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August 05, 1949 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1949-08-05

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FOR THE THIRD consecutive year, the
National Student Association Committee
of the Student Legislature is planning to
;ubmit a bid fqr the site of the annual Na,
tional Student Congress.
The congresses are composed of represen-
tatives from 29 member NSA schools in the
country as well as observers from non-mem-
ber schools.
Counting educators, members of the
press, and members of the administra-
tion staff, about 700 people take part in
each congress.


The congresses are
August on the campus
ber school each year.

of a

at the end of
different mem-

For the congress of 1948, the local NSA
Committee obtained the approval of the
University Administration and submitted
the bid to the national NSA officers.
The University of Wisconsin won approval
for the congress site, however.
The local committee then began looking
toward the congress of 1949.
This time the University's sanction could
not be obtained.
Renovation of campus buildings is being
carried on and Secretary of the Univer-
sity Herbert G. Watkins told the com-
mittee that a UN group had asked for use
of campus facilities first.
So the committee is trying again-for the
congress of 1950.
Student Legislature has approved the
move, and the final go-ahead sign to submit
a bid rests with the executive committee of
the University.
National NSA officers have visited the
University and Ann Arbor is their first
choice for the congress site.
They were impressed, as the rest of the
700 congress people would be, by the Rack-
ham Building, the Administration Building,
the Publications Building, and the other
sights on the imposing campus.
Hundreds of students and educators and
newspaper people would be able to see at
close range what we have besides a foot-
ball team.
Our student government and our dormi-
tory system are just two of the many things
we justly can be proud of.
The local NSA Committee and the Mich-
igan Region of NSA have long been leaders
In the organization.
The committee as well as the University
should continue to be leaders by having the
opportunity to be host to representatives of
the student body of the United States.
--Arlynn Rosen.
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

At Architect. Auditorium is an active member of the Communist
opposition. He is eventually arrested and
PROFESSOR MAMLOCK. Based on the tortured, but has phenomenal success in
play by Friedrich Wolf. escaping and being reunited with his fiancee.
The old man, meantime, had to suffer
1HE FBI need not worry about this one. the vicissitudes of life. After being hounded
There are lots of Communists in this from his clinic by a former student of his,
picture, but they are being kept too busy he is suddenly recalled to perform a deli-
by the Gestapo to worry about the estab- cate operation on one of the Party bigwigs
lishment of a Soviet Socialist Republic in who would rather be cured by a Jew than
America. killed by National Socialistic medicine.
The film deals with the political awaken- The situation is reminiscent of Remarque's
ing of a gentle Jewish surgeon who sees his "Arch of Triumph," where a refugee doctor
life ruined by the coming of the New Order. is called in on the case of a xenophobic
He represents the section of the intellectual French official who wants to deport re-
bourgeoisie that considers politics a dirty fugee doctors who practice their profession
business and concerns itself with the "bet- without legal sanction.
ter things" of life, such as literature and the Professor Mamlock, while recovering
arts, intellectual pursuits, and the love of from a suicide attempt, realizes that one
nature and humanity. must fight evil, and after being inspired
by Dimitrov's courage and defiance at the
As a decorated veteran of the Western Reichstag trial, goes bravely to his death
Front, he belittles the dangers that threat- with an anti-fascist speech on his lips,
en him after Hitler's Assumption of Pow- Tit o mot fsi lb p oliticalistr
er on Jan. 30, 1933. He is beloved in his This, to most of us, will be political history
clinic, for his personality as well as for seen from an unusual angle. Call it Russian
his surgery, and Hitler's rise to power at propaganda. It is certainly propaganda, and
a worthy successor to the early triumphs by
first means simply an increase of what Sergei Eisenstein. Its vivid technique, plot
he calls "political surgery." and acting make it a formidable pcture.
"Political surgery" is revealed to be the Some of the propaganda will appeal to
science of dealing with the healing of cuts Russians only, but there is much else that
and bruises inflicted by butcher knives and can be accepted regardless of our orienta-
beer bottles in the course of political dis- tion, just as the political novels of Malraux,
cussion. Silone, Koestler and Ehrenburg are accept-
The Professor's son is still young enough able as works of art.
to want to change the world, however, and -John Neufeld
0 .1






