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August 02, 1951 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1951-08-02

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ditor; dote


"Twist My Arm"

THE wisdom of an alliance with Franco
Spain at this time is yet to be proven.
Conservation circles, with a brave stiffen-
ing of the collective upper lip declared the
move to be a courageous facing up to the
realities of the situation. And it is undoubt-
edly true that if the deal goes through, the
U. S. stands to gain air and naval bases
which apparently must be considered very
What appears to have gone unconsidered
in the Administration's surprisingly-sud-
den capitulation to military necessity, is
the effect which the action had on both
those whom we presently count as our
friends and those whom we would have
as our friends in the future.
It has been suggested that the protests
issued by London and Paris against the Uni-
ted States' unilateral action in opening ne-
gotiations with Franco for strategic bases in
return for U. S. military and economic aid,
were designed for home consumption only
and that both governments privately ac-
knowledged the basic wisdom of our ap-
These suggestions have been made largely
by Americans who find it easier than Euro-
peans to ignore the fact that Franco rep-
resents a political philosophy and a way
of life which caused unparalleled bloodshed
and suffering in Europe only a few years
Europeans are likely to find it more
difficult to forget and forgive Franco's sup-
port of the Axis during World War II-
support which included sending a division
to fight against the Russians, who at that
time, it must be recalled, were our allies.
Also the memory of the bitter Spanish
civil war which rang up the curtain on a
decade of slaughter in Europe is still fresh
in the minds of many powerful socialists in
both France and England.
This, coupled with Franco's continuing
denial of practically all civil liberties to
the Spanish people, Is bound to make our
decision an unpopular one in Western Eu-
As far as Eastern Europe is concerned, no
move could have been more unfortunate.
Just how the Voice of America is going to
get around this one is impossible to say, but
the chances are that whatever they at-
tempt, it won't be very successful. The Rus-
sians Communists can be expected to make
propaganda hay of this unsavory alliance as
long as Franco's darkness shines in Spain,
a phenomena which, because of American
support, will probably continue for some
time to come.
Talk about the recent Spanish cabinet
shuffle being a move toward a more "lib-
eral" domestic rule appears to be little
more than wishful thinking and Franco's
recent arrogant note to the British and
French Governments protesting their op-
position to the American negotiations will
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
ed by the Department of Speech at Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater.
HARDLY A DRY EYE was left in the
house as the curtain descended (twice)
on the last act of the speech department's
fourth offering of the summer season. There

were cheers for the hero, hisses for the vil-
lain, and best of all, a warm-all-over feeling
toward poor people everywhere as virtue
triumphed once again.
Actually, it all didn't mean very much,
but as a stereotype of the terrible thing the
American theater had become in the gas-
light era, the play was generally amusing
and on the shoulders of a few good per-
formances was carried forward to victory.
All the old stops are pulled: the Mach-
iavellian banker, the kindly street hawker
of sweet potatoes, even the heroine who
would die to give her struggling brother
one less mouth to feed. Too often, how-
ever, the characters were so unpleasantly
pleasant and the plot so gleefully involved
that the cast did well to keep the aud-
iences from rushing to the exits in sheer
Playing with the grand gesture and the
sidelong soliloquy was a gift completely
mastered by only a few of the players. Of
these, Clarence Stephenson as the doleful
heir of a much-lamented sea captain, was
undoubtedly the most expert. With a real
gift for burlesque, he gave his role perfect
tone and fine imagination.
Just behind him were his brother, Jim

