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The Montclair A udit
LAST SPRING, when the Inter-Racial As-
sociation, on campus launched its drive
to abolish discrimination in local barber-
shops, we were inclined to admire. that or-
ganization for its integrity and active ap-
proach to a situation that demanded some-
thing more than passive attention. It seemed
to us that IRA had taken upon itself a task
long-neglected and we were all in favor of
its program of picketing barbershops that
were discriminatory and of bringing its case
to its logical, if disappointing, conclusion in
the legal chambers.
Experience proved, however, that IRA's
Efforts, even when engineered as well as they
were, could not prevail against local govern-
ment. Looking back on it now, it occurs to us
that the failure was in a large measure due
to the attitude of Ann Arbor's citizenry.
Local residents were apathetic, if not
downright antagonistic, to the measures-
particularly to the picketing-employed by
thj campus group. Fundamentally, there
was a lack of cooperation between stu-
dents and townsfolk. IRA's tactics, in
other words, were unilateral--they were
directed and executed by students and fac-
ulty members almost exclusively. A major
issue was at stake in Ann Arbor, but the
city residents had nothing to say about it.
Bearing this in mind, we should like to
suggest that IRA, or any other group which
might be similarly inclined next fall, attack
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by m embers of The Daily staff
nd reIresent the views of the writers only.
the problem from another direction. We sug-
gest that cooperation between the student-
faculty group and the residents of Ann Ar -
bor be established before they undertake
what is after all a mutual problem.
A program along the lines employed in
the Montclair (N.J.) Audit might well serve
as a model for any successive activity. The
program adopted there involved a quiet but
thorough analysis of the racial situation as
it existed in the community at large. No
overt display of activity was practiced but
the results of the audit attracted a good deal
of attention-and favorable attention-just
the same. The program was carried out by
the Inter-cultural Group of the New Jersey
State Teachers College in cooperation with
the local chapter of the American Veterans
Committee and other local organizations.
In essence, the audit anmmounted to a-
dispassionate investigation into the racial
question as it applied to six areas within
the community-education, public facili-
ties, recreation, public health, housing and
employment. Results of the *audit were
drawn up on a credit-debit report which
was deposited in the public library. Copies
were distributed to local government offi-
cials for consideration and action.
The effectiveness of the program was re-
, vealed in both the attention it drew and the
changes it instituted. These changes were
not thorough by any means, but an appre-
ciable number of discriminatory practices
were eradicated with promises of further
i eform.
It seems to us that IRA could do no worse
than the Jersey municipality and it's just
possible that it might do much better with
;nich an approach,
-Kenneth Lowe
Iroiis in the__Fire__
ITT IS DISHEARTENiNG to not that an in
ternational program conceived in a spirit
of generosity and enlightenment is being
erected on a patchwork frame of queasiness
and ignorance. ER.? seems fated to go down
the drain in the same way and for the same
reasons as the British loan. A Congress
which haggles over a few millions is allowing
our economy to fly sky-high in an un-
ieighted balloon. Not only does the increas-
ing inflation at home devaluate what we
send abroad, but what we lend abroad is
allowed to aggravate inflation at home, and
so it goes.
x -,.,.
- ~~Fro-
The 21- onih Hitch
CONGRESS gave President Truman one
last kick in the tummy before adjourn-
ing when it passed a compromise draft that
is not only a poor example of legislation but
also a clever device to force the President
either to back down on his military pre-
paredness attitude or accept the bitter sting
of displeased voters in the fall for his efforts.
For when Johnny goes marching off to an
enforced 21-month hitch, Truman will be re-
garded as the cause of it all, despite the so-
called bi-partisan foreign policy and all of
its ramifications-which was to include se-
lective service as part of "getting tough." He
called for the bill and signed it into law
when failure to sign would have voided the
The kick against the draft bill will not
come until the first drafteps begin to leave.
Then many people waving to departing
sons are gointg to ask themselves, "Why?"