- #

All notices for the Daily Official
Bulletin are to be sent to the Office
of the Summer Session in typewritten
form by 3:30 p.m. of the day preced-
ing its publication, except on Satur-
day when the notices should be sub-
mitted by 11:30 a.m., Room 3510 Ad-
ministration Building.
VOL. LIX, No. 33S


Fine Deal for Fine America


Library Hours After the Sum-
mer Session. The General Library
will be closed at 6 p.m. daily be-
ginning August 12. Evening service
will be resumed on September 26.
The library will be closed for
repairs from August 27 through
September 5; and on all Saturdays
from August 20 through Septem-
ber 17.
It will be open from 8 a.m. to
6 p.m. Monday through Friday ex-
cept for the times noted above.
The Divisional Libraries will be
closed August 15 through Sep-
tember 17 with the exception of
Bureau of Government, Engineer-
ing, East Engineering, Mathema-
tics-Economics, and Physics, which
will be open on shortened sched-
ules. Information as to hours will
be posted on library doors or may
be obtained by calling University
Extension 653. Requests for ma-
terial from the closed libraries will
be taken care of at the Circulation
Desk in the General Library.

Ph~iadelphi Evening Buleth


All Lockers in the
Sports Building must
out and refund called
day, August 12th.
Attention August

be cleaned
for by Fri-.





Looking Back1

The head of the University hospital and
the dean of the music school wrote from
the British Isles saying that most Univer-
sity personnel were safe in Europe. Only
serious trouble was the great difficulty in
getting English money changed into Amer-
ican so they could get home.
Joseph Conrad, known for his abundant
stories of the sea and sailors, died at his
home in England at the age of 67.
The School of Music, for 50 years a sep-
arate institution in Ann Arbor,'will become
an official. part of the University in Sep-
Another endurance air flight was made,
but this time by a woman, who in France
stayed aloft for 26 hours and 46 minutes-
Fred Snite, Jr., who has lived in an iron
lung for three years, married a pretty
brunette whorhad cheeredrand comforted
him in his battle to shake off the paralysis
that hit him in the spring of 1936.
* *
American troops flashed across France to
take Brest in a minor battle, while other
Allies were clinging on St. Nazaire and
Nantes. The story was not so bright in cas-
ualties, though, for the Allies lost 115,665
in killed, wounded and missing since the
invasion of the continent June 6.
The Metropolitan Opera Company re-
luctantly closed its doors after 50 consecu-
tive years of opera seasons. They claimed
that the shutdown came when negotiation::
with all 12 unions connected with the Opera
Company failed.
-From the Pages of The Daily.