certainly not act to strengthen the Atlan-
tic Pact.
CLEARLY what has happened is that the
United States has once again pursued
the "safe" course, the path of military ex-
pediency. Before the negotiations Franco's
regime was reportedly in danger of col-
lapse. We wanted military concessions in
Spain and were unwilling to risk the un-
certainty involved in the prospect of a new
So we took what appeared to be the
easy way out: Reinforce Franco's posi-
tion, and hope that he will play ball with
us in return.
Through assurances of American economic
and military aid, Franco has gained new
domestic strength. What the U. S. has gain-
ed seems to be a few bases, an ill-equipped
army whose reported size and fighting po-
tential fluctuates as vaguely as that of
Chaing Kai Shek's Formosan garrison, and
an idealogical black eye the world over.
That this latest idealogical blunder was
committed in the face of the complete de-
feat of a similar policy of support for a
domestically-discredited government in Chi-
na, is astounding and should suggest to some
the Inadequacies of the military mind. It
was the military who favored the Spanish
alliance and who played the biggest part in
its inauguration. , They seem blinded by
short range military considerations to the
long-range political disadvantages which the
sanctioning of a corrupt undemocratic re-
gime may involve.
If the alliance causes a split in Atlantic
Pact unity, or a world-wide prapaganda de-
feat-both of which it bids fair to do-then
it will prove a very unwise move indeed.

Morrison's Feat
-By J. M. ROBERTS, JR.--
Associated Press News Analyst
highly pleased over the feat of British
Foreign Secretary Morrison in penetrating
the Iron Curtain with a message to the Rus-
sian people.
There seems to be no worry because the
British statement cocked the trigger by
which Pravda could shoot another wad of
propaganda and get blanket publication
throughout the free world. This very un-
concern about publication of Russian pro-
paganda is, of course, a part of the weight
of fact which makes it fall flat in Britain
and America. Insofar as people who love
neither Britain nor Russia are concerned,
the whole incident is probably a draw.
It is natural to assume that Morrison
got a mixed reaction in Moscow. People
there who already have perceived for
themselves the truth about the Kremlin's
protestations regarding liberty and demo-
cracy, people who may be nursing small
fires of revolutionary intent, would na-
turally welcome the Morrison statement.
But many Russians, even those who cri-
ticize their own government or would like
to doso if they were not afraid, will resent
the same criticism coming from outside.
Morrison's talk about civil liberties prob-
ably won't mean much to the Russian. Peo-
ple who have never seen anything but bad
government are likely to believe that all
governments are bad. Even if they believe
their own government is a liar, they will
just as quickly and by the same token, be-
lieve that the British government is a liar.
Morrison got across one beautiful piece
of salesmanship. He told the Russians just
what time to listen for British broadcasts.
It must have irked the Russians consider-
ably to publish that.



Washington Merry-Go-Round,


WASHINGTON-There is, for the first
time, solid evidence of serious trouble
between the Soviet Union and Communist
China. The most recent sign of trouble oc-
curred when the eighteen slogans approved
by the Chinese Politburo for the Chinese
Army Day on Aug. 1 omitted all mention of
Joseph Stalin.
This ommission is universally interpreted
by the experts as an open snub by the Chi-
nese Communists to the Soviet dictator and
thus to the Soviet Union. Its significance is
pointed up by the fact that Marshall Tito
had his first warning of the impending
storm when his name was omitted from
slogans in the Moscow May Day celebra-
tions. But even before this matter of the
slogans, there was extraordinarily signifi-
cant evidence of possible discord between
the Russian and Chinese Communists.
This took the form of seven long ar-
ticles by leading Chinese Communist par-
ty functionaries, published in July on the
occasion of the party's Thirtieth anni-
versary, and forwarded very recently to
the State Department by the American
Consulate General In Hong Kong. These
documents point directly to a number of
conclusions, of which the most important
may be summed up as follows:
Mao Tse-tung, Chinese Communist leader,
considers Communist China an ally of the
Soviet Union, but an independent and co-
equal ally. Moreover, far from contenting
himself with the role of a mere satellite
leader, Mao Tse-tung considers himself the
equal, and in an ideological sense the su-
perior, of Joseph Stalin. The possibilities of
trouble with the Soviet Union in this in-
dependent stand of the Chinese Communist
leader are very obvious.
* * *
HERE ARE SOME, but by no means all,
of the items of evidence which lead to
this conclusion:
First, of these seven official articles, four
make no mention of Stalin's name whatso-
ever. This in itself is enough to prove that
Mao Tse-tung's China is no wholly-controll-
ed satellite on the Eastern European pat-
Second, the deification of Mao Tse-tung
has been substituted in China for the deifi-
cation of Joseph Stalin. In an article by
the Vice-Chairman of the Political Depart-
ment, in which Stalin's name is never used,
Mao's name is used forty-seven times, al-
ways with the same breathless adulation
that surrounds Stalin's name in the Soviet
Union or the European satellites. The usual
Communist exhortations appear at the end
of a number of these articles, but with a
significant change. The punch line is not
"Long Live the Glorious Stalin!" but "Long
Live Comrade Mao Tse-tung, organizer and
leader of the Chinese peoples' revolution!"
Third, all credit for the Chinese revolution
is given to Mao and the Chinese Communist
party-throughout the thousands of words
of text, there is just one formal and wholly
parenthetical bow to the contribution of
the Stalinist regime. For example, Chu Teh,
army commander-in-chief and one of the
original Big Three of Chinese Communism,
writes a history of the victorious Chinese