We are engaged in a cold war. Our na-
tional security is at stake. We also neet a"
potent military force to support and add
prestige to our foreign policy attitude to-
wards Russia and the rest of the Eastern
Therefore, we are going to draft men from
19 to 25 years of age and continue the pro-
cess probably for two years, until the act
expires. We axe going to train them in the
art of war so the nation will be ready for
any national emergency.
However, in passing the draft bill, Oon-
gress failed miserably in estimating the
time required to qualify a man for future
service. The problem is to teach him mili-
tary routine and discipline so that he
can don khaki in a minute and become a
fighting man. For this, Congress felt that
21 months would be required!
Perhaps our legislators hoped draftees
would be given specialized training in hand-
ling army equipment. Yet within five years
training given now will be as valuable as
knowing how to clean a muzzle=loader.
More likely, draftees will be given several
months of basic training and shuffle off to
some overseas post to "sit and rot," as many.
host-war draftees did.
At best, a six month basic training pro-
gram would suffice to train the nation's
young men for an emergency. This would
also be less disruptive to the orderly lives
of draftees. Without benefit of the G.I.
Bill and Mustering Out Pay (ranging from
$100 to $300 depending on length of serv-
ice a-nd overseas duty), draftees will lose
21 months of time that could be spent in
coll'ge or saving money for college enroll-
Another section of the law, according to a
United Press dispatch, exempts veterans who
served 18 months from Sept. 16, 1940, to the
date the act became law, and also those who
served 90 days or more during the "shooting
war," Dec. 7, 1941 to Sept. 2, X945. Under
this provision, thousands of draftees and
enlistees that served during the last phase
of the war and spent months in post-war
activities, but failed to get in 18 months will
be re-drafted, presumably because they need
to be prepared for military service!
Actually, any man who served six months
in any branch of service at any time is qual-
ified for service in an emergency.
And if our military strength must be kept
over 2 million, the Army should bid for sol-
diers on the labor market like any other em-
ployer and allow young men to think of serv-
ice as a method of saving instead of as a
blank hole in their lives.
-Craig IH. Wilson
A DRAFT has been enacted. Promising
students in the arts, sciences, and pro-
fessions will once more be raked from the
halls of learning into the drill-halls. Yet we
have no assurance that the military knows
any better now than in the past how to
utilize fruitfully the talents of the nation's
If the cold war is getting so warm that
we are forced to such measures as "peace-
time" conscription and the recently proposed
supplyirng of arms to Western Europe, then
a genuine mobilization is required. Where
is the justification at such a time for casting
away $5 billion in tax relief (largely to those
taxpayers who provide the bulk of campaign
contributions)? Where are wage controls,
Price controls and the excess profits tax?
Or is it that the potential draftees, most of
them voteless, and the small taxpayer lack
the powerful lobbies needed to secure ex-
emption from the preparedness program?
If you must play soldier, Uncle Sam, at
least strap the knapsack on both shoulders,
>k i *t
1HE MICHIGAN UNION has taken so
much of a roasting recently on its cafe-
teria price policy that it seems about time to
shine those unfriendly klieg lights upon the
League. Ann Arbor eating places generally
have been doing a good job of "holding the
line" on food prices through the past
months. Yet the League cafeteria, once pre-
eminent among near-campus establishments
for its skilled and tasteful food preparation,
now caps months of steady deterioration of
service and food quality with a resounding
increase in prices, about 25% on the average
meal. Cafeteria help has been definitely
reduced in number. Is the price rise simply
an "out" for - poor management, or has the
League adopted the notorious Union prac-
tice of making the safeteria pay the costs
cf other unprofitable operations. The stu-
dent body has a right to know.
-David Saletan
J1Hi4h Morality
Verbo ten
~)UR MAIL usually contains lots of dull
publicity releases from the hucksters,
but we were struck silly recently by the high
moral tone of the Association of Comics
Magazine Publishers' announcement of their
adoption of a code of minimum editorial
Among the -items listed is the disappoint-
ing "No drawing should show a female inde-
cently or unduly exposed, and in no event
more nude than in a bathing suit commonly
worn in the U.S.A."
