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August 10, 1950 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1950-08-10

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National Health Insurance

RECENTLY an editorial which expounded
the virtues of a national health insur-
ance plan appeared in these columns. AW
sorts of facts and figures were quoted from
speakers on "The Quest for Social Security"
program. In the main, though, these remarks
came from two people, Nelson H. Cruikshank,
of the AFL, and Dr. Paul R. Hawley, direc-
tor of the American College of Surgeons.
Cruikshank supposedly upheld the "pro"
,Viewpoint, and Hawley the "con" viewpoint.
It is obvious, hpwever, that each of these
men is a member of a specific group, and
for that reason feels very strongly personally
about national health insurance. For aside
from wanting a health insurance plan spon-
sored by the government, several other
speakers on "The Quest for Social Security"
program - such as Harry Becker of the
UAW-CIO - felt that they and the groups
they represented were entitled to increased
pensions and various other benefits from the
These groups and speakers of course are
talking on the behalf of Labor, and it is
understandable why they make these re-
quests. If it is at all possible for them to
secure increases in pay or pensions, or
lighten the load workers must pay for me-
dical bills, then why should they not per-
sistently call for them?
Indeed, Mr. Becker was frank enough to
declare that there "will be no limit to the
demands of Labor-that they will continue
to grow greater proportionately as the stand-
ard of living climbs higher."
Granted that this is to be expected as the
living standards of the nation become bet-
ter; but whether there should be no limit, to
the demands of Labor is another matter.
Hence, it is not too difficult to perceive
on what side of the fence Labor stands.
Health insurance, and anything else that will
make the laborer a little more secure, are
the goals which Labor leaders are espousing.
On the other side of the fence, though,
are such groups as doctors, which Dr.
Hawley represents, and industry. Almost
universally their views are in direct op-
position with those of Labor. And for
eqjually understandable reasons. For the
concessions industrialists must make to
Labor will in the main detract from their
dwn profits or rights; and for doctors to
champion health insurance would be in-
deed paradoxical, in this country.
It is especially significant that cries for
lhealth insurance are so prevalent now. Of
course, its proponents will argue that it has
been sought for decades, but the point re-
mains that never before in the history of the
United States was the time so ripe for har-
vesting this field of public aid by govern-,
Even Labor leaders will concede this, for
they admit that each year their wishes are
receiving more and more attention.
Health insurance is merely another of the
goals which Labor would like to attain. It
proponents argue that the poverty-stricken
In this country, and even many in the mid
dle-classes, need national health insurance.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
Rand represent the views of the writers only.

This is a matter which can only be answer-
ed by careful and unbiased studies.
But regardless of whether the propo-
nents of health insurance are justified in
their claims, we should be most circum-
spect about endorsing any form of govern-
ment aid which is advocated as a pana-
cea. What will th ramifications of in-
creasing demands for federal aid be? If it
appears that these demands will lead to
difficulties in the future, how much long-
er can we continue in asking for them? Is
it healthy for individuals to seek to throw
off their own responsibilities, such as the
paying of doctor bills, by asking the gov-
ernment to assume them? Such questions
as these would be well worth considering
before we take any action on the matter.
In England ,where socialized medicine-a
relative to national health insurance -is in
effect, there is at least a segment of the
population who are dissatisfied with the
Just how similar national health insur-
ance, if adopted in this country, would be to
the socialized medicine of England, de-
pends on the particular plan we adopt. But
whatever the plan, it is reasonably safe to
assume that if it did not state from the out-
set that doctors would receive a standard
wage, decreed by the government, it would
eventually fall into this class.
That would certainly present at least one
big problem. For it is not likely that a coun-
try which now operates under the free en-
terprise system, and is clamoring for doctors,
would see an increase in the number of doc-
tors if it suddenly adopted national health,
wherein the doctor's salary would be deter-
mined by the government. More likely it
would discourage many a potential doctor
from entering the field.
It costs a good deal of time and money
even after he has received his M.D. He must
labriously work to build up a practice that
will return his investment.
But the realization that, should he make
good, he will gain the respect of his com-
munity as well as financial success, pro-
vides an incentive. Under national health,
this incentive will be gone, with doctors
being paid a set rate, or at least not hav-
ing the freedom to earn more than their
fellows if they are proportionately better.
Some plans do allow for this recognition
to be made, but the chances are not near-
ly so large, or so much in line with our
democratic way of life, as they are under
our present system.
Another argument against health insur-
ance is that it would tend to make us a na-
tion of prima-donnas. Though a level-headed
persontwill not rush to the doctor at the
slightest provocation simply because he does
not have to pay for the visit, there are many
who would be oVercome by the temptation.
National health insurance, therefore,
though it may sound like a dandy idea at
first, should be carefully scrutinized before
we accept it. Our system has functioned ra-
ther well thus far, and we should have some
pretty cogent ideas before we go about
changing it. Furthermore, the American Me-
dical Association is fully aware of the grow-
ing demands for health insurance; it would
accordingly be far better to bring pressure
on the AMA and have it voluntarily miti-
gate the objections to our present form of
medical care-such as unfair fees-than to
have the government step in and achieve
the same end by force.
-Larry Rothman

