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August 10, 1950 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1950-08-10

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House Votes
Standby Bill
For Truman
Economy Control
Made 'Selective'
House overwhelmingly v ot e d
standby price-wage-rationing po-
wers for President Truman into
the Administration's more limited
economic control bills yesterday.
The voice vote on the amend-
ment was not the last word but
it was strong enough to make the
chances of success look mighty
thin for any opponent who in-
sists on a roll call on the point
ACTION ON the new section of
the measure came as the House
pressed forward in an attempt to
dispose of the whole bill last night,
if possible, or today at the latest.
The decision came after ad-
vocates of a "trigger" system
for automatic consumer con-
trols gave up and helped push
for passage of a wholly discre-
tionary plan worked out by the
Banking Committee.
The Committee got the job of
finding a compromise after the
House worked for a week and got
nowhere on the President's re-
quest for authority to fight in-
flation and give priority to de-
fense needs.
THE ONLY curbs on the Presi-
dent's discretion for price-wage-
rationing rules under the section
adopted yesterday are these:
1. A recommendation - but
not a direction - that he first
try to hold down inflation through
voluntary agreements.
2. A provision that if a "sub-
stantial" part of retail prices have
gone under control, wages must
be curbed.
The House quit soon after the
decision on prices, wages and ra-
tioning, leaving parts of the bill
to be finished up today.
Hook Rejected
By Senate
WASHINGTON-(P)-Without a
record vote, the Senate yesterday
rejected President Truman's nom-
ination of Frank E. Hook, former
Michigan Democratic Congress-
man, as a member of the Motor
Carrier Claims Commission.
Senator Ferguson (Rep-Mich),
who was opposed by Hook in the
1948 election, was the only sena-
tor to speak before the vote. He
opposed confirmation. Ferguson
also announced that Senator
Vandenberg (Rep-Mich), absent
because of illness, joined him in
President Truman appointed a
new five-member board for the
Reconstruction Finance Corpora-
tion, dropping Chairman Harley
Those reappointed were William
E. Willett of Maryland and Walter
Lee Dunham of Michigan.

SAILING FOR DENMARK~-Four American students, who plan
to study Danish folk customs under the sponsorship of the Lisle
Fellowship, were witness to a mystifying incident aboardthe
Polish liner, Batory, on which they sailed from New York. Left
to right they are: Alfred Neelands of Clawson, Mich., Mrs. and
Mr. Robert T. Jordan of Denver, Colo., and Margaret E. Hansen
of Yakima, Wash.
IBatory PDicks Up U..S.
Pilot in Mystery Incident
* (* *

On their way to Europe to study'
Danish folk customs under the
sponsorship of the Lisle Fellow-
ship of Ann Arbor, four American
students were witness to an inci-
dent that has left the Justice and
State Departments puzzled.
According to the Associated
Press Pilot William Jesse Newton
of New York yesterday landed his
rented seaplane more than 100
miles out in the Atlantic near the
Polish liner Batory, on which the
four students were traveling The
vessel picked up pilot and plane
and proceeded with them to South-
ampton, England, after the Coast
British Atom
Secrets Stolen
LONDON - (AP)- Tight secrecy
surrounded a hunt last night for
a briefcase full of atomic secrets
stolen from a British scientist.
A large brown suitcase, whose
contents included the briefcase,
was taken from a first class com-
partment of the London-Blackpool
train Tuesday.
It belonged to Frank Miller
Greenless, a member of the Minis-
try of Supply's- Atomic Energy
Production Division at Risley.
Greenless first was reported to
be an American, but the United
States Embassy had never heard
of him. The Ministry of Supply,
which heads up Britain's atomic
program, confirmed that Greenless
is British. Scotland Yard has join-
ed in the hunt.
Approve Transfer
Of BelgianRule
BRUSSLS-(P)--The Belgian
Chamber of Deputies last night
approved the transfer of King
Leopold's constitutional powers to
his 19-year-old son, Prince Bau-

