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July 13, 1950 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State

VOL. LX, No. 11-S



Excise Cut
Bill Killed by
U.S. Leaders,
Korean Crisis
Forced Decision
ministration signalled a halt yes-
terday on tax revision, including
~excise cuts, in view of the Ko-
rean war.
The Congressional leadership
ti quickly complied.
THERE. WERE reports, mean-
while, that a recommendation, for
tax icessso ilb ett
". the capitol. These went without
confirmation at the treasury which
was the source of the call for de-
There was one point of rathef(
general agreement:
The pending House-passed tax
measure, with its $1,010,000,000
cut in excises offset by higher lev-
ies on big corporations, plugging
of loopholes and other changes, is
dead unless there is a quick change
for the better in Korea.
Chairman of the Republican Poli-
cy Committee and heretofore a
proponent of excise tax cuts even
if nothing else is -done, told a re-
Porter:. -
"If the bill isn't dead, it cer-
tainly is in a state of suspend-
ed animation.
"If we are going to face very
large military -appropriations, as
it seems to be indicated, it might
be best to put off action and con-
sider a general tax bill later."
even a bit further:
"In my opinion this bill is
He said he would support the
decision to lay the measure aside.
House Passes
Point Four
Plan, 1954151
WASHINGTON - (?) - The
House passed yesterday a sharply
restricted bill to guarantee Ameri-
can investments abroad and thus
help build up the economies of
underveloped nations.
The guarantees would apply on-
ly to enterprises that do not com-
pete with American goods, and
only in countries that will make
their own guarantees by treaty.
THE "POINT FOUR" bill, part
of President Truman's program
for aiding underveloped lands to
raise their living standards, was
passed 195 to 151. The amend-
ments closely restricting what may
be done under it were written by
the House Tuesday.
Before the final vote today the
House rejected by a 28 vote mar-
gin a move by Rep. Wolcott (R-
Mich) to shelve the bill by send-
ing it back to committee. Wolcott
said that after the amendments
were put in the measure actually
was meaningless.
Another part of the "Point
Four" program, for technical aid
to underdeveloped areas, already

has Congressional approval in an
authorization bill limiting the first
year's operation to a $35,000,000
outlay. The Senate appropriations
committee, however, voted only
$10,000,000 for the job and efforits
are under way in the Senate to
boost the allowance.
Champ Typist
Here Today
George L. Hossfield, ten times
winner of the world's professional
typewriting championship, will
demonstrate his skill on an electric
typewriter at 1 p.m. today in Rm.
276 of the Business Administra-
tion Building.
Hossfield, special school repre-
sentative for a national typewriter
corporation, is now engaged in an
educational demonstration tour,
during which he will visit univer-
sities and teacher training colleges
during summer schon1 sesins.

FEPC Bill Killed
By Senate Action
No Chance of Passage Seen in Present
Congress After Second Defeat, 55-33
WASHINGTON-(')-The Senate killed FEPC yesterday.
No prospect remains for revival this session of the hotly disputed
proposal to set up a Fair Employment Practices Commission to prey
vent racial or religious discrimination in the hiring, firing and ad-
vancement of workers.
TWENTY-SEVEN DEMOCRATS, most of them from the south,
and six Republicans delivered the death blow.
Together, their 33 votes represented more than one-third, of
the total membership of 96 Senators, and under the circumstances








* * *

* * *

* * *

Gov. Williams
Denies Plea
To Extradite
LANSING -(A')- I;ayward Pat-
terson one of the niie defendants
in the sensational Scottsboro case
of two decades ago, won the help
of Governor Williams yesterday.
The Governor refused to extra-
dite Patterson, a Negro, to Ala-
bama to complete a 75-year sen-
tence for rape imposed in 1931.
* * *
PATTERSON escaped from pri-
son in 1948 after serving 17 years.
He was arrested recently in De-
troit by Federal Bureau of Iden-
tification Agents as a fugitive from
Williams said federal authori-
ties "are no longer interested in
prosecuting" Patterson, but in
Detroit assistant U.S. District
AttorneyJames S. Soltesz said
he would confer with the dis-
trict attorney at Montgomery,
Ala., by telephone to decide o a
course of action in view of Wil-
liams' refusal to extradite.
Soltesz said he was advised re-
cently that federal authorities in
Alabama did not want Patterson
any more.
* * *
WILLIAMS asserted that "all of
the others involved in the Scotts-
boro case were released from pri-
son some years ago. Since the trial
one of the two complaining wit-
nesses admitted that she gave per-
jured testimony after being threat-
ened by local Alabama authorities.
"All of the convicted men were
equally guilty and simple justice
should require that they be equally
punished. The others have now
been released and I can see no jus-
tifiable reason for returning Pat-
terson to prison."
Patterson and eight other ne-
groes were arrested aboard a
freight train at Paint Rock, Ala.,
in 1931 on charges of raping two
white women. The U.S. Supreme
Court twice reversed death sen-
tence given Patterson. It affirmed
the 75-year term.
Raphael Will
Go to England
Dr. Theophile Raphael, Univer-
sity Health Service psychiatrist,
will be one of two American med-
ical consultants to go to England
next year in connection with a
special study of British colleges'
and universities' health service
He will be particularly concern-
ed with recommendations in re-
gard to the psychiatric and mental
hygiene aspects of these health
services, Provost James P. Adams
explained in making the an-
nouncement yesterday.
* * *
DR. RAPHAEL received an in-
vitation through the Vice-Chan-
cellors' Committee of British Uni-
versities for the purpose.

