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August 06, 1950 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1950-08-06

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See Page 2


Latest Deadline in the State






Soviet Veto
Cannot Stop
Could Stop UN
On Other Attacks
x gates in the United Nations say
a Soviet veto cannot stop the
U.N. war efort against invading
Communist North Koreans now,
but could frustrate the Security
Council if the Communists start
trouble anywhere else.
If a new Communist outbreak
occurs and the Russians block
the Council by a veto, the West will
go promptly to the General As-
sembly for collective action.
U.N. DIPLOMATS have waited
vainly this week for Soviet Depu-
ty Foreign Minister Jakob A. Ma-
lik to show just why he returned
to the Security Council last Tues-
day after a half-year boycott. He
did introduce a two-point peace
program for Korea, but the view
of some diplomats is that he came
back really to isolate the United
States from its allies in the U.N.
However, they still are waiting to
be sure of the real reason for
interrupting the boycott.
* An American spokesman gave
this sizeup:
This country will continue to
oppose Malik's attempt to invite
the Communist North Koreans
to the Council table. Most mem-
bers take the attitude that you
cannot discuss a settlement with
a firebug and that inviting the
North Koreans here to talk
about a peaceful settlement
would be like asking to tea a
man who had burned down your
front porch.
The issue beyond all doubt is
the refusal of the North Koreans
to obey the cease-fire and with-
drawal order laid down by the Se-
curity Council June 25, the day
the war started.
Local Boards
Able To Defer







-Daily-Norm Steere
SOMETHING OLD HAS BEEN ADDED-Workmen stripping off
Haven Hall's famous nameplate discovered something unknown
to contemporary classes and probably long forgotten by students
who attended the University when the historic edifice housed the
"Law Department," before the Law Quad was built.
* * * *
Havens Hall Destruction
Recalls 'U' Traditions

Daily City Editor
With the demise of Haven Hall went another Michigan
sentimental attachment to the lofty old firetrap.
But there are plenty of traditions left around, as a
University annals or a walk around campus will show.
* * * *

look into

THE UNIVERSITY COLORS, maize and blue, took a special de-
cision by the Regents to adopt them officially, though they had
been a trademark of the Wolverines a long time before 1912.
Of course there are the football traditions: The Little Brown
Jug of Michigan and Minnesota and the fierce rivalry of the
University and the boys of "that C * *

Eligible Men


.By The Associated Press
Students will be able to finish
out their academic year before get-
tinig drafted, and anyone in the
Reserve, National Guard or ' col-
lege service programs are exempt
from the draft.
But what about the man who
simply has a job?
IT'S UP TO an employe's draft
board to decide whether his type
of job is of the kind and import-
ance to warrant a deferment, "to
be necessary to the maintenance
of national health, safety or inter-
The government has not given
the draft board yet a definite
list of jobs it considers vital.
Medical, science or any other
students may be deferred, but the
American Council of Education de-
cided yesterday not to ask for de-
ferment of college students and
"We are convinced it is not
necessary because of policies al-
ready under serious considera-
tion by the government as a re-
sult'of their experience in the
last war. They need specialized
work which we can afford," J. L.
Morrill, Council president said.
Once a man is in the army or
any or the services, he will be
trained in a record time of nine
months, as compared to 15 for
World War II. A National Guard
or Reserve unit can be ready for
the field in five to six months,
under "new, unconventional meth-
cds of training."

Northern cow college"-MSC.
Just last fall 10 University and
15 MSC students were put on so-
cial probation for painting up each
other's campuses with their col-
lege colors. Some of the green and
white of MSC is still visible on
DRINKING-or the lack of it,
has become a tradition-or legend
in Ann Arbor, especially since
the University gave to all taverns
a "black list" of the names of
5,000 minor students.
The Arboretum is a tradition for
more than mere drinking, if a man
can ignore the old myth "Four out
of five girls are beautiful-the fifth
goes to Michigan," which plenty of
students backed strongly by coeds,
vehementiv and Justly deny.
A tradition just revived last
year after the war was campus
"Rah-Rah," or school spirit, set
up as "Tug Week," last fall,
when the freshmen yanked the
sophomores into the beautiful
waters of the Huron River.
Even stronger than the athletic
rivalries is the one between the
engineers and the lawyers, who
often get quite bitter over their
playful kidding. Last year the
lawyers scored one of the biggest
victories of the duel when they
stole the engineers' emblem, a sev-
en-foot long slide-rule, and pre-
vented it to Gov. G. Mennen Wil-
liams, an alumnus of the law
* * *
THE UNION'S closed door pol-
icy, that of barring all women
from entering the building through
the front door, has been one of the
See HAVEN, Page 4