World War?
W HAT CONCERNS everybody nowadays is
whether the Korean situation will flare
into a major conflagration. Despite the pre-
sent bleak outlook which obviously rings an
inauspicious note, there is some cause for
optimism. Certainly, one can't take a Pang-
los position of "all is for the best in the best
of all possible worlds," but nevertheless cer-
tain facts are heartening.
Possibly we would be replying on con-
tingency rathr than on rational clair-
voyance if we did predict that there would
be no.World War III, at least for the next'
two years. Such a prophesy might force us
to face the repercussions of those words
(mainly, letters to the editor), but since
th- writer is 1-A, if a war is precipitated,
he won't be around anyway. Even more
possible: the readers won't be around.
The accumulating facts actually are in-
congrous with the popular opinion that we
are on the verge of war. The atomic bomb
paradcxicali stands in the way of hostility'
Both the U.S.S.R. and U.S. hegemonies are
cognizant of the fact that a third world wail
would have a devastating effect upon "hu-
man" society-not only materially but mor-
ally and socially.
Indeed the benefits which would accrue to
the victor, if there were a victor, are nebu-
lous in the minds of both the Russian and
American peoples. Surely, neither the caus
of democracy nor of communism would be
furthered under conditions of mass-suicide.
Secondly, the wily Stalin is not blind to
the fact that he can expedite an arm-chair
war in distant sectors of the globe. His pup',
pets are numerous, and to strain the Rus-
sian economy and to drain off Russian man-
power would be out of the question. We
might expect periodic coup d'etats, but not
active Russian participation. These out-
breaks would be designed to lessen American
prestige in international circles.
In addition, Russian policy from 1924 to
the present has been based upon the the-
ory that the capitalistic world will deter-
iorate without provocation on the part of
the Politburo. This policy may be modi-
fied in the face of our apparent economic
stability since the end of the last war, but
yet it appears that it will remain funda-
mentally the same.
Finally, the motive behind the Korean
war concerns China. Russia is very desirous
of admitting Communist China to the Se-
curity Council, as is apparent in Malik's
frenzied behavior. Unfortunately, it is higs
ly probable that our government and others
ultimately will be forced to acquiesce in
China's presence in the Security Council in
order to stave off what might be the com-
plete fall of the UN. Another factor is the
preservation of human life in Korea. A com
promise which seems to be imminent is the
withdrawal of Korean Communists to the
38th parallel and the subsequent admission
of the Chinese Comrades in the Security
At any rate, for us there is no other alter-
native than to hearken to our sense of self-
preservation, secure our economy, and mo-
bilize to an expedient degree. We must pre-
pare for an improbable but not impossible
war and at the same time work diligently f
peace. -Cal Samra

