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August 06, 1950 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1950-08-06

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.. _..

Health Insurance Plans

looming as an important election issue,
and of vital concern to many people, we
were fortunate in having the issues on the
subject clarified recently by three authori-
ties, on the program of the lecture series on
"The Quest for Soucial Security."
There can be no argument that our pre-
sent system adequately enables all classes
to obtain necessary medical care without
placing undue burdens onethe victims.
Nelson H. Cruikshank, an AFL social in-
surance official who spoke in favoreof pub-
lic health insurance, quoted figures develop-
ed by the American Medical Association's
Bureau of Medical Economics to the effect
that in 1939 a self-supporting family could
not afford a full maesure of medical care
until its income went over $3,000 per year,
or $5,000 at present dollar values. That unex-
pected medical costs can financially wreck
large numbers of families is pretty obvious
when we realize that the average income in
the U.S. is $3,200.
The great desire on the part of fami-
lies for some form of protection against
these unexpected setbacks led to the birth
of various private health insurance plans.
But the way these plans are set up makes
them unable to provide protection for the
people who need it most.
According to Cruikshank there are 26 mil-
lion people afflicted with chronic diseases
and another 11 million people over 65 who
are considered bad risks and are not allowed
to participate in most of the private plans.
For those who can get coverage the cost
is usually from $80 to $85 per year for a
family. But the average private insurance
plan only pays from 33% to 40% of a fam-
ily's annual doctor bills. Private plans pay
only one-sixth of the country's annual medi-
cal bill.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

Because most of the private insuranced
plans operate on an equal payment basis,
have relatively high rates, and can not
accept the people who need the protection
most, as they now function they are no tca-
pable of providing adequate comprehensive
protection. For this we must look elsewhere.
Is some form of public responsibility for
the costs of medical care the answer?
Dr. Paul R. Hawley, director of the Am-
erican College of Surgeons, didn't think so.
He attacked the belief among proponents
of public plans that their plans would be
better able to make use of preventive me-
dicine. In fact he denied that except in the
case of cancer there is any advantage at all
to preventive medicine. It just does not seem
possible that a person can't benefit from
periodic checkups through which diseases
can be detected in their infancy or antici-
pated and prevented. I wonder if Dr. Hawley
waits for the pain of a toothache before he
gets dental treatment.
Dr. Hawley's strongest objection to public
health insurance was that it would mean a
sacrifice of quality for quantity.
This is not necessarily true if a plan is
devised that will allow for competition
among doctors. As Otto Kahn-Freund, of
the London School of Economics explain-
ed, the British Health Service with its sys-
tem of per capita payments to doctors has
this feature. In order to obtain their max-
imum number of patients doctors have to
render a high quality of service, for if a'
patient feels there is something more to
be desired he is free to change doctors at
will. There is no reason to believe that an
American public health plan wouldn't in-
clude this feature.
Our private health insurance plans have
not been adequate and they are not likely
to be in the future. The British National
Health Service is succeeding. There is no
reason why an American public health plan
with administration costs as low as possible,
flagrant abusers subject to punishment, and
provisions for competition among doctors-
can not succeed.
-Paul Marx