Guard refused the skipper's re-
quest to take Newton off the ship.
*4 * *
THE VESSEL has been closely
watched by U.S. officials ever since
German Communist Gerhard Eis-
ler jumped bail and escaped from
this country aboard the Batory in
May, 1949. Officials have not yet
been able to determine whether
Newton's landing was by accident
or design.
Newton held a passport issued
by the American embassy in
Mexico in January, 1947. George
Lambros, Jr., who rented the cub
piper seaplane to Newton Tues-
day, said Newton had told him
he wanted the plane to fly for a
few minutes.
The only curious request Newton
made, Lambros stated, was for a
lifejacket. Then he took off and
disappeared over, the horizon.
with 582 other passengers, had a
first-hand view of the incident
were Alfred Neelands of Clawson,
Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Robert T.
Jordon of Denver, Colo., and Mar-
garet E. Hansen of Yakima, Wash.
The Lisle Fellowship, sponsoring
the group, was founded by DeWitt
C. Baldwin, now director of Lane
Hall. The students will work under
the Danish Lisle Fellowship, the
first and only active foreign unit
of Lisle, founded by Agae Nielson,
through his contact with Baldwin.
A special program of intensive
traiping in Danish customs, tra-
ditions, history, language and
methods and group techniques has
been arranged for the group. They
will spend three months in private
homes in Demnark and five
months in folk schools in various
parts of the country.
Taylor Trails
Clark in Idaho
Senate Race
By The Associated Press
Incumbent Glen H. Taylor was
still trailing former Senator D.
Worth Clark last night in their
see-saw battle for Idaho's Demo-
cratic six-year term Senate nom-
ButClark's lead was cut below
1,000 late yesterday as returns
from Tuesday's primary rolled in
from outlying districts. Earlier in
the day Clark had a margin of
over 1,400.
Returns from Nebraska's Tues-
day primary showed another
nip-and-tuck race, this one for
the Democratic Governorship
nomination. A state canvassing
board may have to decide the
winner between former State
Legislator Walter R. Raecke and
former Rep. Terry Carpenter.
Republican Gov.yVal Petersen
won renomination easily and all
the state's four' congressmen were

Malik May
TakePart in
Secret Talk
LAKE SUCCESS-(P)--Russia's
Jakob A. Malik agreed tentatively
yesterday to meet other members
of the UN Security Council in a
secret session here today to discuss
the Council's stalmate on the Kor-
ean issue.
This was disclosed last night
after a two-hour meeting of non-
Communist members of the Secur-
ity Council in the British delega-
tion ocice.
* * *
A BRITISH spokesman said Ma-
lik had agreed "in principle" to at-
tend the meeting behind closed
doors today but he would not say
that Malik definitely would be
The session today will be held
in advance of an open meeting
scheduled for 1 p.m. (CS.T.) The
British spokesman would not say
what time the closed meeting
will be held.
Before the secret meeting yes-
terday afternoon it was disclosed
that the United States and Britain
have decided against any move to
eject Malik from the presidency of
the Security Council at this time.
* * *
A BRITISH spokesman said that
his delegation does not believe it
is legally possible to make such a
move now. Other sources said the
Americans did not believe it was
necessary to take such strong mea-
sures at this time.
Ernest A. Gross, number two U.S.
delegate on the Security Council,
attended the closed session yester-
day with John C. Ross, another
delegate, and James N. Hyde, an
advisor to the U.S. delegation. All
other Council delegates were pres-
ent except Malik, the President of
the Council for August, and the
Yugoslav delegate.
Senate Passes
New Bills on
WASHINGTON - () -- Con-
gress moved fast yesterday to stack
up more lawbook defenses against
spies, plotters and loose-tongued
government employes.
The Senate passed three such
bills, among them one which
would make it possible for the
government to keep any suspected
subversive alien - even a diplo-
mat - from entering the United
THE HOUSE Un-American Ac-
tivities Committee moved beyond
President Truman's recommenda-
tions in laying its plans for a se-
curity crackdown on Communists
and seditionists.
The Senate passed its three
anti-subversion bills without a
single objecting vote. One of
them would authorize the death
penalty for peacetime spying on
behalf of a foreign government.
Another would give the heads
of so-called sensitive government
agencies power to fire or suspend
employes regarded as "bad se-
curity risks."
The third, approved late in the
day, would insert drastic new ex-
clusion powers in the immigration
laws. Admission could be refused
Communists, Fascists, Anarchists,
and anybody else who might seek
to come into the country for sub-
versive purposes. The measure

