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July 04, 1948 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1948-07-04

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Latest Deadline in the State


State Dems
May Support
Will Caucus Prior
To Convent ion
By The Associated Press
DETROIT,-July 3--Gen. Dwight
D. Eisenhower's nomination for
President was advocated today by
Democratic National Committee-
man Cy Bevan of Michigan.
It was the first such official
expression from Michigan's Dem-
ocratic ranks.
Bevan, who will lead Mich-
igan's delegation to the national
Democratic convention, said he
felt that the "overwhelming ma-
jority of the people" want Eisen-
His statement came as Demo-
cratic leaders in 18 states joined
in calling a pre-convention caucus
to choose the "ablest and strong-
est" man as the party's nominee.
Michigan's delegation to the
Philadelphia convention starting
July 12 is expected to be on hand
ahead of time in an effort to
straighten out its problems.
One of these its its stand on
President Trumon, who has not
been too warmly regarded in cer-
tain quarters.
Bevan acknowledged that the
cail for a pre-convention caucus
did not name a candidate. He said,
however, that his man was Gen.
Public Demand
He said he hoped the caucus
would approve and thus provide
at the convention "a means for
the public demand for Eisenhower
to become vocal."
In turn, Bevan said, this would
make it possible "for that demand
to be turned into a draft." And
thus demonstrate to Eisenhower
the desire that he accept nomina-
"I find, and believe," Bevan
said, "that the overwhelming ma-
jority of Michigan people are for
him and that the same is true
The Michigan delegation will go
to Philadelphia divided on a num-
ber! of counts.
In this connection, :Bevan irdi-
. cated that he supposed there
might be objection to his support
of Eisenhower - particularly on
the part of Chairman John R.
Franco of Royal Oak.
x * a
i1S1l.(OW WS
Iowa JoinS Up
Pepper, Thurmond
Will Offer Support
By The Associated Press
The pressure to draft General
Dwight D. Eisenhower for the
Democratic presidential nomina-
tion built up to rivet-popping in-
tensity today.
Iowa State Democratic Chair-
man Jake More said today Iowa's
"Truman Delegation" to the Con-
vention could develop considerable
presidential support for General
Eisenhower if Eisenhower "be-
comes available."
Senator Pepper of Florida said
he will work for an Eisenhower
nomination and will attend the
Convention itself as an alternate

Feeling Spreads
South Carolina's Governor
Thurmond, with 20 convention
votes in his pocket as the Pal-
metto State's favorite son, said
yesterday he is prepared to re-
lease them in fa.vor of Eisenhower.
Leaders of the Wisconsin Dem-
)cratic Delegation, said today if
Gen. Eisenhower will accept the
Democratic nomination, he will
have virtually complete support
from their group.
The we-want-Ike sentiment, al-
ready feverish among southern
political leaders, appeared to be
spreading-to Illinois, Michigan,
California, New York, New Eng-
land and other areas.
Eisenhower secure behind the
Ivy of Columxbia University, was-
n 't saying anything.
An aide, however, declared the
general was standing on the state-
ment he made last January to
Leonard V. Finder, New Hamp-
shire newspaper publisher who
sounded him out about running

Albania Cuts Of f Trade;
Ejects Tito's Missions
Yugoslavia Calls Action 'irutal, Insulting';
Holds Nation Responsible for Consequences
By The Associated Press
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia, July 3-Albania slammed a twin blow
at Yugoslavia, severing trade relations and telling Marshal Tito's mil-
itary, political and cultural missions to get out, the foreign ministry
declared today.
Yugoslavia retorted with an acid note, terming Albania's action
"unprecedented," "brutal" and "grossly insulting" and a violation of
international law.
It said Yugoslavia will hold Albania "responsible for all conse-
Note Content}
The Belgrade radio recounted this latest episode in the Yugo-
-- <slav-Albanian feud. The note said

z ff ;s~' t

... wins 800
(See Page Three)