> this was an absolute block
against consideration of the bill.
The FEPC advocates would have
had to tally 64 votes-two-thirds
of the entire membership-to
win. They got only 55 and thus
fell nine short.
The result was discounted weeks
n advance. Democratic leader Lu-
cas, who called for the vote, had
not shown any hope atj all of win-
ning. It was the administration's
second defeat on the issue. The
count on the preceding roll call,
May 19, was 52 to 32. Lucas at
that time promised a second vote
in view of the number of absen-
tees, and he got it yesterday, strict-
ly for the record.
* *' *
one in May, came on a move to
cut off debate on a motion to
bring FEPC before the Senate for
consideration. Only this time, there
hadn't been even a minute of de-
Under many circumstances, it
would appear somewhat prema-
ture to order a man to shut up
before he had opened his mouth.
But Lucas and the other FEPC
backers had ample reason to be-
lieve from past experiences that
the southerners, unhampered by
any debate limit,awould try to
kill the bill by talking on and
on and on, for weeks if neces-
sary. That is called filibustering.
So the FEPC men resorted to the
cloture rule, which calls for an
end to debate if two-thirds of the
full Senate membership support
such a move.
They lined up 22 Democrats and
33 Republicans on their side.
Johns ton Wins
S. C. Primary
COLUMBUS, S. C.-(P)-Virtu-
ally complete returns yesterday
from the South Carolina Demo-
cratic primary served to widen U.S.
Senator Olin D. Johnston's victory
margin over Gov. J. Strom Thur-
The latest figures gave John-
ston 178,088, Thurmond 153,554.
Only few precincts still were miss-
While Johnston won renomina-
tion as the climax of a bitterly
waged campaign, former Secretary
of State James F. Byrnes captured
the nomination for Governor in a
walk-away over three opponents.
Primary nomination assures elec-
tion in November.
Thurmond,mthe 1948 states'
rights Democratic presidential can-
didate, conceded Johnston's nom-
ination and congratulated him.
Prime issue in the Johnston-
Thurmond battle was national
versus state party loyalty. Thur-
mond called Johnston a "Truman-
ite" and charged him with "run-
ning out" on the state party in
the states' rights campaign two
years ago.
'U' Singer Honored
Miss Rose Suzanne der Derian,
'47SM, soprano, has received a na-
tionwide award granted by the
Brooklyn Institute of Arts and
Sciences in the American Artists'
Series for 1950.

Top Leaders
Urge Action
On 'Korea'
Bentsen Asks'
Atomic Stand
By The Associated Press
Reactions to the Korean crisis
came thick and fast in top Ad-
ministrative and Congressional
circles yesterday, with top billing
going to Rep. Bentsen (D-Tex)
who demanded that President
Truman deliver a one-week "atom-
ic ultimatum" to the Communist
invaders of South Korea.
At the same time, Sen. Lyndon
Johnson demanded that all Na-
tional Guardsmen and paid mili-
tary reserves be called up imme-
diately to provide 832,000 more
* * *
THE HOUSE warmly applaud-
ed Rep. Bentsen's proposal that
President Truman warn the Com-
munist invaders either to withdraw
from South Korea or atomic
bombs would be dropped on North
Korean cities.
Bentsen, a World War II vet-
eran, said he offered the propo-
sal as a move to end the Ko-
rean fighting and prevent a
new World War.
Declaring that the Korean sit-
uation could develop into "an-
other Bataan," Bentsen told the
House :
"LET'S USE everything we can
to end this war now."
Johnson, a member of the Sen-
ate Armed Services Committee,
also urged Congress to encat emer-
g e n c y legislation authorizing
President Truman to invoke full
industrial mobilization.
Declaring these are among
"minimum" steps vital to U.S.
defense Johnson told the Sen-
ate grimly:
"Never before has the United
States been in such grave peril as
it is at this moment."
Americans fighting in Korea are
seriously outnumbered and their
military equipment is inadequate
and not the right kind. The
fighting has demonctrated that
clearly, he said.
"Congress did not intend that
our troops should be sent to
battle with one arm tied behind
their backs - yet that is what
is happening," Johnson' told
the Senate.
Sen. Elmer Thomas (D-Okla)
said yesterday that the Defense
Department will ask Congress "for
a billion or more next week" to
meet costs of fighting in Korea.
THOMAS SAID he asked De-
fense officials when they would
need additional funds for the Ko-
rean war and related matters.
"They told me they would
come over next week for a re-
quest of a billion or more," he
"It'smy job to see that they
have plenty of money," Thomas
told a reporter as he made pub-
lic copies of a letter he had sent
to Secretary of Defense Johnson
asking about the state of defense

