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July 02, 1950 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1950-07-02

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SUNDAY, JULY 2. 1950

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Korea and the UN

fHE SUSPENSION of the Michigan State
College student newspaper this week-
because of an editorial which bitterly at-
tacked the American Legion - must have
been extremely disheartening to all who
favor a free and responsible press, whether
collegiate or professional.
The head of the journalism department
at- MSC, in announcing the suspension,
said that the editors of the State News,
"did not stick to the facts and they used
intemperate language."
Judging by the editorial itself (which was
reprinted in Thursday's Daily), what hap-
pened was that a staff member became so.
incensed at the Legion for its overpatrioti
behavior that he was unable to criticize i
reasonably or coherently; he just blasted.
So the authorities at Michigan State sus-
pended the paper, blaming the "immature
judgement" of the editors.
In doing this, it seems to me, they ex-
hibited the same sort of strenuous reaction
to something unpleasant as the staff mem-
ber of the State News who flailed the
And the effect of this will probably not
be to encourage the type of sober judgement
which the MSC authorities seem to desire.
Instead, the effect will probably be to kill
incentive on the State News and to make it
a timid publication echoing the views of the
administration or faculty.
STUDENTS WHO HAVE the impulse to
think for themselves and to depend on
their own good judgement will not continue
for long to work on a paper that is going tew
be suspended every time they make a mis-.
take. Students who like supervision, and who
like to be given advice and rules to folloxi.
are not usually those who have developed
the mature judgement which the MSC au-
thorities avowedly wish to encourage.
For the purpose of educating the edi-
tors of the State News, if that is what they
need, it would have been much better if
the authorities had let them meet the pro-
tests of the American Legion as best they
could. Then the editors would become
more aware of the limits of responsible
criticism, if they really exceeded those
As it is, the College authorities have taken
the whole affair out of .the hands of the
State News editors, which will produce only
resentment, not learning, on their part.
FUTHERMORE, the suspension of the
State News is deeply disturbing when it
is placed in the context of recent history. It
then becomes another in a long list of acts
by college administrations, governing boards,
and :private groups seeking to exert more
control over students and faculty.
Various incidents of the past two years-
at Olivet College, at the University of
Washington, at the University of Calif-
ornia, and on this campus-have all placed
great strain upon academic freedom and
upon freedom of thought in general.
By adding to this pressure and further
limiting the liberty of students, the authori-
ties of Michigan State have not only exhibit-
ed the kind of ill-advised judgement for
which they criticized the editors of the State
News, they have allowed themselves to i
placed in the position of denying ideals for
which they ought to stand.
-Philip Dawson
Edtorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

CLEANING OUT a desk drawer the other
day we came upon a fascinating pamph-
let. Prepared for the Bureau of Labor Sta-
tistics, it was called "Full Employment Pat-
terns, 1950." It was published Feb. 16, 1947.
Here, then, was one of those rare occa
slions when a prophecy was still around and
available at the time when the prophecy was
supposed to be fulfilled. We flipped the pages
to see how close B.L.S. had come. It was
amazing. If the United States was to have
full employment in 1950, said the pamphlet,
there would have to be 59,000,000 people at
work. And, by George, there they all are, give,
or take a few thousand. Of course B. L. S.
thought there would be only 2,000,000 un-
employed, and there are instead more than
3,500,000. But they got that 59,000,000 right,
which seemed to be a good score for pro-
And then we flipped a few more pages to
come to the assumptions on which the B.L.S.
made its forecast. Ah, what a fall was there'
The basic assumption was that the federal
government's budget in 1950 would be $27.-

WASHINGTON-The Korean crisis is now
doing, under the prompt, decisive and
courageous prodding of President Truman,
what the United Nations has been unable
to do for itself in five years, and what well-
intended resolutions in our Congress have
not moved it to do.
This is to make effective the method and
machinery written into the UN Charter at
San Francisco, in Article 42 of Chapter
Seven, dealing with "action with respects to
threats to the peace, breaches of the peace,
and acts of aggression" which provides for
"such action by air, sea or land forces as
may be necessary to maintain or restore
international peace and security."
its 11 members, has created such a force
on the spur of the moment. It thus carried
out swiftly, under the urgency of crisis, a
task that its assigned special committee
failed to do in long and often-interrupted
negotiations, which was to set up an inter-
national police force to check aggression and
keep the peace.
Russia had proved a stumbling block in
that futile episode.
The emergency international police force
quickly cre.ated for the Korean crisis now
consists, it is true, almost entirely of our
own forces, since we had them in the area
and they were ready; but other nations have
been asked by the UN to participate in
accordance with the Charter, and, will do
so. Great Britain came through promptly
with the offer of ten warships for "mercy
work" to help evacuate refugees from war-
torn Korea, which is part of the function of
an international police force.
TAUS, THE UN made the charter a living
reality, and the importance of its action
cannot be overlooked, as it is likely to be in