Tree Laws, -
Hits Congress
WASHINGTON, July 3-/P)--
President Truman signed three
major bills into law today, but he
bit off some more sharp criticism
of Congress as he did so.
The new laws will:
1. Raise the pay of some 1,300,-
000 federal employes.
2,. Establish a new and lower
tarm prince support system in
3. Continue the terms of the
five atomic energy commissioners
two more years.
Better Than Nothing
Mr. Truman said, in effect, that
the bills were better than noth-
ing-but not much.
The pay bil gives $450 a year
r aises to 480,000 postal workers
and $330 boosts to about 840,000
classified civil service employes.
Mr. Truman said the bill "meets
iieither the needs of the employes
nor those of the gove rment."
13ut, he said. Congress had failed
to enact legislation to hold down
the cost of living.
The President objected strongly
to the flat same-for-everybody
wage raise. He said it narrowed
the scope for advancement.
The Farm bill in general con-
tinues the present government
support prices for crops until 1950,
when lower props will be put into
Soil Conservation
The President said the new law
only partially meets the problems
of American farmers. He also said
it should have included a standby
program for improving the diets
of low-income families.
Expressing equal reluctance, he
signed the atomic energy commis-
sion bill. He said it wasn't in the
best public interest "since it in-
vests the atomic energy program
with an aura of uncertainty and
of partisan politics."

1. "By a unilateral act
contrary to all fundamental prin-
ciples of international law" had
denounced "all economic agree-
ments and protoccis" with Yugo-
2. Expelled Yugoslav trade, cul-
tural and military experts, giving
them 48 hours to leave.
3. Violated the Yugoslav-Al-
banian treaty of alliance by ex-
pelling the Yugoslav military mis-
sion. -
The note, dated July 1, said that
Yugoslavia had "in a friendly
spirit warned representatives" of
Albania to "remove obstacles
which stood in the way of correct
fulfillment of obligations" under
the terms of the economic pact.
No Protest
It said that up until June 29-
three days after the Russian-led
cominform fired its blast against
Yugoslavia - Albania had not
made a single protest against Yu-
goslavia's performance under the
pact's terms.
Friction between the two Bal-
kan neighbors developed swiftly
after the Cominform - interna-
tional Communist organization-
teed off on Tito for pursuing na-
tionalist policies and veering from
basic Communist ideology.
Albania, a little country of some
1,000,000 people, publicly sided
with the Cominform.
Agree on Spending
$125 Million Grant
NANKING, July 3-(EP)--The
United States and China signed
an agreement to terms for using
an additional $125,000,000 Amer-
ican military grant.
The 12-point economic agree-
ment was signed for the United
States by Ambassador J. Leighton
Stuart. It opens the way for the
United States Administrator, og-
erĀ° D. Lapham, and the Sino-
American Committees to start ac-
tual spending. Lapham witnessed
the signing.
The agreement includes a Chi-
nese promise to facilitate transfer
to the United States on "reason-
able terms of sale, exchange or
barter," materials for stockpiling
or other purposes" which the Unit-
ed States requires because of de-
ficiencies in its own resources.
Another article pledges the Chi-
nese Government to "locate, iden-
tify and put to appropriate use"
assets of Chinese Nationals within
American Territory. The agree-
ment specifies that the United
States is not obligated to assist in
this, but it is' likely that some ar-
rangements must be made to help
China locate such private assets,
Stabilization of China's inflated
currency and uniform administra-
tion of import and export controls
also are promised by China.
AtA Gance

