SUNDAY, JULY 4, 1948
Dillard Beaten Twice, Barten
Wins in National AAU
Locke, Harrison Dead locked
In Motor City Golf Tourney
E ;f
DETROIT, July 3 - UPJl-obby
Locke, steady going Southa African
star,strayed offthe beam into the'
roughl six times today but still
played well enough for a one un-
der par 34-36-70 that tied Dutch
Tinarriscon of lbucuerque, N.M.
foar the three-quarters lead in the
$15,000 Motor City Open Golf
Each had 208, five strokes under
par for the 54 hole distance.
Locke chipped and putted
brilliantly to overhaul Dutch as
they moved into Sunday's final
rotund a single stroke ahead of
t' onrushing Ben Hogan, National
Open and PGA Champion, who
got back into the scramble for
the $2,600 top prize with the
first round of the tournament
thus far.
Hogan slapped in six birdies to
eat up five strokes of a six shot
half way deficit with 32-34-66,
five under par, and move right up
behind the leaders with 209 going
into Sunday's final 18 holes.
tied with Hogan was hard hit-
ting Stewart "Skip" Alexander,
husky Lexington, N.C. pro, who
played his second straight sub-
' par round, 35-33-70 to remain a
single stroke off the pace.
Host pro Melvin "Chick" Iar-
bert added a 72 to a pair of 69's
Bea r rew itts;
Set fo Olym l pics
PRINCETON, N.J., July 3-
," '-The University of California
easily whipped Harvard and
Princeton today in the final heat
of the Olympic eight-oared row-
ing tryouts and earned the right
to represent the United States in
the 1948 Games at London.
The Golden Bears, upset win-
ners over Washington yesterday,
had things all their own way in
the final as they finished nearly a
length in front of Harvard.
Princeton was a badly beaten
third, trailing California by about
three lengths.
California's time for the 2000
meters, 13 yards less than a mile
and a quarter, was six minutes
A and two tenths of a second. Har-
vard was clocked in 6:03.3 and
Princeton in 6:13.6,
to claim a share of fifth place,
two strokes back at 210.
Harbert's company at that score
included serious Jim Turnesa of
Elmsford, N.Y., and the Tourna-
ment's hottest amateur, 24-year-
old Gene Dahlbender of Atlanta.
Turnesa had a third round 36-
36-72, and Dahlbender 36-34-7t1.
Playing in 90 degree heat today
following yesterday's rainy day
temperature in the 60's, more than
half of the 60 players equalled
par on their third trip.
Altogether 23 bettered par of
35-36-71 for Meadowbrook
Country Club's 6,616 yards and
eight others hit par on the nose.
Bob Hamilton of Landover, Md.,
former National PGA Champion,
played the tournament's best out-
going nine 31-36-67, four under
par at a total of 211. There he
was bracketed with Elmer Reed,
Atlanta airlines pilot, and Marty
Furgol, North Hollywood, Calif.
blond, playing out of Albuquerque.
Fouzr others were under par of
213 for the 54 holes.
Horton Smith of Detroit and
Dr. Cary Middlecoff of Memphis
shot steady 68's for totals of 212,
Stymie Wsin
STANTON, Del., July 3. -
A'W) - Stymie, world's leading
money winning thoroughbred,
boosted his total earnings to
$904,835 today with a track
record breaking performance
in the $25,000 added Sussex
Handicap at Delaware Park.
where they were tied with two
Chicagoans, Lloyd Mangrum and
Ky Laffoon.
While Harbert and Smith were
the only representatives of the
Michigan contingent with a
chance to grab the title, the State
still had such stars as Sam Byrd,
who fired a 70 for 214, Walter
Burkemo, who added 72 for 215
and Ed Furgol with '71 for 216,
running fairly close.
Charles Harmon, Jackson pro,
played his best golf so far for 36-
34-70 and 221.
The heat stopped Jimmy Dem -
aret of Ojai, Calif., who quit after
45 holes.
Ewell, Porter Snap 13-W
A s -iSt82
(Special to The Daily)
MiILWAUK{EE;, July 3.-Herb Barten, Captain of the ijulver-
sity of Michigan track squad, qualified for the coming Olympic
Games in London this summer by copping the 800-meter event
at the AA Track and field Championships here. Barten tur ned
in a sparkling 1:;1.3 to defeat Reggie Pearman of the New York
Pioneer Club .
MILWAUKEE, Wis., July 3--(P)-Barney Ewell, former Penn
State sprinter, snapped the winning streak of Harrison Dillard today
after 82 consecutive victories when he nosed out the Baldwin-Wallace
star in the finals of the 100 meter dash at the National Amateur
Athletic Union championships.
The two men were three yards ahead of the field. Dillard,
off to a slow start, made up ground furiously, but Ewell held a
foot margin. The time was :10.6.