the natural concentration of attention on
the rush of developments on the Korean
front. For this not only sets a precedent
for future action in event of aggression-if
a general war does not develop from the
Korean affair-but also, if a general war
does not develop, would seem to assure the
UN's future power and prestige.
The Korean crisis, properly capitalized
as it has been, has produced both machin-
ery for international action, and a new
solidarity among those nations which have
sat in fear of Russian penetration and
If Russia should withdraw from the UN,
from which she has been "walking out" in
recent months, there still would remain an
international agency, that would have vital-
ity and influence in a large part of the world
among like-minded nations, because of act-
ing in an emergency that has drawn those
nations still closer together.
IT COULD GO ON from this experience to
the creation of a stronger union of nations
such as that envisaged, for instance, in the
Atlantic Union proposal now before Congress.
That, of itself, would not only be a
deterrent to aggression, but should there
come a change in Russia, in her ruling
clique and a resultant shift of attitude
toward the rest of the world, there would
be basis for an eventual world federation
with larger authority-which is the real
That, of course, is for the future. But, in
the rush of news of armed conflict once
more in a dangerous sector of the world, it
is well to remember that the opportunity
seized by the United Nations has deeper
meaning, and offers hope to all who -want
to see the gory parading of dictators ended
by the rule of law that can be enforced.
(Copyright 1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)

Labor & the Law
Special Writer
IN AN ATMOSPHERE removed from the shop and the city, speakers
gathered from points throughout the world to chew over some of
the most challenging problems in the field at last week's sessions of
the Summer Institute on "The Law and Labor-Management Rela-
The formidable program embraced six subjects: standards of em-
ployer-union conduct, collective bargaining, voluntary arbitration,
the government and critical disputes, labor unions as legal intsitu-
tions and pension plans. The topics, taken as a whole, suggest one
central question: "What is the best road to industrial peace?" An
oversimplification, perhaps, but a question of vital importance to the
man in the street, for to him, constructive harmony in industry
means better cars, refrigerators and radios-and at lower prices. j
* * * *

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for anyt eason are not in good taste will
be condensed edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

THE INSTITUTE SPEAKERS were picked to give three points
view: management, labor and the public; and it is interesting
note the general tenor of the lines of argument.


Korean Crisis .
To the Editor:
EVER since the Korean crisis
started, I have noticed both
on the radio and in the newspapers.
some tendencies to be surprised
at, even to criticize, the position
of France in this matter. More
precisely, they wonder why French
policy has not been as firm as
English and why France has not
already taken the decision to join
its forces to those of the United
I would like to give my personal
opinion simply as a French citi-
1-The French people should
not be expected to consider the
occurrence of a war with a light
heart, as an inevitable and im-
mediate issue to international dif-

ficulties; they have too much suf-
fered from the evils of war, des-
truction, occupation. As a matter
of fact, the present situation in-
volves a risk of war.
2-For five years, in Indo-
China, France has been fighting
a bloody battle, with its own sol-
diers and those of the allied In-
dochinese people to whom she pro-
mised protection, for a cause which
is like that for which the United
States starts to fight today. And,
for five years, France has sup-
ported its burden alone, in spite
and often against the opposition
of American policy and public
It should not be forgotten
though that the French delegate
at the UN backed the U.S. propo-
sition to help South Korea.
-Robert E. C. Trimbach, Grad.

