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August 04, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-08-04

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See Page 2

Latest Deadline in the State
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Pof. Soul " es - l fefw Mwsmla avs

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JMisuse of F~unds
Laid toScientist
Prof. Malcolm H. Soule, 54 years old, chairman of the bacteriol-
ogy department of the Medical School and a member of the faculty
for 19 years killed himself with a hypodermic dose of snake venom
yesterday evening apparently because he could not bear the disgrace
of being fired from his job for mishandling University funds.
The square, gray-haired scientist who had an international
reputation for bacteriological research was found dying by his wife
Alma in the basement of their fashionable colonial home at 2110
Hill Street.
The quick acting venom, mixed with morphine, killed him in a
matter of minutes, before hurriedly-summoned medical aid could be
* * * *

Editors Hit
Secrecy at
west Point











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of Regents had informed him tI
July 13 would not be accepted and
he was fired and would be prose-
cuted for the mishandling of
$487.05 worth of University funds.
Found near the body was the
Regents' letter along with a page-
and-a-half-long note written in
ink. A bottle of snake venom,
syringe and hypodermic needle
were found in another room. in
v the basement.
On the record, apparently
only the $487.05 was involved.
The Regents said in a terse one-
paragraph announcement three
hours before Prof. Soule's death
that the scientist had made res-
titution -for that amount. A
"'University official said that the
sum involved travel funds ear-
marked for visiting faculty.
Prof. Soule, who first joined the
faculty in 1919 was an instructor
Sinchemistry, had been chairman
of the Department of Bacteriol-
ogy since 1935. He was widely
known in scientific circles for his
research in tropical medicine, lep-
i. rosy and dysentery and was a
member of many learned societies.
* * *
PROF. SOULE was discovered
by his wife Alma at the foot of
the basement stairs at 6 p.m.
yesterday. She told police that he
had gone to the basement about
20 minutes earlier and she had
become worried when he didn't
answer her call to dinner.
The scholarly researcher was
still conscious when his wife
reached him. Before lapsing into
unconsciousness, he told her: "It
won't do any good to call physi-
cians. There is no known antidote
for this snake venom.",
Mrs. Soule then summoned Dr.
Cyrus Sturgis, head of the inter-
nal medicine department in the
Medical School who lives nearby,
and Dr. John M. Sheldon, profes-
sor of internal medicine. Prof.
Soule lost consciousness and died
before anything could be done for
Coroner Edwin C. Ganzhorn
gave a finding of suicide and said
that he doubted whether a formal
inquest would be held.
THE FIRST official indication
of the fund mismanagement came
in a short paragraph in the Board
of Regents' routine release issued
at the conclusion of the Board's
r August meeting., When contacted
by reporters Prof. Soule said that
he had no comment on the action.
In the note which was ad-
dressed to Mrs. Soule, Prof. Soule
said that the disgrace to himself
and his family resulting from
his dismissal was more than he
could bear.
Mrs. Soule retained possession
of both the note and the Regents'
communication which she said he
had received about 3 p.m. yester-
Chief Assistant Proscutor Ed-
mond De Vine said that his office
shad been notified of the fund mis-
management at 4:30 p.m. yester-
day afternoon and had immediate-
ly begun an investigation. He said
that he and the prosecutor's of-
fice had asked University officials
to begin a complete check of all
bacteriology department financial
a transactions over a period of
Now that Prof. Soule is dead.
however, he said that there was no
grounds for criminal action and
that the prosecutor's investigation
presumably would be dropped.
DE VINE SAID that there was
nrn nrl a ~nin t+s infrmationn