crops up. The Communist party of China,"
writes Politburo member P'eng Chen, "is
also most thoroughly and resolutely pa-
Finally, and most significant of all, Mao
Tse-tung is pictured as a new high priest
of "Marxist-Leninist science," a higher
priest, by implication, than Joseph Stalin
Marxist-Leninism has taken the form of
himself. Mao's great new contrilution to
"Mao Tse-tung's theory of the Chinese re-
This is described as "a new development
of Marxism-Leninism . . . of universal
significance to the world Communist
movement .. . a new contribution to the
treasury of Marxism-Leninism." This
theory is both political and military-but,
significantly, more military than political.
Endless tribute is paid to "the magnificent
art of war of Chairman Mao," while the
Chinese Communists are rather patroniz-
ingly instructed, in a single sentence, "also
with an open mind to study the advanced
military science of the Soviet Union." Real
Soviet satellites are not encouraged to study
anything about the Soviet Union "with an
open mind."
All this can be misinterpreted. It does not
mean-necessarily-an authentic Titoist
China is in prospect, nor even that a Titoist
China, acting on "Mao Tse-tung's theory of
revolution" should give grounds for com-
placency about the future of Asia. But it
does mean that Communist China's rulers
have served clear notice on the Kremlin that
Communist China will not be reduced to the
submissive status of a European satellite
without a fierce struggle. For reasons which
will be examined in a subsequent report in
this space, this is a development of very,
very great historical importance.
(Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

WASHINGTON-It looks as if a showdown is nearing in the Korean
truce talks. Gen. Ridgway has cabled Washington for instructions
as to whether he should set a cut-off date on further discussions.
He reports that the Communists are unwilling to budge regarding
an armistice line 10 kilometers wide on each side of the 38th Parallel,
therefore he has asked whether he should continue talking or serve
notice that after a certain date full-scale fighting will be resumed.
So far the Pentagon has not answered his query. The question
is now under the most serious study by the State Department,
the Defense Department, and the White House.
Gen. Ridgway has reported that the Communist delegates have
put the greatest possible stress on the 38th Parallel and continue to
make long speeches regarding its importance. These refusals of the
United Nations to compromise from our stand along the present
fighting line appears to make no impression whatsoever on Chinese-
North Korean delegates.
The issue will probably be decided within the next 24 hours.
GEN. OMAR BRADLEY, who doesn't get riled easily, was pretty sore
when he heard how one of his own Army spokesmen had blurted
out to a press conference the name of an airborne division which had
been transferred from Korea to Japan.
The incident took place in a press conference at which the Army
was explaining how Chinese Communists had built up their strength
in North Korea while we had weakened ours.
What happened was that Gen. Ridgway had cabled Washington
for permission to transfer the airborne division in question to northern
Japan because of the fact that the Russians had two airborne divi-
sions poised on the island of Sakhalin, threatening northern Japan.
While the two Russian divisions have only enough airplanes between
them to move one division at a time, Ridgway wanted to be on guard
against a surprise airborne attack on Japan in case the truce talks
broke down, and the Communists launched an all-out offensive.
Washington accordingly gave permission to transfer the Am-
erican airborne division back to Japan. Such a troop movement
is highly secret. But the Pentagon briefing officer, anxious to
prove that the Chinese have used the truce talks to build up
their strength, blurted out the movement of this particular divi-
sion to a roomful of newsmen to which foreign correspondents
are admitted.
When Gen. Bradley heard of this, he tried to call Army Chief of+
Staff, Gen. Joe Collins, but couldn't reach him. So he summoned as-
sistant Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. C. L. Bolte and ordered a full in-
vestigation of who pulled the boner.
NOTE-Bradley was also irked at the Army spokesman's state-
ment that the UN deliberately halted its offensive, though we could
have continued on to the Yalu River. This was why the Defense De-
partment later officially disavowed the Army spokesman.
THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY is now fleecing the taxpayers outF
of "billions of dollars" by charging the armed services "four to
five times the manufacturer's price" for spare parts.
This is the conclusion of investigators for a House "watchdog"2
committee, headed by Congressman Porter Hardy, Jr., of Virginia.
"The inflated profits and unnecessary costs will amount to sever-
al billions of dollars during the stepped up purchasing program in the
present emergency," the investigators charge in a confidential re-
port on the spare-parts scandal. "Due in part to the splitting of the
profits, these amounts will not be substantially recovered by either
taxation or renegotiation."
The report describes a "gentleman's agreement or informal t
understanding" inside the automotive industry "to bid on Govern-i
ment business with the price to the distributor as a minimum."F
"From there out there appears to be no limit," declares the report.r
As a result, the Government is forced to pay "four to five times"
the actual cost, and the profits are split between all the middlemen-
the manufacturer, assembler, distributors, retailer and repairman-
who each receive "substantially the complete value of the part."t
"Where the part is expensive, the price may be shaved down toa
three or four times its original value; and where the value of the partt
is relatively small, ten or even more times its value may be charged,"t
the report explains.t

