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July 21, 1950 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1950-07-21

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FSTDAY, 'JULY 21, 195

____________________________________________________ I __________________________________________________________________________________ I

FRIDA _, JULY ...,..

V KOREA had been a Pearl Harbor attack,
the United States would have lost the war
before it was ready to fight. The Secretary
of Defense said that if the Russians attack-
ed at four, the United States would be ready
at five. Instead of only one hour elapsing,
two weeks have elapsed. Still the United
States is not ready. And it wasn't mighty
Russia that attacked. It was insignificant
North Korea.
There is something vitally wrong in our
Defense Department. According to Rear
Admiral Roscoe Hillenkoetter, chief of the
Central Intelligence Agency, W'Ashington
had been warned in a report dated June 20
that the Communists were mobilizing forces
along the 38th parallel and were capable of
attack at any time. He added that it was
virtually impossible to set the exact date
for attack. Nevertheless, we should have
been ready for that attack. Such disregard
for our intelligence reports is inexcusable.
Ever since the unification fight in Con-
gress, proper leadership has been lacking
in the Department of Defense. Johnson
said "Peace through strength must be our
goal." And he was right, but he doesn't
follow this policy. By practicing false eco-
nlony measures, he has endangered the
safety of the nation. At the beginning of
the fight in Korea news reports said that
the Americans were crying for proper
equipment. For a week some had to fight
tanks with carbines. And then they had
to get within fifteen yards of the tanks
before they could inflict damage. If this
were not enough, American men and
equipment have been thrown into the Ko-
rean fight to be devoured bit by bit by
the North Korean war machine.
This false economy wasn't limited to the
Defense Department. Congress in this ses-
sion passed a bill authorizing a 58 group air
force. President Truman saw fit to pigeon
hole this bill by providing funds for a 48
group air force. Now at this time of crisis
we are having to use private planes to send
supplies to Korea.
The administration has violated the wish-
es of Congress to the detriment of the coun-
try's welfare. When Congress passes a law,
the President should carry out its wishes.
Truman chose to disregard Congress. In
addition . to the cutting of the air force
against the wish of Congress, less than $500
out of the $60 million voted Korea by Con-
gress had been sent to Korea before the
present conflagration. Whether this is un-
constitutional is a matter for lawyers to
decide, but the President should not be able
to disregard the laws passed by the elected
representatives of the people.
The President states that we are not at
war. Then in the next breath he asks for
wartime measures and ten billion dollars
for defense. Obviously he is right some-
where-we are at war.
Harold Ickes once said that war is the
result of stupid statesmanship. And for once
he was right. This administration had been
allowing Communism to spread rampant
throughout the world without doing much
to stop it. The United States should have
had a working foreign policy, before now.
The tactics of the Russians have been ap-
parent since the end of the second world
war. But only now has the administration
Because of the lack of a foreign policy
we are now involved in a war with Korea.
The United States up to now has followed
the policy of letting the Communists take
over small countries. The Communists be-
lieving that the United States would contin-
ue to follow this policy attacked in Korea.
It is very probable to believe that if they
had known that the United States would
send forces to Korea they would not have
fought in 'Korea. They had good reason to
believe this after we had withdrawn all our
forces from there.

Our stand in Korea was the only one
to take. However, the United States should
have taken it five years ago. At that time
we were better prepared. These past five
years have seen small countries one by
one being devoured by the Russians. If
we had taken this stand then, these na-
tions would have been free today and
those Americans lying on Korean battle
fields would be alive.
Fortunately, Korea is not another Pearl
Harbor. The war might have been over be-
fore we were ready to fight. Let us hope
that the administration can learn from the
Korean situation. even though it failed to
learn from Pearl Harbor. The very existence
of this country may be dependent on it.
-John Foley
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Super-Patriots & Hoarders

"This Is An Emergency. We Must Raise Prices At Once"

