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July 04, 1948 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1948-07-04

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: 'D ' ', JiTLY 4, 194

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Prof. Allen Advises Fighting
Life's Least Resistanee Line

"Life is a continuous battle
against the line of least ;°esistance
-If you want adventure you have
to fight for it,"
So says Prof. Shirley W. Allen
of the forestry department.
At the age of 64 he is leading
trail riding parties into the High
Sierras and the Saw Tooth coun-
try of Idaho this summer.
Prof. Allen's fight for adventure
has led him from a reporter's
beat on the Syracuse Post Stand-
ard to wilderness areas in 45 of
the United States and 10 European
Philosophy in Action
This summer's trip to Idaho and
the .Sierras is part of his "battle
against the line of least resist-
ance" philosophy in action,
"I could," he said "remain in
Ann Arbor and have a comfort-
able and highly enjoyable summer
-- and then be extremely dull next
"Instead, I am going to go to
all of the work of digging out my
camping equipment and making
up a pack that includes everything
but weighs only 50 pounds," he
continued. "Then I am going to
spend a month shepherding a lot
of independent people tln'ough
country that will present them
with every opportunity to get
themselves lost, wet, interested
and happy.
"In. eturn for this I shall be
able to meet and talk with some
of my old friends in the Forest
Service and fish some of the best
trout streams in the world. The
result, I hope, will be a pump-up
of my viewpoint and energy, and
my return as a better teacher next
Intangible Crops
When Prof. Allen is not teach-
ing, leading parties through the

National Forests or National parks
or attending a meeting of one of
the innumerable committees of
which he is chairman, member or
consultant, he is quite likely to be
found occupied with his "alleged"
farm of 184 acres, Prof. Allen calls
his farm, which is located in Liv-
ingston County, an "alleged" one
because only eight of the 184 acres
are cultivated. The rest are swamp,
woodland, or reforested areas. Its
chief crops, according to its own-
er, are "relaxation and energy -
both physical and spiritual."
As a matter of honor, Prof. Al-
len feels that he must fish the
lake on his farm as often as pos-
sible. "There is a bass there," he
says, "that has been makging very
bad faces at me for a couple of.
Although "not a distinguished
fisherman," Prof. Allen likes to
fish - when the fish are biting.
He is not, as he says, "one of those
liars who says that he likes to
fish even when he doesn't catch
any fish,"
"State's Worst Shot"
As for hunting and the great
sport of mountain climbing, Prof.
Allen calls himself "the worst shot
in the state of Michigan" and
says that he has never felt the
urge to risk his life solely for the
view to be had from the top of a
high peak.
The professor has a marked dis-
like for those fishermen and hunt-
ers who make no use of their
game and throw it away rather
than bother with cleaning it. "Be-
lieve it or not," he said, "such
people actually exist."
Prof. Allen was convinced that
he and his opinions could be of
no interest to Daily readers. "After
all, I'm just a young feller trying
to get along," he said.

FTC Charges
Deception Used
By Book Clubs
Sa L~'Bon~ i' oks'
ActuallyNot 'Gifts'
WASHINGTON, July 3 - (/P) -
The Federal Trade Commission
issued complaints today against
six book companies, including the
Book of the Month Club, Alleging
"deceptive use of the word 'free,'
in their advertising,
Th complaints charged that
five "ook club" companies used
false, misleadig and deceptive"
terms in advertising,
The terms to which the conm -
mission took exception included
"free," "bonus books" and "bookC
dividends ,
Companies named in the com-
- oubleday and Co, Inc., of New
York, and its subsidiaries, Liter-
ary Guild of America, Inc, and
n elson Doubleday, Inc.; Walter J
lack, Incm taing sthe Classics
Clubeandb Detective"BokpaClsueo
New York; Book-of-the-Month
Club, Inc., of New York and Cadil-
lac Publishing Co., Inc., of New
The complaints said the books
called "free," "bonus books" or
"book dividends" are not gifts but
that the club member to get them,
must obligate himself to buy at
least four books a year.
The companies were given 20
days to answer the complaints.
WheaeTo Spea Her
Profu Kennet C. WiiereI visit-
ing professor from Oxford Ui-
versity, will lead the Unitarian
student group discussion of "So-
cialism in Britain" at 6:30 pm.
today at the Unitarian Church
calld "ree, "bnus ook" o