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Universit3
of Michigan for whch the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi
blity. Publication in It is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Bldg. at 3 p.m. on the
day preceding publication.
VOL. LXI, No. 26-S
Candidates for the Masters Degree a
the end of Summer Session are invite
to be the guests of the University a
the annual Masters' Breakfast, Sunday
August 5, at 9:00 a.m. In the Michiga
Union ballroom. Tickets may be se
cured at Room 3510 Administratlo:
Building up to Friday, August 3 at 4:0
Veterans' Requisitions Friday, Augus
10, 1951, has been established as th
final date for the procurement of book
supplies and equipment using vetera
requisitions. No requisitions will b
honored by the vendors subsequent t
this date.
The Oscar Mayer Company, Madison
Wisconsin, is in need of men for thei
Supervisory Training Program in adcti
tion to Chemical and Mechanical Engi
neers, Chemistry majors and Food Tech
nologists and related fields. This com
pany is one of the ten leading mea
packing firms and has plants in Madli
son, Pairie du Chien, Wisconsin; Day
enport, Iowa; Chicago, Illinois; Phila
delphia; and Los Angeles. They will In
terview at the Bureau of Appointment
If enough men are interested. Please cal
immediately at the Bureau of Appoint
ments, 3528 Administration Building ii
Personnel Interviews:
Thursday, August 2-
Mr. Smiley, Personnel Director of LA
will interview men and women who are
interested in department store trainin
programs. Mr. Smiley will be interview-
ing for his own store and others in the
R. H. Macy Corporation, New York and
Thursday, August 2-
PANY, Cleveland, Ohio, will be inter
viewing men interested in sales or sales
administration, Literary College, Bus-
iness Administration students as well a
technical men are eligible. Their train-
ing program will begin approximately
September 1 and will continue for 6
to 8 months in Allentown, Pennsylvania,
then candidate will be placed in either
outside sales or sales administration in
one of their district offices.
For further information and appoint-
ments for interviews please call at the
Bureau of Appointments 3528 Adminis-
tration Building.
Personnel Requests:
COMPANY, San Francisco, has openings
for sales engineers in their Denver, San
Francisco, and Seattle branch offices.
They prefer Electrical Engineers, but
will consider Chemistry majors, Me-
chanical or Civil Engineers, or Business
Administration graduates who have had
212 or 3 years engineering or have me-
chanical aptitude.
Maryland, has openings in their Ballis-
tic Research Laboratories for men and
women in the fields of Electronics and
Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics,
and Physics.
We have had a call from a local re-
search laboratory for a man who has
had at least two years of engineering
to be a detail checker.
For further information please call at
the Bureau of Appointments 3528 Ad-
ministration Building. ,
Student sponsored social events: Aug-
ust 1, Graduate Outing Club; August 5,
Graduate Outing Club, Intercooperative
Personnel Interviews:
Tuesday, August 7
Oscar Mayer & Company, Madison,
Wisconsin, will be interviewing men in-
terested in the following positions:
Trainee for Personnel to work in the
Training Department; Mechanical En-
gineering or other engineering training
including drafting; majors in Chemistry,
Chemical Engineering, Food Technology,
and related fields for Product Control
and Product Research; and men for Pre-
Supervisory Training Program. For ap-
pointments for interviews please call at
the Bureau of Appointments 3528 Ad-
ministration Building.
The Fresh Air Camp Clinic will be
Friday night, July 27, 8:00 at the camp
on Patterson Lake. Dr. Rabinovitch,
Asst. Prof. of Psychiatry; in Charge of
Children's Service, Neuropsychiatric In-
stitute, will be the speaker.
Personnel Interviews:

A representative of the General Elec-
tric Company will be interviewing men
interested in their Business Training
Program. For further information
please contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments 3528 Administration Building,
Personnel Interviews:
Wednesday, August 8-
Granite City Steel Company, Granite
City, Illinois, wil be interviewing Civil
and Architectural Engineers for posi-
tions as structural engineer, assistant
project engineer, and assistant architec-
tural engineer. The assistant architec-
tural engineer should have an interest
in advertising, as his work will be con-
cerned with standards and publica-
Thursday, August 9
Maryland Casualty Insurance Com-
pany, Detroit office, will be interviewing
men interested in'their training pro-
gram. This is not a sales program, but
the men will receive training in all of
the departments. These positions will
be in Detroit, primarily.
For appointments for interviews please
call at the Bureau of Appointments 3528
Administration Building,
Personnel Requests:
We have had a call from a company
n the Ann Arbor area for a draftsman
to work ful time this summer and part
time during the school year.
Timken Detroit Axle Company is look-
ing for Mechanical Engineers for their
Supervisory Training Program. If
enough men are interested, they will
come to the Bureau for interviews. For
further information please contact the
Bureau of Appointments 328' dmiic

Josselson, Linguistics; thesis: "Stress
Patterns of Russian Noun Declension,"
SFriday. August 3, West Council Room,
Rackham Bldg., at 10:00 a.m. Chairman,
C. C. Fries.
Events Today
French Club: A social meeting to-
night at 8:00 in the Michigan League.
French songs, games, dancing. All stu-
dents on the campus are cordially in-
vited. A special welcome to the pro-
fessors from France who attend the
English Institute.
d Duplicate Bridge Tournament, League
t 7:30.
n Coming Events
0 Next Week: The Department of Speech
in conjunction with the School of Mu-
sic, presents Oscar Straus' comic oper-
a etta, The Chocolate Soldier, Thursday
through Saturday, August 9, 10, 11, and
Monday, August 13, at 8 p.m. in the Ly-
Sdia Mendessohn Theatre. Box office
e open daily from 10 a.m.to 5 p.m., and
o until 8 p.m. on days of performances.
Events this Week: Michigan League,
Thursday, Duplicate Bridge Tourna-
, ment. Women's League 7:30. Friday,
r Beach Ball, Informal dance, League
Ballroom, 9:00-12:00. Free.
Attention Sailing Club. There will be
no meeting this week but there will be
eliminations Saturday for the regatta
at Put-In-Bay to be held August 11, 12
and 13.
Lectures Today
Biophysics Symposium, 1300 Chemistry
Building. "Veruses: Structure, Repro-
duction, and Origin" (continued), S. E.
Luria, University of Illinois, 4:00 p.m.;
"Structure of Proteins" (continued), V.
L. Oncley, Harvard University, 7:30 p.m.
Linguistic Program. "Formation, Dis-
integration, and General Laws of Lang-
uage," Roman Jakobson, Harvard Uni-
diana University. 3:30 p.m., Rackham
versity. 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphithe-
United 'States In - the World Crisis.
"Re-thinking Our Asiatic Policy." Ed-
win O. Reischauer, Professor of Far
Eastern Languages, Harvard University.
8:15 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall.
Coring Lectures
Friday, August 3--
Biophysics Symposium. 1300 Chemis-
try Building. "Ionization and Thermal
Effects on Viruses and Enzymes" (con-
tinued). E. C. Pollard, Yale University,
4:00 p.m.
Student Recital, Postponed: Robert
Dumm, pianist, will play a recital at 8:30
Monday evening, August 6, in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall, instead of Thursday,
August 2.
Student Recital: William Wilkins, or-
ganist, will be heard at 4:15 Thursday
