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July 04, 1948 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1948-07-04

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SUNDAY, JULY 4, 1948



Summertime League Keeps
Campus Social Ball Rolling-

Uldd ry nin

The Michigan League is open
during summer school to give stu-
dents -the many opportunities
which are provided during the
regular session at the University.
During this summer the Under-
graduate Council, which plans and
carries out League activities, is
headed by Pat Rued, council pres-
ident, and backed by Miss Ethel
McCormick, League Social Direc-
Miss "Mac's" new assistant is
r Ot
The first two week-ends o:
"Hag, Stag, or Drag" at the Cam-
pus Casbah in the League Ball-'
room are proving so successful
that the policy will be continued.
An array of eligible males and
females have been coming in in-
creasing numbers to the iances,
which are being held from 9 to
12 pm. every Friday and Saturday
during summer session. Hostesses
sign up each week and arrive at
8:30 on dance nights to get the
ball rolling as soon as dancers ar-
Meeting people in a leisurely
fashion, to the music of Art Starr's
popular sextet, is aided by the
Casbah committee, headed by Lois
Steere. Each hag and stag is fur-
nished with a sign bearing his
name, and thus the "get-acquaint-
ed" policy is made simpler. TIhu
price is sixty cents per person, or
$1.20 for those who prefer to bring
their dates. A coke machine is
just outside the ballroom door and
the Grand Rapids Room is open
for games.
The Casbah needs hostesses
every week to help the dancers
meet each other-so for an eve-
Wing of good music and dancing,
Miss Steere urges new hostesses to
sign up in the Undergraduate of-
fice at the League - and the
rest, to come and enjoy Art Starr'

Miss Suzanne Smith, a recent Uni-
versity graduate who with the
Council members, Joyce Atchison,
Mary Daugherty, Donna DeHarde,
Monica Geiger, Mary Riggs and
Lois Sleere keeps the wheels roll-
Dancing classes, which are a
year-around League feature, are
continued in the summer. They
are open to men students and are
taught by a professional dancing
teacher, Mr. John Lekas. Women
students can still sign up to be
hostesses to help the men along.
According to Mary Daugherty,
chairman of this committee, the
classes which will meet in the
League Ballroom on Tuesday
nights, will include the latest and
most popolar steps.
Joyce Atchison, who heads the
social committee, has organized
activities including Monday night
square dances in the League Ball-
room and called by Scott Colburn;
bridge lessons on Wednesday eve-
nings by Mrs. Walter McLean; and
many other social events.
Casbah, headed by Lois Steere,
provides all-campus dances to the
music of Art Starr. Hostesses are
present to facilitate mixing so that
students can easily meet a great
many people. There are plans, too,
for some very special dances in-
cluding a summer formal.
Women's Judiciary Council,
headed by Mary Riggs also goes
on through the summer. The two
assistants are Donna DeIjard}
and Monica Geiger. "Judish'
exists mainly to uphold Campus
regulations and to aid the stu-
dents in better understanding
campus policies.
The League also signs up ushers
for the Department of Speech
summer plays, and provides a tu-
torial service. Men and women
students can use other League
facilities, including the Hussey
and Grand Rapids rooms and the
record player in the concourse.
Any questions or suggestions for
additional student projects should
be brought to the Undergraduate
Office where they will be welcome.

Euc hoanon Hla bermano Arbor, have innotinced the ia-
riage of 1.heir daughter. Harriet
Mrs. Louise Buchianan of AtnnI Wdworth, t.o David Frederick
Arbor has announced the en': l Upton. Sa Jm, Ie 19 at the Col-
meit of her daughter. Marian, to l ,.iat e Soro;is sorority house. M'rs.
Rudolph Haberman, Jr., son of Uphn harriet Skinner) is a
lMr. and Mrs. hlabermarnn, sr., of gradate of 1.e University and a
Battle Creek. ek n nieier of Collegiate Sorosis.
Miss Bucehanan is attending 'tlie Mr.. Jltonr the son of Mr. and
Univerrity. 11cr fiancee received Mt': Frederiuk 8. Upton of St. Jo-
his master's degree in engineering 'ph., is also a University grad-
from time University la t ifonth.,nate and a miember of Alpha Delta

No date has been set

for' the

INDOOR BEACH-Relaxing on a Hollywood studio set beach are (left to right): Mildred Baer, De-
troit; Carol West, Houston; Cupie Lovewell, New Orleans; Wanda Smith, Long Beach, Calif.

