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August 08, 1948 - Image 6

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Michigan Daily, 1948-08-08

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National Guard
Opens Annual
Air Arm Prepares
For Interstate Meet
GRAYLING, Mich., Aug. 7-(A)
'-Seven thousand men, carrying
packs and rifles,dclimbed out of
.tailroad cars and marched into
Damp Grayling today chanting:
One-two-three-hup-when do we
They were the men of the Mich-
gan National Guard, gathered
from all parts of the state for the
kainual summer camp, bigger,
more intensive and more impor-
.tant this year than ever before.
In the two weeks they will be
in camp, the men will get a prac-
tical course in the modern way of
fighting a war.
One-Fourth Veterans
About a quarter of the enlisted
men saw active service in the last
war, and all of the officers are
veterans. Attached to the camp,
too, are a number of regular army
tren, who will serve as instructors.
tWhile the infantrymen were
shaking their camp into being
800 members of the Air Nationa
1Quard passed in review before
aj.-Gen. Ralph Loveland, com-
manding officer of the 46th Di-
vision, Michigan National Guard.
Pilots Train
The air field, several miles away
from Camp Grayling, has been
open for a week, and the fliers are
half through with their two-week
Gen. Loveland, whose head-
quarters will be at Camp Grayling,,
inspected the air arm of the Na-
Xional Guard as a preliminary to
the maneuvers Monday in which1
the 65 planes of the Michigan
Guard will join with those of the
Iowa, Illinois and Wisconsin Na-'
tional Guards in a simulated at-
tack on an imaginary enemy force.
The attack will center from Joliet,
east of Plays
To Be Aired
An original story by H. C. Bun-
ner, adapted for radio by Galen
Wenger, speech department maj-,
or, will be presented over WHRV
t 10:45 p.m. today.'
The play, "Zenobia's Infidelity,"
Is' described as an amusing yarn
about a young doctor and a circus
Elephant who gets tipsy.-
"Zenobia's" cast will includeR
Wenger, Jim Lynch, Geraldine
Wfde, Charles Floyd and Ruth
They will be assisted by Donald
barbe, Richard Ferle, Melvin
Thomas and Robert McGhee.
Directed by Edgar Willis, the
play will be the final presentation
of the "Radio Workshop Drama"
series presented by the radio div-
ision of the Department of Speech.
' gularly scheduled programs will
be resumed in the fall.

Campus Events Preview

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Double Opera Bill. "Down in the
Valley" and La Serva Padrona,"
presented by the Department of
Speech in collaboration with the
School of Music. 8 p.m., Monday,
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The
Music Center, 210 S. Thayer, will
be open from 3:15 to 5 p.m., Sun-
day, to permit the public to wit-
ness the special telecast of the
Faculty Concert. Chamber music
recital by Gilbert Ross, Emil Raab,
Bernard Milobsky, Oliver Edel and
Webster Aitken. 8 p.m., Monday,
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Art Cinema League and AVC.
"The Lady Vanishes," with Mich-
ael Redgrave, Margaret Lockwood,
Paul Lukas and Dame May Whit-
ty. 7 and 9 p.m., Sunday, Kellogg

Michigan Theatre. "Summer
Holiday," with Mickey Rooney.
Sunday through Wednesday. "Wo-
man in White," with Eleanor Par-
ker and Alexis Smith. Thursday
through Saturday.
State Theatre. "The Noose
Hangs High," with Abbot and Cos-
tello. Sunday through Wednesday.
"Big City," with Margaret O'Brien.
Thursday through Saturday.
Wuerth Theatre. "Naked City,"
with Barry Fitzgerald, and "The
Wreck of the Herperus," with
Willard Parker. Sunday and Mon-
day. "State of the Union," with
Spencer Tracy and Katherine
Hepburn, and "Hat Box Mystery,"
with Tom Neal. Tuesday through
Thursday. "It Had To Be You,"
with Ginger Rogers and Cornel
Wilde, and "Where the North Be-
gins," with Russell Hayden. Fri-
day and Saturday.