afternoon, August 2, in Hill Auditorium.
A pupil of Robert Noehren, Mr. Wilkins
will play a program of compositions by
Buxtehude, Bach, Alain, and Widor, as
partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the Master of Music degree. The
general public is invited.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price, Uni-
versity Carillonneur, will present an-
other in his current series of summer
recitals at 7:15 Thursday evening, Aug-
ust 2. It will include Romance, from
Mozart's Eine kleine ?Ygtmusik, Selec-
tions from Pieces de Clavecin by Cou-
perin, Andante cantabile for carillon by
Denyn; four spirituals, and Caller Her-
rin by Gow.
Brotherhood, to me, doesn't
mean showing off your tolerance.
I think that's sappy, and it's in-
Sincere. Nobody is fooled for very
long Brotherhood to me means
behaving by the simple rules of
decency to every decent person,
regardlee of how he parts his hair,
the colo of his skin, or the re-
ligious faith he holds Brother-
hood means appraising the other
fellow for what he's worth in-
side-as an associate in business--
01 as a social friend. Maybe the
Elsie Dinsmores and the Little
Lord Funtleroys of this world can
honestly say they love people in

the mass. I can't. I've got to love
them as people--as individuals.
--Eric A. Johnston







TOBE FAIR to anyone involved in the
musical process a reviewer must have
and use the opportunity to learn the music
he is to criticize-as I was asked to do this
review just before the concert (an unhappy
circumstance for which the Daily is not to
be completely blamed) this was not possible.
This review consists, then, of my impres-
The music of the first half, the first
half of Monteverdi's monumental opera
Orfeo and Beethoven's Pastoral Sym-
phony, was completely compelling. In
the Monteverdi work one still feels the
excitement of the discovery of new har-
monic tensions and richnesses of sonority
which this composer brought to music in
the 17th century. The Pastoral is an-
other of those works of Beethoven with a
wonderful warm and singing quality.
The orchestra did project the musical
content, though its very brief summer ex-
istence makes evenness and uniform strength
impossible. Wayne Dunlap does not con-
sistently supply the enthusiasm and fresh


THE BLAME IS placed not only upon the automotive industry, but
also on the military procurement officers.
"This system of overpricing," the report charges, "apparently is
not unknown to the highest supervisory echelon of the military
spending agencies."
The report also blasts "the unnecessary continuance of actual or
theoretical middlemen" as "war profiteering of the rankest sort."
"There can be little question that the needs of the sovereign
for defense are paramount, and that where some citizens are call-
ed on to die, the others may be called on to accept only reasonable
profits," the report states.
One typical example, described by the investigators, is the case of
a windshield assembly. The Troy Sunshade Company, the manufactur-
erer, sold the windshield to the Army for $28.64. This apparently was
too cheap to suit the Federal Motor Truck Company, which designed
the windshield and owned the dies.
So Federal Truck either withdrew its dies or pressured Troy so it
discontinued bidding. Federal then got a monopoly of the Govern-
ment business, and thereafter sold the same windshield to the Gov-


Sixty-First Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications
Editorial Staff
Dave Thomas ........ Managing Editor
George Flint ... ..... Sports Editor
Jo Ketelhut .........Women's Editor
Business Staff
Milt Goetz .., ...Business Manager
Eva Stern.......Advertising Manager
Harvey Gordon......Finance Manager


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