a bunch of those fellows get a glimpse of those beautifular
pyramided Russian bureaus, with all their opportunity for patronage,
with their myriads of controls reaching not merely down to fourth
class postmasters, but to every human activity. The fascination might
prove too great. We might never get some of those fellows back.
* * * *
; I
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Bldg. at 3 p.m. on the
day preceding publication.
VOL. LXI, No. 28-S
Women Students -Barbour
sium lockers. Lockers in the
Gymnasium and the women's
Building should be cleared
Friday, August 10.
Personnel Interviews:
Wednesday, August 8-
out by
Granite City Steel Company, Granite
City, Illinois, will be interviewing Civil
and Architectural Engineers for posi-
tions ashstructural engineer, assistant
project engineer, and assistant architec-
tural engineer. The assistant architec-
tural engineer should have an interest
in advertising, as his work will be con-
cerned with standards and publica-
Thursday, August '
Maryland Casualty Insurance Com-
pany, Detroit office, will be interviewing
men interested in their training pro-
gram. This is not a sales program, but
the men will receive training in all of
the departments. These positions will
be in Detroit, primarily.
For appointments for interviews please
call at the Bureau of Appointments 3528
Administration Building.
Personnel Interviews:
Wednesday, August 8-
Kaiser-Frazer Corporation will be in-
terviewing Mechanical, Industrial,
Chemical, Aeronautical, Civil, Electri-
cal, and Architectural Engineers.
Thursday, August 9-
Dow-Corning, Midland, Michigan,
will be interviewing men with a Bus-
iness Administration background who
have had coursesintBusiness Law or
Law School students who have a
business background. The position
will be in the Purchasing Department
and will entail writing contracts and
expediting materials.
For appointments for interviews
please call at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments 3528 Administration Building.
Personnel Requests:
we have had a call from a company
in the Ann Arbor area for a draftsman
to work full time this summer and part
time during the school year.
Timken Detroit Axle company is look-
ing for Mechanical Engineers for their
Supervisory Training Program. If
enough men are interested, they will
come to the Bureau for Interviews. For
further information please contact the
Bureau of Appointments 3528 Adminis-
tration Building.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Earle Lewis
Kent, Electrical Engineering; thesis:
"A Method for Changing the Fre-
quency of a Complex wave," Saturday,
August 4, 2511 East Engineering Bldg.,
at 9:00 a.m. Chairman, L. N. Holland.
Doctoral Examination for Michael
Patrick Cava, Chemistry; thesis: "Stud-
ies on the Degradation of Neoergosterol
and Related Substances". 3aturday,
August 4, 3003 Chemistry Bldg., at 10:00
a.m. Chairman, A. S. Dreiding.
Doctoral Examination for Coragreene
Johnstone, English; thesis: The Liter-
ary views of Oliver Goldsmith," Mon-
day, August 6, 65 Bus. Adm., at 2:00
p.m. Chairman. L. I. Bredvold.
Doctoral Examination for Earl Joseph
Janda, Psychology; thesis: "On the
Relationship Between Anxiety a n d
Night Vision," Monday. August 6, 3121
Natural Science Bldg., at 2:30 p.m.
Chairman, E. L. Kelly.
Mathematics Colloquium
Tuesday, August 7, at 4:10 p.m., in
Room 3011 Angell Hail. Professor
Emil Artin will speak at the Mathema-
tics Colloquium on the subject: "Ring
Extensions and Hilbert's Nullstellen-
wednesday. August 8, at 4 p.m.. in
Room 3017 Angell Hall. Professor T.
Nakayama, visiting Professor at the
University of Illinois, will speak on the
subject, "On Idele-class Factor Sets
and 3-cocycles in Class Field Theory."
Doctoral Examination for Newton Edd
Miller, Jr., Speech; thesis: "The Effect
of Group Size on Decision-Making Dis-
cussions," Tuesday, August 7, 3213 An-
gell Hall, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, w.
M. Sattler.
Events Today
U. of M. Sailing Club: Racing Sat-
urday to pick skippersfor Put-in Bay
regatta, Aug. 11, 12 and 13; treasure
hunt Sunday afternoon. Even plumb-
ers can find the prize.
Roger Williams Guild: Sat. Swim-
ming and Supper. Cars leaving at .
and 5.
Michigan Christian Fellowship picni
and swimming. Meet at Lane Hall;
2:00. Transportation provided.
Coming Lectures
Monday, August 6-
Biophysics Symposium. 1300 Chemis
try Building. "viruses: Structure, Re
production, and Origin" (cont.), S.mE
Luria, University of Illinois, 4:00 p.m.;
"Phage Activation and Reproductioi
Excitation of Sensory Cells," M. Del
bruck, California Institute of Techno
logy, 7:30 p.m.
Biophysics Seminar. "Explorator5
Work with Infra Red in Bacteriology.
Prof. H. M. Randall, Dr. E. Fowler, 1
a.m. 2038 Randall Laboratory.
Tuesday, August !--
Biophysics Symposium. 1300 Chemis
try Building. "viruses: Structure, Re
production, and Origin" (cont,), S. E
Luria, University of Illinois, 4:00 p.m.
"Structure of Proteins," J. L. Oncley
Harvard University, 10 a.m., 2038 Ran
dall Lab.'
