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July 21, 1950 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1950-07-21

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Latest Deadline in the State










Senate Blasts McCarthy Probe -45-37


Calls Red
-Hoax Fraud'
Bitter Session
Accepts Report
WASHINGTON-(G)-A n e a r
fist-fight, name calling, and an
effort to :play a phonograph in
the Senate provided a brisk sequel
today to formal Senate acceptance
of a Democratic report denounc-
ing Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis) for
h i s Communists-in-government
The r e p o r t, branding Mc-
Carthy's charges as a "fraud and
a hoax," was accepted by a 45
to 37 vote, divided strictly accord-
ing to party lines. The Democrats
were for the report, the Republi-
cans against it.
The more spectacular parts of
the proceedings came later.
Sen. Kenneth S. Wherry of Ne-
braska, the Republican floor lea-
Sen. Millard Tydings of Mary-
land, who heAded the Democratic
majority on the Foreign Relations
Subcommittee which submitted
the report castigating McCarthy.
Edward P. Morgan, husky for-
mer FBI agent who served as
" counsel for the Tydings subcom-
During a brief lull, called for
the rounding up of absent Sena-
tors, a dispute boiled up between
Wherry and Morgan. The latter
was on the floor by virtue of his
assignment as counsel for the Ty-
dings group.
As their argument reached a
climax, the two men stepped out-
side the Senate. There were un-
confirmed reports that blows were
attempted by both men, but none
IT WAS TYDINGS who sought
to play the phonograph in the
Senate's austere meeting place.
He wanted to play a radio re-
"Y cording of McCarthy's voice,
making a speech at Wheeling,
W.Va., last February in which
McCarthy porportedly said he
had the names of 205 Commu-
nists in the state department.
But the phonograph was denied
the right to speak.
McCarthy's colleagues protest-
ed the strong language and the
conclusions of the majority re-
port, and challenged its validity.
They contended it was "out of
order" and should not be filed.
A 45 to 37 vote tabled Wherry's
appeal, and the report went into
the Senate records.
Emotions C
Artist, Says
"The sociologist labels emotions;
a good artist creates them," Prof.
John Ciardi of Harvard told the
final panel discussion for the
Contemporary Arts and Society
course yesterday at 4:15 p.m. in
the Rackham Lecture Hall.
Discussing the topic-"The Cal-
ue of the Arts in Society"-were
Prof. Edward Rannells of the Uni-
versity of Kentucky, Prof. Ross
Lee Finney of the music school,
Prof. Ciardi of Harvard and Prof.

Curt Sachs of the music school.
Moderator was Prof. Charles L.
Stevenson, of the philosophy de-
MEMBES . T* * *w
MEMBERS OF THE panel were


U.S. Endangered
ByT 'Peace Appeal'
Success of the Communist's Stockholm Peace Appeal would lead
to the destruction of our country, Dean Ralph A. Sawyer told a meet-
ing of the 21st annual Summer Education Conference.
Speaking on "Atomic Energy in War and Peace," Dean Sawyer
asserted that we would be leaving ourselves wide open to attack if
we complied with the Appeal's provision to outlaw atomic weapons.
*k * * *
"WE WILL DO THAT when we are sure we are entering into
a safe bi-lateral agreement," he said. If we destroyed our atomic
__--- weapons now we would be putting

Take up Positions
Southeast of Town
American, British Naval Gunfire
Razes East Coast City of Yongdok
By The Associated Press
Flaming Taejon fell to the North Korean Communists, and Amer-
ican and British naval gunfire destroyed the Korean east coast town
of Yongdok, it was announced yesterday.
The U.S. 12th Infantry Division withdrew from Taejon in the
face of a Communist tank thrust after fighting a stubborn battle on
the approaches and in the streets of the city.
* * * *
THE DIVISION'S fighting commander, Maj. Gen. William F.
Dean, still was unreported yesterday. He was last seen yesterday
passing ammunition to his men under fire on the Taejon front.
There was concern about him at?