UN Mediator,
Arab League
Meeting Fails
Expect Palestine
War To Continue
Ay .The ssociated ress
CAIRO, July 3-Count Foe
Bernadotte, United Nations me-
diator for Palestine, met with
Arab leaders for nearly four hours
tonight, presumably to discuss the
Arab League's counter-proposals
to his recommendations for peace
in the Holy Land.
One high Arab official predicted
Palestine warfare would resume.
All the Swedish count would say
as he left the meeting was: "We
have agreed to say nothing to-
Report Rejection
Arab League sources have re-
ported that the seven-member
bloc of Moslem countries has re-
jected Bernadotte's proposals for
ending the Arab-Jewish war.
tiad El Solh Bey, prime mini-
ter of Lebanon, said, as he left
tonight's conference: "Apparently
there will be no further discussion
with Count Bernadotte."
Asked about reports that King
Abdullah of Trans-Jordan had
said the Arabs had rejected the
proposals and would resume fight-
ing, the Lebanese premier said:
"If King Abdullah said so, it
will be so."
Not Public
The Arab League reply to Ber-
nadotte's recommendations was
handed to the mediator shortly
after his arrival in Cairo. It was
not made public.
Abdel Monein Moustafa Bey, a
League spokesman, said of the
League's reply:
"It is a very long reply and con-
tains counter-proposals."
Asked whether he would visit
Tel Aviv, capital of Israel, Ber-
nadotte replied that when he
reached Rhodes he expected to
find a message from Tel Aviv
awaiting him.
Neutral diplomatic sources in
Cairo said they believed it would
be almost a certainty that Israel
would object to some of Berna-
dtte's suggestions and offer a
set of Jewish counter-proposals.
Bernadotte drew up his pro-
posals for a settlement after ef-
fecting a four-week truce in Pal-
estine fighting. The truce expires
July 9.
The Swedish count said whether
he asks extension of the truce
will depend on meetings with both
Jews and Arabs He said he ex-
pected the Jewish reply Sunday
night or Monday.
Found To Stop
WASHINGTON, July 3-()-
Government attorneys today ex-
plored three different ways ot
seeking a court injunction to stop
a coal strike Tuesday in the mines
owned by the steel industry.
These are the three avenues
open forkgovernment action to
stop a strike:
Avenues Open
1. A plea to the courts by Rob-
ert N, Denham, General Counsel
of the National Labor Relations
Board-but only after he inves-
tigates and issues a formal com-
plaint on the steel industry's

charges that Lewis is violating the
Taft-Hartley Act by insisting on
the union shop provision.
2. White House seizure of the
"captive" mines under the new
draft law, because of the effect of
a further steel shortage on de-
fense production. As government
employes under seizure miners
could be barred by the courts
from striking.
3. Use of the Taft-Hartley pro-
cedures for "national emergen-
cies." This requires a finding that
the nation's health or safety is
imperilled and an investigation
by a fact-finding board, before a
court injunction can be asked.
No Action Now
Officials said privately they
probably will wait for the strike
to develop before making a court
move to stop it.
Failure to accept Lewis' terms
means an almost certain strike in
the steel-owned pits. Miners now
are on their regular annual va-
cation, but they are not expected

Dr. Edward S. Mason. dean of
the School of Public Administra-
tion and professor of economics at
H arvard University, will speak
twice this week, continuing the
current University summer lecture
series on European reconstruction.
With the problems of Germany
as his central theme, Dr. Mason
will discuss "Economic Recon-
struction of Germany," at 8:10
WUOM T ll e
Monday ight
Staijon To Be Free
WUOM, the University's fre-
quency modulation station, will
make its debut on the airwaves at
7:30 p.m. tomorrow.
Broadcasting on a frequency of
91.7 megacycles, the station will
open with a. half-hour of recorded
music from the Angell fall studio.
This will be followed at 8 p m- by
a. bradcast of a. piano recital by
WebsterAitken from the Rack:
hamn Lecture Hall.
After tomorrow, a regular broad-
rastlng schedule from 3 to 8 p m.
will be observed Monday through
Friday with programs from 9:15
to 11 a.m. on Sundays. In addi-
tion, special musical events will
te broadcast from time to tIme
trom the several campus auditori-i
Programs featuring music, news,
educationa.l talks, dramatic pre-
senattions arid round-table dis-
ussions will be presented over the
new station. Several student or-
anizations will cooperate in pro-
grans p1 esented during the sum--
ma- .
No advertising will be presentel
over WUOM and static-man-
made or natural--will be elimi-
nated. Interference between sta-
tions will also be eradicated.
Tuesday's program will include:
recorded music by University mu-
sicians. a University Choir concert,
campus dateline news, popular re-
corded music, a dramatic program
by University High School stu-
dents, the speech department's
"Journal of the Air," a children's
story hour, a broadcast by the
German Club, a poetry reading
program and a classical concert.
Program schedules are available
from the Broadcasting Service,
4004 Angell Hall.