At the State:
BEND, with Betty Grable, Olga San Juan,
Cesar Romero, and Rudy Vallee.
WELL, BETTY GRABLE is back-her legs
as shapely and her voice as mellow as
ever. The suggestion that Hollywood's gla-
mour girls don't really have to act is also
as potent as it ever was. Somehow, after
seeing this movie, I'm beginning to wonder
if Miss Grable is seriously considering mo-
deling underwear as a new occupation.
The plot of this most uncharming fantasy
centers about Freddie Jones, (you guessed
it-Betty Grable), a glamorous gun girl of
the rippin' roarin' bammin' slammin' West,
and her amazing penchant for shooting
Judge Alfalfa O'Toole, played by Porter
Hall, in what zoology students would term
the dorsal posterior portion of his anatomy.
This is funny the first time, but when it
becomes habitual, it also becomes repeti-
tious even in techicolor. Indeed, repetition
seems to have been the main thought in
the minds of the makers of this movie.
Evidently, the theory is, if at first you don't
make 'em laugh, try, try, again.
And, about the only thing that I could
detect, resembling acting, was a series of
raucous vocal emissions. Their range begins
with the soprano screams of Betty Grable,
upon discovering that her boy friend, played
by Cesar Romero, has betrayed her for a
Frenchwoman, named Roulette.
Further on down the scale, are the howls
of poor Judge Alfalfa, each time FreddJ.
does her stuff. Olga San Juan, who plays
the part of Freddie's Indian girl friend, says
"Ugh," babbles in Spanish, and once in a
while murmurs a few sentences in English.
Anyhow, she's pretty.
Equally futile, was the cartoon, Farm Fool-
ery. Hollywood's producers ought to knox
Fifty-Ninth Year
Edited and managed by students of the University
of Michigan under the authority of the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
B. S. Brown.................Co-Managing Editor
Craig Wilson ................Co-Managing Edtor
4,erle Levin...Sports Editor
Marilyn Jones .....................Women's Editor
Bess Young ..............................Librarian
Business Staff
Robert C. James .................Business Manager
Dee Nelson .................. Advertising Manager
Ethel Ann Morrison ..........Circulation Manager
James McStocker................Finance Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited
to it or otherwise credited to this newpaper. Al]
rights of republication of all other matters herein
are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Offi eat Ann Arbor, Michi-
gan as secod-class mail matter.

one thing by now-comedies and commun-
ity sings are like oil and water. They just
don't mix.
If you're beginning to get disgusted about
mdvies being the main thing to do in Ann
Arbor, don't let it get you down. In eight
days you'll be home.
-Alice Platt.
* *
At the Michigan:
JOHNNY ALLEGRO, with George Raft,
Nina Foch and George MacReady.
A FANTASTIC PLOT, physical action at
intervals and dead-pan George Raft
are the ingredients of this run-of-the-mill
Raft plays the role of a reformed gang-
ster with a hero's war record who runs a
florist's shop. He gets involved with lithe-
some Nina Foch and her petulant, power-
crazy husband, played by John MacReady,
who is dumping a lot of foreign-made Amer-
ican currency into the economic stream via
the racetracks.
Raft, who has been pressed into service
of the Treasury Department because of
his unsavory past, is taken to an island
off the coast of Florida where MacReady
lives in Jacobean splendor among his big
game trophies, classical records and bows
and arrows. He hates guns, looking on
them as dirty and noisy.
The climax of the picture is a chase in
which Robin Hood MacReady attempts to
make Raft a moving target for his archery.
It's a silly picture full of bad dialogue and
listless acting except for the action se-
quences, which are fairly diverting.
The one good thing on the long, unin-
teresting program is the current edition of
The March of Time, which is concerned
with the present state of the nation's car-
toon. This is interesting.
But the cartoon falls way short of the
usual Bugs Bunny and Walt Disney pro-
ductions. By the way, where is Bugs Bunny?
-Jim Castlereagh
LAST WEEK two Senate committees faced
the same question: Should they pub-
licize unproved accusations that had been
made before them in secret sessions?
One committee decided yes. The other de-
cided no.
The group that decided yes was a Senate
Judiciary subcommittee. It quoted a myster-
ious "Witness 8" to the effect that the Sec-
retariat of the United Nations is being "ter-
rorized" by Communists.
The group that decided no was the Senate
committee investigating the "five-percenter"
racket in Washington. This committee with-
held parts of Colonel James V. Hunt's diary,
which mentioned names. The names in-
cluded those of some members of Congres
Our law-makers' devotion to the principle
that a man is innocent until proved guilty
and has the right to confront his accuser
is inspiring. Inspiring, that is, when the
reputations of Congressmen are at stake.
-St. Louis Star-Times.
AND WHAT is a kiss, when all is done?
A promise given under seal-a vow
Taken before the shrine of a memory-
A signature acknowledged-a rosy dot j
Over the i of loving.