Ban of Daily
Worker Hit
NEW YORK-(R)-The editor
of the Daily Worker, Communist
newspaper, yesterday termed a
Detroit ban on sale of the paper,
"an effort to suppress all voices in
opposition" to U.C. policy in Ko-
The Detroit City Council ban-
ned the newspaper on the ground
it was subversive.
The editor, John Gates, said in
a statement that the action of the
Detroit City Council violates the
constitutional guarantee of free-
dom of the press.
Gates is one of the 11 American
Communist Party leaders convict-
ed of conspiring to advocate vio-
lent overthrow of the Government.
The case is being appealed.
Harry Gold
ry Gold pleaded guilty to espion-
age charges yesterday and was
committed to prison to await sen-
He could receive the death pen-
alty for turning over United States
atomic secrets to Russia. But that
is considered very unlikely.
The indictments accused him of
conspiracy to commit espionage
and of 11 overt acts of transmit-
ting information to a potential
enemy. -He admitted he acted as
go-between in delivering secrets
to Dr. Klaus Fuchs, British chem-
ist and an admitted spy.

ourselves at the mercy of Russia
because of her superior overall
military strength.
Dean Sawyer said that if the
U.S. became involved in a major
war we would have to use the
atomic bomb as our most stra-
tegic weapon.
But, he said in explaining the
potential of the bomb, an atomic
bomb explosion can not cause more
damage than was accomplished by
some of the major bombing raids
in the last war.
ATOMIC BOMBS of the type
dropped on Hiroshima and Naga-
saki can cause damage beyond re-
pair for a radius of one mile, start
fires within a radius of two miles,
and can release as much radiation
as would 5,000 tons of radium, he
Dean Sawyer, who was techni-
cal director of the Bikini atom
bomb tests, declared, under-
water explosions of the bomb are
perhaps the most dangerous and
under proper conditions could
practically paralyze a harbor
Turning to the peaceful uses of
atomic energy, he said atomic en-
ergy soon will be able to compete
with coal and oil and will be used
most extensively in areas where
other sources of power are not
* * *
DEAN SAWYER said that build-
ing of atomic power plants in these
areas would result in a great re-
distribution of industry and popu-
Atomic energy has the power to
destroy civilization or it may be
used to remake the world order as
we know it, Dean Sawyer said.
* * *
Phoenix Funds
To Aid Atomic
Funds from the Michigan Me-
morial-Phoenix Project plus the
University's variety of research
facilities will lay the groundwork
for the building of an atomic en-
According to Prof. Paul F. Che-
nea of the engineering college, the
component problems in building
an adequate power-generating pile
are so numerous that the Phoenix
Project feels it can materially aid
the U.S. government in this job.
* *I *
ALREADY THE government is
sponsoring the construction of
such atomic piles to propel sub-
marines and aircraft, although the
details are secret, he said.
With Phoenix Project funds
Prof. Chenea and his research
assistant, Alfred R. Bobrowsky,
plan to investigate some of the
problems implicit in the design
and construction of an atomic
"The problems cut across mny
fields of knowledge such as thero-
dynamics, fluid flow, heat trans-

-Daly-Boo Lewis
HAVEN HALL WALL FALLS-Pulled by a powerful winch, this stubborn north side wall of Haven
Hall went crashing down in a pile of dust that spread over a fair-sized crowd of rubber-necks who
watched the 87-year old wreck being dismantled yesterday. One wall proved too much for the
cable, which gave way amidst one grunt-and-groan session.