three hours after the Board
resignation he had tendered
* * *

Senate Groin
subcommittee yesterday unani-
mously denounced "the despicable
'back street' type of campaign" it
said was run in behalf of Senator
John Marshall Butler (R-Md.)
last fall, but found the evidence
didn't justify unseating him.
Butler, a prominent Baltimore
lawyer,rdefeated the veteran De-
mocrat Millard Tydings 326,291 to
283,180. The core of the sub-
committee's complaint was that
Butler campaign workers-some
of the main ones from outside the
state-sought to spread doubt of
rydings' patriotism and loyalty.
, , ,
THE BULK OF the Butler cam-
paign literature was found to be
"unobjectionable" but one cam-
paign tabloid, "from the record,"
drew sharp criticism. The paper
accused Tydings of a "whitewash"
inquiry into Communism in gov-
An office aide said Butler left
for New York by train shortly aft-
er the report came out, and pre-
sumably would read it on the
Senator McCarthy (R-Wis.)
who is an old foe of Tydings and
who helped supply materials and
talent against him, commented in
a statement:
"I am not surprised at the ac-
tions of the two 'Republicans' on
the committee.
"After all, they went on record
last year approving the Tyding's
whitewash and condemning me
for getting rough with the Com-
By "Tydings whitewash," Mc-
Carthy meant the report of a f or-
eign relations subcommittee which
investigated McCarthy's charges
of Communism in the govern-
Tydings headed the subcommit-
tee, the majority of which report-
ed that McCarthy's charges were
"a fraud and a hoax."
The subcommittee turned over
its records to the Justice Depart-
ment "for study and such action
as it deems appropriate." The
Senators explained this was done
because they couldn't decide whe-
ther the corrupt practices act,
governing campaign spending,
had hn violated.

Call for Names In'
Cheating Scandal
WASHINGTON - (P) - Strong
protests were registered last night
against the U. S. Army's policy.
of covering up details of the big
cheating scandal at West Point.
Editors and others protested
that it was unfair to innocent ex-
cadets to withhold the names of
the 90 students, including football
players, who were ousted for vio-
lating the Military Academy's
code of honor in examinations.
* *, *
Academy annually because of im-
paired health, failure in exams,
or other reasons. The Army was
told these students would tend to
be under a cloud as long as the
names of the 90 were kept secret.
The possibility of a Congres-
sional investigation of condi-
tions at West Point arose in the
wake of the scandal.
Rep. Brooks (D-La.), acting
chairman of the House Armed
Services Committee, said his
group might look into the situa-
tion, but that a decision would not
be made in the absence of chair-
man Vinson (D-Ga.).
"It is very, very shocking,"
Brooks said. "Men attending West
Point are being educated at pub-
lic expense as leaders. They
would be very important in time
of war. They should be above
petty dishonesty."
* *.
BROOKS DID not favor the;
names of those involved. He took
the same position as an Army
spokesman, who said: "they are
young kids and there is no use
of branding them forever."
Cadets involved are not all
athletes, and the Army spokes-
man said among those dis-
charged were some who had
given assistance rather than re-
ceived it.
The spokesman added that no
faculty members were involved.
The Army also was reluctant to
reveal other details of the scan-
dal. Its announcement of the
dismissals gave the number in-
volved and the general nature of
the violations, but officers would
not say exactly how the cribbing
was done or how many football
players were involved.
However, reporters succeeded
in obtaining many of the details,
not from the army, but from Sen-
ators. For example, Senator Byrd,
(D-Va.) disclosed that Gen. Law-
ton Collins, Army Chief of Staff,
had told him at a closed-door
hearing that a majority of the
football team was involved.
* * *
OLD WEST Pointers said that,
traditionally, cadets who are dis-
charged or who resign under the
pressure of the code of honor are
not publicly identified unless they
have broken some law. They said
that cadets who tipped off others
about test questions did not vio-
late the law, nor did those who
received the information.
However, such tips are in vio-
lation of the honor code, which
defines as improper "any direct
or written assistance concerning
(Continued on Page 3)

r : - .....