p.m., Tuesday, in the Rackham
Lecture Hall and follow up with
"Political Developments in Ger-'
many," at 4:10 p.m., Thursday, in
the Rackham Amphitheatre,
Dr. Mason will give both lec-
tures the benefit of years of ex-
perience in economics and inter-
national relations. He served as
a member of the board of analysts,
of the Office of Strategic Services
from 1941 to 1945 until his ap-
pointmnent as a consultant to Wil-
liam L. Clayton, then Assistant
Secretary of State in charge of
economic affairs. Later he was
chief economic advisor to the U.S.
delegation to the Moscow Confer-
He was econiomic consultant to
the Defense Commission in 1940
and 1941.
Dr. Mason was also chairman of
the Conference on Price Research
of the National Bureau of Eco-
nomic Research.
He was appointed to the Com-
mittee on Foreign Aid,alate in
1947, by President TI.ruman.
He published a treatise "Con-
trolling World Trade," after re-
turning to his regular duties at
Harvard. International economic
rĀ°elations and especially interna--
bonal catels" and commodity
agreements are considered his
major fields.
Dr. Mason studied at the Uni-.
versity of Kansas, Harvard Uni-
versity and the University of -Ox-
ford, in England. He received his
doctorate in economics from Har-
vard in 1925. He stayed on as in-
structor and later professor of
economics and in 1947 was named
Dean of the Graduate School of
Public Administration.
Aitken To Present
Second Conergt
Webster Aitken, guest lecturer
in the music school, will present
a piano recital on the second pro-
gram of the faculty concert series,
at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall,.,
Beethoven's Veranderungen uber
einen Waltzer von Diabelli, Cop-
land's Piano Variations and
Thompson's Sonata No. 4 will be
the featured numbers on Aitken's
Aitken, who has appeared as
soloist with several major sym-
phony orchestras here and abroad
has been acclaimed by Virgil
Thompson as a "master pianist
and a master musician." He is
head of the piano department at
the Carnegie Institute of Tech-

Allies Continue
~) * l *
Russians Refuse To Assure ILfting
Of Blockade at Allied-Soviet Meeting
By rhe Associated i're s
BERLIN, July 3- -The Russians refused today to say they would
lift their Berlin food blockade and allied airmen prepared to give up
their Fourth of July holiday to continue the flying breadlize.
An American spokesman annonced that Marshal Vassily D. Sok-
olovsky, Soviet commander, met with U.S., British and French military
commanders for 30 minutes. The spokesman said Sokolovsky refused
to give any assurances about ra ising the blockade. The meeting was
in answer to a letter by British military governor Gen. Sir Brian Rob-
ertson, asking that a date be set for removing the blockade.

shooting from this tandem gasoline truck destroyed two homes
and damaged three other buildings in Detroit. The driver of the
truck, J. P. Bybrand of Pontiac, did not know his vehicle was
ablaze until a man watering his lawn yelled to him to stop.
Picture was snapped by an amateur photographer.
Dr. Mason To Deliver Two

As the top officials met, air-
borne supplies streamed into
Berlin, and after the fruitless
meeting with Sokolovsky, Gen.
Lucius D. Clay, the American
military governor, announced
the air lift will continue and be
Clay added he thought the
French' would take part in the
emergency air freight service to
feed the 2,000,000 residents of
Berlin's western sectors.
Those representing the western
allies at the meeting, held in Sok-1
olovsky's Babelsburg villa on the
outskirts of Berlin, were Clay,
Robertson, and Gen. Roger Noiret,
deputy French military governor.
The American spokesman said
the three went to Sokolovsky to
tell him the two-week blockade of
western Berlin was becoming a
serious matter and they wanted
some assurance that "technical
difficulties" to railway traffic
would be overcome. The Russians
said "technical difficulties" caus-
ed 'the ban on rail traffic at the
start of the blockade.
"We were able to obtain no
assurances and the meeting was
adjourned," the spokesman said,
"The situation remains un-
The'meeting was the first be-
tween the four occupation chiefs
since theMarch 20 walkout of
the Russians from the alied
control council.
As a result of the deadlock it
appeared likely the western pow-
ers will have to approach the
Kremlin directly to solve the is-
.ire European
Counries, U.S.
To HoldTalks
WASHINGTONI , July 3-( 'P)--
Diplomatic Informants said to
night that the ambassadors of the
five western European union
countries had been asked to meet
with state department officials
Tuesday to discuss future rela-
tions between the United States
and the European organization.
These informants were uncer-
tain as to whether the ambassa-
dors would confer with Secretary
of State Marshall or Underscre-
tary Lovett. Marshall has been
undergoing a physical checkup at
the Army's Walter Reed Hospital
here and aides said they did not
exPect him to be in his office
The five countries are Britaii,
France, Belgium, the Netherlands
and Luxembourg.
The State Department talks will
be the first meeting between dip-
lomats of those nations and the
United States to consider ways of
carrying out the Vandenberg
resolution approved by the Sen-
ate at the last session of Congress.
This resolution, sponsored by
Chairman Vandenberg (R-Mich)
of the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee, called on the admin-
istration to promote American
"association" with regional de-
fense alliances such as that of the
western European block,