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Rearming Germany
AP Foreign Affairs Analyst
rrHE TREND TOWARD inclusion of Western Germany as a full
partner in the European defense system is growing.
Already there is practical agreement among the allies, ex-
pected to find formal expression at the forthcoming Foreign
Ministers Conference, on relaxation of industrial controls so that
Germany can start producing materials for the new armies Eur-
ope is planning.
So far, these relaxations are not intended to apply to guns and
other actual weapons, but to trucks, ships and other non-shooting
supplies which are just as- vital to modern armies.
BUT THERE IS growing demand, too, for al-out German war pro-
duction of the type which permitted that one country to threaten
all of Europe in two great wars. And also for actual rearmament of
Germany itself.
Allied military authorities in Europe are reported virtually agreed
that the full military strength of Germany is needed. As one put it:
"We can try to defend Western Europe or we can pray the Russians
will not attack. If we are going to defend, we must use the Germans.
If we don't want to use them, we had better start praying."
On the allied side, although many elements disagree, the
French government is the big holdback. And in all quarters there
is a harking back to the postwar agreement that Germany would
never be permitted to rearm. But as this column has pointed out
so often, all such concepts are subject to the pressures of new
There is a holdback in Germany, too. Lots of Germans feel that,
since they are contiguous to the Russian sphere, Germany would be
lost anyway and German troops would merely be cannon fodder for
protection of the other Western countries. It would be understand-
able, too, if part of thee German government's reluctance on the sub-
ject is partly due to concern for its own position. Present leaders
are well aware of the historical ability of Germany's military tail to
wag the dog in times of crisis, whichm eans that the real power would
shift from the government to the military.
IN SPITE OF ALL THIS, widespread agitation continues. British re-
presentative at the Council of Europe meeting in Strasbourg has
just suggested that a rearmed Germany be made a full partner in the
defense program.
Winston Churchill is expected to re-emphasize that point to-
day, probably suggesting that new German divisions be incor-
porated in the present allied occupation forces.
France, instead of wanting German troops between herself and
Russia, is asking for more allied troops in Germany, particularly
American. She wants assurance that she will not again be occupied,
that the allied objective will be to hold Europe, not reconquer it,
after a Russian sweepthrough. Too, if there were enough allied troops
to neutralize any possible German threat while-a German army ex-
isted, France might change her mind about rearmament.

"Think This Crop Is Worth Saving?"




A fter Kor
WASHINGTON-Until the Korean ques-
tion is settled, nothing can be settled.
Out it is timely that Trygve Lie, United a .
tions Secretary-General, has seized the pre
sent crisis .to rail attetiQn to the: problei
that might be termed:
"After Korea--What?"
While his annual report to the United
Nations General Assembly, which meets
again in New York beginning Sept. 19, is
addressed to all member nations, it has
particular application to a current psy-
chological situation among our own peo-
ple. This is disturbing, though fully un-
The naked, brutal Communist aggression
has stirred our people to a high pitch of ten-
sion, as such acts always have, which iA
intensified by our military reverses thus far,
This is reflected in fiery letters pouring into
Congress which, unless curbed, could blind
us to the long-range necessities upon whiclh'
our own national security and the peace of
the world depend.
KOREA CAN BE a beginning of a new era
under a strengthened UN in which our
leadership can be notable. Or it can be the
start of continually heightened tensior
which, unless patience and restraint are ex-
ercised all around, will lead inevitably to a
third World War. As Trygve Lie put it in
little different words:
"Once peace is restored in Korea, it will
then be more important than ever that a
new attempt should be made to resume the
process of negotiation, mediation and con-
ciliation for the settlement of conflicts
that divide the world and threaten to con- ,
lemn us to a third World War.
"Peace is what we must work for-peace,
not war, not only in Korea but in the whole
rVHE* UN *ertr-eeal ~nn7Plt

rea What?