Homespun Internationalismi
Sprouts from Town-Adopting

Thurmond (left) of South Carolina is presidential candidate and
Gov. Fielding L. Wright (right) of Mississippi is vice-presidential
candidate of Southern Democrats opposing President Truman,

NEW YORK, Aug. 7--0P)-It
may seem too simple for this com-
plex age, but a new grass roots
kind of internationalism is span-
ning the Atlantic, without official
red tape, legislative oratory or dip-
lomatic jabberwocky.
It is a spontaneous program by
which American towns are "adopt-
ing" needy European towns and
villages, sending them relief goods
and, more important, developing a
kinship with their old world coun-
More than 200 towns scattered
around this country already have
adopted communities in France,
Holland, Italy, Luxembourg and
Germany. Now there's optimistic.
talk about puncturing the Iron'
Curtain and adopting towns in
Poland, Austria, Finland, even
Russia itself.
Creates Friendship
The total money value of food,
clothing, medical supplies and
other things sent abroad probably
is under a million-tiny compared
to official programs - but the
people in the movement are con-
vinced it is kindling friendship and
understanding in a way no govern-
ments ever could.
Telephone operators in New
Rochelle, N.Y., are helping tele-

land, where many Albany war
veterans saw action. Now the two
cities have a 40-week, air-mail
chess match going. Doctors, law-
yers and other professional people
of Neosho County, Kansas, are
corresponding with their voca-
tional counterparts in Zevenberg-
en, Holland.
Operation Democracy
Other trans-oceanic friendships
have developed quickly.
The town-to-town movement
now has a coordinating agency
called Operation Democracy, Inc.,
with headquarters in New York. It
is underwritten by some of the
pioneers in the movement and
raises no funds nor does it solicit
American 'towns to join up. It is
merely an advisory organization,
supplying information on re-
The movement came before its
coordinating agency. No one is
quite sure where it started first,
but everyone concerned insists is
started spontaneously without
high-power organization.
Phones Answer
Back: 'Braaack'
DETROIT, Aug. 7. - (iP-- Add
the mechanical raspberry to the
latest crop of inventions.
The Michigan Bell Telephone
Co. came up with it to let callers
know when they dial the letters
of a non-existent exchange. It
admitted it could do nothing about
wrong numbers.
When someone dials the wrong
letters, there comes through the
receiver a siren-like noise. A Bell
spokesman described it as "a high,
wailing sound, like when food
prices go up."

S P O R T Y R E S T A U R A N T - In a rustic setting, actors fish during lunch -at a new restau-
rant in Hollywood. Trout stream is fed by artesian wells. Left to right: Co-owner David Harlig, Evelyn
Knight, Co-owner Raymond Fine, Betty Mills, William Eythe.

Y O U N G C A P T I V E S - Mrs. Thomas J. Herbert, wife
of the governor of Ohio, holds two opossums after their mother
and her litter of eleven were caught by a gardener on grounds of
the executive mansion at Columbus.

phone operators in La
France. Sixteen towns
Carolina each have
French towns and more
000 school children in
are sending packages

in South
than 10,-
the state



changing letters regularly with the
children of the French villages.
Firemen in Los Angeles adopted
firemen in Calais. Luray, Va., sent
soap and shortening to Luray,
France. The staff of the Dunkirk
(N.Y.) Evening Observer main-
tains contact with the newspaper
staff in Dunkerque, France. Albany
sent packages to Nijmegen, Hol-

A I R M A N A N D 5 O N S - Douglas Corrigan, who made famous "wrong way" flight
from U.S. to Ireland, plays with sons Douglas (left) and Harry at Los Angeles. Corrigan still claims
a compass error sent his plane to Ireland instead of California.,




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M A R I N E T RPIBU TE- stained glass windows in the
Marine chapel at Camp Lejeune, N. C., were dedicated to leather-
necks who died in World War II. Gen. Clifton B. Cates (left) and
Maj. Gen. Franklin A. Hart of the Marines pose at windows.

Into-fall basic
of rayon gabardine
Soft tailored from the clean
cut shoulders to out-curving
hips, our fall background
junior-sized gabardine, slim-
lined with a smooth wrap-
around skirt. Gray, aqua

L 0 N G - H A I R E D S I N G E R - Blanche Thebom, the Metropolitan Opera's leading mezzo
soprano, relaxes in the sun at Los Angeles. Her hair is longer than her swim suit.




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