Washington Merry- Go-Round

W ASHINGTON-The United States now
has definite evidence that Russian of-
ficers are leading North Korean troops in
battle, Maj. Gen. Lyman L. Lemnitzer, direc-
tor of milita-y assistance for the Defense
Department, told the House Foreign Affairs
Committee behind closed doors this week.
Lemnitzer declared that the Soviet of-
ficers are top-ranking generals who serve
as division commanders or higher.
"There is no question about it - they are
in the field and have been identified," the
Defense official reported.
Whether lesser Soviet officers down to
the rank of captain and lieutenant also are
seeing duty in Korea has not been determ-
ined, chiefly because we have taken so few
prisoners to date. We will know more about
this, Lemnitzer said, when we start driving
the North Koreans back and prisoners are
captured in larger numbers.
Lemnitzer predicted that the long-await-
ed push-back would be accelerated by sev-
eral factors:
1-Our own troop reinforcements, plus
the landing of 'additional tanks, planes, ar-
tillery and other equipment.
2-Help from our UN allies. We would be
getting help "soon," Lemnitzer said, but
didn't specify from the allies.
3-A change in the weather. Heavy rains,
approaching a monsoon, are expected to
subside soon, Lemnitzer reported. The
stormy, sloppy going has been a big advant-
age to North Korean native troops, and a
severe handicap to our planes.
* * *
yet, but President Truman's request for
another four billion dollars in arms aid is
just the first installment in an announced
plan to spend 20 billion dollars arming
Western Europe.
The plan has been laid before the North
Atlantic Council at a secret meeting in
London by Charles M. Spofford, the Amer-
ican delegate. However, no mention has
yet been made to the senators or Con-
gressmen who must appropriate the
Meanwhile, Secretary of Defense John-
son has warned senators privately to ex-
pect a total military budget of 30.5 billion
dollars, plus 4.5 billion dollars in foreign
economic aid. This is more than President
Truman requested for the entire govern-
ment including defense and foreign aid prior
to the Korean war.-
BRUISED EGO and faint hearts are
blocking President Truman's insistence
that Virginia's Martin Hutchinson be a
member of the Federal Trade Commission.
The bruised ego is that of efficient Sen.
Harv Bvrd. who i stmil rankled hasae

"In view of the Korean war, perhaps we had
better let the Hutchinson confirmation
fight drop..
Mr. Truman looked coldly at his Con-
gressional leaders and said:
"I don't know what the Korean war
has to do with Martin Hutchinson, a de-
cent man who worked his way through col-
lege, won top honors in his profession, and
has raised a family. I don't think the Kor-
ean wax has a thing to do with it, and I
want him confirmed."
Even after this lecture, Les Biffle has been
urging both Vice President Alben Barkley
and Senator Lucas to find a job for Hutchin-
son that won't require Senate confirmation.
JUST FIVE YEARS after Japan's surrend-
er, President Truman is now considering
a prbposal to reactivate five crack Japanese
divisions as a bulwark against Communism
in the Far East.
The suggestion to rearm our former ene-
mies was made by Senate majority leader
Scott Lucas at a private White House
conference. He was reminded, however,
that the new Japanese constitution pro-
hibits its people from bearing arms, and
would also violate the surrender terms of
the Japanese Army.
In contrast, Russia has put thousands of
ex-Nazis back into uniform and formed a
Communist army in East Germany - all in
defiance of the Potsdam agreements. In
fact, the backbone of the North Korean
Army is made up of Koreans who served in
the Japanese Manchurian Army which the
Russians were supposed to disarm. Instead,
Russia kept these Koreans under arms and
sent them first against the Nationalist
troops in China, now against American GI's
in Korea.
It probably would be impossible to equip
and indoctrinate a new Japanese army in
time to serve in Korea. However, General
MacArthur's headquarters might pick up
valuable information on Korea from the
Japanese who policed that country for 45
years. Many Japanese officers spent their
entire military careers in Korea, and are
experts particularly on Korean guerrilla
fighting - one of the chief problems haras-
sing American troops and supplies.
Though the American occupation army
consulted these Japanese experts in con-
nection with administering South Korea af-
ter V-J Day, General MacArthur has ignor-
ed them since the outbreak of the fighting.
Political leaders are uneasy about re-
activating Japanese divisions, for fear
world opinion might frown on it; also for
fear the Japs, themselves, might turn on
President Truman has agreed to take the
matter under advisement.