* * * *
P'ro in ertxade
W ITH that traditional Michigan sympathy
for Ann Arbor dogs, we stopped to pet
one sleek-looking beast last night. We were
somewhat startled by his mistress' booming
voice coming out of the recesses of the night
with an even more startling statement.
"He wanted to go for a walk at this late
hour," she said, adding a plaintive and
mystifying, "THEY all do."
A LTHOUGH The Daily is running its own
campaign for recruits, we can still
chuckle over the techniques employed by the
Daily Californian:
"The Daily Californian can be your start-
ing place for an illustrious career in the
newspaper business, the college journal as-
serts. "Many of our former staff members
are currently rubbing elbows with notable
men of destiny,"
So if any one slyly rubs your elbow, re-
member:it may lust be a Californian mak-
ing good!
)cx l' . 1
TELEPHONE CALL placed by one of
our campus co-eds recently produced
nothing but confusion on both ends of the
line. Laying plans for dinner at one of the
local restaurants, she thought it might be
expedient to place a call before trekking all
the way down to the main stem.
"What time do you start serving dinner?"'
she asked when her party answered.
"I don't know," came the surprising reply
New York Herald 'Tribune .* .
'Tikilocki,,g tn Philadelphia'
IT MAY BE, as Mr. Leon Henderson asserts, that the Democratic
convention "is wide open and President Truman is clearly not the
choice of the delegates." The same thing could have been said
last winter, and yet here it is the first day of July, the Philadelphia
convention just around the corner, Mr. Truman still hanging to the
pommel, and to the best knowledge of the innocent American voter
nothing has changed.
The Democratic politicians keep up their muttering, state after
state leaves delegations uninstructed, the Dixiecrats brood darkly,
the young Roosevelts try to swing their weight -- everywhere in
the professional ranks is discontent. These are not private matters.
Newspapers are full of the Democratic misery, and certainly some
of Mr. T'rumnan's callers must have talked strong turkey by now.
But the President, unless he is saving a surprise, is waterproof to
the base notion that he should get out. The mere fact that he occupieL3
the White House alfords him sufficient superiority over his party
critics. No Democrat or group of Democrats has displayed even
the suggestion of adequate prying force. Could it be that Mr. Tru-
man's partisan capacities have been greatly underestimated? Or
is the Democratic disorganization so thorough that the lesser leaders
consider there is no use sticking out their necks in a Dewey-Warren
year? In short, that any candidate, even a President, is good enough
to lose with?
Perhaps it was not -Mr. Truman's planning or doing, but the
plain fact remains that the Democratic party, unhappy from coast
to coast, possesses only one candidate for the nomination. The op-
position is everywhere, and also nowhere. There is, true enough,
a wan peering in the direction of Eisenhower in the hope that rescue
may yet conecfrmmoriingside. therwise, exept for rapid r"ecur-
tence of Justice Douglas's' name, nothing. And so the Democrats
ticktock on to Philadelphia.
The Democratic plight has its comic quality, but we advise the
Republicans to hold their laughter. The Democratic party may be
weak, but it does not follow that Mr. Truman is equally feeble as a
candidate. He is an old hand at politics; by luck, design, or both,
the host of squabblers on the Democratic homestead remains strange-
ly scattered. Anybody who can manage this trick and then get his
enemies to nominate him as the national underdog, is an opponent
to be taken seriously.
AnnArborNews ,
Ike S ays No'
W HY DO certain Denocrats persist in boosting "Ike" for Presi-
The genial and able commander of the Allied Forces, later Chief
of Staff of the U.S. Army, and now "prexy" of Columbia University,
has said repeatedly that he doesn't want to run for the "big job" in
Washington. He has' given his reasons why he doesn't think a milita?
man should be President at this time. Yet the Eisenhower boom
goes on.