WASHINGTON - Wars-even rumors of
wars-arouse the greedy instinct in
some human beings.
Our present situation is no exception.
Again there are the signs familiar to any-
one who has watched the necessary prepara-
tions for our national defense from a front
seat here before-here where the necessary
steps must be taken to curb the greedy in-
The old characters bob up once more
across our nation.
** *
THERE ARE the "hoarders" who rush out
to stock up and thereby cause shortages,
which begins a vicious circle of inflation.
And there are those greedy purveyors of
goods who exploit the psychology this cre-
ated to jack up prices, and make a quick
profit for themselves - while young men
are dying.
Fortunately, the Senate Banking Com-
mittee is now moving to investigate the
wave of price increases that have occurrect
already since the North Korean invasion.
* ** *
NOW WE HEAR AGAIN, as before, the
mock earnest cry of a sort of super-
patriot among those opposed to social and
welfare proposals and expenditures, who rise
up to exploit the war psychology for their
own selfish purposes.
Wrapping themselves in the flag, they
piously demand a cut in what they call
"unnecessary expenditures" for our domes-
tic economy. They don't say so, but they
mean those things that government has
come to do to promote the welfare of our
people. They shout bombastically for entire
concentration on military expenditures.
It is their aim, under the convenient cloakI
of national defense, to stop, or slow down,
some of the programs we have adopted in the
general public interest. The technique is to
starve them out, that is, to deprive these
functions of necessary appropriations and
running expenses.

WE'RE GOING TO NEED plenty for our
military, no doubt about that, and we'll
get it without the help of the super-patri( t;
here described. That will be needed on the
firing line in Korea, or wherever, and to bol-
ster our position all over the world. But,
there is a firing line here at home, too. It
must remain strong.
We are engaged, on the Korean front,
and all over the world, in a fight for demo-
cracy. To us, democracy has come to mean
the welfare, as well as the freedom, of
people, our people and people elsewhere.
We have spelled that out, and in big let-
ters, for the rest of the world to see, and
for the benefit of other free nations in our
ECA program and our Point Four program,
which are corollaries in the economic and
social welfare field of our military aid to
other nations. They go hand in hand in the
long pull, a balanced program.
S * *
IN THE LAST FEW YEARS we have streng-
thened our democracy here at home by
many measures well-known to all, too nu-
merous to list, to improve the livin'g condi-
tions of our people through better housing,
better health, opportunities for jobs at good
pay, protection in employment and security
for oldv age, development of natural re-
sources, including our great river basins,
which provide facilities for better living as
well as opportunities for new employment
for a growing population.
They reinforce the freedoms for which
we fight, for they have freed us from the
worries and cares that weaken other peo-
ple to give up their freedoms. We have
something to protect, a more full and
rounded way of life than any where else '
in the world.
These are established functions of gov-
ernment. They must be expanded gradually,
in our democratic way, rather than curtailed,
for we need a balanced program here at
home to keep ours a dynamic democracy, an
ideal not only for ourselves, but for those
whom -we would enlist on our side in the
world-wide struggle.
(Copyright 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

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WILLIAM SAROYAN, at some nebulous
time in his life, arrived at a set of
three rules, the first of which is important:
"Do not pay any attention to the rules
other people make . . . They make them for
their own protection, and to hell with them."
"The Time of Your Life," staged by the
Department of Speech at the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre, is a tribute to that rule -
the play is an unusual creation. However,
the author, if he was writing for production,
made a serious error: he assumed that the
play-goer would recognize his complete mes-
sage, much of which appears in the stage
directions or, if you will, his running com-
mentary, from the actual performance: one
cannot appreciate the full import of Saro-
yan's work unless he reads the play.
One other criticism before dealing with
the finished product as viewed at Mendel-
ssohn: the almost indiscriminate cutting of
dialogue has been painful in the past but
now it has reached a new acme of distaste.
There is no doubt left in the onlooker's
mind that Kitty Duval is a prostitute, yet
the very powerful and character-revealing
lines she speaks to Blick in the final act
were massacred - apparently to conform
to the supposed conservative tastes of an
Ann Arbor aulience.
As written, Kitty defiantly snaps at Blick,
"I'm a whore, you son of a witch. You know
what kind of work I do. And I know what
kind of work you do."
However, since the production did not at-
tempt to completely purify Kitty and re-
store that which has been unceremoniously
plucked in the hidden past, only limited,
though indignant, criticism can be register-
The production was not good, even if we
were able to accept the Saroyan point of
view, stated eloquently in the preface: "In
the time of your life, live - so that in that
wondrous time you shall not add to the mi-
sery and sorrows of the world, but shall
smile to the infinite delight and mystery of
A flock of characters attempted to live for
the audience in the play which tells of life's
beauty; unfortunately ,for the most part,
they failed. The reviewer could not help ex-
tending sympathy to several of the bizarre
humanitarians - they found it impossible to
cope with the rhetoric of an unusual Paci-
fic Street honky-tonk.
Notable in this reference was Elsie Man-
delspiegel, played by Dolly Allen; her lines
were almost ridiculous as they were spoken,
and were completely absurd in light of her
final suggestion that she and Dudley, one of