Washington Merry- Go -Round

WASHINGTON-While senators have been
criticizing absenteeism in government it
so happens that the most shocking record
of absenteeism is to be found in the Senate
itself. In fact, the course of history might
have been changed by certain senators who
have stayed away from voting.
For example, 23 senators missed voting
on the Point 4 program which will open
vast new territories for economic pioneer-
ing; 26 failed to vote on the basing-point
bill which riddled the antitrust laws with
loopholes; 32 never showed up for the
rent-control vote; 15 missed the vote to
stimulate middle-income housing; 22 did-
n't vote on an earlier test of farm price
supports. Yet in each case, the absent
senators could easily have changed the
Since the voters back home can't always
keep track of their senators, this column
has made a survey of Senate absenteeism
that shows one-fourth of the Senators have
missed over 75 votes since the 81st Congress
opened. in January, 1949. In other words,
some of the taxpayers are paying for full-
time senators but getting only part-time
service. On any other job they would be
Of course, the cold statistics do not always
tell the full story. Some senators have been
kept out by illness or official business.
* * *
HOWEVER, here are the senators with the
worst record for playing hookey:
1-Alexander Smith, New Jersey Republi-
can-missed 168 votes. This was because he
was pursuing amateur diplomacy in Europe
and Asia. Several weeks' illness also drag-
ged down his record.
2-Dennis Chavez, New Mexico Democrat
-missed 161 votes; poor health kept him
away part of the time but didn't stop him
from touring Argentina and Europe or cam-
paigning for his brother to be governor of
New Mexico.
3-Arthur Vandenberg, Michigan Re-
publican-missed 149 votes; had a fine
attendance record until overtaken by ill-
ness; was operated on twice; also stayed
by the bedside of his late wife.
4-Sheridan Downey, California Democrat
-missed 145 votes; showed little interest in
voting except on own pet projects.
5-James Eastland, Mississippi Democrat
-missed 136 votes; spent more time on his
Mississippi cotton plantation than in the
6-Elmer Thomas, Oklahoma Democrat-
missed 133 votes; spent weeks in Europe
complaining about Swedish hospitality in-
stead of minding Oklahoma affairs. As a
result he is now home fighting for his politi-
cal life.

10-Millard Tydings, Maryland Democrat
-missed 112 votes.
* * *
FOR THE OTHER SIDE of the story, here
are the 10 senators who kept their noses
closest to the grindstone:
1-Herbert Lehman, New York Demo-
crat-missed only two votes since coming
to the Senate in November, 1949; active
as a bright-eyed puppy, exploring every
new issue.
2-Henry Dworshak, Idaho Republican-
missed only three votes since appointment
to Senate in October, 1949.
3-Forrest Donnell, Missouri Republican-
missed only five votes since 81st Congress
opened; goes over every bill with fine-tooth
comb; is so painstaking that he actually im-
pedes Senate progress.
4-Carl Hayden, Arizona Democrat-miss-
ed eight votes; is an expert on technical
legislation and a silent power in the Senate.
5-John Williams, Delaware Republican-
missed 10 votes; a quiet, plodding worker
who tends to business. His Democratic col-
league from Delaware, Sen. Allen Frear,
missed 110 votes.
6-Harley Kilgore, West Virginia Demo-
crat-missed 15 votes; is an expert at guid-
ing liberal legislation through Senate from
7-Robert Hendrickson, New Jersey Re-
publican-missed 15 votes; keeps watch on
legislative calendar for liberal Republicans;
makes up for poor attendance of Senator
Smith from same state.
8-Kenneth McKellar, Tennessee Demo-
crat-missed 15 votes; is sensitive about
his old age; even gets out of bed to vote
and make good showing.
9-William Knowland, California Repub-
lican-missed 16 votes; is watch-dog for con-
servative Republicans; sticks close to Senate
10-Spessard Holland, Florida Democrat -
missed 16 votes;-keeps lookout on legislationi
for Southerners.
This record of attendance isn't necessarily
a measure of performance. However, it is a
good check on who is tending to business.
* * *
ROBERT DENHAM, counsel of the Nation-
al Labor Relations Board whose job
Truman wants to abolish, is boiling mad at
his staff for an alleged leak. He is so mad.
that he is determined to find the guilty
What made Denham sore was a short
item in this column showing how he re-
fuses to sign NLRB cases before the court
of appeals unless those cases favor em-
ployers. If the cases are complaints against