* * *
Pa rkcr-CGcse
Mr. and Mrs. Alber't Parker of
Ann Arbor have announced time
marriage o their daughter, Char-
lene, to Lee Owen Cose, Jr., Fri.,
June 18, in St. Andrew's Episcopal
The former Miss Parker is a
graduate of Stephens College and
is attending the University, where
she is a mtember of Alpha phi
sorority. Mr. Case, the son of Mr.
arind Mrs. Case, sr., of Ann Arbor,
will be a senaior in the University
next fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence O. Skin-
ner of Washington, D.C. and Ann

P' hi fraternity. The wedding cere-
mnony was pe-rformed by the bide-
groom': uncle, t he Rev. Lee V.
Barker, a congrega t iona i minister.
Rcae Grimston
Jolmn Rae of Ardmoor Di'., has
announci d tim marriage of Iis
sister, Elizabeth Ann Rae, to .Jack
Speotce tr Grmston on Sat., June
19 in St. Andruw's Episcopal
church. Ann Arbor.
The bride is the daughter of
the late Thoznas Rae of Skokie,
Ill. She attended the University
following her graduation from
Ann Arbor High school.
Mr. Grinston, the son of Mrs.
Doris Grimston of Pittsfield and
George Gi'imston of Ypsilanti, at-
tended Michigan State Normal
College. IHe will enter the Univer-

sity school of business administar-
tion next fall.
** '
WaVV te rsTca p pe
Mr. and Mm's. Floyd J. Waters of
Ann Arbor have announced the
namrriage of their daughter, Donna
l.ouise, to Mr. Bruce Tappe, Sat-
ut day, June 19 in the First Pres-
byterian Church in Ann Arbor.
Mrs. Tappe {Donna Waters)
i'm'aduated from Ann Arbor High
and attended Hamilton Business
College here. Her husband, the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Tappe
of Ai Ar'bor, served two years in
tlie Navy and is attending the
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Harold , S. Gray
of Ann Arbor have announced the
marriage of their daughter, Mary
Almena, to Clarence Earl Steph-
enson, Mon., June 28 in St. An-
drew's Episcopal church.
The bride is a graduate of Uni-
versity high school and Stephens
college. Mr. Stephenson, the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Orlando W. Ste-
phenson of Ann Arbor, is also a
University high graduate and is
attending the University.

Ushers for the summer play
series being presented by the
speech department are still need-
ed for all Saturday matinee and
evening performances, according
to mat Reed, president of the
League Council. Women interest-
ed may sign up in the Uindergrad-
uate offices.
Next Friday, July 9, five mem-
bers of the League Council will in-
spect the University Fresh Air
Camp, with Gene Lamb, represen-
tative of the men's residence halls
also touring. The same night, the
group will see the psychology
Balhroom dancing classes are
held every Tuesday night. In both
beginning and intermediate class-
es, modern steps are taught by
John Lekas. Hostesses, admitted
free, are urged to attend as part-
ners for the men.
Duplicate bridge is being con-
ducted at 7:30 p.m. every Thurs-
day, fifty cents per person. Come
with or without partners.

..-_ .-..__....... _ _ _ __ __ ____ ______ _ _ _ ___ _ _ __

T ERRYCLOTH seems to be the
favorite at the beaches this
summer. Wonders can be per-
formed at home on the sewing
machine and produce almost any-
thing in beachwear. Cunning
terrycloth lunch baskets have been
made. After the day at the beach
is over, it also serves as a place
in which to deposit the wet suit.
When the sand is too hot for bare
feet, clever designers can fashion
little slipper~ mounted on rope
soles. Big, roomy bags to carry
around the inevitable sun oils and
beach coveralls can be made with-r
out much loss in time.
ERHAPS NOT as popular as
the gold kid accessories, but
not quite as expensive are the
straw belt and bag sets shown by
the stores. Ranging from prices
in the $3.98 bracket on up, straw
pocketbooks are light and attrac-
tive. Styles run from a cloth bag
mounted on a straw base to the
classic envelope pocketbook. Straw
belts have the advantage of serv-
iceability; they can be used on