and successful from the present
its strength and influence will be

irbmeasurably enhanced, and the world
will be much closer 'to lasting peace than
at any time since 1945.'"
Our people, who have exhibited much
faith in the UN, can be most helpful there.
We will see the Korean ,ordeal through to
the end, which is the first objective. We will
see it through to the freeing of South Korea
from the North Korean aggressor, as the UN'
ordained, and the establishment in co-opera-
tion with the UN of a satisfactory status for
Korea in the family of nations. At the same
time we will equip ourselves against the pos-
sibility of future aggressive acts-or general
war. We will not compromise or be moved by
any fake peace gestures by Russia to settle
the Korean matter on any' terms other than
those the UN has adhered to.
MEANWHILE, We CAN push forward to-
ward repairing the omissions in the UN
itself which Trygve Lie pointed out again-
the most immediate need being the creation
of a permanent international police force.
On this and other ways of implementing the
UN, as provided by its charter, our people
have been far ahead of our leaders. We mut
remind our leaders now of our insistence.
For they will have an opportunity soon
to raise their voices to the whole world in
the UN General Assembly-"The parlia-
ment of the world," as Senator Vanden-
berg (Republican, Michigan), called it-
representative of all members, unlike the
Security Council which now has become a
tug of war among the great powers at
Lake Success.
The UN General Assembly meeting could'
be the occasion of a united stand by all
member nations who have joined us against
the Korean aggression. It could be a show
of intention and d vnlni',+iry,,ns ..-d

THE STANLEY QUARTET played the final
performance Tuesday evening in their
current series. At this point a few general-
izations might be in order: remarks about
performance, interpretation, and the status
of American chamber music. This last con-
sideration was prompted by hearing, in close.
succession; three chamber w Xsq writ tn Syr
American composers who hold positions as
Professors of Music in various American
schools. Two of these works , Alvin Etler's'
Piano Quintet and Quincy Porter's Quartet
No. 8 were composed this year; Ross Lee
Finney's Quartet in A Minor was composed
three years ago. We have had, then, an op-
portunity to experience the latest styles and
assess the most recent trends.
Stylistically the three works showed sim-
ilar characteristics: percussive scherzos,
"lean and athletic" (Tovey's phrase);
endless melodies endlessly developed, and
extensive use of unharmonized unison
passages. These are not, of course, in
themselves faults; it is when they are the
devices by which musical material of lim-
ited possibilities is ponderously elaborated
that they become the earmarks of a for-
malistic sterility. If we were struck by one
thing, it was this lack of fertile invention,
of really seminal musical ideas. No ingenu-
ity of development can sustain interest in
music which shows no organic growth
or structural inevitability. These are
big phrases which certainly de-
These are ,big phrases which certainly de-
mand qualification beyond the limits of a
brief review; however, they are offeied as
evidence that we have listened carefully
to these works, and that our attitude to-
ward them is not the result of a Philistine
dislike of modern music, or a downright
irascibility of the smart-aleck variety.
To return to the problems of performance
and interpretation, we should like to com-
mend the Stanley Quartet on its consistently
developing musicianship: each performance
seemed to us a definite advance in close en-
semble work and tonal balance. This seemed
to us most evident in the Beethoven Rasou-
movsky Quartets which were played with in-
creasing technical prowess and deeper mu-