Leopold III
Reinstated as
B R U S S E L S, Belgium--(/P)--
Parliament voted late yesterday
to restore King Leopold III to the
Belgian throne, opening the way
for his immediate return from
exile in Switzerland.
Leopold may get in tomorrow.
Subject to approval by the Mon-
arch, the government arranged
for military planes to fly to Swit-
zerland for him and his 19-year-
old son, Prince Baudouin.
an atmosphere of bitterness is-
sues debated bitterly among Bel-
gians for 10 years, in war and in
The Socialists have threatened
non-cooperation, general strikes
and other demonstrations against
the 48-year-old monarch.
Socialsts, almost all Liberals
and Communists, who oppose the
King, walked from the joint ses-
sion of the House and Senate be-
fore the final test, which they
knew they could not win.
KING LEOPOLD, who has been
in hot water much of the time
since he surrendered to the Ger-
mans after only 18 days of fight-
ing in 1940, is expected to return
this week.
The Socialists and other anti-
Leopoldists reviewed all the old
charges against Leopold.
His surrender to the Germans
and refusal to go into exile with
his ministers in 1940; his visit to
Berchtesgaden for tea with Hit-
ler; his resumption of the German,
family name of Saxe-Coburg-
Gotha, which was renounced by
his father, King Albert, after
World War I; his marriage to com-
moner Marie Lilian Baels (now
Princess De Rethy) in 1941, when
60,000 Belgians were being held as
German prisoners.

Verse, Citation Honor
Carrothers at Banquet
More than 150 friends of George E. Carrothers, former Director
of the Bureau of Cooperation with Education Institutions, gathered
last night at a banquet in the Union Ballroom in honor of his retire-
ment after 22 years service to the University.
Among the speakers on bahalf of the University were Provost
James P. Adams, Dean J. B. Edmonson of the School of Education
and T. Luther Purdom, director of the Bureau of Appointments.
I>i t *

division headquarters, but one of
his staff officers said: "He will
get out. The General can take
care of himself."
Taejon fell at midnight yes-
terday, Gen. MacArthur said.
The American troops pulled back
to defense positions four miles
to the southeast. They with-
drew after their positions in
Taejon were made Antenable by
the North Koreans' flanking and
infiltration attacks. The Ameri-
cans now are blocking the Com-f
munist advance to the east ofc
the city.
An American and a Britishf
cruiser razed Yongdok Wednesday
night with a bombardment thatc
an artillery liaison officer describ-
ed as having "terrific" results. t
* *-*
A U.S. NAVY communique is-
sued in Tokyo said: "Large firest
were started, with smoke still vis-
ible from the ships after 12 hours."
Yongdok is 25 miles north oft
Pohang, where the U.S. First
Cavalry Division has established
a beachhead. Presumably Yong-
dok would be an objective of a
drive from the beachhead.
Preceding the naval bombard-
ment, tank and artillery-supported
Vorth Koreans entered Yongdok.
Apparently they hoped to make a
drive from the city on the im-
portant American supply port of
Pusan, approximately 95 miles to
the south.
* * *
AMERICAN defenders rushed a-
new and effective big bazooka-a
3.5 rocket launcher -'into the
maelstrom of fighting around Tae-
jon. At the same time fighter
planes almost scraped hillsides
shooting up enemy artillery units
trying to cut the American escape
East Germans
Hit U.S._Action
BERLIN-(iP)-With the b i g
bosses of the Cominform standing
by, East German Communists yes-
terday denounced United States
intervention in Korea and pledged
to fight alongside Russia in an7,
new world war.
While the little Germans talked
big at their most flamboyant Com-
munist Party convention, the eyes
of 'most Western observers were
fixed on their "honored foreign
guests" - the Cominform dele-
gates - who stayed silently in the
A German spokesman said the
Cominform chieftains "will cer-
tainly use this opportunity to dis-
cuss all pending political ques-
tions arising from the present sit-
This suggested the first full-
scale parley of the Cominform -
the Moscow-ruled Communist In-
formation Bureau - since that
held last December "somewhere
in Hungary."

