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August 08, 1948 - Image 5

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1948-08-08

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8UNDAY, AUGUST 8, 1948


Most Faithful
Radio Addicts
N ine H ours Dail y
Solely for Women
More than any other segment of
the population, housewives are ad-
dicted to radio listening, if the
broadcastintg schedules of the
radip networks are indicative of
Hooper ratings.
From 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily the
radio waves are filled with pro-
grams that are directed at the
housewife. Serials, quizz shows,
recipes, bits of psychological ad-
vice and homey interviews com-
prise m~st of the material on these
Y The quizz shows are programs
which seem to enjoy quite a bit
of popularity. Most of them have
unique groups of people visiting
the station. For example, "Wel-
come Travelers" (ABC) quizzes
visiting firemen who come to visit
the station in Chicago. Prizes on
any of the quizz shows may range
fromn the initial five dollars on
"Double or Nothing" (ABC) which
can be increased to appreciable
heights, to the refrigerators and
electric toasters which are given
away at "The Breakfast Club"
(ABC). Quizzmasters seem to di-
r ect their charm and wit at the
women in the audience, judging
from the guests of laughter that
sweep the audience at these shows-.
Serials occupy the entire after-
F noon. For example: ABC's after-
noon schedule-2:30 to 2:45, "To-
day's Children"; 2:45 to 3, "Light
Sthe World"; 3 to 3:15, "Life Can
BeBeautiful"; 3:15 to 3:30, "Ma
Perkins"; 3:30 to 3:45, "Pepper
Young"; 3:45 to 4, "Right to Hap-
piness"; 4 to 4:15, "Backstage
Wife"; 4:15 to 4:30 "Stella Dal-
las"; 4:30 to 4:45, "Lorenzo
Jones"; 4:45 to 5, "Young Widder
Brown"; 5 to 5:15, "When a Girl
Marries"; 5:15 to 5:30, "Portia
Faces Life"; 5:30 to 5:45, "Just
Plain Bill"; 5:45 to 6 "Front Page
Serials have enjoyed a long and
popular history and despite psy-
chologists and sociologists warn-
ings, it seems as if they're here to

Shackled by
Ball, Chain
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Aug. 7
-(P)-On the eve of his marriage
and fresh out of college, Larry
Flaughter, 23, stepped nonchalant- 1
ly oft a train today carrying a
ball and .chain. ,
It wasn't Larry's original idea,
and he intended to get rid of it
in time to go to the altar unen-
cumbered tomorrow with Lucille
Hemminger and hasten thence to
a Niagara Falls honeymoon.
Prank - playing classmates at
Spartan College of Engineering
tricked Larry in a farewell stunt
as he was ready to fly to his bride
from Tulsa, Okla., Friday.,
They snapped the chain fast on
his ankle. Previously they had
sent the key on ahead to Lucille.
But the key hadn't arrived yet
today and Larry and Lucille went
in search of a locksmith or black-
Young Flaughter took it in good
spirit. It was "kind of uncom-
fortable" on the plane flight to
Chicago and the train ride here
"bjut I got some run out of it my-
self," he grinned.

tLeddn p and £n aqemenLs
- c -- -- c . - ---- --Q

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Koen-
geter of Ann Arbor have an-
nounced the marriage of their
daughter, Arlene Laura, to Mr.
Ralph Arnold Dobberstein of Day-
ton, 0., Saturday, July 3 in Zion
Lutheran church.
.The former Miss Koengeter is a
junior at Capital University, Co-
lumbus, 0., and a member of
Kappa Sigma Theta,.
Mr. Dobberstein, the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Adolph Dobberstein of
Dayton, 0., is a graduate of Cap-
ital University where he took
pre-medical work. He will con-
tinue his studies at the Univer-
Bath-time is the best time for a
pedicure. Cut toenails before soak-
ing, then use a brush on them for
a thorough soap and water scrub.
Push cuticle back gently but firm-
ly with towel, Polish, colorless or
bright completes the slick look.

Mr. and Mrs. Sol Berger of Jer-
sey City, N. J. recently announced
the engagement of their daughter
Blanche to Beryle Walters, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Alec Walters of De-
Miss Berger was graduated fr'om
the Literary College in June. She
majored in psychology. She will
receive a teacher's certificate in
speech correction in August. She
is a member of Senior Society.
Mr. Berger was graduated from
the University in 1946. He is a
senior in the Law School and will
graduate in February. He is a
member of Tau Epsilon Rho and
Phi Sigma Delta.
* * *
H amilton-Hutchinson
Mr and Mrs. R. P. Hamilton of
Ithaca, N.Y. announce the mar-
riage of their daughter, Bette Ann,
to Robert Maskiell Hutchinson,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry E.
Hutchinson, of Princeton, N.J.
The marriage took place July
30 in a the First Presbyterian