T exans Fiuud Discs Flocitng
Meridy A in lgain

Maekiiiaw Hit
- ._ - - ,,. _ 9_
By Weekend
-Ls i

MIGHTY MOLAR-Howard F. Barnett inspects a huge mastodon
molar which he found recently in a sand and gravel pit near West
Des Moines, Ia. The booth weighs six and five-eighths pounds
and is eight and three-fourths inches long. \
{.M 1Ill'u V

Don't lookt upi l10w. , ii#;the 1ly._
lng discs a" ' "' : ts t
n'11is tune ulI : s Wry isIrm th e
Sumner 'lt'caii, wit st' ''lving
Saucer Ecdit or'' liii tinat':; Lu Lii
versity f' 'Texas studet it I I h sL Iw
wierd objects iiiaitrtc l the x:
lows of Capi:t rano- only is ,3, ear
they WVer e five~ days latA'.
Along with the article is a con"
vincing picture of an Austin, Tex-
as skyscraper with i hat couildbe
anythin from a.soi mb mrtr to a
bullet hole the neative fl'oatIinf{
nerrily along,
The new elective service law
w ill catch 4fA } hi j St:, ,"' lhive-
sity students, according to thb
Ohio State Lantern.
Poli ce Ui cover
DETROIT, July 3-(/) --Police
today considered a grand jury as
a means of straining gamblers out
of the big Rouge plant of the Ford
Motor Co,
Police chief Ralph Guy estimat-
ed the take of numbers racketeers
in the plant at $5 million dollars a
He said he might ask a grand
jury to investigate after most of
the numbers men ir the plant ap-
parently eluded a carefully laid
police trap.
It was sprung too soon, Guy
said, because the Ford Company
interfered prematurely in the po-
lice investigation. Ford did not
answer this charge.
Apparently the only person
caught in the trap was a CIO
United Auto Workers committee-
man, Edward Hester, 38. Ie denied
any part in the racket.
Kopp T o Deliver
Leeire (in Speelh
Prof. George A. TFopp, of the
speech department, will discuss
"A Spectroscopic Analysis of the
Voiceless Fricatives of English" at
7:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre.
Prof. Kopp has been in charge
of visible speech research at the
Speech Clinic since 714. The
visible speech resear ,rch develope d
two machines, an acoustical spec
trograph, and a spe'ch tr. anslaltor.
These machines le 0now tr;o-
ing further researci at ; the lu i
ve'sity to test ti ei r adapta billity
to teaching the deaf how to carry
on normal conversations.

1; c is]a iov t ( )SUJ registrar Ron
u . 1 Jt """o" "fi"" ri it ut
hVit. ut I exen- t' >2,000 yotine
~ir'tl4x111i bd~raftedi. .o ftth of
(LI dt ii 21t11?ib , 'ri, 4h .00 1 ' hal,'tes
w ilt .'il I"t E f11 (! the n at l 's Co;7-
li'e uuItnr> ites he j)Ol
tei it X11 all sri.niar; of it LI iei'
learnn ;are enroleu i the Buck-
eye school.
Thereifore, approximately 450
A f' dling ttee, riring a recent
*:1 ((iivihk. lt - ((r LI u 1ti ow iie i f s ittiol
:.l I Mi "lait;lt( fstt#. C.lleg e tyes}
it litc:tilt..
'[lie tree, wit i h was located in
tle center of an MS trailer
ca up, crashed lown on the roof
of a.tailer oe scholar eceitly
acquired as a home for himself
and his wife, according to the
Michigan State News. The roof
and two sides were crushed in,
yOe other trailer was damaged
by th~e tree's branches.
All students involved went to
('lasses as usual the next day, say-
ing they would make repairs later,
Some of their wives later found
that the roof had been torn off
the laundry room and much wash-
ing had been damaged by flying
* *
Non;-v'eteran students at the
Uriversity of Illiuois are taking a
scholastic licking from tle ex-
servicemen, according to the Daily
TIhirty-eight percent of the
non-vets in the law school flunked
last term as comipared to 8.8 per-'
cent for the GI's. Elsewhere the
records revealed the same fate ex-
cept in the Jour1nalism School,
where non-vets hit a lower per-
tentage, G.5 to f.9.