the characters guilty of gross over-acting,
shack up for the evening to forget the ills
of the world, to "dream that the world is
Ted Heusel, who took the lead role of
Joe, a champagne-drinking philosopher
who must discover all in life, except per-
haps the experience of dancing, was un-
fortunately poor, though he showed re-
markable improvement in the third act.
Chief criticism is to be attached to his in-
tonations - in the first two acts, the re-
viewer was reginded of the Great Emanci-
pator of "Abe Lincoln in Illinois," a role
very successfully handled by Heusel over
a year ago. But "The Time of Your Life,"
or Nick's Pacific Street Restaurant, Saloon
and Entertainment Palace, was not the
place for the sprawling speech of Sherwood's
"Good Old Abe" as he bids farewell to his
Springfield friends at the play's conclusion.
Larry Johnson sporadically tried too hard
but was, on the whole, convincing as Nick,
the bartender, and Irving Deutsch was im-
pressive, in his own reiterative way, as the
A literary historian once said of the au-
thor: "His buoyant improvisatory humor and
his gospel of uncritical love expressed our
desire to remain optimistic on a volcano, be-
nign in the midst of evil, and self-assured
in the midst of disheartening uncertainties.
Saroyan's failure to enjoy any real success
after 1942 coincided with the American peo-
ple's - but not Saroyan's - realization of
the immediate seriousness of the struggle
against 'the Axis powers."
It could very well be that, in light of
current events, and the threatening ex-
plosion of a world bursting at the seams,
Saroyan cannot be accepted today.
However, even commanding ourselves to
accept his dogma, the acting in the current
production did nothing to maintain the
beachhead begrudgingly granted to the au-
--B. Sheldon Browne
Trman has now junked plans for a whistle-
stop campaign this fall. He was scheduled
to go to California, stopping to help various
Democratic candidates en route, but the war
crisis has changed everything. The Presi-
dent will now stay close to Washington, will
make almost no trips unless the war situa-
tion vastly improves.
*x *
House advisers admit privately that the
President's public relations are extremely
bad. Some neonle blame this onp ress sec-

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Summer Session, Boom 3510 Admin-
istration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on
the day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1950
VOL. LX, No. 19-S
The Hercules Powder Company
of Wilmington, Delaware will be
interviewing students who will
have either a B.S. or M.S. degree
in Chemistry or Chemical Engi-
neering and also those with a B.S.
degree in Mechanical Engineering
at the Bureau of Appointments on
July 25 and the morning of July
26. Please call the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, Ext. 371, for appoint-
The Bureau of Appointments has
had a personnel request from the
Los Angeles Laboratories, Inc.
They are interested in young men,
who are interested in pharmaceu-
tical sales. Candidates may be
graduates or undergraduates and
the positions may be part-time or
full-time. For further information
call at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Build-
Contemporary Arts and Society:
The lecture by German Arcinie-
gas, scheduled for today, has been
postponed to Monday, July 31, in
the Rackham Amphitheater, at 8
Stanley Quartet, Gilbert Ross
and Emil Raab, Violinists, Paul
Doktor, Violist, and Oliver Edel,
Cellist, will be heard in the second
concert of the summer series at
8:30 Tuesday evening, July 25, in
the Rackham Lecture Hall. It will
include Mozart's Divertimento in
E-flat major, K.563, for violin, vi-
ola, and cello; Quartet No. 8 by
Quincy Porter, and Beethoven's
Quartet in E minor, Op. 59, No. 2.
The general public is invited.
Summer Session Band Concert,
with guest conductors from the
conducting class of William D. Re-
velli, 8:30 Monday evening, July
24, in Hill Auditorium. The pro-
gram is presented in conjunction
with the Second Annual Band
Conductors Workshop, but will be
open to the general public as well
as those attending the conference.
Among the composers whose works
will be heard are Rimsky-Korsa-
kov, Bach, Goldman, Sibelius, and
General Library, main lobby
cases. Contemporary literature
and art (June 26-July 26).
Rackham Galleries: "Contem-
porary Visual Arts" and "Ameri-
can Painting Since the War,"
July 3-22.
Museum of Archaeology. From
Tombs and Towns of Ancient
Museums Building. R o t unda
exhibit, Fossil Flora of the Mi-
chigan Coal Basin. Exhibition