SETTING UP FRONT-American G.I.'s establish new lines behind the Kum River south of Cho-
chiwan in their efforts to stay the advance of North Korean forces in South Korea. Gen# MacAr-
thur's communique has reported Communist troops within 13 miles of Taejon.

Senator Says U.S. Files
Were Stripped in 1946
WASHINGTON-om')-Senator McCarthy (Rep.-Wis.) yesterday
produced papers which showed, he said, that government files were
stripped in 1946 of all material derogatory to State Department
TheState Department issued a denial of McCarthy's charges. A
statement released late yesterday afternoon called the Senator's blast
a "characteristic distortion of facts."
THE DEPARTMENT said personnel information was culled from


its files in 1946 but, the statemen
not deal with loyalty or security
In fact, the Agency stated,
records of employee loyalty and
security "were and are separ-
ately maintained in a security
division wholly removed from
the personnel operation."
The Agency further described its
1946 removal of documents as a
move necessitated by the reor-
ganization of personnel records
which resulted from the influx of
several thousand employes trans-
ferred to the State Department
from wartime agencies.
tion concerning personnel of the
Department was destroyed and the
Tydings Subcommittee (which has
been probing McCarthy's charges)
has had, in each case, referred to
it the complete loyalty files," the
State Department said.
McCarthy made the charge of
file-stripping in a six-page let-
ter to President Truman.
With the letter he sent four
statements which he said had been
signed by men hired to throw
away all discrediting documents.
* * *
THE LETTER to President Tru-
man-and photographic copies of
the statements-were made public
at a news conference.
McCarthy told reporters that
the alleged file-stripping was
done shortly before President
Truman's loyalty program start-
ed in 1947.
Then McCarthy said, "Someone
in the State Department ordered
the files stripped. Who was he?
He must be found, Mr. President."

it asserted, the data removed did
World News
By The Associated Press
PARIS - Premier Rene Pleven
announced the makeup of a new
cabinet and the end of France's
18-day government crisis seemed
assured last night.
WASHINGTON - Legislation
giving the heads of government
departments and agencies "ab-
solute discretion" to fire civi-
lian employes they consider bad
security risks won smashing ap-
proval in the House yesterday,
327 to 14.
OMAHA, Neb., - Nebraska
rain clouds, which have been
dumping w a t e r in fabulous
amounts since Saturday night, let
loose again yesterday with rains
of six to eight inches.
LONDON - Government
sources reported today Britain
will try to stay out of the ground
fighting in Korea as long as she
The government's view was
said to be that Britain already
is making a big contribution to
Western security in the Far
East by holding the Malayan
and Hongkong sections of the
Western line in Asia.
LANSING - Michigan's hopes
of acquiring Percy Jones at Battle
Creek for a state mental institu-
tion officially got a setback yes-
terday, when Governor Williams
was notified by the Army that
plans to dispose of the hospital
to the state had been suspended
pending clarification of the inter-
national situation.