any dress that needs a belt, no
matter what color. But buyers
should keep a cautious eye on the
quality of straw accessories, be-
cause their wearability is not as
good as the prices might indicate.
* **
S'UMMER seems to be the in-
spiration for all kinds of gew-
gaws. Gold metal beads and brace-
lets provide a striking effect with
a summer tan. Stores are showing
an assortment of chokers, pearls
and glass bead jewelry to add a
gay touch to the summer outfit.
Depending on one's taste, summer
jewelry ranges in price from $2.98
to the $18 quoted foi' fake baroque
pearls measuring .56 inches long.
* * *
T'S NOT TOO LATE to catch
onto that summer trick in
washing cottons. Taking shiouldei
pads in and out after washings
has always been a source of
summer annoyance. We tried all
the suggestions, but the one we
like best is the snap solution. Sew
snaps where the pads are sewed
to the dress and on the corre-
sponding parts of the pads. Be-
fore washing, snap the pl ads out
and put them back in after iron-
ing. It saves annoying hours of
sewing and seething.
* * *
ALTHOUGH the summer fasli-
ion trend among the "exclus-
ives" is ostensibly moving away
from peasant blouses, most wo-
men, particularly those of college
age, still cling to this style. The
blouses are practical, inexpensive
and generally adaptable to nearly
all types of skirts and occasion s.

Be-riufled white sheers and [lbatistes-
voiles with riumuba-rufiled sleeves-
dottcd Swiss blouses with eyelet
ruffles, others with red or blue
or b°lme snmcking--in fact a galaxy
of drop shoulder peasant styles to
keep you looking pre ttv--and cool,
Sizes 32 to 36.
Cotton Skirts... $5.00 to $8.95
309 South State

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gives bosoms a mnarked
"6ineof-separation ~


They uplift superbly, too, in addition to giving
the clearly defined line between the breasts which
is so fashionably important these days.
Adjustable Featuires Assure "Precision Fit."

(Continued from Page 4)
of Lane Hall. All are cordially in-
vited to attend.
Tues., July 6, at the University
Community Center, 1045 Midway
Place, Willow Village, Michigan, at
8 p.n. Bridge Session. Beginners
U. of M. Radio Club: Organiza-
tion meeting 7:30 p.m. Tues., July
6, Room 1084 East Engineering.
All former members and anyone
interested in amateur radio urged
to attend.
English Teachers' Summer As-
sembly-Tues., July U, 1948, at 4
p.m. (promptly), in Rooms 316-
318-20 Michigan Union. All grad-
uate and undergraduate students
who teach English are welcome.
Faculty-student panel discussion
on the teaching of composition .
Westminster Guild will meet at
5 p.m. in the Lewis parldr. Dr.
Lemon will lead a discussion on

"What is Christianity." Refresh
ments will be served.
Unitarian Student Group will
meet at 6:30. Prof. Kenneth C.
Wheare, visiting professor from
the University of Oxford will dis-
cuss "Socialism in Britain."
Weather permitting the group will
meet for a picnic on the church
Congregational-Disciples Guild
will meet at the Guild House, 438
Maynard at 4:30 p.m. The group
will hike to Riverside Park for
recreation, picnic supper, and a
vesper service led by Marcia
Smith. In case of rain, the meet-
ing will be at 5 p.m. at the Me-
morial Christian Church.
Lutheran Student Associatioan
will meet at 5 p.m. at the Lutheran
Student Center, 1304 Hill, to go to
North Lake for a picnic supper.
Devotional service will follow.
Wesleyan Guild will leave at 3
p.m. from the foundation for a
picnic uspper at Wampers Lake.
Roger Williarms Guild will meet
from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Guild
house garden. Rev. C. H. Loucks
will speak on "Baptists in Action."

.. :*


con DAY'S

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.AC y Q-

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sings "Always Me"

A French parfun for the woman with theI
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