Regents Get
Gifts for'U
The Board of Regents, meeting
here yesterday, accepted gifts to
the University amounting to more
than $200,000, made six appoint-
ments to the faculty, and con-
ferred emeritus titles on four
other faculty members.
Among the gifts which the Re-!
gents accepted was $47,701 from
the Buick Motor Division of Gen-
eral Motors to cover costs of send-
ing the University Band to this
year's Rose Bowl game.
* *
ROBERT C. Elderfield was ap-
pointed as professor in the chem-
istry department, beginning with
the spring semester. Prof. Elder-
field has been a member of the'
Columbia University faculty since
Herbert Spiegelberg, of Law-
rence College, was named a visit-
ing professor of philosophy for
next semester.
A three year appointment as
associate professor of mechanical
engineering was given to Joseph
Modrovsky of the Polytechnic In-
stitute of Brooklyn.
And David F. Aberle was
named associate professor in
anthropology and sociology be-
ginning with the 1952-53 year.
Prof. Aberle is now an associate
professor at John Hopkins Uni-
Dr. Thomas Bernard Fitzpat-
rick was named assistant profes-
sor of dermatology and syphilolo-
gy in the Medical School.
The Regents also appointed
Morris Janowitz asassistant pro-
fessor of sociology for a two year
term beginning next semester. At
present Prof. Janowitz is a mem-
ber of the University of Chicago
The promotion of Murry Slotnik
to the rank of assistant professor
in the physics department was al-
so approved.
* *~ *
THE REGENTS confered the ti-
tle of physician emeritus in the
Health Service to Dr. Buenaven-
tura Jimenez. Dr. Jimenez has
been on the Health Service Staff
since 1928.
Dr. Morris Mackoy, an instruc-
tor in the School of Dentistry
since 1916, was named instructor
emeritus in dentistry.
The title of Professor Emeri-
tus of Zoology was confered on
A. Franklin Shull, a member of
the faculty for forty years.
And William Telfer, who re-
tired from the engineering college1
July 12, was named instructor;
emeritus in working, treating and
welding steel.

-Daily-Bob ~"ei
INDIAN VISITOR-Rammanohar Lohia, chief- policy-maker of India's oppositionist Socialist party,
chats with Indian students after his talk on United States-Indian cooperation last night at the
International Center. A longtime follower of Gandhi, Lohia will return to India at the end of the
month to plunge into the general election campaign.
World NewsLri A American
Roup iSid forNew Ciilizaction

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - F o r d and
Chrysler yesterday formally ap-
plied to the Office of Price Stabi-
lization for auto price increases
ranging from 9:18 per cent under
the new control law.
tional ProductiontAuthority
yesterday banned the start of
all new construction until Oct.
1 unless the projects use only
minor quantities of steel, copper
and aluminum.
* * *
Stabilization Board (WSB) pro-
posed yesterday that cost-of-liv-
ing pay increases be permitted
generally, wherever an employer
and his workers agree on them.
second time in eight months,
President Juan D. Peron has
invoked his wartime military
powers over all Argentina's gov-
ernment-owned railway net-
work in answer to a railway
* * *
WASHINGTON - Senate hear-
ings on a controversial judgeship
were postponed yesterday, and
talk arose that President Truman
may be shying away from a shut-
down fight with Senator Douglas

The combination of America's
activity and India's poise could
bring about a new civilization,
Rammanohar Lohia, foreign pol-
icy and peasant leader of India's
oppositionist Socialist party, said
last night.
Discussion Set
TEHRAN, Iran - (') - Britain
and Iran agreed formally yester-
day to seek a roundtable settle-
ment of the Iranian oil dispute.
A British cabinet mission left
London by plane for Tehran.
THE LEADER of, the mission,
Richard R. Stokes, Lord Privy
Seal, said before the takeoff he
hopes to see Premier Mohammed
Mossadegh tomorrow for a fresh
start on negotiations that broke
down in June. The mission is to
arrive today.
The British have accepted the
"principle of nationalizing the oil
industry in Iran." This was stat-
ed to mean the Iranians will con-
trol oil "exploration, extraction
and exploitation."
Iran agreed that she will ne-
gotiate with Britain on how she
will take over the vast oil re-

The Indian political figure, a
longtime follower of Gandhi, spoke
before a group of students dr an
informal International Center
* * * e
"DESPITE India's age, she may
be rejuvenated to the point of
acceptability by the modern world.
Americans should join Indian com-
munities, contributing their activ-
ity and tempo and getting back
the poise that India has stood for,"
Lohia asserted.
The Socialists' head policy-
maker called upon Young Amer-
icans to step through India's
"open door" and give to the
country on a reciprocal basis.
Lohia, whose trip to the United
States is being sponsored by the
Foundation for World Govern-
ment, sided with Sen. Connally
(Dem, Tex.) in saying that "the
American government would do
better without any assistance at
all to India unless it were high in
the billions and understood as a
two-way transaction."
"We are in very bad shape in
India," Lohia said. "We have
today great indolence and sloth.
Calling our country spiritual is
pure baloney."
However, he emphasized that
with U. S. help and the exchange
of American and Indian ideas,
India may become a "new nation."