Chiefs Begin
Reserve Call
Truman conferred with top home-
front mobilization chiefs yester-
day while Congress geared for
quick action on a vast $10,000,-
000,000 rearmament program.
At the Pentagon, the nation's
defense leaders began calling re-
serves to the colors. The Marine
Corps announced that all organi-
zed Marine reserve ground units
were being called to active duty,
totaling some 47,000 men.
* * *
THE NAVY called several air
reserve units, withholding any an-
Midwest Strengrth
By The Associated Press
CHICAGO -- Fifth Army
Headquarters announced yes-
terday that more than 115,000
reserves in its 13-state area are
subject to immediate call to ac-
tive duty.
Michigan has 6,626 reserve of-
ficers, 8,363 enlisted men, and
the 46th National Guard Divi-
sion numbering 9,023 men.
nouncement of the exact units so
notified. They are said to total
about 39,000 men.
The Army said it has alerted
combat and supporting units
from each of the six continental
army areas for movement to the
Far East soon. The men so alert-
ed are regular army men.
Except for price, rationing and
job controls, the President's pro-
gram as laid before Congress Wed-
nesday calls for nearly every ba-
sic home-front power used to win
World War II.
* * *
SOME Republicans - notably
Senators Taft and Bricker of Ohio
and Wherry of Nebraska-said the
President's bid for new powers
should not be approved without
cautious study. Taft said Truman's
proposals went "far beyond any
necessity we know of at the mo-
Tax experts speculated that Tru-
man may ask anywhere from $1,-
000,000,000 to $8,000,000,000 or
more in new levies on individual
incomes, corporations and excess

Moon-gazing will be legiti-
mized between 8:30 and 10 p.m.
today on the fifth floor of An-
gell Hall.
It's all via student telescopes
as part of the astronomy de-
partment's "Visitor's Night."
Even so, children must be
accompanied by adults. And if
it's cloudy, you're out of luck.
IAU Festival
Four student poets will have
their works presented at the Inter-
Arts Union Summer Art Festival at
8 p.m. today in Rackham Assem-
bly Hall.
John Sargent will read the
poems, which were written by Wil-
liam Trousdale, Edward Lanning,
Saul Gottlieb and Marsh Campbell.
After the reading the poems will
be discussed in a panel concluding
the evening's program. The panel
will be headed by Prof. Frank L.
Huntley of the English depart-
ment, and the audience will be
given a chance to participate.
The entire Art Festival, which
also includes a program of student
music, will constitute the closing
feature of the three-week Contem-
porary Arts and Society course.

rector of the Bureau of School'
Services, presided. Registrar Ira
M. Smith presented Carrothers
with a token ofa bound volume of
personal congratulatory letters,'
which will be ssembled in Au-
Several citatA ons were given,
from verse to a formal printed
paper, which said:
"As a member of the University
staff since 1928 he has performed
vital services for his institution,
and as a citizen he has given gen-
erouly of his time and energy to
the civic affairs of his community.
"Mr. Carrothers richly deserves
the honor and respect in which he
is held by his host of friends."
Witness Testifies
In FCC Hearing
LOS ANGELES - (P) - A dis-
charged KMPC employe testified
that he attended a meeting of the
Hollywood radio news club when
members discussed news-slanting
charges against the station owner,
G. A. Richards.
The station has labeled the dis-
missals an economy move.
The hearing is on news distor-
tion charges against Richards and
on applications of his stations,
KMPC here, WJR Detroit and
WGAR Cleveland, for license re-

reated' by
Prof. Ciardi
tend to humanize, and that the
rewards of artistic appretiation
are immediate.
Art, the participants concluded,
was good in its own right.
The emotional reaction to mu-
sic was also considered. Sachs ex-
plained the Cyclic Theory, which
is a concept of the development of
the arts.
* * * .
ACCORDING TO this theory,
the arts in one generation might
go in one way (for example, ro-
manticism); but in the course of
time another form arises (classi-
cism), which will tend to oppose
the preceding trend.

Weather To
Return Today

Election Proposal Killed by 'Muddy' Thinking

Put your sweaters back in
mothballs, it's going to be 80 to-
day--at least according to the U.S.
Weather Bureau at Willow Run.
Rainfall in the 24 hour period
from Wednesday to Thursday
morning was the heaviest since
perature dropped to 58, but was
still 10 degrees higher than the

A lot of "muddy, short-sighted

eliminated the major weaknesses
of our present electoral system,

to any party to have to depend
on such an imperfect system as
wp now have that mild ~r1hrirna'

would change these trends by
bringing out minority party
votesi,,n one-idedates apg nd

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