Could it be that these certain Democrats are so desperate for a
winning candidate that they would draft a man simply because
of his popular appeal? This is certainly the implication because to
date few people have any idea as to the general's political beliefs' or
his stand on domestic and foreign affairs. He has been Chief-of-
Staff, and as such he has stayed out of politics. The only conclu-
sion to be drawn is that Eisenhower is the only candidate these
certain persons think could possibly win for the Democrats and that
they are interested more in winning than taking a positive stand
on vital issues.
One issue involved in this seeking of a candidate is President
Truman's civil rights program. It revolts Southern Democrats.
Henry Wallace's Third Party is another factor because there
is little doubt that he is drawing the radical wing of the New Dealish
faction of the Democratic party away from President Truman. All
this adds up to a seemingly irreparable split in Democratic ranks, a
split which President Roosevelt through his political skill was able
to avert. Such a split makes a Republican victory in November seem
promising and the chief hope of Democratic leaders is to find a com-
promise candidate.
So "Ike," that great soldier, is expected to carry the ball for a
party which apparently wants him for no other reason than that he
is loved by everyone. But "Ike" isn't being fooled. His decision not
to accept seems likely to stick, but one wonders when certain party
leaders or would be leaders will believe that he means it.
: k' 4 4
New York Times . . .
'Te Dernocra tic iirinrr
'HE 1E PATHETIC EFFORT'S o'f th (lisunited anti-Truman Democrats
take on added absurdity by the day. All the regional satraps, the
big and little Tammany Halls, the politicians vho dread prolonged
famine, are screaming to save their own skins. Each is looking for
something special, and each self-seeker audaciously prates of national
emergency and call to duty. Local political crudity spreads into
r'ublit'atlons in The Dal y Official
lletl s eunsi'trueU ye notice to aill
Iienmbers of the University. Notices for
the Buletin shoud be cen I t ype.-
w ritten forn to the 0111ce of the Sum-
mier Ses~srio, Roor 1213 Angel mal, by
3:00i p arolonthe day preceding publ-
+ "" ""
catun ~ . :0 u. .aindas
SUNDAY, JULY 4, 1948
VOL. LVI, No. 178
Driving Regulations:
During the summer session the
rules regarding the use of auto-
mobiles by students at the Univer-
sity will be practically the same
as in the previous summer session.
Certain individuals have been
designated as exempt from the
regular regulations to whom these
rules do not apply. These persons
include: students who are over 26
years of age, those who in the pre-
vious year have been engaged in
professional pursuits such as law-
yers, doctors, dentists, teachers,
nurses and those holding faculty
rank of instructor or above.
All other student drivers must
report to Mr. Gwin or Miss Mc-
Dowell in the Office of Student
Affairs where they may obtain
special permits which will enable
them to use their cars for purposes
which are deemed necessary. Any
student may secure a summer per-
mit for recreational use in order
to participate in such outdoor ac-
tivities as golf, tennis, swimming,
boating, etc.
It is to be remembered that
driving permits are not parking
permits and consequently do not
give students the privilege of
parking in restricted parking
areas. The following parking
areas may be used by students:
1. East of Univ. Hospital
3. East Hall on Church St.
4. Catherine St. North of
Vaughan Residence Hall
5. West Quad Area at Thomp-
son and Jefferson Sts.
6. Michigan Union Area
7. College St. between East
Med. and East Hall
8. General' Service Building
9. Lot behind Univ. Museum ad-
jacent to Forest Avenue
10. Business Administration
building area
Students violating parking or
driving regulations will be sub-
ject to disciplinary action and pos-
sible fines.
Bureau of Appointments and Oc-
cupational Information
The U. S. Army Dependents
Service Schools is in need of three
principals for schools in the Far
East Command. Those selected
will not be permitted to take their
families with them.
There is also a need for Mathe-
matics-Science teachers in the
Secondary field. Five years of ex-
perience is required. Forfurther
information regarding these an-
nouncements, call at the Bureau
of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall.