also would make it easier to de-
port suspected aliens already here.1

U.S. Formosa
Poicy Static
mm Harriman
rell Harriman, White House For-
eign Affairs Co-Ordinator, re-
turned yesterday from conferences
with General Douglas MacArthur
in Tokyo to assure the world there
is "no sign of change whasoever"
in United States policy toward
His flying mission, capped off
by this declaration at a news con-
ference, was summed up by some
authorities as an attempt to end
needless confusion on this point.
IT REPORTEDLY involved an
effort by President Truman to
make sure that MacArthur had
implied no secret commitments of
American political support to Gen-
eralissimo Chiang Kai-Shek when
MacArthur visited him on For-
mosa last week. Harriman said
MacArthur and Chiang discussed
"entirely military matters."
The United States policy, Har-
riman said, stands just where it
was when President Truman an-
nounced June 27 that Formosa
mtst not be allowed to fall to the
Chinese Communists. In other
words, it is strictly defensive and
neither recognizes Chiang's hold
on the island as necessarily per-
manent nor contemplates devel-
opment of the island as a base
for Chinese Nationalist attack on
the Communist mainland.
Report USSR
Ships Go East
NEW YORK-(AP)-Russia is re-
ported assembling drydocks, mer-
chant vessels and supplies at Vlad-
ivostok, right on Korea's door-
A study released today by the
American Merchant Marine Insti-
tute reports a large number of
Soviet vessels of all types have
been sailing out of Baltic and
Black Sea ports to the Soviet's
chief Siberian seaport, less than
100 miles from Korea.
"This heavy move'ment by wa-
ter could mean the Trans-Siber-
ian Railroad is fully occupied with
the transportation of military ma-
terials," the institute said.

_ J

BRIEF RESPITE--While other gun crews man their stations and load guns in background, these
First Cavalry Division artillerymen line up for cigarette and candy rations at their firing position
to the rear of the Korean battle line.

U.S. Troops Drive Back
up into the hills yesterday chasing after a battalion of North Koreans
who had slipped across the Naktong River to the allied east side.
By nightfall the doughboys had driven the Communists back to
the water's edge. -
4 , * *
THE NORTH KOREANS waded through the river shallows last
night two miles below Waegwan and penetrated three miles. They
were then isolated on a ridge some nine miles from the vital city of
Taegu by a battalion of the first
U.S. Cavalry Division. It had been
Bylheld in reserve for just such a
ZIIL 1 MI yFor about four hours the in-
S us vaders' fire blocked the road
from Waegwan to Taegu. They
Be Deferred had good observation posts, atop
a 1,200-foot ridge and they could
reach the highway with ma-
WASHINGTON - () - Selec- chinegun, mortar and howitzer
tive Service Headquarters yester- fire.
day authorized draft boards to de- But the point-blank fire of 10
fer brainy students who have com- American light tanks and a con-
pleted at least a year of college tinuous shelling by tank artillery
and are planning to continue their and infantry mortars forced the
andarcatinnntoniu theirall enemy to fall back as doughboys
education this fall. worked methodically up the ridge
The policy applies to students toward them. By 1:30 p.m. the
who were in the upper half of road was open and the Americans
their classes, scholastically, dur- were pushing the Communists
ing the last year in which they steadily back toward the Naktong
attended college. River.


Yank Attack
Opens Along
Naktong Line
North Koreans
Retake Yon gdok
By The Associated Press
TOKYO - American patrols
have reached the banks of the
Nam River, less than five miles
from Chinju, and the enemy re-
treat is now "in nature of a rout','
Gen. MacArthur's headquarters
said yesterday.
Reports to U. S. Eighth Army
headquarters said doughboys of
the Fifth Regimental Combat
Team and the 25th Infantry Di-
vision's 35th Regiment joined on
high ground that leads to within
two miles of the burned-out city.
The Communists had hoped to
drive from there eastward 55 air
miles to Pusan, the all-important
United Nations supply port.
Army intelligence reported that
the enemy was abandoning equip-
ment and falling back so fast they
were unable to go into prepared
ALONG THE Naktong River
line to the north, Americans
launched a new attack. Apparent-
ly they already had stalled a ma-
jor Communist offensive aimed at
punching through to the com-
munications center of Taegu. No
new crossings were reported dur-
ing Tuesday night and early yes-
terday morning.
But on the eastern end of the
United Nations northern front,
the Communists recptured the
rubbled town of Yongdok, east-
ern anchor position 90 miles
north of Pusan. They surged al-
most a mile southward past the
town which was defended by
South Korean troops, backed by
American and British navat I
In the southern offensive, the
Fifth Combat Team, in its efforts
to link up with the 35th, attacked
at midnight Tuesday in the second
major American night assault of
the war.
by the doughboys extends to with-
in two miles of Chinju. However,
it was not clear whether the Amer-
icans maintained a firm hand
over this territory.
Word reaching Eight Army
headquarters was that the Com-
munists May have strong positions
in these same hills farther west
of where the American units made
contact in the three-day old bat-
Allied fighter planes and light
bombers added to the confusion
in the Communist rear by
pounding Chinju during the
night and shooting up commun-
ications points and retreating
Communist columns.
The Marine pilots, flying World
War II developed Corsair fighters,
knocked out two 50-ton Russian-
built tanks, headquarters said.
White House
Mediates New
Rail Strike
plied threat of a major railroad