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Summer Session, Room 3510 Admin-
istration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on
the day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
VOL. LX, No. 32-S
Recommendations for Depart-
mental Honors: Teaching depart-
ments wishing to recommend ten-
tative August graduates from the
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and the School of Educa-
tion for departmental honors
should recommend such students
in a letter to be sent to the Regis-
trar's Office, Room 1513 Adminis-
tration Building before August 24.
Attention August Graduates:
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, School of Education,
School of Music, School of Public
Students are advised not to re-
quest grades of I or X in August.
When such grades are absolutely
imperative, the work must be made
up in time to allow your instructor
to report the make-up grade not
later than .11 a.m., August 24.
Grades received after that time
may defer the student's graduation
until a later date.
Edward G. Groesbeck
Wanted: American Professors to
teach in Japanese Universities for
two years beginning April, 1951.
Subjects to be taught are English
aanguage, literature, social sci-
ences, natural sciences, physical
sciences, education, music, and li-
brary science. College graduate,
preferably with Ph.D. degree, and
teaching experience in an Ameri-
can college or university. For fur-
ther information please call at Bu-
reau of Appointments, 3528 Ad-
ministration Building.
The Elgin, Joliet and Eastern
Railway Company has an opening
for . radua ex ivl engineer for
which 'no practical experience is
The Riley Stoker Corporation of
Worcester, Massachusetts, makers
of fuel burning and steam genera-
ting equipment, have a few open-
ings for mechanical engineers for
their sales training program.
The Colgate - Palmolive - Peet
Company has a few openings for
chemical engineers for their In-
dustrial Engineering Division. Ap-
plication blanks may be picked up
at the Bureau of Appointments.
For further information about
the above positions please call at
the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Administration Building.
Students having in their posses-
sion books borrowed from the Gen-
eral Library or its branches are
notified that such books are due
Monday, August'14.
Students having special need for
certain books between August 14
and August 19 may retain suchi
books for that period by renewing1
them at the Charging Desk. i
The names of all students whoi
have not cleared their records at
the Library by Friday, August 18,
will be sent to the Cashier's Office
and their credits and grades will]
be withheld until such time as said
records are cleared in compliance
with the regulations of the Re-1
"Law School Admission Test.1
Candidates taking the Law School
Admission Test, August 12 are re-7
quested toreport to room 100;
Hutchins Hall at 8:45 a.m. Satur-
day fr the morning session. The
afternoon session will begin at1
1:45 p.m. Candidates must be pre-

at 4 p.m. in Room 247 West Engi-
neering Building. Professor R. C.
F. Bartels will speak on "Water
waves on Sloping Beaches."
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Walter
Wataru Wada, Physics; thesis:
" T h e Penomenological Neutral
Vector Meson Field", Friday, Aug-
ust 11, West Council Room, Rack-
ham Bldg., at 2 p.m. Chairman,
E. S. Lennox.
Doctoral Examination for Law-
rence Melsen DeRidder, Educa-
tion; thesis: "Selected Fautors Re-
lated to the Academic Achieve-
ment of Probationary Students
Graduated in 1948 from the Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and
the Arts of the University of
Michigan," Friday, August 11,
East Counci Room, Rackham
Bldg., at 3 p.m. Chairman, H. C.
Doctoral Examination for Donald
Gordon Duncan, Mathematics;
thesis: "Some Results in Little-
wood's Algebra of S-Functions,"
Friday, August 11, 3006 Angell
Hall, at 3 p.m. Chairman, R. M.
Doctoral Examination for Clara
Marie Behringer, Speech; thesis:
"A History of the Theatre in Ann
Arbor, Michigan, from its begin-
nings to 1904", Thursday, August
10, East Council Room, Rackham
Bldg., at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, H.
Z. Norton.
Student Recital: Helen Maday
McAlister, pianist, will be heard at
8:30 Thursday evening, August 10,
in the Rackham Assembly Hall,
presenting a program in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the Master of Music degree. A pu-
pil of Joseph Brinkman, Mrs. Mc-
Alister will play compositions by
Bach, Chopin, Ravel, and Brahms.
The recital will be open to the
Student Recital: Emma Jo Bow-
les, student of organ with Robert
Noehren, will present a program at
8:30 Thursday evening, August 17,
in Hill Auditorium, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for
the Master of Music degree. The
recital was previously announced
for Tuesday, August 15, but has
been changed to August 17. It will
include compositions by Buxtehude
and Bach, and will be open to the
String Quartet Class, under the
direction of Gilbert Ross and Paul
Doktor, will be heard at 4:15
Thursday, August 10, in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall. The program
will include Haydn's Quartet in G
minor, Op. 74, No. 3, played by
Charlotte Saikowski and Shirley
Sullivan, violinists, Kurt Schuster,
violist, and Donald Carlson, cellist;
Beethoven's Quartet in F minor,
Op. 95, played by Alfred Boying-
ton and James Vandersall, violin-
ists, Emile Simonel, violist, and'
George Webber, cellist. The gener-
al public is invited.
Carillon Recital by Percival
Price, 7:15 this evening. The pro-;
gram will include the Serenade1
from Mozart's Don Giovanni, In-
termezzo from Cavaliera Rusticana
by Mascagni, and Caro nome, from
Verdi's Rigoletto; three composi-
tions for carillon by Bender,a
Mees, and Lawson, and a group of1
French, Croatian, and British folk
Student Recital: James Chap-..
man, organist, will present a pro-
gram in Hil Auditorium, at 8:301