WASHINGTON-One of the problems fac-
ing the House Select Committee to In-
vestigate Lobbying Activities, as it seeks to
strengthen the existing, admittedly inade-
quate Lobby Registration Act, is whether to
include specifically in the act various types
of organizations, not now registered, which
some members insist are clearly in the lobby
They go under the designation of com-
mittees, councils, foundations, institutes, and
the like for this or that, claim education or
publishing objectives, and enjoy, for the
most part, exemption from taxation on one
ground or another. Their technique chiefly
is the publishing and distribution of pam-
phlets by the hundreds of thousands dealing
with matters before congress, but usually
with little or no information about who is
behind them and how they are financed. It's
a new sort of technique that is assuming
increasing importance.
Those explored by the committee are
alike in their anti-New Deal-Fair Deal at-
titude and in that their financial support
is largely from big corporate interests.
The exception is the Public Affairs Insti-
tute, which receives contributions from
labor organizations and says so specifically
in publications they finance. The head of
the Institute, Dewey Anderson, told the
committee he thought such organizations,
including his own, should come under the
Lobby Registration law.
The committee chairman, Rep. Buchanan,
(Democrat, Pennsylvania) has insisted that
backers of such organizations should be dis-
closed to the committee in the public inter-
est. This has met resistance from some or-
ganizations, among them the Committee for
Constitutional Government, directed by Ed-
ward A. Rumely. This group has distributed
a half million copies of John Flynn's "The
Road Ahead," the book which has been wide-
ly used in campaigns against Fair Deal can
didates in primaries, notably in the South.
AN INTERESTING organization delved in-
to by the committee, which got littlg
publicity, is the Foundation for Economic
Education, a deluxe sort of outfit with head-
quarters at Irvington-on-the-Hudson, N.Y.
It enjoys plentiful financial support from
many of the nation's blue-ribbon corpora-
tions and includes representatives of them
among its trustees, along with some eminent
economists of conservative caliber.
It puts out very handsome booklets that
give no clue to the foundation's financial
backers; among their targets are rent con-
trol, the Marshall Plan, Point 4, and TVA
-utilities are prominent in the founda-
tion's supporters.
suVoluminous records and correspondence
submitted to the committee by its president,
Leonard A. Read, formerly with the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce, Los Angeles Cham-
ber of Commerce, and National Industrial
Conference Board, illuminate its activities
and aims.
They reveal his own energy in lining up
heads of big corporations through exchange
of personal letters and a travelogue of lunch-
eons and dinners, as well as the active inter-
est of some of the big business executives a
to subjects covered. The foundation distrib-
uted pamphlets to teachers in leading col-
leges and organized a college-business ex-
change program through which fellowships
for 30 teachers from 25 colleges were financ-
ed last year by business firms. It established
contacts with Reader's Digest, which re-
printed two pamphlets. It tied up with the
kingpin of the real estate lobby, Herbert U.
Nelson, of the National Association of Real
Estate Boards, which distributed 500,000
copies of "roofs or ceilings" against federal
rent control, and it has kept in close touch
with members of Congress.
IN THE FOUR YEARS of its existence the
Foundation has received $1,175,000 in con-
tributions and $172,000 from sale of books
and pamphlets. The list of contributors in-

cludes, for that time, $50,000 from General
Motors; $40,000 each from Chrysler, *U.S.
Gypsum, Consolidated Edison, E. I. Du Pont
de Nemours, Gulf. Oil, Marshall Field and
Co., Montgomery Ward, Sun Oil, and United
States Steel; $37,600 from Republic Steel;
$35,000, B. F. Goodrich; $22,500, National
Steel; $20,000 each from Armour and Co.,
International Nickel, Libby-Owens Ford
Glass Co., and Alfred P. Sloan Foundation;
$19,832.98 from Lammot Du Pont, and so
on down the line to include a host of major
corporations and officials at lesser amounts.
The record led Rep. Albert (Democrat,
Oklahoma) to say to Mr. Read that, while
he was not sure the Foundation should be
under the Lobby Act, "however, I do feel
that unless organizations as effective as,
yours in influencing legislation can be cov-
ered by a lobbying act, the lobbying act is
not worth the paper it is written on .. .
I think you are far more effective than
the average buttonhole artist, so-called,
around the Capitol." .
Because of its technique, its prestige and
its influence, the Foundation will be ex-
plored further in a subsequent column.
(Copyright .1950, by United Feature Syndicate, Inc.)
Casualty Lists
AMERICA'S first casualty list from the
Korean front contained 11 names, and
inevitably it was a depressing thing. Even
though these men died for the right, for
justice, for freedom, it was saddening to
think thpv hwi tociA . of oi1

r . .