Linguistic Program. "The Presen
Stage of Romance Linguistic Geogra
phy," Henry R. Kahane, University o
Illinois. 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphi.
Student Recital: Vivien Milan, mez
zo-soprano, will be heard at 4:15 Sun
day afternoon, August 5, in the Archi
tecture Auditorium, in a program sung
in partial fulfillment of the require
ments for the Bachelor of Music de
gree. It will include compositions b5
Stevens, Storace, Respighi, Massenet
Poulenc, Ravel, and Mahler, and wil
- i
- '
THE question now seems to be not whether Britain will get the Su-
preme Allied Naval Command in the Atlantic, but whether it will
go to Admiral McCormick or to no one at all.
You will recall that the North Atlantic Pact Organization agreed,
a long time ago, that there should be a joint naval command just
like General Eisenhower's supreme land command. It was agreed,
with full approval by the British admiralty, that the command should
go to the commander of the United States Atlantic fleet.
That was Admiral William M. Fechteler, who has now been
promoted to Chief of Naval Operations succeeding the late Ad-
miral Sherman. McCormick .is the new commander.
Britain's top officials knew that by getting an American com-
mander they were also getting assurance that the United States would
provide him with the strength to do the job, of vital importance to
the defense of Britain. But traditional pride of sea power stirred up
a political hotbed in Britain, and the business has been rocking along
without action.
First reaction to President Truman's promotion of Fechteler was
that, besides appointing a man who had not been too much involved
in the Navy-Air Force fight which has been going on for several years,
the President was also permitting the reopening of the Atlantic com-
mand case.
Some observers even thought that Mr. Truman might be paving
the way for a British commander. On second thought, it would seem
that an American commander is just as important to the British as
ever--if there is to be a commander.
be open to the public. Miss Milan is
a pupil of Harold Haugh.
Faculty Concert: Ava Comin Case
and Mary Fishburne, members of the
School of Music faculty, will be beard
in a program of contemporary music
for two pianos at 8:30 Sunday evening,
August 5, in Hill Auditorium. The pro-
gram will open with Hindemith's Sona-
ta for Two Pianos (19421, followed by
Moy Mell by Arnold Bax, and Quasi una
Siciliana (1937) and Veloce (1936) bJ
victor Babin; the second half of the
program will feature Bela Bartok's
Sonata for Two Pianos and Percus-
stanley Quartet: The final concert
in the summer series by the Stanley
Quartet wi11 be heard at 8:30 Tuesday
evening, August 7, in the Rackham
Lecture Hall. The program will in-
clude Haydn's Quartet in G minor, Op.
74, No. 3, followed the first perform-
ance of by Quartet in , No. 6, by Ross
Lee Finney. During the second half of
the program the Quartet will play
Schubert's Quintet in C major, Op.
163, for two violins, viola, and two
cellos, in which the group will be
joined bye Jerome Jelinek, School of
Music senior majoring in cello.
The general public is invited.
Student Recital Cancelled: The pi-
ano recital by Robert Dumm, previous-
ly announced for August 6, in the
Rackham Assembly Hall, has been post-
poned until Thursday. August 16, 4:15.
Though all the winds of doc-
trine are let loose to play upon
the earth, Truth is in the field.
Let her and falsehood grapple;
who ever knew Truth put to the
worse in a free and open en-
ix. t MYt t Il
Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications
Editorial Staff
Dave Thomas........Managing Editor
George Flint ,..,.....Sports Editor
Jo Ketelhut...........Women's Editor
Business Staff
Milt Goetz ....... ,.,Business Manager
Eva Stern........Advertising Manager
Harvey Gordon ...... Finance Manager
Allan Weinstein ...Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year: by carrier, $6.00; by mail, $7.00.
Architecture Auditorium
West and W. C. Fields.
MOST of the members of my generation
upon seeing Mae West in the late thir-
ties thought of her as the fat blonde dame
who acted as if she thought she had as
much to offer as say, Alice Faye. Upon re-
examination some 10 to 15 years later it is
surprising to see how much Miss West has
Teamed in this Cowboy-Indian epic with
the great W. C. Fields, Miss West obscures
even the horses. Shrugging her shoulders
and shaking what she shakes, she swipes
the show from Fields.
She takes the honors because she hand-
les the great man as he has never been
handled before. Fields, ordinarily the
master of his fate, the man who maintains
that anyone "who hates kids and small
dogs can't be all bad," is unable to cope
with Mae West. As a lover he is a won-
derful juggler, and while this is no news
to anyone who has ever seen the man, his
own realization of this damages the char-
acter he has created.
As always he is the con man, the magni-
ficent sharpers' whno gtshimself into ner
Mr. O'Malley, my Fairy Godfather,
is coming to our campfire party-
He /SYes, er, to
insure its
6 .ci'
II..........- - . .. U
And I'll bring along another fine
campfire raconteur. If he returns
from his visit with a friend who's
got a summer job wailing in the
pines over at Lovers' Leap Lodge-
Gus the Ghost? Huh?
, . .... , .. .
Yes, Mrs. Tyler will be delighted, wonI
she? As, over the dying embers, all her
little charges thrill to the terror of a
night of bloodcurdling Ghost stories!...
Told by a real Ghost' Gosh! Wah
S ;; On . .w. " . .P. .,,Ot,..
I ) .
Affor Yvm Gunn "FrnnWa and Jnhnnv" to ifs