Economists, when speaking for the public, stressed the neces-
sity for a progressive economy with the ability to change. Any-
thing that interferes with the progress must sooner or later give
The union stand on this point was clear. They agreed in prin-
ciple with the economists but were willing to fight to see that during
any change, the standards of living of the individual worker should
not fall.
Management, too, subscribes to the principle of a progressiv
economy and repeatedly emphasized that managerial prerogative
must be free from union restrictions because restrictions mean immo-
bility, and immobility precludes progress.
Where does industrial peace fit in with these views? There is n
clear cut answer to this for it all depends upon how strong a feeling
of cooperation exists between management and labor. When th
chips are down on a major issue either or both must give in or else
we have trouble.
* * * *
IT WAS ENCOURAGING to note that although management anc
labor have their areas of disagreement, both sides at the Institute
seemed committed to the proposition that unions are here to stay
and that if basic issues of wages, hours and working conditions are
to be settled peacefully, they are to be settled by negotiations betweer
the two at the collective bargaining table.
Moving from this common ground the two sides clashed, ofter
sharply, over such issues as: What should be the relative strengtl
between labor and management? Do union rules increase or decrease
production? How much of a part should the government play i
regulating the standards of conduct between the two?
* * * *
THURMAN ARNOLD pointed out that size, when it becomes eco-
nomically harmful to the public, must be regulated by the govern-
ment. And this goes for big labor unions as well as big business.
But AFL lawyer Henry Kaiser retorts that such an analogy
between labor and industry is mischieous because you cannot
apply the same type of standards to organized human beings that
you apply to organized financial corporations.
Regardless of which position you take, the fact must be faced
that the American labor movement has developed during.the last 20
years into the largest, most powerful that the world has ever seen-
from an organization of five million to a present day total of over 15
million workers. Such power is bound to be influential. And it can
be for good, or it can be for harm.
* * * *
MANAGEMENT'S SPOKESMEN complain that labor has often em-
ployed this power at the bargaining table for harm.
Chief management complaints indicated the areas where
unions and employers tangle most frequently: 1-Unions are
trying to take over managerial functions; 2-Union practices such
as "make-work" rules and inter-union fights stifle production and
impede technological progress; 3-High wages cause unemploy-
ment and lead to inflation.
Prof. Arthur Ross of the University of California countered such
arguments by maintaining that: 1-Managem.ent still retains a core
of complete freedom of activity; 2-Unions are recognizing that in-
creased output is a prerequisite to higher wages; therefore resistance
to change is on the downgrade; 3-"Sticky" wages have benefitted
the economy by holding the line in the recent recession preventing
it from snowballing downhill. Wage increases are a result, not a
cause of inflation though admittedly, they play a part in the overall
* * * *
A TROUBLESOME PHENOMENON on the labor scene is the juris-
dictional dispute in which one union is ready to fight to get the
jobs controlled by another union. Employers become very bitter if,
themselves innocent of the dispute, they have to stand by with their
production falling while the two unions fight it out.
Prof. Sylvester Petro of New York University, a lawyer,
attacked the jurisdictional fight, or "job-seeking aggression" as
he termed it, as being based on the erroneous idea that the
union has a "proprietary interest" in the type of work they seek
to control; such attitudes impair the ability of the economy to
be progressive.
"Jurisdictional disputes are more dramatic than important," ex-
plained AFL lawyer David Previant. His theory was that they com-
prised less than one per cent of the total work stoppages and besides
some employers encourage them for selfish reasons.
But it is suggested that in industrial harmony as in marital
harmony, the "little" things count. Jurisdictional disputes, though
small, are annoying, and do their part in destroying 'the subjective
mutual respect that should exist in order to succeed at the bargaining
* * * *
THE GOVERNMENT had industrial peace as one of its objectives
when it passed the controversial Taft-Hartley Act of 1947. From
discussions at the Institute it is questionable whether such a goal has
been reached. The act has management approval for it has given
them new powers while restricting the unions. Labor attacks it for
the restrictions it imposes.
CIO general counsel Arthur J. Goldberg condemned the act
as a cause of recent anion difficulty in organizing new plants. "It
i because of laws like Taft-Hartley," said Victor G. Reuther,
UAW-CIO educational director, "that labor feels on the short end
of things when it comes to law and lawyers.
After two years' operation, it seems clear that the act is not a
"slave labor" bill, nor is it a "Magna -Carta" for employers. Non-

partisans at the institute criticized the act for trying to cover too
much territory and for its ambiguity. The fact that it is still a
political football, and will play a part in this fall's campaign, leaves
the longevity of the act stil a question.
It is interesting to note, as Otto Kahn-Freund of the London,
School of Economics points out, that in England most industrial pro4-
lems are untouched by law and are left to be worked out by the parties
involved. American industry is so complicated, with such varying,
fact situations, that one might wonder whether the law can hope
to cover all of the situations.
T IS CLEAR that labor and management have a long way to go
towards industrial cooperation. In America, unlike England, public
oninion dnoes not nlav a forceful role in this field. nrimarily because