Church in Princeton. The bride is
a serior at the University.
Mr. Hutchinson received his
B.S. degree from Princeton Uni-
versity, and his M.S. in geology
from the University in June. Mrs.
Hutcijinson will complete her
studies at the University of Texas,
where her husband will be an in-
structor' in the geology depart-
H oran-Geryk
Mr. Owen J. Horan of Lake-
wood, 0., has announced the en-
gagemnent of his daughter Mer-
cede6, to Joseph Richard Geryk.
The bride-elect was graduated
from the University of Iowa where
she was affiliated with Kappa
Kappa Gamma, and at present is
doing graduate work in the child
psychology at the University.
Mr. Geryk served three years in
the Army Air Corps and is now at-
tending the University. He is af-
filiated with Alpha Tau Omega.
The wedding will take place on
Augu',t 28, in Ann Arbor.

SUPPLE-U.S. women Olympic gymnasts practice at Wimbledon, England. Front (1. to r.): Laddie
Bakanic, New York; Anita Simonis, New York; Marian Barone, Philadelphia. Rear (I. to r.): Con-
cetta Lenz, Baltimore; Meta Elste, Chicago; Clara Schroth, Philadelphia.
O--27--(t------ _

Fall styles for the college women
retlect the latest trend in revamp-
ing the use of traditional fabrics.
Suede, corduroy, cotton and
tweed mark the new era~ in wom-
en's clothes. These fabrics are put
to startling use in formals, -sweat-
er' substitutes and dresses. .
Tweeds are no longer relegated
to the classic suits. They have
come into their own in soft and
smart looking date dresses which
compare favorably with the more
traditional materials. Browns and
gr'eys still dominate the 'tween
combinations, but these tones can
be effectively highlighted by added
touches of red or orange in ac-
cessory scarves.
Corduroy has also become more
versatile. Simple, but effective
looking formals have been fash-
ioned in this fabric. They have an

added advantage over rayons, silks
and taffetas because of their
Suede is the fabric for those
very chic looking jacket and skirt
;ombinations. Blouses are also be-
ing designed in this good-looking
material. Women will have to save
their pennies though because suede
cl(Jthes are still in the upper
Heavily quilted cotton has taken
to the fall season. Wide, peasant-
looking skirts and heavily quilted
jackets can be of practical value
in the days when there's a nip in
the air even though the sun is
shining brightly.
** *
Diesigners are turning out
blouses with the kinds pf sleeves
that are smart looking and com-
fortable-the elbow-length kind.
This new length in sleeves will do
away with the annoying necessity

of pushing sleeves up or tugging
them down.
* **
Warmth is the keynote to fall
"unmentionables." Featured are
flannel panteloons, pyjamas, petti -
coats and camisoles. Naturally, red
is the major ('0101.
The stole is becoming more ver-
satile with each designer's touch.
Outfits have been fashioned that
have matching or contrasting
stoles. One of the better looking
combinations displayed is the grey
wvool skirt, with matching stole. A
grey beret tops the ,outf it and
flashes of red are added in the
beret ribbon and red gloves.
Many fashion magazines are
pushing spats and gaiters as prac-
tical legwear. We would agree, but
our taste in these matters is some-
what influenced by the awkward,
dandified appearance they pre-

Advertised in
College Issue

Worsted Gabardine Suit
In the mood and manner of 1949_
t his suit with simple, supple lines for season e
after season wearability. Sim skirt,
hingertip jacket, ha rd-picked collar in r'ed, hick
or grey. ' See it in A n gus 'N "a demois&el e."'
~the smoothest thing in hats"

two complete coats in one
Wherever you go, whenever you go,
you'll get the right start for Fall with this
Vassar model Season Skipper coat
of"fiest100 wool men's weh
gabardine. So perfect for all seasons,
too. Its patented all wool lining buttons
in or out . . . sleeves and all...
to suit the season . . . packs away neatly
in the corner of your bag ready to turn
your smartly tailored topper into a
winter-warm coat at a moment' s notice.
Expertly tailored by those master craftsmen
who make the famous Season Skipper
men's coats, these classic coats are
never dated . . . always in style.9



Peace-fuzz soft Tish-U-Tcx felt in
autumnal hues in the perfect

tailored styles for

suits. All headsizes.
Ofhers fro)m) $3.

Broadcloth Bags



/1ccessory Highlight
At the College Shop .. .
Star Sapphire
ixury-Skeer Nylons
In Fall Fashion Colors

At Special
August Prices
Golden opportunity to
collect these fashion-wise
sweaters. Beautiful
Scotch imports in cham-
ois, natural, cherry, china
blue, grey, dark brown,

'You'll iovc the "New York Look" or our latest
masterpurse. Skyline shades of black, green,
brown in I OO% wool broadcloth--
meLrry wVith miock gold.

BLACK JADE .. . a minty dark black-green.
DOMINO BLACK . . . a provocative charcoal.,

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