Mason Hall

Ready To Be
Torn Down
The Shartzer Wrecking Co.,
currently tearing down Haven
Hall, will expand its operations
on Monday to include 109 year-
old Mason Hall.
University Hall also will be razed
upon completion 'of the Mason
Hall job, according to Walter M.
Roth, University plant superinten-
dent. Both buildings are being
torn down to make room for a
new literary college building which
will be built in the area around
the site of the two buildings.
TENANTS OF Mason Hall com-
pleted their evacuation last week
and have been relocated in var-
ious quarters around campus;
members of the psychology de-
partment in the old ROTC build-
ing, English in West Medical, his-
tory in Rackham, philosophy in
Angell Hall, the Social Psycholo-
gy and Conference Research Pro-
jects in Natural Science and the
sociology department in Rack-
The Institute of Social Re-.
search, the only remaining oc-
cupant of University Hall is ten-
tatively scheduled to be moved
to the old West Hospital on
Catherine St. just east of Victor
Vaughn dormitory.
In order to complete the demo-
lition of Haven, Mason and Uni-
versity Halls by early September,
two shifts and possibly three will
be employed by the wrecking com-
pany, according to Elmer Mark-
well, an official of the firm.
NO DEFINITE date has been
set for beginning construction on
the new literary college building,
which actually will be an addi-
tion to Angell Hall, but it is un-
derstood that the new building
will more than replace the class-
room and office space formerly
provided by the three buildings.
The new structure will cost an
estimated $4,000,000, $1,500,000 of
which the State Legislature re-
rfpnly 0 , 0 t.n1 a , q. , tp

Judge Jails
Red' Bridges
eral judge ordered Harry Bridges
to jail yesterday as "dangerous
to the security of this country."
The judge, George B. Harris,
then denied motions of Bridges'
attorneys for a stay, to permit
him his freedom over the week-
A U.S. marshall's deputy took
the president of the big CIO Long-
shore Union to jail.
Judge Harris revoked the $25,-
000 bond under which Bridges
has been free since lastApril
when he was sentenced to five
years in prison for perjury. A
federal jury decided he swore
falsely in his 1945 citizenship
hearing by denying he was a
Since then an order has been
signed stripping the Australian-
born Bridges of U.S. citizenship.
that his activities since the Ko-
rean war broke out have been "in-
imical to the security of the United
Bridges' attorneys asked Fed-
eral Judge George B. Harris that
the Longshore chief be permit-
ted to spend this weekend with
his wife and family and then
go into the U.S. Circuit Court
of Appeals Monday.
Judge Harris said "no," and
spoke about wives and children of
various soldiers fighting in Korea.
"It was not unexpected," Brid-
ges said later as a deputy marshal
was waiting to take him to the
county jail. "I believe right now
anyone who speaks his personal
opinion on this subject (Korea)
is in danger."
Judge Harris declared fromthe
bench : "I'm satisfied to a moral
certainty that Harry Bridges was
and is a member of the Commu-
nist party."
World News
By The Associated Press
PARIS - The French Parlia-
ment last night gave Health Min-
ister Pierre Schneiter the power
to ban Coca Cola in this country,
but Schneiter made it clear he
will not exercise it.
The bill was approved 343 to
* * *
NEW YORK - U. S. (ustoms
agents boarded the Posh liner
Batory in New York bay yester-
day in their first search of an
"iron curtain" vessel for possi-
ble concealed atomic weapons.
* * *
WASHINGTON - A House plan
to speed corporation tax collec-
tions by shortening the time-to-
pay period was accepted yester-
day by the Senate Finance Com-
* * *
Sparkman (Dem-Ala) yesterday
urged President Truman to
clamp price ceilings speedily on
such items as meat and lumber
if Congress grants the discre-
tionary authority.
Earle C. Clements, Democrat, and
former Federal Judge Charles I.
Dawson, Republican, won their

party nominations for the U. S.
Senate with ease in Kentucky's
primaries yesterday.