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Summer Session, Room 3510 Admin-
the day preceding publication (11:00
istration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on
a.m. Saturdays).
SUNDAY, JULY 2, 1950
VOL. LX, No. 5-S
Attention: Aeronautical and Me-
chanical Engineering Students:
Mr. F. W. Long, of Curtiss-Wright
Propeller Division, Caldwell, New
Jersey, will interview Aeronautical
and Mechanical engineers; gradu-
ate and bachelor degrees, on
Thursday, July 6, 1950, in Room
1521 East Engineering Bldg. Sign
interview schedule on Aero bulle-
tin board,
Tickets for "The Corn Is Green"
and all other plays of the Depart-
ment of Speech summer series will
be on sale at the Mendelssohn
Theatre box office tomorrow from
10 a.m. through 5 p.m. Box of-
fice closed July 4. Phone 6300 for
Women's Judiciary Council an-
nounces that the closing hour on
July 3, 1950 for undergraduate
women will be 12:30 a.m. Callers
must leave women's residences by
12:25 a.m. Regular 11:00 p.m. clos-
ing hour will be in effect July 4th.

Michigan Historical Collections.
160 Rackham Building. A Century
of Commencements.
Clements Library. One Hundred
Michigan Rarities (June 26-July
Museum of Art, Alumni Memor-
ial Hall: Modern Graphic Art;
Oriental Ceramics; through July
30; weekdays 9-5, Sundays 2-5.
The public is invited.
Events Today
University Community Center,
Willow Village:
Sun., July 2, Village Church Fel-
lowship (interdenominational) :
10:45 a.m. Church Service and
Sunday School.
Coming Events
University Community Center,
Willow Village:
Mon., July 3, 8 p.m. Nursery
Health Committee Meeting.
U. of M. Young Republican Club
meeting Wed., July 6, 7:30 p.m.,
League. New summer members in-
vited at nominal dues. Plans will
be made for the Summer Session
and the coming campaign.
The Congregational, Disciple;
Evangelical and Reformed Guild.
6:00 supper atCongregational
Church. Dr. Wilbur McKeachie,
Department of Psychology will
speak on "The Psychology of Re-
The Lutheran Student Associa-
tion will meet at 5:30 p.m. in Zion
Lutheran Parish Hall, 309 East
Washington St. Prof. Isaac Alex-
ander of Andra Christian College
in India will speak on "The
Church in India." Prof. Alexander
is studying at Michigan in the
Symposium of Electronics.
Michigan Christian Fellowship;
4:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Rev. Harold
DeVries, pastor of Grace Bible
Church will speak on the subject:
"Heads or Hearts."
Christian Science Organization
holds its testimony meeting every
Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Up-
per Room, Lane Hall.
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw: Sunday Service at
10:30, with sermon by the pastor,
"Expositors of the Word."
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu-
dent Club: Supper and Program
at the Center, 1511 Washtenaw,
Sunday at 5:30. Talk and dis-
cussion, "Lutheranism and Psy-




Dr. Harlan Bloomer, Director of
the University of Michigan Speech
Clinic, will talk on the subject,
"Speech Correction for Children
with Cleft Palate," at Purdue Uni-
versity on Monday, July 3, 1950.
This lecture is in connection with
the summer program of the De-
partment of Speech and the
Speech Clinic at Purdue Univer-
sity under the direction of Dr.
Mack Steer.
Speech Assembly. Graduate sym-
posium: Rhetoric and Public Ad-
dress. Giles W. Gray, Director of
Speech Laboratory at Louisiana
State University, 4 p.m., East Con-
ference Room, Rackham Building.
Contemporary Arts and Society
Program. Lecture, 4:15 p.m., Ar-
chitecture Auditorium.
Lutheran Student Association-
The regular Tuesday Evening Dis-
cussion Group will meet Wednes-
day at 7:30 at the Center due to
a postponement because of the
Fourth of July.
Lecture in the Near East Insti-
tute Series: Professor Douglas D.
Crary will speak at 4:15 p.m., July
5, in Kellogg Auditorium on the
Geographical Reconnaissance of
the Near East. The lecture will be
illustrated with colored movies.
Organ Recital by Robert Noeh-
ren, University Organist, 4:15
Sunday afternoon, July 9, in Hill
Auditorium. Program will include
works by. Buxtehude, Bach, Kam-
inski, Schroeder, Finney, Alain,
and Messiaen, and will be open to
the general public without charge.
Recital Postponed: The recital
by Grace Hampton, soprano, pre-
viously announced for Wednesday,
July 5 in Architecture Auditorium,
has been postponed until Friday,
July 2$..
General Library, main lobby
cases. Contemporary literature
nd art (IJune 26-July 26).



Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Philip Dawson......Managing Editor
Marvin Epstein....:.....Sports Editor
Pat Brownson........women's Editor



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