By 'fl'e A: ut'tai'd Pre.s;
" crc bak d up soUlidly for
li'e il1105 below Mackinaw City
ta.y :s a grea t holidlay horde
took toiii MP'Iuilg.1:l l ' 41'w ys.
lite lill ' niilot orist s seeking to
cr,; , the A til'; began forming
latre Frisy anI h :3 a.m. Saturday
stretcled south far three and one-
half miles.
Lua ter' in the d.ay it grew to five
milc.; as the overtaxed Straits
ferries fought against time to clear
the cruisit
All t 1 txxays bore heavy traf-
fit' in the ii,.t o lf the three-day
Ju l h li da., .ises and train s
All state police ard most county
sheriff's departirnt 'n ts: were alerted
for traffic con trol and accident
Thie persons already had died
since 6 p.m. (fSTJ) Friday in traf-
fic accidents.
Dr. Curt Sachs of New York
University, authority on musicol-
ogy and musical instruments, will
present the second in his series of
lectures on "The Commonwealth
of the Arts" at 4:15 p.in. Tuesday
in the Rackhau Lecture Hall.
Dr. SacIs was former curator of
the Berlin State Museum of Musi-
cal Instruments. I1e is the author
of "The History of Musical Instru-
nients," "Worl lIistory of the
Dance," and "Tie Commonwealth
of the Arts." le is at present on
the summer staff of the School
of Music.
The lecture will be open to the
ge'neral public.



1:00 - 3:35 - 6:10 - 8:45
-- Feature at -
1:18 - 3:53 - 6:28 - 9:Os3

5c to 5 P.M.

DAILY from 1 P.M.


The stage footlights will reveal
"The Late George Apley," as the
second stanza of the speech de-
partment summer play bill, 8&p.m.,
Thursday, Lydia Mendelssohn
The play, which began as a
John P. Marquand Pulitzer Prize-
~ I
C lericacl Worksh op
To Study Methods
Proper clerical and secretarial!
procedure will be studied at al
workshop to be held Tuesday
through Friday at the Rackham
In addition to instruction in
such technical phlases as letter'
writing, handling of school record'
forms 'and operation of various
office machines, those attending
the workshop will receive tips on
proper speech, wardrobe, "make-
down" and hair s"tyling.
The Micligan Association of'
School Secretaries is sponsoring
this workshop fur school secretar-
ies and clerks employed in edu-t
cational systems or organziations
concerned with public education.,

winning novel in 1937, ran on
Broadway and finally became a
movie, is a portrayal of George
Apley, of Harvard and class-con-.
scious Beacon Hill, his devotion to
the Bird Watchers Club and his
actions as head of a distinguished
The plot deals with eight days
out of the life of the Apleys; the
audience meets them in his Bea-
con Street house on Thanksgiving
Day, 1912, and takes leave of them
the following Friday morning. But
in so short a time, George Apley is
bewitched, bothered and bewil-
dered by the curious non-Back
Bay goings-on of his son Joli
and his daughter Eleanor .
Against the best Bostonian tra-
ditions, John insists on falling in
love wtih a girl from Worcester,
while the daughter interests her-
self in a boy from Greenwich Vil-
Surrounded and assisted by his
wife, his sisters, his cousins and
his aunts, he wins and loses.
The play will be presented at
foiur' times; Thursday through -at-
urday evening, with a 2:30 mat-
nee Saturday.