Alger Reveals
Candidacy But
May Not Run
Seen as Sigler MoV e
Io ExcludeKeyes
LANSING, July 3--(P)-Secre-
tary of Mtate Fred M. Alger, Jr.,
announced his candidacy today
for the Republican nomination
for Lieutenant Governor, but left
in doubt whether he actually will
Alger's statement could be in-
terpreted as a move by the Sigler
administration to "purge" Lt. Gov.
Eugene C. Keyes; or as an attempt
to blackjack Keyes out of the con-
test for governor.
Keyes, a foe of Sigler on many
vital issues, has circulated nomi-
nating petitions for both governor
and lieutenant governor, indicat-
ing he might go for the governor-
ship only if Gov. Sigler tries to
purge him.
No flurry
liowever, Alger's announcement
did not hurry Keyes in his de-.
cision, which he said would co
"There are many men in the
Slenate and Houbtse with long years
of parliamentary knowledge and
;kill, who served long apprentice-
ships and who know government
profoundly who aspire to the lieu-
tenant governorship as a promo-
tion," Keyes commented.
No Purge
He added that he did not con-
sider Alger in this class.
Alger said, "my actions are not
to be construed as being any part
of a campaign to purge the pres-
enrit lieutenant governor from of-
fice. It would appear that Mr.
Keyes has made his intentions
clear. It isnapparent that he in-
,tends' to run against Gov. Sigler.
"if, however, he becomes a can-
didate for lieutenant governor, I
may consider withdrawal in the
interest of party harmony when
it is so sorely need~ed."
A _inst_ er
GRAND RAPIDS, July 3.-(-
Charges that he was allied with
a Detroit group fomenting ppo-
sition to the re-election of Gov.
Sigler was denied emphatically
today by Frank D. McKay,
McKay, former national com-
mitteeman and power in Repub-
lican politics for many years, said
he had "not taken part in any
conference political or otherwise
to place opposition against Mr.
H~e said it was hls opinion, how-
ever, that it would be better if he
(Sigler) would stop criticizing in-
divid.als" and promote his cam-.
paign in a "more dignified man.-
McKay was asked about Gov,
Sigler's charges he was allied with
former (J-ov, Alex J. Groesbeck,
Edwa7'd N. Barnard, and Detroi
Police Commissioner Harry S. Toy
in backing thae candidacy for gov-
ernor of Detroit's Judge W. Mc-
=ay Skillman.
The Grand Rapids financier
said of Judge Skillman, whose an-
nouncement that he would oppose
Sigler in the primaries touched off
the Governor's blast:

(By The Associated Press)
NEW YORK, July 3-Agreement on a new contract covering
80,000 miners in Pennsylvania's anthracite fields was reached here
tonight by negotiators for the United Mine Workers and hard coal
CHICAGO, July 3-An estimated 40 per cent of the produc-
tive capacity at the huge Carnegie-Illinois Steel Company was
knocked out today by an explosion and fire that injured 21 work-
ers, four seriously.
Police Commissioner Mls.ichael J. Corrigan estimated damage
at "near a million dollars."
* .' * *
HELSINKI, Finland, July 3-Finland's Communists have suffered
'a decisive setback, and the country appears headed for a course more
nearly in the middle of the road as a result of parliamentary elec-
tions Thursday and Friday.

Glorious Fourth Splutters in Ann Arbor

There will be no fireworks-lit-7
erally or figuratively-in Ann Ar-

They were swamped with calls to
local bus stations and train termi-
nals from hot and tired Ann

of heat with scattered showers
late tonight and tomorrow for a

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