Post Session: There will be a
Post Session. The courses that will
be offered are Economics 153ps,
Modern Economic Society; His-
tory 139ps, Nineteenth Century
Europe; A Study of Nationalist
Movements; and Sociology 154ps,
Modern Social Problems. Regis-
tration days will be August 12 to
Pi Lambda Theta and Phi Delta
Kappa groups will hold a joint
meeting, Wed., July 7 at 7 p.m. in
the East Conferefmce Room of the
Rackham Building. Dr. Charles
E. Phillips of the University of
Toronto will speak about "Paro-
chial Education" Refreshments
will be served. All members are
Spanish Conversation Group will
meet this week at 4 p.m. at the
"Casa Espanola," 1027 E. Uni-
versity on Tues., in the League
Cafteria on We., and at the In-
ternational Center on Thurs. Na-
tive speakers as well as students
of Spanish are cordially invited.
Accounting Achievement Test:
Results of the test given to stu-
dents in Business Administration
12 (Economics 72) during the
spring semester may be picked up
in Room 108 Tappanx Hall July 6
through July 10.
American Veterans Committee
will hold a membership meeting
on Wed., July 7, at 7:30 p.m. in
Rm. 305, Michigan Unio-i.
Lecture: Dr. Curt Sachs of New
York University will continue his
series of Tuesday afternoon lec-
tures on "The Commonwealth of,
the Arts," at 4:15 July 6, in the
Rackham Lecture Hall. Dr. Sachs
is an authority on musicology and
musical instruments. His lectures
are as follows:
The Clash of Classic and Anti-
classic Ideals, Part I, July 6
The Clash of Classic and Anti-
classic Ideals, Part II, July 13
The following lectures have
been arranged for the week be-
ginning July 5th.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Fri-
day at 10 o'clock-Professor H. B.
G. Casimir, Director of the
Philips Research Laboratory,
Eindhoven, Netherlands.
Subject: "Theoretical Aspects
of Low Temperature Physics,"
* * *
Tuesday and Thursday at 11
o'clock. Professor Martin Deutsch,
Massachusetts Institute of Tech-
Subject. "Selected Topics in Nu-
clear Spectroscopy"
All the lectures will be given in
Room 150 Hutchins Hall.
On July 7 at 4:15 p.m., Prof.
Amilio Willems of the University
of Sao Paulo, Brazil, will lecture
on the Japanesee Colony in Bra-
zil,. in the East Lecture Room of
the Rackham Building.
* * *
On July 6, at 2 p.m., Dr. Arnold
D. Welch, Prof. of Pharmacology
of Western Reserve University
Medical School, will speak on
"Chemical Analogs as Antagonists
of Biologically Active Substances."
The lecture will be in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
On July 7 at 8 p.m., Dr. Welch
will speak "On the Maturation
of the Erythrocyte," at 8 p.m. in
the Rackham Amphitheatre.
On July 8 at 2 p.m., Dr. Welch
will speak on "Studies of the Folio
Acid and Related Substances."
This lecture will be in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Linguistic Institute Forum lee-
ture: "A Spectroscopic Analysis
of the. Voiceless Fricatives of Eng-
lish" by Dr. George A. Kopp, pro-
fessor of speech, University of
Michigan. Tues., July 6, 7:30 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre. Slides.
Linguistic Institute Luncheon Con-
ference. Lecture: "Modern Eng-
lish Pronouns: Definition, Des-
cription," by Dr. A. A. Hill, pro-
fessor of English and English Phil-
ology, University of Virginia, Wed.,
July 7, Union Building. Luncheon:
Anderson Room, 12:10, Lecture,
Rm. 308, at 1 p.m.