William Porter of Northwestern, who appears to dive over the
hurdles with both arms outstretched in Front of him, administered
the second defeat of the day to '-
Princeton U-
Cops Henley
land, July 3--(IP)-'The 150-pound.
crew from Princeton University
won the Thames Challenge Cup
at the Henley Royal Regatta to-
day, writing a happy ending to a
trip that was conceived as a joke.
Princeton defeated the Royal
Air Force crew by two and three-
quarter lengths after a one-mile
550-yard battle down the placid
Thames River. The time was sev-
en minutes and 20 seconds.
Coxswain Dunked
Then, in the finest traditions of
varsity racing, the Princeton eight
tossed their coxswain, little Jack
Eiler of Schuylkill Haven, Pa., into
the river.
It was Eiler who joshed his crew
into challenging at Henley after
it captured the Eastern Intercol-
legiate 150-pound Championship.
"Henley is the Mecca of row-
ing," said Eiler. "During the sea-
son we talked about coming here
as a joke. After winning, the boys
took me seriously and, boy, am I
happy they did."
NEW YORK, .July 3-('')-.
'Te Boston Braves today opened
up a four-game lead in the Na-
tional League pennant race-
the biggest of the year--as they
outslugged the Philadelphia.
Phillies 11-6 while t.he eortend-
ing Si. Louis and P ittsburgh
clubs were idle.
TIhe fourth pla ce New Yoz'k
Giants dropped six games off the
pace as they were beaten by the
Brooklyn Dodgers 7-5.
The first three teams in the
American League, Cleveland, the
Philadelphia Athletics and the
New York Yankees won their"
games to leave the Indians still
holding the lead by half a game
over the A's. The Yankees, in
third place, are two games off tle
The Indians, sparked by a
home run and triple by Eddie
Robinson, whipped the Browns
in St. Louis 8-2. Player-Manager
Lou Boudreau also connected
for a circuit blow. Bob Feller
allowed nine hits to register his
eighth success against as many
Dick Fowler spaced seven hits
in pitching the Athletics to an
8-2 win over the Red Sox in Bos-
Major League Round(-Up
ton. It was the A's 10th win in
their last 11 starts. It was also
Fowler's sixth win against one de-
Scoring four runs in the last
o f the eighth, the Yankees came
irom behind to nip the Wash-
in;ton Senators 5-3. Allie Rey-
noalds notched his 10th victory,
Sid lIudson, who had permitted
only four hits through the first
seven innings, was the loser.
Scoring all their runs in the last
three innings, the Detroit Tigers
came from behind to defeat the
Chicago White Sox 6-2. Hal New-
houser allowed five hits in racking
up1 his 11th win.
Bob Elliott, most valuable player
in the National League last year,
ri'ppcld out two homers, his third
and fourth in three days, to lead
the Braves attack against five
Philly pitchers. He also tripled to
drive in five runs.
The Giants not only lost the
ball game to their arch-rivals
from Brooklyn, but lost the
services of Buddy Kerr, their
ace shortstop for an undeter-
mined period. Kerr was hit by a
ball thrown by catcher Roy
Campanella in a successful at-
tempt to steal second in the
fifth inning.,
B rough Cops'
Tenis Titles
LONDON, July 3.--(IP)-Led by
belting Louise Brough, America's
women tennis stars joined Aus-
tralia's men in sweeping four
Wimbledon Championships today
as the famous fortnight, dating
back from 1877, came to a close.
Downs Miss Hart
Miss Brough was a very busy
girl. Already Amreriean Singles
Champion, she added the All-Eng-
land Title to her collection by
beating Doris Hart of Miami, Fla.,
6-3, 8-6, in a hard-fought final,
and then lent a brilliant hand in
winning both the women's doubles
and mixed doubles.
The blond from Beverly Hills,
Calif., thus became the first wo-
man to capture all three Wimble-
don titles open to her since Alice
Marble did it in 1939.
There was little susp'ense about
the women's final. Miss Brough,
at the top of her game, broke Miss
Hart twice to run off the last five
straight games of the opening set.
Dillard in the finals of the 1101
meter high hurdles.
Dillard, who uses the orthodox
style with one arm ahead and one
trailing, closed hard but he was
a full two yards behind at the
finish. The time was :14.1, far
slower than Dillard's mark of
:13.6, which is up for world record
Previously Gil Dodds, pushed
by Roland Sink of the Univer-
sity of Southern California,
captured the 1,500 meter run in
Dodds, leading the field of 32
runners from the start, opened up
a lead of 40 yards with more than
a quarter mile to go, and then
faded as Sink came up with a
rush to challenge on the final
curve. The "Flying Parson," how-
ever, had enough kick left to come
home four yards in front.