Vaughan, the President's jov-
ial, back-slapping, poker-playing
military aide, holds the official
title of "coordinator of veterans
affairs." As such he is supposed
to help veterans.
But yesterday this column
showed how, when the Tanforan
Race Track in California violated
building regulations aimed to
speed veterans' housing, General
Vaughan used his influence not
to help the veterans, but to help
the race track. His known influ-
ence was brought to bear in the
fall of 1947.
Here is what happened. Af-
ter Guy Standifer and other
Tanforan officials were jailed
in California for violating hous-
ing regulations, Eugene Mori,
new president of the race track,
called on the office of the hous-
ing expediter in Washington in
October, 1947.
With him came the fabulous
Greek friend of General Vaughan's
John Maragon, who had accom-
panied President Truman to Pots-
dam, caused the demotion of an
Air Force General, once held a
White House pass and a special
White House parking reservation.
This is the same Maragon who
has demanded that this columnist
be called before a Senate in-
vestigating committee. Needless to
say I should be happy to appear.
Mori and Maragon informed the
housing expediter's office that the
Tanforan track was now under
new ownership, though how they
offei'ed any proof remains a mys-
tery, since the wartime owner, Joe
Reinfeld, never was known to the
public. Reinfeld, one of the big-
gest rum-runners of prohibition
days, wasnthe chief secret owner,
and his name only leaked out on
January 15, 1949, when he was
sued in Federal Court.
Fifteen months earlier, however,
-in October, 1947-Eugene Mori
had told government officials that
he was Tanforan's new owner.
It was at about this point that
General Vaughan first intervened.
Apparently he didn't like the way
the housing expediter treated his
bosom pal, Maragon, for he com-
plained about it to his other pal,
lobbyist James Hunt, and a few
days later Hunt showed up at thej
housing expediter's office alone.
Hunt told housing officials
that his friends from the Tan-
foran track hadn't been treated
courteously. He also warned that
housing chief Frank Creedon
could not afford to get in wrong
with his "friends," though he
did not identify who those
friends were.
Housing officials blew up, said
there had been no lack of cour-
tesy and did not change the in-
junction which banned the use of
building materials by Tanforan.
* * *
The lobbying talks dragged on.
Hunt and Maragon vied with each
other to see who could do the
most for Tanforan. At one point,
lobbyist Hunt complained to hous-
ing officials that he was being
pestered by Maragon, that Mara-
gon telephoned at all hours of the
day and night, even insulted Mrs.
At another time Maragon
phoned Jack O'Brien of the hous-
ing expediter's office, said he was
"Drew Pearson" and demanded to
knornw natwa sing "nH on and

interested in Tanforan, argued
that the track's ownership had
changed, and that the govern-
ment's policy was to grant build-
ing permits to clean up fire
Tighe Woods had then been in
office only six days, and the in-
fluence of the White House was
He sent a memo to the Justice
Department stating that the in-
junction against Tanforan could
be lifted. Simultaneously Tanforan
submitted notices from the oblig-
ing city of San Bruno claiming
that the race track wasa fire and
health hazard unless cleaned up
So, at long last, the ban on Tan-
foran was lifted-chiefly on Gen-
eral Vaughan's plea that its own-
ership had changed.
As of this week, however, Justice
Department officials, when que-
ried, said they had no evidence
that the ownership of the race
track had really changed.
Therefore, it may still be that
Joe Reinfeld, who once ran the
biggest fleet of rum boats off
the Jersey Coast and who was
once indicted for the murder
of a prohibition agent, is still
the real owner of Tanforan and
the man who really profited
from General Vaughan's lobby-
ing against the veterans.
It is true that track President
Guy Standifer was out, having
gone to jail; and that Eugene
Mori was the new president. But
according to a federal court dep-
osition published by the Newark
Star-Ledger on Jan. 15, 1949,
Reinfeld was the chief owner of
the track. .
It now looks as if John Mara-
gon was in serious trouble over
both his income tax and perjury.
Senate investigators have now es-
tablished the fact that the lobby-
ist who long had thb inside run
of the White House maintained a
secret bank account in the Na-
tional Bank of Commerce in San
Antonio in 1945 and 1946. Approx-
imately $40,000 was deposited
Despite this, Maragon in-
formed the Senate Investigating
Committee that he had only a
small income in 1945, '46 and
'47 and he failed to reveal his
San Antonio Bank account. All
this was sworn to under oath.
Astute William Rogers, counsel
of the committee, produced a copy
of Maragon's 1945 income-tax re-
turn and asked whether it was a
correct copy.
"That is right," nodded Mara-
"And that shows," pointed out
Rogers, "that your total income
for that year was $7,740. Is that
"That is right," agreed Mara-
"It shows," continued Rogers,
$1,740 from the Baltimore and
Ohio Railroad and $6,000 from the
Albert Verley Company, Chicago,
Illinois... .
"Now I show you your in-
come-tax return-a copy of it-
for 1946. It shows $6,000 from
the Albert Verley Company and
$1,889 from the U.S. State De-
partment. Is that a correct copy
of your 1946 income return?"
"Than's right," Maragon ad-
"I show you a copy of your re-
turn for 1947," Rogers went on,
"which shows a total income of
$4,860-$4,200 from Charles M.
Tngrsoll and $66O interest on B.