strike in the midst of the Korean
War crisis has brought the White
House in as mediator on the 40-
hour week demands of conductors
and trainmen.
The executive office first disclos-
ed yesterday that it has taken up
the case but without reporting its
new urgency.
Ore.) read the Senate a telegram
he said the heads of the two unions
sent to President Truman last Fri-
day. It urged government seizure
of the lines "in the national inter-
est and to avert a potential sub-
stantial interruption in essential
railroad transportation."
Morse read the telegram while
union heads and spokesmen for
the country's major carriers were
meeting at the White House
with John R. Steelmian;nvPrei-

* * *t
porary, designed to clarify the
situation for students who have
been planning to go on with their
education this fall. New and more
permanent policies may be adopt-
ed later.
Existing regulations already pro-
vide that a student who is ac-
tually attending school. may be
deferred until the end of the school
Yesterday's authorization to
draft boards is not mandatory. It
merely permits them to consider
granting deferments if they deem
it advisable.
File Appeal For
Bridges' Release
ney Wayne Collins, Counsel for
the American Civil Liberties Union
of Northern California, yesterday,
filed a petition with the U. S. Court
of Appeals demanding release ofI
Harry Bridges.

* * *
THE BATTLE was a daylong
uphill struggle fought on one of
the hottest days of the year. It
showed that trained American in-
fantry has the stamina to fight
North Koreans in this mountain-
goat country.
Praising the fighting spirit of
his men, Maj-Gen. Hobart R.
Gay, First Cavalry Division com-
mander, said he would welcome
more such enemy attacks.
"We were ready for them," he
said, "and hoped to flush them out
like pheasants. I don't know how
many we killed but we will (know)
tomorrow morning.
more trying to come across the
river-and I hope they do. I don't
want to discourage them from
fighting the first cavalry division."
In the battalion command post
--a concrete railway culvert-
Capt. William J. Gillespie, Bing-
hamton, N.Y., was calling for ar-
tillery on a corner of the hill.
Tonight a weary but victorious
American infantry battalion waits
in the heights for the enemy to try
fresh river crossings.

Ragweed Pollen Arrives
To Add to Exam Troubles

From 25 to 35 per cent of the
student population of Ann Arbor
is collecting handkerchiefs in
preparation for the peak of the
hay fever season next week, ac-
cording to Dr. Warren E. For-
sythe, director of the Health Ser-
August 15 is the classical date
which hay fever sufferers loathe;
on that date the giant ragweed
pollen which causes the most ir-
ritation reaches its greatest abun-

ma. Many are also sensitive to
such foods as strawberries,
which produce hives.
Hay fever victims may expect
to clutch their kleenex for about
a month, or until the first frost,
but they should have started
treatment last winter, Dr. For-
sythe said.
"THEY SHOULD have had
tests then to discover what they
are allergic to, and began a series
of desensitization injections," he

Daredevils Will Perform 'High' Jinks at Air Fair

Aero-hijinks will reign supreme
at the third International Air
Fair which will open tomorrow and
run through Sunday at the Wayne
County Airport.
Sponsored by the Aero Club of
Michigan, the gala three-day fes-
tival will feature Army, Navy and
National Guard flying units; circus
stunt teams, and flying aerobats.
The gates will open at 9 a.m. and

should be' able to get a clear
view of the daredevils as they
whip by.
There will be three heats tomor-
row, two more Saturday and the
finals on Sunday.
and Bevo Howard top the list of
aerobats. Miss Skelton, who has
gained national fame through a

Caro Bailey, an Air Force reserve
lieutenant who flew B-25s during
World War II, specializes in low
level stunting.
Bevo Howard, six times winner
of the men's aerobatic champion-
ships at Miami, is the proud owner
of one of America's outstanding
stunt planes, a Buecher-Jungmeis-
.* * *

There will be fly-overs by several
types of combat craft, including
jet fighters, and other military ex-
hibitions in the air and on the
To avoid the traffic problem,
Ann Arborites are urged by the
Aero Club to use the expressway to
reach the airport.
Tickets for the gala show may be

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