halls, "Some Indian Cultures of
North and South America."
Law Library. History of Law
School (basement); classics for
collectors (reading room).
Michigan Historical Collections.
160 Rackham Building. Tourists
in Michigan, yesterday and today.
Museum of Art. Oriental cera-
mics (June 26-August 18). Mo-
dern graphic art (July 2-30).
Clements Library. American
Colonial Culture. (July 5-August
Events Today
Lane Hall Coffee Hour: 4:30-
6 p.m. All students welcome.
Mathematics Movie: The movie
"The Origin of Mathematics" will
be shown at 10 on Friday, July 21,
in 3017 A.H. for students in Math-
ematics 184 and any others inter-
The subject of the University
Museums' program for Friday eve-
ning, July 21, will be "Some In-
dian Cultures of North and South
America." Short moving pictures
entitled "Peru Highlands of the
Andes," and "Source of the Ama-
zon" will be shown in Kellogg Au-
ditorium at 7:30 p.m. Related ex-
hibits will be on display at the
Museums' Building from 7 to 9
The Inter Arts Union presents
its Summer Student Arts Festival:
Program will feature: "Designs in
Brass" by Leslie Bassett, directed
by Prof. Wm. D. Revelli; Four
Songs by Robert Cogan; Leslie Eit-
zen, soprano, Digby Bell, accom-
panist, lyrics byaWlm. Blake, Ste-
phen Spender, James Joyce, Tho-
mas Campion; poetry reading by
John Sargent; Quintet in C Minor
for Piano and Strings by Dean
Neurenberger; Panel Discussion on
Student Poetry, Prof. Frank Hunt-
ley, moderator. Friday, -July 21, 8
p.m. Rackham Assembly Hall. The
public is invited.
Visitors' Night, Department of
Astronomy-Friday, July 21, 8:30
to 10 p.m., Angell Hall. The Stu-
dent Observatory, fifth floor, will
be open for observation of the
Moon. If the sky is not clear, the
visitors' night will be canceled.
Children must be accompanied by
Coming Events
Russian Circle Meeting, Monday,
July 24th, 7 o'clock at the Interna-
tional Center. Program: Movies,
singing and refreshments. All who
are interested are welcome.
T HE CURE FOR hangover de-
pends upon where you are.
Among the "remedies:"
Australia, passion fruit nec-
tar with a dash of bitters and red
Brazil, black coffee, rum and
cream thoroughly mixed.
Canada, pea soup.
Czechoslovakia, hot potato dum-
Cuba, fresh sliced pineapple.
Denmark, egg.
France. absinthe.