Dodds' return to form raised
hopes of an American place in the
1.500 meters in the Olympic
Games at London, an event ex-
pected to be dominated by the
William Mack, Michigan State
freshman, was a close third,
with Gerald Karver, formerly of
Penn State and the defending
champion, sixth.
Paul Bienz of Tulane was third
in the 100 meter run, with Don
Anderson of California fourth.
Bill Mathis, the defending cham-
pion, pulled up fifth. He has been
bothered by a strained leg muscle.
Lloyd La Beach, the Panama sen-
sation, was disqualified after two
false starts.
Although defeate d, Dillard
proved conclusively he must be
reckoned with on the American
sprint team in addition to a place
in the high hurdles.
Herb McKenley of Jamaica,
who yesterday bettered the
world record for 400 meters by
one tenth if a second, running
his first heat in the almost un-
believable time of :45.9, cap-
tured the finals to defend his
title. He won by five yards over
Mal Whitfield of Ohio State
in the brilliant time of :46.3.
iThe race was run in lanes, but
it was apparent Mceenley was
far in front on the back stretch.
As he came off the curve into the
Major Leaone
Yesterday's Results
Cleveland 8, St. Louis 2.
Detroit 6, Chicago 2.
Philadelphia 8, Boston 2.
New York 5, Washington 3.
straightaway, however, WhitfieldI
closed hard on tim, and Ollie,
Matson, the sensational San Fran-
cisco High school runner, came
up hard to take third.
In the 1,500 meter race, Dodds
ran his usual front race all the
way. His times for the three full
quarters were :57, 2:01, and 3:07.,
..at4 a t
444dii- jd4~ -*~44s _°_
G%/ j y nca
30 Balls c, 65 Balls $1
(Includes Use of Clubs)
No Waiting - 30 Tees
Lighted for Night Play
3200 Washtenaw
East of Warner Dairy
,H ,r
, loxv
a '
,s e fr onc£ O't '7
- fo='t1
4 Y
// f/
" ^ / e
!t "'b
,R , .
.,, '
! '
. "
® ' I
, "
,mss ' 'c' '
Love knots
, /
- . /
1 ,
Where's Your Name?
Cleveland .. .
P hiladeliphia .
New York . .
St. Louis....
Chicago .....
. 41 '
8' 2
101 ,
19 /
As Seen hi MADEM
~ _'N
Today's Games
Philadelphia at Boston -
Washington at New York-
Cleveland at St. Louis-(2)
Detroit at Chicago--(2)-
Yesterday's Results
Boston 11, Philadelphia 6.
Brooklyn 7, New York 5.
(Only ganmes scheduled).
W. IL. Pct. G.B.
Boston ........40 27 .597 ...
Sit. Loutis .. ...35 30 .538 4
Pittsburgh .. ..34 30 .531 4/
New York .....33 32 .508 6
Philadlelphia 34 35 .493 7
Cincinnati ....30 37 .448 10
Brooklyn ......28 35 .444 10
Chicago .......29 37 .439 10%
Today's Games
Boston at Philadelphia (2)-
New York at Byooklyn-
Chicago at Pittsburgh-(2)
St. Louis at Cincinnati-(2)-
O NE hundred and seventy-two years ago,
it took courage to sign this paper-this
Declaration of Independence.
But the men who signed it had courage.They
proved it. For, if their cause failed, they knew
what lay ahead. A noose-or perhaps a firing
Deliberately they turned their backs on
safety and security for the sake of an idea.
They wrote: "We hold these truths to be
self-evident, that all men are created equal,.
that they are endowed by their Creator with
certain unalienable Rights, that among these
are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happi-
With words like these, they wrote the birth
certificate of a new nation-and they signed
their names.
write your name. It's not that simple. And
it still takes courage.
Courage enough to stand up for freedom in
an ever-shrinjing world that's far from free.
Courage enough to fight prejudice and intol-
erance and injustice, wherever they exist.
Courage enough to help prove that democ-
racy really works.
You can do it, Only you can do it. You're
doing it every time you vote-every time
you serve on a jury--every time you pay
your taxes.
You do it every time you accept your privi-
leges and responsibilities as an American-
every time you put your endorsement on the
principles that paper up there stands for.
How do you endorse those principles? Not
with ink, but with action, By doing some-
thing about them-by doing the things listed
at the right.
That's the best way to put your name behind
local political gatherings. Hear both
sides. Ask questions. KNOW the issues.
unimportant. Vote in all of them .. .
according to your conscience. It's your
haven't served before, you'll be sur-
prised to find how interesting and im-
portant it is.
Teachers' Association or School Board,
if opportunity permits. Good education
is vital.
part in the decisions that affect your
life. Don't let someone else do it,.
** *
Today there's a signature missing at the
bottom of that document. Yours.
No, you can't just pick up your pen and
IIFrandm is evervhodv's ioh!