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed edited or withhe'd from publication at the discretion of the

Reply to Gold .. .
To the Editor:
THE LETTER of Samuel N. Gold
published in your August 3 is-
sue is the most disgusting ex-
ample of the Moscow party line
to appear in your letters to the
editors column this summer. This
outrageous perversion of the real-
ities made my blood boil and
should not go unanswered.
I do not know who this Mr. Gold
is. He is not listed in the Student
Directory or the Ann Arbor phone
book. I assume therefore that he
is one of those "missionaries" sent
out by the Communist Party head-
quarters who occasionally pop up
on our campus to spread the latest'
gospel of lies and falsehoods con-
cocted within the walls of the
Kremlin. Evidently he does not
live in a small farming town or
suburban community. That is re-
grettable. If he'did, he might have
discovered that the discrimination
on the basis of residence which he
preaches is without foundation:

there are Communists and fellow-
travelers in those places too.
I resent the aspersions he casts
on the loyal people of the United
States who support wholehearted-
ly the United Nations fight in,
Korea for the survival of liberty
and human decency against Mos-
cow-inspired aggression and tyr-
anny. As for oligarchy, which
means government of the few, the
best example of it is to be found
in modern Russia where a small
clique dominates 200 million peo-
ple. May we just hope, to quote
Mr. Gold's words, that the people
of Russia and its satellites cannot
be fooled forever, that they will
wake up and overturn the oppres-
sive government ruling them.
I also resent the sneering tone
he uses in his unjustifiable attacks
on Jasper B. Reid and Alvin B.
Lewis. I am certain that these
gentlemen . . . have the best in-
terests of our nation, and not
those of foreign dictators at least,
and that they prefer the Stars and
Stripes to the bloody red rag made
in Moscow.
-Fredric H. Harf

.. .

"It's Not A Security Council Seat That Bothers Me"

.. . -. -

nual SRA fall leadership training
retreat will meet at 4:30 p.m. to-
morrow at Lane Hall. All student
religious organizations are invited
to have representatives at this
Botanical Seminar: 7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Rm. 1139, Natural Sci-
ence Bldg. F. D. H. Macdowall will
speak on "Modern Concepts of
Photosynthesis." All interested are
invited to attend.
Survey Research Institute.
"Studying Attitudes in Their Per-
sonal Context." M. Brewster Smith,
Department of Psychology, Vassar
College. 4 p.m. Tuesday, Rm. 131,
Business Administration Bldg.
The Quest for Social Security.
"Jobs and Social Security." J.
Douglas Brown, Dean of the Fac-
ulty, Princeton University. 4 15
p.m. Tuesday, Rackham Amphi-
Linguistic Institute. "Salt River:
Facts and Fiction about the Origin
of a Political Phrase." Hans Sper-
ber, Ohio State University. 7:30
p.m. Tuesday, Rackham Amphi-
Chemistry Lecture Series: Wed-
nesday, 4 p.m. Chemistry Bldg,
Rm. 1300. Prof. P.A.S. Smith, Uni-
versity of Michigan. "The Value
of Classical Bond Formulations to
Organic Chemists."
Student Recital: Jose Bornn,
pianist, will be heard at 8:30 p.m.
Wednesday in the Rackham As-
sembly Hall, in a program of works
of Bach, Beethoven, and Ravel. A
pupil of John Kollen, Mr. Bornn
will present the recital in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the Master of Music degree. Open
to the general public.
Student Recital: Mary Fowler
Jones, Organist, will present a
program at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday
in Hill Auditorium, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for
the Bachelor of Music degree. A
pupil of Marilyn Mason, Miss
Jones will play works by Bach,
Dupre and Messiaen. Open to the
general public.
Stanley Quartet, with Benning
Dexter, pianist, will present its
final concert of the summer at
8:30 p.m. Tuesday in theRack-
ham Lecture Hall. The program
will include Mozart's Quartet in
D. Minor, K. 421, Quintet for piano
and string quartet by Alvin Etler,
and Beethoven's Quartet in C ma-
jor, Op. 59, No. 3. Open to the
general public.
Student Recital: Ruth Oberholt-
zer, organist, will play a recital at
8:30 p.m. Sunday in Hill Audi-
torium, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Master of Music. Miss Oberholt-
zer is a pupil of Josef Schnelker.
Compositions are by Buxtehude,
Strungk, Couperin, Bach, and
Reubke. Open to the general pub-
University Symphony Orchestra,
Wayne Dunlap, conductor, will be
heard in its annual summer con-
cert at 8:30 p.m. Monday in Hill
Auditorium. The program will in-
clude Folk Overture by Peter Men-
nin, Three Ballads from the Cat-
skills by Norman Cazden, member
of the School of Music faculty,
with David Ireland, solo violist,
George Webber, cellist, and An-
drew Lisko, violinist; Concerto for
Piano and Orchestra composed by
School of Music faculty member
Homer Keller, with Robert Hen-
derson, pianist. Following inter-