Auditorium, has been postponed.
The exact date will be announced
in the fall.
Student Recital: Sister Thomas
Gertrude Brennan will present a
piano recital at 4:15 Friday after-
noon, August 11, in the Rackham
Assembly Hall, in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the
degree of Master of Music. A pupil
of John Kollen, Sister Thomas
Gertrude will play compositions by
Bach, Schubert, Brahms, and
Beethoven. The public is invited.
General Library, mainllobby
cases. "Trochiledae, Family of
Humming Birds," by John Gould,
supplement, 1887. (July 27-August
Museum of Archaeology. From
Tombs and Towns of Ancient
Museums Building. Rotunda ex-
hibit, "The Coal Flora of Michi-
gan." Exhibition halls, "Jungle
Arts, Crafts, and People."
Law Library. Legal cartoons
(basement,, July 24-August 18) .,
Michigan Hi storical ColIectio'n
160 Rackhanm Building. "Tourists
in Michigan-Yesterday and To-
Museum of Art. Oriental ceram-
ics (June 26-August 15). Modern
graphic art. (July 2-August 15).
Clements Library. Michigan rar-
ities. (August 1-18).
Events Today
Deutsches Haus, 1101 Church
Street, will hold its last "Open
House" of the summer Thursday,
August 10, from 7:30 to 10 p.m.
At 8:00 Prof. Henry W. Nordmey-
er, professor of German and chair-
man of the German Department,
will be the speaker. All German-
speaking faculty and students are
cordially invited. Refreshments.
Classical Studies Coffee Hour:
The last meeting of the summer
will be held on Thursday, August
10 at 4 p.m. in the West Confer-
ence Room of the Rackham Build-
ing. Students of the department
and their friends are invited to be
Seminar in Applied Mathematics
will meet Thursday, August 10 at
4 p.m. in Room 247 West Engi-
neering Building. Professor R. C.
F. Bartels will speak on "Water
waves on Sloping Beaches."
"The Great Adventure" a com-
edy in four acts presented by the
Department of Speech tonight
through Saturday night at Lydia

Thursday or Friday, 6-7 p.m. if
you are going.
Astronomical Colloquium. Friday,
August 11, at 4 p.m. at the Ob-
servatory. Spe ker -Dr. G. C. Mc-
Vittie, Professor of Mathematics,
Queen Mary College, London Eng-
land. Subject:. "Interpretation of
Observations in Cosmological The-
Visitors' Night, Department of
Astronomy, Friday, August 11, 8:30,
to 10 p.m. .at the Observatory
(across from the University Hos-
pital). The Observatory will be op-
en for observation of Star Clusters
and Jupiter. If the sky is not clear,
the visitors' night will be canceled.
Children must be accompanied by
Dr. Ralph Rabinovitch, Neuro-
psychiatric Institute, University
Hospital wil be our psychiatrist
consultant at the case clinic Fri-
day, August 11, at the Fresh Air
Camp, Pinckney, Michigan.
The subject of the University
M&useums program for Friday eve-
ning, August 11, 195 0will be
"Jungle Arts, Crafts, and- People."
iOx' ro p ta ientitled,
n "alay Peninsula" will be
shon'fnKellogg Auditorium at
7:30 p.m. Related exhibits will be
on display at the University Mu-
seums building from 7 to 9 p.m.
Now Texas can add to its boasts
at least for the next ten years. It
has the biggest city in the South.
Houston has justL taken on that
title, a courtesy of the 1950 cen-
sus, and you can bet it will make
the most of it.
-The Baltimore Sun



Fifty-Ninth Year.=
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in. Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Philip Dawson........Managing Editor
Peter Hotton........... .City Editor
Marvin Epstein ........Sports -Editor
Pat Brownson......Women's Editor
Business Staff
Roger Wellington....Businss Manager


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