Showdown with Russia
AP Foreign Affairs Analyst
JUST ONE MORE Communist outbreak such as that in Korea will
raise the question of whether the West should seek an immediate
showdown with Russia.
Korea has provided a surprising revelation of how much Western
effort can be sucked in by such relatively small actions.
THE ADDITIONAL TROUBLE that might be caused by Communist
moves in Indo-China, the Balkans, or elsewhere, already causes
peope to wonder what happens if Russia is able to sit back with her
military strength intact while American and allied forces are scattered
all over the lot against the satellites.
There have been all sorts of reports from the Balkans in the
last few days. International commercial circles in New York have
been full of rumors about troop movements and even invasions.
The United Nations Igalkan committee has issued a direct warning
of possible trouble.' Some of the reports have settled on Yugo-
slavia and some on Greece as the possible victims of Bulgarian,
Rumanian and Hungarian aggression. Greece is just as much of
a U.S. responsibility as Korea.
Similar reports have concerned Iran. Russia has no satellite
army to do the job there, although she might attempt an internal coup
through Kurdish and other dissident elements. V
Chinese Communist activities on the Indo-China border have led
some inside observers to calculate that the greatest danger of the mo-
ment lies in that area. They include Burma, already torn by civil war.
* * * *
PRESIDENT TRUMAN makes it clear that the United States in-
tends to develop ample power to handle the little wars as well as
to meet whatever timetable Russia has for herself. That she does have
a war plan is now rather widely accepted.
The American program, the President confidently expects,
will be paralleled by a greater allied preparedness and pooling of
strength. Part of this is expected to be worked out at a meeting
of the North Atlantic Council in London next week.
Russia is not to be permitted to consolidate her hold on more
satellite flanks. She may think her effort to do so will scatter the allied
defense. But America knows its football too well; the well-recognized
job is to:take care of these end runs while still developing the reserve
strength to meet any power play which the Kremlin may plan to send
through the middle.
If tl double job proves too galling, the time will have arisen for
the allies to consider an offensive. This might involve a complete break
with the Soviet world, blockades, ultimatums, the sponsoring of active
underground movements in the satellites and, ultimately, war.
Armns Production
WASHINGTON-(k)-President Truman's call for $10 billion in new
defense funds will mean more guns, tanks and planes rolling fas-
ter off war production lines.
But modern weapons take time to build, particularly planes.
The aircraft industry's association estimates, for example, that
it would take 34 months after an unlimited go-ahead order to achieve
a production rate of 50,000 planes a year. That is 10 months longer
than in World War II.
The answer: Today's planes are much more complicated.
.* * * *
DEFENSE OFFICIALS say that even with the proposed huge new
expenditures, it will take several years to attain mass production
of all weapons in a modern arsenal.
However, more money for overtime and extra shifts is expected
to speed up deliveries of some existing orders.
The Navy has already authorized its shipyards to work overtime
as much as necessary to meet the needs of the fleet.
This step should cut the time required to take ships out of the
laid-up "moth-ball" fleet. It also may reduce the year and a half to
two years previously scheduled for the modernization of 27,000-ton
Essex type carriers.
Overtime or extra shifts also may bring about a limited early in-
crease in plane production.
ONE OF THE WEAPONS marked for increased production as fast as
possible is the Army's new 3.5-inch rocket launcher, credited with
knocking out eight Communist tanks in its first battle test in Korea.
It is a small and simple weapon. However, the history of this





very weapon drives home once
more the lesson learned painful-
ly in the last war: that modern
arms cannot be bought off the
shelf like groceries.
Experimental work on this su-
per-bazooka began about the time
the last war ended. The rocket
launcher was finally approved as
a standard Army weapon in 1948,
but more engineering was required
to make it suitable for mass pro-
When the fighting in Korea be-
gan, antArmy spokesman said yes-
terday the new launcher was in
production but not yet in the
hands of troops. After American
GI's began battling the Korean
Communists, first stocks of the
new weapons were flown to them.
Enormously complex weapons
like the 'B-36 intercontinental
bomber require even more time
from conception to quantity pro-
duction. The design of the B-36
was initiated in October, 1941, but
it was not until August, 1946, that
the huge bomber made its first
A decision as to how much mon-
ey the Army will put into future
tank production appears likely to
wait on the outcome of further
tests in Korea of the "super-ba-
zooka" and other new anti-tank
The Army now has about 6,000
light and medium tanks it con-
siders combat worthy, compared
with Russia's estimated 40,000
medium and heavy tanks of all


Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
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Peter Hotton.............City Editor
Marvin Epstein........Sports Editor
Pat Brownson.......Women's Editor
Business Staff
Roger Wellington.... .Business Manager
Walter Shapero ..Assoc. Business Mgr.
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor, Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular school
year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.


At Architecture Aud... .

"almanac" murder trial, early in Lincoln's
career as a lawyer. Director John Ford's,
skill is apparent in the courtroom scenes,

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