mission, the orchestra will play
David Diamond's Overture to "The
Tempest," Samuel Barber's Essay
for Orchestra, and Knoxville:
Summer in 1915, with Leslie Eit-
zen, soprano; Jubilation Overture
by Robert Ward. Open to the gen-
eral public.
General Library, main lobby
cases. "Trochiledae, Family of
Humming Birds," by John Gould,:
supplement, 1887. (July 27-August
Museum of Archaeology. From
Tombs and Towns of Ancient
Museums Building. Rotunda ex-
hibit, "The Coal Flora of Michi-
gan." Exhibition halls, "Jungle
Arts, Crafts, and People."
Law Library. Legal cartoons
(basement, July 24-August18).
Michigan HIitorical Collections.
160 Rackham Building. "Tourists
in Michigan-Yesterday and To-
Museum of Art. Oriental ceram-

ics (June 26-August 15). Modern
graplfic art. (July 2-August 15).
Clements Library. Michigan rar-
ities. (August 1-18).
Events Today
Graduate Outing Club: Meet
Suntlay, 2 p.m., Northwest en-
tran cesRackham. Swimming.
Bring cars.
. of M. Hostel Club: Sat.-Sun.,
August 5-6: Overnight Cycle Trip
to Pinebrook Hostel, 20 miles
away. Meet at League at 3:00,
Sat. Come with pass, food, sleep-
ing bag. Call leader, Stu Todd,
3-1100, if plan to go. Everyone
Coming Events
Square Dance Group meets '-
9:30 p.m. Tuesday at Lane Hall.
Naval Research Reserve: Meet
ing 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at the
Wood Utilization Laboratory.
Swimming in evening: Departure
time and sign-up sheet will be
posted on Lane Hall Bulletin
Board. Probable departure time
will be 5 p.m. Wednesday. Bring
packed lunch.
University Community Center,
Willow Village:
Mon., 8 p.m. - Nursery Board
Tues., 8 p.m.-Wives' Club Meet-
ing, Bingo Party.
Wed., 8 p.m.-Church Executive
Thurs., 8 p.m.-Choir. Ceramis.
eWives' Club Board Meeting.
Congregational - Disciple - Evan-
gelical & Reformed Guild. Supper
Congregational Church 6 p.m. Dr.
Roger Heyns of the psychology de-
partment will speak.
,Michigan Christian Fellowship:
4:30 p.m., Lane Hall (Fireside
Room). Rev. Erno Van Halsema of
the First Christian Reformed,
Hudsonville, Mich., will speak on
the subject: "A Christian Prayer."
University Lutheran Chapel, 1511
Washtenaw: Service Sunday at
10:30, with sermon by the Rev.
A. Scheips.
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Stu-
dent Club: Supper-Program at the
Center, 1511 Washtenaw, at 5:30.
"Christianity Behind the Iron Cur-
taru," led by Miss Leona Eisele.
The Lutheran Student Associa-
tion will meet at 4 p.m. at the
Student Center, 1304 Hill Street,
and leave from there for the Ham
mett Cottage, Strawberry Lake
where a picnic supper will be serv
ed followed by devotional service
University Community Center,
Willow Village: Sun., Aug. 6, Vil4
lage Church Fellowship (intert0-
nominational); 10:45 a.m. Church
and Sunday School. 4 p.m. Wives
Club Picnic, Riverside Park, Ypsi-
'There are now 221/4 million peo-
ple o t work in Britain - 22,000
more than at the end of 1949. The
unemployment figure remains very
low and is actually below its level
a year ago. It represents a pro-
portion of 1.6 per cent of the total
insured employed population.