UN Stresses
Might North
Of Parallel
See No Progress
In 19th Session
TERS, Korea -- () - Allied and
Communist negotiators adjourned
heir critical talks yesterday on a
'orean armistice buffer zone.
The negotiators met for an hour
i the morning and got together
ter a noon recess for a 10-min-
te session that ended at 2:10 p.m.
10:10 p.m. CST Friday). It was
ie 19th meeting of the armistice
Iks and the ninth on the dead-
cked issue of a buffer zone.
Today's meeting was scheduled
)r 11 a.m.
THERE WAS NO immediate in-
dication . whether progress was
made in yesterday's talks.
The meeting, an Army an-
nouncement said, began promptly
at 11 a.m. after the UN delegates
arrived by helicopter. UN service
personnel travelled by road after
the bridge over the Imjin River
was repaired.
f As the talks opened, both sides
swapped verbal punches.
A general headquarters state-
ment issued by the civil informa-
tion and education section in Tok-
yo declared "Russian strategy"
was behind the Korean war and
that Red China had taken such a
beating it might split with the So-
viet regime.
The strongly-worded statement
declared "the Communist adven-
ture in Korea has gone awry," that
the Kremlin hoped Red China
would sap itself in Korea because
Russia did not want a strong
China, and predicted the Commun-
ist system would collapse of its
"own weight and rottenness."
* * *
THE PYONGYANG radio heard
in Tokyo accused UN delegates of
wanting a demarcation line north
of the 38th parallel to "facilitate,
their attack on the Chinese and
Korean front lines."
The radio in the North Korean
Red capital said the "American
delegate" wanted to take a strip
more than 40 miles wide north, of
parallel 38 and "to occupy it with
UN forces."
The Reds left at yeterday's
inconclusive session with this
pointed reminder:
In their insistence on the 38th
Parallel as a demarcation lines,
the Reds are dealing with only
one of three points: the Allied air
and naval fronts extend over most
of North Korea, and the Allies
are entitled to some compensa-
tion for this in fixing a buffer
THE PEIPING radio said early
yesterday that Lt. Gen. Nam I,
the chief Red delegate, rejected
"any argument which boasts of

the effects of frenzied bombard-
ment by naval and air forces .."
There was no evidence the
Allied Supreme Commander has
been trying to set a deadline for
agreement if the deadlock per-
Ridgway reported to the United
Nations that the Reds continued
their military buildup in Korea
after the cease-fire discussions,
"Vehicle sightings have reached
proportions similar to those which
preceded earlier major offensives,
and once more there are indica-
tions through nrisoners nf war

Latvian Leprechaun Haunts Daily for Phones

Hugo Martinson, '65 (?), is a
long-haired Latvian of some seven
years who likes to use the tele-
Hugo used to borrow his neigh-
bor's phone to call 112 for the
time service, but the conversation
got a bit onesided. His biggest
thrill came yesterday when he
discovered that extensive conver-
sations could be carried on via
The Daily's intercommunication

* * *

* * *


when the question is put. Reli-
able sources place it around last
* * *
HUGO, WHO PLANS to become
a newspaperman employing a re-
volutionary stream of conscious-
ness technique, also divulged the
following in an exclusive inter-
view :
"My father makes newspaper
machines. I don't remember much
about Latvia, but I remember the
army blowing up shins in the Kiel

kerchief and hit him on the head
and he took out a knife and they
all ran away like bunnies.
"I liked the boys over there
about the same. I got a comic
book today-a big cowboy book
from one of my friends. Roy
Rogers is my favorite."
* * *
WHEN ASKED what he thought
of Rogers' horse Trigger, who is
stamped on the youth's shirt,
Hugo replied, "Yeah."

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