College of Literature, Science and
the Arts, School of Education,
School of Music, School of Public
Health: Students are advised not
to request grades of I or X in Au-
gust. When such grades are abso-
lutely imperative, the work must
be made up in time to allow your
instructor to report the make-up
grade not later than 11 a.m., Au-
gust 18, Grades received after that
time may defer the student's grad-
uation until a later date.
The U.S. Civil Service Commis-
sion announces an examination
for the position of internal rev-
enue agent for Michgan and Wis-
consin. Applications will be re-
ceived not later than August 19,
1949. For further information, call
at the Office of the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg.
Recommendations for Depart-
mental Honors: Teaching depart-
ments wishing to recomment ten-
tative August graduates from the
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, and the School of Edu-
cation for departmental honors
should recommend such students
in a letter, sent to the Registrar's
Office, Room 1513 Administration
Building by 11 a.m., August 18.
Refresher Course in String
Teaching, Michigan League Ball-
room. Program: 9, Forum on Be-
ginning Violin Class Teaching,
Louis Wersen, Anthony Whitmire,
David Mattern, Emil Raab. 11, Re-
cital by the Stanley Quartet. 12,
Luncheon at the Michigan Union
(by reservation only). 2, What the
String Specialist Should Know
About Wind Instruments, William
Stubbips. 3, Orchestra Techniques,
Louis Wersen.
To all Students Having Library
1. Students having in their pos-
session books borrowed from the
General Library or its branches
are notified that such books are
due Monday, August 8.
2. Students having special need
for certain books between August
8 and 11 may retain such books
for that period by renewing them
at the Charging Desk.
3. The names of all students
who have not cleared their records
of the Libary by Friday, August
12 will be sent to the Cashier's
Office and their credits and grades
will be withheld until such time
as said records are cleared in com-
pliance with the regulations of the
The Annual Masters Breakfast'
will be held Sunday, August 7, at
9:00 a.m., in the Michigan League
Ballroom. If you are fulfilling the
requirements this summer for the
master's degree and have not re-
ceived your invitation and ticket,
please call at 3510 Administration
Building before noon on Friday,
August 5.
The Department of Engineering
Mechanics presents Lydik S. Ja-
cobsen, Chairman, Department of
Mathematical Engineering, Stan-
ford University, in two special lec-
tures. The first, "Impulsive Hy-
drodynamics of a Fluid Inside a
Cylindrical Tank and Outside a
Cylindrical Pier," will be held Fri-
day, Aug. 5, at 4:00 p.m.; the
second, "Dynamic Loads on Beam
Bridges" will be Saturday, August
6, at 11:00 a.m. Both lectures will
be held in Room 445, West Engi-
neering Building. All who are in-
terested are invited.