A 41





Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice toiall
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the Office of the
Summer Session, Room 3510 Admin-
istration Building, by 3:00 p.m. on
the day preceding publication (11:00
a.m. Saturdays).
VOL LX, No. 30-S
Recommendations for Depart-
mental Honors: Teaching depart-
ments wishing to recommend ten-
tative August graduates from the
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and the School of Educa-
tion for departmental honors
should recommend such students
in a letter to be sent to the Regis-
trar's Office, Room 1513 Adminis-
tration Building before August 24.
Attention August Graduates:
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, School of Education,
School of Music, School of Public
Students are advised not to re-
quest grades of I or X in August.
When such grades are absolutely
imperative, the work must be made
up in time to allow your instructor
to report the make-up grade not
later than 11 a.m., August 24.
Grades received after that time
may defer the student's graduation
until a later date.
Edward G. Groesbeck
A representative of the General
Motors Corporation will be at the
Bureau of Appointments Wednes-
day, to interview August graduates
who expect degrees in Electrical
Engineering. They are interested
in men who are taking degrees in
either power -or electronics. For
further information and appoint-
ments for interviews call the Bu-
reau of Appointments Ext. 371.
A representative of the A. C.
Spark Plug Division of the General

Motors Corporation of Milwaukee,
Wisconsin will be at the Bureau of
Appointments Thursday to inter-
view August graduates of the Elec-
trical and Mechanical Engineering
schools. They are interested in
selectronics majors in Electrical 3 n-
gineering and in Mechanical En-
gineers interested in production of
electronic equipment. For further
information and appointments for
interviews call the Bureau of Ap-
pointments Ext. 371.
Doctoral Examination for Mah-
moud Sidky Mohamed, Physiology;
thesis: "Intestinal Motility and In-
testinal Blood Circulation," Mon-
day, August 7, 4017 Eas Medical
Bldg., at 3 p.m. Chairman, J. W.
Doctoral Examination for Sid-
ney Earl Cleveland, Psychology;
thesis: "The Relationship between
Examiner Anxiety and Subjects'
Rorschach Scores," Tuesday, Aug-
ust 8, East Council Room, Rack-
ham Bldg., at 2 p.m. Chairman,
D. R. Miller.
Doctoral Examination for Rich-
ard Sanders, Psychology; thesis:
"The Relationship between Exam-
iner Hostility and Subjects' Ror-
schach Scores," Tuesday, August
8 at 2 p.m. Chairman, D. R. Mil-
Doctoral Examination for Don-
ald Gordon Duncan, Mathematics;
thesis: "Some Results in Little-
wood's Algebra of S-Functions,"
Tuesday, August 8, 3006 Angell
Hall, at 3:20 p.m. Chairman, R.
M. Thrall.
Mathematics Colloquium will
meet Tuesday, August 8, at 4:15
p.m. in Rm. 3011 Angell Hall. J.
Korevaar, Visiting Lecturer from
Holland will speak on "Entiire
Functions as Limits of Polyno-
The committee to plan the an-



Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of
tbe. University of Michigan under the
~autftority of the Board in Control of.
Stident Publications.
Editorial Staff
Philip Dawson.......Managing Editor
Peter Hotton .........City Editor
Marvin Epstein.........Sports Editor
'pa'at Brownson .........Women's Editor
Business Staff
Roger Wellington.. . .Business Manager
WalterShapero ...Assoc. Businessa Mgr
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor. Michigan, as second-class mail
Subscription during regular schoe.
year by carrier. $5.00. by mail, $6.00.





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