Walker Put in
Command of
Korea Yanks
TOKYO-(A)-Lt. Gen. Walton
H. Walker, commander of the U.S.
Eighth Army in Japan, has assum-
ed command of ground forces in
Korea, it was announced yester-
Walker took over his command
at midnight Tuesday, a general
headquarters communique said. It
added an eighth army advance
command post has been set up in
* * *
THE EIGHTH thus takes over
responsibilities held until now by
U. S. Army Forces in Korea
It was not announced whether
Walker himself would go to Kor-
ea. He flew to the battle zone
July 8 in what was described as
anm "inspection" trip.
A short time later he returned
;o Japan, where the Eighth has
been headquartered during the oc-
cupation. He was in Tokyo yes-
terday to welcome Gen. J. Lawton
Collins, the U.S. Army. Chief of
Staff, on his arrival from the Unit-
ed States.
* * *
IN WORLD WAR II, Walker was
chief of the famed "Armored Ghost
Corps" of General Patton's third
army in Europe.
His tactics during the early
fighting in France in 1944 led
Winston Churchill, then Bri-
tain's Prime Minister, to cite
Walker in the House of Com-
mons. The U.S. War Depart-
ment (now the Department of
the Army) praised Walker for
his coordination of infantry and
armored groups.
Strike Threat
On RailsEnds
By The Associated Press
The last threat of an immediate
strike against the nation's rail-
roads was lifted yesterday.
But Longshoremen's dispute hit
New Jersey shipping and a strike
was called against Braniff Air-
The Railroad Yardmasters of
America notified President Tru-
man its men would "forego for
the present their right tostrike"
Saturday because of "the situa-
tion our country finds itself in
* * *
of Railway Conductors and the
Brotherhood of Trainmen- noti-
fied Mr. Truman Tuesday when
they would try to reach a settle-

In Positions
For Possible
Skip Communist
Trap by Retreat
By The Associated Press
U.S. forces fell back across the
Kum River late yesterday and
took up positions for what may be
the first niajor American stand in
IKorea, south of Chochiwon.
Four American battalions fought
three North Korean divisions -
possibly 1,600 men against 18,000
backed by tank spearheads-in a,
bitter stalling retreat before with-
drawing to the comparative safety
of the high embankments on the
south side of the broad, winding
river 13 miles north of Taejon.
* * *
THE AMERICANS apparently
escaped what could have been a
disastrous trap had they been
pinned against the river. A single
railroad bridge is known to cross
the quarter - mile wide stream.
Normally all highway traffic must
cross by ferry.
A gallant rearguard action
slowed the Communist offensive
until the Americans made their
way across the last river barrier
before Taejon in a daylight re-
treat, described as "efficiently"
carried out, by a spokesman at
advance headquarters. Later the
spokesman reported American
troops now were well placed to
meet the North Koreans' next
-The retreat had been forecast
earlier in a communique from Gen.
MacArthur's headquarters which
said the enemy's ability to use
three divisions against four bat-
talions in the 20-mile-long Cho-
nan-Kongju area "may compel
further withdrawals behind the
Kum river, a natural tank ob-
An earlier communique said
American forces already had with-
drawn behind the Kum at Kongu,
on the south bank.
* * *
DISPATCHES did not pinpoint
the spot where the Americans fell,
back across the Kum but it ap-
peared to be somewhere south of
Chochiwon. The Americans were
driven from this city eight miles
north of the river earlier Wednes-
Neither did the dispatches lo-
cate the new American positions.
Moore reported, however, they
were "where a growing concen-
tration of American troops and .
weapons can be used to best ad-
Now it may be the North Kor-
eans turn to get off balance. The
latest battleground changes leave
them vulnerable to a punch in the
side from South Korean forces
xho, not confronted by the heavy
armor the Communists have
thrown against the Americans,
hold positions well north of the
new front on the West.
But a spokesman at field head-
quarters told AP correspondent
Tom Lambert the North Koreans
were moving eastward in "consid-
erable numbers." Lambert said
this might indicate the Commu-
nists were trying to beat the South
Koreans to the punch.
There was no mention of cas-
ualties in the retreat but the Com-
munist radio at Pyongyang said
700 Americans were killed and 200
captured, during the North Korean
breakthrough south of Chochiwon.
The Communist radio did not give

the time covered in the casualty
count. Although field dispatches
hinted that casualties might be
high there was nothing to con-
firm the Communist radio claim.
North Koreans Eye
Yank Prisoners
r'-"1 if-ontvrn1l~l 1r a di jo(


Finney Stresses 'Pulse Beat' with Piano, Phono

(Daily City Editor)
Prof. Ross Lee Finney of the
School of Music used three things
-a record player, a piano and
hinmf-n him ecture 4"Music

incidents in a novel, Prof. Finney
"And in both the time alone
doesn't make them good. You
need some experience to go with
4.h tpn_"h Apra.r.a

to 50 years) who resisted this time.
One was Wagner, who slowed
the "pulse beat" in his compo-
sitions in order to bring out
more of the drama than music,
he explained.

of the music hall humming, he
2. Theme - a melody having
great powers of development.
3. "La Ligne," a French phrase
which Prof innev mw rautant

PROF. FINNEY illustrated his
theory of developing a theme by
playing the opening movement of
Beethoven's Fifth Symphony on
the piano, pausing often to explain



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