Hall, University of Manchester,
England, 4:15 p.m., today, Kellogg
Summer Law Institute on Legal
Problems of World Trade. Opening
session, 8:00 p.m. today, Rm. 150,
Hutchins Hal. Gilbert H. Mon-
tagu, member of the New York
Bar, presiding. Lecture: "The
Proper Law of Commercial Con-
tracts in the English Legal Sys-
tem," Ronald H. Gravesen, Uni-
versity of London, England.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Mayer
Jerison, Mathematics; thesis: "The
of Bounded Maps into a Banach
Space," Friday. August 5, East
Conference Room, Rackham Bldg.,
at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, S. B.
Myers. ____
Carillon Recital: Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, will pre-
sent a program on Wednesday and
Friday, August 3 and .5 at 7:15
p.m. His program will include se-
lections by Van den Gheyn, the
Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven, 8
Polish Folk Songs, and a selection
of Saint-Saens. The Rackham ter-
race is open for those who would
like to listen to the program.
Student Recital: Newton Gra-
ham, Student of cello with Oliver
Edel, will present a program at
8:00 p.m., Friday, August 5 at
the Kellogg Auditorium, in par-
tial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Bachelor
of Music. His program will include
compositions by Boccherini,
Brahms, Faure, Debussy, Saint-
Saens, and Granados, and is open
to the public.
Student Recital: Kathryn Bush,
graduate student of piano with Jo-
seph Brinkman, will give a recital
on Friday, August 5 at 4:15 p.m.
in the Rackham Assembly Hall.
This concert was previously sched-
uled for July 25th but was post-
poned to the above date. Her
program, which is given in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Music, will
include compositions by Bach,
Beethoven, Mendelssohn and Pro-
Rackham Galleries, east gallery.
Paintings by Willard MacGregor.
Visiting Professor of Piano, School
of Music (July 8-August 5.)
Architecture Building: Exhibit
of student work in design and in
city planning. (June 9-August 13).
Museum of Archaeology: An-
tiquities of the Mediterranean
Clements Library: Unique Can-
adiana: A selection of fifteen Ca-
nadian rarities in the Clements
Library. (June 20-Aug. 19).
General Library: Main lobby
cases. Contributions of the Ancient
Mediterranean World of Western
Events Today
Canterbury Club, 218 N. Division
St. 4-6 p.m. Tea and Open House
for all students and their friends.
Baptist and Methodist students
will have a joint swimming party
tonight at Silver Lake. They will
meet at the Wesleyan Guild at
5:15. There is a hot dog roast
scheduled to follow the swimming
party. All Methodist and Baptist
students and their friends are cor-
dially invited.
The Sociedad Iispanica and the
Cerele Francais are to meet joint-
ly this evening, August 5, at 8
o'clock, in the Assembly Hall of

the Rackham Building (3rd floor.)
This final meeting of the sum-
mer session will take the form of
a social evening, and will include
music, entertainment and danc-
ing. Refreshments are to be served.
Everyone is cordially invited.
Classical Studies: The final
coffee-hour of the Session will be
held on Friday, August 5, at 4:00
p.m. in the West Conference Rm.
of the Rackham Building. Profes-
sor Dunlap will speak.
La Boheme, one of the world's
most renowned and beloved operas,
at Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre to-
night at eight. Presented by the
Department of Speech in conjunc-
tion with the School of Music, the
opera will continue to run Satur-
day and Monday evenings. Tickets
on sale at the Mendelssohn The-
ater box office from 10 a.m. to
8 p.m.
Mich. Hostel Club Square Dance.
Every Saturday night from 8:00
to 11:00 at Women's Athletic
Building. Refreshments and inter-
mission entertainment. Everyone
Sociedad Hispanica: Members
are cordially invited to a Fiesta:



Whoever or whatever created the disturbance-
There certain!v aren't any signs of it now.


Barnoby believes in this silly creature-
( -__________

No, That's just Look ovt! Yov're-
a friend of Mr.Lo , t

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