Remove Old
Daily Press
The old "flat bed" press that has
been turning out issues of the
Daily since 1921 will be dismantled1
and removed from the Student
Publications Building forever, to-
morrow in order to make room for
the new "rotary" press, slated for
installation later this summer.
Lauren Kinsley, who has been
operating the press foreover 25
years will be sorry to see it go,
though he's anxious to work on a
different model. He started out as
a helper, oiling the old machine
when it was still in the Ann Arbor
Press Building.
* * *
man he went along with it when
it moved to its present home in
the Student Publications Building
in 1931.
Though he has been with the
press all these years he has
never considered giving it any
fond nick name, nor can he re-
call any amusing incidents in
which it was involved. According
to Kinsley it's all work.
Others who will regret, seeing
the old machine removed are The
Daily editors, who will be com-
pelled to move up their deadline
one hour, because the paper will
be printed in Plymouth for the last
week of publication.
THE OLD PRESS is not destined
to become scrap for many years.
It has been sold to the Lapeer
County Press, a weekly paper, and
the men in the shop think that
after being set up again, it will be
good for another twenty or thirty
years. While publication was for-
merly limited to eight pages, the
new rotary will be able to print a
twelve page paper, at the rate of
25,000 copies per hour.
Purchase of the new $68,000
press was approved last Janu-
ary by the Board in Control of
Student Publications. The ma-
chine employs the principle of
This latest addition to the half-
million dollar plant that houses
the Daily will be ready for opera-
tion by tle time the Fall semester
opens, according to Ken Chatters,
shop superintendent.

FINAL RUN-The old "fiat bed" press, which has been printing The Daily since 1921 get
put out its last edition. Tomorrow the machine will be removed to make room for the n
rotary press.

French, British, DeEx

By The Associated Press
France, Britain and Denmark
yesterday stepped up their pro-
posed defense expenses for the
next year, while West Germany
and the Saar moved closer to
The French cabinet approved

* m


Orchestra To
Play Moderns
Works of contemporary com-
posers will comprise the annual
summer session University Sym-
phony orchestra concert, to be
given at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in
Hill Auditorium.
Peter Mennin's Folk Overture
will be the opening number. Men-
nin's "The Cycle" was, presented
here during this year's May Fes-
* * *
over during Norman Cazden's
"Three Ballads from the Catskills,"
featuring David Ireland, solo viola;
George Webber, solo cello; and
Andrew Lisko, solo violin.
Cazden's ballads are from a
collection of Catskill music that
he and Herbert Haufrecht are
preparing for publication.
Closing the first section will be
Homer Keller's "Concerto for Piano
and Orchestra," with Robert Hen-
derson, pianist. Keller, on the mu-
sic school faculty, has just been
awarded a Fullbright scholarship
for European study.
* * *
chestra will perform the "Overture
to 'The Tempest'" by David Dia-
"Essay for Orchestra" by Sam-
uel Barber will follow.
"Knoxville: Summer in 1915,"
a James Agee poem set to music
by Samuel Barber with Leslie
Eitsen, soprano will be the next
feature on the program.
The closing number will be Rob-
ert Ward's "Jubilation Overture"
which was written in 1946.
The program will be open to the


last night a note to
States which authorit
said commits France
double her defense st
year. The 1950 mil
totals 420,000,000,000 f
she is ready to boost
spending to a total of
000 over the next thre
vided she is given su
sistance by the Unite
The Kingdom of D
of the smaller mem
North Atlantic Allian
ed plans to spend 400
ner (about $57,100,0(
mament and civil de
next two years.
ister Carlo Sforza of
ern Foreign Ministe
give West Germanyz
associate membersh
Council's upper hou
isterial Committee.7
are associate member
sultative Assembly,
French Foreign Mi
Schuman told newsn
mans will be eligiblef
bership in the Coun
of International Parli
ter the United States
France change the oc
tute in the fall to per
mans to handle their
Brown To S
On Social S
Dean J. Douglas
Princeton University,
"Jobs and Social Sec
p.m., Tuesday, in t
This will be the fit
the University of Mic
mer Session series o
for Social Security."
Dean Brown has 1
of the Industrial Rel
of Princeton Universi