' P

July is the month to refill your L.inen Shelves from
N our specal values. BATH TOWELS, LINEN DRESSER
SCARFS, Pure Irish Linen TEA TOWELS and many
other items you are sure to need are drastically re-
du~ced. Most of th-ese itiems care in limited quantitiies,
so we suggest you come in at your earliest convenience.
We are closed Saturday afternoons V
until after Labor Day
t 11 Nkikeis Arcade
{ f _ Open Monday thiu Friday 9:30 to 5:30
Saturday 9:00 to 1:00

From the Best-Seller
That Was
Loved by Milliaors


From the Stage Play
That Ran Two
Years on Broadway!

ljrliFrl/i Y/'
:/ Md
E -
;.. " f
1 P'i
r4: :L:: : :j:: _;: ;";"

(Ia~sified b


- Starting TODAY

_. {
e -



I ",

k K r3 rJ
Vtn1 C

RDFE 1 wanted from Plyrnouth to Univ.
and return. Write Box 122 Daily.
WANTED:,1 A _gun ®to shaie a 3-room
apartment through August. Phone
6890 between 9-5 and 2-8730 after 5.
.ATRIJ n. Washing and ironing done
in my home. Free pick-up^ and de-
livery. Phone 25-7708. )39
PERSONALIZED alteratidns -- Prompt
service-custom clothes. Hildegarde
Shop, 109 E. Washington, Tel. 2-4669.
MALE PART-TIME help wanted. Phone
2-7724. )77
SHOE SALESMAN, experienced, to work
part-time. Jacobson's. )63
WANTED---Half-tine semester secre-
tary for medical research project.
Phone 2559. )80
Accounts Receivable Ledger and Gen-
eral Bookkeeping. Phone 4195 Mr.
Mattson, for interview. Evenings
' 912 N. Main Street )76



BICYCLE LOST-.Fleet make, license
No. 2203, bike No. Y15435, black,
broken right pedal. Reward. W. War-
ren 1420 Washington Heights. )64
FURNISIED APT. until Sept. 15. No
children. On U.S.-23, Ph. Ypsi 3530J2.
NEEDED-One man for half of two
room suite for summer. half block
rum Raekham, 1034 . huron St.
Call 2-8754. ) 83
LI VINGROOM with kitchenette and
bedroom furnished for the summer.
Two blocks from campus. Call 2-2726
or Univ. Ext. 2514. )75
TUXEDO and suits. Size 42 long. Shirts
16-34 and 151-34. Like new. Ph. 5463.
TYPEWRITER - Remington portable,
year and a half old. $20 under list
price. 2-7293. )66
PONTIAC AUG. '47. 8 cyl. Torpedo Tu-
dor. Black with 5,400 miles. From
owner. Tel. 5463. )81
REDECORATING fraternity house. Al-
most new set of beautiful red leather
furniture. Ideal for hore or office.
Must be sold now. Also, solid ma-
hogany record cabinet and attractive
miscellaneous furnishings. Call 4187
or visit 715 Hill St. afternoons and
evenings. )72
at Crooked Lake with 80-foot water
frontage, 5 miles west of Chelsea.
Restricted wooded lots. Private road.
Call Detroit, VInewood 1-5890 or write
Herman D. Rufus, 191 Richter Street,
River Rouge 18, Mich. )56
GAS STOVE, 4-burner, A&B, $40. Wash-
ing machine, Universal with many
new parts, $65. Small child's tri-
cycle, $3.50. Combination bottle-gas
and coal and wood table top model
stove, practically new, $125. Every-
thing in good condition. Call 2-
9020. )328


Also -_










450 ,s.Wome s hoe
1 ' 4 iy::
(Broken lots from our_
recent college end sales)
at 50% to 20%
C Off Regular Prices

The Art Cinema League

k ; ~W'A n7

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