Faculty Recital: Webster Alt-
ken, Pianist, will present the sec-
ond in the series of Monday eve-
ning programs sponsored by the
School of Music and presented in
the Rackham Lecture Hall July
5th. His program will include Cop-
land's Piano Variations (1930),
Virgil Thomson's Sonata No. 14,
and Veranderungen uber ene
Waltzer von Diabelli, Op. 120 by
The recitals are open to the
general public.
Radio Programs:
Juy 4, 9:15 a.m.--Hymns of
Freedom, WJR.
July 5, 8 p.m.-Webster Aitkin,
pianist. WUOM.
July 6, 3:30 p.in.-University
Choir, WUOM.
4:30 p.m. ° - University High
School, WUOM.
7 p.m. - Classical Concert.
Coming Events
Roger Williams Guild: Students
will meet at the Guild House at
1 p.m. Monday, July 5, for an
outing, to be concludedwith a cost
supper. Members are to wear
sports clothing and bring a swim-
ming suit.
Christian Science Organization
will hold its weekly meeting Tues.,
at 7:30 p.m. in the Upper Room
(Continzued oan Page 5)
Fi f tyEighth Year
'The Tito Trouble
W ASHINGTON-The schism between Mar-
shal Tito's Yugoslavia and Generaliss-
imo Stalin's Soviet empire is so vitally im-
portant, so far-reaching in effect, that
months will pass before this historic event
can be seen in the round. As an episode in
the strange history of the Kremlin, the wis-
est authorities here place Tito's declaration
of independence on a par with the great
purge trials of the thirties. The purge trials
made the informer, the slave labor camp
and the lash into permanent features of
Soviet society. This new event is also ex-
pected to play a fundamental part in shap-
ing the Soviet future.
There is general agreement as to how the
event occurred. Essentially, what has hap-
pened is the direct result of a crucial dif-
ference between the Yugoslav Communist
party and all other Communist pamrties ex-
cept, perhaps, those in China and the Fa'r
In the Western World, the Communist
parties are subsidized by the Kremlin, and
ruthlessly controlled both by this power of
cash and by the party "apparatus," which
is operated by the M.V.D.
In eastern Europe, except in Yugoslavia,
the ruling Communist cliques do not need
subsidies, since they have national revenues
to draw on. But they are largely headed by
men like President Boleslaw Bierut of Po-
land, whose previous employment is believed
to have been the Polish desk at M.V.D. head-
quarters in Moscow. Furthermore, these
Moscow Communists, who marched into time
lutism. It was an offense against all the
rules that Tito should control his own large
army. It was a downright outrage that he
should control his own secret police. The
Kremlin therefore sought to infiltrate Yugo-
slavia, and to install a Moscow-managed
apparatus" of control.,
Tito and his group, with unexpected in-
dependence, strongly resisted these at-
tempts to infiltrate thieir country. Their
resistance was successful, and this terrible
but triumphant heresy led to the present
open break. Such is the great break's real
background. A reconciliation is always
possible, but is considered extremely un-
likely. For the Kremlin cannot make deals
with heretics as it could with Hitler; no-
thing less than abject submission can be
accepted from professing members of the
faith. Yet Tito is able to maintain himself
in Yugoslavia, short of open aggression by
the Red Army; and from past experience
Tito must know that if he now abjectly
submits, he will have a short life.
If the Kremlin's authority is not sacred
and inviolable, then Soviet power must rest
exclusively on the Red Army and the secret
police. Empire builders who have to main-
tain their sway by naked force are always ii
trouble. And this is especially true of the
Soviets, since Russian soldiers and secret
policemen commonly succumb to the temp-
tations which exist even in eastern Europe,
as soon as they are sent out of the Soviet
Homeland's airless, repressive atmosphere.
Altogether, it is not surprising tiat the new
development has caused open jubilation here,
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Lida Dailes ... ,......Managing Editor"
Kenneth Lowe........Associate Editor
Joseph R. Walsh, Jr. ....Sports Editor
Business Staff
Robert James......Business Manager
itarr'y Berg .......Advertising Manager
Ernest Mayerfeld .Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-r
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for re-publication