UN Forces
Naktong Line.
British Warships
Bombard Inchon
By The Associated Press
South Korean troops wiped out
a North Korean battalion which
crossed the Naktong River on the
northern front, the U. S. Eighth
Army announced today (Sunday).
North Korean patrols had been
reported slipping across the Nak
tong, main Allied defense line.
SSouth Koreans on the northern
>. : front let the Red battalion, per-
haps as many as 1,000 men, cross
the river and advance toward the
South Korean lines, several miles
south of the river in some places.
Then they closed in and slashed
the Red unit to pieces.
-Norm Steere * * *
s ready to RED PATROLS were reported
ew $68,000 feeling out Allied positionsnat var-
ious points along the front, in
preparation for a momentarily
expected big push. Five such pa-
trols in platoon strength crossed
the Naktong and disappeared into
I the hills southwest of Taegu,
I~lS t frontline supply city.
The Eighth Army Communi-
que said the Reds were building
e se up strenghth on the Northwest
part of the front opposite the
hinge position between the
the United South Korean Army on the
ative sources north and U. S. rtoops holding
to possibly the longer Western line along
pending next the Naktong.
itary budget Four British warships bombard-
francs (about ed Inchon, West Korean seaport,
with "excellent" results yesterday
NCED that yo headquarters said this morn-
he defense ing that the "Reds are desperate-
ibstent yr r TOKYO, Sunday-Soviet Vice
states.a -Premier V. M. Molotov today was
reported-without confirmation
enmark, one -conferring with Chinese Red
ibers of the leaders on an invasion of For-
ce, announe- mosa, which was described as
,000,000 kro- "imminent."
00) on rear- In Taipei, Formosa, the U.S.
fense in the Navy Tanker Cimarron unloaded
a full cargo of gasoline at the
Formosan port of Keelung yes-
Foreign Min terday for war planes guarding
Italy, Wei- this Nationalist headquarters is-
rs voted to land against Communist attack.
and the Saar
ip in t h a ly striving for a main effort, and
se, the Min- an all-out attempt to break
They already through the new defense lines."
s in the Con- To avoid punishing air at-
the lower tacks by the controlling U. S.
Air Force, the Reds have in re-
nister Robert cent weeks taken to moving by
nen the Gcr- night.
for full mem- But in their haste to strike be-
cil - a sort fore the defenders could get set,
ament - af- the enemy threw caution to the
, Britain and winds and poured in troops and
cupation sta- materield uring daylight to the
rmit the Ger- southcentral front. They provided
own foreign "excellent targets for artillery and
aircraft," Headquarters observed.
Just where the Reds planned
their heaviest blow apparently was
not yet clear. Headquarters said
-.i that "firm contact" is expected to
CCU1ILy be established in the central and
northern sectors. It reported evi-

s Brown of dence of re-grouping and con-
will speak on centration of enemy forces in the
urity" at 4:15 southern sector.
he Rackham
nal lecture in Officials Draft
higan's Sum-
)nte"QetPlan for WPB
n the "Quest
been Director
ations Section WASHINGtra(P)The ru-
ity since 1926.mnAmnsrto a ln
ready for a junior-size WPB but
is definitely unprepared if Con-
gress orders a baby OPA as well.
The blueprint of a "Defense ,
Production Administration" has
Srtony been drafted at the Commerce de-
o partment, on lines which would
permit it to expand into a full-
flendger war production board if
L1 ages there neooearv

Speech Department Play
To Start Run Wednesday

"The Great Adventure," a yarn
adapted for the stage by Arnold
Bennet from his novel "Buried
,Alive"will open Wednesday at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
A comedy on a famous British
painter who enjoys and encourages
his mistaken identity aided by his

Charles Laughton and his wife, El-
sa Lancaster, starred in two dif-
ferent radio adaptations.
ANN ARBOR matrons have do-
nated most of the costumes for
this 1912 vintage piece. During the

Stage Dress Important as Acting Prof.--13


about the character. The snectator

Two misconceptions are com-I

count, because in al

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